Thanks! This was rather fiddly, so I'm looking to get a tank that can handle 16mm properly. I do have more film to develop though. If I don't come across a suitable tank soon I'll be doing this again, as this turned out surprisingly well.
I haven't developed any more 16mm film yet, I don't have enough trust in this makeshift process. I also haven't used my subminiature camera much, I actually forgot about it. Once I get a suitable tank and/or reel, I think I'll use the camera more. Its pocket size does make it convenient.
Interesting, my tank has an adjustable film holder that I believe might go from 16mm/ 110 film up to medium format. Cannot remember who makes the tank and I;had it out a few weeks ago.
@@Subgunman I still need to find a tank that takes 16mm, it would make this process less fiddly and risky. I've been recommended old Paterson and Nikon tanks, but haven't come across one yet.
@@toomanyinterests check out Midwest Camera Exchange or the Columbus Camera Group in Columbus Ohio, both have dealt with new and used photography equipment and accessories. Their info can be found via Google and hopefully they will have a tank to do the job. Maybe a listing on Craigs List for what you are looking for. Just a few thoughts….
@Joshvegas TH-cam notified me of your two comments, but won't show them anywhere else, so unfortunately I can't read them in full. You mention a link in one, annoyingly TH-cam often blocks comments with links so maybe that's why I can't see your comments properly. I've thought about modifying a reel, if I get a spare one I may do that.
Неожиданно. Я не знал, что на 16 мм плёнку можно делать фотографии. Думал, что на неё только кино снимали. It's suddenly for me that 16 mm film can be used for photography. I thought that is designed only for motion picture.
16 mm film was originally designed for motion picture, but just like 35 mm film was adapted for still photography to make smaller cameras, so was 16 mm film. 35 mm photo cameras were at first called "miniature" cameras, so 16 mm photo cameras got referred to as "subminiature" cameras.
Very cool! Please if you ever do it again please post.
Thanks! This was rather fiddly, so I'm looking to get a tank that can handle 16mm properly. I do have more film to develop though. If I don't come across a suitable tank soon I'll be doing this again, as this turned out surprisingly well.
Fast forward to 2024, have you tried using Cinestill DX96 Monobath for the developer?
I haven't developed any more 16mm film yet, I don't have enough trust in this makeshift process. I also haven't used my subminiature camera much, I actually forgot about it. Once I get a suitable tank and/or reel, I think I'll use the camera more. Its pocket size does make it convenient.
what kind of developing tank and reel is this?
It is a Kodacraft roll-film tank. This tank uses no reel, it has an apron which is the clear plastic strip the film is wound into.
Interesting, my tank has an adjustable film holder that I believe might go from 16mm/ 110 film up to medium format. Cannot remember who makes the tank and I;had it out a few weeks ago.
@@Subgunman I still need to find a tank that takes 16mm, it would make this process less fiddly and risky. I've been recommended old Paterson and Nikon tanks, but haven't come across one yet.
@@toomanyinterests check out Midwest Camera Exchange or the Columbus Camera Group in Columbus Ohio, both have dealt with new and used photography equipment and accessories. Their info can be found via Google and hopefully they will have a tank to do the job. Maybe a listing on Craigs List for what you are looking for. Just a few thoughts….
@toomanyinterests i got a Master Yankee or Yankee Master off flea bay and the spools are adjustable to accommodate 110/16mm film. No modifying reels.
@Joshvegas TH-cam notified me of your two comments, but won't show them anywhere else, so unfortunately I can't read them in full. You mention a link in one, annoyingly TH-cam often blocks comments with links so maybe that's why I can't see your comments properly. I've thought about modifying a reel, if I get a spare one I may do that.
Неожиданно. Я не знал, что на 16 мм плёнку можно делать фотографии. Думал, что на неё только кино снимали.
It's suddenly for me that 16 mm film can be used for photography. I thought that is designed only for motion picture.
16 mm film was originally designed for motion picture, but just like 35 mm film was adapted for still photography to make smaller cameras, so was 16 mm film. 35 mm photo cameras were at first called "miniature" cameras, so 16 mm photo cameras got referred to as "subminiature" cameras.
This is why full frame 135 film is known as small format despite it basically being essentially the standard for film photos since the 1960s.
The older Paterson tanks, from the 1970’s, will load 16mm film.
Thanks, I'll keep a look out for one.