To be fair Nanoboost doesn't really combo with Venture's ult, iirc it goes from doing half of a squishy's health to 3/4, so it still requires two shots. You're better off ulting after the nano is over I think.
It gives you damage reduction so they can't force you to unpeak or run, also they have no hope in out healing it, it's the same reasons as nano blade basically
@@Lúci-o-ohs i totally understand this point but isn't nano more valuable per swing than shockwave considering nano blade is a double swing to secure a kill as opposed to three dry slashes?
In terms of breakpoints yeah it’s definitely not nanoblade, but it still ensures that the Venture can live for twice as long while ulting, the extra damage accounts for any health gained back by opponents between shots. It’s still a good combo.
@@be4ut1ful.st4rl1ght Nano-blade is so easy to deny now that you will rarely see that happen above gold, or a random smurf game. Between the nerfs to swing time, the nerfs to duration, and the fact that every single hero added to the game has a direct hard counter to blade, you are better off nanoing almost anyone else.
when i first started the game, i also held onto ults and then a friend dared me to press q whenever it lights up, whether i land it or not, just press the damn q i got over that issue real quick after that but my problem was too afraid to ult this guy just seems like they just dont want to ult lmao
I found playing a lot of Mystery Heroes helped with this too! ‘Cause if you didn’t use it fairly quickly there’s a chance every second that the other team pulled a Zen and he’s charging up a full volley to delete you turning a corner and you’ll lose the chance entirely. So it helps teach you to not just press it immediately even if the team fight is over but as soon as the next opportunity to really get full value out of it arises. Use it or lose it basically! lol
50/50 should be as bannable as leaving matches. 0% accuracy/no ults/no dps/no healing/no deaths in a lost game/20 deaths per 10. Could all be things that could get an auto 1 hr ban and noone playing legitimately would be harmed (ranked only).
I'm just sick of having to be able to play half or more of the tank roster when I don't even want to, I play for the team and 80% of losses I get flamed wether it's actually on me or the whole team. It's like working retail It's stupid that one role is expected to have a drastically bigger pool with way different styles and be good enough on all of them to win if you lose the dps matchup.
I don't know what rank you are, but I got to plat one tricking all the way with rein. I usually just ignore my teammates if they ask me to swap. This obviously puts me in rough situations as a good ball or doom can run circles around me and I can't really peel for my backline, but that said you can perfectly just not swap.
I had a game I was support both my dps playing ashe and 76 on numbani asking my doom to swap to zarya to counter diva after 1st round he went 15-1 they went 7-7 and 7-6 I freaked out on them I said IN all caps WHY DONT YOU GUYS COUNTER ?? go mei or sym then they told me zarya gets a bigger value but it’s numbani and diva and just fly away from zar it’s diamond 4 rank , some dps think they are entitled to ask tank to swap but they never do it’s a little embarrassing
Its a tricky one where your team is taking more dive casualities vs the enemy team, either switch to fuel your dive further like a lucio, dive moira (meme-y but effective), or play anti dive but against a dva succing up everything and a pocketed rat, shiz sounds annoying as hell.
Been doing that and it works they will eventually swap off when they realize I will not swap..... they can notice my dmg and kills but not the genji or sombra harassing the back line
That's how I have been feeling lately on tank. In games where my team doesn't seem to be winning, everyone points fingers at the tank (me) and ONLY asks the tank to make changes. But after I swap and we're still losing, the other players REFUSE to even think that they are the issue and won't swap. So I'm just like fuck it, I'm gonna ignore my team mates and do whatever I want. I'm just so tired of being the team slave AND the scapegoat for players that refuse to change what they are doing
I feel like everyone on my team is trying to win the game when they switch, I usually follow suit, for brawl/dive I go moira/brig and for poke I go mercy/lw
See when I ult and do some good play that helps my team win my friends tell me it isn't that great and that pros wouldn't be impressed by it. I once took out four of the enemy team with Hammond and we won the match but because I used my ult it was deemed not impressive.
@raynenolan2864 yeah I even get potg but it doesn't count, I hit 4 headshots in a row with Hanzo and got potg they said it must have been a bad game if that got potg
Who gives a shit about whether pros would be impressed by it, do your friends think they’re playing so that pros can scout them out or something? They sound insufferable. And I imagine pros wouldn’t be too impressed by their ults either.
The first post is quite interesting, because while I get the frustration, since I also get teammates who are contributing nothing asking everyone else to switch (mostly it's moira players lmao), sometimes the tank doesn't realise how much power they have. They can go for solo kills or live long enough to get a couple elims, but that doesn't mean they are actually contributing much. Sometimes you're taking the bait, sometimes you're just cleaning up, sometimes you just don't die cause you are a ball with 1k health when using shields. But it doesn't mean that your team is the only issue. Maybe the enemy team is playing ultra aggro and you as ball going for the backline is not bringing enough value to offset your team. Sure, they could go high range/survivablity heroes, but they're gonna need your support as well.
I can take a Widow as Brig if I can advance on her location. Yes sightlines favour Widow, but I have had plenty of occasions where I managed to close the distance, and advance while she was shooting others on my team, and pressure with hits and raise the shield. Most times I am able to get the Widow, other times I force her out. Other occasions, I bring out Juno and if I have an opening where I don't need to heal as much, I will outright hunt Widow down and pressure her if others on my team aren't taking her on.
i have one for sugg box- make an option in hero gallery for people with game pass to buy the skins they get through game pass. several skins i didnt like in the shop i got next season with game pass and i ended up wanting to buy it but couldnt. even one that did show up in the shop it said i owned but i dont.
The dude that doesn't use his ult wont be in gold for long. It's understandable that people want the ult to be HUGE, just getting 1 elim with it can make a big difference. I play Rein a decent amount and hearing LHCloudy emphize how important it is to avoid sitting on your ult has made a big difference in my quality of play.
You can help your widow teammate beat the other widow as brig by shielding in front of them. Just don’t make it obvious you’re with your widow when they peak.
I’m not a team player. I despise swappers. I won’t ever swap for any reason. Not using your ult for that long, is definitely way below Gold ranking. I’m assuming if you stop carrying them, and they keep playing, their rank is going to drop fast. I’ll only Endorse people that don’t swap. I’ll Endorse honorable heroes like Hanzo, Kiriko and Odessa before anyone else. As a tank when playing Odessa, I’ll use the payload as a shield. Generally gives me 0 Death games. I’m a DPS Kiriko and even if you can’t out snipe her, you can still suppress her by scaring her and forcing her to back off.
Everything you do affects everyone on the team. Yes, the best players figure it out in a case by case scenario, but suggesting nothing you do affects anyone else is a bonkers way to admit you don't play with the team.
Ont he first question - if I am tanking and I am getting no help, I will say on mic "If I don't get help, I am switching to Ball and you guys can do whatever" - funny, how I start getting a bit of backup. FWIW< I am actually a pretty good Ball player though; support against a Widow - Zenyatta volley, as I understand it the orbs don't have falloff damage;
Blizzard should do something to show proper etiquette for counter swapping. Is the ball otp acceptable? I argue no, ruins the fun for the other 4 teammates easily by far. Should full flexing be required? Dont think thats the solution either, but it's infinitely more frustrating when Blizzard chooses nothing and just leaves the community to the game. Ends up with us blaming the solo role 9/10 times. I genuinely can't comm on dps, ill wanna blame my tank too much, but truthfully i blame the game balance between the roles and not the player so at least my anger sticks with blizzard instead of the player. Speaking of which, wake the fuck up blizzard, please?
Nah bruh to the "Maybe you should change" guy. If *one* person on your team is struggling you *could* make that argument. But if your entire team other than you is struggling, your gold kills/damage don't matter for shit. You should switch and try to help your team survive. Especially as the Tank. Even as that one team mate, maybe switching to something that could help them survive could help them get kills and you would win a match you otherwise might have lost. Anyways unless someone is hardhard counterer I always switch once or twice before request the rest of the team to change.
You clearly don't endorse because the 3 categories were removed in overwatch 2 lol. It's a single selection now. I'm silver, but level 5 endorsement. I endorse players who are good teammates, in voice communication, or someone making fight winning plays.
“My Ult is useless is here!” player sounds annoying as hell. That’s not a Gold issue, that sounds like a player that doesn’t understand how Ults work in this game. I would never want to play with someone like that in Ranked cuz they’re literally just throwing with that mindset.
If the first guy wasn't a ball player, I would agree. Whenever I play tank (which isn't often anymore) I always get my DPS players telling me to swap to the counter of the enemy tank. It really pisses me off, especially when I know I am diffing the enemy tank even with the disadvantageous match up. DPS are playing the easiest, most braindead role, with the least game sense, and they have the audacity to tell tank players what to do.
I was playing dps attack in route 66 and we were trying to reach second point. My tank was a Roadhog who always stayed on cart trying to push through the middle. We couldn't do anything because the enemy team secured high ground and they pinned us down. I swapped at least 3 times to try and do something about that. By the end of the round I told him he should have gone Winston, cause we needed that extra help to get them off high ground. Next round he proceeded to flame me for the rest of the match while he couldn't even take care of the enemy Doom while I was the only one trying to get angles and high ground to keep pressure on the backline. We lost the match of course. Maybe you are doing great against the enemy tank, but if you are a team player and you care about winning, which you can only do as a team, people should be open about how they can enable their team if they see them struggling. I'm talking about competitive btw. Do whatever in quickplay.
@@FenrirLupo To give context without writing a paragraph. I am a Master support player, I know how to play the game, I have been playing OW since 2016. My tank is Plat because I don't play enough because It is too stressful (I play Dva, Winston, Ram, Zarya and Sigma for the record) My point is that DPS players are at least an entire rank below tank and support when it comes to game sense, partly because it is the most populated role but also because all you need are mechanics and positioning until you get to higher ranks.
@@bigfudge2031 True. I agree, but if there is no dmg/pressure, which dps are better suited for, then the enemy team doesn't die. To give background as well, I've also played since OW 1 released, diamond rank, usually prefer supp as well, but an all-around player who plays all 3 roles. Just sharing a recent experience of mine when I played as a dps.
The first guy is exactly the kind of tank I hate playing with. So many Doom and Ball players don't realize that a lot of people dont know how to play around them. If you're doing well and your team is asking you to swap, it's because you're doing well at the expense of the rest of your team.
@@TheGreatPewpyOnepeople can play anything. All that matters is that you’re trying to win. If you could have swapped to make the game easier for your teammates but didn’t, that loss isn’t necessarily on you but you can’t complain about losing.
@ who wants to play with a ball and anything else ? Actually like ever since ow1 it was un fun, you got 2x more things to shut you down now with an extra tank, and there isn’t much synergy with ball or doom and another tank, they’re very selfish and play for yourself characters even with Zarya you won’t always get a lot of charged because they don’t care about your bubbles charging up they’re in their own headspace, every game I’ve had without one of those two is so much fun (even with hog and magua) but ball and doom just are not cut out for team play rn
@@muscleman185 winston, dva, doom, are all solid picks with ball. mostly sounds like you just don't know how to play with them so it's kind of a you problem
@@muscleman185diving with a ball is hella fun as dps (tracer, sombra, genji,) and you can also play ball doom, ball dva, and especially ball winton(because his bubble blocks cc) to also dive peopel. Moreover a zarya bubble on ball literally feeds zarya 10000 billion energy and also helps ball avoid cc not to mention hog and ball torture or a zen/ana discording/nadeing the dive target. You can also setup firestrikes for rein with pile-driver and bully the enemy with your boops and orisa's cc. But i guess you just want to sit behind from the tank that gets healbotted all game very nice teamplay
Simple, if im playing support, i endorse the other support and my tank. If im playing tank i endorse my 2 supports. And if i play dps i endorse anybody but the other dps 😂😂
I really wish you'd give out real advice. If they have an uncontested widow running the match, and you didn't get lucky enough to draw one on your team, you just simply lose, on any widow maps. Other maps, you're probably fine, unless they smurf. It's like cards. Sometimes they just draw pocket aces, or flip a royal. Just avoid getting tilted and go next.
He did give advice though? He explained how he would approach a fight with a widow on those particular support characters. To say that it’s futile, and to take the loss and move on isn’t good advice to someone asking how to play against a widow.
You know KarQ is genuine about not engaging with endorsements because the sub-categories (good teammate, shot caller) have been gone for months 😂😂😂
right?😭😭😭 like yep he definitely does not look at it ever.
yea came to post this haha. it's been longer than that i think though right? like... since OW2 launched?
@ yeah you’re right since ow2 dropped.
Months? Years lmao
10:00 my guy, there aren’t three categories anymore lol that was overwatch 1, that shows you REALLY don’t use endorsements like you said
To be fair Nanoboost doesn't really combo with Venture's ult, iirc it goes from doing half of a squishy's health to 3/4, so it still requires two shots. You're better off ulting after the nano is over I think.
It gives you damage reduction so they can't force you to unpeak or run, also they have no hope in out healing it, it's the same reasons as nano blade basically
@Lúci-o-ohs That makes sense too yeah.
@@Lúci-o-ohs i totally understand this point but isn't nano more valuable per swing than shockwave considering nano blade is a double swing to secure a kill as opposed to three dry slashes?
In terms of breakpoints yeah it’s definitely not nanoblade, but it still ensures that the Venture can live for twice as long while ulting, the extra damage accounts for any health gained back by opponents between shots. It’s still a good combo.
@@be4ut1ful.st4rl1ght Nano-blade is so easy to deny now that you will rarely see that happen above gold, or a random smurf game. Between the nerfs to swing time, the nerfs to duration, and the fact that every single hero added to the game has a direct hard counter to blade, you are better off nanoing almost anyone else.
when i first started the game, i also held onto ults
and then a friend dared me to press q whenever it lights up, whether i land it or not, just press the damn q
i got over that issue real quick after that
but my problem was too afraid to ult
this guy just seems like they just dont want to ult lmao
I found playing a lot of Mystery Heroes helped with this too! ‘Cause if you didn’t use it fairly quickly there’s a chance every second that the other team pulled a Zen and he’s charging up a full volley to delete you turning a corner and you’ll lose the chance entirely.
So it helps teach you to not just press it immediately even if the team fight is over but as soon as the next opportunity to really get full value out of it arises. Use it or lose it basically! lol
Golds ult. Not sure what's wrong with that guy.
That was hilarious. There's no way KarQ meant that, but it was funny to hear.
50/50 should be as bannable as leaving matches. 0% accuracy/no ults/no dps/no healing/no deaths in a lost game/20 deaths per 10. Could all be things that could get an auto 1 hr ban and noone playing legitimately would be harmed (ranked only).
I'm just sick of having to be able to play half or more of the tank roster when I don't even want to, I play for the team and 80% of losses I get flamed wether it's actually on me or the whole team. It's like working retail
It's stupid that one role is expected to have a drastically bigger pool with way different styles and be good enough on all of them to win if you lose the dps matchup.
I don't know what rank you are, but I got to plat one tricking all the way with rein. I usually just ignore my teammates if they ask me to swap. This obviously puts me in rough situations as a good ball or doom can run circles around me and I can't really peel for my backline, but that said you can perfectly just not swap.
If they ask you to swap you can tell them to swap to something that counters whatever issue they are having
I had a game I was support both my dps playing ashe and 76 on numbani asking my doom to swap to zarya to counter diva after 1st round he went 15-1 they went 7-7 and 7-6 I freaked out on them I said IN all caps WHY DONT YOU GUYS COUNTER ?? go mei or sym then they told me zarya gets a bigger value but it’s numbani and diva and just fly away from zar it’s diamond 4 rank , some dps think they are entitled to ask tank to swap but they never do it’s a little embarrassing
Haha, oh man, endorsements haven't had categories since OW2 released
Felt like listening to a cute grandpa talking about old timey stuff
6:34 my boy is playing old school RuneScape. Nice, love that game!
Its a tricky one where your team is taking more dive casualities vs the enemy team, either switch to fuel your dive further like a lucio, dive moira (meme-y but effective), or play anti dive but against a dva succing up everything and a pocketed rat, shiz sounds annoying as hell.
Dive is just brawl executed with precision and coordination
I will be one tricking next season. Forget y'all asking to swap. Usually the ones asking for the swap are the ones that need to be doing it
What rank are you?
Been doing that and it works they will eventually swap off when they realize I will not swap..... they can notice my dmg and kills but not the genji or sombra harassing the back line
I one tricked zen to diamond, currently pushing to masters
That's how I have been feeling lately on tank. In games where my team doesn't seem to be winning, everyone points fingers at the tank (me) and ONLY asks the tank to make changes. But after I swap and we're still losing, the other players REFUSE to even think that they are the issue and won't swap. So I'm just like fuck it, I'm gonna ignore my team mates and do whatever I want. I'm just so tired of being the team slave AND the scapegoat for players that refuse to change what they are doing
Worst players in the community 😂
I feel like everyone on my team is trying to win the game when they switch, I usually follow suit, for brawl/dive I go moira/brig and for poke I go mercy/lw
See when I ult and do some good play that helps my team win my friends tell me it isn't that great and that pros wouldn't be impressed by it. I once took out four of the enemy team with Hammond and we won the match but because I used my ult it was deemed not impressive.
i only get mad at ults is when my team just does a bad ult
They were just hating. Pros would definitely give you your props.
@raynenolan2864 yeah I even get potg but it doesn't count, I hit 4 headshots in a row with Hanzo and got potg they said it must have been a bad game if that got potg
Who gives a shit about whether pros would be impressed by it, do your friends think they’re playing so that pros can scout them out or something? They sound insufferable. And I imagine pros wouldn’t be too impressed by their ults either.
The first post is quite interesting, because while I get the frustration, since I also get teammates who are contributing nothing asking everyone else to switch (mostly it's moira players lmao), sometimes the tank doesn't realise how much power they have. They can go for solo kills or live long enough to get a couple elims, but that doesn't mean they are actually contributing much. Sometimes you're taking the bait, sometimes you're just cleaning up, sometimes you just don't die cause you are a ball with 1k health when using shields. But it doesn't mean that your team is the only issue. Maybe the enemy team is playing ultra aggro and you as ball going for the backline is not bringing enough value to offset your team. Sure, they could go high range/survivablity heroes, but they're gonna need your support as well.
I can take a Widow as Brig if I can advance on her location. Yes sightlines favour Widow, but I have had plenty of occasions where I managed to close the distance, and advance while she was shooting others on my team, and pressure with hits and raise the shield. Most times I am able to get the Widow, other times I force her out. Other occasions, I bring out Juno and if I have an opening where I don't need to heal as much, I will outright hunt Widow down and pressure her if others on my team aren't taking her on.
i have one for sugg box- make an option in hero gallery for people with game pass to buy the skins they get through game pass. several skins i didnt like in the shop i got next season with game pass and i ended up wanting to buy it but couldnt. even one that did show up in the shop it said i owned but i dont.
karq only endorses himself, because he's the only player he respects, in-fact even loves.
The dude that doesn't use his ult wont be in gold for long. It's understandable that people want the ult to be HUGE, just getting 1 elim with it can make a big difference. I play Rein a decent amount and hearing LHCloudy emphize how important it is to avoid sitting on your ult has made a big difference in my quality of play.
You can help your widow teammate beat the other widow as brig by shielding in front of them. Just don’t make it obvious you’re with your widow when they peak.
I’m not a team player. I despise swappers. I won’t ever swap for any reason.
Not using your ult for that long, is definitely way below Gold ranking. I’m assuming if you stop carrying them, and they keep playing, their rank is going to drop fast.
I’ll only Endorse people that don’t swap. I’ll Endorse honorable heroes like Hanzo, Kiriko and Odessa before anyone else.
As a tank when playing Odessa, I’ll use the payload as a shield. Generally gives me 0 Death games.
I’m a DPS Kiriko and even if you can’t out snipe her, you can still suppress her by scaring her and forcing her to back off.
Everything you do affects everyone on the team. Yes, the best players figure it out in a case by case scenario, but suggesting nothing you do affects anyone else is a bonkers way to admit you don't play with the team.
Ont he first question - if I am tanking and I am getting no help, I will say on mic "If I don't get help, I am switching to Ball and you guys can do whatever" - funny, how I start getting a bit of backup. FWIW< I am actually a pretty good Ball player though; support against a Widow - Zenyatta volley, as I understand it the orbs don't have falloff damage;
it’s rare you get someone on ur team worth wasting 5 seconds of ur life to endorse someone 😂
Blizzard should do something to show proper etiquette for counter swapping. Is the ball otp acceptable? I argue no, ruins the fun for the other 4 teammates easily by far. Should full flexing be required? Dont think thats the solution either, but it's infinitely more frustrating when Blizzard chooses nothing and just leaves the community to the game. Ends up with us blaming the solo role 9/10 times. I genuinely can't comm on dps, ill wanna blame my tank too much, but truthfully i blame the game balance between the roles and not the player so at least my anger sticks with blizzard instead of the player. Speaking of which, wake the fuck up blizzard, please?
Lol endorsements are just that, there is no category for them anymore ever since OW2
For the endorsements I only endorse someone who really hard carried the match.
Who pushes the cart? Emongg I believe.
To anyone who plays support who wants to HARDcounter widow, Just go Zen and charge your right click and shoot her, works 8/10 times
Nahhhhhh. The widow has to be really bad. Five orb has a long animation, and you have to hold still for a second to aim it.
That being said.. yeah it does work 8/10 times lol. Most widows aren't great
If someoens endorsment is less than 5 and they werent toxic ill endorse them. Usually endorse the lowest endorsment levels first.
Nah bruh to the "Maybe you should change" guy. If *one* person on your team is struggling you *could* make that argument. But if your entire team other than you is struggling, your gold kills/damage don't matter for shit. You should switch and try to help your team survive. Especially as the Tank. Even as that one team mate, maybe switching to something that could help them survive could help them get kills and you would win a match you otherwise might have lost. Anyways unless someone is hardhard counterer I always switch once or twice before request the rest of the team to change.
For the first point: your teammates should be the temaplayers.
Heres another question: "cheaters don't get banned immediately, but if I'm tilted for a few game I'm immediately suspended?"
games made for weak wills.
1st question. Ans. Stack with complimentary players.
You clearly don't endorse because the 3 categories were removed in overwatch 2 lol. It's a single selection now. I'm silver, but level 5 endorsement. I endorse players who are good teammates, in voice communication, or someone making fight winning plays.
People who swap characters always get an endorse,
“My Ult is useless is here!” player sounds annoying as hell. That’s not a Gold issue, that sounds like a player that doesn’t understand how Ults work in this game. I would never want to play with someone like that in Ranked cuz they’re literally just throwing with that mindset.
There is zero chance that question about the zarya not ulting was written by a GM player. 0% or less
I play Hammond and I don't swap
If the first guy wasn't a ball player, I would agree.
Whenever I play tank (which isn't often anymore) I always get my DPS players telling me to swap to the counter of the enemy tank.
It really pisses me off, especially when I know I am diffing the enemy tank even with the disadvantageous match up. DPS are playing the easiest, most braindead role, with the least game sense, and they have the audacity to tell tank players what to do.
I was playing dps attack in route 66 and we were trying to reach second point. My tank was a Roadhog who always stayed on cart trying to push through the middle. We couldn't do anything because the enemy team secured high ground and they pinned us down. I swapped at least 3 times to try and do something about that. By the end of the round I told him he should have gone Winston, cause we needed that extra help to get them off high ground. Next round he proceeded to flame me for the rest of the match while he couldn't even take care of the enemy Doom while I was the only one trying to get angles and high ground to keep pressure on the backline. We lost the match of course.
Maybe you are doing great against the enemy tank, but if you are a team player and you care about winning, which you can only do as a team, people should be open about how they can enable their team if they see them struggling. I'm talking about competitive btw. Do whatever in quickplay.
@@FenrirLupo To give context without writing a paragraph. I am a Master support player, I know how to play the game, I have been playing OW since 2016. My tank is Plat because I don't play enough because It is too stressful (I play Dva, Winston, Ram, Zarya and Sigma for the record)
My point is that DPS players are at least an entire rank below tank and support when it comes to game sense, partly because it is the most populated role but also because all you need are mechanics and positioning until you get to higher ranks.
@@bigfudge2031 typical support player opinion when you play the freest role in the game
@@bigfudge2031 True. I agree, but if there is no dmg/pressure, which dps are better suited for, then the enemy team doesn't die.
To give background as well, I've also played since OW 1 released, diamond rank, usually prefer supp as well, but an all-around player who plays all 3 roles. Just sharing a recent experience of mine when I played as a dps.
@@darksplash873and he hates ball players too the stereotype writes itself
The first guy is exactly the kind of tank I hate playing with. So many Doom and Ball players don't realize that a lot of people dont know how to play around them. If you're doing well and your team is asking you to swap, it's because you're doing well at the expense of the rest of your team.
So someone isn't allowed to play what they want cause you're bad? Lmao okay
As the doom in this situation you ain’t gettin me to switch off my fav character :)
Really is a matter of whether to be a selfish or selfless player.
@@TheGreatPewpyOnepeople can play anything. All that matters is that you’re trying to win. If you could have swapped to make the game easier for your teammates but didn’t, that loss isn’t necessarily on you but you can’t complain about losing.
It's like playing genji telling a support to switch bc I NEED nano to dragon blade. Hell no, this is a YOU problem not the tanks problem.
Was totally with the first post until they said they’re ball player.
You gotta try ball you are missing out
yeah match maker is fine.....did you fall on your head?
This new game mode is so fun unless there’s a ball or doom as tank then it’s boring
@ who wants to play with a ball and anything else ? Actually like ever since ow1 it was un fun, you got 2x more things to shut you down now with an extra tank, and there isn’t much synergy with ball or doom and another tank, they’re very selfish and play for yourself characters even with Zarya you won’t always get a lot of charged because they don’t care about your bubbles charging up they’re in their own headspace, every game I’ve had without one of those two is so much fun (even with hog and magua) but ball and doom just are not cut out for team play rn
@@muscleman185 winston, dva, doom, are all solid picks with ball. mostly sounds like you just don't know how to play with them so it's kind of a you problem
@@muscleman185diving with a ball is hella fun as dps (tracer, sombra, genji,) and you can also play ball doom, ball dva, and especially ball winton(because his bubble blocks cc) to also dive peopel. Moreover a zarya bubble on ball literally feeds zarya 10000 billion energy and also helps ball avoid cc not to mention hog and ball torture or a zen/ana discording/nadeing the dive target. You can also setup firestrikes for rein with pile-driver and bully the enemy with your boops and orisa's cc. But i guess you just want to sit behind from the tank that gets healbotted all game very nice teamplay
Simple, if im playing support, i endorse the other support and my tank. If im playing tank i endorse my 2 supports. And if i play dps i endorse anybody but the other dps 😂😂
I really wish you'd give out real advice. If they have an uncontested widow running the match, and you didn't get lucky enough to draw one on your team, you just simply lose, on any widow maps. Other maps, you're probably fine, unless they smurf. It's like cards. Sometimes they just draw pocket aces, or flip a royal. Just avoid getting tilted and go next.
Oh, I thought you were gonna give some advice.
He did give advice though? He explained how he would approach a fight with a widow on those particular support characters. To say that it’s futile, and to take the loss and move on isn’t good advice to someone asking how to play against a widow.
This is literally your greatest accomplishment and it's pretty embarrassing
Dude always makes excuses for support players and advices them to take the easy way out it’s kinda cringe.
what did he say?
what did he say?