The anime supernatural story and the setting is in school. The main story revolves around the Seven school mysteries or wonders (whatever translation you encounter), which is a thing in every Japanese school, there's seven main stories, some may overlap but there's differences between each schools. Anyway the plot follows this high school girl that get wrapped up with the supernatural while trying to get her crush to like her back and summons Hanako-san of the toilet to grant her that wish. After that her life turns upside down. The tone starts off light but as the series goes on it becomes darker and darker. I'm a manga reader normally but I like to see the anime getting a season 2. The season 1 opening No.7 is something worth checking out too.
Some of the lyrics in this song are references to the characters in the series as well as a few lines two characters have said to each other and I find that so endearing
Masayoshi Oishi usually composes the song himself. This time however, ANCHOR was the main producer. That's why it felt familiar but different for me at the same time.
I'm not sure if this has been suggested before, but I think you should react to the full length version of the Kiznaiver opening, Lay Your Hands on Me by the Boom Boom Satellites. It was the duos final song before disbanding due to the vocalist, Michiyuki Kawashima, having a brain tumor. The song for whatever incites so much emotion, and I think you'd like it.
Masayoshi Oishi was on fire for this one!
L'oN is No.7 upside down ; even the lyrics are interesting... while it seems happy and fluffy serie (Hanako kun i mean) the opening tell all
L'oN is No.7 upside down. No.7 is the name of season 1 opening
Season 1 op is also amazing and worth reacting to!
I'm definitely interested
Probably my favorite opening from this season of anime and great video as always! The first opening "No. 7" is also a great listen!
Damnn that was good opening 😮😮
Yea this song was very good
@DrumRollTonyReacts thanks for updated
@@DrumRollTonyReactsNot just the song but the visuals were so awesome!!
The anime supernatural story and the setting is in school. The main story revolves around the Seven school mysteries or wonders (whatever translation you encounter), which is a thing in every Japanese school, there's seven main stories, some may overlap but there's differences between each schools. Anyway the plot follows this high school girl that get wrapped up with the supernatural while trying to get her crush to like her back and summons Hanako-san of the toilet to grant her that wish. After that her life turns upside down.
The tone starts off light but as the series goes on it becomes darker and darker. I'm a manga reader normally but I like to see the anime getting a season 2. The season 1 opening No.7 is something worth checking out too.
Some of the lyrics in this song are references to the characters in the series as well as a few lines two characters have said to each other and I find that so endearing
wow, you should've react the op 1 as well at this point
Masayoshi Oishi usually composes the song himself. This time however, ANCHOR was the main producer. That's why it felt familiar but different for me at the same time.
Anchor doing work! 🔥
I'm not sure if this has been suggested before, but I think you should react to the full length version of the Kiznaiver opening, Lay Your Hands on Me by the Boom Boom Satellites. It was the duos final song before disbanding due to the vocalist, Michiyuki Kawashima, having a brain tumor. The song for whatever incites so much emotion, and I think you'd like it.
D gray man op also have a good op🎉🎉 can try react to it
Don't know if you have heard of this but there's Eve collab with Tatsuya which is crazy good! Check it out
When’s Blue Box😢
im excited
Requesting for u to listen "Same Blue" - Blue Box OP1
Great Vid and W reaction❤
pls react to Sakamoto Days Op1 its pretty good