If people were willing to fork out more money for Hello Nori downstairs and the soon-to-be %Arabica coffee shop, it would probably taste better. But, overall, I actually do find Aberdeen food court is better for sure.
RMD Center Food Fare is always a great environment but a bit pricey. That said, it is always amusing to see Grill Queen and Grandpa Todd in the vid. Great episode and you sure like Indian Food. I do miss Ah Kwen and Ah Mei. No Anson is a no hard sell day!
You can always get food at kam do bakery (near shoppers drug mart) and eat it in the food court lol. They have decent pineapple buns and macaroni soup. Also agree ambience and facilities are good at this food court, mainly cuz it’s probably the newest food court in Richmond
@@redmusichouse 多謝支持😀😀😀
呢個food court好多位
Grill Queen 塊嘢似鞋底
Vincci 竟然含腸仔
haha 多謝收睇 haha!
@@TheBIGVan 香港大叔艾粒U
@@canl9986 😂😂😂🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Richmond center food court is my favorite. 希望你可以拍多啲片。
Miss Vancouver so much!
Thanks for all the vlogs!
@@John-rx6pv yeah thx for
Watching 😀😀👍🏻🙏🏻
幾時輪到Brentwood Mall?
都好trendy 嘅food court.
樓下停車埸有Tesla Supercharger Station!
@@ftse00007 Brentwood 嗰個food court正正㗎,今次暫時做住列治文先,下次再做其他地方,多謝支持
Todd 爺每次都係豪食,唔使睇價錢。搵集比個budge 佢,要佢慳住搵嘢食應該會攞佢命😂❤❤ btw 我係Todd 爺粉絲。無惡意,純粹覺得會好玩。
@@714qbear 多謝支持呀,佢睇到你留言一定好開心😀👍🏻👍🏻
If people were willing to fork out more money for Hello Nori downstairs and the soon-to-be %Arabica coffee shop, it would probably taste better. But, overall, I actually do find Aberdeen food court is better for sure.
yes, i really wanna try Arabica, Hello Nori is really costly hahahha!! Aberdeen food court fitter for asian stomach hahah!!
thanks for watching
好嬲基叔串我最愛嗰兩位靚女嘉賓年紀, 又叫人阿姨又話人要慶祝45週年😂
@@billvalli9167 😂😂😂🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻純粹節目效果嚟㗎咋😂🙏🏻
Todd 爺越講越暴露年齡 🤣! 千其唔好 cut 佢扯開話題啲 footage, 太精彩!
wow ~~佢係 KING OF 扯開話題 hahahahah!!!
RMD Center Food Fare is always a great environment but a bit pricey. That said, it is always amusing to see Grill Queen and Grandpa Todd in the vid. Great episode and you sure like Indian Food. I do miss Ah Kwen and Ah Mei.
No Anson is a no hard sell day!
hahahaa anson,Kwan,Cindy will show up at coming episode, thanks for support~~
@@jameslo2374 我哋都係呀,平時都係買嘢行街,最多食個A&W就走人㗎啦 😀😀🙏🏻🙏🏻
Richmond Centre 個food court 唯一賣點係地方寛敞,坐得舒服。但係野食真係一般!
@@4588stream 冇錯,完全正確🥹
You can always get food at kam do bakery (near shoppers drug mart) and eat it in the food court lol. They have decent pineapple buns and macaroni soup.
Also agree ambience and facilities are good at this food court, mainly cuz it’s probably the newest food court in Richmond
yeah. kam do egg tart also good ah!!!
yeah thanks for watching
可能係 haha!!
Richmond center /Aberdeen Bubble Waffle 係唔得嘅!Lansdowne 嗰間係得啲嘅!
@@jimli1355 冇錯,我哋實地測試咗😀🙏🏻🙏🏻
基哥今次揀的印度餐賣相我已不想吃,我是試過印度食物,因我們有個中國胃,但A & W 水準不錯....Tod 爺揀的45週年冇得輸........😂
haha 個印度餐唔難食,只係唔抵食啫 haha!
H十V Ting hi 基叔: 又到笫六集Richmond center,睇下点?!這地点我在大温時经常到因我住附近步行2分钟到。非常方便又受選捍!祈待播出!撑🎉😂❤
@@wailunting 係呀,呢個商場我住喺附近都成日過去:多謝支持
H十V Ting hi 基叔: 你有一集去高贵林食嘢(有poco.bbike 夫婦及K0劳,B哥曾有留言話:终于有机会出席基叔嘅饮食频道啦!如今美食团人才多了,有冇机会加上B哥呢?応該有睇头!!点睇??🎉😂❤
@@wailunting 係呀,我哋有機會再一齊玩㗎,多謝支持😀😀👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
同意主持們話冇乜嘢啱唐人口味 懷念前地下food court 时一間有炸薯仔粒 西式的係
@@jeffleung2594 good old day 😀🙏🏻🙏🏻多謝收睇
呢個food court通常經過就算...
揸幾個鐘車上嚟食返西餐講唔過去... 😅😅😅
@@meifooinus 揸幾個鐘頭車上到嚟梗係食唐人food Court, 列治文呢度大把好嘢😀😀
I will go try the food court in Thanksgiving (US).
yeah come come !!! A lot good food in Richmond Food court, stay tuned for more report~
@@TheBIGVan Your food court series inspired my trip. I will stay in a Airbnb in The Paramount.
@@latitude3695 多謝支持
Metrotown food court 應該大啲!
都係類近richmond centre 果類食物.., burnaby 果面,crystal mall 都ok gei
Aberdeen food court 最多選擇
@@wn6621 Aberdeen food court 有個確係幾正
I always go bubble waffle there
@@kw9377 👍🏻👍🏻😆
I miss 阿君
she will show up next episode, stay calm haha
原來阿叔同Todd爺係同學,真係「從小就結識 同一樣記憶」😂
@@TheBIGVan 上年睇show㗎,仲搵咗你影相添😂
@@Mr__Ben__ 多謝支持!!!!! 2nd coming soon!!! stay tuned
@@TheBIGVan 有符fit呀,好期待😍
@@Mr__Ben__ yeah yeah thx!!
我都覺得Richmond Center 嘅food court 只係地方大, 好少選擇,我多數食A&W或者DairyQueen雪糕
咁你要睇埋其他 video 先得,好多好食嘅
基叔 恕我直言 你的印度餐見到吾開胃。Grill Queen and Thomas 常常穩陣派 的品味合我意。Todd 爺的日本餐都算抵食。羅生的中東餐我沒有勇氣去試, Vinci 的美式熱狗老少咸宜
全部野都麻麻地, food court quality
@@lawrenceching2 係呀,我個印度嘢其實麻麻哋抵食,$18得啲汁😂😂同埋包
@@Loveconcert2006 呢個food court真係一般,你有其他精彩啲嘅food Court嘅密切留意 😀🙏🏻🙏🏻
我覺得vinci 同Lawrence 果個都ok
下次先有 ^^
Daimanya十分貴, 食唔起
@@dyi-sengbo4423 真係未去過喎,係咪得?😂😂😂🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
@@Loveconcert2006 任食都要睇吓啲材料得唔得,就知佢抵唔抵嘅。
@@TheBIGVan 应该以您的胃口60元有找。材料一流,尤其wagyu
@@dyi-sengbo4423 嘩咁貴㗎😀😀🙏🏻
朋友, 你哋D對話都幾鹹喎.
邊有呀~~. 無呀 hahhahaha~
沒有亞軍 👎
yes, unsubscribe
@@johnny167 下集有㗎啦😂😂下集麻煩訂閱返😂😂😂
@@kissulakiss3365 喂呀 😂😂😂
羅先生識食 土耳奇雜肉餐好好食!
@@ftse00007 係呀,呢個下次我都想試😃👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
亞軍在哪? 亞軍在哪? 亞軍在哪?😭😭😭
stay tuned, 下集有!
wow 多謝俾面
@@TheBIGVan 因為上集阿軍食小米粥,所以我都買咗部小米