Man I was just like you I thought I would never get over masterbation but by the grace of God it's been a while since I've done it and I have no plans of going back. I realize that I can live without it
Beautiful. I've struggled with this for maybe 15 years. God delivered me about a year now. I tried to get over it on my own but it never worked. Until the day God told me, I gave you dominion over animals. This is nothing! thanks for the video will definitely share.
Gosh this is something I struggle with all the time. I knew it was a sin and I tried to find a way around it so many times. I'm thankful that God revealed this to me & it's hard but I'm willing to make the change.
I'm with you sister. I, too, struggle with this. But, what I'm led to do is go on a definitive, 90-day sanctification from masturbation, with the daily accountability of a dear brother of Christ of mine. He will intercede for me in this. This is the best advice I can give anyone who still from time to time struggle with this. Don't let Satan ruin your witness sister!
This was so very well explained and incredibly transparent. I feel like a lot of people are unable to talk about this issue either because they are embarrassed, still deny that it is wrong, or simply still partake in the sin either willingly or occasionally after a bit of struggling. But I'm glad you were bold enough to state all of this. God bless you, great video, AND great poem as well! P.S; Anyone else recognize all the songs playing in the background? Haha.
Great video, most people try to justify it because it's not hurting anybody but that's not true as you said in the video. Very few people talk about how they feel after releasing from self pleasure, and those that do have all said the same thing of feeling empty and guilty. Satan has a crafty way of manipulating God's word and plan for us. I notice in my life that anytime I start to get comfortable and let my thoughts and mind just Rome and be free is when I fall into sin and stumble, so when people say what are the tools to stay focused and consistent living for GOD, is just like the word ye transformed by the renewal of your minds. The mind must be managed and protected at all time by casting down imaginations that exalt themselves above the things of GOD, it's not an easy task but it's doable with the Holy Spirit.
Theirs very few men like you out there ( ones that I have encountered in my 19 years of living) Fine, Spiritual, Smart, Poetic... etc. Keep up the positivity!
@wordsbyezekiel My pastor briefly mentions this as a sin from time to time, but just like your video, there's no, if you want to call it, "step by step" guide given to the believer. I know we should always go back to the scriptures for answers, but pastor's can't just give people the law without the tools to help. Believers need personal real life advice in addition to scripture. Another believer and I were talking about this in reference to dating and the single Christian. Sexual feelings don't go away just 'cause you're abstaining from sex. Yet, I have not heard many pastors talk about this except for 1.
+DanceLifeLoveTV "Sexual feelings don't go away just 'cause you're abstaining from sex. " Of course they don't because sex is an appetite that comes back like hunger or thirst. I like the Christian man in this video so much because he gives the remedy (marriage and marital sex) , unlike many pastors who blame and accuse , say it is a sin , a sin and a sin again without giving a remedy . Actually , it is simple and logical : the remedy for sexual appetite is sex !!! But I really like the way he puts it , he uses the BIBLICAL language of joy and pleasure (Proverbs 5:18 cannot be clearer) and two becoming ONE FLESH. Really good. In his speech I feel God's goodness and wisdom , more than many sex sermons to befound on YT and delivered by 'preachers'.
This is very well presented and I get the arguments made. Most guys find that what cures them of masturbation is getting married. I am a man who has always been sexually attracted solely to other men and never to any of the thousands of women I have met in my life. I am trying to live a celibate life but the sexual frustration is intense at times. What are my options if I 'burn'? I can't marry.
***** Thanks for your comment and there is truth in it. But I feel this is yet another struggle on top of others I have. It is nearly an impossibility. That is what I have been finding.
There is nothing wrong with who you are. Homosexuality is nothing more then a little glitch in our imperfect brains. I have a foot fetish. I used to think something was wrong with me. I realize now that there is something wrong with me. I'm a human being. I am full of imperfections. This is due to a process called Evolution. The reason we make up gods, is because we want to keep on living. We don't want to just die and that's it. We want to live in a fantasy land, but now I realize that now I would much rather live in the real world. This is the only chance we get at life. The only chance we have at heaven is the one we make here on earth. We better make it count. Go out there and get a boyfriend. There is no shame in this. I now have plenty of gay friends. In the grand skeem of things. Who cares if you're gay. "Sin" is just another made up word by man. How is it fair that strait people get to enjoy sex with each other, and it not be a sin but you cant. What if it was "normal" to be gay. No strait man is going to have sex with another guy, because it was written in some book thousands of years ago. There are no credible sources for this stuff man. Even if there were. It's still made up, and even still if it wasn't made up. It is still not right to judge people due to thought crimes. This is pure evil.
The bible is in favor of rape on woman, slavery, geniside, and many other horrible things. So I beg of you. Please, please please use the internet and youtube to look up where the bible came from. Do research on how you got here. Look for proof. Don't rely on faith, and or superstitious belief.
The god of this world has created this reality where our desires are twisted and warped beyond what we thought was possible. Seek the kingdom of God first. This does not mean Church or denomination or religion or the distorted word Christianity; it means to seek the God of the Bible and pray to Him through His son to deliver you. You obviously have now realised that you cannot win by yourself, so give all to Him and let Him win this battle for you. Seek him first!
Wake-Up Look-And-See Amen to that. We should also sell our house and all of our possessions. Jesus want's our cloths, our boots and our motorcycle. I'll keep the porn though. Logic Bless :)
It might seem hopeless but it is not. Keep seeking God and resisting the devil. Remove yourself from the situation when the temptation arises and continually pray and speak to the Lord.
Wow this hits home hard I've been having this "diease" sense 4th grade it came about trying to run away form physical abuse from a parent. Of course it feels good so who wants to stop, but what it turned to was "David and goliath" and to this day my sexual desires or still compared to the scary monster that i have yet to destroy.
Please man how do i stop? I have sought the Lord, worshipped Him, read my bible and do my best to not think about my past trauma. But I have still fallen. It’s been over two years 😭I just want to go on with my walk, I also don’t really have people there to hold me up through this. Please pray that I overcome and please pray for such a strong conviction from the Holy Spirit. J am SO DESPERATE to be free from masturbation and lust. So so so desperate
Hey Jaden. I see No one has commented, but I pray to God that you have been making some progress. I can only imagine how hard this must be for you, and all others going through it; as I understand that habits aren't formed over night therefore overcoming them truly needs the help of the Holy Spirit. I pray to God that He strengthens you and that you may find encouragement in the fact that others were able to overcome it to, remember that God isn't a respector of persons, ( I.e he doesn't have favourites) what He can do for someone else, He can do for you too. Stay blessed.
Aye man, not sure if you’ll see this but being freed from this addiction… what got me thru was confessing “I’m the righteousness of God and I’m free from masturbation and porn” before and after I would engage in it. I did it every single time for months, then the desire starting dying off until I literally did not want to do it anymore. The desire died and when the temptation ever came back, I would repeat the same, IN FAITH! I’m now freed from it, and I’ve had past trauma too that was tied to it. Once He revealed to me the source, and my identity as “the righteousness of God”, ive been free ever since!! Freedom is real for us as children of God homie we ain’t gotta be slaves to nothing!! I prayed for you bro, be FREE!
What do we do with the physical pressure by the accumulation of semen? It feels terrible? I hear is actually a bad thing cause the semen retracts into other places. What if you never found a mate? What then? I want to be married but nobody has given me the chance!
Mario Rivera Setel it is not a sin. You have brought up very great points. You can die by not releasing. Many think it's a sin but the truth it's not. Don't believe people that does not understand the word of God.
Genesis 38:1-10 And it came to pass at that time, that Judah went down from his brethren, and turned in to a certain Adullamite, whose name was Hirah. And Judah saw there a daughter of a certain Canaanite, whose name was Shuah; and he took her, and went in unto her. And she conceived, and bare a son; and he called his name Er. And she conceived again, and bare a son; and she called his name Onan. And she yet again conceived, and bare a son; and called his name Shelah: and he was at Chezib, when she bare him. And Judah took a wife for Er his firstborn, whose name was Tamar. And Er, Judah's firstborn, was wicked in the sight of the LORD; and the LORD slew him. And Judah said unto Onan, Go in unto thy brother's wife, and marry her, and raise up seed to thy brother. And Onan knew that the seed should not be his; and it came to pass, when he went in unto his brother's wife, that he spilled it on the ground, lest that he should give seed to his brother. And the thing which he did displeased the LORD: wherefore He slew him also.
So what happens to those that are not married and never experienced sex like teens and some adults that are still virgins what should they do because just like God made sex for marriage he made is human too and when he finished his creation he said it was good? I don't have that problem I'm married but I no adults as well as teens what do I tell them
I personally would encourage anyone to seek the kingdom of God first and everything else will be added onto them. I guarantee that the Holy Spirit will root out all their sins if the truly seek God first.
What is your motive to masturbate? If it does not lead to lust of the flesh...therefore I conclude it is not a sin. But if does, the Bible has answer for it.
I know you're probably not catholic, but is masturbation a mortal or venial sin? Anyone have any idea? Thanks for this video btw! Help me with my battle.
If you watch the video again it explains that the act of sex (masturbation, oral sex, beastiality, homosexual Sex) is all immortal sex according to what is presented to us as moral sex
+Enoch Johnson In what way? Cannibalism? If so, I don't really follow. My experience with masturbation is that is fucking awesome. I can't really recall one single thing bad about it. I mean, it's your own body, you should do whatever you want with it. You shouldn't let some old book tell you not to.
I've never really tried quitting masturbation. It's not like you choose whether you want to masturbate, or having sex with a male or female. Married people, gay and straight, do masturbate just like single people. For the record, I have no faith in any god. There is no evidence found, what so ever of any god existing, so to me - god is just a consept made up by humans.
+Mr. Cool Guy i'm sure you believe in God. May not be the God of the universe but, you surely have your own God , ex: alcohol, pornography, etc. That thing you always run to when you're down or in need of comfort, that's your god. Now does it make sense to make something so little like one body part your god?
+Graciel_Saphyra I'm an atheist. I almost never drink, and I occationally watch porn. You mean that you define god as "that thing you always run to when you're down or in need of comfort"? I surely don't, so I can't really answer your question.
Mr. Cool Guy I understand I really do, I'm a christian but when I was an atheist I always had that "one thing". it could be yourself , maybe you think you're capable of doing everything by yourself, and that you don't need a god because you're your own god
If its so sinful why there is no mention in OT about masturbation? Nor In NT. Some people just cant marriage,then what that person should do to deal with this? Pray God to elibrate of this 'sin'? 😁 Lust is sin but only for married people not for unmarried.
man this probably about to sound weird but that man's beard looking RIGHT... AND I'M A MAN. Tell me your secrets man, what products you working with lol
God inhabits the praises of his people. He is not some peeping tom voyeur who is watching you every time you piss and shit and bathe and play with your sexual organs: This topic is a non issue. To each his own..... James 4:17..."Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin."
SIN --- "Shall we say that the Law is guilty of sin? Not shall it be!" Romans 7:7 7th COMMANDMENT --- "Do not adulterate your brain and emotions by having sex with yourself, a homosexual, or another man's wife. And take care; for a woman is married for life to every man she had sex with." Good is to spend our time bringing happiness to others, while sin is to waste our time pleasing internal emotions, when we should be helping to eliminate the misery of others. Watching sports where the fastest thinkers gain self-glory by walking over the fallen bodies of others, that is sin. The 7th Commandment is what binds a family together and protects it from a most evil world. Only the mother and father have sex and the children learn to control their emotions. When 95% of humans have always been so self-absorbed as to care nothing for God or their fellowman, absolute futility is it to expect anything but slavery to a harmful addiction by experiencing sex. Go celibate and get ready for the earth made new, that's what I always say.
What do you think is inside you that you lay this unnecessary burden on people? If God, Moses, and Jesus didn't make an issue of it, why should we? You can't have standards higher than God. Look at it from God's point of view, "He remembers we are only dust". " I want mercy, not sacrifice". Show mercy, don't make everyone miserable.
How do you even bring the subject up? This takes a lot of courage and that comes from God. Sometimes just asking might do the trick. One thing I would encourage is to rid yourself of the sin of gossip, spite, etc. Love and never betray that person's confidence.
Man I was just like you I thought I would never get over masterbation but by the grace of God it's been a while since I've done it and I have no plans of going back. I realize that I can live without it
Only the power of the Holy Spirit can break this cycle. I've been free for about 2mos now! Dealt with this for about 13 years..
+computermaster great way to put it man. It's really deadly & we must be aware at all times. No idle time should be permitted
Yes brother I will do the same for me
Beautiful. I've struggled with this for maybe 15 years. God delivered me about a year now. I tried to get over it on my own but it never worked. Until the day God told me, I gave you dominion over animals. This is nothing!
thanks for the video will definitely share.
Gosh this is something I struggle with all the time. I knew it was a sin and I tried to find a way around it so many times. I'm thankful that God revealed this to me & it's hard but I'm willing to make the change.
I'm with you sister. I, too, struggle with this. But, what I'm led to do is go on a definitive, 90-day sanctification from masturbation, with the daily accountability of a dear brother of Christ of mine. He will intercede for me in this. This is the best advice I can give anyone who still from time to time struggle with this. Don't let Satan ruin your witness sister!
Deondre Nabriet God bless! I've heard a lot of people talking about accountability and I don't know if I really know any one who can do that with me.
+Heaven Do you have anyone at your local church that you're close with?
Unfortunately not, I don't go to a lot of church activities so I never really meet anyone there.
+Heaven I see. Well the best thing I could advise is to have that accountability with you so you can recover.
This was so very well explained and incredibly transparent. I feel like a lot of people are unable to talk about this issue either because they are embarrassed, still deny that it is wrong, or simply still partake in the sin either willingly or occasionally after a bit of struggling. But I'm glad you were bold enough to state all of this. God bless you, great video, AND great poem as well!
P.S; Anyone else recognize all the songs playing in the background? Haha.
thanks for being bold and transparent enough to make this
This is so helpful....been struggling with subject too, thanks alot. God bless you.
My husband and I watched this together. Powerful and helpful message
+Isabelle M that statement from you should end this discussion on masturbation, well said from the only perspective........ The bible.
Dewayne Thomas
Thanks .
Great video, most people try to justify it because it's not hurting anybody but that's not true as you said in the video. Very few people talk about how they feel after releasing from self pleasure, and those that do have all said the same thing of feeling empty and guilty. Satan has a crafty way of manipulating God's word and plan for us. I notice in my life that anytime I start to get comfortable and let my thoughts and mind just Rome and be free is when I fall into sin and stumble, so when people say what are the tools to stay focused and consistent living for GOD, is just like the word ye transformed by the renewal of your minds. The mind must be managed and protected at all time by casting down imaginations that exalt themselves above the things of GOD, it's not an easy task but it's doable with the Holy Spirit.
Thank you for your transparency on this touchy subject!!!
Theirs very few men like you out there ( ones that I have encountered in my 19 years of living) Fine, Spiritual, Smart, Poetic... etc. Keep up the positivity!
@wordsbyezekiel My pastor briefly mentions this as a sin from time to time, but just like your video, there's no, if you want to call it, "step by step" guide given to the believer. I know we should always go back to the scriptures for answers, but pastor's can't just give people the law without the tools to help. Believers need personal real life advice in addition to scripture. Another believer and I were talking about this in reference to dating and the single Christian. Sexual feelings don't go away just 'cause you're abstaining from sex. Yet, I have not heard many pastors talk about this except for 1.
"Sexual feelings don't go away just 'cause you're abstaining from sex. "
Of course they don't because sex is an appetite that comes back like hunger or thirst.
I like the Christian man in this video so much because he gives the remedy (marriage and marital sex) , unlike many pastors who blame and accuse , say it is a sin , a sin and a sin again without giving a remedy .
Actually , it is simple and logical : the remedy for sexual appetite is sex !!!
But I really like the way he puts it , he uses the BIBLICAL language of joy and pleasure (Proverbs 5:18 cannot be clearer) and two becoming ONE FLESH.
Really good.
In his speech I feel God's goodness and wisdom , more than many sex sermons to befound on YT and delivered by 'preachers'.
Great 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾the break down the defenses and application #PerfectMan
Yes!!! Thanks bro in Christ for this truth. Sex in marriage is God's way.
why do I feel like at any moment your going to bust out in spoken word
This is very well presented and I get the arguments made. Most guys find that what cures them of masturbation is getting married. I am a man who has always been sexually attracted solely to other men and never to any of the thousands of women I have met in my life. I am trying to live a celibate life but the sexual frustration is intense at times. What are my options if I 'burn'? I can't marry.
***** Thanks for your comment and there is truth in it. But I feel this is yet another struggle on top of others I have. It is nearly an impossibility. That is what I have been finding.
There is nothing wrong with who you are. Homosexuality is nothing more then a little glitch in our imperfect brains. I have a foot fetish. I used to think something was wrong with me. I realize now that there is something wrong with me. I'm a human being. I am full of imperfections. This is due to a process called Evolution. The reason we make up gods, is because we want to keep on living. We don't want to just die and that's it. We want to live in a fantasy land, but now I realize that now I would much rather live in the real world. This is the only chance we get at life. The only chance we have at heaven is the one we make here on earth. We better make it count. Go out there and get a boyfriend. There is no shame in this. I now have plenty of gay friends. In the grand skeem of things. Who cares if you're gay. "Sin" is just another made up word by man. How is it fair that strait people get to enjoy sex with each other, and it not be a sin but you cant. What if it was "normal" to be gay. No strait man is going to have sex with another guy, because it was written in some book thousands of years ago. There are no credible sources for this stuff man. Even if there were. It's still made up, and even still if it wasn't made up. It is still not right to judge people due to thought crimes. This is pure evil.
The bible is in favor of rape on woman, slavery, geniside, and many other horrible things. So I beg of you. Please, please please use the internet and youtube to look up where the bible came from. Do research on how you got here. Look for proof. Don't rely on faith, and or superstitious belief.
The god of this world has created this reality where our desires are twisted and warped beyond what we thought was possible. Seek the kingdom of God first. This does not mean Church or denomination or religion or the distorted word Christianity; it means to seek the God of the Bible and pray to Him through His son to deliver you. You obviously have now realised that you cannot win by yourself, so give all to Him and let Him win this battle for you. Seek him first!
Wake-Up Look-And-See
Amen to that. We should also sell our house and all of our possessions. Jesus want's our cloths, our boots and our motorcycle. I'll keep the porn though. Logic Bless :)
someone pray for me
It might seem hopeless but it is not. Keep seeking God and resisting the devil. Remove yourself from the situation when the temptation arises and continually pray and speak to the Lord.
I'll pray for you.
I will do the same for me
Wow this hits home hard I've been having this "diease" sense 4th grade it came about trying to run away form physical abuse from a parent. Of course it feels good so who wants to stop, but what it turned to was "David and goliath" and to this day my sexual desires or still compared to the scary monster that i have yet to destroy.
Please man how do i stop? I have sought the Lord, worshipped Him, read my bible and do my best to not think about my past trauma. But I have still fallen. It’s been over two years 😭I just want to go on with my walk, I also don’t really have people there to hold me up through this. Please pray that I overcome and please pray for such a strong conviction from the Holy Spirit. J am SO DESPERATE to be free from masturbation and lust. So so so desperate
Hey Jaden. I see No one has commented, but I pray to God that you have been making some progress. I can only imagine how hard this must be for you, and all others going through it; as I understand that habits aren't formed over night therefore overcoming them truly needs the help of the Holy Spirit. I pray to God that He strengthens you and that you may find encouragement in the fact that others were able to overcome it to, remember that God isn't a respector of persons, ( I.e he doesn't have favourites) what He can do for someone else, He can do for you too. Stay blessed.
Aye man, not sure if you’ll see this but being freed from this addiction… what got me thru was confessing “I’m the righteousness of God and I’m free from masturbation and porn” before and after I would engage in it. I did it every single time for months, then the desire starting dying off until I literally did not want to do it anymore. The desire died and when the temptation ever came back, I would repeat the same, IN FAITH! I’m now freed from it, and I’ve had past trauma too that was tied to it. Once He revealed to me the source, and my identity as “the righteousness of God”, ive been free ever since!! Freedom is real for us as children of God homie we ain’t gotta be slaves to nothing!! I prayed for you bro, be FREE!
JaMuldrow10 that’s awesome man! Thank you for sharing!
Thanks for breaking it down!!
Thank you for sharing! Good stuff
Man should not belone but don't forget it is also said it is better to remain pure if you can't then get married
Be alone
i ain't married though so i have 90 years fighting this -_ -
Sexual sin is a sin against your own body. According the bible
What do we do with the physical pressure by the accumulation of semen? It feels terrible? I hear is actually a bad thing cause the semen retracts into other places. What if you never found a mate? What then? I want to be married but nobody has given me the chance!
Mario Rivera Setel it is not a sin. You have brought up very great points. You can die by not releasing. Many think it's a sin but the truth it's not. Don't believe people that does not understand the word of God.
thanks so much for the preaching
Fire!! 🔥
AMEN!!!!!!! And thank you...God bless you
idk y but u remind me of Joseph Solomon
Genesis 38:1-10
And it came to pass at that time, that Judah went down from his brethren, and turned in to a certain Adullamite, whose name was Hirah. And Judah saw there a daughter of a certain Canaanite, whose name was Shuah; and he took her, and went in unto her. And she conceived, and bare a son; and he called his name Er. And she conceived again, and bare a son; and she called his name Onan. And she yet again conceived, and bare a son; and called his name Shelah: and he was at Chezib, when she bare him.
And Judah took a wife for Er his firstborn, whose name was Tamar. And Er, Judah's firstborn, was wicked in the sight of the LORD; and the LORD slew him. And Judah said unto Onan, Go in unto thy brother's wife, and marry her, and raise up seed to thy brother. And Onan knew that the seed should not be his; and it came to pass, when he went in unto his brother's wife, that he spilled it on the ground, lest that he should give seed to his brother. And the thing which he did displeased the LORD: wherefore He slew him also.
So what happens to those that are not married and never experienced sex like teens and some adults that are still virgins what should they do because just like God made sex for marriage he made is human too and when he finished his creation he said it was good? I don't have that problem I'm married but I no adults as well as teens what do I tell them
I personally would encourage anyone to seek the kingdom of God first and everything else will be added onto them. I guarantee that the Holy Spirit will root out all their sins if the truly seek God first.
What is your motive to masturbate? If it does not lead to lust of the flesh...therefore I conclude it is not a sin. But if does, the Bible has answer for it.
Took a lot of courage...
I know you're probably not catholic, but is masturbation a mortal or venial sin? Anyone have any idea? Thanks for this video btw! Help me with my battle.
so if you're married and you're trying not to get pregnant.... is that a sin also?
Have your husband involved in pleasing you. That's not your call 😊
ezekyo33 I was talking about him ejaculsting outside the body lol. I'm not married
If you watch the video again it explains that the act of sex (masturbation, oral sex, beastiality, homosexual Sex) is all immortal sex according to what is presented to us as moral sex
Booking Ezekiel you're stating but I'm asking to clarify ejaculation on your wife's back or stomach
That's nice and all, but WHAT IF YOU ARE TOO UGLY OR DISABLED TO FIND (and support for) A WIFE?
😨😨😨😨 wow 😲??? I’m struggling too
May I ask what's wrong with masturbation? It's an all natural process, with lots of health benefits.
+Enoch Johnson In what way? Cannibalism? If so, I don't really follow. My experience with masturbation is that is fucking awesome. I can't really recall one single thing bad about it.
I mean, it's your own body, you should do whatever you want with it. You shouldn't let some old book tell you not to.
I've never really tried quitting masturbation. It's not like you choose whether you want to masturbate, or having sex with a male or female. Married people, gay and straight, do masturbate just like single people.
For the record, I have no faith in any god. There is no evidence found, what so ever of any god existing, so to me - god is just a consept made up by humans.
+Mr. Cool Guy i'm sure you believe in God. May not be the God of the universe but, you surely have your own God , ex: alcohol, pornography, etc. That thing you always run to when you're down or in need of comfort, that's your god. Now does it make sense to make something so little like one body part your god?
+Graciel_Saphyra I'm an atheist. I almost never drink, and I occationally watch porn. You mean that you define god as "that thing you always run to when you're down or in need of comfort"? I surely don't, so I can't really answer your question.
Mr. Cool Guy I understand I really do, I'm a christian but when I was an atheist I always had that "one thing". it could be yourself , maybe you think you're capable of doing everything by yourself, and that you don't need a god because you're your own god
thank you brother
If its so sinful why there is no mention in OT about masturbation? Nor In NT. Some people just cant marriage,then what that person should do to deal with this? Pray God to elibrate of this 'sin'? 😁 Lust is sin but only for married people not for unmarried.
thank u God Bless
man this probably about to sound weird but that man's beard looking RIGHT...
AND I'M A MAN. Tell me your secrets man, what products you working with lol
God inhabits the praises of his people. He is not some peeping tom voyeur who is watching you every time you piss and shit and bathe and play with your sexual organs: This topic is a non issue. To each his own..... James 4:17..."Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin."
SIN --- "Shall we say that the Law is guilty of sin? Not shall it be!" Romans 7:7
7th COMMANDMENT --- "Do not adulterate your brain and emotions by having sex with yourself, a homosexual, or another man's wife. And take care; for a woman is married for life to every man she had sex with."
Good is to spend our time bringing happiness to others, while sin is to waste our time pleasing internal emotions, when we should be helping to eliminate the misery of others. Watching sports where the fastest thinkers gain self-glory by walking over the fallen bodies of others, that is sin.
The 7th Commandment is what binds a family together and protects it from a most evil world. Only the mother and father have sex and the children learn to control their emotions.
When 95% of humans have always been so self-absorbed as to care nothing for God or their fellowman, absolute futility is it to expect anything but slavery to a harmful addiction by experiencing sex. Go celibate and get ready for the earth made new, that's what I always say.
But no one is getting married in 2019. 😂
What do you think is inside you that you lay this unnecessary burden on people? If God, Moses, and Jesus didn't make an issue of it, why should we? You can't have standards higher than God. Look at it from God's point of view, "He remembers we are only dust". " I want mercy, not sacrifice". Show mercy, don't make everyone miserable.
How do you approach someone your dating in this discussion? Especially as a new couple, I don't want to come off as I'm chastising him...
How do you even bring the subject up? This takes a lot of courage and that comes from God. Sometimes just asking might do the trick. One thing I would encourage is to rid yourself of the sin of gossip, spite, etc. Love and never betray that person's confidence.