Is anyone else here, like “ok... it’s dressage...” edit: holy crap guys thank you for all the likes and replies. And I just wanted to say. I own horses in real life. I know how difficult dressage/trick riding is. By no stretch did I say what she is doing is EASY. I’m simply saying I don’t see why people found this so special. With time and patience almost any horse and rider can do this. It just takes practice.
Brian Walsh Definitely, finally someone that agrees with me! These tricks are not easy. It’s not like you ponyclub dressage tests or your low level dressage test. These tricks are not as simple as putting your leg on, they are very complex
Tohle video fakt nemá chybu ,hodně fandím takovým lidem ,co mají tu odvahu na to pódium to zvíře přivést 🧡🧡🐎 . Bylo to fakt perfektní.. krásný fríský kůň a to tempo do té hudby ... úplná bomba.👍🔥💣
Tbh I’m totally against this. The fact that she did it all on stage could’ve been dangerous for both the horse and the rider. She could’ve at least wore a helmet or some gloves. Who knows if that horse will spook and bolt into the backstage? Or even the crowd. Some real bad things could’ve happened, including brutal things scenes. It was just luck this time. Also my thought on the performance: It was cool, seems like a well trained horse but a lot of the tricks that she did are already included in the daily dressage things that we do. In that case this wasn’t very impressive. Well yes, it could turn and wave at the same time but does it really deserve to keep going to the finals? Does she really deserve a thousand dollars for that?
i agree with you. like i understand bits are necessary for things like this, even though they can be highly abusive. i get that the horse was trained with the big but he’s clearly uncomfortable. it’s really upsetting. on top of that, the whole thing was dangerous, i admit it was a creative and pretty cool idea, but dangerous nonetheless and never should’ve happened. she doesn’t really deserve a thousand dollars for something thousands of people do everyday ( and better in some cases )
Jj vyhrávají dressage Jediné co mi vadí je ta věta Koně slyší rytmus ?? Ano. "Slyší hudbu a hned začne takhle tancovat" No jako jo dá se to ale na to že je profi jezdec tak nic moc názvy
Sarah Warwick ok. Maybe. Then again lots of horses do that. But then look, does that horse look happy ? Does he look like he’s free to choose whether he wants to do this or not ? Forcing a horse to do this does not require talent.
@@potatoslyrics1400 but the horse is use to a proper arena probably and I don't think I have ever seen someone riding on a stage like that and it could have gone very wrong
@@potatoslyrics1400 Buuut, remember that that is a stage, not an open arena. The stage the horse is walking on is hard and slippery, while the arena has a soft ground that helps him not to slip. That horse could have seriously threw her off the stage and then run away to hurt himself too.
Though this was a good performance, it would NEVER win a actual dressage competition. The horses moves are frisky, and you can tell the judges have never seen real dressage before. Still a amazing performance on my end.
You are right, but this was also on a small stage and on quick music so ofcourse it’s different then a dressage competition and ofcourse the judges have never seen real dressage cuz they are non-equestrians
Don’t forget about the noise levels with the claps? On a small stage,if the horse had spooked boy that would have been a disaster though it may not have been an award winning performance it’s made me happy
Upřímně jsem si taky představovala jak bych šla s koněm na pódium do Česko Slovensko má talent,ale myslela jsem si,že to by asi nešlo. Ale ono to jde. xD
@@fae_witch to není nesmisli ale pravda ty asi o koních nic nevíš ale já vím že toho koně to dost a dost bolí a že jeto týrání tak nelži a piš až se začneš chovat hezky ke koním jinak mlc
@@fae_witch přestože bych nezvolila výraz "týrání", připadá mi to jako zcela zbytečné psychické vypětí pro koně. Dvě udidla, z toho jedny páky mi taky zrovna nekouzlí úsměv na tváři... Tím nikterak neshazuji šikovnost koníka ani jezdkyně, pro které to muselo představovat roky tréninku. Nicméně téměř žádný z pohybů nebyl pro koně přirozený a také si nemyslím, že by tato show byla pro toho fríse nějakým potěšením, já to zkrátka vnímám jako naprosto zbytečné.
Ikr like it's not that special. It would be more impressive if she could do it bitless but even like that, it's still not something anyone else can't do.
Wow dokonce jsem byla na jedne soutezi Na koních v akci a byl tam v boxu přesně tenhle byla tam i fotka na boxu tohoto koně jak je v talentu takze superrr
@@evagutierrez8778 I highly doubt that. Even people like, Charlotte Dunjardin, Carl Hester or Anky van Grunsven do not know everything. Don't get me wrong I can easily understand you know a lot but it's easier if you are an equestrian because you work with a horse or horses on a daily bases
Creative Life The horse looked perfectly calm and seemed to enjoy himself, probably knowing that he was gonna her a well deserved meal an snacks. And lots of love
Delaney Cain everyone in their life has been forced to do something, the horses are forced to put on tack, jump, run, trot, walk, also you are forced to do things stop complaining
Ella Bell She was barely pulling the reins back, a Friesian’s head is not all that arched an arches more in even with the slightest tug. Even horse shows you do things for fame there, This was a talent show, of course its fame for her AND the horse.
ENG Moderator: Good luck. The stage is yours. This way Vdndulka: Thank you. *on stage* Vendulka: My name is Vendulka Sponarova. I came from Usti nad Labem. (Performer - Vendulka 40 years old Horse - Pieter 13 years old) Jury1(JARO): What brings you here? Vendulka: I love this competition. I wanted to try to compete. Jury1(JARO): What will you show us? Vendulka: Dressage show with horse. Jury2(MARTA): With real horse? Jury1(JARO): With horse? Big horse? Vendulka: Well, the big one wouldn't fit here. But I'll show you something. Jury3(DIANA): We are looking forward to the performance. - performance started - Jury4(JAKUB): So it's not a pony. The horse shines. *performance ended* Jury4(JAKUB): I do not know horses at all. I only know horses from "Dostihy a száky"(-Czechoslovak board game with horses similar to Monopoly) And I only know that Narcius and Napoli are the most expensive horses (in that board game). But this horse is huge. I've never seen a horse as big as this horse. Jury1(JARO): You said little horse and then came out Avatar. Jury2(MARTA): How do you make the horse move to the rhythm? Does the horse hear the rhythm? Vendulka: Yes they do. He hears music and moves to the rhythm. Jury4(JAKUB): We haven't seen anything like this in this show yet. YES Jury2(MARTA): For me it's also YES Jury1(JARO): You have four times yes Jury2(MARTA): The horse was very nice
Co se týče zpracování záznamu (videa) neměl by člověk posuzovat tento drezurní výstup, protože jednoduše není schopné si prohlédnout detaily a další aspekty chování a vnímání koně. Tv Prima to možná udělala takto krátké hlavně kvůli těmto lidem, kteří jsou vysazení na koně a jejich výchovu. Za další, i z tohoto krátkého záznamu jsou patřičně znát chyby, jsou ale velmi drobné a musíme brát v potaz, že jezdec a kůň byly nervózní, nové prostředí, před výstupem museli čekat hodinové fronty až se dostanou na řadu. Hraje do toho mnoho aspektů a za mě, i když mám odlišný způsob tréninku (horsemanship) a drezuře se věnuji pouze z kraje, můžu říct, "Klobouk dolů" ten pár musel na sobě dřít celé roky aby toto zvládl. Srovnávat toto z cirkusem (jak tady bylo vzneseno) je naprosto hloupé a urážlivé. Pokud nejste koňáci a neviděli jste celou show, nemůžete toho posuzovat a zkoumat. Tereza Kopecká.
Ono to není ani tak tou nervozitou(to je i na závodech) ale spíše povrchem, samozřejmě se koni bude lépe dělat např. piaffa na písku než na takovém tvrdém povrchu...
Animal Lover37 yes, but its in a country where not many people do horse riding and certainly dont take their horses to talent shows. Thats why they look so shocked
LoL... not talented? I would love to see your horses do this😉 Narcissistic personality disorder - one of several types of personality disorders - is a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others
Animal Lover37 this horse doesn’t speak ur fuckin language, has an own mind, probably 600 kg. Could u this? Teach the horse to *dance* with u? I dont think so. Next time shut ur fuckin mouth😘✌🏻
Anajine and Mia Suntiger- Bits can hurt horses if they aren't used right. I think they should not be used unless you are a capable rider. When I started riding I did not use a bit. Some horses are ok without them though. But, some of the stronger and more disobedient horses do require bits. You do have a point though; when bits are used right, they are useful tool to help communicate with your horse, but if they are used the wrong, then yes, they can be harmful.
I honestly don’t know how I feel about this, I mean seems cool and the judges liked it but the poor horse, this must be stressful for him doing DRESSAGE in no big riding ring? And infrount of all the people shouting and clapping. I mean you can see the poor thing, and the bit... I don’t know, he doesn’t look comfortable
AmiEquestrian just cuz they were abuse doesn’t mean they can’t be trained, if they’re easily scared then they ain’t trained right u need to make them get over the fears
Everyone keeps saying it’s “just Dressage” but those are upper level movements that take a lot of time to master and not every horse would be willing to preform them on a stage. Why can’t we just be happy for other equestrians? I feel like most people commenting that can’t do those movements 🤷🏻♀️
While that's true, many people are pointing out the lack of safety and how those judges know nothing about horses. If she was on the wrong lead the judges wouldn't care. Any dressage rider can go up there and win.
EnglishEquestrianAva she doesnt even canter lmao. Not “Any dressage rider” can do piaffes and passages, etc shown here. Especially not on a stage. A 10m canter circle would be boring. This is much more difficult than that and is a well deserved act I bet no one in this common section could come close to doing as well as her.
@@jessicawymbs She was doing the most basic dressage moves I've ever seen. But the fact is is that the judges no nothing, so that women could've done anything wrong and the judges would still be in awe. It's not fair nor is it safe.
EnglishEquestrianAva um I’m sorry but judging by your videos you’re just learning to canter so I understand you don’t know what you’re talking about but just an FYI these are actually difficult dressage moves. They’re not introduced until Intermediate II of dressage which is the level just below Grand Prix. Check your facts or you just sound ignorant lol
@@jessicawymbs Anytime I've seen people do dressage, TH-cam and shows, they do everything this girl has done. And no, I'm not just learning how to canter 😂 I've been riding for 8 years, thank you very much. And like I said, I don't really care about what moves she did up there, I'm saying how dangerous that is for horse, rider and the audience. Very irresponsible
Anybody else cringing at the fact that when she did the rear she was hanging onto the reins and leaning back instead of putting less pressure on the horses mouth. That could've ended so badly
As a regular human who has regular-working brain, it is clear to me that this is a not safe environment for such animal. What if the horse spooked and ran towards the front or back? and fell of the stage. o.O
To je to nejlepší vistoupení co tam bylo protože koně miluju a taky jednoho na kterým jezdím mám a jmenuje se JURÁŠEK a je bílej z černýma tečkama na sobě
i was thinking the same thing. In a trick riding audition in america they had the riders outside in a big arena like they would anywhere else. They should really do this in other places so more equine auditions can be allowed into the shows.
''Koňáci'' co zde rypete, chtěla bych vidět vás jak na takhle málem prostoru v absolutně neobvyklém a stresovem prostředí pro oba predvedete vše dokonale jako na obdélníku ;)
I love seeing people bring out the talent in horses on these shows but I am sad to see they are surprised with the horses dressage I have seen much better performances.
Is anyone else here, like “ok... it’s dressage...” edit: holy crap guys thank you for all the likes and replies. And I just wanted to say. I own horses in real life. I know how difficult dressage/trick riding is. By no stretch did I say what she is doing is EASY. I’m simply saying I don’t see why people found this so special. With time and patience almost any horse and rider can do this. It just takes practice.
Yeah it’s dressage, but do u know how long it takes to teach those tricks
Lilly Eventing Yeah, also horses are under estimated don’t you think?
Brian Walsh
Definitely, finally someone that agrees with me! These tricks are not easy. It’s not like you ponyclub dressage tests or your low level dressage test. These tricks are not as simple as putting your leg on, they are very complex
Non equestrians: “OMG ITS A HORSE DANCING
Equestrian: “oh it’s just dressage”
Jenna Mercer Question what he saying, suede I’ll call ya trap us luck
Yeah when the horse started I’m like it’s dressage.Which is still really impressive
I want to see a real dancing horse not dressage lol
I have one horse
@@belitamartinez7575 yes me too
Tak toto je dokonalé vystúpenie ... Milujem koníky, lebo pre mňa je to inteligentné, ušľachtilé a navyše aj dokonalé zviera ... ❤💯👌🐎
Já taky miluji koníky
Ja też kocham konie
Je nádherný. Fríští koně jsou moje srdeční záležitost a tenhle krasavec je úžasný
Why do I feel like she couldn’t win a ACTUAL dressage competition so she went on the only other alternative
Hailey James I was thinking that
Lmao me too, also that is one chungus of a horse
Tohle video fakt nemá chybu ,hodně fandím takovým lidem ,co mají tu odvahu na to pódium to zvíře přivést 🧡🧡🐎 . Bylo to fakt perfektní.. krásný fríský kůň a to tempo do té hudby ... úplná bomba.👍🔥💣
Je to jen krásná podívaná pro lidi. Kůň má v hudbě ostré pákové udidlo, proto se vzpíná na zadní, a do slabin mu zarývá bodavé šporny 😢
@@janakabatova5448 😥😥🐎
Audience: *Impressed* This horse can dance!
Equestrians: It’s called dressage
Everyone else: Riding is easy and isn’t a sport.
Well... Singing, dancing and gymnastics is not that special either then i guess....
Jam I , ridding it’s not easy
Viking Dogmanship It’s not a “talent” sooo many people do it and something like this is Not worth 1mill
And who said that? 🤔
First of all it's a sport and it's very hard.
Tbh I’m totally against this. The fact that she did it all on stage could’ve been dangerous for both the horse and the rider. She could’ve at least wore a helmet or some gloves. Who knows if that horse will spook and bolt into the backstage? Or even the crowd. Some real bad things could’ve happened, including brutal things scenes.
It was just luck this time.
Also my thought on the performance:
It was cool, seems like a well trained horse but a lot of the tricks that she did are already included in the daily dressage things that we do. In that case this wasn’t very impressive. Well yes, it could turn and wave at the same time but does it really deserve to keep going to the finals? Does she really deserve a thousand dollars for that?
And is the bit or whip necessary? Didn't think so myself.
@VeronicaEquestrian Wow clever. Sure thing. How come I can make my horse to half this stuff without either?
@VeronicaEquestrian Well, what can I say. Have fun arguing with yourself, because I'm not replying to your 'cleverclogs' comments anymore.
i agree with you. like i understand bits are necessary for things like this, even though they can be highly abusive. i get that the horse was trained with the big but he’s clearly uncomfortable. it’s really upsetting. on top of that, the whole thing was dangerous, i admit it was a creative and pretty cool idea, but dangerous nonetheless and never should’ve happened. she doesn’t really deserve a thousand dollars for something thousands of people do everyday ( and better in some cases )
Look at this video and tell me if the bit it's really necessary.
Toto miluju ❤️ viděla jsem je naživo a ten kůň se nádherný ❤️
Jj vyhrávají dressage
Jediné co mi vadí je ta věta
Koně slyší rytmus ??
"Slyší hudbu a hned začne takhle tancovat"
No jako jo dá se to ale na to že je profi jezdec tak nic moc názvy
Není to jen tím že začne hrát hudba je to o naučení a spolupráci s koněm jen tak do toho rytmu tancovat nemůže....
@@ludmilakomarkova-xo7tb no však
If she is on the wrong lead or does something wrong the judges won't even notice 🤣🤣
IKR 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Oh boy, yeah 😂
•Amelia Equestrian• probably why she’s not in a dressage competition
•Amelia Equestrian• of course they dont notice they dont probably know even what it means because This is basically americas Got talent but for czechs
That's true😂😂
Everyone saying “it’s just dressage” they seem to forget that on a stage, with bright lights and a screaming crown, is terrifying for a horse
Sarah Warwick ok. Maybe. Then again lots of horses do that. But then look, does that horse look happy ? Does he look like he’s free to choose whether he wants to do this or not ? Forcing a horse to do this does not require talent.
Well, on competitions it's almost the same. Light, many people...
So this isn't very special.
@@potatoslyrics1400 but the horse is use to a proper arena probably and I don't think I have ever seen someone riding on a stage like that and it could have gone very wrong
@@potatoslyrics1400 Buuut, remember that that is a stage, not an open arena. The stage the horse is walking on is hard and slippery, while the arena has a soft ground that helps him not to slip. That horse could have seriously threw her off the stage and then run away to hurt himself too.
Though this was a good performance, it would NEVER win a actual dressage competition. The horses moves are frisky, and you can tell the judges have never seen real dressage before. Still a amazing performance on my end.
But this is Czech not English lol
You are right, but this was also on a small stage and on quick music so ofcourse it’s different then a dressage competition and ofcourse the judges have never seen real dressage cuz they are non-equestrians
@@slayoid It doesn't change the fact that it wasn't as amazing as the judges thought lol
Don’t forget about the noise levels with the claps? On a small stage,if the horse had spooked boy that would have been a disaster though it may not have been an award winning performance it’s made me happy
Konečně tady dali díly z tohoto roku , já to prostě miluju .
anyone here speak English and didn't understand a single word? 😂
Well I speak English and Polish and the Czech language is similar to Polish so I understood a bit
But i came here just for the horse…
(Im a HUGE horse fan)
@@akliucinskaite haha same
Já koně miluji už od malička a tohle je můj favorit jen tak dál já taky jezdím ale parkur tak moc děkuji za tohle video
Upřímně jsem si taky představovala jak bych šla s koněm na pódium do Česko Slovensko má talent,ale myslela jsem si,že to by asi nešlo.
Ale ono to jde. xD
@Viktoria Lps xdf
Mám to stejne😂😂
Jáaá taky ! 😍😍😍
tak dlouho si všichni myslí že něco nejde, až se najde nějakej blbec kterej neví že to nejde a udělá to :DDD
Who else is English but watched because they love horses
Lol koľko angličanov xd
Ja sa cítim ako v množírne ;v;
Hah nevieš čo hovorím tak si to nenáš do prekladaču xd (Nemyslím to v zlom c:)
Not English but Dutch and watch beceause of the Horse beceause it’s a Friesian Horse my favorit Horse Breed and its a Dutch Horse breed
Tamzin the horse Rider meeeee
The sad thing is she’d probs not win a real dressage competition
Yeah but that's because she made a ton of mistakes and because the judges in a competition don't wanna see a rearing horse
She were actually good too bad people can't see
ROMÂNIA /⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 👌
Drezuru osobně moc nemusím, ale tenhle výstup byl fakt show a určitě respekt za odvahu dovést koníka na podium pred tolik lidi
A za odvahu no týrat?
@@fae_witch ne já vím o koních něco a vím že to co předvedla je velké týrání tak nepooucuj!
@@fae_witch to není nesmisli ale pravda ty asi o koních nic nevíš ale já vím že toho koně to dost a dost bolí a že jeto týrání tak nelži a piš až se začneš chovat hezky ke koním jinak mlc
@@fae_witch přestože bych nezvolila výraz "týrání", připadá mi to jako zcela zbytečné psychické vypětí pro koně. Dvě udidla, z toho jedny páky mi taky zrovna nekouzlí úsměv na tváři... Tím nikterak neshazuji šikovnost koníka ani jezdkyně, pro které to muselo představovat roky tréninku. Nicméně téměř žádný z pohybů nebyl pro koně přirozený a také si nemyslím, že by tato show byla pro toho fríse nějakým potěšením, já to zkrátka vnímám jako naprosto zbytečné.
Spiritka cz čo je na tom tyranie prosimťa ?
I think it is nice but then any dressage rider with a good dressage horse can participate. it is totally not special dressage you see everywhere
Chek repudlic
Soon your telling me any dressage horse can rear on commad aye
Anna G But it’s hard and the horse could do many things that not all horses can.
@Anna G agreed and the stage doesn't seem to big to me so the friesian could easily fall off stage :/
Ikr like it's not that special. It would be more impressive if she could do it bitless but even like that, it's still not something anyone else can't do.
Wow dokonce jsem byla na jedne soutezi Na koních v akci a byl tam v boxu přesně tenhle byla tam i fotka na boxu tohoto koně jak je v talentu takze superrr
Equestrians be like, wtf🤦♀️
Yes 🤦🏻♀️
I hate how people think only equestrians know about horses because I'm 12 and I know just about everything
@@evagutierrez8778 I highly doubt that. Even people like, Charlotte Dunjardin, Carl Hester or Anky van Grunsven do not know everything. Don't get me wrong I can easily understand you know a lot but it's easier if you are an equestrian because you work with a horse or horses on a daily bases
Indi VD I never said i new everything I said just about and I work with horses and no ones gonna care because I'm a kid so no one cares till I'm older
@@evagutierrez8778 🤦♀️
Tady je český komentář který hledáš :)
Dík !!!
Nádhernější ho koně jsem neviděla je úžasný moc pěkný
A very cool Video 😎 This horse is so incredible beautiful😍 Greetings from Germany 🇩🇪
Diamond Girl Ahhh jemand Deutsches hahah🙋🏼♀️😂🤗
@@paulaj21 ich auch! 😂😂❤
@@paulaj21 ich bin auch deutsch HAHAHA
@@nicolebenz9398 hsufdugu
Ich auch 😂
Beautiful Fresian How did it not get spooked? Beautiful dressage! Nice moves ;)
@Creative Life You don't know about dressage? Wow. So don't write about it! You're thinking false. Learn more about it🥰
Creative Life The horse looked perfectly calm and seemed to enjoy himself, probably knowing that he was gonna her a well deserved meal an snacks. And lots of love
@Creative Life this horse is perfectly healthy
Cos it's just like a horse show but not
@Creative Life she could have abused it to make it for that that's wat mode ppl do
Krásný fríský kůň a krásné drezurní predstavení 👍🐎❤
Who else just tapped on this because it has a horse on it;-;
Itz_Horselover 56 Me too. Horse mad AND I’m an old lady 🤪
Christina C me😍
Me :>
Me loool
Me lol
That horse is a saint for putting up with all of this bs
Je to dokonalé a moc vás obdivuji co jste dokázali♥️🐴👌
Kdo viděl Vendulku a Pietera na mezinárodní výstavě koní 2018 - já sem si ho pohladila.
This horse is not scared for something!
Sharona Hardenbol, i know, but the bit was discusting!
It's forced to do everything here so it's DISGUSTING 🙄😠
Anja Clearlight most horses actually love training in dressage
Delaney Cain everyone in their life has been forced to do something, the horses are forced to put on tack, jump, run, trot, walk, also you are forced to do things stop complaining
And I'm not scared to say, that this horse is in a dear amount of pain. Look at the mouth in the rear, simple way to see it.
Pieter je ten nejhezčí fríský kůň co jsem kdy viděla :D
Wow, můj kůň by to asi na pódiu nezvládl :D. Klobouk dolů.
Konečně něco s koňmi.... sama na koních jezdím a tohle je úchvatné💎👍
Ten pocit když ten kůň tanci lépe než ja😂😂😂😂
Jj taky🤣
Přesně 😂
Anna Kociánová To musí být smutný pocit😂😂
Anna Kociánová znám.😂😂😂
Don’t understand a word but it look so cool
Xx Emsy123 it is not cool she was ripping the horses face off, there is horse shows for a reason she only did this for fame
Ella Bell what are you on about she Don’t rip the face off
Ella Bell She was barely pulling the reins back, a Friesian’s head is not all that arched an arches more in even with the slightest tug. Even horse shows you do things for fame there, This was a talent show, of course its fame for her AND the horse.
Nikalea Smith the only thing wrong is how much he was foaming in the mouth she just needs a different bit
Avery Swierkowski Well, can’t tell her that, this was a last year video anyways. She probably change ways by now.
Závidím Vendulce jejího krásného přítele Pietera 🐴
The thing I like is that she showed everyone how amazing horse riding actually is
**in a wrong way
@@bronwynbunt5417 yep
triggered horse girls enter the comments
edit bcs half of you cant take a joke: "triggered *EQUESTRIANS* enter the comments" bloody hell.
Well lol.. I'm surprised Raleighlink14 hasn't done a video on it by now 😂. She would have a few things to say. But you know.
Miska Agility she has it was pretty interesting
Lillian O’Connor she has?😂
AgirlandherWarmbloods it wasn’t exactly just about this it was in one of her Raleigh reacts I don’t remember the name of the video
Eva Murray I'm a boy but k
Omg váv, ja milujem kone a ja jazdím na koňoch ❤❤❤❤🐴🐴🏇🐎
Jestem z Polski, a wszystko rozumiem, haha 😂 Bardzo podobny język ;)
też z Polski👌
A ja nie xD
Ja też XDD
Pora zacząć się "uczyć" i potem szpanować znajomością kilku języków ;)
Też Polska
Moderator: Good luck. The stage is yours. This way
Vdndulka: Thank you.
*on stage*
Vendulka: My name is Vendulka Sponarova. I came from Usti nad Labem.
(Performer - Vendulka 40 years old
Horse - Pieter 13 years old)
Jury1(JARO): What brings you here?
Vendulka: I love this competition. I wanted to try to compete.
Jury1(JARO): What will you show us?
Vendulka: Dressage show with horse.
Jury2(MARTA): With real horse?
Jury1(JARO): With horse? Big horse?
Vendulka: Well, the big one wouldn't fit here. But I'll show you something.
Jury3(DIANA): We are looking forward to the performance.
- performance started -
Jury4(JAKUB): So it's not a pony. The horse shines.
*performance ended*
Jury4(JAKUB): I do not know horses at all. I only know horses from "Dostihy a száky"(-Czechoslovak board game with horses similar to Monopoly)
And I only know that Narcius and Napoli are the most expensive horses (in that board game). But this horse is huge.
I've never seen a horse as big as this horse.
Jury1(JARO): You said little horse and then came out Avatar.
Jury2(MARTA): How do you make the horse move to the rhythm? Does the horse hear the rhythm?
Vendulka: Yes they do. He hears music and moves to the rhythm.
Jury4(JAKUB): We haven't seen anything like this in this show yet. YES
Jury2(MARTA): For me it's also YES
Jury1(JARO): You have four times yes
Jury2(MARTA): The horse was very nice
Já miluju koně a tohle je prostě nejlepší
A jenom tak ten kůň je vážně malý
Prostě nejlepší 🤗👌
Anyone here speak English and didn’t understand a word they said?
Anna Mitchell I speak french so you can tell anything 😂😂
Anna Mitchell I feel like that’s half the comments
I can translate
It Czech😂
I am speaking Slovak language, and she Czech, so yes, I understand 😊
I love how the horse is so attentive to the owner, especially when the people start clapping and making loud body movements.
Omgggg ten kůň je dokonalejjjjj❤️❤️❤️🤍🥰
Já miluju koně proto jedu tento rok na dva týdny na koňský tábor
Co se týče zpracování záznamu (videa) neměl by člověk posuzovat tento drezurní výstup, protože jednoduše není schopné si prohlédnout detaily a další aspekty chování a vnímání koně. Tv Prima to možná udělala takto krátké hlavně kvůli těmto lidem, kteří jsou vysazení na koně a jejich výchovu. Za další, i z tohoto krátkého záznamu jsou patřičně znát chyby, jsou ale velmi drobné a musíme brát v potaz, že jezdec a kůň byly nervózní, nové prostředí, před výstupem museli čekat hodinové fronty až se dostanou na řadu. Hraje do toho mnoho aspektů a za mě, i když mám odlišný způsob tréninku (horsemanship) a drezuře se věnuji pouze z kraje, můžu říct, "Klobouk dolů" ten pár musel na sobě dřít celé roky aby toto zvládl. Srovnávat toto z cirkusem (jak tady bylo vzneseno) je naprosto hloupé a urážlivé. Pokud nejste koňáci a neviděli jste celou show, nemůžete toho posuzovat a zkoumat. Tereza Kopecká.
PS:díky že jsi to napsala za mě
Ono to není ani tak tou nervozitou(to je i na závodech) ale spíše povrchem, samozřejmě se koni bude lépe dělat např. piaffa na písku než na takovém tvrdém povrchu...
Ano máš naprostou pravdu Pieter není žádný kůň z cirkusu, Vendulka ho má už od hřbetě a fakt spolu makaj úplně od začátku 😍🤦♀️
@@vandamelicharova9465 psala jsem ze do toho hraji roli vice aspektu. Mate pravdu s tim povrchem, na videu je to zretelne videt.
Úplně s tebou souhlasím ☺️
No mám pocit že to byl Fríský kůň neboli moje nejoblíbenější koňské plemeno no a myslím že dělali drezúru❤❤❤❤
I love horses more then anything.. but this is just dressage.. not that special for got talent..
Animal Lover37 yes, but its in a country where not many people do horse riding and certainly dont take their horses to talent shows. Thats why they look so shocked
LoL... not talented? I would love to see your horses do this😉 Narcissistic personality disorder - one of several types of personality disorders - is a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others
@@vikingdogmanship um okay?
@Emma Chance01 Grow up little girl!
Animal Lover37 this horse doesn’t speak ur fuckin language, has an own mind, probably 600 kg. Could u this? Teach the horse to *dance* with u? I dont think so. Next time shut ur fuckin mouth😘✌🏻
A very beautiful friesian horse! I just hope it was trained in a respectful way because you never know what methods people use nowdays
Well it has a sharp bit so its not being treated right. In fact, all bits a proven bad.
@@Linn.B89 Not true lmao
@@kerrifrazier9164 It's true : bits hurt horses
Anajine and Mia Suntiger- Bits can hurt horses if they aren't used right. I think they should not be used unless you are a capable rider. When I started riding I did not use a bit. Some horses are ok without them though. But, some of the stronger and more disobedient horses do require bits. You do have a point though; when bits are used right, they are useful tool to help communicate with your horse, but if they are used the wrong, then yes, they can be harmful.
@@sirisso3974 That's literally what they were talking about- but ok...
Ten koník je nádherný,miluji koně jsou nejlepší na světě.❤️❤️❤️
I don’t really know how to feel about this honestly
Who is from CZ🇨🇿?
Slovensko xD
Sk 😂😂
Já 👀🤧
Slovensko !!!!!!!!!😂
OMG tak tohle bylo fakt úžasný ❇️✳️☺️😄
Takovíto “velkej se sem nevešel” a pak tam přijde obrovzkej frísák😂❤️❤️❤️❤️
Nejlepší vystoupení v této show 😍😍😍😍😍miluju koně atak
Konečne do Česko Slovensko má talent prišiel nejaký kôň 😍😍
No teda, ten kôň má pekného avatara! Je fakt krásni
Und dann kommen die deutschen : dEr HuND wAr BeSSaaaaaa 😂😂
Und verstehen nun wir auch alles😂😂
Endlich mal jemand der sso spielt :)
@@starthunder._.sisters7290 😂😂👋
Aber eigentlich hat die doch nur gezeigt was ihr Friese kann
Eig hat sie nur dressurlektionen gezeigt und gezeigt wie man es nicht pferdefreundlich macht
Ten frísák je nádherný
I honestly don’t know how I feel about this, I mean seems cool and the judges liked it but the poor horse, this must be stressful for him doing DRESSAGE in no big riding ring? And infrount of all the people shouting and clapping. I mean you can see the poor thing, and the bit... I don’t know, he doesn’t look comfortable
Yikes ur horses must be scared at every
thing then😂
Drippy Minato honeslty they are lmao 😂
AmiEquestrian damn y’all need to train them right then
Drippy Minato actually NO, some of them have been abused with there previous owners. Also it is normal for horses to spook. They are fully trained.
AmiEquestrian just cuz they were abuse doesn’t mean they can’t be trained, if they’re easily scared then they ain’t trained right u need to make them get over the fears
Everyone keeps saying it’s “just Dressage” but those are upper level movements that take a lot of time to master and not every horse would be willing to preform them on a stage. Why can’t we just be happy for other equestrians? I feel like most people commenting that can’t do those movements 🤷🏻♀️
While that's true, many people are pointing out the lack of safety and how those judges know nothing about horses. If she was on the wrong lead the judges wouldn't care. Any dressage rider can go up there and win.
EnglishEquestrianAva she doesnt even canter lmao. Not “Any dressage rider” can do piaffes and passages, etc shown here. Especially not on a stage. A 10m canter circle would be boring. This is much more difficult than that and is a well deserved act I bet no one in this common section could come close to doing as well as her.
@@jessicawymbs She was doing the most basic dressage moves I've ever seen. But the fact is is that the judges no nothing, so that women could've done anything wrong and the judges would still be in awe. It's not fair nor is it safe.
EnglishEquestrianAva um I’m sorry but judging by your videos you’re just learning to canter so I understand you don’t know what you’re talking about but just an FYI these are actually difficult dressage moves. They’re not introduced until Intermediate II of dressage which is the level just below Grand Prix. Check your facts or you just sound ignorant lol
@@jessicawymbs Anytime I've seen people do dressage, TH-cam and shows, they do everything this girl has done. And no, I'm not just learning how to canter 😂 I've been riding for 8 years, thank you very much. And like I said, I don't really care about what moves she did up there, I'm saying how dangerous that is for horse, rider and the audience. Very irresponsible
Moje nejoblíbenější představení💜
Uniklo mi proč tu všichni píšou anglicky 😂😂😂😂
Taky vůbec netuším😅
Co je to za píseň?
Jo no🤣
@@schleichkonestories1245 zkus na to použít shazam
@@markynanas707 One Republic- Love runs out
This could of gone wrong really quickly.
Woow frisky kon
Ale naozajstna drezura je dlhsia ale super
A friske kone su jeden z najdrahsich konskych druhov na svete
99,9 % English comments
0,1 % Czech comments
What? This is show from Czech republic😂
they are split between czechs and slovaks. its czechoslovakia has talent. not czechia lol. two judges speak slovak and two speak czech
I'm from the Czech Republic and I found only ten Czech comments 😂😂😭
Ten kůň má talent 🤩
Mám moc ráda koně, a je to moc pěkné. 🥰❤️🐎
Anybody else cringing at the fact that when she did the rear she was hanging onto the reins and leaning back instead of putting less pressure on the horses mouth. That could've ended so badly
Why you write English when this is Czech
Me wondering how the horse is spooking at the clapping, other loud noises and the amount of people 👁👄👁 My horse could never 😂
The amount of desensitization for this horse must be crazy
Why you write English it's from CZECH are the people dumb this is NOT English
As an equestrian this is stupid to do this on a stage ;-;
Its a show babe,
You are totally corect
Elaaa and u shouldn’t be doing that it’s bad for there hooves
Elaaa Thats was rude. It can hurt the hooves and the horse could have easyily slipped. “Babe“
As a regular human who has regular-working brain, it is clear to me that this is a not safe environment for such animal. What if the horse spooked and ran towards the front or back? and fell of the stage. o.O
Konečně někdo ukázal talent s koňmi
omg kone su moje najoblubenejšie zviera su cute a tento krasny frizak
"Ahoj všichni! Jmenuju sa Pietro a jsem profesionálnej tanečník. Přišel jsem vám předvést tanec s člověkem." 🐴🐎🏇
Oh my golly goodness THAT IS ONE BEAUTIFUL HORSE
and a horse in dear pain... someone help the world now
To je to nejlepší vistoupení co tam bylo protože koně miluju a taky jednoho na kterým jezdím mám a jmenuje se JURÁŠEK a je bílej z černýma tečkama na sobě
Wau! Super! Milujem kone!
Wow The horse is so beautiful 😍😘😂♥️💕
and in pain*
I love horses this is one of my fav videos!!!
I don’t think a horse should be on a stage it could be dangerous
I agree! He could be easily spooked by noises lights etc. Very stressful for both horse and rider 😠
I like how everybody "knows" evetything
If you would just look up her name, you would see her making shows with her horse
I agree!
i was thinking the same thing. In a trick riding audition in america they had the riders outside in a big arena like they would anywhere else. They should really do this in other places so more equine auditions can be allowed into the shows.
Je to fríský kůň a prej : ,, Velký by se sem nevešel , " . Jinak super .
On není tak velký
Ona myslela veľký ako obor xd
I'm an equestrian, and I was kinda disappointed that it was just dressage. She also pulled pretty hard to make the horse rear.
Anybody notice the Friesian was sparkly?
Just buy glitter spray and spray it on your horse, not that hard to get a horse sparkly
''Koňáci'' co zde rypete, chtěla bych vidět vás jak na takhle málem prostoru v absolutně neobvyklém a stresovem prostředí pro oba predvedete vše dokonale jako na obdélníku ;)
Poznatek z komentářů: většina lidí ze zahraničí co se k tomuhle videu dostali náhodou z toho vystoupení pomalu dělají týrání.
Ja ako milovník a jazdkyna na konoch musim povedat ze to bolo prefektne
Ten kůň tančí lépe než já 😁😁😀😎😃
A já tančím lépe než ten kůň
@@abaabaja834 xD prostě kidi no 😂
já na koni jezdím a tohle je úžasné
Kdo má rád koně like🐎🐎🐎🐎
Nádherný frís a taky to muselo dát hodně práce a trpělivosti . Zlatý bzučák by byl super ale ten konik by se asi splašil
Denisa Bohutinska Trénuje to s ním od 11 měsíců, kdy si ho dovezla z Holandska
@@leaskywalker8585 A má instagram ?
Tu je slovensky komentár ktorý hľadáš :)
Vendulka a Pieter jsou super : )
Tá hudba sa k tomu hodí
Ahojte moc vám to jde a byla jsem i v lysí nad Labem a vyfotila jsem se s nim
Anyone watching this like a year later?
I love seeing people bring out the talent in horses on these shows but I am sad to see they are surprised with the horses dressage I have seen much better performances.