It's great to see you back! I've been spending a very long time on a massive foxhole video, I hope it'll be out in the next few weeks, dedicating all my time to it.
It really is, I want to move to doing other videos and keep practicing my editing skills, a big goal just incase people really enjoy the foxhole content.
Pretty good vid. I usually fight at mercy’s wish bc it is a constant struggle at the bridge for most of the war unless either side does a large push and takes it. Just saying you will probably not be seeing mercy’s wish as blue unless wardens are about to win the war bc collies make sure it is held unless they are losing.
Please stop posting videos like this, it’s too realistic. This is exactly what the Vietnam war was like, it’s giving my grandfather PTSD flashbacks. He keeps screaming things like, “CHEA NO YOU’LL GET US ALL KILLED” and crying. Thanks
Little tip on the editing side of this vid, make the music quieter so we can hear your voice more clearly and its best not to use music that has lyrics
Really you don't think small actions probably don't make much of a difference but collective, coordinated action assuming ones faction has the most players could change the outcome sure!!!
3:26 what a soldier would rather go out with the tank than be captured by filthy wardens
colonials live in mud like pigs! Whos the filthy one😄
3:26 what a soldier would rather go out with the tank than be captured by filthy wardens
Guys I swear, I was playing bad for entertainment purposes.
hey buddy think you should stick to civ
3:28 THIS IS -SPARTA- MERCY *tank falls off cliff*
Great video. Great 1st song. True fighting song. Slàinte!
It's great to see you back! I've been spending a very long time on a massive foxhole video, I hope it'll be out in the next few weeks, dedicating all my time to it.
That logi into the mine field was diabolical 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I didn't want to take the road because of partisans 😂
I LOVE LOCH MOR!!! for real one of the most fun maps, two seaports, a great bridge, and fun beach assaults no matter who holds which relic base
ps first map for me when i bough t game :)
this is the most inspirational video on the entire internet. FIGHT FOR MERCY!!!
Mercy will be held!
Loving the content, keep it up🤙
great video, however the actual training operation is tomorow 😉 i hope to see more foxhole in the future, lets get those 500 likes
I fight for mercy when your with me 😩
wowie this video really got me going
Fun video that mine field screwd you hard. Ambitious to ask for 500 likes!
It really is, I want to move to doing other videos and keep practicing my editing skills, a big goal just incase people really enjoy the foxhole content.
Pretty good vid. I usually fight at mercy’s wish bc it is a constant struggle at the bridge for most of the war unless either side does a large push and takes it. Just saying you will probably not be seeing mercy’s wish as blue unless wardens are about to win the war bc collies make sure it is held unless they are losing.
Thanks! Yeah, its really seems like a Sisyphus simulator
i use your videos as goon audio
peace bruh
I'm highly amused
Please stop posting videos like this, it’s too realistic. This is exactly what the Vietnam war was like, it’s giving my grandfather PTSD flashbacks. He keeps screaming things like, “CHEA NO YOU’LL GET US ALL KILLED” and crying. Thanks
I’ve been fighting here the past few days as a colonial 😂
I might've seen you on the frontlines then haha
Little tip on the editing side of this vid, make the music quieter so we can hear your voice more clearly and its best not to use music that has lyrics
Thanks! I'll definitely do that next time
is this ragebait?
of course
music a bit to loud
Definitely is at some parts, I accidentally had my microphone output setting really low on some of the footage.
Really you don't think small actions probably don't make much of a difference but collective, coordinated action assuming ones faction has the most players could change the outcome sure!!!