15:16 "First of all, the military exists." Guys, this was not me saying hazing is okay because it's done in the military. I was saying that the training people go through in the military could be considered relentless teasing and abuse. They are shouted at by drill sergeants and put through lots of mentally and physically stressful situations, sometimes literally conditioning their minds and bodies to take abuse because they could experience it in the actual field. So yes, there exists an environment where people are rejected if they can't endure in this manner.
Yep! After going through recruit training on PI I can say your spot on. They break you down and build you up to be the best you can be before going to ITB and your MOS school. Some people say it's hazing, and in some cases it's true, but the training is ment to be tough.
As someone from the military who both participated in and endured hazing, it's 100% something meant to build character and camaraderie, and is a good thing. And it gives the ones undergoing the hazing something to look forward to: when they are on the other side of it in the future
"If you can disguise relinquishing freedom as relinquishing responsibility, more people will be willing to comply." is probably the smartest axiom I've ever heard.
And it's technically true! Hell you don't even have to get into cults, that's why people at rock bottom might join the army or deliberately go to prison. as King of the Hill told us, the only real difference is how many compartments the lunch trays have.
To me, Dale, knowing about the sorority house, doesn't seem like luck. Considering how much of a conspiracy theorist he is. It makes sense that he's skeptical of everything to that degree.
That's what I got out of that too. Its just that he has a record for being 50/50 on reliability instead of 80/20 which is probably why Hank didn't consider talking about it till then.
Lmfao. The waaay better joke would be. Hey, Yal with the cult? Were not a cult. Were an organization dedicated to the lord jesus-- Yeah, this is it. DnD has is like a fire cracker Church is the Nuke.
TH-cam for some reason is not letting me reply to this about how rather than friendships, women just have a herd to be in. Perhaps changing the wording...
I decided to watch this episode with my little sister when she was like 16 but I played the end credits scene with Buck for her first, and then began the episode without telling her how the episode could possibly explain why that scene happened. It was really fun watching her try to connect the dots.
I think there's enough difference between "you look handsome" and "I like Jeff Gordon because he looks handsome" to justify the completely different responses.
@Based_Gigachad_001I suppose it's the difrence of "you've achieved Handsomness" and "he's handsome no matter what." Especially since it was a Date Night, so Hank might be a bit more self conscious about his looks. This is pure Conjecture though.
Well, Hank has an unhealthy admiration for Buck Strickland, so it makes sense that he’d accept a compliment like that from him. Let’s not forget Hank had also told him “I love you” at some point, even though he took it back afterwards. As for Bobby, for a male child to say that he likes another male for the mere fact that “he’s handsome”, it would, as Hank said, imply that he’s not right.
Yeah, this episode could've been a great idea for a movie. A college girl trying to fit in, get accepted into a cult. But then tries to escape from the ranch. I give it 4 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Fun fact Positive negative reinforcement and punishment are 3 separate things in psychology Positive is rewarding a behaviour, negative is removing something bad for a behaviour and punishment is punishment
additive and subtractive reinforcement additive and subtractive punishment I was taught it that way because people usually assume positive and negative are describing something as "good" or "bad" when the terms are meant to represent adding or removing a stimulus or a condition. As well as differentiating between punishment and reinforcement. Punishment meant to cease an undesired response and reinforcement to encourage a desired response.
again, it's a misnomer to believe that "positive" or "negative" have anything to do with the type of stimulus. For example, a spanking is technically positive punishment. You are adding a stimulus to discourage a behavior Giving a time out would be an example of negative punishment, you are removing a stimulus (like playtime etc.) to discourage a behavior. Giving a gold star or some other kind of token reward system is positive reinforcement, adding a stimulus to encourage a behavior. Negative Reinforcement is a bit trickier to explain. Remove a stimulus to encourage a behavior. Something similar to early parole for good behavior. Physically hurting someone could be part of positive punishment or positive reinforcement depending on the context.
In all honesty, I always thought the guys deserved it when the emu attacked them. Because that's what they get for falling for the emu's majestic charm, Like Hank said they should've just killed the birds when they had the chance.
Still, wouldn't that be illegal and animal cruelty? Kinda one of Bucks' lowest points in the show and him getting pecked by them birds was always satisfying lol.
@@animefan2454 Actually, Here in the states some people own Emu and even Ostrich as either pets or livestock (Mostly livestock) I mean that's why Hank got the idea to tell Buck that he had the Emu butchered because there is actually a market for Emu meat and even Emu eggs. However, Since Buck was involved in a pyramid scheme and lost his money. I guess you could say that Buck was committing a crime since he only wanted the Emu dead for the insurance money.
Ooooh I never made that connection with the emu storyline! It's a metaphor for cults too, which makes it way more appropiate for this episode. I always thought it was a random side-plot
They were actually sleeper agents from the Emu war in Australia. Specially trained infiltration Emus. Thats why they fell for their majestic charm, those Emus trained for years to charm locals as to not draw negative attention.....luling everyone in to a false sense of security before they strike.
I think the reason they revealed the danger so soon is that this is a comedy, not a drama. The dramatic Irony of Luanne not knowing shes in a cult is where the humor is being milled from. We know shes in Danger, the Cult Knows, but she doesn't and the disconnect is funny.
What's strange to me about this is that Dale knows it's a cult and the others believe him. Dale has said so much weird stuff over the years it's a wonder they bought it.
If Dale said it out of context, Hank would have ignored it. But given there was plenty evidence in plain sight, it was the final piece to fall in place for Hank to realize what is what.
This episode on paper sounds like it has detached a and b plots but found a great way to conclude it all. Those emus are tough. They took down an entire country of Australias
Honestly the idea of a cult that kidnaps college girls is a really great concept for a show or a movie. It could be like office space but for college kids
Both fraternities and sororities have been known to do hazing; that being said, most colleges won't tolerate it anymore. Pledges in both types of organizations have died in the name of either making it through a hazing ritual, or trying to get out of having to endure it. It depends on the organization and the ones in charge of the actual pledge process.
The irony that the way they tightly control and ban it is exactly as bad, for the exact same reasons. They didn't enjoy the competition, they wanted to indoctrinate the students in more focused ways.
Not gonna lie, the story of "Lu And Anne" is both cute and sad when you realized that Luanne's wishes her own parents had a better love story. Thank goodness for Lucky and Gracie.
"It aint over till the fat neighbor sings" is another great episode about a cult like group. I'd love to see you cover it, especially since it has the best Dale rant ever. RIP Johnny Hardwick.
Since when is hazing considered the same as "Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra"? Even if hazing doesn't get someone killed, people shouldn't have to put up with obvious BS just to join a shared living space.
Love the TNG reference of the guy who played the magic mirror in the Charmings. I thought the whole hazing thing was stupid with fraternities so I never had interest in joining one.
@vulpixle9659 pretty sure hazing rituals have been banned on a lot of campuses, at least I remember hearing about different places banning them when I was growing up
The exchange with Hank asking if the women were with the cult and as she’s saying what they are he just goes “This is it” is something I always laugh hard at whenever I see it. Probably laugh harder than I should. Keep up the great work Shady, hope you’re doing well. Take care!
Life has enough negative experiences without engineering any more to bring people together. I watched a loved one die of cancer; I don't need to be spanked while reciting the alphabet backwards.
that's what im saying. i normally like Shadys takes but this one is a big no and the idea of having someone be abused and humiliated in order to be a part of something just sounds like a cult on its own
i think that like lodges and guilds (which also tend to get into very culty or at least OCcult stuff), fraternities once served an important purpose, and it's only after decades of decline that they've become something monstrous.
I don’t think he was trying to say hazing was a good thing. I feel like what he meant was that hazing is often used with the excuse of toughening people up when it doesn’t.
I really like this episode because it touches on a serious debate about whether sororities/fraternities are a good or bad thing. Personally, I’m against them simply because of the nature. How many parents would be okay with learning that their child had been subjected to being locked in the closet or being malnourished by others? Let’s not forget the many individuals who have died from hazing incidents. It’s one thing that the military subjects you to dire circumstances because they’re building you into a soldier. But a sorority/fraternity is supposed to promote brotherhood/sisterhood in a healthy way. It’s supposed to be a safe and welcoming environment where people can come together and share a positive outlook and help one another succeed. What those girls were doing to Luanne is nothing more than abuse. And people wonder why we have a mental health crisis in our country.
You DO know that the Omegas were unique in that they were ACTUALLY a cult, right? Most fraternites/soroties are not like this, speaking as a guy who was part of one in college.
i think there are several distinct units at play here the acts in question, whether they be harmful or harmless, and the groupthink that forces an individual to line up with the group, down to following their rituals to prove their dedication. thaaaat is what's kinda dangerous all the time.
One thing i have to hand to just about every cult represented in media (even children's cartoons) is how they get the manipulation tactics and brainwashing right.
@thechancan5254 scientology in South park ( Blaintogoly was a spoof of it in one episode that actually showed it) and the simpsons episode where a cult came to Springfield and the one MLP FIM episode the cutie map.
Don't drink the Kool aid...and Luanne is fucking hilarious but the fact they couldn't fight against the emu's makes me laugh like when I read about the great emu war in aussiland.
Most people know to not to drink the Kool Aid. Unfortunately, those administrating it are usually smart enough to hide the fact that they’re giving you Kool Aid, or at the very least make it seem appealing.
No, surviving negative experiences doesn't build character, it breaks character. If someone can recover and become a better person it wasn't the painful experience that made them better it's that they had the willpower or support system to take a lesson from it and improve. Painful or torturous experiences are as likely to leave someone less than when they started and even if they recover they may be missing a piece of themselves or carry trauma that hurts them. "character building" can be useful when it has a point but hurting someone then saying "it builds character" as a defence for abuse has always felt wrong to me. While I haven't been crippled by such experiences much I have been through so called "character building experiences" and come out hurting and weakened and not able to build myself back up to where I was before that for ages, sometimes years where I was a weaker, lesser and more fragile person than before and even when I recovered I still felt a piece of myself missing.
Yeah, and the whole "first of all, the military exists" point Shady makes is also ironic because second of all, PTSD is a damn thing in the military too. Especially when, in America, a great deal of war-experienced veterans don't exactly have the exceptional support system they should be having, mental health for one, when readjusting into civilian life. If they don't just simply get hazed when they're entering the military to be the invulnerable warriors they're conditioned to be, then they're hazed by their off-duty military contemporaries for being giant pussies for not coping upon returning to a normal life*. I seem to recall there (was) a sizable number people who subscribe to a certain political figure's rhetoric that they don't believe in supporting "losers" in the military after all. EDIT: *Hell, I just remember there's a whole KOTH episode about that with the Vietnam veterans and Cotton's WWII posse.
@@OKeijiDragon Right?! I was blown away, imagine looking at literal actual textbook self-described -indoctrination- and trying to describe it as 'building character'. I grew up in the military. Due to my locale, a great number of my friends and loved ones are former military. I'm aghast that someone with no concept of how these institutions affect people would just waltz out and go "actually guys, trauma-bonding is good for you". Shady. C'mon. I respect you too much to let you shoot your mouth off in such a stupid way.
It varies. Think of it like muscles. Training your muscles is really just inflicting damage through stress so they recover stronger. However if you damage your muscles too much and/or don't allow them to recover it becomes just plain damaging your muscles.
yeah, i like Shadys videos but i disagree big time with his take. you know what "character" i got forced on me? trauma, cynical, social anxiety, depression, cowardice, self-hatred, and used to be just hate in general. before my "character building" i was outgoing, brave, proud, felt like i could do anything if i put my mind to it, hopeful, other things i cant find the words too and happy ,what's wrong with that? i was freaking happy, and im supposed to believe this new version of me is better? screw that i want the old be back, my life would be so different, so many opportunities and experiences i never got the chance to have all because of "character building". i try to force myself to go back to the way i was but i just cant, its like you said a piece of myself is missing, and just wont come back. actual character building only works if it comes natural like and your able to beat or overcome it not just barely survive it
@@OKeijiDragon The PTSD among veterans does not in fact disprove Shady's point. Really you are outright insulting those people to compare the experiences they went through to being hazed by a drill surgernt. You just basically used people who were traumatized by things like isolation and seeing their comrades die to say being yelled at is bad. Get the f*ck out of here.
I like how the emus first instinct after escape was to take their revenge after Buck. Like they fully understood that they were planned on being murdered
I'll give the excuse foe this episode that Dale would know about any local cults in his area. He's a hige conspiracy theorist, so he probably could've found out about the cult
Hank: You joke around _in public_ like that. The important part is in public. He's worried about people thinking he's gay, if he said it in private, as compliment to Hank in a sharp suit, he'd be way more accepting I think.
If surviving anything builds character, then let the hazers build character too, not just their victims. "But the hazers already got hazed at some point." So what, wouldn't enduring it all together forge stronger bonds? Is there some sort of risk of building too much character? I for one would never trust anyone with the mindset that having been tormented means it's their turn to do it to someone else.
Hazing in the military is a seriously bad problem and needs to be stamped out. Also persevering through negative experiences does indeed build strong bonds but not when the person you're supposed to be building a bond with is the one causing the negative experiences. Hazing has no positive to it.
@@dylanbroome7915 Hazing is a practice where applicants to an organization are made to go through difficult, painful, and humiliating challenges before they're welcomed in. It typically bonds the "pledges" together through shared suffering and makes them more loyal to the organization because they paid a price to join. Some fraternities started taking things too far and people who don't like the idea of being excluded from groups latched onto that as an excuse to condemn all hazing.
@@MrDj232 So the people who have been killed because of hazing. What strong bond are they forming? How about the women who have been sexually assaulted? You're gonna trying to justify hazing to that degree?
Fraternities and Sororities can be dangerous in their own way. There have been past incidents of hazing, alcohol abuse, deaths, etc. Although Luanne is an adult, one would think Hank and Peggy would want Luanne to concentrate on studies.
Hazing is, or was, common among sororities, the military, fraternities, sports teams, and even scouts. Hazing is meant to be a team bonding experience through shared struggle or hardship. Though what people consider "hazing" changed along the way, and then even more so with its downright criminal and malicious portrayal in popular media. In a similiar way to how "pranks" have changed in the public zeitgeist from harmless jokes played on another to... things that you get shot for. 😒
@@fudgen.a1249 first of all, no. secondly, this isn't an example of that. this makes things incoherent. and it's nowt to do with words, they're changing the _actions_ and neglecting to rename them.
I think this episode does a great job at showing how a cult (or any kind of ill-intentioned gathering like gangs or religious groups) can swoop in when you're vulnerable and at a low point. Lisa-Jane noticed Luanne drinking alone and immediately tried playing to her fresh wounds by sweet-talking her with "compliments" (if that's really considered a compliment) and then offered her a position at their sorority because Luanne wanted to feel like she belonged somewhere.
@@radagast7200 It's kiiiiinda like that? I think love-bombing is (if you can believe it) even more over-the-top than just sweet-talking someone. Love-bombing is more like when you overly shower someone with affection after doing something wrong. This is more on the side of just manipulation.
That’s what happened to my dad. Some lady pestered him for years to join her religion until she finally got to him at his lowest point and suddenly it was god’s plan that she “just so happened” to meet him at the right (wrong) time. Now he firmly believes that god led him to her when he needed her most
@@MatecaCorphow do you know it wasn't God's plan? If he is happier, and doing better than he was, then what's the harm? God does help us in times where we are at our lowest, and sometimes we have to be at our lowest to find humility to accept God's will in our lives. This episode isn't mocking religion in general you know, only groups that deliberately exploit or abuse you.
To add on the whole Pleasure Island. It's bad that there are more girls working for the Jam company. That didn't get saved and these girls in the video were the latest batch. There could even be multiple sororities around doing the same thing.
I personally don't think it's a jam company I think it's just a front for human trafficking think about they have top lawyers on standby by selling jams and jellies on the side of the road
Oh man, I saw this video go up a few days ago and was looking forward to it the whole time, I just didn't have any time to because I knew I wanted to sit down and give it my full attention.This is probably my favorite episode of King of the Hill just because I think it has one of the best B-Plots in the whole show. It's either this or a toss up with when the boys get thrown in the mental asylum. Just the scene of Hank standing alone in the alley looking back and forth wondering where everybody is gets me every time. Great video as usual.
This episode is the first time I saw like a realistic depiction of a cult as a kid because before that it was always magic or technology based mind control or a supervillain with super charisma talking people into doing what they wanted. I was really frightened and confused that you could do something like they did and control people like that.
Im not sure if i agree with the statement of successfully surviving any negative experience builds character. That is a rather absolute statement and I am certain that there are certain things that someone can 'Successfully" survive from that leave people more scared and broken. People can move past them and be ok, but I don't think that every negative thing you can walk away from makes you a better person. Though I guess that comes down to what someone considers successfully surviving a situation.
An experience building character doesn't mean the experience was worth going through. I would never wish for a child to be abused even if the experience would build character because there's WAY more negative than positive.
@@ShadyDoorags I can get that. Sorry if I sound like a contrarian. Its just the statement sounded like an absolute to me and I had concerns. I've only recently found your channel and I've been binging your videos.
@@ShadyDoorags Oh now I understand you better. It will definitely put something into the wallet of your character, it just might not be a profitable exchange. yeah that makes sense. man, where were you when I was trying to discuss avoiding discomfort vs deliberately inflicting it on yourself with my dad
“Excuse me, are ya’ll with the cult?” “We’re not a cult! We’re an organisation that promotes love and-“ “Yup, this is it” When this is the default reaction by a guy who couldn’t tell his son’s boss just wasn’t right you KNOW you’re that obvious 😅😅😅 Thanks for another awesome video Shady and go hug your furbabies all 💙🐱💙
Thank you, Shady, for giving me such good pointers on how to start my own cult. Now if you excuse me, I need to look at South American farmland prices.
And people wonder why I don't like the Pinocchio movie. My heart breaks for those boys who never got free 20:50 Anyone ever tell you that you sound like a mix of nightwing and justice league flash when you say "Come on.. You can do it... Kingdom in the forest, remember?"
also feel hank would accepted it only because he has grown more as a character...so can see it as some character development of him accapting a guy can say to another guy they look good without it sounding you know.
Gonna disagree. Surviving certain hardships doesn't always build character. Trauma sucks. Ask any of the victims where "hazing" crossed all ethical and legal boundaries.
The cult aspect is SUPER accelerated in this episode. It would usually take several months to reach the hunger thing, and Luann's actions are more realistic as a result. Basically, the cult is terrible at culting.
I am so happy you've covered this episode. The Emu story is my favorite part of King of the Hill just for how funny it is to me, every joke with the emus tickles me.
Just FYI negative reinforcement is not punishing someone for doing something you don’t like. Negative reinforcement is adding a not so enjoyable stimulation and taking it away when they comply, for an example the annoying chiming your car does until you put your seatbelt on is negative reinforcement
This episode is a lot creepier the more you think about it what if the jam and jelly thing is just a front for a human trafficking ring one thing that makes me think that is because its all collage girls with some potentially being 17 or 18 at the youngest those are prime targets for cults like with that one the actress who played chloe in smallvill was in it also makes more sense how they will be able to have top lawyers for a cult that just has a sorority sell jam and jellys on the side of the road also one thing that raises the question is does the collage know about it or is it being paid to keep things hush-hush and i really gotta lay off the true crime videos
If they can afford the best lawyers, they can afford hush money for the school. And I have a hard time believing they're getting all that money from jams and jellies.
“If you don’t love sausage, as much as we do…then YOU can go plow the SAUERKRAUT field then!” Sororities/Fraternities and Cults are practically the same.
Fun fact, a LOT of the basic tactics that cults use -as mentioned here- are actually used by the military during Basic and Advanced individual training to make people work better as units.
Honestly, this episode was kinda dark when ya think about. The cult wasn't really disbanded and seemed still at large, and some of those women seemed to still be prisoners at the jam and jelly farm. Also kinda odd how the collage didn't seem to find it odd that some of their female student's where going missing and how the cult house still functions without anyone noticing.
Believe me, a white Appalachian who grows his hair and beard out simply because I see hair as a sign of freedom and pack on my giant 6'1 wide shouldered build. I have been harassed by cops and upper class people my whole life, people tell me I look like a drug addict or a mugger. Cops have even stalked me for 4 hours when I was simply in the movie theater.... Just because I am a lower class Appalachian who looks like a caveman freshly thawed out and drives a van doesn't mean I'm a drug dealer, mugger, kidnapper or a killer. I'm just a dooms day prepper. 😂
@@grendel8342 wait when? The only time I can think of that is when she was out on the road selling stuff out of a basket, but he didn't say anything about drugs.
@@KairuHakubi when Luanne first meets one of the Jane's and she says something about it was great that she wasn't trying to sell her drugs. Making an assumption based solely on her appearance. Shady makes a joke about it not being insulting to white people.
@@grendel8342 OH oh oh okay, that part. Yeah I see what you're saying now lol. But of course, he jokingly meant "upper class people" who indeed that isn't an insult for. Everybody knows high and low class people come in all the colors. just not quite in the same proportions. and class isn't everything, but it's still something that'll make me lock my car extra carefully depending on the neighborhood.
I liked how Luanne had a way to remember her name, and thus foreshadowing Jane and Jane forgetting their names. If you want it darker, Chip 'n' Dale's Rescue Rangers had a cult episode which dropped "the Japanese yoga cult".
I mean...was it like Aum Shinrikyo? I seem to recall the joke was more that it was a cargo cult in a sense, the mice didn't know any better and just formed a religion around something they found (kind of like an American Dad episode from a few years ago, which involved an island that apparently had weird magnetic stuff going on and there was a commercial for Gold Top Nuts, which the family then created a pseudo religion of sorts around while they were trapped)
@@ToHoldNothing Yeah, they referenced Aum Shinrikyo in 1989. This will not bite them in the ass years later when Aum Shinrikyo's leader starts ordering his followers to murder his enemies.
15:16 "First of all, the military exists."
Guys, this was not me saying hazing is okay because it's done in the military. I was saying that the training people go through in the military could be considered relentless teasing and abuse. They are shouted at by drill sergeants and put through lots of mentally and physically stressful situations, sometimes literally conditioning their minds and bodies to take abuse because they could experience it in the actual field.
So yes, there exists an environment where people are rejected if they can't endure in this manner.
Yep! After going through recruit training on PI I can say your spot on. They break you down and build you up to be the best you can be before going to ITB and your MOS school. Some people say it's hazing, and in some cases it's true, but the training is ment to be tough.
Just for anyone who checks the timestamp in this comment and is confused, it's because the correct timestamp for when he said what he said is 15:22.
Thank you for clarifying.
@@bradgamer9534 My bad. I fixed it.
As someone from the military who both participated in and endured hazing, it's 100% something meant to build character and camaraderie, and is a good thing. And it gives the ones undergoing the hazing something to look forward to: when they are on the other side of it in the future
"If you can disguise relinquishing freedom as relinquishing responsibility, more people will be willing to comply." is probably the smartest axiom I've ever heard.
And it's technically true! Hell you don't even have to get into cults, that's why people at rock bottom might join the army or deliberately go to prison. as King of the Hill told us, the only real difference is how many compartments the lunch trays have.
Lockdowns can confirm lol
Came down to the comments to say the same thing. I don't think I've ever heard that concept in such an elegant but concise way.
Omg and you don't even have to wrap it in a bow. SOLD!
Welcome to the modern Democratic party.
To me, Dale, knowing about the sorority house, doesn't seem like luck. Considering how much of a conspiracy theorist he is. It makes sense that he's skeptical of everything to that degree.
Well, he also says he sprayed there.
@@lainiwakura1776And got paid in jams and jellies
@@MASTEROFEVIL To be fair I bet Dale would be the only exterminator willing to be paid in Jams and Jellies.
It's flashbacks to jimmy wichard
That's what I got out of that too. Its just that he has a record for being 50/50 on reliability instead of 80/20 which is probably why Hank didn't consider talking about it till then.
Emu’s defeated Australia, what chance did those four have.
Australia once attacked itself over schnops...
If only Bill did pet everything like an idiot.
Hank Hill hasn't ascended to his final form. Hank KILL yet
Four rednecks of the apocalypse VS 725,000 Australian Emus
“Are y’all with the cult?” Freaking iconic.
Hank: And no, you are not "tripping". That is an emu.
Since they're on a college campus, I'd believe that
Best part, in my opinion.🤭
Me when I pull up to Joseph Seed's compound in a helicopter
One of the few if not the only episode where Buck's criminality comes back to bite him...pretty much literally.
" If your sorority has to sell jelly to buy beer you're drinking too much" lmao
Yet another misguided but wholesome moment. Gonna be honest, I'm not Hanks bigest fan but I do enjoy MOST of his episodes
"Excuse me. Are y’all with the cult?"
"We're not a cult. We just play Dungeons and Drag-."
"Yeah, this is it."
People in the '70s
@@skabogatoXVIII And the early to mid 80s
The waaay better joke would be.
Hey, Yal with the cult?
Were not a cult. Were an organization dedicated to the lord jesus--
Yeah, this is it.
DnD has is like a fire cracker
Church is the Nuke.
I know right? Ridiculous.
Now if you dont mind me, Ill get back to my Fiend Warlock devil summoner.
@@WarDragonOfTheLight If you haven't yet, a Warforged Monk is the funniest thing to do.
"Is that one laughing at me? No hes just being majestic" Got me so good🤣
It's his tone that gets me. You can really feel how disappointed Dale is that he can't justify shooting any of them! Makes me laugh every time.
@@tetsuo3k More people should be like Dale and think twice before doing something irrational😂
Dale always has the best lines!😂
I think it's more that Peggy doesn't view Minh as a friend and instead tolerates her because Bobby is in love with Connie
women don't really _have_ friends. they have a herd.
Minh and Peggy are friends, you see them and Nancy all hanging out together.
😂 Oh god that's a interesting theory
Women don't have friends, they have herds.
TH-cam for some reason is not letting me reply to this about how rather than friendships, women just have a herd to be in. Perhaps changing the wording...
I decided to watch this episode with my little sister when she was like 16 but I played the end credits scene with Buck for her first, and then began the episode without telling her how the episode could possibly explain why that scene happened. It was really fun watching her try to connect the dots.
That sounds absolutely hilarious. 😂
I thought you meant the credits were the emus are just hanging in the alley like Hank and the boys 😂
I think there's enough difference between "you look handsome" and "I like Jeff Gordon because he looks handsome" to justify the completely different responses.
@Based_Gigachad_001I suppose it's the difrence of "you've achieved Handsomness" and "he's handsome no matter what." Especially since it was a Date Night, so Hank might be a bit more self conscious about his looks. This is pure Conjecture though.
Well, Hank has an unhealthy admiration for Buck Strickland, so it makes sense that he’d accept a compliment like that from him. Let’s not forget Hank had also told him “I love you” at some point, even though he took it back afterwards. As for Bobby, for a male child to say that he likes another male for the mere fact that “he’s handsome”, it would, as Hank said, imply that he’s not right.
You could also argue that because it’s his boss and not his son?
Eh, depends on how you see it
@@stephensmith7327also Hank and the guys don’t like Jeff Gordon
Honestly there’s a good movie to be had with the idea that there’s a cult that kidnaps college girls and turn them into jam and jelly workers.
Colleges (or at least Sororities/Fraternities), Cults, practically one in the same. 😉
Yeah, this episode could've been a great idea for a movie. A college girl trying to fit in, get accepted into a cult. But then tries to escape from the ranch. I give it 4 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
@@princessmarlena1359 boy i miss when that was just a joke...
Great to see you here @KittyMonk ! I watch your vids alot!
@@KairuHakubi me too 😅
Fun fact
Positive negative reinforcement and punishment are 3 separate things in psychology
Positive is rewarding a behaviour, negative is removing something bad for a behaviour and punishment is punishment
additive and subtractive reinforcement
additive and subtractive punishment
I was taught it that way because people usually assume positive and negative are describing something as "good" or "bad" when the terms are meant to represent adding or removing a stimulus or a condition. As well as differentiating between punishment and reinforcement. Punishment meant to cease an undesired response and reinforcement to encourage a desired response.
@@emerald8274that’s basically how i look at it, but I never had a name
Positive- giving something you like
Negative-taking away something you like
Punishment-giving you something you don't like.
Pavlovian conditioning.
again, it's a misnomer to believe that "positive" or "negative" have anything to do with the type of stimulus.
For example,
a spanking is technically positive punishment. You are adding a stimulus to discourage a behavior
Giving a time out would be an example of negative punishment, you are removing a stimulus (like playtime etc.) to discourage a behavior.
Giving a gold star or some other kind of token reward system is positive reinforcement, adding a stimulus to encourage a behavior.
Negative Reinforcement is a bit trickier to explain. Remove a stimulus to encourage a behavior. Something similar to early parole for good behavior.
Physically hurting someone could be part of positive punishment or positive reinforcement depending on the context.
In all honesty, I always thought the guys deserved it when the emu attacked them. Because that's what they get for falling for the emu's majestic charm, Like Hank said they should've just killed the birds when they had the chance.
Still, wouldn't that be illegal and animal cruelty? Kinda one of Bucks' lowest points in the show and him getting pecked by them birds was always satisfying lol.
@@animefan2454 Actually, Here in the states some people own Emu and even Ostrich as either pets or livestock (Mostly livestock) I mean that's why Hank got the idea to tell Buck that he had the Emu butchered because there is actually a market for Emu meat and even Emu eggs.
However, Since Buck was involved in a pyramid scheme and lost his money. I guess you could say that Buck was committing a crime since he only wanted the Emu dead for the insurance money.
The attack always gave me Jurassic Park vibes
Ooooh I never made that connection with the emu storyline! It's a metaphor for cults too, which makes it way more appropiate for this episode. I always thought it was a random side-plot
They were actually sleeper agents from the Emu war in Australia. Specially trained infiltration Emus. Thats why they fell for their majestic charm, those Emus trained for years to charm locals as to not draw negative attention.....luling everyone in to a false sense of security before they strike.
Is it bad that I watched this episode a few nights ago and kept thinking “I wonder what shady is gonna say about it?”
It's not bad, it's prophetic
Oh hey, cool to see another of my favorite YT analysists here!
Wasn't expecting to see you here
Kitty monk. 🙂
Hey, you! I thought “If Kitty doesn’t cover this episode, I bet Shady will!”
Literally watched it about a week ago and said the same thing
I think the reason they revealed the danger so soon is that this is a comedy, not a drama. The dramatic Irony of Luanne not knowing shes in a cult is where the humor is being milled from. We know shes in Danger, the Cult Knows, but she doesn't and the disconnect is funny.
Shady clearly doesn't understand dramatic irony.
@@jdrvargo287 I'm sure he understands dramatic irony, but values mystery more.
@@DoctorPhileasFraggwhich can hinder you a bit if you value a genre a bit too much
Just a small mistake anyway. No big deal
Remember, this is the last time we see the emus.
Those emus are still out there.
I mean I'm pretty sure there are wild emus in Texas. Maybe this is a nod to that.
But we do see Buck again, so are we implying he soloed them all?
What's strange to me about this is that Dale knows it's a cult and the others believe him. Dale has said so much weird stuff over the years it's a wonder they bought it.
Well, there are reasons why the guys believe Dale on how the Omega House is actually a cult.
I think it was the final piece for Hank to really realize something is up. He thought she needed to sell Jam for beer money.
If Dale said it out of context, Hank would have ignored it. But given there was plenty evidence in plain sight, it was the final piece to fall in place for Hank to realize what is what.
This episode on paper sounds like it has detached a and b plots but found a great way to conclude it all.
Those emus are tough. They took down an entire country of Australias
Well to be fare it was 3 army guys and 2 machine guns.
Honestly the idea of a cult that kidnaps college girls is a really great concept for a show or a movie. It could be like office space but for college kids
Twice. They took down the continent twice.
legends still tell of the 4 Emu of the Australian Apocalypse, strewth wasn't that an interesting tuesday.
You're a cartoon reviewer, Tera Strong is inevitable.
I can live with that.
Unless it's foriegn animation. And dubs don't count
Wondering why Tara Strong is following you as a cartoon reviewer is like going to Disney Land and complaining that you can't escape that damn mouse
You could also make that argument with people like Grey Delisle and Jeff Bennett
Yea, that woman is everywhere in animation and games.
Both fraternities and sororities have been known to do hazing; that being said, most colleges won't tolerate it anymore. Pledges in both types of organizations have died in the name of either making it through a hazing ritual, or trying to get out of having to endure it. It depends on the organization and the ones in charge of the actual pledge process.
The irony that the way they tightly control and ban it is exactly as bad, for the exact same reasons. They didn't enjoy the competition, they wanted to indoctrinate the students in more focused ways.
I need more "Shady with Comically Big Mustache" cosplays in my life
You aren't Shady....you are Jane
Nope. I'm Carly
@@iceluvndiva21 No. Carly was the name forced on you. You're Jane.
I am Jane
And I'm Kanwey West!
100th like
Not gonna lie, the story of "Lu And Anne" is both cute and sad when you realized that Luanne's wishes her own parents had a better love story. Thank goodness for Lucky and Gracie.
The emu b plot of this episode is hilarious especially when dale’s on screen
When Dale tries to shoot them or when they try to attack him?
This is true.🤭
I just realized that Dale has been the voice of reason in many episodes.
Yeah, imagine if he was with Hank when he and Boomhauer spotted Luanne selling jams and jellies
Imagine instead of Emus Hank and the Gang having to deal with Cassawaries instead.
No one would ever find their bodies...
As an Australian the thought terrifies me.
They'd be dead since cassawaries often use their nails to try and slice things, also I think their beaks are not as flat
Honestly, I think it would be pretty difficult to find a cartoon made in the last 25 years that Tara Strong doesn't appear in at least one episode.
"It aint over till the fat neighbor sings" is another great episode about a cult like group. I'd love to see you cover it, especially since it has the best Dale rant ever. RIP Johnny Hardwick.
Since when is hazing considered the same as "Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra"? Even if hazing doesn't get someone killed, people shouldn't have to put up with obvious BS just to join a shared living space.
There was actually a incident where a guy was killed during a hazing ritual
Love the TNG reference of the guy who played the magic mirror in the Charmings. I thought the whole hazing thing was stupid with fraternities so I never had interest in joining one.
@@vulpixle9659 I'm pretty sure there have been many instances of hazing accidentally killing somebody
@@Eric-md3mp how the hell are these still aloud
@vulpixle9659 pretty sure hazing rituals have been banned on a lot of campuses, at least I remember hearing about different places banning them when I was growing up
The exchange with Hank asking if the women were with the cult and as she’s saying what they are he just goes “This is it” is something I always laugh hard at whenever I see it. Probably laugh harder than I should. Keep up the great work Shady, hope you’re doing well. Take care!
The way you switched to calling them Jane had me DYING, fantastic
Life has enough negative experiences without engineering any more to bring people together. I watched a loved one die of cancer; I don't need to be spanked while reciting the alphabet backwards.
that's what im saying. i normally like Shadys takes but this one is a big no and the idea of having someone be abused and humiliated in order to be a part of something just sounds like a cult on its own
i think that like lodges and guilds (which also tend to get into very culty or at least OCcult stuff), fraternities once served an important purpose, and it's only after decades of decline that they've become something monstrous.
So sorry for your loss and having to go through that 😢
@@melaniegrace7707 Thanks.
I don’t think he was trying to say hazing was a good thing. I feel like what he meant was that hazing is often used with the excuse of toughening people up when it doesn’t.
I really like this episode because it touches on a serious debate about whether sororities/fraternities are a good or bad thing. Personally, I’m against them simply because of the nature. How many parents would be okay with learning that their child had been subjected to being locked in the closet or being malnourished by others? Let’s not forget the many individuals who have died from hazing incidents. It’s one thing that the military subjects you to dire circumstances because they’re building you into a soldier. But a sorority/fraternity is supposed to promote brotherhood/sisterhood in a healthy way. It’s supposed to be a safe and welcoming environment where people can come together and share a positive outlook and help one another succeed. What those girls were doing to Luanne is nothing more than abuse. And people wonder why we have a mental health crisis in our country.
I remember reading a ask reddit thread about hazings and wow there are some fucked up ones
You DO know that the Omegas were unique in that they were ACTUALLY a cult, right? Most fraternites/soroties are not like this, speaking as a guy who was part of one in college.
i think there are several distinct units at play here
the acts in question, whether they be harmful or harmless,
and the groupthink that forces an individual to line up with the group, down to following their rituals to prove their dedication. thaaaat is what's kinda dangerous all the time.
Hazing is illegal for a reason
And people today seem to be oblivious to the tactics that so many groups use. Love bombing is extremely common for certain communities.
"You have an independent streak that makes it difficult for us to love you."
Thats probably what my boss thought about me when I worked at Walmart.
One thing i have to hand to just about every cult represented in media (even children's cartoons) is how they get the manipulation tactics and brainwashing right.
Have you ever been in one? Long enough to know the dark side of it and you get the hell out of there and call the police!?
What cults have you seen represented in children's cartoons?
@thechancan5254 scientology in South park ( Blaintogoly was a spoof of it in one episode that actually showed it) and the simpsons episode where a cult came to Springfield and the one MLP FIM episode the cutie map.
Don't drink the Kool aid...and Luanne is fucking hilarious but the fact they couldn't fight against the emu's makes me laugh like when I read about the great emu war in aussiland.
Most people know to not to drink the Kool Aid.
Unfortunately, those administrating it are usually smart enough to hide the fact that they’re giving you Kool Aid, or at the very least make it seem appealing.
@@fudgen.a1249 Fun fact: it wasn't Kool Aid, it was Flavor Aid. So, drink all the Kool Aid you want, but stay away from Flavor Aid.
No, surviving negative experiences doesn't build character, it breaks character. If someone can recover and become a better person it wasn't the painful experience that made them better it's that they had the willpower or support system to take a lesson from it and improve. Painful or torturous experiences are as likely to leave someone less than when they started and even if they recover they may be missing a piece of themselves or carry trauma that hurts them. "character building" can be useful when it has a point but hurting someone then saying "it builds character" as a defence for abuse has always felt wrong to me. While I haven't been crippled by such experiences much I have been through so called "character building experiences" and come out hurting and weakened and not able to build myself back up to where I was before that for ages, sometimes years where I was a weaker, lesser and more fragile person than before and even when I recovered I still felt a piece of myself missing.
Yeah, and the whole "first of all, the military exists" point Shady makes is also ironic because second of all, PTSD is a damn thing in the military too. Especially when, in America, a great deal of war-experienced veterans don't exactly have the exceptional support system they should be having, mental health for one, when readjusting into civilian life.
If they don't just simply get hazed when they're entering the military to be the invulnerable warriors they're conditioned to be, then they're hazed by their off-duty military contemporaries for being giant pussies for not coping upon returning to a normal life*. I seem to recall there (was) a sizable number people who subscribe to a certain political figure's rhetoric that they don't believe in supporting "losers" in the military after all.
EDIT: *Hell, I just remember there's a whole KOTH episode about that with the Vietnam veterans and Cotton's WWII posse.
@@OKeijiDragon Right?! I was blown away, imagine looking at literal actual textbook self-described -indoctrination- and trying to describe it as 'building character'. I grew up in the military. Due to my locale, a great number of my friends and loved ones are former military. I'm aghast that someone with no concept of how these institutions affect people would just waltz out and go "actually guys, trauma-bonding is good for you". Shady. C'mon. I respect you too much to let you shoot your mouth off in such a stupid way.
It varies. Think of it like muscles. Training your muscles is really just inflicting damage through stress so they recover stronger. However if you damage your muscles too much and/or don't allow them to recover it becomes just plain damaging your muscles.
yeah, i like Shadys videos but i disagree big time with his take. you know what "character" i got forced on me?
trauma, cynical, social anxiety, depression, cowardice, self-hatred, and used to be just hate in general. before my "character building" i was outgoing, brave, proud, felt like i could do anything if i put my mind to it, hopeful, other things i cant find the words too and happy ,what's wrong with that? i was freaking happy, and im supposed to believe this new version of me is better? screw that i want the old be back, my life would be so different, so many opportunities and experiences i never got the chance to have all because of "character building". i try to force myself to go back to the way i was but i just cant, its like you said a piece of myself is missing, and just wont come back. actual character building only works if it comes natural like and your able to beat or overcome it not just barely survive it
@@OKeijiDragon The PTSD among veterans does not in fact disprove Shady's point. Really you are outright insulting those people to compare the experiences they went through to being hazed by a drill surgernt.
You just basically used people who were traumatized by things like isolation and seeing their comrades die to say being yelled at is bad. Get the f*ck out of here.
I like how the emus first instinct after escape was to take their revenge after Buck. Like they fully understood that they were planned on being murdered
I'll give the excuse foe this episode that Dale would know about any local cults in his area. He's a hige conspiracy theorist, so he probably could've found out about the cult
18:19 "Strickland Pro-Jane" was RIGHT THERE.
Hank: You joke around _in public_ like that.
The important part is in public. He's worried about people thinking he's gay, if he said it in private, as compliment to Hank in a sharp suit, he'd be way more accepting I think.
If surviving anything builds character, then let the hazers build character too, not just their victims. "But the hazers already got hazed at some point." So what, wouldn't enduring it all together forge stronger bonds? Is there some sort of risk of building too much character? I for one would never trust anyone with the mindset that having been tormented means it's their turn to do it to someone else.
Hazing in the military is a seriously bad problem and needs to be stamped out. Also persevering through negative experiences does indeed build strong bonds but not when the person you're supposed to be building a bond with is the one causing the negative experiences. Hazing has no positive to it.
Yep, we're just going to ignore centuries of successful practices and all the research saying hazing builds stronger bonds because you don't like it.
Sorry I'm dumb and autistic what the heck is hazing and what does the military do that isn't a good thing with it
@@dylanbroome7915 Hazing is a practice where applicants to an organization are made to go through difficult, painful, and humiliating challenges before they're welcomed in. It typically bonds the "pledges" together through shared suffering and makes them more loyal to the organization because they paid a price to join.
Some fraternities started taking things too far and people who don't like the idea of being excluded from groups latched onto that as an excuse to condemn all hazing.
@@MrDj232It builds "strong bonds" by teaching people to ignore their own boundaries.
@@MrDj232 So the people who have been killed because of hazing. What strong bond are they forming? How about the women who have been sexually assaulted? You're gonna trying to justify hazing to that degree?
The King Of The Hill episode I'd love to see you talk about Shady is "A Beer Can Named Desire".
That episode is a favorite of mine.
I'd love to see Shady's take on Hank's reaction to the missed throw, and the amazing punchline that is: "BOTH OF EM!"
"Nice weekend Bill?"
"Our deaths were greatly exaggerated...but yours won't be" Dayum XD
Fraternities and Sororities can be dangerous in their own way. There have been past incidents of hazing, alcohol abuse, deaths, etc. Although Luanne is an adult, one would think Hank and Peggy would want Luanne to concentrate on studies.
6:57 "I mean, why would I be? I'm a Christian."
*u n c o m f o r t a b l y l o n g p a u s e as shady stares into your soul*
Idk seems kind of a safe religion to poke at. He couldn’t be edgy enough to say that his was the religion of peace.
Hazing is, or was, common among sororities, the military, fraternities, sports teams, and even scouts.
Hazing is meant to be a team bonding experience through shared struggle or hardship. Though what people consider "hazing" changed along the way, and then even more so with its downright criminal and malicious portrayal in popular media.
In a similiar way to how "pranks" have changed in the public zeitgeist from harmless jokes played on another to... things that you get shot for. 😒
I miss the days when sitting on a prank meant there was a whoopie cushion on your chair not an airbag launching you into the air.
I'm so tired of things changing into completely different things but keeping the same names. or vice versa.
@MrDj232 or getting a face full of liquid that turned out to be nerve agent...
@@KairuHakubiLanguages change with time, along with the terms initial meaning. It’s natural.
@@fudgen.a1249 first of all, no. secondly, this isn't an example of that. this makes things incoherent. and it's nowt to do with words, they're changing the _actions_ and neglecting to rename them.
I think this episode does a great job at showing how a cult (or any kind of ill-intentioned gathering like gangs or religious groups) can swoop in when you're vulnerable and at a low point. Lisa-Jane noticed Luanne drinking alone and immediately tried playing to her fresh wounds by sweet-talking her with "compliments" (if that's really considered a compliment) and then offered her a position at their sorority because Luanne wanted to feel like she belonged somewhere.
I think that's called "love bombing"
@@radagast7200 It's kiiiiinda like that? I think love-bombing is (if you can believe it) even more over-the-top than just sweet-talking someone. Love-bombing is more like when you overly shower someone with affection after doing something wrong. This is more on the side of just manipulation.
@@TheChildofAuraReborn Yeah, I saw something similar to this from a show called Boy Meets World.
That’s what happened to my dad. Some lady pestered him for years to join her religion until she finally got to him at his lowest point and suddenly it was god’s plan that she “just so happened” to meet him at the right (wrong) time. Now he firmly believes that god led him to her when he needed her most
@@MatecaCorphow do you know it wasn't God's plan? If he is happier, and doing better than he was, then what's the harm? God does help us in times where we are at our lowest, and sometimes we have to be at our lowest to find humility to accept God's will in our lives. This episode isn't mocking religion in general you know, only groups that deliberately exploit or abuse you.
To add on the whole Pleasure Island. It's bad that there are more girls working for the Jam company. That didn't get saved and these girls in the video were the latest batch. There could even be multiple sororities around doing the same thing.
I personally don't think it's a jam company I think it's just a front for human trafficking think about they have top lawyers on standby by selling jams and jellies on the side of the road
The military doesnt allow hazing. Not that it doesnt exist.
*Jammin' Jelly!*
It's annoying that Peggy is annoyed about Nancy talking about Dale. She's happy and not cheating and it annoyed Peggy
And just like that Shady blesses us with another King of the hill video.
One of my all time favorite episodes, for the B-plot alone. When I had to give a presentation on cults, I used the exact same clip to open with.
Last time I was this early, Ki Adi Mundi was still born in 93 BBY
Oh how the mighty have fallen. Disney has ruined Star Wars.
They did poor cone-head dirty like that, especially since he had a bigger role in the Expanded Universe
Lord, DSW enrages me. Good thing it isn't canon.
@@UltraGalaxyifyThe EU is the true Star Wars canon!
@@BrandontheAwesome Thank goodness!
Oh man, I saw this video go up a few days ago and was looking forward to it the whole time, I just didn't have any time to because I knew I wanted to sit down and give it my full attention.This is probably my favorite episode of King of the Hill just because I think it has one of the best B-Plots in the whole show. It's either this or a toss up with when the boys get thrown in the mental asylum. Just the scene of Hank standing alone in the alley looking back and forth wondering where everybody is gets me every time. Great video as usual.
0:21 whoa whoa whoa you can’t stop the king of the hill videos 😮
Yes he can...jlu jl and yj exist
This episode is the first time I saw like a realistic depiction of a cult as a kid because before that it was always magic or technology based mind control or a supervillain with super charisma talking people into doing what they wanted. I was really frightened and confused that you could do something like they did and control people like that.
One of my favorite King of the Hill lines 0:01
I really like the perspectives and themes you pull out of shows. Thanks for being a different way to think about things :)
Im not sure if i agree with the statement of successfully surviving any negative experience builds character. That is a rather absolute statement and I am certain that there are certain things that someone can 'Successfully" survive from that leave people more scared and broken. People can move past them and be ok, but I don't think that every negative thing you can walk away from makes you a better person. Though I guess that comes down to what someone considers successfully surviving a situation.
An experience building character doesn't mean the experience was worth going through. I would never wish for a child to be abused even if the experience would build character because there's WAY more negative than positive.
@@ShadyDoorags I can get that. Sorry if I sound like a contrarian. Its just the statement sounded like an absolute to me and I had concerns. I've only recently found your channel and I've been binging your videos.
@@ShadyDoorags Oh now I understand you better. It will definitely put something into the wallet of your character, it just might not be a profitable exchange. yeah that makes sense.
man, where were you when I was trying to discuss avoiding discomfort vs deliberately inflicting it on yourself with my dad
The Jane cult looks like the heavens gate cult only with less death
That comes later at the ranch where they're worked to expiration.
“Excuse me, are ya’ll with the cult?”
“We’re not a cult! We’re an organisation that promotes love and-“
“Yup, this is it”
When this is the default reaction by a guy who couldn’t tell his son’s boss just wasn’t right you KNOW you’re that obvious 😅😅😅
Thanks for another awesome video Shady and go hug your furbabies all 💙🐱💙
Thank you, Shady, for giving me such good pointers on how to start my own cult. Now if you excuse me, I need to look at South American farmland prices.
And people wonder why I don't like the Pinocchio movie. My heart breaks for those boys who never got free
20:50 Anyone ever tell you that you sound like a mix of nightwing and justice league flash when you say "Come on.. You can do it... Kingdom in the forest, remember?"
It is creepy as well it scarier then some of the horror movies out their.
And it's worse in the original, those donkeys are tanned and skinned, they're dead!
I was trying to forget. I'm going to the aquarium with my sister
21:01 his reaction is also PRICELESS
That's where I get Flash energy.
My favorite party is went Hank and the Guys feed the Cult Members like they're animals
I wonder if those girls ever went back home?
Those poor girls were so broken and starved they were willing to eat like animals
Shady cannot help but post banger after banger (as far as video essays on early 2000s cartoons go)
Oh lords you hurt my brain with that Jane bit at 18:00 🤣
also feel hank would accepted it only because he has grown more as a character...so can see it as some character development of him accapting a guy can say to another guy they look good without it sounding you know.
Gonna disagree. Surviving certain hardships doesn't always build character. Trauma sucks. Ask any of the victims where "hazing" crossed all ethical and legal boundaries.
The cult aspect is SUPER accelerated in this episode. It would usually take several months to reach the hunger thing, and Luann's actions are more realistic as a result.
Basically, the cult is terrible at culting.
Favorite episode just for the intro bit. So good.
I will say people in the sorority probably shunned Luanne because she was 21-22 when she was trying to rush which is kind of old to join
We love you, Shady Jane.
Janey Doorags
I am so happy you've covered this episode. The Emu story is my favorite part of King of the Hill just for how funny it is to me, every joke with the emus tickles me.
Just FYI negative reinforcement is not punishing someone for doing something you don’t like. Negative reinforcement is adding a not so enjoyable stimulation and taking it away when they comply, for an example the annoying chiming your car does until you put your seatbelt on is negative reinforcement
This episode is a lot creepier the more you think about it what if the jam and jelly thing is just a front for a human trafficking ring one thing that makes me think that is because its all collage girls with some potentially being 17 or 18 at the youngest those are prime targets for cults like with that one the actress who played chloe in smallvill was in it also makes more sense how they will be able to have top lawyers for a cult that just has a sorority sell jam and jellys on the side of the road also one thing that raises the question is does the collage know about it or is it being paid to keep things hush-hush and i really gotta lay off the true crime videos
If they can afford the best lawyers, they can afford hush money for the school. And I have a hard time believing they're getting all that money from jams and jellies.
@@Amins88 which adds more to the human trafficking theory
Punctuation would help
buck: make ot look like a heart attack
shady: 1:31
buck: goog enough
“If you don’t love sausage, as much as we do…then YOU can go plow the SAUERKRAUT field then!” Sororities/Fraternities and Cults are practically the same.
Fun fact, a LOT of the basic tactics that cults use -as mentioned here- are actually used by the military during Basic and Advanced individual training to make people work better as units.
Honestly, this episode was kinda dark when ya think about.
The cult wasn't really disbanded and seemed still at large, and some of those women seemed to still be prisoners at the jam and jelly farm.
Also kinda odd how the collage didn't seem to find it odd that some of their female student's where going missing and how the cult house still functions without anyone noticing.
Cults aren't illegal. The part where the girl gets rescued is a real thing. There are people that specialize in that.
The Emu B-plot is one of the best B plots
I always wondered whatever happened to the emus after this episode.
The friendship between Peggy, Nancy and Minh always seemed really toxic. Maybe Minh and Peggy weren't getting along at the time.
I never get tired of the obligatory "AND THAT'S A FACT." 😅😅😅
"I can't do it! Yes I can. No I can't its to dam majestic!"
I’m surprised the local community college allowed an organization on to or near their campus and do this to the students.
Believe me, a white Appalachian who grows his hair and beard out simply because I see hair as a sign of freedom and pack on my giant 6'1 wide shouldered build. I have been harassed by cops and upper class people my whole life, people tell me I look like a drug addict or a mugger. Cops have even stalked me for 4 hours when I was simply in the movie theater.... Just because I am a lower class Appalachian who looks like a caveman freshly thawed out and drives a van doesn't mean I'm a drug dealer, mugger, kidnapper or a killer. I'm just a dooms day prepper. 😂
wish we could get people to understand it's cleancut little twigboys who can't be trusted.
Wait, what does this have to do with this episode?
@@KairuHakubi he made a joke about luanna selling drugs and people making assumptions
@@grendel8342 wait when? The only time I can think of that is when she was out on the road selling stuff out of a basket, but he didn't say anything about drugs.
@@KairuHakubi when Luanne first meets one of the Jane's and she says something about it was great that she wasn't trying to sell her drugs. Making an assumption based solely on her appearance. Shady makes a joke about it not being insulting to white people.
@@grendel8342 OH oh oh okay, that part.
Yeah I see what you're saying now lol. But of course, he jokingly meant "upper class people" who indeed that isn't an insult for. Everybody knows high and low class people come in all the colors. just not quite in the same proportions. and class isn't everything, but it's still something that'll make me lock my car extra carefully depending on the neighborhood.
I liked how Luanne had a way to remember her name, and thus foreshadowing Jane and Jane forgetting their names.
If you want it darker, Chip 'n' Dale's Rescue Rangers had a cult episode which dropped "the Japanese yoga cult".
I mean...was it like Aum Shinrikyo? I seem to recall the joke was more that it was a cargo cult in a sense, the mice didn't know any better and just formed a religion around something they found (kind of like an American Dad episode from a few years ago, which involved an island that apparently had weird magnetic stuff going on and there was a commercial for Gold Top Nuts, which the family then created a pseudo religion of sorts around while they were trapped)
@@ToHoldNothing Yeah, they referenced Aum Shinrikyo in 1989. This will not bite them in the ass years later when Aum Shinrikyo's leader starts ordering his followers to murder his enemies.
@@jonbrewer297 Distinct from the Kooka Cola episode?
@@ToHoldNothing Oh, that's where they referenced it, yes.
Honestly, this episode was also one of Bucks' lowest moments basically for animal cruelty.
“Well, you locked me in a closet, but I made lots of friends. So yes!”
I too know the unique pain of having no one to play Go with.
As a girl, i would have never guessed this was a cult because this is just how girls are, but change the name with "jane" to "Pretty"
and thats what we in the busness call
"The military exists" is a perfect sentence for condemnation but an INSANE sentence to use as a defense.
Peggy falling for that cold reading after two failures...
This, Chip n Dale Rescue Rangers, The Simpsons and South Park taught me the dangers of a cult.
I remember the Cola Cult episode!
21:49 “Shoot her! SHOOT HER!!” Jurassic Park
Clever Jane...
Welcome to the Shadow Realm, Bucky!!!