it is good pracice to name your cache keys with a model name ( thing..;. or namespace... etc...) what commonly is used "/pages/articles/top/3" using the highest to lowest items. this makes it easy to find if you where to cache article 1 like this "/pages/article/1" then if you are using redis you code delete all matched articles by cache.delete_matched("/pages/articles/*")
where does rails cache by default, I have an small redis heroku add on (the free one) will that be enough for couple of fragment and collection caching and maybe couple of low level caching or do I need a second instance of sorts
Cache me outside. 😌
Thanks man,nice explanation on some of the important topics,looking forward to see more such videos
Useful : )
it is good pracice to name your cache keys with a model name ( thing..;. or namespace... etc...)
what commonly is used "/pages/articles/top/3"
using the highest to lowest items.
this makes it easy to find if you where to cache article 1 like this "/pages/article/1"
then if you are using redis you code delete all matched articles by cache.delete_matched("/pages/articles/*")
where does rails cache by default, I have an small redis heroku add on (the free one) will that be enough for couple of fragment and collection caching and maybe couple of low level caching or do I need a second instance of sorts