work one's tail off「身を粉にして働く、精一杯努力する」なんて表現もありますよね。通訳の仕事をなさってる小熊弥生(おぐまやよい)さんがこの表現を使ってました。Someday I wanna speak English smoothly. But I'm still working on it. Now,I work my tail off.
Hi!Jun-sensei. Thank you for the lesson🙏 My business is not working now, so I need to work toward getting it on track again. It might have to take a lot of work, but I believe that hard work will definitely pay off. spotifyのヘビーユーザーなので新しい番組めっちゃ嬉しいです😚✨さっそく刺激いただきます〜
Hi Jun-san, thanks for sharing this video. I've been living in Ireland for nearly 11 years, but I didn't know "work up" phrasal verb. I will try to use that expression. Thank you again. Cheers!
殆ど同じですが、「work out」は何かの問題や難しい点があるのにうまくいくというニュアンスが入っています。例えば、「I know things are hard now, but I promise you it will work out in the end.」「今、物事が大変なのわかりますが、結局は絶対うまくいくよ!」「go well」にはそういう難点を解決するニュアンスが入っていないですね。
これいいですね! 文章がそのまま頭に入ってきました。ワオー!
よくネイティブから that time works for meと来ます。最初は分からなかったのですがやりとりしてるうちに都合がつくって意味なんだなって分かりました。
Work on 勉強なります!
work one's tail off「身を粉にして働く、精一杯努力する」なんて表現もありますよね。通訳の仕事をなさってる小熊弥生(おぐまやよい)さんがこの表現を使ってました。Someday I wanna speak English smoothly. But I'm still working on it. Now,I work my tail off.
いつもありがとうございます。ビートルズの we can work it out. の歌詞をおもしだしました。わーきらうt みたいな発音になって、ばりばり音がつながっています。
Hi!Jun-sensei. Thank you for the lesson🙏
My business is not working now, so I need to work toward getting it on track again. It might have to take a lot of work, but I believe that hard work will definitely pay off.
Hi Jun-san, thanks for sharing this video.
I've been living in Ireland for nearly 11 years, but I didn't know "work up" phrasal verb. I will try to use that expression. Thank you again. Cheers!
I hit a gym and work out twice a week to keep me healthy.
1:20 workoutとは違うが、ストレッチやヨガや心理療法系体操をまとめてbodyworkと言う。
work towardする中でwork onしているとworked upする時もあるけどwork outできた 笑い
うまくいくという意味のwork outはgo well と同じ感覚で使えますか?
殆ど同じですが、「work out」は何かの問題や難しい点があるのにうまくいくというニュアンスが入っています。例えば、「I know things are hard now, but I promise you it will work out in the end.」「今、物事が大変なのわかりますが、結局は絶対うまくいくよ!」「go well」にはそういう難点を解決するニュアンスが入っていないですね。
I love these videos! The perfectly accurate translations help me improve my Japanese. Thank you Jun-san!
Your TH-cams are so working.
I’m working on my English skill up.
“Be worked up”の対義語は“Be stopped down”。
Does it get casual when "s" follows any words? Like, "anyways" is more casual than "anyway", right? And why?
Not really...I think it's just a matter of habit. Some people say "anyway", some say "anyways." The meaning and nuance are the same.
@@MonsterParty1 I see. I appreciate you kindness!!
@@yamauchitakumu1764 You're very welcome!
My English is not well but it will work out .
i no doubt to watch hapa.