As a special needs child myself I want to say the support you and your husband give Nate will make more of a difference in his life long term than you realize
Also PLEASE don't worry about the haters - there are always going to be people judge you for whatever. You are making sure your babies are fed and their tummies are full. That makes you an AMAZING mom. You are an inspiration! Much love to you!!
I think it’s sweet you and David have “date” dinners after your kiddos go to sleep. Especially with sensory kiddos it’s a tight rope you walk... finding food they will/can eat, slowly showing them new things. I have started going to the gym at 5pm and I’m not even home for dinner 😜
I'm a newbie on your channel but y'all are such a sweet family! Beautiful and healthy kids! Awesome supportive husband and you are a absolute doll and a wonderful mom! Keep doing what your doing and what's best for your family. I support you 100%. Forget the negativity! ❤
You shouldn't have to explain what works for YOUR family. I enjoyed this video as ALWAYS. So glad to know that Nate is feeling a lot better! Keep being the great mother and person that you are.
You are so sweet Jess! I love watching your videos and I think you’re a great mother! I love how you always prioritize your kids and husband, and also don’t forget about yourself too! I know life can be busy and frustrating but never forget to think about yourself too. Keep it up! ❤️
As you always say, "You, do you!" You do what works for your family and everyone else can do what works for theirs. I never understand why people are so critical about such silly things. Love your videos and I love seeing what you and your kids eat!
I understand why you feed your kids different things than you and your husband eat. My eleven year daughter will not eat what my husband and I eat. She would rather not eat at all than eat what we eat. So I do make her different meals than us. I noticed that you mentioned that you ate at Fuddruckers. I’m so jealous:). They closed all the Fuddruckers in our area. Great video!
My philosophy is if they don’t like they don’t have to watch the videos lol I love your family and you guys do a great job growing up my parents did dinners the way you and David do it for your family whatever works best and everyone’s healthy!
When I was a lot younger and not a mother I thought it was crazy for parents to fix different meals. Now that I’m a mother I Totally Understand!!!! 😊Your doing a great job!
Who ever is giving you hate is ridiculous!! I don’t personally make multiple dinners for my kids, but there are nights in our home we call “grab and go” where my kids are responsible for their own dinner. (They are 13 and 9 so they are old enough) On those nights we all eat different foods. There is nothing wrong with it. As long as your kids are fed and happy, no one should have an opinion on what or how they eat. Love your videos, by the way. Just found you about a month ago.
Great video. Continue doing what works for your family. People have to understand you do what you know your kids going to eat. I use to do that but know they teenager so if they don't like what I cook. They on there on.
Some people are crazy and clearly don’t understand you do what works for your family. I will admit before I became a mom I was one of those “my kids will eat what I give them” people. Man did that change quickly! My daughter is two in a couple of months but already a little diva when it comes to her food so I make her what I know she will eat. Hopefully when she’s older it will change but if not, who cares! Love your videos please keep making them!
I'm with David, how could you have any haters. I love your videos, perhaps because I can relate to having a child with food restrictions/sensory issues. Also because I believe in building others up not tearing them down! You go mama, you have this...and you are rocking it. ❤️
Your videos are fun to watch! Don't let the hate comments affect you since they don't understand the issues faced with autism. I have learned to provide foods based on the appropriate response to encourage the language and verbal communication. To me, it's like eating at a restaurant on a daily basis. However, working a full time job and not having my husband at home nights to assist makes getting good food in the kids difficult but a blessing if they eat. My kids do try items from my plate at times so I just stock the frig with a variety. Happy to see the family enjoying dinner! That's the joy!
When my kids were little I have to say they ate different foods and most nights they ate earlier!!! My kids would go to bed earlier than we ate!!! Even now we sometimes all eat at different times and different foods!!! Ignore the haters
Just want to say, I think you're a great mom. Most important is your kids- they're happy and healthy and well loved. For those haters- obvously they're ignorant and don't understand what works for you and your family & have nothing better to do than to criticize. Keep you doing what you're doing. And, I hope you had a wonderful mother's day!
Some people are rude and judgemental of others, just keep doing what you're doing and what works best for your family. You're an awesome mom and I love watching your videos! 😎♥️
I love your what's for dinner videos! In our family we also cook separate meals for the kids and sometimes my husband and I also eat different dinners (he is usually low carb and I'm not). I'm always hesitant to tell other moms about it - I get the constant "why don't they all eat the same thing? How do you meal plan to save money?" etc. It gets old! lol
I do that for my family too, if they eat different items, I fix different ones for them. Could you maybe find some abc macaroni and try making a cheese sauce for them to see if he would eat it, so when they quit selling that kind he will have his abc noodles.. People are cruel today don't let the trolls get you down, you are doing a very good job at taking care of feeding your family. Thanks for sharing! Take care and be blessed.
Thanks so much, Mary! I actually found some alphabet noodles but they are teeny tiny and Nate wasn’t a fan. I’ll keep my eyes out for a larger size! ❤️
Jess, You are blessing to my family of four. My son who is 3 has a speech delay disorder and my daughter who is 2 is vibrant and love food. Your channel gives me tons of ideas on meals and suggestions for my son because he, too is picky about textures of food. Please keep posting and don't let negative people drive you from your destiny! Blessings to you and your family!
*REAL WOMEN BUILD UP OTHER WOMEN, not tear them down.* We are all trying to do what is best and works for our own families. I make 2 or 3 different dinners a night. It works for us, everyone is full at the end. Its not like we are asking someone else to cook 3 meal for us? I cannot fathom how anyone else should care what YOU at mealtime in your own home...
Don’t you worry about those haters! If I only cooked what my 15 year old son liked for all 4 of us, we would not be happy long. He’s a meat only boy with limited veggies like green beans and potatoes only! The rest of us like a lot more vegetables. I love the what’s for dinner video’s. They help me to change up my menu.
Weird and Silly... How boring life would be without it.... Took me half a lifetime and many missed opportunities before I realized that weird and silly was what made life great! Love you guys!❤
Oh hun please don't let the negative people get to you,I'm totally with you on at the moment it's better to let the kiddos eat then you and david eat.You definitely have to do what's best for your family hun and I must say that you are a great mum and David is a great dad.xx
It doesn’t matter what people think, do what works for y’all . You don’t have to explain or justify how you do dinner! I’m sure they wouldn’t like it if people were telling them how they should be eating their dinner! Love your dinner videos. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
I just finished watching all of your lunch videos and now working on your dinner videos. How you have haters blows my mind!!! I do not have kids. It's just my hubby and I that I cook for. And some nights I cook us different dinners! I'm not a big meat eater or tomato sauce fan so I make different things when he's eating something I don't want. Who cares! Do what makes you happy, what works for you! What a thing to comment about, geez. I love you videos. I enjoy your family very much. And I clap (loud) when Nate eats well at school! Put THAT on a shirt and I'll wear it! "I clap for Nate!"
Ignore the haters, they must live in La La Land. I raised 3 kids, My oldest will be 41 in July and my youngest will be 27 in June. I've been there where you are at with small kids. Its hard to get them to eat the same thing that everyone else is eating. I like your idea of feeding them what they like, while at the same time making sure you include healthy elements to it. There's less fighting and more eating with the kids. Your a great mom. God Bless.
My son is 8 and he loves anything with ABC’s! Will be on the lookout for the Mac n cheese letters at Publix. He loves the ABC mashed potato letters by OreIda!
People who hate are just jealous or have no idea what it is like to have a special needs child . Don’t ever apologize for doing what works for your family .
You know your kids so well. Getting a child with autism to eat is challenging. Sometimes kids eat just one food. Nate is slowly expanding his diet. Kudos to you. I love you and David and how you interact with your kids and each other. Keep up the great job.
I don't understand why people would judge you. Fed is best! I got blessed in the eating department with my kids (3 & 1) because I can count on my fingers the few foods they won't eat but I would never judge someone because their kids don't eat like mine. Every kid is different so what works for one may not work for another.
And sorry for all the hate comment. If they don’t have anything nice to say then leave you don’t have to watch it. And your a very good mom you give your family different things that they like for dinner a lot of mom don’t do that and it is really special and kind of you.
i do so enjoy these types of videos! :) thanks for sharing. i can't wait to make pizza on saturday for my birthday meal and because of y'all, i finally tried turkey pepperoni and liked it!!! i don't know why but turkey outside of thanksgiving dinner doesn't seem right to me...i'm so weird, i know. however, once i'm living on my own again this summer, i'm going to try to incorporate it more into my meals. i struggle hardcore to eat healthier, especially since i don't really have the patience or motivation to cook. :-/ anyway, thanks again for sharing and happy wednesday!!! HUGS!
I am shocked that people would be offended that you cook separate meals for your children. I think most people would not take the time to make meals that their children would rather eat, so please don't feel the need to explain yourself. Great video, all the dinners looked incredibly yummy
I rarely know anyone that kids eat the same as them all the time. You do what works for your family. You’re all wonderful and if you eat a little differently than kids that’s fine! No big deal!
What works for Jess may not work for you!! But the family I babysit for never eats the same thing because it just doesn’t go smooth at all, so to make it easier they eat different meals lol!! Love your videos make more vlogs if you can please!!
I'm sorry some comments are less than uplifting. Unless someone is in my shoes, they have no idea what is happening to me. Keep going. You are doing great! Show others that you are blessed!
I am new enjoying your video's. I have 2 teens, one has autism the other has chrons disease we very seldom eat the same. It is impossible with autoimmune disorders. I do the same don't worry it is your family and the kids are happy and healthy. You go girl.. Blessings
My son has sensory processing disorder. I have had many people say something to me about fixing my son something other than what we are eating. As your husband you have question I ask you have a kids with special needs? If I want steak for dinner, I can’t make that for my son because he doesn’t have the strength in his jaw to chew it (he can’t eat fruit snacks either) he will eat a variety of foods but some textures he won’t eat (like grapes, strawberries, cherries, etc. he is 6 and he just started eating potato chips (his OT actually got him To try them) when we go out to eat, I have to ask for a plastic fork because anything shiny freaks him out. I always tell people who say anything to he your child? No. Do you feed him? no, do you live with him? No so why are you so concerned about how I feed my child? It isn’t affecting you other than your attitude in any single way. Don’t like it, don’t look. Feed your kids how you want and what you want. There is nothing wrong with that and anyone who thinks otherwise, really have no life. There are far more important things going on in this world and how someone feeds there child isn’t one of them. Ignore the fools who don’t understand. Thanks for sharing :) I always enjoy your videos :)
Jess I'm a vegetarian I don't eat what my folks make for dinner because they eat meat. but my vegetarian meals I can have dairy. Sometimes my folks well eat what I made but not all the time
i am also special needs. i only Chicken and Fruit or Frozen Yogurt and Chicken for Lunches. AT BreaKFAST time i eat Honey nut cheerios one day and another day CHEX Cereal. i mostly like philly cheese steak hot pockets, Chicken Breast or Turkey Burgers for Dinner.
I think you are a great mom you take time and make your kids what they want to eat and it is healthy so the people who think you are weird needs to look in the mirror for weird
Oh my goodness....some adults can be so juvenile. There is nothing wrong with having your kids different meals. You know your family..and you make them great meals...haters gonna hate i guess. Why do they even watch is what i would like to know...grrrrrr. anyway keep up the good work...i love ypur food videos.
People need to mind their own business, whatever works for you. My son was never picky but if he didn't want what we were having I made him what he wanted.
I don’t understand why people have to be so judgy. Just move on, no need to be nasty if you disagree! That being said, my kids almost always eat differently that my husband and I. At least the children are fed! :-)
Why don't you make everyone the same dinners? 😂 (just kidding💞) I know what it's like having to make separate dinners. I'm very picky & don't like a lot of food my mom makes.
Aw I am so sorry you were getting mean comments ! You should do what works for your kids , which you clearly do :) also your french bread pizzas look so yummy!
My husband is a truck driver so he only eats at home roughly 6 nights out of the month. I'm a pharmacy student, 30 weeks pregnant, and we have 3 other kids (8, 6, and 2), most of our dinners look like a hodge podge too. No matter what I make someone isn't eating something and wants a substitution. If it keeps you "mom sane" who cares. You do what is best for your family. As long is everyone is fed and their needs are met, who cares! People are so judgemental and it's rather annoying. This past weekend, husband and I, were in Walmart and we had someone comment on the amount of kids we have. Our children were quiet, behaving, and not bothering anyone. Literally just standing with my husband by the cart while we shopped. My husband looked at me and said check your hormones and don't tell her how it is! I had the same reaction as your husband, "we'll pray for you!"
David is so supportive and refreshing😂👍🏻
As a special needs child myself I want to say the support you and your husband give Nate will make more of a difference in his life long term than you realize
Aww thank you so much, Jessica! That really means a lot! Thank you so much for watching!
Oh my gosh she is the CUTEST!! "Take the cookies away and put THESE on my plate!" My heart! I love these videos for sure! So much fun!
Also PLEASE don't worry about the haters - there are always going to be people judge you for whatever. You are making sure your babies are fed and their tummies are full. That makes you an AMAZING mom. You are an inspiration! Much love to you!!
Aww thanks so much! Hugs and love sent your way!
Your kids are healthy✔️.
Your kids are happy ✔️
Let the haters hate ---
May God Bless them too✔️
Thanks, Diane!
I think it’s sweet you and David have “date” dinners after your kiddos go to sleep. Especially with sensory kiddos it’s a tight rope you walk... finding food they will/can eat, slowly showing them new things. I have started going to the gym at 5pm and I’m not even home for dinner 😜
It IS more like a date and we actually get to enjoy it! haha. Thanks so much!
I'm a newbie on your channel but y'all are such a sweet family! Beautiful and healthy kids! Awesome supportive husband and you are a absolute doll and a wonderful mom! Keep doing what your doing and what's best for your family. I support you 100%. Forget the negativity! ❤
Aww thanks so much and WELCOME!
Blessed Jess thank you! 💗
You shouldn't have to explain what works for YOUR family. I enjoyed this video as ALWAYS. So glad to know that Nate is feeling a lot better! Keep being the great mother and person that you are.
Aww thank you so much! ❤️
You are so sweet Jess! I love watching your videos and I think you’re a great mother! I love how you always prioritize your kids and husband, and also don’t forget about yourself too! I know life can be busy and frustrating but never forget to think about yourself too. Keep it up! ❤️
Aww thanks so much, Amy! ❤️
This is one of my favorites along with the lunches!
Thanks so much, Emilee!
Your husband stepping in was so cute :D I'm a sucker for silly romantic gestures like this! And my husband's name is David too :D
Aww thanks! He’s the best!
As you always say, "You, do you!" You do what works for your family and everyone else can do what works for theirs. I never understand why people are so critical about such silly things. Love your videos and I love seeing what you and your kids eat!
Aww thanks so much!
I understand why you feed your kids different things than you and your husband eat. My eleven year daughter will not eat what my husband and I eat. She would rather not eat at all than eat what we eat. So I do make her different meals than us. I noticed that you mentioned that you ate at Fuddruckers. I’m so jealous:). They closed all the Fuddruckers in our area. Great video!
We love Fuddruckers! We don’t have one super close to us, but when we are in the area, we try to stop by.
You should do this every week! I love these videos!
I'll be doing them often for sure!
Jessica don’t worry about what the people say. You got to do what’s best for your family. I love how you and David parenting. Y’all are the best.
Thanks so much, Vanessa!
Atleast they are eating!!! Thats all that matters 😊
Thanks! I agree!
Thanks so much! ❤️
My philosophy is if they don’t like they don’t have to watch the videos lol I love your family and you guys do a great job growing up my parents did dinners the way you and David do it for your family whatever works best and everyone’s healthy!
Thanks so much! 💕
When I was a lot younger and not a mother I thought it was crazy for parents to fix different meals. Now that I’m a mother I Totally Understand!!!! 😊Your doing a great job!
Haha. Right? We were all parenting experts before our kids were born. I did the same thing!
Your such a good Mom Jess....and you have a beautiful family...I love all your videos
Thanks, Carole!
Who ever is giving you hate is ridiculous!! I don’t personally make multiple dinners for my kids, but there are nights in our home we call “grab and go” where my kids are responsible for their own dinner. (They are 13 and 9 so they are old enough) On those nights we all eat different foods. There is nothing wrong with it. As long as your kids are fed and happy, no one should have an opinion on what or how they eat.
Love your videos, by the way. Just found you about a month ago.
Aww thanks so much, Jessa! Hugs!
Great video. Continue doing what works for your family. People have to understand you do what you know your kids going to eat. I use to do that but know they teenager so if they don't like what I cook. They on there on.
Thanks so much, girl!
Some people are crazy and clearly don’t understand you do what works for your family. I will admit before I became a mom I was one of those “my kids will eat what I give them” people. Man did that change quickly! My daughter is two in a couple of months but already a little diva when it comes to her food so I make her what I know she will eat. Hopefully when she’s older it will change but if not, who cares! Love your videos please keep making them!
Haha. Thanks so much, Dianne! I said a lot of things too BEFORE I became a parent. Lol.
Ha!! That was me too!! And my kids will never..... basically all the things 😩😱😜
I'm with David, how could you have any haters. I love your videos, perhaps because I can relate to having a child with food restrictions/sensory issues. Also because I believe in building others up not tearing them down! You go mama, you have this...and you are rocking it. ❤️
Oh geez didn't realize this was an older video 😂 TH-cam is being crazy!
I really appreciate the love and support! It is an older video, but I still get the mean comments occasionally!
Your videos are fun to watch! Don't let the hate comments affect you since they don't understand the issues faced with autism. I have learned to provide foods based on the appropriate response to encourage the language and verbal communication. To me, it's like eating at a restaurant on a daily basis. However, working a full time job and not having my husband at home nights to assist makes getting good food in the kids difficult but a blessing if they eat. My kids do try items from my plate at times so I just stock the frig with a variety. Happy to see the family enjoying dinner! That's the joy!
I completely agree! Thank you so much! Hugs!
When my kids were little I have to say they ate different foods and most nights they ate earlier!!! My kids would go to bed earlier than we ate!!! Even now we sometimes all eat at different times and different foods!!! Ignore the haters
Thanks! We often eat after they are in bed as well. 😊
Just want to say, I think you're a great mom. Most important is your kids- they're happy and healthy and well loved. For those haters- obvously they're ignorant and don't understand what works for you and your family & have nothing better to do than to criticize. Keep you doing what you're doing. And, I hope you had a wonderful mother's day!
Aww thanks so much, Tracie! Hugs! ❤️
Some people are rude and judgemental of others, just keep doing what you're doing and what works best for your family. You're an awesome mom and I love watching your videos! 😎♥️
Thanks so much, Kristi! And thank you for the sweet card! Hugs! 😊
Blessed Jess You're welcome! Hugs back 😙!!
I love your what's for dinner videos! In our family we also cook separate meals for the kids and sometimes my husband and I also eat different dinners (he is usually low carb and I'm not). I'm always hesitant to tell other moms about it - I get the constant "why don't they all eat the same thing? How do you meal plan to save money?" etc. It gets old! lol
I know how that feels. You are doing a great job! If everyone is fed and happy, we are doing our jobs! Hugs!
Ignore the critics! You do what works best for your family and their needs!! Love the dinner videos !!
Thanks, Hannah!
I do that for my family too, if they eat different items, I fix different ones for them. Could you maybe find some abc macaroni and try making a cheese sauce for them to see if he would eat it, so when they quit selling that kind he will have his abc noodles.. People are cruel today don't let the trolls get you down, you are doing a very good job at taking care of feeding your family. Thanks for sharing! Take care and be blessed.
Thanks so much, Mary! I actually found some alphabet noodles but they are teeny tiny and Nate wasn’t a fan. I’ll keep my eyes out for a larger size! ❤️
You are blessing to my family of four. My son who is 3 has a speech delay disorder and my daughter who is 2 is vibrant and love food. Your channel gives me tons of ideas on meals and suggestions for my son because he, too is picky about textures of food. Please keep posting and don't let negative people drive you from your destiny! Blessings to you and your family!
I’m so glad we could help! Thank you so much! Hugs, Mama! I know how hard it can’re doing a great job!
Another excellent dinner video
Thank you so much!
Blessed Jess Your welcome!
*REAL WOMEN BUILD UP OTHER WOMEN, not tear them down.*
We are all trying to do what is best and works for our own families. I make 2 or 3 different dinners a night. It works for us, everyone is full at the end. Its not like we are asking someone else to cook 3 meal for us? I cannot fathom how anyone else should care what YOU at mealtime in your own home...
I totally agree! If I am ok with it than what’s the problem? Thanks so much, friend! 😘
Blessed Jess Always 💘💘
Do what works for y’all ! Haters be gone 😂😂😂
Haha, yes, because they get blocked! 😂
No kids here but I think the separate dinner is genius! Imagine all the wasted food and whining you don’t have to deal with! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
Haha. For real!
Don’t you worry about those haters! If I only cooked what my 15 year old son liked for all 4 of us, we would not be happy long. He’s a meat only boy with limited veggies like green beans and potatoes only! The rest of us like a lot more vegetables. I love the what’s for dinner video’s. They help me to change up my menu.
Thanks so much! I’m so glad they help!
I make different meals for my kiddos too. Great video.
Thanks, Holly!
Weird and Silly... How boring life would be without it.... Took me half a lifetime and many missed opportunities before I realized that weird and silly was what made life great! Love you guys!❤
So true! Thanks so much, Brenda!
❤❤❤❤ HONESTY JESS! I DONT CARE IF YOU FEED YOUR KIDS different meals until they're 18yrs old... I'll still watch! 🤗❤😉
Aww thanks so much! :)
Great dinner ideas.
Oh hun please don't let the negative people get to you,I'm totally with you on at the moment it's better to let the kiddos eat then you and david eat.You definitely have to do what's best for your family hun and I must say that you are a great mum and David is a great dad.xx
Aww thanks so much!
It doesn’t matter what people think, do what works for y’all . You don’t have to explain or justify how you do dinner! I’m sure they wouldn’t like it if people were telling them how they should be eating their dinner! Love your dinner videos. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Thanks so much, Lisa!
I just finished watching all of your lunch videos and now working on your dinner videos. How you have haters blows my mind!!! I do not have kids. It's just my hubby and I that I cook for. And some nights I cook us different dinners! I'm not a big meat eater or tomato sauce fan so I make different things when he's eating something I don't want. Who cares! Do what makes you happy, what works for you! What a thing to comment about, geez. I love you videos. I enjoy your family very much. And I clap (loud) when Nate eats well at school! Put THAT on a shirt and I'll wear it! "I clap for Nate!"
Aww thanks so much! I love that! :)
All looked great!! Now I'm craving chicken and Mac and cheese!! 😂😂
Haha. Thanks so much! 😊
Blessed Jess You're welcome!! 😊😊 Had my Chicken and Mac and cheese fix tonight for supper!! It was so good!! 😀😀
Yessssss thanks for making this video!
You are welcome!! 👍🏻
Ignore the haters, they must live in La La Land. I raised 3 kids, My oldest will be 41 in July and my youngest will be 27 in June. I've been there where you are at with small kids. Its hard to get them to eat the same thing that everyone else is eating. I like your idea of feeding them what they like, while at the same time making sure you include healthy elements to it. There's less fighting and more eating with the kids. Your a great mom. God Bless.
Aww thanks so much, Annie!
This is how I feed my kids I feed them first the we eat later
Works best for us too!
@blessedjess it really does
My son is 8 and he loves anything with ABC’s! Will be on the lookout for the Mac n cheese letters at Publix. He loves the ABC mashed potato letters by OreIda!
We like those too! The Mac and cheese is so hard to find, but it’s really good!
Great meals. Good momma.
Thanks so much, Rachael!
I'm 19 and my brother is 16 and my mom has always made 3 different meals. He has autism as well so you aren't alone mama!
Thanks so much, Jada!
I love your videos and you good mother
Aww thanks so much, Stacy!
People who hate are just jealous or have no idea what it is like to have a special needs child . Don’t ever apologize for doing what works for your family .
Thanks so much!
I love u guys and the family. Dont worry about what the haters have to save.. Have a great week
Thanks, Shannon! 😊
I love your videos . I remember when we kids mum made some food different to her and dad and that was because we didn't eat .
Thanks so much, Tahlia!
You know your kids so well. Getting a child with autism to eat is challenging. Sometimes kids eat just one food. Nate is slowly expanding his diet. Kudos to you. I love you and David and how you interact with your kids and each other. Keep up the great job.
Thanks so much, Jamie! It is a challenge for sure, but he is so worth it!
I don't understand why people would judge you. Fed is best! I got blessed in the eating department with my kids (3 & 1) because I can count on my fingers the few foods they won't eat but I would never judge someone because their kids don't eat like mine. Every kid is different so what works for one may not work for another.
So true! I totally agree. Hugs!
And sorry for all the hate comment. If they don’t have anything nice to say then leave you don’t have to watch it. And your a very good mom you give your family different things that they like for dinner a lot of mom don’t do that and it is really special and kind of you.
Aww thanks so much!
Great meals! 😊😊
Thanks so much, Krystal!
Great video! You can also find that abc mac n cheese on Amazon!
I looked and haven't had much luck! :(
i do so enjoy these types of videos! :) thanks for sharing. i can't wait to make pizza on saturday for my birthday meal and because of y'all, i finally tried turkey pepperoni and liked it!!! i don't know why but turkey outside of thanksgiving dinner doesn't seem right to me...i'm so weird, i know. however, once i'm living on my own again this summer, i'm going to try to incorporate it more into my meals. i struggle hardcore to eat healthier, especially since i don't really have the patience or motivation to cook. :-/ anyway, thanks again for sharing and happy wednesday!!! HUGS!
Hugs back! Turkey pepperoni is awesome, glad you liked it! :)
I am shocked that people would be offended that you cook separate meals for your children. I think most people would not take the time to make meals that their children would rather eat, so please don't feel the need to explain yourself. Great video, all the dinners looked incredibly yummy
Aww thanks so much!
❤thanks for sharing💞
Thanks, Rose!
Hi Jess my daughter sometimes has different dinners from me and i am okay with that. Dont listen to the people who are mean your a great mum 😀
Thanks so much, Julie!
I rarely know anyone that kids eat the same as them all the time. You do what works for your family. You’re all wonderful and if you eat a little differently than kids that’s fine! No big deal!
Thanks so much, Jennifer!
Thanks! :)
What works for Jess may not work for you!! But the family I babysit for never eats the same thing because it just doesn’t go smooth at all, so to make it easier they eat different meals lol!! Love your videos make more vlogs if you can please!!
Thanks so much!
I'm sorry some comments are less than uplifting. Unless someone is in my shoes, they have no idea what is happening to me. Keep going. You are doing great! Show others that you are blessed!
Thanks so much, Terri! We are very blessed!
i have a son with Autism and he is funny with his meals even though he is 25years old his food intake is ltd so don't listen to the haters xxxx
Thanks so much!
I am new enjoying your video's. I have 2 teens, one has autism the other has chrons disease we very seldom eat the same. It is impossible with autoimmune disorders. I do the same don't worry it is your family and the kids are happy and healthy. You go girl.. Blessings
Thanks so very much! Hugs!
My son has sensory processing disorder. I have had many people say something to me about fixing my son something other than what we are eating. As your husband you have question I ask you have a kids with special needs? If I want steak for dinner, I can’t make that for my son because he doesn’t have the strength in his jaw to chew it (he can’t eat fruit snacks either) he will eat a variety of foods but some textures he won’t eat (like grapes, strawberries, cherries, etc. he is 6 and he just started eating potato chips (his OT actually got him To try them) when we go out to eat, I have to ask for a plastic fork because anything shiny freaks him out. I always tell people who say anything to he your child? No. Do you feed him? no, do you live with him? No so why are you so concerned about how I feed my child? It isn’t affecting you other than your attitude in any single way. Don’t like it, don’t look. Feed your kids how you want and what you want. There is nothing wrong with that and anyone who thinks otherwise, really have no life. There are far more important things going on in this world and how someone feeds there child isn’t one of them. Ignore the fools who don’t understand. Thanks for sharing :) I always enjoy your videos :)
I just love you, Meredith! So true! Thank you so much for your comment. What an amazing son you have!
Aww thanks!
Jess I'm a vegetarian I don't eat what my folks make for dinner because they eat meat. but my vegetarian meals I can have dairy. Sometimes my folks well eat what I made but not all the time
I think that is really common. So many people eat differently than each other. As long as they are happy with it, I think it’s great!
Don’t worry about the haters. It is none of their concern. Deleting them is s great choice.
i am also special needs. i only Chicken and Fruit or Frozen Yogurt and Chicken for Lunches. AT BreaKFAST time i eat Honey nut cheerios one day and another day CHEX Cereal. i mostly like philly cheese steak hot pockets, Chicken Breast or Turkey Burgers for Dinner.
Thanks so much for watching, Angela! Sounds like you eat lots of yummy food!
Thank you for making these videos. i am sure one day Nate will eat his Quesadilla .
I think you are a great mom you take time and make your kids what they want to eat and it is healthy so the people who think you are weird needs to look in the mirror for weird
Thank you so much! 💕
Oh my goodness....some adults can be so juvenile. There is nothing wrong with having your kids different meals. You know your family..and you make them great meals...haters gonna hate i guess. Why do they even watch is what i would like to know...grrrrrr. anyway keep up the good work...i love ypur food videos.
Thanks so much! It’s a very small percentage. Most everyone is so supportive. 😘
People need to mind their own business, whatever works for you. My son was never picky but if he didn't want what we were having I made him what he wanted.
Thanks, Brenda! I's not worth the battle. :)
It's a real struggle getting your kids to eat at times.
Yes and it’s not a battle that I fight. 😊
Blessed Jess I think the reason why they fight us is because it's one of those things that they still have control over.
I don’t understand why people have to be so judgy. Just move on, no need to be nasty if you disagree! That being said, my kids almost always eat differently that my husband and I. At least the children are fed! :-)
Right? Fed is best!
Why don't you make everyone the same dinners? 😂 (just kidding💞) I know what it's like having to make separate dinners. I'm very picky & don't like a lot of food my mom makes.
Haha! Thanks! I was the same way growing up.
Aw I am so sorry you were getting mean comments ! You should do what works for your kids , which you clearly do :) also your french bread pizzas look so yummy!
Thanks so much, Emily! Most everyone has been amazing!
My husband is a truck driver so he only eats at home roughly 6 nights out of the month. I'm a pharmacy student, 30 weeks pregnant, and we have 3 other kids (8, 6, and 2), most of our dinners look like a hodge podge too. No matter what I make someone isn't eating something and wants a substitution. If it keeps you "mom sane" who cares. You do what is best for your family. As long is everyone is fed and their needs are met, who cares! People are so judgemental and it's rather annoying. This past weekend, husband and I, were in Walmart and we had someone comment on the amount of kids we have. Our children were quiet, behaving, and not bothering anyone. Literally just standing with my husband by the cart while we shopped. My husband looked at me and said check your hormones and don't tell her how it is! I had the same reaction as your husband, "we'll pray for you!"
How rude! I’m so sorry! I totally agree with you. Fed is best. And congratulations!!! Kids are blessings! 😘