Been trying to improve my garden for pollinators for the last 3 or 4 years and it's working - spotted 12 different butterfly species in one day this week - I was so chuffed!
@@NatureScopeYT Large and small whites, brimstone, red admirals, commas, peacocks, gatekeepers, meadow browns, a small tortoiseshell, small copper, a small skipper and lastly but one of my favourites - a common blue 😁 I was blown away by the variety!
Been trying to improve my garden for pollinators for the last 3 or 4 years and it's working - spotted 12 different butterfly species in one day this week - I was so chuffed!
That’s incredible! What species did you get?
@@NatureScopeYT Large and small whites, brimstone, red admirals, commas, peacocks, gatekeepers, meadow browns, a small tortoiseshell, small copper, a small skipper and lastly but one of my favourites - a common blue 😁 I was blown away by the variety!
Amazing great work 😄
@@NatureScopeYT It's the buddleja and ragwort, they seem to attract most of them!
Great video and photos, my favourite photo was the Common brimstone, amazing shot!! 👏🏻
Cheers Guy 😄 There’s some crazy rare species at that site I hope to find some day!