I understand your concern, but it's important to approach these DIY projects with safety in mind. Using appropriate materials and following safe handling procedures can prevent accidents. In this case, materials like PVC, silicone, or solvents should be used in well-ventilated areas, and any heat or open flames should be carefully managed. If you’re worried about fire hazards, consider experimenting with alternative designs that use safer materials or non-flammable components. What safety features do you think could improve this setup further?
Interesting! It sounds like you’ve found an alternative that works well for you. What method or system have you switched to instead of relying on electricity? Any tips or insights you’d like to share about making the transition?
Hello! Your ideas are becoming more and more interesting, thank you for taking my advice into account and installing a tap to turn off the burner. Using alcohol is much safer than gasoline and this is also a plus! Like your water heater! !
¡Gracias por tu comentario! Es sorprendente lo que se puede lograr con un sistema casero, y alcanzar 25°C es bastante útil. ¿Has pensado en alguna mejora para incrementar aún más la temperatura o hacer el sistema más eficiente?
@@HolicCreation It can be made more efficient. use oil fuel. And you heat a water tank above the combustion area. a chimney or smoke exhaust pipe may be required. Everything should be made of metal. Because the plastic melts.
Interesting! It sounds like you’ve found an alternative that works well for you. What method or system have you switched to instead of relying on electricity? Any tips or insights you’d like to share about making the transition?
Vous avez tout à fait raison ! La sécurité est primordiale, et une installation propre et régulière est toujours préférable pour éviter les risques d'incendie. 🔥 Merci d'avoir partagé votre point de vue ! Avez-vous des conseils sur les meilleures pratiques à suivre ? 😊
Thank you for watching the video! Maybe my camera did not capture that moment. This is a shortcoming. I will note the camera angle so you can see the product more clearly in the next videos. Please SUBSCRIBLE the channel so we have more motivation to try harder. Wish you a good day
Хаха, точно! Идея интересная, но нужно учитывать безопасность! 💥😄 Как вы думаете, какие альтернативные источники энергии могли бы быть более практичными? 😊
@@HolicCreation Dovoljan je vodik, samo u dvije spojene posude obllika slova U na vrhu jedne dobiješ vodik -pol. Na vrhu druge posude+pol dobiješ kisik, i vodik tada nije eksplozivan. Samo što vodik nagriza sve metalne djelove, Obična plastična vodovodna cijev fi 50 mm s dva koljena 90° i struja prolazi ispod inox ćelija, u (Na OH) natrijevoj lužini, ( nikako natrijev klorid) napon ne mora biti viši od 3-5 V, i poželjan je 5khz- 25khz PVM modulator. Mali sunčani kolektor koj prati sunce, dovoljno je lijevo desno i preko dana imaš dovoljno vatre za grijanje željezne spirale kroz koju prolazi voda u centralno grijanje. Temperatura na vrhu plamena bude 2-3000° C. Uz termoprekidaće... stvar radi bezprijekorno. Probaj, kod mene radi, samo mi se ne da objavljivati...
Пристрій не поганий, але де взяти стільки мідної труби, а вона щей дорога, є туристичні балони з газом і з пальником, а кастрюля всігда дома найдеться, щей із криниці воду можна нагріти.
Так, мідна труба - це розкіш! 😅 Твоя пропозиція з туристичним балоном і каструлею звучить набагато простіше й доступніше. Можна і з криниці воду набрати, нагріти швидко, і проблем немає. Як кажуть, навіщо вигадувати велосипед, коли є старий добрий метод? Туристичний балон + каструля = все, що потрібно! 💪 Що ще цікаве ти робив для зручності в походах?
شكراً على تعليقك! فكرة التصميم المستدام لعدم توفر الكهرباء في بعض الدول رائعة حقًا. 🌍 م المثير للاهتمام كيف يمكن أن تساعد الابتكارات في تحسين الحياة اليومية. هل لديك أفكار أخرى حول كيفية تحسين الوصول إلى الطاقة في هذه الدول؟ 😊
A battery that powers an electric motor is typically called an 'electric battery' or just 'battery.' It's essential for providing the energy needed to run electric vehicles and various devices! What are your thoughts on electric motors? 😊
Wow, das ist eine kreative Art, einen Wasserkocher zu bauen! Könnten Sie uns mehr Einzelheiten darüber verraten, wie Sie ihn gebaut haben? Und was halten Sie davon, auf GTA 6 zu warten? Gibt es etwas, worauf Sie sich im kommenden Spiel am meisten freuen?
Haha, 'silly tube' definitely has a nice ring to it! 😄 Bringing back the outhouse is one way to keep things interesting. What’s your favorite retro idea that you think should make a comeback? 😊
Haha, exatamente! A bateria precisa de eletricidade para funcionar, o que torna tudo um pouco contraditório! 😂 Você tem alguma solução alternativa que acha que funcionaria melhor? 😊
Wo sparst du? Um 10kw aus Alkohol zu erzeugen brauchst du sicher nicht nur so ein Sparflämmchen. Dein Wasser kocht auf keinen Fall, also was soll das Ganze ?
Haben Sie Erfahrungen oder andere Methoden, um eine höhere Effizienz zu erreichen? Ich würde gerne mehr darüber erfahren, wie Sie dieses Problem lösen würden und welche Tipps Sie zur Optimierung des Systems haben!
Kalo yg membuat experimen ini, di rumah, setiap harinya tidak ber langganan lustrik pln, itu baru reel, kalo masih menggunakan listrik pln, unruk kebutuhan penerangan dll, maka semua itu HOAK
Benar sekali! Jika seseorang melakukan eksperimen ini tanpa bergantung pada listrik PLN, itu akan menjadi lebih menarik dan otentik. 🌟 Namun, listrik juga sangat penting untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari. Apakah Anda punya ide lain tentang cara membuat eksperimen yang lebih realistis? 😊
Prąd nie jest potrzebny hehe.ale gazem podgrzewasz..tu nic nie wymyśliłeś.😂wodę się odgrzewa albo prądem,albo gazem.. a ja powiem że nie potrzebny mi ani prąd ani gaz a podhr,ewam wodę drewnem.hehe
Yes! Being without electricity can be very difficult and inconvenient. 😅 Do you have any tips for dealing with this situation? Share your experiences with everyone! 😊
That's a valid point! Nothing is truly free, and the costs of batteries and alcohol can add up. It’s always important to weigh the pros and cons of any solution. Do you have any cost-effective alternatives in mind? 😊
Thanks for sharing your thoughts! It is true that charging requires electricity, and this idea may not be perfect for everyone. Safety and practicality always need to be considered. If you have any other ideas that you think are more feasible, I would love to hear them! 😊
Cải lùi, thật sự rất đáng tiếc nếu video không đáp ứng được kỳ vọng của bạn! 😅 Nếu có điều gì cụ thể mà bạn không thích hoặc muốn cải thiện, hãy cho mình biết nhé. Mình rất muốn biết ý kiến của bạn để tốt hơn trong tương lai!
¡Genial! Cocinar con leña tiene su propio encanto. 🍂 Siempre es bueno aprender nuevos trucos. ¿Cuál es tu plato favorito para preparar de esta manera? 😄
Цілком згоден! Використання алкоголю як пального може бути дорогим варіантом. 💰 Дійсно, важливо знаходити більш економічні та ефективні альтернативи. Які, на вашу думку, варіанти могли б бути кращими? 😊
Haha, that's right! A fire extinguisher is a must when you're experimenting with wild ideas! 😂 Do you have any other tips for staying safe while working? 😊
صحيح! النار على الحطب هي دائمًا خيار مريح، خاصةً عندما يكون لديك رأس مؤلم! 😂 إذا كان لديك أي نصائح حول كيفية الاسترخاء أو تحسين الوضع، فلا تتردد في مشاركتها! 😊
말씀하신 내용을 보니 전기 없이 무언가를 열기구로 사용한다는 점에 대해 의문이 있으신 것 같아요. 정말 전기 없이 열을 생성하는 것은 쉽지 않은 일입니다. 다른 열기구를 사용해야 한다는 설명이 추가되면 이해가 더 쉬울 것 같습니다. 대구 사투리로 말씀하신 부분이 너무 재미있어요. '우리 집 대구 아이다'라니, 정말 정감이 가네요. 😊 그러니 다시 한번 살펴보면, 전기 없이 어떤 방식으로 열을 생성할 수 있는지에 대한 구체적인 설명이 필요한 것 같습니다. 혹시 다른 재미있는 이야기나 질문이 있으신가요? 언제든지 환영입니다! 👍
Thanks for sharing your thoughts! I totally understand your concerns about safety. Using tools or equipment incorrectly can be very dangerous. Do you have any experiences you would like to share about safe use? 😊
Haha, seria interessante ver como isso funcionaria! 😂 Mas, definitivamente, a segurança em primeiro lugar! Você acha que ele teria coragem de tentar? 😄
I understand your concerns! Safety is definitely a priority. Electric and gas heaters are widely available and often more reliable options. It's always important to choose what works best for your needs. Do you have a preferred heating method? 😊
Haha, that's right! Sometimes ideas that seem great don't work as well as we expect! 🤣 Warm water definitely has its merits! Do you have any other ways to save water? 😊
¡Entiendo lo que quieres decir! En realidad, el uso del fuego puede ser muy peligroso y requiere precaución. 🔥 La seguridad es siempre la máxima prioridad. ¿Tiene alguna otra idea que crea que es más segura? 😊
Haha, that’s a fair point! 😄 Sometimes, innovative ideas can sound a bit out there. It's always good to question and think critically. What do you think would be a more practical solution? 😊
Electricity is no longer necessary! Top 32 Most Used Without Electricity Tips and Hack of 2024
@@HolicCreation attığın taşa. bak vurdu gün kuşa. bak anlarsın. Telmeli
Great handicraft work to burn down the whole hut. 😂
I understand your concern, but it's important to approach these DIY projects with safety in mind. Using appropriate materials and following safe handling procedures can prevent accidents. In this case, materials like PVC, silicone, or solvents should be used in well-ventilated areas, and any heat or open flames should be carefully managed. If you’re worried about fire hazards, consider experimenting with alternative designs that use safer materials or non-flammable components. What safety features do you think could improve this setup further?
La energía no se crea ni se destruye, simplemente se transforma.
With magnets you can heat the copper free
😍😍😍 i don't need Electricity anymore .Thank you
Interesting! It sounds like you’ve found an alternative that works well for you. What method or system have you switched to instead of relying on electricity? Any tips or insights you’d like to share about making the transition?
How the hell U powered the pump, 😮
Hello! Your ideas are becoming more and more interesting, thank you for taking my advice into account and installing a tap to turn off the burner. Using alcohol is much safer than gasoline and this is also a plus! Like your water heater! !
Thank you for your feedback! I'm glad you found the tap installation helpful. Stay safe with your water heater! 🔥💧
hola, so cool thanks, first time i see it
Thank you my friend
itu kl di ganti pakai gas apakah bisa?
Muy buena la aplicación de un calefón casero que llega a casi 25°C la temperatura que pasa por el serpentín.
¡Gracias por tu comentario! Es sorprendente lo que se puede lograr con un sistema casero, y alcanzar 25°C es bastante útil. ¿Has pensado en alguna mejora para incrementar aún más la temperatura o hacer el sistema más eficiente?
@@HolicCreation It can be made more efficient. use oil fuel. And you heat a water tank above the combustion area. a chimney or smoke exhaust pipe may be required. Everything should be made of metal. Because the plastic melts.
really wonderful
Thank you for watching ! Do you think my videos are interesting and life changing?
That’s really cool
Thank you so much! Glad you found this video meaningful and informative.Are you using hot water at your home?
Very good
Thank you so much ,my friend ! Glad this video has brought you satisfaction. Please SUBSCRIBLE the channel to watch more interesting videos.
بسیار الی و اموزنده
Buscando un medio de no pagar electricidad como cualquier mundano. Simple : no quieres pagar el exceso que te llega no gastes de más y ya.
If copper would fall of trees, this coulda been potential version of hot water. What other choice does clay pot leaves?
Extreme inefficiency
Water+salt transfer in iron bottle that will become fire gass
Con todo el material gastado con todo el tiempo gastado inútilmente creo que me sale más barato la electricidad
Aklımızla alay ediyor 😮.
Onu yapacağına tüplü şovpenler var çok daha verimli
I didn’t understand the sit up of the plastic lines inside the two bottles
باید بگوید که یک لیتر پطروس چند ساعت دوام میکند موضوع اصلی مصرفش چقدر است
جتنے آلات اور اوزار اس ویڈیو میں دکھائے گئے ، اتنے ہم کہاں سے لائیں ؟
عجیب ڈرامہ ہے ،،،،،،،،،
Frage des Brandschutzes.
he is a good plumber or inventing
Thank you very much! Wish you all the best!
Gasto en combustible y electricidad no sirve
i don't need Electricity anymore .Thank you
Interesting! It sounds like you’ve found an alternative that works well for you. What method or system have you switched to instead of relying on electricity? Any tips or insights you’d like to share about making the transition?
L´incendie à la maison n´est pas bien loin! Mieux vaut une installation régulière et propre, sans fumée.
Vous avez tout à fait raison ! La sécurité est primordiale, et une installation propre et régulière est toujours préférable pour éviter les risques d'incendie. 🔥 Merci d'avoir partagé votre point de vue ! Avez-vous des conseils sur les meilleures pratiques à suivre ? 😊
Water boils at 212 F. Doesnt look like its boiling to me. Maybe your temperature gauge needs calibration.
Thank you for watching the video! Maybe my camera did not capture that moment. This is a shortcoming. I will note the camera angle so you can see the product more clearly in the next videos. Please SUBSCRIBLE the channel so we have more motivation to try harder. Wish you a good day
Bez struje🤔 a baterija 9v🥳🥳🥳🥳
Benzin i vodik iz vode 💥
Ideja ok ali jako 💥💥
Хаха, точно! Идея интересная, но нужно учитывать безопасность! 💥😄 Как вы думаете, какие альтернативные источники энергии могли бы быть более практичными? 😊
Dovoljan je vodik, samo u dvije spojene posude obllika slova U na vrhu jedne dobiješ vodik -pol.
Na vrhu druge posude+pol dobiješ kisik, i vodik tada nije eksplozivan.
Samo što vodik nagriza sve metalne djelove,
Obična plastična vodovodna cijev fi 50 mm s dva koljena 90° i struja prolazi ispod inox ćelija, u (Na OH) natrijevoj lužini, ( nikako natrijev klorid) napon ne mora biti viši od 3-5 V, i poželjan je 5khz- 25khz PVM modulator.
Mali sunčani kolektor koj prati sunce, dovoljno je lijevo desno i preko dana imaš dovoljno vatre za grijanje željezne spirale kroz koju prolazi voda u centralno grijanje.
Temperatura na vrhu plamena bude 2-3000° C.
Uz termoprekidaće... stvar radi bezprijekorno.
Probaj, kod mene radi, samo mi se ne da objavljivati...
Vô bổ !
Cảm ơn bạn đã bình luận. Chúng tôi sẽ cố gắng hơn ở những video sau. Bạn có ý tưởng nào thú vị nào không hãy cho mình biết nhé!
Пристрій не поганий, але де взяти стільки мідної труби, а вона щей дорога, є туристичні балони з газом і з пальником, а кастрюля всігда дома найдеться, щей із криниці воду можна нагріти.
Так, мідна труба - це розкіш! 😅 Твоя пропозиція з туристичним балоном і каструлею звучить набагато простіше й доступніше. Можна і з криниці воду набрати, нагріти швидко, і проблем немає. Як кажуть, навіщо вигадувати велосипед, коли є старий добрий метод? Туристичний балон + каструля = все, що потрібно! 💪 Що ще цікаве ти робив для зручності в походах?
فكرة رائعة جدا؟؟؟لماذا لايصنعون الشركات الكبرى هكذا تصميم للدول التي لم تتوفر فيها الكهرباء
شكراً على تعليقك! فكرة التصميم المستدام لعدم توفر الكهرباء في بعض الدول رائعة حقًا. 🌍 م المثير للاهتمام كيف يمكن أن تساعد الابتكارات في تحسين الحياة اليومية. هل لديك أفكار أخرى حول كيفية تحسين الوصول إلى الطاقة في هذه الدول؟ 😊
اين تعيش انت أظنك في خيمة في صحراء وسط الرمال
هاي تجربتك ما ل أفگور😂
شكراً على تعليقك! أعتقد أن الأفكار البسيطة قد تبدو غير فعالة لبعض الأشخاص، لكنها قد تكون مفيدة في مواقف معينة. هل لديك اقتراحات لتحسين التجربة؟
Birakta. Elektirik... alalim
Kesinlikle! Elektrik almak her zaman daha güvenli ve pratik bir seçenek gibi görünüyor! 😄 Sizce en iyi elektrikli alet hangisi? 😊
Cũng tốn điện chạy bơm
Cảm ơn bạn đã bình luận. Chúng tôi sẽ cố gắng hơn ở những video sau. Bạn có ý tưởng nào thú vị nào không hãy cho mình biết nhé!
What do you call a battery using electric motor
A battery that powers an electric motor is typically called an 'electric battery' or just 'battery.' It's essential for providing the energy needed to run electric vehicles and various devices! What are your thoughts on electric motors? 😊
Fire hazard from unprotected flames
It's a very inefficient gas heater...
คุณพูดถูกเลยครับ! 😅 แก๊สที่ใช้งานต้องระมัดระวังมาก ๆ หากลืมปิดก็อาจเกิดไฟไหม้ได้ง่าย และห้องน้ำควรมีการระบายอากาศที่เพียงพอ ไม่อย่างนั้นอาจจะอันตรายจากการขาดออกซิเจนได้ ส่วนเรื่องน้ำอุ่นในเมืองไทยนั้น จริง ๆ แล้วก็ไม่ค่อยจำเป็นเท่าไหร่ เพราะอากาศบ้านเราร้อนอยู่แล้ว! 🌞
ปลอดภัยไว้ก่อน ดีกว่ามาเสี่ยงทีหลังครับ! 😄
आमदनी अठन्नी खर्चा रूपय्या
बिलकुल सही कहा आपने! कभी-कभी आय और खर्चे का संतुलन बनाना बहुत मुश्किल होता है। 😂 क्या आपके पास कोई सलाह है कि कैसे अपने खर्चों को कम किया जाए? 😊
Selfmade Wasserboiler mit Alkohol statt Gas vor GTA 6
Wow, das ist eine kreative Art, einen Wasserkocher zu bauen! Könnten Sie uns mehr Einzelheiten darüber verraten, wie Sie ihn gebaut haben? Und was halten Sie davon, auf GTA 6 zu warten? Gibt es etwas, worauf Sie sich im kommenden Spiel am meisten freuen?
😂😂😂 дожили!!!
没错!太阳能水塔加热保温的装置确实是一个简单而有效的解决方案。🌞 这种技术在美国和台湾等地都很流行。您对太阳能的其他应用有什么想法吗?😊
Great idea bring back the outhouse. That's what I call progress..change the name to silly tube..
Haha, 'silly tube' definitely has a nice ring to it! 😄 Bringing back the outhouse is one way to keep things interesting. What’s your favorite retro idea that you think should make a comeback? 😊
A bateria 😂😂😂😂 não tem eletricidade né? 😂😂😂😂
Haha, exatamente! A bateria precisa de eletricidade para funcionar, o que torna tudo um pouco contraditório! 😂 Você tem alguma solução alternativa que acha que funcionaria melhor? 😊
Inventa algum tipo de aquecedor solar ou alguma coisa que aquece por atrito .
Wo sparst du? Um 10kw aus Alkohol zu erzeugen brauchst du sicher nicht nur so ein Sparflämmchen.
Dein Wasser kocht auf keinen Fall, also was soll das Ganze ?
Haben Sie Erfahrungen oder andere Methoden, um eine höhere Effizienz zu erreichen? Ich würde gerne mehr darüber erfahren, wie Sie dieses Problem lösen würden und welche Tipps Sie zur Optimierung des Systems haben!
Une vidéo sans explication = l'oubli..
Figão de lenha tambem...tem aue dosar agua quente com fria...
مردم سرکار نگذارید
باندازه ساخت پراید کار دارد
Kalo yg membuat experimen ini, di rumah, setiap harinya tidak ber langganan lustrik pln, itu baru reel,
kalo masih menggunakan listrik pln, unruk kebutuhan penerangan dll,
maka semua itu HOAK
Benar sekali! Jika seseorang melakukan eksperimen ini tanpa bergantung pada listrik PLN, itu akan menjadi lebih menarik dan otentik. 🌟 Namun, listrik juga sangat penting untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari. Apakah Anda punya ide lain tentang cara membuat eksperimen yang lebih realistis? 😊
Prąd nie jest potrzebny hehe.ale gazem podgrzewasz..tu nic nie wymyśliłeś.😂wodę się odgrzewa albo prądem,albo gazem.. a ja powiem że nie potrzebny mi ani prąd ani gaz a podhr,ewam wodę drewnem.hehe
Evsiz kalmada
Yes! Being without electricity can be very difficult and inconvenient. 😅 Do you have any tips for dealing with this situation? Share your experiences with everyone! 😊
Nothing is free. You still have to pay for batteries and alcohol.
That's a valid point! Nothing is truly free, and the costs of batteries and alcohol can add up. It’s always important to weigh the pros and cons of any solution. Do you have any cost-effective alternatives in mind? 😊
You need a battery, which requires to be charged. You need electricity. Please viewers do not wrongly appreciate the idea.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts! It is true that charging requires electricity, and this idea may not be perfect for everyone. Safety and practicality always need to be considered. If you have any other ideas that you think are more feasible, I would love to hear them! 😊
Cải lùi
Cải lùi, thật sự rất đáng tiếc nếu video không đáp ứng được kỳ vọng của bạn! 😅 Nếu có điều gì cụ thể mà bạn không thích hoặc muốn cải thiện, hãy cho mình biết nhé. Mình rất muốn biết ý kiến của bạn để tốt hơn trong tương lai!
Zawracanie d😅upy.
Голь ,на выдумку горазд.Учи азы!
Дякую за коментар! 👍 Завжди готовий вчитися і покращувати свої навички. Якщо у вас є якісь поради або зауваження, буду радий їх почути! 😊
Jajaja que es esto... si lo haces con leña no necesitaras gas... lo que uno tiene que ver
¡Genial! Cocinar con leña tiene su propio encanto. 🍂 Siempre es bueno aprender nuevos trucos. ¿Cuál es tu plato favorito para preparar de esta manera? 😄
Вам не здається, що використовувати алкоголь в якості палива, це занадто ДОРОГО ?
Цілком згоден! Використання алкоголю як пального може бути дорогим варіантом. 💰 Дійсно, важливо знаходити більш економічні та ефективні альтернативи. Які, на вашу думку, варіанти могли б бути кращими? 😊
Aber Feuerlöscher😂
Haha, that's right! A fire extinguisher is a must when you're experimenting with wild ideas! 😂 Do you have any other tips for staying safe while working? 😊
اعمل نار على الحطب اريح اوجعت راسي
صحيح! النار على الحطب هي دائمًا خيار مريح، خاصةً عندما يكون لديك رأس مؤلم! 😂 إذا كان لديك أي نصائح حول كيفية الاسترخاء أو تحسين الوضع، فلا تتردد في مشاركتها! 😊
اعمل شي يستفيد منه الناس الي فيه غزه وفي الأماكن الي فيه حروب افضل ،شو رايك ؟
말씀하신 내용을 보니 전기 없이 무언가를 열기구로 사용한다는 점에 대해 의문이 있으신 것 같아요. 정말 전기 없이 열을 생성하는 것은 쉽지 않은 일입니다. 다른 열기구를 사용해야 한다는 설명이 추가되면 이해가 더 쉬울 것 같습니다.
대구 사투리로 말씀하신 부분이 너무 재미있어요. '우리 집 대구 아이다'라니, 정말 정감이 가네요. 😊 그러니 다시 한번 살펴보면, 전기 없이 어떤 방식으로 열을 생성할 수 있는지에 대한 구체적인 설명이 필요한 것 같습니다. 혹시 다른 재미있는 이야기나 질문이 있으신가요? 언제든지 환영입니다! 👍
Phọt phẹt quá
Haha, mình hiểu cảm giác đó! 😄 Đôi khi những ý tưởng có vẻ điên rồ thật sự khiến chúng ta cảm thấy bối rối. Bạn có ý kiến nào khác không? 😊
Very dangerous . Useless
Thanks for sharing your thoughts! I totally understand your concerns about safety. Using tools or equipment incorrectly can be very dangerous. Do you have any experiences you would like to share about safe use? 😊
Quero ver ele postar vídeo no TH-cam com o gás 😂
Haha, seria interessante ver como isso funcionaria! 😂 Mas, definitivamente, a segurança em primeiro lugar! Você acha que ele teria coragem de tentar? 😄
how to make hot water without electricity. great. next cold season i won't have to buy electricity anymore
Thank you very much. You will save a lot of money and time after watching this video.
My problem is I need electricity to get the water out of the ground
Trò trẻ con thế mà tưởng bở
Bye electricity, hello gas. 😅😅😅
You are a fool see my comment
You are a fool see my comment
Haha, that’s one way to put it! 😄 Gas can definitely have its perks. Do you have a favorite way to use gas for cooking or heating? 😊
Not safety, dangrus idea, Elec. and gas Heater sold everywhere and cheap.
I understand your concerns! Safety is definitely a priority. Electric and gas heaters are widely available and often more reliable options. It's always important to choose what works best for your needs. Do you have a preferred heating method? 😊
Про газову колонку та двуконтурний котел не чув?😂
Чи можете ви чітко пояснити мені цей цікавий метод?
@@HolicCreation щоб воду гріти люди придумали газову колонку і ще є газовий двуконтурний котел,що може і хату опалювати і воду гріти
Blöde Idee, und was am Ende? Warmes Wasser teuer wie gold🤣
Haha, that's right! Sometimes ideas that seem great don't work as well as we expect! 🤣 Warm water definitely has its merits! Do you have any other ways to save water? 😊
The idea is not worth doing!
Imagine wireless magnetic induction but the water would at like a load
His setup is a hydrogen gas heater through ekectrolysis
Looks like you're having trouble with your keyboard! 😄 If you have anything to share or ask, let me know!
เข้าใจค่ะ! อาจมีทางเลือกหรือแนวคิดที่ดีกว่านี้เสมอ ถ้าคุณมีไอเดียหรือข้อเสนอแนะอื่น ๆ แบ่งปันกันได้เลยนะคะ 😊
Bof !!
خیلی احمقانه وبی ارزش بود طرح ایرانی ناقض وبی ارزش است غیر استاندارد .
¡Entiendo lo que quieres decir! En realidad, el uso del fuego puede ser muy peligroso y requiere precaución. 🔥 La seguridad es siempre la máxima prioridad. ¿Tiene alguna otra idea que crea que es más segura? 😊
Not a good idea, really wast of time
Only innocent humans believe your idea😅
Haha, that’s a fair point! 😄 Sometimes, innovative ideas can sound a bit out there. It's always good to question and think critically. What do you think would be a more practical solution? 😊