I feel you. I am actually watching Twilight for the 5th time now. Still hurts. I am hoping that Robsten will end up together.🥺 Maybe when they are both in their 40’s or 50’s. Doesn’t matter when as long as they end up together. (wishful thinking)
God, I just hope Rob and Kristen can actually see this video.. Same for hoping that their relationship will last long like the old legendary couple.. Nothing could be more beautiful than this ! Thank you for making it. Looking at Rob and Kris's relationship and this whole video, it makes us believe that real love still does exists..
life sometimes gives you the best presents.they have a strange wrapping paper so you're not very keen to open them but when you do so you feel..the way i feel right now.I didn't know the Newmans and now i'm ashamed for that but forgive me they're not of my generation,so i was a little hesitant when i came to watch it..but then every hesitation went away so quickly as it came..i wish i could describe with words how much this video/couple means to me but there's a lack of words here YOU ARE GREAT!
Libenet, I hope you get this. I am a huge Robsten fan. I am also 60 yrs old and grew up drooling over Paul and admiring Joanne. I have felt similarities between these 2 couples as well and was thrilled to see this video. This world is very different from the one I grew up in in the 50's, more complex and stressful. But I believe Rob & Kristen can have a long, happy marriage like the Newmans if they hang on to what they have. TYSVM You let an old lady remember and dream and cry tears of joy.
This is so surreal. There really are so many parallels between the two couples in their outlook and there respect for their mates. Well Rob and Kristen are not married but they have been the most important person in each other's lives for four years. Good job with the video. I liked the old fashion song too. Isn't it strange how it fit Rob and Kristen as well as it did Paul and Joanne.
Libenet..Wow what a beautiful video...You captured the heart and soul of their relationship. How much alike these two are; not only in their gestures but in the way they phrase their words. Paul and Joanne leave us a legacy of love to look back on and Rob and Kristen are creating their legacy of love for us to look forward to for many years to come. Libenet thank you for giving us this beautiful gift. Paul & Joanne and Rob & Kirsten thank you for showing the world how to love--ONEHEART♥
this is beyond any words how beautiful you carved this out, its just like a musical tale . why don't you make videos about them ? it doesn't need to be alive to adore something :) we love you, we loved you will always do . hugs
I am not normally an emotional person but this vid almost made me cry. And that's saying a lot. Thank you for making me feel something I don't usually do.
i'm absolutely speechless!...I have ALWAYS LOVED Paul Newman and Ms. Joanne (work as actors and their deep love for each other) and to see how closely Rob and Kris mirror them is awe inspiring! Another simply BEAUTIFUL piece of work! Don't stop doing what you do SO VERY well!!!
Seriously, I watch this every now and then and it still blows me away not only how beautifully edited and put together it is, but how UNCANNY the resemblance between these two couples is. It really gives me hope that Rob and Kristen can make it like Paul and Joanne :')
this is the 15th time I watched this vid & I seem can't get enough of it! I can't control my tears...a lovely romance that I strong wish & hope to see Rob & Kristen end together like them. You never fail to amaze me Libenet! My most favorite vid for this year! If only we get R/K watch this & see their reactions...
Really?!?! You almost gave up? What a lost it would be... One of your best jobs, believe me! I'm speachless... Thank you so much!!! When i think i can't be surprise anymore, here you come with another amazing vid!! Light up my day,thanks.
Libenet, You have real talent and skill to make a incredible vid. of these two. I am 42 years old and happily married with a wonderful man. I am huge fan of Robsten couple and I love watching these videos of yours. I am also huge fan on Newman and allways admire his and Joannas way to keep their relationship a little bit hush. So thank you so much for this vid. and hope we get many more about Robsten couples.
From all the videos you ever made about Rob & Kristen, this one just top them all. I agree with you about their love being a small plant that still need to grow (and how much I wish they will keep nurture it to grow) and the fact of what Newman has is an old Oak Tree, but this video is beautiful nonetheless. I do hope Rob & Kristen's love will be a big oak tree. :) I'll look forward for more amazing videos of you. Please keep them coming! :)
The statements, the actions, the looks, the touches. All the same ♥ ♥ Thank you libenet for having the time, effort and the patience to make such an amazing video.
It is always nice to see someone proven wrong in a public forum. The Newman's were legendary and I have always adored them(I am 61) Robert and Kristen are two young lovers finding there way in a different world. In the 1950's when Paul and Joanne started their life together, we had never heard of the paps's-Robert and Kristen have taken a stand not to discuss their personal life, so that they may keep something of their own. As Rob has said before-I do not want everyone knowing my personal bus
God! you killed me with this video. I really believe that we'll see R/k this way someday, my heart tells me that I'm right. Rbosten forever! (sorry for my english :P ) thanks so much for sharing this piece of work with all of us!!!!! I loved it!!!
"I thought it was too tiring for sthg that wouldn't be that popular." Wth are you talking about? this video is AMAZING! sorry, amazing can't really express my feelings right now! the pictures, the quotes, the clips, PLAIN PERFECT! Well done Lib...AGAIN!
Oh man I love all your videos, but for me this is my favorite! The time and effort you put into this is really appreciated. I wish Rob and Kristen could see this. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT!!!!
The comparison is just amazing! I'm totally blown away how you make this another wonderful masterpiece of yours.I'm always praying that they will be like them 30 years from now. I'm not Alice and i can't predict their future but is it weird that i'm seeing it now? I adore R/K as actors/individuals and most specially, as young and beautiful lovers.These two are just so precious in my heart and i know im not alone. They have love,adoration,trust and respect for each other. Future is waiting :)
When I just started watching this, I was like: "Oh, look, another cute R&K vid", but after a minute I started to realize how this is so much more, and when that part with Rob and Paul talking abt cerebral and immediate responses came up, I just started crying...This is...idk..I can't even find the words to explain it. I literally had chills and goosebumps the whole time..I wish R&K could see this. They'd be honored to know how we're comparing them to the Newmans..*sits in a corner and weeps*
Instantly brought me to tears! This is the absolute most beautiful, touching Rob & Kristen video I have ever seen! The best capture of how strong, powerful and true their love really is. The comparisons are unbelievable! They are exactly Rob & Kristen! I'm at a loss for words. Truly blown away by this video. Remarkable job!
I totally teared up at the part where he talks about Joanne saying they had nobody else but each other or something like that when asked about how they'd last. It is like 5:48 in and it just got to me cause that is SOOOO Kristen like she would so say that too. I love this video. I have no idea who the Newmans are but this was a beautiful comparison.
aww this is the best video yet! literally made me weep like a toddler! :) So sweet. I really love them both as the persona we've gotten the privilege to know about thanks to these movies, thanks to Kristen picking Rob for Edward Cullen, and I think they are amazingly genuine people and hope they have happy love filled life with pretty little green eyed babies!~
This is the best video yet! OMG I can't.STOP.CRYING. You took the most epic couple out there,and combined it with ours (and when I say ours I mean the fans of R/K) and our definition of true love and soulmates.This was wonderful I literally cannot write any longer,SO moving.Thank you Libenet!
Lost count of the times I've watched this! I'm glad you didn't give up on the vid! It was amazing! The similarities are outstanding & I really wish Kristen & Rob turn out to be like Paul & Joanne.
And third, I greatly admire your work and have several of your vids in my favorites, I saw where you said how tired you got trying to make this vid and almost gave up. Don't ever stop. If you bring your visions to fruition, you might just be touching someone's heart - like you did mine!
OMG this was amazing! I am smiling so big right now and I'm not even a hardcore shipper. I mean I like Kristen but I love more Rob and everything he is. This video truly shows the reasons why fans love them as a couple and why we're so intrigued with them in the first place. You don't see many stars as down-t0-earth and real as Rob and Kristen are. So hats off to you @libenet for this wonderful creation. This made me believe that something like "true love" exists.
I was a huge fan of Paul, he was just so sexy and beautiful even on a "Black and White" TV. You have brought out beautiful things about both couples. Anyone can see how much Paul loved JoAnn as Rob loves Kristen. The chemistry between theses couples is so strong it's amazing to watch. Thank you for the hard work so all of us can see what True Love looks like. I cryed the day Paul died.
This has made me so completely emotional....in a very good way. I do want this so much for Rob and Kristen. I've been married a long time and Mr. Newman's got it right. It's definitely a combination of lust, respect, patience and determination. I see these things in Rob and Kristen and I know they can make it....I just know it! This video is your masterpiece! You should be so proud!!
Amazing. I can't help but think that this is exactly what makes all of us so interested in Robsten. They have what Paul/Joanne have and it's so obvious to us all that we can't help but celebrate it with them. Here's to a lifetime of lust, patience, and love! Thanks for your beautiful video.
Estou extremamente emocionada! Parabéns, sei que para fazer esse vídeo precisou pesquisas, trabalho, dedicação, mas o principal foi o amor, creio que tem esse tempero na elaboração de vídeo, porque não é só pegar e montar, foi uma inspiração divina que você recebeu. Todos os seus vídeos são excelentes, mas esse teve um toque a mais, foi espiritual, profético, cheio de amor. Oremos pra Deus abençoar Robsten e que eles sejam muito felizes juntos.
This video made me cry. How happy will I be to see videos of such kind of ROBSTEN in years time and being compared to a nee couple of the future generation. Robsten make such a lovely couple. I so love them.
As someone who met her future husband at 13, married him at 18, and celebrated 31 years in October, I know it's possible... and I think Paul and Joanne would think you'd done them all proud. The video is stunning visually and moving emotionally. I had chills and tears. I will be sharing this with everyone. Thank you for all that you do for this fandom. Lisa (17foreverlisa)
great video, the best one !! I always come here and watch it everytime I missed Robsten ... makes me cry , the Robsten feelings ... perfectly picturing them in the future, made us believe that true love really do exist this days , we can see it thru them, I hope they can pass this good and bad time, get thru the storm and weather , getting stronger , cause they worth it ...
This video was remarkable and the comparisons were like Rob and Kristen were living the Newmans love life again. I wish them 50 years of happiness together.
all i can say really is that i just love this♥. thank you so must for sharing this beyond beautiful piece of work, i loved it a lot as i love all of your work!
It's great video, very original and beautiful, I loved a lot "almost weeping with emotion. Are two couples so in love for one another, history repeats itself. " Excellent video.
OMG If they finish like Newman and Woodward I will die happy lol I hope they end together forever :) I think they can't understand the chemestry that we see in them, so freaking lovely. I don't know what they have, the only thing that I know is that they are perfect for each other :)
I've been waiting for this Video! I've thought of this comparison since I became an R/K fan earlier this year. Thanks for completing it. I can't believe how much material you have of the Newmans. I actually wish R/K watched this vid - for inspiration and encouragement that Hollywood love affairs can last as long as they both shall live.
I just watched Mrs. Woodward in Philadelphia the other day. She aged so gracefully. I see Kristen being the same timeless beauty, hopefully, Robert will still be by her side. Looking at his parents and her parents, for that mattter, I can totally see that happening. :)
You continue to amaze me so beautifully done, they DO seem so much alike and they're one couple who I do hope with all my heart would make it as the Newmans did until Paul died. I smiled and laughed, you are my favorite vidder on ROBSTEN!!! Congrats!
Just want to say that I don't really know Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward. But seeing you compiling pictures that look similar to both R/K it's really nice. I'm on wiki right now searching about the two of them and I notice that Joanne is Paul's second wife which leads me to think that Kristen dated Michael A. before but after like 2 years both Kristen and Rob are together. I think the way R/K keep their relationship to themselves are going to be the result of both Paul & Joanne. Love this vid!
Utterly sobbing... this is so amazing and touching, and honest and true. I applaud your efforts to find all those shared quotes, photos, gestures & comments between the two couples --> it is ALL absolutely brilliant, libenet! Your vid couldn't have come at a better time - thankyousomuch!!! ♥♥♥
Amazing work!! Can't believe the amount of research you've done here, simply brilliant. I am happily married and yet watching these videos just reflects more on that, both these young couple are already huge inspiration for me! Great great job, keep them coming..
i so loved it!!! i just cant get over it i kept playing it over and over again. its just really nice.... so amazing... your a genius! thanks for making my day.
LIBENET!!!!!this is too muchhhhhhhhhhh!!!goosebumps esp with the handprinting! im in awe! this a pure hardwork and I appreciate it so much..Thanks so much for the Big and generous heart and a genius mind to do this and share it with us. AWESOME...too muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..This is crazy!!! WOW! Thank you
Libenet, I hope you either have or have found the love you so beautifully chronicle. There is something deeply inspirational about Rob and Kristen and the wider message their union reflects for all of humanity. Thank you!
OMG!! one of the best robsten vids I've seen.. and so meaningful because you've made this video and we're watching this video with hope in all our minds and hearts that they end up together for life... gosh.. thanks so much for doing this..
Robsten is the true power of Twillight. Watching them together make you believe in eternal love and soulmates. Just beautiful! I really hope they last like Paul Newman marriage.
Libenet...you have TRULY outdone yourself with this video!!!!!! The similarities are AMAZING!!!!! This video truly comes from your heart and it shows!!!!!! Thank you so much for all your hard work and sharing it with all of us!!!!!!
I am speechless with amazement...such a beautiful, beautiful video. And the best and most worthy of all comparisons. Completely agree with your assessment. I truly believe Rob and Kristen have what it takes to grow old and and more in love with each other as Paul and Joanne. *standing ovation*
I truly enjoyed this video, and the song was so touching. I am fond of them, too, not just as a couple but as young, sensible, well-grounded celebrities. I wonder though if they have to strength to carry on a relationship and/or marriage, if one is in the offing. Very few Hollywood marriages survive the test of times. Pride and egoes get the better of them. Joanne was hailed as one of the greatest actresses, won an Academy award, but gave it up. We'll see with these two how far they can go on
This is the BEST video I see about Robsten .... Thanks for you worked hard !!! Is PERFECT .... you is genial ... make me cry ... serius ... Thanks for this !!!
This is Amazing and I'm speechless. I have to agree that Libenet, you are very very very good of what you're doing. Thank you for doing such a good work.
wow. this is so fabulous. wonderful!!! you did an unbelievable job. love the song - takes me back to my college years with cat stevens. just fabulous - cried and cried thinking about how sad joanne must be w/o him.
OMG the BEST RobSten video EVER!!!!! xD oh my can i take this as the ultimate foreshadowing?! the pictures, videos, interviews mirrors each other sooo much i REALLY hope they're for life~!! ^^
This is by far the best Robsten video I have ever seen on TH-cam; you have real sense of concept and timing, real talent that I hope you're pursuing. To the commenters, I hope you are all loved like this once in your life, if not forever. Do not settle for less than love, ever.
It's 2020 and I'm still here and still hoping for them 🙏
Why am I still crying in 2020 ? I should have moved on long time ago but I’m stuck in Robsten era 😭😭
I feel you. I am actually watching Twilight for the 5th time now. Still hurts. I am hoping that Robsten will end up together.🥺 Maybe when they are both in their 40’s or 50’s. Doesn’t matter when as long as they end up together. (wishful thinking)
A love like robsten shouldn't have ended...
*crying* You put so much effort into this video. It's truly fascinating.
i can barely find the word to express how wonderful your work here..
superb !!!
how do you not cry while watching this video?
this is one of, if not the BEST robsten videos out there
God, I just hope Rob and Kristen can actually see this video.. Same for hoping that their relationship will last long like the old legendary couple.. Nothing could be more beautiful than this ! Thank you for making it. Looking at Rob and Kris's relationship and this whole video, it makes us believe that real love still does exists..
Me too ...I wonder if Rob and Kristen watch this...Perhaps a miracle could happen...
life sometimes gives you the best presents.they have a strange wrapping paper so you're not very keen to open them but when you do so you feel..the way i feel right now.I didn't know the Newmans and now i'm ashamed for that but forgive me they're not of my generation,so i was a little hesitant when i came to watch it..but then every hesitation went away so quickly as it came..i wish i could describe with words how much this video/couple means to me but there's a lack of words here YOU ARE GREAT!
Libenet, I hope you get this. I am a huge Robsten fan. I am also 60 yrs old and grew up drooling over Paul and admiring Joanne. I have felt similarities between these 2 couples as well and was thrilled to see this video. This world is very different from the one I grew up in in the 50's, more complex and stressful. But I believe Rob & Kristen can have a long, happy marriage like the Newmans if they hang on to what they have. TYSVM You let an old lady remember and dream and cry tears of joy.
oh my god!rob and kristen are really meant to be.2023.rob is the only one who can make her laugh
This is so surreal. There really are so many parallels between the two couples in their outlook and there respect for their mates. Well Rob and Kristen are not married but they have been the most important person in each other's lives for four years. Good job with the video. I liked the old fashion song too. Isn't it strange how it fit Rob and Kristen as well as it did Paul and Joanne.
I've watched it for 20++ now.... and it never gets old. SO EPIC! love you ROSTEN....
They’re soulmates but not destined to be each other. It’s bittersweet. But who knows, only time can tell.
Libenet..Wow what a beautiful video...You captured the heart and soul of their relationship. How much alike these two are; not only in their gestures but in the way they phrase their words. Paul and Joanne leave us a legacy of love to look back on and Rob and Kristen are creating their legacy of love for us to look forward to for many years to come. Libenet thank you for giving us this beautiful gift. Paul & Joanne and Rob & Kirsten thank you for showing the world how to love--ONEHEART♥
this is beyond any words how beautiful you carved this out, its just like a musical tale . why don't you make videos about them ? it doesn't need to be alive to adore something :) we love you, we loved you will always do . hugs
I am not normally an emotional person but this vid almost made me cry. And that's saying a lot. Thank you for making me feel something I don't usually do.
i'm absolutely speechless!...I have ALWAYS LOVED Paul Newman and Ms. Joanne (work as actors and their deep love for each other) and to see how closely Rob and Kris mirror them is awe inspiring! Another simply BEAUTIFUL piece of work! Don't stop doing what you do SO VERY well!!!
Seriously, I watch this every now and then and it still blows me away not only how beautifully edited and put together it is, but how UNCANNY the resemblance between these two couples is. It really gives me hope that Rob and Kristen can make it like Paul and Joanne :')
this is the 15th time I watched this vid & I seem can't get enough of it! I can't control my tears...a lovely romance that I strong wish & hope to see Rob & Kristen end together like them. You never fail to amaze me Libenet! My most favorite vid for this year! If only we get R/K watch this & see their reactions...
Really?!?! You almost gave up? What a lost it would be... One of your best jobs, believe me! I'm speachless... Thank you so much!!! When i think i can't be surprise anymore, here you come with another amazing vid!! Light up my day,thanks.
I think its a great idea to have the old story put to life on the big screen portrait by rib and kristen.
Libenet, You have real talent and skill to make a incredible vid. of these two. I am 42 years old and happily married with a wonderful man. I am huge fan of Robsten couple and I love watching these videos of yours. I am also huge fan on Newman and allways admire his and Joannas way to keep their relationship a little bit hush. So thank you so much for this vid. and hope we get many more about Robsten couples.
From all the videos you ever made about Rob & Kristen, this one just top them all. I agree with you about their love being a small plant that still need to grow (and how much I wish they will keep nurture it to grow) and the fact of what Newman has is an old Oak Tree, but this video is beautiful nonetheless. I do hope Rob & Kristen's love will be a big oak tree. :)
I'll look forward for more amazing videos of you. Please keep them coming! :)
2020 still watching this and never lose hope that one day they coming bck
Me too
Me toooooo
Really ur comments wil give hope for me I am also waiting for that day
Me too still hoping
This had me bawling like a baby from start to finish! FANTASTIC JOB! Seriously THE BEST Robsten video ever!
The statements, the actions, the looks, the touches. All the same ♥ ♥ Thank you libenet for having the time, effort and the patience to make such an amazing video.
there are no words to describe how incredible this is :') Thank-you.
It is always nice to see someone proven wrong in a public forum. The Newman's were legendary and I have always adored them(I am 61) Robert and Kristen are two young lovers finding there way in a different world.
In the 1950's when Paul and Joanne started their life together, we had never heard of the paps's-Robert and Kristen have taken a stand not to discuss their personal life, so that they may keep something of their own.
As Rob has said before-I do not want everyone knowing my personal bus
God! you killed me with this video. I really believe that we'll see R/k this way someday, my heart tells me that I'm right. Rbosten forever! (sorry for my english :P ) thanks so much for sharing this piece of work with all of us!!!!! I loved it!!!
"I thought it was too tiring for sthg that wouldn't be that popular."
Wth are you talking about? this video is AMAZING! sorry, amazing can't really express my feelings right now! the pictures, the quotes, the clips, PLAIN PERFECT!
Well done Lib...AGAIN!
« Kristen and I have a special bond together. She is the sweetest, smartest and strongest girl i know » Robert Pattinson
Oh man I love all your videos, but for me this is my favorite! The time and effort you put into this is really appreciated. I wish Rob and Kristen could see this. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT!!!!
The comparison is just amazing! I'm totally blown away how you make this another wonderful masterpiece of yours.I'm always praying that they will be like them 30 years from now. I'm not Alice and i can't predict their future but is it weird that i'm seeing it now? I adore R/K as actors/individuals and most specially, as young and beautiful lovers.These two are just so precious in my heart and i know im not alone. They have love,adoration,trust and respect for each other. Future is waiting :)
Crying and smiling at the same time! Forever putting this in my favorites! The best Video EVER!
When I just started watching this, I was like: "Oh, look, another cute R&K vid", but after a minute I started to realize how this is so much more, and when that part with Rob and Paul talking abt cerebral and immediate responses came up, I just started crying...This is...idk..I can't even find the words to explain it. I literally had chills and goosebumps the whole time..I wish R&K could see this. They'd be honored to know how we're comparing them to the Newmans..*sits in a corner and weeps*
the way he looks at her tenderly , and she leans on him, look exactly the same for both couple ... AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL !!!
Respect and LOVE! Thanks so much for all your hard work and devotion to Robsten and for sharing your talent with us fans!
I am so moved by this video Libenet! watch it over and over again, thankyou libenet
Instantly brought me to tears! This is the absolute most beautiful, touching Rob & Kristen video I have ever seen! The best capture of how strong, powerful and true their love really is. The comparisons are unbelievable! They are exactly Rob & Kristen! I'm at a loss for words. Truly blown away by this video. Remarkable job!
I totally teared up at the part where he talks about Joanne saying they had nobody else but each other or something like that when asked about how they'd last. It is like 5:48 in and it just got to me cause that is SOOOO Kristen like she would so say that too. I love this video. I have no idea who the Newmans are but this was a beautiful comparison.
aww this is the best video yet! literally made me weep like a toddler! :) So sweet. I really love them both as the persona we've gotten the privilege to know about thanks to these movies, thanks to Kristen picking Rob for Edward Cullen, and I think they are amazingly genuine people and hope they have happy love filled life with pretty little green eyed babies!~
You tearjerker! I love you Libenet... Thanks for sharing this..
This is the best video yet! OMG
You took the most epic couple out there,and combined it with ours (and when I say ours I mean the fans of R/K) and our definition of true love and soulmates.This was wonderful I literally cannot write any longer,SO moving.Thank you Libenet!
You did an awesome job and the song choice, along with the beautiful editing, was perfect!!!
Lost count of the times I've watched this! I'm glad you didn't give up on the vid! It was amazing! The similarities are outstanding & I really wish Kristen & Rob turn out to be like Paul & Joanne.
Loved this video. It is weird to see so many parallels between these two couples. I really can see Rob and Kristen years from now like that.
this is one of my fave videos of R&K now. just wonderful!
Thanks for putting this video together. I have often made this comparison and it's nice to see it completed.
And third, I greatly admire your work and have several of your vids in my favorites, I saw where you said how tired you got trying to make this vid and almost gave up. Don't ever stop. If you bring your visions to fruition, you might just be touching someone's heart - like you did mine!
what a great fantastic video you have made... i am speechles ...a lot of work to find all the pictures an parts ....I LOVE IT
OMG this was amazing! I am smiling so big right now and I'm not even a hardcore shipper. I mean I like Kristen but I love more Rob and everything he is. This video truly shows the reasons why fans love them as a couple and why we're so intrigued with them in the first place. You don't see many stars as down-t0-earth and real as Rob and Kristen are. So hats off to you @libenet for this wonderful creation. This made me believe that something like "true love" exists.
I was a huge fan of Paul, he was just so sexy and beautiful even on a "Black and White" TV. You have brought out beautiful things about both couples. Anyone can see how much Paul loved JoAnn as Rob loves Kristen. The chemistry between theses couples is so strong it's amazing to watch. Thank you for the hard work so all of us can see what True Love looks like. I cryed the day Paul died.
This has made me so completely emotional....in a very good way. I do want this so much for Rob and Kristen. I've been married a long time and Mr. Newman's got it right. It's definitely a combination of lust, respect, patience and determination. I see these things in Rob and Kristen and I know they can make it....I just know it! This video is your masterpiece! You should be so proud!!
Amazing. I can't help but think that this is exactly what makes all of us so interested in Robsten. They have what Paul/Joanne have and it's so obvious to us all that we can't help but celebrate it with them. Here's to a lifetime of lust, patience, and love! Thanks for your beautiful video.
Estou extremamente emocionada! Parabéns, sei que para fazer esse vídeo precisou pesquisas, trabalho, dedicação, mas o principal foi o amor, creio que tem esse tempero na elaboração de vídeo, porque não é só pegar e montar, foi uma inspiração divina que você recebeu. Todos os seus vídeos são excelentes, mas esse teve um toque a mais, foi espiritual, profético, cheio de amor. Oremos pra Deus abençoar Robsten e que eles sejam muito felizes juntos.
W.O.W. Absolutely amazing + loved the song choice. And what a finish!
PERFECT. God, I'm in TEARS right now.
Great video. I can't even imagine the amount of work and time it took to make it. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. ♥
omg I am so emotional instable after watching this, really it made my day, my year, congratulations on your talent.
Absolutely stunning. Great job, as always.
This video made me cry. How happy will I be to see videos of such kind of ROBSTEN in years time and being compared to a nee couple of the future generation. Robsten make such a lovely couple. I so love them.
As someone who met her future husband at 13, married him at 18, and celebrated 31 years in October, I know it's possible... and I think Paul and Joanne would think you'd done them all proud.
The video is stunning visually and moving emotionally. I had chills and tears. I will be sharing this with everyone.
Thank you for all that you do for this fandom.
Lisa (17foreverlisa)
Robert and Kristen will stay together for the rest of their life.
RobSten's love gonna live forever..
This is beautiful and brought tears to my eyes - thank you for this wonderful video!
great video, the best one !!
I always come here and watch it everytime I missed Robsten ...
makes me cry , the Robsten feelings ... perfectly picturing them in the future, made us believe that true love really do exist this days , we can see it thru them, I hope they can pass this good and bad time, get thru the storm and weather , getting stronger , cause they worth it ...
This video was remarkable and the comparisons were like Rob and Kristen were living the Newmans love life again. I wish them 50 years of happiness together.
all i can say really is that i just love this♥. thank you so must for sharing this beyond beautiful piece of work, i loved it a lot as i love all of your work!
i was grinning like an idiot throughout the entire video! awesome job! it's your best vid yet! the hard work definitely paid off!
It's great video, very original and beautiful, I loved a lot "almost weeping with emotion.
Are two couples so in love for one another, history repeats itself. "
Excellent video.
OMG If they finish like Newman and Woodward I will die happy lol I hope they end together forever :) I think they can't understand the chemestry that we see in them, so freaking lovely. I don't know what they have, the only thing that I know is that they are perfect for each other :)
I've been waiting for this Video! I've thought of this comparison since I became an R/K fan earlier this year. Thanks for completing it. I can't believe how much material you have of the Newmans. I actually wish R/K watched this vid - for inspiration and encouragement that Hollywood love affairs can last as long as they both shall live.
I just watched Mrs. Woodward in Philadelphia the other day. She aged so gracefully. I see Kristen being the same timeless beauty, hopefully, Robert will still be by her side. Looking at his parents and her parents, for that mattter, I can totally see that happening. :)
The resemblance is uncanny; I can't believe I never saw it before now. Thank you so much for a beautiful video! :)
You continue to amaze me so beautifully done, they DO seem so much alike and they're one couple who I do hope with all my heart would make it as the Newmans did until Paul died. I smiled and laughed, you are my favorite vidder on ROBSTEN!!! Congrats!
And you were afraid of only 20 viewers?!! This is beyond amazing, honey. You nailed it.
You make the very best videos, my favorites are all yours, you use good pictures, wonderful music and great timing & editing, thank you so much!~
Just want to say that I don't really know Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward. But seeing you compiling pictures that look similar to both R/K it's really nice. I'm on wiki right now searching about the two of them and I notice that Joanne is Paul's second wife which leads me to think that Kristen dated Michael A. before but after like 2 years both Kristen and Rob are together. I think the way R/K keep their relationship to themselves are going to be the result of both Paul & Joanne. Love this vid!
This video is too much! Like, I have no words. It's beyond amazing. I LOVED IT. ='))
I'm pretty sure everyone does too. ♥
Utterly sobbing... this is so amazing and touching, and honest and true. I applaud your efforts to find all those shared quotes, photos, gestures & comments between the two couples --> it is ALL absolutely brilliant, libenet!
Your vid couldn't have come at a better time - thankyousomuch!!! ♥♥♥
Amazing work!! Can't believe the amount of research you've done here, simply brilliant. I am happily married and yet watching these videos just reflects more on that, both these young couple are already huge inspiration for me! Great great job, keep them coming..
Just watched it again. I really really love this
My second time to watch this video today, and I still can't get over it. I don't think I ever will. Great video, Libenet! CHEERS!!
i so loved it!!! i just cant get over it i kept playing it over and over again. its just really nice.... so amazing... your a genius! thanks for making my day.
LIBENET!!!!!this is too muchhhhhhhhhhh!!!goosebumps esp with the handprinting! im in awe! this a pure hardwork and I appreciate it so much..Thanks so much for the Big and generous heart and a genius mind to do this and share it with us. AWESOME...too muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..This is crazy!!! WOW! Thank you
Libenet, I hope you either have or have found the love you so beautifully chronicle.
There is something deeply inspirational about Rob and Kristen and the wider message their union reflects for all of humanity.
Thank you!
really thanks for the hard work that you did to give us this amazing video . It's terrific :-)
OMG!! one of the best robsten vids I've seen.. and so meaningful because you've made this video and we're watching this video with hope in all our minds and hearts that they end up together for life... gosh.. thanks so much for doing this..
Robsten is the true power of Twillight. Watching them together make you believe in eternal love and soulmates. Just beautiful! I really hope they last like Paul Newman marriage.
Libenet...you have TRULY outdone yourself with this video!!!!!! The similarities are AMAZING!!!!! This video truly comes from your heart and it shows!!!!!! Thank you so much for all your hard work and sharing it with all of us!!!!!!
BRB going to cry! This is precious! :') And I agree completely with what you wrote in the video description ;)
great job.. i hope rob and kris will see that video..
I am speechless with amazement...such a beautiful, beautiful video. And the best and most worthy of all comparisons. Completely agree with your assessment. I truly believe Rob and Kristen have what it takes to grow old and and more in love with each other as Paul and Joanne. *standing ovation*
I truly enjoyed this video, and the song was so touching. I am fond of them, too, not just as a couple but as young, sensible, well-grounded celebrities. I wonder though if they have to strength to carry on a relationship and/or marriage, if one is in the offing. Very few Hollywood marriages survive the test of times. Pride and egoes get the better of them. Joanne was hailed as one of the greatest actresses, won an Academy award, but gave it up. We'll see with these two how far they can go on
This is the BEST video I see about Robsten .... Thanks for you worked hard !!! Is PERFECT .... you is genial ... make me cry ... serius ... Thanks for this !!!
This is Amazing and I'm speechless. I have to agree that Libenet, you are very very very good of what you're doing. Thank you for doing such a good work.
this is so cute and sweet...and I've got tears in my eyes..beautiful vid
the most beautiful and touchy video i've seen for a long time! thank you so much!
wow. this is so fabulous. wonderful!!! you did an unbelievable job. love the song - takes me back to my college years with cat stevens.
just fabulous - cried and cried thinking about how sad joanne must be w/o him.
OMG the BEST RobSten video EVER!!!!! xD oh my can i take this as the ultimate foreshadowing?! the pictures, videos, interviews mirrors each other sooo much i REALLY hope they're for life~!! ^^
This is by far the best Robsten video I have ever seen on TH-cam; you have real sense of concept and timing, real talent that I hope you're pursuing.
To the commenters, I hope you are all loved like this once in your life, if not forever. Do not settle for less than love, ever.
Eu simplesmente amei o video ... Sem comentarios! LINDO
tears tears and tears! This is so cute! So outstanding!