I have this helmet. I wear a size small in the Shoei, Bell, Alpinestars, and the Fly and a size small fits me in this so it’s true to size. I will agree that the pre installed cheek pads were too tight and I had to replace them with a thinner pair that thankfully was already included. I will say that this helmet had one of the hardest break-in periods out of all of the helmets I’ve owned. Super painful to put on and take off the first couple of times. Now it’s fine. It is the lightest and smallest form factor helmet I’ve owned. Like visibly smaller than the Bell Moto-9 and Fly Formula.
I bought this helmet today, really like everything about the helmet but feel like fit tight get it home change cheek pads and now im really confident about my purchase
How the heck do I pull the mouthpiece out to swap with the sip tube version. Just got this thing and it is incredibly light. I had a couple Bell moto 9s before (size medium) and this fits perfect in a medium. The field of view is also wider on this thing. Fits my goggles without pushing them down on my nose. Love the shape and style.
@@rmatvmcsweet! Thanks. I just ordered the helmet tube kit from you guys so let me know if you hear back. It seems like you just have to force it and basically deform the thing to get it out but I’ve pulled on it to the point it feels like I’m going to break something and still not coming out.
@@rmatvmc Thanks Chase! are you also able to tell me what size cheek pads are supposed to be included. My medium had the 33mm installed, and came with two sets of 36mm.... is that correct? I thought it was a supposed to be a thicker and thinner set
@@tjvandenhoek Yeah, it should have come with a thicker and a thinner set. I'd send in come pictures to our warranty department (warranty@rockymountainatv.com) Also, here is the exact response I got from Fox regarding the mouth guard: "It’s a little tricky first time cuz it feels like you’re going to break it when you pop it out. Punch it out with your thumb from behind. Just press your thumb in the center of the mouthpiece from inside the helmet until it pops out. Then when you put the new one in, I like to get the top or bottom in, then work my thumbs around the parameter of the mouthpiece trim, pressing firmly to seat it in the groove. If one little spot is giving you trouble, you can move to the other side and work back to that spot and it should fall into place once you get back around. You have to press more firmly and work it a little more than you might expect at first. That’s the only real trick."
They went away from using the magnets on their visor and are using screws that sheer away. They tried the magnetic visor for a long time but I just don't think it ever really caught on and was seen like more of a negative from riders vs a positive. This visor will break away in a crash if enough force is there and there are extra screws included if that does happen. - Chase
@@rmatvmc Ah yep that makes perfect sense. Thank you for getting back to me. So essentially the newer generation of V3 have the three screw holes instead ? To replace the magnetic system. I was mainly asking because I recently purchased a fox v3 and it was labeled under - FOX 2024 V3 MAGNETIC HELMET it’s like a blue/purple colour the product code is ( FO31367001S ) I guess I just got a little confused why it says magnetic if they are no longer a thing and has the three screw Holes. So I’m guessing it’s all good then ?
The previous V3 had two screws on the sides and one magnet in the center. That is probably what you have. IT's still a much better design than the old V3 that only had magnets holding the visor on. - Chase
@rmatvmc I have a lightly oval head shape, and so far only Bell and 6d helmets seemed to fit. I’ve tried the older version of the V3, and it had too much tightness on the forehead and sizing up was too loose. Do you find the new version less round shaped than the prior V3?
Overall comfort, I would choose my Shoei over the new V3 RS. This helmet is light and I wore it for an entire day without any issues, but for me, no helmet fits me as good as my Shoei. - Chase
Personally, I would go with the Fox, and the biggest reason for that is the weight. Both have great safety technology and are comfortable, but the Bell just feels heavy compared some of the other new helmets. I love the cheek pads and look of the Bell, but I REALLY don't like that their visor only has two screws, it's always hard for me to get it to stay where I want it. I also think it's really cool that Fox includes the extra cheek pads and extended visor(s) too. - Chase
Check out the new Fox Racing V3 RS Helmets: rmatvmc.link/fox-racing-v3-rs-helmet
Other helmet manufacturers need to get on the including dif size cheek pads train!!!
I have this helmet. I wear a size small in the Shoei, Bell, Alpinestars, and the Fly and a size small fits me in this so it’s true to size. I will agree that the pre installed cheek pads were too tight and I had to replace them with a thinner pair that thankfully was already included. I will say that this helmet had one of the hardest break-in periods out of all of the helmets I’ve owned. Super painful to put on and take off the first couple of times. Now it’s fine. It is the lightest and smallest form factor helmet I’ve owned. Like visibly smaller than the Bell Moto-9 and Fly Formula.
Thanks for giving us your feedback!
Fantastic fox v3 Rs Mx helmet class from fox 👍
I bought this helmet today, really like everything about the helmet but feel like fit tight get it home change cheek pads and now im really confident about my purchase
Looks great and it’s comfy! I love the materials inside. And light!!!
Absolutely great piece of kit
What does the large Fox RS helmet weigh?
How the heck do I pull the mouthpiece out to swap with the sip tube version.
Just got this thing and it is incredibly light. I had a couple Bell moto 9s before (size medium) and this fits perfect in a medium. The field of view is also wider on this thing. Fits my goggles without pushing them down on my nose. Love the shape and style.
I haven't pulled one out yet so I'm not 100% sure. Let me reach out to our Fox rep and see if I can get an answer for you. - Chase
@@rmatvmcsweet! Thanks. I just ordered the helmet tube kit from you guys so let me know if you hear back. It seems like you just have to force it and basically deform the thing to get it out but I’ve pulled on it to the point it feels like I’m going to break something and still not coming out.
@@tjvandenhoek I've reached out. Let you know when I hear back. - Chase
@@rmatvmc Thanks Chase! are you also able to tell me what size cheek pads are supposed to be included. My medium had the 33mm installed, and came with two sets of 36mm.... is that correct? I thought it was a supposed to be a thicker and thinner set
@@tjvandenhoek Yeah, it should have come with a thicker and a thinner set. I'd send in come pictures to our warranty department (warranty@rockymountainatv.com)
Also, here is the exact response I got from Fox regarding the mouth guard:
"It’s a little tricky first time cuz it feels like you’re going to break it when you pop it out. Punch it out with your thumb from behind. Just press your thumb in the center of the mouthpiece from inside the helmet until it pops out. Then when you put the new one in, I like to get the top or bottom in, then work my thumbs around the parameter of the mouthpiece trim, pressing firmly to seat it in the groove. If one little spot is giving you trouble, you can move to the other side and work back to that spot and it should fall into place once you get back around.
You have to press more firmly and work it a little more than you might expect at first. That’s the only real trick."
So 6D was indeed ahead of its time with the ODS system... who would have thought..
How does the fox magnetic visor system work ? Like will it come off in a little crash or more of a hard impact crash ?
They went away from using the magnets on their visor and are using screws that sheer away. They tried the magnetic visor for a long time but I just don't think it ever really caught on and was seen like more of a negative from riders vs a positive. This visor will break away in a crash if enough force is there and there are extra screws included if that does happen. - Chase
@@rmatvmc Ah yep that makes perfect sense. Thank you for getting back to me. So essentially the newer generation of V3 have the three screw holes instead ? To replace the magnetic system. I was mainly asking because I recently purchased a fox v3 and it was labeled under - FOX 2024 V3 MAGNETIC HELMET it’s like a blue/purple colour the product code is ( FO31367001S ) I guess I just got a little confused why it says magnetic if they are no longer a thing and has the three screw
Holes. So I’m guessing it’s all good then ?
The previous V3 had two screws on the sides and one magnet in the center. That is probably what you have. IT's still a much better design than the old V3 that only had magnets holding the visor on. - Chase
Sizing?, do you have any input on how they size compared to other brands..?
The crown of this helmet fit similar to other brands. The cheek pads were pretty tight, but they include extra sets which is awesome. - Chase
I ordered one V3 rs efekt version messured my head to 59cm ordered a large, i could t even take on the helmet runs very small,
@rmatvmc I have a lightly oval head shape, and so far only Bell and 6d helmets seemed to fit. I’ve tried the older version of the V3, and it had too much tightness on the forehead and sizing up was too loose. Do you find the new version less round shaped than the prior V3?
There have been several versions of the V3 so I would need to know which model you're talking about. - Chase
@@rmatvmc2020 V3 LE Honr Helmet. It was very round shaped and felt pressure on my forehead.
how does the fit compare to the shoei vfx evo?
Overall comfort, I would choose my Shoei over the new V3 RS. This helmet is light and I wore it for an entire day without any issues, but for me, no helmet fits me as good as my Shoei. - Chase
glad those plastic fence panels are gone, but visor still looks pretty cheap/crappy. Price is good.
is this helmet lighter than the troylee se5 carbon??
Yes, it's a few ounces lighter than the SE5 carbon - Chase
What a sick helmet
Fox could've ditched the DOT for the top spec and given us some real EPS vent cutouts.
Bell or this one ?
Personally, I would go with the Fox, and the biggest reason for that is the weight. Both have great safety technology and are comfortable, but the Bell just feels heavy compared some of the other new helmets. I love the cheek pads and look of the Bell, but I REALLY don't like that their visor only has two screws, it's always hard for me to get it to stay where I want it. I also think it's really cool that Fox includes the extra cheek pads and extended visor(s) too. - Chase
Whats the weight?
A size medium comes in at 2 lbs. 10 oz.
The old V3 RS looks much better with all the vents and sharp edges, The new V3 looks alot like a V1.