How to store food ingredients fresh without throwing away/ Organize with me/ Food storage tips
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 9 ก.พ. 2025
- #sisletter #foodstorage #organizewithme
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Hello. Made by two sisters living in the U.S., this is SisLetter and today is Yohee's video.
Today, I prepared a video of storing, cleaning, and organizing frequently eaten food ingredients.
If you live in the US, it's not possible to go grocery shopping every day!
Do all the housewives living in the United States agree? 😂
I don't like to keep vegetables frozen, and I like to eat them fresh so I tend to buy only as what I need.
Nevertheless, there were cases in which ingredients over-ripen or are damaged and I threw them out.
So, let me share the organizational methods I have used for the past couple of years.
In the end, I think that livelihood methods must be comfortable and enjoyable for them to be sustainable.
I am not perfect and still have a lot to learn.
But I would be grateful if you would be generous while watching. ☺️💛
Next time, I'll come back with a video of storing and subdividing the ingredients in the freezer!
📍 Please read before/after watching the video!
✔️Garlic soaked in olive oil is said to cause food poisoning when stored at room temperature! The video said it was refrigerated, but I am writing it down here again because there wasn't enough explanation. I keep it in the refrigerator, and I’m not sure if this is safe enough. I think it would be better to make only enough to eat within 2-3 days instead of making a lot.
✔️The video was filmed over several days. The ingredients were not organized in one day.
✔️ The way I do it is not the right/best answer! There could be better ways. I think it would be nice to watch as a reference.
✔️Onions are best kept when stored in a cool and dark area with its skin. I usually store my onions like that since I buy food just for a week. I shared a different way in the video for people who may find it useful IF you buy bulk onions and need other ways to store them, don't have a proper area to keep them in hot weather, want to prep some in advance, or onions are not fresh and about to go bad.
✔️ The reason for using vinegar is to remove pests and sterilize them. (According to the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, there is no significant difference between washing vegetables and fruits with water or vinegar for removing residual pesticides. You can remove a certain amount of residual pesticides just by washing with tap water.)
✔️ The zipper bag is washed and reused.
✔️ I try not to use disposable wraps as much as possible, I only use them when I really need them.
✔️ Zero waste is still a long way away, but I'm trying it little by little.
✏️ Container Information
-Leek / cherry tomatoes container
-Minced jars
Potato baskets
Ikea wire basket (RISATORP)
-Carrot container (I bought it from Homegoods, but there is a same product on Amazon)
-Bell pepper container
TJ Maxx/ Marshall
-Honeycomb ice cube tray (I bought it from Homegoods, but there is a same product on Amazon^^)
-Garlic chopper
(DISCLAIMER: Some of the links included in this description might be affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service with the links that I provide I may receive a small commission.)
0:00 - preview 🌟
0:23 - intro
0:44 - garlic 마늘
(->1:06 - 1. way 첫 번째 방법,
1:34 - 2. way 두 번째 방법,
1:48 - 3. way 세 번째 방법)
2:25 - pepper 고추
(->2:28 - 1. way 첫 번째 방법,
2:52 - 2. way 두 번째 방법)
3:04 - leek 대파
3:49 - spring onion 쪽파
4:17 - onion 양파
5:18 - perilla leaf 깻잎
5:44 - potato 감자
6:08 - sweet potato 고구마
6:36 - carrot 당근
7:01 - zucchini 호박
7:23 - bean sprout 콩나물
7:46 - tofu 남은두부
7:56 - mixed grains 잡곡
8:10 - tomato 토마토
8:55 - mini bell pepper 파프리카
9:05 - ending 🌟
@iuopyt12:Why don't you think about Islam, I don't know how to explain or give you an idea about it, but you can search a little bit about it
Thank You ☺️
You know you're an adult when this is your type of entertainment 😅
Yes ! And also when you discover that you like "room makeover" hahahaaa
@@Emma-sv4fi Hell yeah! 😂
Haha thank you for watching and hope you enjoyed it! 🥰🙏🏻
Yeah 😁
lol you made my day😆 but you are absolutely right👍
I'm a teenager ..thank you sista for teaching us all things❤️❤️
You are so welcome! and thank you for watching😊
@@greenriver1147 lol
Most of this is unnecessary. Keep potatoes, sweet potatoes, onions, garlics, beetroots (without leaves), pumpkin like (pumpkin family), and almost every hard skin in a cool and dark place and if no one of that were rotting then it will last 2 weeks the softest to half a year the hardest/less watery. Saves you lots of time and resources. Less plastic and more time for yourself.
@@AP-pk9gw beetrot u should keep without steap but not acht it completley out.
**NOTE: 올리브오일에 담근 마늘은 상온 보관하면 식중독균을 일으킨다고 합니다! 영상에 냉장보관이라고 했지만 설명이 부족해 다시 적어요. 저는 냉장보관 하고 있고, 많이 만들지 않고 소량 2-3일 이내로 먹을 만큼만 만드는것이 좋을 것 같아요.
Garlic soaked in olive oil is said to cause food poison called botulism when stored at “room temperature!” The video said it was “refrigerated”, but I am writing it down here again because there wasn't enough explanation. I keep it in the refrigerator, and I’m not sure if this is safe enough. I think it would be better to make only enough to eat within 2-3 days instead of making a lot.
안녕하세요. 두 자매가 미국에서 함께 만들어가는 시스레터, 오늘은 요희의 영상이에요.
오늘은 자주 먹는 식재료 보관 및 세척, 정리하는 영상을 준비했어요.
미국에 살면 매일 같이 장 보러 가는 게 가능하지 않다는 것!
미국 사시는 주부님들은 다 공감하시죠? 😂
저는 특히 야채는 냉동 보관을 잘 하지 않고, 그때그때 신선하게 해먹는 걸 좋아해서
필요한 만큼만 구매를 하는 편인데요.
그럼에도 불구하고 나중에 금방 무르거나 상해서 버리게 되는 경우가 있었어요.
그래서 저도 한해 두해 살림을 하면서 경험한 정리법을 공유해 봅니다.
살림이라는 것은 결국, 하는 사람이 편해야 하고 즐거워야 오래 유지가 되는 일 같아요.
저도 아직 배울 것이 많고 부족한 것이 많아요.
그래도 너그러이 봐주시면 감사하겠습니다.☺️💛
다음에는 냉동실 식재료 위주의 보관, 소분 정리로 돌아올게요!
📍영상 보시기 전/후에 한번만 읽어주세요!
✔️영상은 며칠에 걸쳐 촬영했어요. 하루 만에 정리한 식재료들이 아닙니다.
✔️제가 하는 방법이 정답은 아닙니다! 더 좋은 방법들이 있을 수 있어요. 참고하시면서 보시면 좋을 거 같아요.
✔️양파는 껍질 채로 서늘하고 그늘진 곳에 보관하는 것이 가장 좋아요. 제가 소개한 방법은 대량으로 양파 구매해 실온 보관이외에 다른 보관방법이 필요할 때, 더운 날씨에 마땅히 보관하실 곳이 없을 때, 양파 상태가 좋지 않을 때, 미리 몇개정도 손질 해놓고 싶을 때 유용하게 쓰일 것 같아요.
✔️식초를 사용한 이유는 해충 제거 및 살균효과를 위해서입니다.
(식약처에 따르면 야채나 과일을 세척할 때, 물로 씻었을 때와 식초를 사용했을 때에 잔류 농약 제거의 차이가 크게 없다고 합니다. 물로 씻어주는 것만으로도 어느 정도의 잔류 농약 제거를 할 수 있다고 하네요.)
✔️집에 있던 지퍼백은 씻어서 재사용하고 있어요.
✔️일회용 랩은 최대한 쓰지 않으려고 하지만, 정말 필요한 경우에만 사용하고 있어요.
✔️제로 웨이스트는 아직 한참 멀었지만, 조금씩 하나씩 실천하고 있어요.
📹 If you set the video to 1080p, you can enjoy better quality. (Three dots at the top right)
💗 Likes and subscribes are a great help. 🙏🏻
🌎 For subtitles, press the "CC" button.
Hello. Made by two sisters living in the U.S., this is SisLetter and today is Yohee's video.
Today, I prepared a video of storing, cleaning, and organizing frequently eaten food ingredients.
If you live in the US, it's not possible to go grocery shopping every day!
Do all the housewives living in the United States agree? 😂
I don't like to keep vegetables frozen, and I like to eat them fresh so I tend to buy only as what I need.
Nevertheless, there were cases in which ingredients over-ripen or are damaged and I threw them out.
So, let me share the organizational methods I have used for the past couple of years.
In the end, I think that livelihood methods must be comfortable and enjoyable for them to be long-lasting.
I am not perfect and still have a lot to learn.
But I would be grateful if you would be generous while watching. ☺️💛
Next time, I'll come back with storing and subdividing the ingredients in the freezer!
📍 Please read before/after watching the video!
✔️The video was filmed over several days. The ingredients were not organized in one day.
✔️ The way I do it is not the right/best answer! There could be better ways. I think it would be nice to watch as a reference.
✔️ Onions are best kept when stored in a cool and dark area with its skin. The way I shared in the video may be useful IF you buy bulk onions and need other ways to store them, don't have a proper area to keep them in hot weather, want to prep some in advance, or onions are not fresh and about to go bad.
✔️ The reason for using vinegar is to remove pests and sterilize them. (According to the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, there is no significant difference between washing vegetables and fruits with water or vinegar for removing residual pesticides. You can remove a certain amount of residual pesticides just by washing with tap water.)
✔️ The zipper bag is washed and reused.
✔️ I try not to use disposable wraps as much as possible, I only use them when I really need them.
✔️ Zero waste is still a long way away, but I'm trying it little by little.
) lulu li
자세한 설명 감사합니다
Hey, it's great that you're on the way to Zero waste!
I would suggest even less paper towells or plastic foil, sure it keeps the moisture away from the vegetables but there has to be another way, this, in my opinion, is suuuuch a waste of paper 😅
I love how she clean and organise everything 🥺✨
Thank you! Have a nice day☺️
I LOVE all your videos so much. They are are calming and serene, I feel my heart rate slowing down when I watch your videos. I tried storing the carrots like you did and boy they lasted for three weeks. Thank you for sharing such fantastic tips!
I'm so glad to hear that! Thank you so much🥰
These are very practical tips. Also I like that you use regular containers and not fancy ones. This really helps! Thank you very much!
"I was embarrassed with the size of potatoes that my husband bought." 🤣 That's cute.
Thank you for providing so much needed info and ideas in preserving veggies. With the cost of food being so high, we truly need to have our foods last as long as possible. ❤️
Very good ideas in there.
For tomatoes, i'll buy a lot when the price is low.
I'll cut into pieces, put a little of oil (like olive oil) & steam it.
Let it cool down.
Put into tupperwares & freeze it.
So, i can use it in making my pasta sauce, stew or soup.
I don't buy that many vegetables at once, but I like your tip! That would be really great. Thanks for the tip! :)
@@sisletter Most welcome 😊
These containers are so satisfying GOD
Thank you.:) I added the info under the description if you need them. 😊
@@sisletter do you have a link for it, please? 🙏🏼
@@sisletter you’re awesome😍🙏🏼
For 'preserving' tofu, I usually put leftover tofu into hot boiling water (bring water to boil, turn off the stove, put tofu in) for several minutes (3-5). Then put the tofu in to a container and keep it in the refrigerator. It can last for 2 weeks or more (I don't really how it last, bcoz the longest period I keep it in refrigerator is 2 weeks).
Thank you for your tip! I usually finish them in a week because my son loves tofu! Hope you have a wonderful day. :)
Thank you for useful tip!!
오늘 영상도 아주 유용하게 정보를 주시고 깔끔하게 살림 하는 모습을 보면서 너무 미소가 입가에 보는 내내 머물렀습니다. 노래도 너무 좋고 영상도 너무 좋으네요. 항상 파이팅 하시고 다음 영상에 또 뵐게요
오늘도 이렇게 따뜻한 말씀으로 응원해 주시니 너무 감사합니다🙏🏻☺️
요즘 날이 너무 좋아요. 따뜻한 날씨만큼 좋은 하루 보내세요💛
안녕하세요 저는 이제 중3이된 여학생입니다 학교수업 중 가정시간에 우연치않게 식재료보관법에 관해 배웠는데요 그 수업때 이영상을 선생님께서 틀어주셨습니다 그날이후 이런 힐링영상을 보며 공부도 하고 때론 부모님이 식재료를 왜 이렇게 보관하시는지 알게 되었습니다 이런영상 만들어주셔서 시스레터님께 감사드립니다!
My mom never lets me reorganize the kitchen because her ways and my ways are different( mine are very neat ,you can call me a perfectionist) , mom find it hard to keep it going like that, but if I'm going to have my own house (after I'll get married) I'll definitely come back to your video and use your methods because I find them practical and stress-free. Continue with you lovely videos 🤍
I bet your home is going to be much cleaner and more organized than mine one you have your home.☺️ Thank you for watching and commenting. Hope you have a great day.💗
너무 좋은 영상이네요 ㅎ 글씨가 좀 더 크고 색이 검정이면 더 보기 좋겠어요~^^
와~~ 제가 평소에 보관하기 곤란하고 몰랐던 식재료 하나하나 다 짚어주셔서 너무너무 감사해요!!! 어디서 이런 살림의 지혜를 배울수 있을까요~ 와아~ 너무 대단하시고 감사합니다!! 😍😍😍👍👍👍
홍타지아님~ 제가 더 감사합니다~~^^ 영상을 올리고 보니 부족한 점이 하나 둘이 아니였어요.ㅠㅠ 그래도 참고하셔서 도움이 되었으면 좋겠어요☺️
좋은 한주 보내세요❤️
처음부터 심쿵하네요ㅎㅎ
영상이 넘 힐링되욬ㅋ처음부터 ㅎ
참야무지게도 살림을 잘하시네요
나이들어도 죽을때까지 배워야하네요 ㅎㅎ
살림쏨씨에 박수를 보냅니다
좋게 봐주셔서 감사합니다. 저도 부족한게 많고 영상에 나온 방법이 다 맞거나 좋은 방법이 아닐수 있어요~ 그래도 도움이 되었으면 좋겠어요. 😊 따뜻하고 좋은 한주 보내세요.🙏🏻
식재료를 꼼꼼하게 잘 보관하세요
농사로 바쁜 우린 대충 대충보관이 익숙해요
자매가 운영하시니 더큰 시너지가 있어 좋겠어요
다시 오고 싶어 발자국 꾹꾹꾹
감사합니다~^^ 농사 지으신 식재료는 얼마나 좋을까요~
바쁘시면 저렇게 하기 정말 힘드시죠.ㅠㅠ
자매가 함께하니 서로 의지하니 너무 좋아요.
좋은 하루 보내세요~^^
우와 저에게 꼭 필요한 영상이에요!!!!!! 너무너무 감사히 잘 봤습니다😍😍😍👍🏻❤️
영상 봐주셔서 감사합니다~^^ 도움이 되었다니 제가 더 기쁘네요☺️ 좋은 한주 보내세요💕
Doctor: You have only 9 minutes left
Me : *Opening this video*
Doctor : But this is 10 minu-
Death: İts okey
Thank you for watching and commenting. Hope you have a great day.☺️
진짜 많이 배웠어요!! 거기다가 마침 많이 있는 식재료들 위주로 🤩 꿀팁 감사해요👍
평소 많이 쓰이는 식재료들 위주로 준비했어요~도움이 되셨다니 다행이에요🥰 좋은하루 보내세요!
영상 너무 예쁘고 깔끔해요ㅜㅜ 요리하시고 정리하시는 모습에서부터 정갈하고 깔끔한 성격이 고스란히 나타나시는 것 같아요..! 깔끔하고 알뜰하게 살림하시는 팁 많이 얻어갑니다! 예쁜 영상과 꿀팁 너무 감사합니다!
예쁘게 봐주셔서 감사합니다~ 팁들이 도움이 되었으면 좋겠어요. 좋은 한주 보내세요.🥰
Kk look
@iuopyt12:Why don't you think about Islam, I don't know how to explain or give you an idea about it, but you can search a little bit about it
식재료 보관이 부담스러워 직접 요리 하는 횟수가 줄고 있었는데 꿀팁 알려주셔서 감사합니다🥰 은은한 햇살톤 영상도 너무 이쁘네요!!
와 고급지다. 영상도 고급지고 소분하는 방법도 고급지고 퀄리티가 100점♡♡♡
부족함이 많은데 고급지게 봐주셔서 감사합니다~😊 건강가득 행복가득한 새해되세요💗
야채보관법은 알고있었는데 귀찮아서 안했는데 영상보니 반성하게되네요 ㅎㅎ 저도 꼭이렇게 손질해야겠네요 감사합니다 ~^^
안녕하세요~^^ 맞아요 알아도 한번 안하면 귀찮아서 안하게 되는거 같아요~ 영상속 정보도 부족한 점이 많아요. 그래도 시청해주시고 따뜻한 댓글 감사해요. 좋은 주말 보내세요🥰
Сколько же баночек, контейнеров, салфеток и труда! Я так не смогу. ВЫ МОЛОДЕЦ ❤
Я тоже так не смогу. У меня и нет столько контейнеров((
우와~~ 좋은 정보 감사합니다~~ 영상도 너무 예쁘네요~~ 항상 잘보고 있답니다~~^^ 힐링하고 가요~♡♡♡♡♡
지나님~^^ 감사합니다~~ 덕분에 편안히 잘수 있을거 같아요! 좋은 하루 보내세요🥰
Really, your channel is a psychological relief. I like your channel very much and the way the videos are filmed is very beautiful. The first time I see your channel is very beautiful and wonderful🤍🤍
Thank you so much for saying so. We are also really happy to hear that, and hope you have a wonderful week. 💗
@@sisletter 🤍🤍.
영상 너무 잘봤습니다. 마늘 아래 소금까는게 신의 한수네요.^^ 식재료보관 저도 대충하는데 시스레터님 영상보니 따라하고 싶네요~😍😍
영상이 도움이 되었으면 좋겠어요~^^ 좋은 하루 보내세요🥰
You are very organize person. Your kitchen is so beautiful and functional. Thanks for sharing 😊
Thank you so much 😊 Have a wonderful week 💗
I am 12years old and i am saw your vidio and then i am clean everyting😃😃 i love sooooo much your vidio😍😍😍
Hi Dilowara, it is really not easy to do household jobs for housewives, but you are doing it at your age! So much respect for you! There might be better ways to store them, but hope this helps! Thank you.💗
Recently,i started watching ur channel ,i love the way u keep ur things organize.
Thank you for your great practical ideas. I see that I made some mistakes when storing fresh produce. I usually ended up throwing them away. It's a waste and I'm trying to live more sustainably.
Thank you for watching. :) The way I do this might be the right or best way though. We all make mistakes and learn from them. I also had same issue and am still learning! Hope you enjoy your week. 🥰
Good for you for becoming aware and wanting to make a change! We all have tweaks we could do! I like how she reuses the paper towels to clean later. In my family I dry/store cloth towels instead of paper towels with the veggies. (i use different colored cloth to clean with) Another tip after rinsing lettuce I’ll lay the leaves flat on a kitchen towel and roll them up like a cinnamon roll and they stay fresh in the fridge like that for quite a while! I call them my lettuce cigars.
영상이 참 따뜻하고 예쁜 느낌이네요.
재료 보관하는 것이 늘 어설퍼서 언젠간 배워야하지 했는데 오늘 영상 발견했네요.
예쁘게 봐주셔서 감사합니다.^^ 좋은 하루 보내세요💗
Wow, thanks for sharing your tips on how to keep vegetables fresh in the fridge. It's really helpful and motivating for me!
식재료 보관법에 대해서 지식도 부족하고 혼자 자취하면 음식물 쓰레기 때문에 집에서 자주 못해먹었는데 이 영상을 보고 생각이 바뀌었네요. 영상에서 나오는 보관법대로 해봐야 겠어요! 좋은 정보 감사합니다~
진짜 야채들이 이렇게 예쁜지 몰랐네요 ㅎㅎ 영상미로 넘 힐링되요💕💕
야채까지 예쁘게 봐주시니 감사해요^^ 이번 한주도 화이팅 하시고 행복한 한주 보내셔요. 💕
My aunt taught me that pepper can stay fresh by using the same method that you suggested with addition of one or two peeled and cleaned garlic in the same container. Anyway thanks for sharing. It help me to keep my refrigerator clean and organize. ☺️❤️
Thank you for your tip too! I didn't know that. Hope you have a wonderful day.😊
I ♥️ the atmosphère and the beauty of your video’s...
Thank you🙏🏻🥰
I have a question. where did you buy the clear, low and rectangle containers with white lid? These containers you used to store green onion and cherry tomatoes.
I love all your videos❤❤❤. They are so beautiful and inspired. I learned a lot of good tips and ideas. Thank you so much for doing these video.
Here's a better way to keep carrots longer. Peel, wash, cut (optional), and store them in a container filled with water enough to submerge all of them then keep it in the fridge. Mine lasts for 2 weeks in the fridge. And you won't even need paper towels.
That's one of my favourite ways of storing carrot, it's just easier.
I do the same! Works great :)
You will leach out all of its vitamins and minerals
@@mrmistyrose007 better than a rotten vegetable that will go to waste.
@@TamatoaAteHisGrandma Why submerge them in water when there's a better way to store it without losing it's nutritional values? Nobody is asking you to let the vegetables rot. Next time you may want to read properly before typing a reply.
Thank you for sharing your tips, some are new to me. Look forward to trying them out next time I get groceries. Nice, clear and clean video, 👍👍👍!
You are welcome! I really hope some of these tips are helpful and works for you. Thank you💗
I just throw onions into the crisper drawer in the fridge, skin on, unwashed, not bagged or wrapped in anyway. In all the years I've been doing this, I've only had to throw out two or three onions. Hundreds of onions have made their way into and out of my fridge and into my belly this way. Each and every one was delicious and only onions not stored in the fridge have ever made me cry. Guess I'm treating them okay then. :D
Yes i do the same, it’s such a waste for the plastic wrap, wrapping all of the onions.
Yesssss! Their own skin is their protection.
Salutations from Spain 💃
Same. A lot of these steps seem neat and pretty but so counterintuitive and wasteful. She’s basically removing all the natural protective parts of the plant and replacing them with paper towels and plastic.
I do the same thing! Although they do make me cry :(
Same with garlics, it can last forever (until next garlic growing season) if you keep it in a cool place with no sun. Is the same as potatoes and sweet potatoes. Same with almost every pumpkin (family). Same with beetroots without leaves. And list goes on. You just don't need all that single use plastic nor all that work.
Hello, The double taper that has a single lid, looks very practical, where did you buy it.Ilove this video, thanks for sharing!!
볼때마다 영상미가 너무 좋다..
좋게 봐주셔서 감사합니다~^^ 좋은 한주 보내세요🌷
마늘 올리브유 미리 해두는 아이디어 좋네요
식재료 보관법 잘보고 배워봅니다 🙂
또리의 정원님, 영상 시청해 주셔서 감사합니다~ 좋은 한주 보내세요💕
잠깐 볼까 하다가 30분을 메모하면서 봤네요.. 얼마전에 대파가 묶음만 남아서 어쩔 수 없이 사왔는데 많은 양 보관 방법을 몰라 씻어서 보관했더니(깨끗한 상태로 보관하는 것이 씻어서 깨끗한 줄 알고 오해) 상했더라고요.. 영상에서 보관방법이 어렵지 않다는 걸 보니 더 후회되지만 이제라도 알아서 다행인 것같아요ㅠㅠ 꿀팁 잘 보고갑니다!
I love the video, thanks for sharing.❤️ I love the idea of frozen grounded garlic because I use garlic a lot in my cooking.😊
Thank you for watching😊 Yes use garlic almost everyday and it is really useful!
Hope you have a nice day🌷
This video is so cozy. I feel calm and relax, while watching it. Enchanted. 🔮
Glad you enjoyed it! Thank you for watching and commenting. Hope you have a great day.💗
굉장히 참고가 많이 됐어요.감사합니다
도움이 되어서 다행이에요. 영상 봐주셔서 감사합니다. 따뜻하고 행복한 한주 보내세요.^^
5:46 çok tatlısınız 🤩 türkçe çeviride şöyle söylediğinizi okudum:" kocamın aldığı patates büyüklüğünden utandım. ".😀
Türk görmek ne güzel 😍😍
@@busenurersavas merabaa! bende cok sevindim şu an.acem ellerinde yolda karşılaşmış gibi oldum
@@mhrsdrms5577 😊😊😊
식재료 보관법 많이~ 배우고 가요~~^^
감사해요 수진님~~❤️❤️❤️
Thanks for this amazing Video. I Wish I knew Where you got these great Containers, I Can only recognize the White mesh basket from IKEA!🍎🍅🥕🥔🥒🌶
1:21 마늘 냉장보관 한달
3:10 대파 냉장보관 한달 (*씻지않은것)
4:31 양파 냉장보관 (*뿌리있는것) ⭐️
영상이 평화롭고 깨끗하고 너무 좋아요. 완전 내스타일. 털털해서 저렇게 못하지만 너무좋아💕
좋게 봐주셔서 감사합니다💕 좋은 하루 보내세요😊
Wow!🙆😍 This was so helpful!! Thank you very much!!! Such nice ideas! You are so tidy as well! I have the same potato basket from Ikea, that you have, but only one. They are so expensive. I need to buy more. Thanks for the tips! 👍♥️
Hi! Thank you for watching. So glad to hear that the video is helpful. Yes, that Ikea basket is really useful. Hope you enjoy your weekend!💗
어쩜이리 키친이 이뻘수가 있나요
몇번째 계속보게되네요
주방이 정말 부럽네요
살림도 너무 야무지게 하시고 언제
다배울지 걱정이네요
혹시 토마토씻고 양파담으신 유리볼이랑
야채랑 과일씻으시던 콜랜드같은거
안녕하세요 정화님~ 너무 좋은 말씀 남겨주셔서 감사합니다😊
저는 미국에 살고 있는데요. 유리볼은 여러 사이즈 세트로 들어 있던건데 월마트에서 구입했어요.
사각진 싱크에 걸어 놓았던 콜랜더는 이케아, 그리고 나머지는 Homegoods에서 구입했어요~
도움이 되었으면 좋겠어요🙏🏻
Loving those storage containers
Thank you! Hope you have a wonderful week :)
Çok güzel yaptınız elinize emeğinize sağlık faydalı bir video olmuş Daha sonra izlemelere kaydettim ihtiyacım olduğunda bende izleyip bu şekilde saklarım 💐🙏🏻
İzlediğiniz ve yorum yaptığınız için teşekkür ederiz. Umarım harika bir gün geçirirsin.💗
I will love to be your guest for luch /dinners!!!🤪😂
저도 조금이라도 장기 보관하려고 물병에다가 대파, 미나리 넣어 보관하고
마늘 고추등 신문지 넣어서 팩에 보관해요.
특히 상추 깻잎은 작은 병에 물담아서 보관하는데 역시 이렇게 쓰는분이 또 있으셨구나..
안녕하세요^^ 저도 부족한게 많고 배울게 많아요~
좋은 하루 보내세요! :)
All are useful to me. Been thinking how to store them in for a longer time. Thank you so much!!!!
Thank you! It is always better to eat them when they are fresh, but I wanted to share some tips that can be useful for storing them even a little longer. Hope you have a wonderful day. :)
@@sisletter May I know whether the spring onion were kept in fridge as well? pls.advise
@@cranediva Yes! They are kept in the fridge but they get spoiled faster than others. Removing moistures seems to be important and finish them when they are fresh! Otherwise, I recommend to cut the way you use and freeze them. Hope this helps! Thanks:)
@@sisletter noted. I thank you so much
My cousins will come to our house tomorrow and I just finished cleaning the house and its time to relax and enjoy with this MASTERPIECE ❤
Thank you. Hope you had wonderful time with your cousins!🥰
Спасибо ! Приятно смотреть на умную хозяйку!
Спасибо за просмотр. Чудесного дня. :)
엄청난 꿀팁들이 마구마구! 감사합니다~
Terimakasih untuk ilmunya Kak
I'm from Indonesian
Your video is very nice
Thank you :) Hope you have a wonderful day!😊
Sama saya juga
wah, ada kak Asahid master bikin makanan
@@Simplyluvly itu vinegar maksudnya cuka apa ya?
Уникальная хозяйка все аккуратно и чисто. 🇰🇿Очень нравится смотреть такие лайфаки👌
I just subscribed to your channel!!!!! This is the first video of yours that I am watching and I am so excited!!!!! Thank you very much for sharing those tips!!!!! 🥰 I am sending you all my love from Greece 🇬🇷 ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thank you so much for your comment! Hope you have a wonderful week. ❤️
@@sisletter Thank you so much!!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you I love how you you fixes everthing tell us where did you get large gram onion the dish you put it in with cover
I am so lazzy but when i saw your vidio i am so active and clean evrything. Thank your so much😘😘
I'm so glad! It looks like I am giving you a good motivation. I'm feeling more responsible to make a better video.😊
@@sisletter oh thanks a lott
You can store pepper, garlic, and ginger by making garlic paste, etc. It lasts for a very long time
You can also keep leafy vegetables in the refrigerator for more than a month by removing the black and damaged parts and then wrapping them with kitchen paper or regular papers and moistening the paper with water and then putting it in a bag ..😊♥️
It is a good tip for leafy veggies! Some of viewers asked about it, and you have a good answer :) Thank you and have a wonderful week💗
@@sisletter Oooh, you are really nice, thank you ..😍✨
깻잎보관이 쌈박하네요~^^ 고추는 꼭지를 안 따고 씻는게 비타민소실과 부패를 좀더 막아줄듯요~^^;
Hi. We learned a lot from this video. That is one good reason to follow your channel. You know a lot of tips homemakers can also do and practice. Thank you so much. Stay safe always.
Thank you so much! I'm so glad that it was helpful. Please read the description for more info under the video as well. Hope you have a wonderful day.❤️
I love your videos teaches me a lot! I will no longer waste any food and save money!
It is not the best ways to store them but hope it was helpful. 😊
oh I SUPER LOVE your stuffs . By the way I'm a new subscriber in your channel , I came here beacause TH-cam recommended this video .. Thanks TH-cam for recommending this 😍😍😍
Thank you so much and I'm so glad TH-cam finds you! Hope you have a wonderful week❤️
Hi I am learning a lot … I have one question the garlic do u put in refrigerator or freezer
Wow! thank you so much for the video, I learned the correct way to store these ingredients 🌼😊
My pleasure 😊 My methods may not the right or best way to do that though. Thank you for watching. ❤️
Maybe I can teach you something 😏I put my green onion in the jars with couple inch of water and chop the green part off then I Put my green onion jars in the windowsill ! My green onions grows again and again ! After 4 time chopping the green part I would plant them in the garden if weather let me 😏
Что за хозяюшка, феечка🤗я очарована...
Спасибо за просмотр. Надеюсь, у тебя будет чудесный день. :)
I always store the bag of beansprouts in the original store bought bag, it always turns limpy n soggy even before I could use it up.. , now I learnt that I from you that I should wash remove n soak it inside water , shall try your tips, also toufu in water never knew thats the way, just storing it in fridge but texture always turns harder ! 😍
I'm so glad to hear that it was helpful! Hope the tips work for you. Have a wonderful day.🥰
밀폐용기 정보 좀 부탁합니다
영상 너무 잘 보았어요
감사합니다.^^ 용기는 대파와 방울토마토 담은 용기는 실리쿡 이구요~
나머지 용기들은 대부분 Homegoods 와 Tj maxx 에서 구입했어요. 브랜드가 딱히 있는 제품은 아니예요. ㅠㅠ 파프리카 담은 용기 많이 물어보시든데 그건 Tj maxx 에서 구입했고 브랜드는 Martha Stewart 입니다. 😊
Waste paper and plastic, but only what you need for a week or two! Thanks for sharing!
I am being more mindful for using them. Thank you😊
밀페용기들 정보도 좀 얻을수 있을까요?특히 미니 벨 페퍼 넣어둔 야채통은 정말 이쁘더라구요
미니벨페퍼 넣어둔 용기는 Tj maxx 에서 구입했어요. 브랜드는 martha stwart 입니다. 미국에 사시면 homegoods 나 티제이맥스 같은데 다녀보시면 비슷한거 있지 않을까 싶어요😊 좋은 한주 보내세요^^
영상이 너무 깔끔하고 예뻐서 들어왔다가 구독 좋아요 눌렀어요 :) 식재료 보관법 잘 배워서 갑니다. 감사합니다!
감사합니다 그레이스님~^^
새해복 많이 받으세요🥰
Please can you add links to the fridge storage boxes in the description. They are cute
Thank you for watching. :) I got them offline so it is hard to add links but I will write where I got them here.
I got most of my containers from Homegoods or Tj maxx. If you live in the U.S., you can check those stores out. The glass jars are Weck, and the clear plastic containers that I stored leeks and cherry potatoes are called Silicook. It is from Korea, but I saw that Amazon also sells them, so you can search for Silicook. Hope this helps!
May I know the brand of the container you store the cherry tomatoes and bell peppers in the fridge. Thanks
영상 정말 감사합니다. 찐마늘 실리콘 얼음기에 냄새 어찌 처리하시나요?
c'est un réel plaisir de regarder vos vidéos. Merci infiniment☺🙌
Merci d'avoir regardé et de votre commentaire! J'espère que vous avez un week-end chaleureux et heureux.💗
I really enjoy when i watch daily vlog like this, it can be motivation for food preparation
Thank you for the tips! My tofu always goes bad really fast but i'll try your method!
Thank you for watching!😊 It would be better if we could eat them fast, but if you have leftover try it! But make sure to change water. Hope you enjoy your week!🌸
감사함니다! I really thankful found your video. Really help me a lot. Your video is so beautiful yet clear and so useful. 안녕 from Indonesia🇮🇩 ☺
Thank you so much for your kind words🙏🏻 We will try to make a better video and hope you have a wonderful day💕
Спасибо огромное за советы 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 и отдельный лайк за повторное использование упаковки и полотенец 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Спасибо! На самом деле я получал много жалоб на использование бумажных полотенец. Альтернативой может быть нетканая ткань! Надеюсь, это поможет, и, если нет, прочтите описание под видео.💗
와 감자 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 무인줄 알았네요. 정보 감사합니다!!
시스레터님~ 영상 정말 유익하게 잘 봤어요!
저는 초보주부 3년차에요~ 항상 야채 채소 과일 장보고 오면 그대로 냉장고에 넣어두었는데 며칠 지나면 금방 시들거나 곰팡이 생겨 버리는일들이 종종 있어서 주방일이 너무 어렵고 힘들게만 느껴졌었어여🥲 시스레터님처럼 잘 정리해두면 요리할 때 기분도 좋아지고 주방일에 자존감이 높아질 거 같아요^^ 구독 누르고 영상 올라올 때마다 보고 많이 배울게요!
지금처럼 유익한 영상 부탁드려요💖
단비님~ 유익하게 보셨다니 다행이고 감사해요😊
저도 아직 배울것도 많고 부족한점이 많아요.
제가 하는 방법이 정답은 아니니 참고해 주셔요~~
영상 봐주시고 응원해주셔서 감사해요😊 행복한 한주 보내세요💗
보고 배워야 겠어요
좋은영상 자주 부탁해요^^
아직 부족한게 많은데 감사합니다~^^ 앞으로 더 노력할게요. 좋은 하루 보내세요.🌷
راااحه نفسييييه الفيد يجنننن يقلبي عاشت ايدج من العراق🇮🇶🇮🇶❤❤
شكرا لك على المشاهدة والتعليق. أتمنى أن تظل آمنًا وصحيًا. :)
@@sisletter Oh my God, I am not honest that you answered my comment, thank you.
Keep it up, your content is very nice and you are very clean and tidy, all the best, my dear💙
좋은 정보와 아름다운 영상 너무 잘 보고 갑니다.
저는 여지껏 살림 잘못한 것 같은 느낌이 들었습니다 ㅎㅎ
자주 놀러와서 보고 배우도록 할게요
아니예요~~ 저도 배울게 많고.. 영상에 나온 팁들도 부족한 부분에 많아요.
또 놀러오세요☺️🙏🏻