As a Dutch man i'm just an outsider looking in; America's history fascinates me. Thank you very much for sharing, sir. Appreciate it a lot. Greets from the Netherlands 🌷, T.
Exactly ! You are so lucky and blessed to be born in the best country in the world ….. I’m always dream with born there ….. The beautiful América 🇺🇸💖🙏🏻
Through it all of our success & failure's, things im proud of our ancestors, things im not. Im so grateful for wanting freedom, it takes alot of time, still today we are trying to preform "A more perfect union"
@@A_Talented_Maori you mean the natives that were constantly killing each other, raiding, enslaving, raping? You mean the people that were here for thousands of years and yet, didn't know how to invent the wheel? The same people who believed there were "spirits" possessing everything? Why don't you look at the natives who saw the white man's culture much more advanced and decided to betray their savage family members/tribesmen who kidnapped babies? Right. Cry more.
@@A_Talented_Maori Its all well and good saying that but if that were to be the case,the "Natives"would still be living in mudhuts,tee-pee's or something of the sort. Cant have it both ways 😉.
@@Anglo_Saxon1 Whether you realize it or not, it's kind of racist to assume that the native people would not have thrived without European intervention. We absolutely decimated their way of life to impose ours.
My problem with this work is that Jamestown occurred first (1607) where the Mayflower occupants arrived later (1620) . . . Yet, these fine people have the Mayflower occupants listed first . . .
Love the America, the beautiful. We love man and boy, who best serve our nation to be free and independent of becoming the powerful and industrialized land. The British Queen always loves and gives America.
@@paulm.6818 I was trying provoke thought in people to do that too… wars were going on in Europe and that’s when the monarchy gave up power to parliament in exchange for funds and it got to a point where they would grant the king enough funds for a day at a time.. and the real Royal line was broken….
Well, we are the only living entity on Earth that can pass on new informati9on from generation to generation. But it has to be true information, (unlike our schools today), or we became almost as dumb as farm animals again. Have you talked with today's college students today? Sabotage.
Out of the HOLY Lands of The LORD GOD OF HEAVEN And EARTH,HIS UNIVERSAL KINGDOMS.(THE LAND OF CANAAN And MESOPOTAMIA, ISRAEL,....Out Of my Visage HIS BURNT, My SKIN IS BLACK.BEHOLD ASTONISHMENT , Is TAKEN HOLD Of Me.) OUT Of AFRICAN NATION, Came All BEINGS ON The EARTH.ALL Stop The FIGHT And the World's... BLACK Was Your GREAT grandMother And GRANDFATHER... God love and God peace To ALLMandKind.blessing of God to everyone.
Biden who gave an evil promise to work like the devil, ...the ten commandments would have been the laws of the land with them claiming others as savages while they think they csn manipulate their truths?
teacher really got us watching a whole movie, my english teacher, like man it's english class, why are we learning about the US history in ENGLISH CLASS
@@wolverinegrey6580 @Wolverine Grey In some ways I am indeed very grateful for those who "blazed the trail" for us but honestly, in some ways I am ashamed. I wish that all of them were amazing but that's just not reality. Our history is also full of a lot of greed and inhumanity. I really think that America could have been just fine without the destruction of so much of the Native Americans existence before us as well as the degradation of those brought here by force to work for free under unimaginable conditions. Other than that part of the trail blazing, we sure are very lucky ✌️🇺🇸✌️
"If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed." John 8:36! IN GOD WE TRUST was the ONLY way to be FREE... Body, soul, mind and spirit! HALLELUJAH! 🙏👏💞
This is just how it was teaching in school I questioned why we leving 200 + years out what happened?? Then we pick up with pocahontas lmao in the early 1600...I'm like 1492 to 1617 where it at...completely put a jacket on the puddle that is slaves in America idk what this is yo
I was brought to the USA to work for a roofing company in Virginia in 2007, I remember that I went to Jamestown to fix the roof on one of a government buildings. The CEO of the company treated me like a slave , now I understand why😔😔,i had a six months working contract, and shortafter two months he broke the contract, and let me hanging in there, without money , a place to stay ,and obviously without work.😔.
Every nation has gone through their crap, the Jews, the British, Africans, Chinese immigrants not just the Indians. The list goes on because man has forgotten God and turned to ungodly practices. So man pays the price. The God of this world has blinded the eyes of the unbeliever so they cannot see the glory of Christ. Christ is the light ; without him you will be in darkness pointing to every direction that leads to death. Just sayin I was blind and now I see.
@@Jabberstax you're an idiot. They were fighting each other long before the settlers got there and engaged in savage behavior. Thousands of years on the land and they didn't invent the wheel nor ships. How about you leave western society now since you have a problem with it. Dumbass.
It’s interesting to hear the tone of the narrator during the abandonment of Pocahontas by John Smith. Neglecting the part about how John Rolfe was burnt at the stake while the Powhatan women scraped his live flesh off with clams. NBD. 😊
As soon as it began and he said the country started at the Hudson river, I knew this was bogus. America began in Jamestown, Virginia. The Puritans on the Mayflower got here 13 years later, the country was already being settled. Much of this history was kept from being taught loud in schools because Virginia was a southern state. It was not taught at all right after the civil war. I dont know why Plymouth Massachusetts always claims to have started America, it didnt.....
Jamestown actually had a lot problems ,because John Smith to them if they didn't work ,they won't eat. My grandpa was in bacons rebellion and they had problems with the Indians stealing from from them. Plymouth was a successful colony, which they had less problems.
Buen documental que sin embargo olvida una vez más la muy importante ayuda prestada por España a la causa de la Independencia, con ayuda de todo tipo y héroes militares como Bernardo de Gálvez, que sólo en los últimos años ha visto reconocidos sus servicios con una estatua en el Capitolio.
@@rickyyacine4818 Well My Friend, something that you didn't know or you don't want to know is that Spain was the key factor for the win in The Revolutionary War. There is an article from The Massachusetts Society 'Sons of the American Revolution' ( SAR ) called ‘Spain and the Independence of The United States.’ and after reading the article/report it is not a surprise to know than the Spanish Commander Bernardo de Galvez has the same honour of be Honorary Citizeship of the United States like Laffayete Using the information provided by the ‘Sons of the American Revolution’ and more information provided by Fede Vida. Spanish aid was as very,very important. After the Seven Years war, the Spanish army and navy were in no condition to face the English. From 1770 the Spaniards limited themselves to maintaining an intelligence service in the British colonies. Starting in 1776, Spain began supplying the continental army with materials through the Mississippi River from the city of New Orleans. Among other things, Spain supplied the following: 30,000 muskets 30,000 bayonets 500,000 bullets 300,000 pounds of gun powder 200 cannons or more plus 249 cannons taken form the British in combat 12000 grenades 4000 tents Medicines Uniforms (The army that won the battle of Saratoga had been practically full equipped by Spain. The same for the battle of Yorktown) Huge amounts of hard currency, silver "reales de a ocho", since the continental currency was nothing. In addition, the use of Spanish ports, especially Havana, was open to the rebel navy. in these ports their ships were repaired and resupplied, by the Spanish for free, while they avoided the blockade of the American ports by the British navy. In 1779 Spain declared war on Great Britain, causing its forces to be even more scattered. In 1780 the capture of the double English convoy took place. A Spanish-French joint fleet under the command of Spanish Commander, Don Luis de Córdova captured 55 British transports of two convoys that were sailing together, one heading to the East Indies and the other to America. In this action the British lost huge amounts of material, 3,000 prisoners, of which 1,400 were going to reinforce the colonial forces, and 1,000,000 pounds in gold. I think it is, to date, the biggest loss of logistics equipment that the British have suffered. King George III suffered a lipothymy after the news of the combat and losses. Just before the Battle of Yorktown the situation of the continental army was untenable and desertions reached a worrying level. From a letter from Washington to Robert Morris: "I must entreat you, if possible, to procure one month's pay in specie for the detachment under my command. Part of the troops have not been paid anything for a long time past and have upon several occasions shown marks of great discontent. " From another letter, this one from Rochambeau to De Grasse: "I should not conceal from you, M. L'admiral, that these people are at the very end of the resources or that Washington will not have at his disposal half of the number of troops he counted upon having. While he is secretive on this subject I believe that at present he has not more than 6,000 men all told ". De Grasse arrived in Havana desperate for money. At that time, only a small part of the required amount was available in the Spanish treasury. Don Francisco Saavedra, Commissioner of the Crown, required help from the citizens of Havana. In six hours the necessary money was raised. Also the Cathedral of Malaga (Spain) is not finished because we remove all the funds for the Patriots. It has only a tower instead the two planned. Did you know why the French fleet was able to support the rebels in Yorktown? Because the Spanish fleet promised to patrol and defend French ports in the Caribbean in the meantime. Important mention deserves the offensive made by the Spanish forces under the command of Don Bernardo de Gálvez, who seized and won the battles of New Orleans, San Louis, Baton Rouge, Natchez, Mobile and Pensacola from the English, capturing 1,400 prisoners and preventing many British forces from facing the rebels and also planning a deep attack against British, in several places, until connect with the Patriots. The Brits knew about the plans and turned in panic as they were losing all the battles against the Spanish in US lands and they felt than the French were in better conditions for fight and becoming more tacticals in naval battles under the command of the De Grasse aided by the Spanish officers. Also Spanish Navy attacked Bahamas in order to keep busy the Brits as was accorded with French. Don’t forget that the Spanish battalions have several called Batallones de Pardos y Morenos ( Battalions of Creoles and Blacks ) involved in the fight with black and creoles commanders too. What did Spain get in return? Contempt and more contempt. And a hundred years later the remains of our old and tired empire would be taken from us with a fake ‘casus belli’ ( USS Maine ). Finally, so far, US didn’t pay back a cent of the money that we gave for the Revolution. The payment consisted in remove us from the real history. Let me say that the freedom you have is the freedom we gave you with a huge cost of funds, ships and lives…our money and our troops. For these reasons the person who was riding a horse on the right of George Washington during the first celebration of the Day of the Independence was the Spanish Commander Bernardo de Galvez who is, in fact, Honorary Citizen of US by the Congress of United States. Now, go and tell it to your mother and to your teacher !
The name for this documental must be: THE STORY OF UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, I'm from Perú and as a Mexican, Argentinian, Chilean ,... feels disappointment and offense. We are all Americans, 35 beautiful countries that live in liberty and peace like brothers and sisters. Regards from Lima-Perú.
Sorry son, but you don't know the difference between the philosophies of government control of your life and individual liberty. Nobody is free on this Earth today, unless you are the dictator. And even they have to watch their backs.
It's called a discovery because for thousands of years the people living on the European continent didn't know this land existed. So to those Europeans it was discovered.
red man should have fought harder🤔they far out numbered the settlers for first few years they could have easily killed off the whiteman but they didn’t cus they wanted stuff they had so there greed and personal want cost them there so called land. it was discovered and it was taken that’s how world works!
Smoky mountains,, Tennessee,, has an old grave yard ,, where people where living in America, long time before ,,all of the first people this video claim,, people where here ,, during the 900-- 1100,, l found these graves,, when I was ,,was about , 24 years old,, l am now 69 now 69 years old,, trail. named Finley Cain
I hope you do my friend. Many Americans who were born here take it for granted. They alternate every 4-8 years complaining about a man who doesn’t have as much power or influence as they think he does. It’s such a “us vs them” mentality that we just can’t seem to be American Together. I hope u are an American above a republican or democrat. Very few of them left.
Five Good Books, Adventure, Travel, Have New Experiences, Enjoy. Rest give in God's hand. No need to read than necessary. Too much or too little can kill you. It has to be in the defined mold.
The slaves brought to America by the Europeans were - of course - not "the first slaves" on American soil. Before the European colonization the Native Americans had enslaved each other. The people who were conquered were enslaved. That was common practice all over the world. The first people to think about that as "unjust" were the Christian Europeans. If - for example - Muslims had conquered America, they wouldn't have granted land (the reservations) to the Native Americans, they wouldn't have signed treaties: They would have killed or enslaved them.
I don't think one group of Americans pushing another group of Americans off a cliff is very much like freedom it's more like there ain't enough room for all of us if somebody you got to go
And somehow Jamestown didn't contribute to the culture of America? Jamestown was the beginning of America and its survival was a miracle consider the harsh conditions.
Plymouth was established as a communal society and failed, half starved to death. When people were allowed to have their own land and work for themselves, they had abundance and shared with the Indians. Also, the first slaves were Irish prisoners from England, not blacks. The Irish had a death sentence and were worked to death. The Irish women were bred with the blacks. They payed large sums of money for black slaves, so they treated them fairly well.
That is what I understand also, and it makes sense. The "commune" life failed, (they had nothing to steal from, like free enterprise is stolen from by communism today), and then property and individual rights were a success.
Even the Indians were immigrants, they crossed the Bering Land Bridge over into North America from Asia. This was a few years back before you could hire guys at Home Depot to landscape your lawn and run leaf blowers at 7am in the morning.
The information in this is very inaccurate. This is not worth watching. Squanto was an opportunist who made nice with the Pilgrims in the hope that they would help put him in the position of leader of the tribe. He died an outcast from the Native community, as a traitor to his people. John Smith had to return to England because the dum-dum tried to light his pipe while wearing a satchel of gunpowder around his neck, and it blew up in his face. Pocahontas was 10 years old at the time and never met the man. A few years later she was abducted by people in Jamestown, stolen from her husband and child. After a year of being imprisoned, she was only allowed to be "free" if she agreed to marry John Rolfe - who then took her to England and toured her around as a marketing tool. Well after she became an advertisement for the people who more or less enslaved her, she died at the age of 21, John Smith used her fame to spice up his autobiography. Not only did he claim that Pocahontas was in love with him, but he complained about 9 other native women who wouldn't stop making sexual advances to him.
I'm not going to waste my time on any video that starts off with the Mayflower as this country's beginning, it is 100% incorrect. Start with Jamestown or don't start at all.
I have understood a different beginning. The first pilgrims dies off mostly because of a socialist system they brought with them. It was then formed with property rights, and individual liberty, and then it was successful. They may have not farmed corn before, but they knew how to farm from the beginning,---or they would have died at home. With the exact same resources, it was socialism/communism that failed, like it always has and always will.
The natives, from the very bottom of South America to the very top of North America did just fine with the communities before the “…white ghosts” came in from the sea and took their homes. With one telling the Aztecs that the reason he needs all the gold is because he has “…and illness if the heart, in which only gold can cure…”. Any system can work if there are willing participants and no “Godly” (just for the name of it, or whatever there insincere reasons may be) people come and screw things up…
I'm not saying you're wrong but weren't the pilgrims mostly textile workers originally, so they wouldn't have necessarily known how to farm anything? So when you say they may not have farmed corn but they must have known how to farm or they would have died at home might not actually ring true
@@katie6384the way you put it is correct you have to keep in mind corn was a very big source that would sustain the colonies The land in America is also different the soil etc with most textile workers they wouldn’t know how to farm this land or even if they did not very well
Can we please stop with the myth that these Natives "saved" the settlers by teaching them to fish and plant crops. These people just traveled across the planet...pretty sure they had fishing and farming covered, specifically being that its what most of the Pilgrams did before they came to America in the first place.
Do you know what type of people that went aboard the may flower? Answer: useless people they didn’t bring farmers nor craftsmen instead the brought like quilters clothe makers etc a lot of the people on board were incompetent people. Although there might have been some the land is different which makes it harder to understand the soil what crops grow etc This paired with that draws the conclusion that without the natives the colonist wouldn’t have survived This is also ck and if you have more questions read the ap us history 8th edition textbook
Der Land hier war Welepysefoilydem genannt, von Okebeni oder Ur-Keltischen, urzeitlich, was bedeutet "Dicker Land"; ist einer die Laendern von hierarchische Alba, wie auch Ireland, Wales, Allbion (bedeutet "Wuensch" in Cymric) Mann, Athelingia (es war Britanny genannt)- fuer Gaels Keltischen, und Belgiqa (Gauls). "Amerika" bedeutet Nicht Geschlechtlich, Leuten wer hatten alle geschlechtliche Segnung, Energie, Geist und Kraft verloren, Rassens Apostaeten; haben eine Leerheit was ist Tedehed genannt (in Ur-Keltisch)...
Completely not true. Slaves and indentured servants were here as early as 1619. Indentured Servants typically earned their “freedom” after seven to eight years of service. Often times immigrants indentured themselves out in order to pay for the voyage to America. Then there was a prospect of being free eventually....within their lifetime. Such hope was not extended to the African slave as their slavery was strictly based on their race. The Emancipation Proclamation was signed by Lincoln 1 January 1863 but unfortunately some slavers illegally did not adhere to that decree until 1865. During the coming years post Civil War, oppressive laws were made, particularly in the southern states, to prevent newly freed slaves to advance. Subsequent years and into generations, these laws turned into the Jim Crow years. It took an additional century plus to overturn such oppressive laws that prevented people of color to advance. The remnant of such post attitudes continues to exist in our country and even globally to this day. My 95 year old father’s father was a slave and was told first hand what it was like to be in bondage. This first hand account was not that long ago, which means this horror that occurred in our country was not that long ago. Please refrain from minimizing the after shocks of brutally forcing free labor from a people that were stolen from their land. Learn your complete American History. Without slave labor our great country would not have been built. From the very beginning there has been a struggle over slavery, our Founding Fathers fought over this issue in Independence Hall. Less than 30% of our Founding Fathers owned slaves which means more than half did not. Though it is important to remember and celebrate men like John Adams and His famous abolitionist father, John Quincy Adams, refusing to own a slaves; we should also understand the issue about slavery in our great country was wicked and to “never forget” (a Holocaust motto). However, more importantly than that is to remember what our amazing Founding Father, Thomas Jefferson said, .....”we hold these truths to be self evident, that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain UNALIENABLE RIGHTS, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.....”
@@kimweidner7351 i agree with about 65% of what you stated but in 1619 we were a British colony until 1776. You cannot deny that. The first black politicians were republicans and democrats hated them all the way back then….
@@T.R.R.Jolkien I'm sorry, but what does 1776 have to do with people of color and their ability to celebrate Independence Day in the late 18th century? Correct me if I'm wrong, but Independence Day was July 4, 1776, people held in bondage were not legally able to celebrate that until nearly a century later. Your "way back then" reference does not hold, especially when even the Proclamation Emancipation, signed by Lincoln January 1, 1863 - two plus years prior to Juneteenth, was not fully given to every slave until December 6, 1865 - not the widely believed date of June 19, 1865. I am fully aware that Republicans actively sought to set the slaves free, abolitionist were active from the very beginning of our country; even during colonial years. It was abolitionist leaders like William Lloyd Garrison, who spoke directly to Abraham Lincoln convincing him that nothing good will ever come from slavery. So.... I'm not sure what 65% of what I had to say you agree with.....unfortunately your opinion on history does not matter, especially historical facts surrounding slavery. Only the facts matter, not your opinions. The Republicans emancipated the slaves, I never disputed that. But it is tragic that it took a civil war for our country to recognize the evils of slavery. An additional century would pass before civil rights were granted to the offsprings of the newly emancipated people held in bondage for no other reason than their race.
@@kimweidner7351 the first black politicians were republicans. Northern democrats and southern Dixiecrats held all the slaves. Not one republican was a slave owner. Prove me wrong. Have a wonderful weekend
@@T.R.R.Jolkien what does white people owning black people for hundreds of years in our country have to do with the Republicans and demo-rats? I will have a wonderful day, I wish you the same.
14:16 - hmm 🤔🧐🤔, I think he’s right and I think that’s still a big issue…
As Joe said, "You ain't black if you don't vote for me."
yes. look no further than big tech like youtube and facebook
@@mnrichards100what are you getting at?
As a Dutch man i'm just an outsider looking in; America's history fascinates me. Thank you very much for sharing, sir. Appreciate it a lot.
Greets from the Netherlands 🌷, T.
Too bad it's bs
@@brenee1498 ? can you correct the given info please ?
@@tonnywildweasel8138 they can’t because they’re just communists
@@tonnywildweasel8138 He will just cry about oppression and point out all the negative things (which every nation has)
Hi how are you doing?
Part 1 was awesome! Looking forward to now watching part 2! Thanks so much for sharing this.
We must learn to enjoy what’s shared at no cost. Please stop rushing to post negative comments. Learn and be grateful.
Exactly ! You are so lucky and blessed to be born in the best country in the world ….. I’m always dream with born there ….. The beautiful América 🇺🇸💖🙏🏻
God Gives Freedom and Freedom Indeed. God was BEFORE Mankind
My favorite documentary about my country
I learned everything by my self with the help of good coaches
Awesome! Loved this style!
I do love smokin a fatty and watching docs like this… it’s the absolute greatest!😚💨
An educated stoner. Always nice to meet another.
High everyone!
hah! i snort adderall
thank you so much for teaching your wonderful videos
Self esteem and self confidence is the hallmark of success. If there is no self esteem. There is no success at all
The look of anguish on that soldier's face when he messed up the rifle maneuvers XD
It's so interesting history. thanks ☺️
Through it all of our success & failure's, things im proud of our ancestors, things im not. Im so grateful for wanting freedom, it takes alot of time, still today we are trying to preform "A more perfect union"
Which Ancestors ? , all your Ancestors ( probably) were British , Proud of British British or British Americans ? Haha
Who is forming "the more perfect union" for the world now? Thomas Jefferson, or karl marx?
Great !
Great upload.
Thank you 👍
John Smith did not abandon Jamestown! He left for England, planning to return, but war with Spain prevented him from sailing for over a year.
He actually got injured by an explosion and went back hoping to go back
How are you doing
@@veronicawhyte5642 Good thanks, how are you?
@@T_Kelso I’m doing good
I love this time in history
An amazing and true story , which gives us a reason to carry on the fight today!
This is a system of theft, not "fight", give the land back to the Natives and go home!
@@A_Talented_Maori you mean the natives that were constantly killing each other, raiding, enslaving, raping? You mean the people that were here for thousands of years and yet, didn't know how to invent the wheel? The same people who believed there were "spirits" possessing everything? Why don't you look at the natives who saw the white man's culture much more advanced and decided to betray their savage family members/tribesmen who kidnapped babies? Right. Cry more.
What fight? The only fight I see is America invading third world countries.
@@A_Talented_Maori Its all well and good saying that but if that were to be the case,the "Natives"would still be living in mudhuts,tee-pee's or something of the sort.
Cant have it both ways 😉.
@@Anglo_Saxon1 Whether you realize it or not, it's kind of racist to assume that the native people would not have thrived without European intervention. We absolutely decimated their way of life to impose ours.
George Washington was such a badass lol
He was an English Subject born and raised and found himself being pulled between two cultures.
You right for having slaves until he passed RIH 🔥🔥🔥🔥 George Washington..
Sam Adams was brewing his beer!🍺🍺
And playing a fake Indian Dam imposter 😂
My problem with this work is that Jamestown occurred first (1607) where the Mayflower occupants arrived later (1620) . . . Yet, these fine people have the Mayflower occupants listed first . . .
So intresting history 😘
This comment section:
99% Ecartfill
1% other people
I verified this
Love the America, the beautiful. We love man and boy, who best serve our nation to be free and independent of becoming the powerful and industrialized land. The British Queen always loves and gives America.
We’re always taught American history during that time but never any other history during that time.
True, but you're on a documentary of America. If you want another one, just search that up.
@@paulm.6818 I was trying provoke thought in people to do that too… wars were going on in Europe and that’s when the monarchy gave up power to parliament in exchange for funds and it got to a point where they would grant the king enough funds for a day at a time.. and the real Royal line was broken….
@@Swatsrus ALL the royals are a gnarly bunch of inbred, good for nothing and EGI Elite Gender Inverts.
@@Swatsrus The documentary did mention that the colonies saw the American Revolution as playing a part in a greater world movement.
Looks like war never ends.
Good teachers and coaches are essential
Well, we are the only living entity on Earth that can pass on new informati9on from generation to generation. But it has to be true information, (unlike our schools today), or we became almost as dumb as farm animals again. Have you talked with today's college students today? Sabotage.
God bless AMERICA ❤
I like Bidens version better. We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created by the you know the thing.
Out of the HOLY Lands of The LORD GOD OF HEAVEN And EARTH,HIS UNIVERSAL KINGDOMS.(THE LAND OF CANAAN And MESOPOTAMIA, ISRAEL,....Out Of my Visage HIS BURNT, My SKIN IS BLACK.BEHOLD ASTONISHMENT , Is TAKEN HOLD Of Me.) OUT Of AFRICAN NATION, Came All BEINGS ON The EARTH.ALL Stop The FIGHT And the World's... BLACK Was Your GREAT grandMother And GRANDFATHER... God love and God peace To ALLMandKind.blessing of God to everyone.
Biden who gave an evil promise to work like the devil, ...the ten commandments would have been the laws of the land with them claiming others as savages while they think they csn manipulate their truths?
Thank god that comment kept going
😂😂😂😂😂😂 I’m hoping you posted this on April fools 🤦🏾♀️🤦🏾♀️🤦🏾♀️
teacher really got us watching a whole movie, my english teacher, like man it's english class, why are we learning about the US history in ENGLISH CLASS
@brody needs a few English classes! OUR history is important you ARE lucky to have had such amazing people blaze the trail before you! Dam snowflakes!
@Jordan Robshaw lol the response one would expect from a millennial snowflake! Did i hurt someones feelings? Call the Waahhbulance! 😂 1776
Jus playin wit uz COME ON MAN hahaha
To practise listening skills
@@wolverinegrey6580 @Wolverine Grey In some ways I am indeed very grateful for those who "blazed the trail" for us but honestly, in some ways I am ashamed.
I wish that all of them were amazing but that's just not reality.
Our history is also full of a lot of greed and inhumanity. I really think that America could have been just fine without the destruction of so much of the Native Americans existence before us as well as the degradation of those brought here by force to work for free under unimaginable conditions.
Other than that part of the trail blazing, we sure are very lucky ✌️🇺🇸✌️
You're not paying attention; it said later that the Jamestown group got to their destination a decade earlier.
"If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed." John 8:36!
IN GOD WE TRUST was the ONLY way to be FREE... Body, soul, mind and spirit! HALLELUJAH! 🙏👏💞
Nah. God is dead.
Why start with Plymouth Colony? There was a permanent settlement in Virginia since 1607...
I love my country!
I wish I could give this video 1 million likes. It's the best!!!!
Because you're an idiot who hates fact?
You'll need 1 million accounts...
This is a good documentary but there are some inaccuracies.
The diamond 💎 Way
This is just how it was teaching in school I questioned why we leving 200 + years out what happened?? Then we pick up with pocahontas lmao in the early 1600...I'm like 1492 to 1617 where it at...completely put a jacket on the puddle that is slaves in America idk what this is yo
I was brought to the USA to work for a roofing company in Virginia in 2007, I remember that I went to Jamestown to fix the roof on one of a government buildings. The CEO of the company treated me like a slave , now I understand why😔😔,i had a six months working contract, and shortafter two months he broke the contract, and let me hanging in there, without money , a place to stay ,and obviously without work.😔.
The Native Americans did all that and what was the thanx? A trail of tears.
Every nation has gone through their crap, the Jews, the British, Africans, Chinese immigrants not just the Indians. The list goes on because man has forgotten God and turned to ungodly practices. So man pays the price. The God of this world has blinded the eyes of the unbeliever so they cannot see the glory of Christ. Christ is the light ; without him you will be in darkness pointing to every direction that leads to death. Just sayin
I was blind and now I see.
They could've united to throw out the colonists but they preferred to fight amongst themselves.
Pretty sure a majority of natives were hostile savages. The few that did help deserve a thanks. The others deserved whatever death that came to them.
@@Jabberstax you're an idiot. They were fighting each other long before the settlers got there and engaged in savage behavior. Thousands of years on the land and they didn't invent the wheel nor ships. How about you leave western society now since you have a problem with it. Dumbass.
@@gfsdgsddsgffg8391 natives, means they belong. Would u be hostile if I take ur pay, steal ur food, took over ur privacy? Yes, u would.
Teach them how to identify and make good friends. How are sincere and loyal
Nice story
Increased playback speed is a must for watching this
Thanks for the suggestion. 8 may try it w i t h s o me o thers
How to get the printimg document of America story narration?
im always watching stuf for my lil sis im 10 and shes 8 both us learn good skyler and me imsarah
It’s interesting to hear the tone of the narrator during the abandonment of Pocahontas by John Smith. Neglecting the part about how John Rolfe was burnt at the stake while the Powhatan women scraped his live flesh off with clams.
NBD. 😊
15:08 Where are my fellow Witchfinder General stans at?
Dolly Madison was baking those snack cakes.🍰
Did she invent hoho's?
@@drose1526 LoL🤣
When was this show made? I’m guessing late 80s..early 90s…? 🤷🏻♂️
This looks nothing like a documentary from the 80s. I would guess between 2005 - 2010
It’s not a show it’s called Documentary
Many people moving around in the olden days, especially the British
They were fighting for power and they no not the hour, and still today some are fighting for power and they no not the hour
What a history
Exactly a story 😂
As soon as it began and he said the country started at the Hudson river, I knew this was bogus. America began in Jamestown, Virginia. The Puritans on the Mayflower got here 13 years later, the country was already being settled. Much of this history was kept from being taught loud in schools because Virginia was a southern state. It was not taught at all right after the civil war. I dont know why Plymouth Massachusetts always claims to have started America, it didnt.....
Do you know anything about New Amsterdam? What is today Manhattan NY. ?
@@nelsongonzalez4533 It was settled in 1624, Jamestown was settled in 1607. Whats your point?
obviously, you did not listen further to the Jameston section...
@@robertlindstrom9516 I shouldnt have to, it was started in Jamestown thats where the story should start. Pilgrims were 12 years later....
Jamestown actually had a lot problems ,because John Smith to them if they didn't work ,they won't eat. My grandpa was in bacons rebellion and they had problems with the Indians stealing from from them. Plymouth was a successful colony, which they had less problems.
Buen documental que sin embargo olvida una vez más la muy importante ayuda prestada por España a la causa de la Independencia, con ayuda de todo tipo y héroes militares como Bernardo de Gálvez, que sólo en los últimos años ha visto reconocidos sus servicios con una estatua en el Capitolio.
U should have support the British maybe spain wouldn't lost thier land in America 😕
America exists because of France. Funny no?
@@rickyyacine4818 Well My Friend, something that you didn't know or you don't want to know is that Spain was the key factor for the win in The Revolutionary War.
There is an article from The Massachusetts Society 'Sons of the American Revolution' ( SAR ) called ‘Spain and the Independence of The United States.’ and after reading the article/report it is not a surprise to know than the Spanish Commander Bernardo de Galvez has the same honour of be Honorary Citizeship of the United States like Laffayete
Using the information provided by the ‘Sons of the American Revolution’ and more information provided by Fede Vida.
Spanish aid was as very,very important.
After the Seven Years war, the Spanish army and navy were in no condition to face the English. From 1770 the Spaniards limited themselves to maintaining an intelligence service in the British colonies.
Starting in 1776, Spain began supplying the continental army with materials through the Mississippi River from the city of New Orleans. Among other things, Spain supplied the following:
30,000 muskets
30,000 bayonets
500,000 bullets
300,000 pounds of gun powder
200 cannons or more plus 249 cannons taken form the British in combat
12000 grenades
4000 tents Medicines
Uniforms (The army that won the battle of Saratoga had been practically full equipped by Spain. The same for the battle of Yorktown)
Huge amounts of hard currency, silver "reales de a ocho", since the continental currency was nothing.
In addition, the use of Spanish ports, especially Havana, was open to the rebel navy. in these ports their ships were repaired and resupplied, by the Spanish for free, while they avoided the blockade of the American ports by the British navy.
In 1779 Spain declared war on Great Britain, causing its forces to be even more scattered.
In 1780 the capture of the double English convoy took place. A Spanish-French joint fleet under the command of Spanish Commander, Don Luis de Córdova captured 55 British transports of two convoys that were sailing together, one heading to the East Indies and the other to America.
In this action the British lost huge amounts of material, 3,000 prisoners, of which 1,400 were going to reinforce the colonial forces, and 1,000,000 pounds in gold. I think it is, to date, the biggest loss of logistics equipment that the British have suffered. King George III suffered a lipothymy after the news of the combat and losses.
Just before the Battle of Yorktown the situation of the continental army was untenable and desertions reached a worrying level. From a letter from Washington to Robert Morris: "I must entreat you, if possible, to procure one month's pay in specie for the detachment under my command. Part of the troops have not been paid anything for a long time past and have upon several occasions shown marks of great discontent. "
From another letter, this one from Rochambeau to De Grasse: "I should not conceal from you, M. L'admiral, that these people are at the very end of the resources or that Washington will not have at his disposal half of the number of troops he counted upon having. While he is secretive on this subject I believe that at present he has not more than 6,000 men all told ". De Grasse arrived in Havana desperate for money.
At that time, only a small part of the required amount was available in the Spanish treasury. Don Francisco Saavedra, Commissioner of the Crown, required help from the citizens of Havana. In six hours the necessary money was raised.
Also the Cathedral of Malaga (Spain) is not finished because we remove all the funds for the Patriots. It has only a tower instead the two planned.
Did you know why the French fleet was able to support the rebels in Yorktown? Because the Spanish fleet promised to patrol and defend French ports in the Caribbean in the meantime.
Important mention deserves the offensive made by the Spanish forces under the command of Don Bernardo de Gálvez, who seized and won the battles of New Orleans, San Louis, Baton Rouge, Natchez, Mobile and Pensacola from the English, capturing 1,400 prisoners and preventing many British forces from facing the rebels and also planning a deep attack against British, in several places, until connect with the Patriots.
The Brits knew about the plans and turned in panic as they were losing all the battles against the Spanish in US lands and they felt than the French were in better conditions for fight and becoming more tacticals in naval battles under the command of the De Grasse aided by the Spanish officers. Also Spanish Navy attacked Bahamas in order to keep busy the Brits as was accorded with French.
Don’t forget that the Spanish battalions have several called Batallones de Pardos y Morenos ( Battalions of Creoles and Blacks ) involved in the fight with black and creoles commanders too.
What did Spain get in return? Contempt and more contempt.
And a hundred years later the remains of our old and tired empire would be taken from us with a fake ‘casus belli’ ( USS Maine ).
Finally, so far, US didn’t pay back a cent of the money that we gave for the Revolution. The payment consisted in remove us from the real history.
Let me say that the freedom you have is the freedom we gave you with a huge cost of funds, ships and lives…our money and our troops.
For these reasons the person who was riding a horse on the right of George Washington during the first celebration of the Day of the Independence was the Spanish Commander Bernardo de Galvez who is, in fact, Honorary Citizen of US by the Congress of United States.
Now, go and tell it to your mother and to your teacher !
Tabitha Tarbell who was very important in this revolution has not been mentioned anywhere else in this documentary.
The name for this documental must be: THE STORY OF UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, I'm from Perú and as a Mexican, Argentinian, Chilean ,... feels disappointment and offense. We are all Americans, 35 beautiful countries that live in liberty and peace like brothers and sisters. Regards from Lima-Perú.
Sorry son, but you don't know the difference between the philosophies of government control of your life and individual liberty. Nobody is free on this Earth today, unless you are the dictator. And even they have to watch their backs.
The states of America have never been united except for racism against people of color.
This is why you should stay in Peru
@@EarthSurferUSAExactly this is the reality that only the few see
It was an invasion of a land that was already occupied. I don't like that the history books saying it was a discovery or a settlement of the land.
Same as the indians did...kill, rape, destroy and ocupy other people land.
It's called a discovery because for thousands of years the people living on the European continent didn't know this land existed. So to those Europeans it was discovered.
It depends on perspective. It's human nature to invade and conquer those who can't defend themselves...
Cry harder about the past, piss baby.
red man should have fought harder🤔they far out numbered the settlers for first few years they could have easily killed off the whiteman but they didn’t cus they wanted stuff they had so there greed and personal want cost them there so called land. it was discovered and it was taken that’s how world works!
hey you guys
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plopineriary
By observing
Five Good Books Are Enough to Develop the Mind
The books are finite,--the mind is not.
Smoky mountains,, Tennessee,, has an old grave yard ,, where people where living in America, long time before ,,all of the first people this video claim,, people where here ,, during the 900-- 1100,, l found these graves,, when I was ,,was about , 24 years old,, l am now 69 now 69 years old,, trail. named Finley Cain
Is there more facing our history good &bad?
My dream is to become American
I hope you do my friend. Many Americans who were born here take it for granted. They alternate every 4-8 years complaining about a man who doesn’t have as much power or influence as they think he does. It’s such a “us vs them” mentality that we just can’t seem to be American Together. I hope u are an American above a republican or democrat. Very few of them left.
Five Good Books, Adventure, Travel, Have New Experiences, Enjoy. Rest give in God's hand. No need to read than necessary. Too much or too little can kill you. It has to be in the defined mold.
Billy Carson for President
Resources of earth seem unlimited
I concur
The slaves brought to America by the Europeans were - of course - not "the first slaves" on American soil. Before the European colonization the Native Americans had enslaved each other. The people who were conquered were enslaved. That was common practice all over the world. The first people to think about that as "unjust" were the Christian Europeans. If - for example - Muslims had conquered America, they wouldn't have granted land (the reservations) to the Native Americans, they wouldn't have signed treaties: They would have killed or enslaved them.
Abigail Adams 💪
She's my long lost cousin. Truly.
Freedom always the touch stone...well except for the natives. Wow
I don't understand why the y couldn't put armor on during battles in the revolutionary War. They had little lead balls.
Dont force them teach them, set high goals and values
Ironic how they talked about rather dying free than live as slaves, yet they loved owning slaves.
Yea that’s because black’s decided to live as slaves. We could have died free. Which is why Kanye said slavery was a choice
Hey neocommie. White people ended slavery first most northern states ended slavery by 1800
I don't think one group of Americans pushing another group of Americans off a cliff is very much like freedom it's more like there ain't enough room for all of us if somebody you got to go
They weren't American, they were English subjects that didn't like each other.
Galaxy, universe. There is a theory of multiverse
There is a theory of time travel
9:57 The beginning of the end
How so?
Capitalism kicks in. The greed and evil and all the cruelty it brings.
And somehow Jamestown didn't contribute to the culture of America? Jamestown was the beginning of America and its survival was a miracle consider the harsh conditions.
Plymouth was established as a communal society and failed, half starved to death. When people were allowed to have their own land and work for themselves, they had abundance and shared with the Indians.
Also, the first slaves were Irish prisoners from England, not blacks. The Irish had a death sentence and were worked to death. The Irish women were bred with the blacks. They payed large sums of money for black slaves, so they treated them fairly well.
Immigrants in bondage from England, it has the list of names.
That is what I understand also, and it makes sense. The "commune" life failed, (they had nothing to steal from, like free enterprise is stolen from by communism today), and then property and individual rights were a success.
14:16 - hmm 🤔🧐🤔, I think he’s right and I think that’s still a big issue…
uh, no. Just no.
You cannot fix their mind into one thinking
If the land is to be given to the original owners ..most nations would be without land by now
Even the Indians were immigrants, they crossed the Bering Land Bridge over into North America from Asia. This was a few years back before you could hire guys at Home Depot to landscape your lawn and run leaf blowers at 7am in the morning.
The information in this is very inaccurate.
This is not worth watching.
Squanto was an opportunist who made nice with the Pilgrims in the hope that they would help put him in the position of leader of the tribe. He died an outcast from the Native community, as a traitor to his people.
John Smith had to return to England because the dum-dum tried to light his pipe while wearing a satchel of gunpowder around his neck, and it blew up in his face. Pocahontas was 10 years old at the time and never met the man.
A few years later she was abducted by people in Jamestown, stolen from her husband and child. After a year of being imprisoned, she was only allowed to be "free" if she agreed to marry John Rolfe - who then took her to England and toured her around as a marketing tool.
Well after she became an advertisement for the people who more or less enslaved her, she died at the age of 21, John Smith used her fame to spice up his autobiography. Not only did he claim that Pocahontas was in love with him, but he complained about 9 other native women who wouldn't stop making sexual advances to him.
I agree with you. This video appears quite unpatriotic.
@@Everettf99unpatriotic? What does patriotism have to do with making a documentary. This ain't propaganda.
Were can I see a real documentary o a book with the real version of truth?
Learn the secrets of the world
I'm not going to waste my time on any video that starts off with the Mayflower as this country's beginning, it is 100% incorrect. Start with Jamestown or don't start at all.
Man has come from ONE PERSON
Yeaaah. Um that’s not how Reveres ride really happens
I have understood a different beginning. The first pilgrims dies off mostly because of a socialist system they brought with them. It was then formed with property rights, and individual liberty, and then it was successful. They may have not farmed corn before, but they knew how to farm from the beginning,---or they would have died at home. With the exact same resources, it was socialism/communism that failed, like it always has and always will.
The natives, from the very bottom of South America to the very top of North America did just fine with the communities before the “…white ghosts” came in from the sea and took their homes. With one telling the Aztecs that the reason he needs all the gold is because he has “…and illness if the heart, in which only gold can cure…”. Any system can work if there are willing participants and no “Godly” (just for the name of it, or whatever there insincere reasons may be) people come and screw things up…
I'm not saying you're wrong but weren't the pilgrims mostly textile workers originally, so they wouldn't have necessarily known how to farm anything? So when you say they may not have farmed corn but they must have known how to farm or they would have died at home might not actually ring true
@@katie6384the way you put it is correct you have to keep in mind corn was a very big source that would sustain the colonies
The land in America is also different the soil etc with most textile workers they wouldn’t know how to farm this land or even if they did not very well
Nice try at revisionism. Try again.
Indians is truly owner
Can we please stop with the myth that these Natives "saved" the settlers by teaching them to fish and plant crops. These people just traveled across the planet...pretty sure they had fishing and farming covered, specifically being that its what most of the Pilgrams did before they came to America in the first place.
Do you know what type of people that went aboard the may flower?
Answer: useless people they didn’t bring farmers nor craftsmen instead the brought like quilters clothe makers etc a lot of the people on board were incompetent people.
Although there might have been some the land is different which makes it harder to understand the soil what crops grow etc
This paired with that draws the conclusion that without the natives the colonist wouldn’t have survived
This is also ck and if you have more questions read the ap us history 8th edition textbook
Can you please get better educated. You're no academic. You dont know what happened.
The settlers wrote it themselves.
The church make a mistake to me .the Time
Der Land hier war Welepysefoilydem genannt, von Okebeni oder Ur-Keltischen, urzeitlich, was bedeutet "Dicker Land"; ist einer die Laendern von hierarchische Alba, wie auch Ireland, Wales, Allbion (bedeutet "Wuensch" in Cymric) Mann, Athelingia (es war Britanny genannt)- fuer Gaels Keltischen, und Belgiqa (Gauls). "Amerika" bedeutet Nicht Geschlechtlich, Leuten wer hatten alle geschlechtliche Segnung, Energie, Geist und Kraft verloren, Rassens Apostaeten; haben eine Leerheit was ist Tedehed genannt (in Ur-Keltisch)...
What do you mean? Any good documentaries you recommended?
Of course anyone that has an immediate need for safety should be expedited but still thoroughly checked out first
America only had slaves for about 90 years, 1776 - 1864. Before that, we were a British colony. No one tells you that...
Completely not true. Slaves and indentured servants were here as early as 1619. Indentured Servants typically earned their “freedom” after seven to eight years of service. Often times immigrants indentured themselves out in order to pay for the voyage to America. Then there was a prospect of being free eventually....within their lifetime. Such hope was not extended to the African slave as their slavery was strictly based on their race. The Emancipation Proclamation was signed by Lincoln 1 January 1863 but unfortunately some slavers illegally did not adhere to that decree until 1865. During the coming years post Civil War, oppressive laws were made, particularly in the southern states, to prevent newly freed slaves to advance. Subsequent years and into generations, these laws turned into the Jim Crow years. It took an additional century plus to overturn such oppressive laws that prevented people of color to advance. The remnant of such post attitudes continues to exist in our country and even globally to this day. My 95 year old father’s father was a slave and was told first hand what it was like to be in bondage. This first hand account was not that long ago, which means this horror that occurred in our country was not that long ago. Please refrain from minimizing the after shocks of brutally forcing free labor from a people that were stolen from their land. Learn your complete American History. Without slave labor our great country would not have been built. From the very beginning there has been a struggle over slavery, our Founding Fathers fought over this issue in Independence Hall. Less than 30% of our Founding Fathers owned slaves which means more than half did not. Though it is important to remember and celebrate men like John Adams and His famous abolitionist father, John Quincy Adams, refusing to own a slaves; we should also understand the issue about slavery in our great country was wicked and to “never forget” (a Holocaust motto). However, more importantly than that is to remember what our amazing Founding Father, Thomas Jefferson said, .....”we hold these truths to be self evident, that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain UNALIENABLE RIGHTS, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.....”
@@kimweidner7351 i agree with about 65% of what you stated but in 1619 we were a British colony until 1776. You cannot deny that. The first black politicians were republicans and democrats hated them all the way back then….
@@T.R.R.Jolkien I'm sorry, but what does 1776 have to do with people of color and their ability to celebrate Independence Day in the late 18th century? Correct me if I'm wrong, but Independence Day was July 4, 1776, people held in bondage were not legally able to celebrate that until nearly a century later. Your "way back then" reference does not hold, especially when even the Proclamation Emancipation, signed by Lincoln January 1, 1863 - two plus years prior to Juneteenth, was not fully given to every slave until December 6, 1865 - not the widely believed date of June 19, 1865.
I am fully aware that Republicans actively sought to set the slaves free, abolitionist were active from the very beginning of our country; even during colonial years. It was abolitionist leaders like William Lloyd Garrison, who spoke directly to Abraham Lincoln convincing him that nothing good will ever come from slavery.
I'm not sure what 65% of what I had to say you agree with.....unfortunately your opinion on history does not matter, especially historical facts surrounding slavery. Only the facts matter, not your opinions.
The Republicans emancipated the slaves, I never disputed that. But it is tragic that it took a civil war for our country to recognize the evils of slavery. An additional century would pass before civil rights were granted to the offsprings of the newly emancipated people held in bondage for no other reason than their race.
@@kimweidner7351 the first black politicians were republicans. Northern democrats and southern Dixiecrats held all the slaves. Not one republican was a slave owner. Prove me wrong. Have a wonderful weekend
@@T.R.R.Jolkien what does white people owning black people for hundreds of years in our country have to do with the Republicans and demo-rats?
I will have a wonderful day, I wish you the same.
Great history of why we conquered the Indians
you spelled cheated and bitched out wrong 😅 nice coping I guess
@@bettycharles6398 the only people coping are the Indians stuck on the reserves, the people we conquered!
and yet they still dare to say " mans kind " to present the whole people !
Wait, what about México, Perú, Argentina, brasil???
A different history- Spanish.