I hope you enjoyed the video, You Can Support Me by Like & Comment & Share ith Video ! :) Try to like all Christian videos! Make Christian Video Viral Not Islamic Video And don't forget to take notes from the debates to debate with Muslims!😉 1 The Lord is my shepherd; 2 I shall not want. Psalm 23:1,2 And don't forget that God is Good and He's Jesus Christ Jesus Bless All God's People ✝
Thank you very much for clipping this caller. This call alone is years worth of university level education in the phenom of Islamic cultural effect on muslima's. Why this call is unique is because caller is Western raised outside Islam but willingly subverted & stifled her own free individuality to join a religion of suffocation. This is 'disparate' as in irrational, cannot be reconciled with any rational problem solving skills. Conclusion:: either she fell wildly in love rejecting all rational understanding believing she will 'change' him or she's become a willing participant in her own imprisonment. This call alone is a full psychological case study. Thank you!
She has to; her husband might be present in the room (assuming he's a Tarzan) . . . *Qur'an 4:34* “Men are in charge of women by what Allah has given one over the other. So righteous women are devoutly obedient. But those from whom you fear arrogance - advise them; forsake them in bed; and *BEAT* them. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted and Grand.”
What's needed in transparency (through viralization): *Qur'an 4:34* “Men are in charge of women by what Allah has given one over the other. So righteous women are devoutly obedient. But those from whom you fear arrogance - advise them; forsake them in bed; and *BEAT* them. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted and Grand.”
Well Said CP, Our Soldier, Our Warrior, A gentleman n An Ambassador for Christ❤️. I'm Sure the Lord is so pleased with U CP😊 Ur Reward in Heaven must be high: Ur indeed A BLESSED SOUL✝️❤️ ✝️
6 หลายเดือนก่อน +43
Keep go on my brother in Christ! New debates of CP are deleted!!
That's easier said that done . . . *Qur'an 4:89* “If they _turn away,_ then seize them and k__ them." *Qur'an 16:106* “Whoso disbelieve in Allah after his belief, but whoso find ease in disbelief, On them is wrath from Allah. Theirs will be an awful doom.” *Qur'an 88:21-24* “Whoever turns back and disbelieves, Allah will chastise him with the greatest chastisement.” *Sahih al-Bukhari 4:52:260* “The Prophet (May Peace Be Upon Him) said, 'If somebody (a Muslim) discards his religion, k__ him.'" *Sahih al-Bukhari 9:84:57* "Allah's Apostle (May Peace Be Upon Him), said 'Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then k__ him.'" *Sahih al-Bukhari 9:83:17* “Allah's Apostle (Peace Be Upon Him) said, 'The blood of a Muslim cannot be shed except in three cases: In Qisas for murder, a married person who commits illegal s_____ intercourse, and the one who reverts from Islam (apostate) and leaves the Muslims.'" *Sahih Muslim 16:4152* “Allah's Messenger (May Peace Be Upon Him) said: 'It is not permissible to take the life of a Muslim, but in one of the three cases: the married adulterer, a life for life, and the deserter of his Din (Islam), abandoning the community.'” *Sahih Muslim 16:4154* “Allah's Messenger (May Peace Be Upon Him) said: 'The blood of a Muslim may be lawfully shed only in case of three persons: the one who abandons Islam, and deserts the community, and the married adulterer, and life for life.'”
She probably has to say that in case of relatives who might hear her in the interview :( Like how people are afraid to admit what a woman is because of fear of repercussions on their personal life (only, in her case the consequences could be far more dangerous if she speaks out)
I am of the view that people like Strawberry have INTRENALIZED this kind of perverted teaching and no matter what is shown or explained to them, still cling to them. I am reminded of women who suffer domestic abuse at the hands of their husbands but for fear or other reasons, continue to stay in the relationship.
@Sincere-Honest-Decent-Muslim Then answer this: how does it feel knowing you most likely only follow your religion because your ancestors were enslaved into it and could never leave due to apostasy laws?
The worst thing about being deceived, is not knowing it. Pray for these people that they would come to Jesus and come out of this diabolical religion. As always CP you are being used by God to be a light in this dark religion. God Bless
Thank you CP. I actually asked this question on Monday on an Islam channel adding "Why are women treated so poorly by Muslim men?" not entirely sure that my assumption nor my research was correct, but you reconfirmed my initial theory. It is also helpful to see these facts formed using the Qur'an. God bless you CP
And CP must add that the QURAN, or Allah and Muhammad describe women as one of eight animals that MENSTRUATE : 1. A horse 2. Donkey 3. Bat 4. Dog 5. Rabbit 6. Women
I love the song of Hope at thd end of the video. Th😊ank you Christian Prince for defending the 'weaker vessel', Jesus has always shown respect and compassion towards women.
Penobatan raja imam Mazmur(Zabur) 110:1-7 (TB) Mazmur Daud. Demikianlah firman TUHAN (YHVH/YAHWEH)kepada tuanku: "Duduklah di sebelah kanan-Ku, sampai Kubuat musuh-musuhmu menjadi tumpuan kakimu." Tongkat kekuatanmu akan diulurkan TUHAN dari Sion: memerintahlah di antara musuhmu! Pada hari tentaramu bangsamu merelakan diri untuk maju dengan berhiaskan kekudusan; dari kandungan fajar tampil bagimu keremajaanmu seperti embun. TUHAN telah bersumpah, dan Ia tidak akan menyesal: "Engkau adalah imam untuk selama-lamanya, menurut Melkisedek." TUHAN ada di sebelah kananmu; Ia meremukkan raja-raja pada hari murka-Nya, Ia menghukum bangsa-bangsa, sehingga mayat-mayat bergelimpangan; Ia meremukkan orang-orang yang menjadi kepala di negeri luas. Dari sungai di tepi jalan ia minum, oleh sebab itu ia mengangkat kepala. Ps:Raja imam Dalam pimpinan Allah, sambil melihat jauh ke depan Daud mengucapkan nubuat sekaligus penyembahan. Ia berbicara tentang raja yang akan datang, yang berasal dari keturunannya. Raja itu adalah anaknya sendiri, Anak Daud. Namun kemuliaan dan kuasa-Nya jauh melampaui dia sehingga dia menyebut Anak-Nya sebagai "tuanku" (1). Ia juga Imam. Maka tepatlah kita memakai julukan "Raja-Imam" untuk Yesus Kristus. Di antara umat Allah, imam maupun raja ditetapkan oleh Allah. Allah menetapkan bahwa para imam harus berasal dari keturunan Harun, sedangkan para raja berasal dari keturunan Yehuda-Daud. Dalam Injil jelas bahwa Yesus berasal dari keturunan Yehuda-Daud. Dalam hidup Abraham pernah terjadi peristiwa luar biasa, yaitu Ia memberikan persembahan kepada Melkisedek. Hal ini dilihat oleh Ibr. 5 sebagai digenapi penuh dalam diri Yesus Kristus. Yesus, yang bukan keturunan Harun, adalah Imam Besar Agung, tetapi bukan menurut garis keturunan Harun melainkan karena prinsip Melkisedek. Abraham moyang Harun berkedudukan di bawah Melkisedek, maka imamat Harun tunduk ke bawah imamat Yesus Kristus! Baik imam maupun raja berfungsi sebagai perwakilan. Imam mewakili manusia menghadap Allah dengan jalan memberikan kurban. Imam harus menjaga kekudusan sebab ia mewakili umat agar beroleh kelayakan dengan jalan pengampunan; maka imam yang tidak kudus, tidak layak mewakili umat. Itu sebab imam harus juga memberikan persembahan untuk dosa-dosanya sendiri. Yesus Kristus adalah Imam Besar Agung sebab telah memberikan kurban hidup-Nya yang tanpa dosa sebagai tebusan dosa umat-Nya. Raja pun adalah wakil, tetapi bukan wakil umat melainkan wakil Allah. Raja dipilih Allah agar menjadi gembala untuk membawa umat ke jalan benar, memimpin ke dalam kesejahteraan. Yesus Kristus sepenuhnya menggenapi sifat Gembala yang Baik, yang mengurbankan hidup-Nya agar kawanan gembalaan-Nya sepenuhnya ada dalam naungan kuasa-Nya. Yesus Kristus Raja-Imam, kematian dan kebangkitan-Nya telah menaklukkan musuh-musuh jiwa, supaya kita mengalami pemerintahan-Nya sempurna. Thanks admin n all Gbu all
Good Day CP, I just wanted to tell you, I have started using your arguments, word for word letter for letter dot for dot against muslims in comment sections of Muslim videos. People hate me. 😂 Keep doing what you’re doing and teach.
PART FIVE OF SIX THE SECOND SIGN THE ISLAMIC JESUS The second sign , within Islamic eschatology is the second person who is the Islamic Jesus while the Mahdi is greater than the Islamic Jesus and that's important within their Islamic system Because if you have someone more important and greater than Jesus then that proves the Christians were wrong. So yes Muslims believe that Jesus will come back although not the true Jesus of Christian scripture but the Islamic Jesus The Islamic Jesus returns with one purpose and that is to assist the Mahdi and enforce worship of the Mahdi and subservience to Islam. The Islamic Jesus returns as a radical Muslim military commander loyal to the Mahdi arriving by way of Minaret near Damascus. The Islamic Jesus will come back holding the wings of two Angels who flew him down to meet the gathering Islamic black flag army of the Mahdi in the east. When this Islamic Jesus returns he will bow in prayer to the Mahdi who is greater than he is and he will acknowledge the Mahdi as his Lord. The Islamic Jesus will then make a pilgrimage to Mecca where he will worship Allah and thus he will lead all Christians who follow him to reject the notion of the Christian Jesus and to accept the Islamic Jesus who is nothing but a prophet and a man. After the Islamic Jesus conveys that he did not die was not crucified and he did not rise from death that he isn't God and he isn't the son of God The Islamic Jesus will then point out how wrong we have all been and he will correct all misinterpretations and all misrepresentations The Islamic Jesus will become the greatest Muslim evangelist Whereby Christians everywhere will either affirm they were wrong that the Christian Gospel is wrong and that the Christian new Testament is wrong and convert to Islam or be killed As the Muslim Jesus will then shatter all of the crosses that is metaphoric for the destruction of all Christian Churches symbolic of Christianity. The Islamic Jesus will then wage Jihad holy war and will kill all of the pigs those Christians and infidels who refuse to convert to Islam Whereby the Muslim Jesus will totally destroy Christianity Throughout the Islamic Jesus espouses the cause of the Mahdi and is portrayed as the Mahdi's executioner he is the Mahdi's prophet and in all he does aiding the Mahdi. The Muslim Jesus will then establish worldwide Sharia Law and force worship of the Mahdi who is greater than he. The Muslim Jesus will then kill the Islamic Anti-Christ a man who calls himself Jesus and rides upon a mule. The Islamic Jesus will then abolish the tax on Non Muslims because there won't be any living non Muslims left to pay tax And the Muslim Jesus who is a man and only a man will be the final witness on the day of judgement against non Muslims where he will judge the living and the dead. The Islamic Jesus will then die and be buried next to Mohammad THIRD SIGN THE ISLAMIC ANTI-CHRIST DAJJAL The third Islamic sign is the third person whom they know as the Islamic Anti-Christ. The Muslims call him Dajjal meaning the great deceiver and he comes to earth riding upon a mule and is blind in one eye wearing a crown of thorns He is an infidel and a deceiving liar and false miracle worker and is the Islamic Anti-Christ someone who claims to be Jesus and the son of God as he claims to be a Deity. Whereby upon the arrival of this false Jesus he will attempt to stop the Islamic Mahdi but the true Islamic Jesus will slaughter him This is the Muslims view of the Islamic Jesus so that it would appear our view of the Christian Jesus is their Islamic Anti-Christ and that the Christian view of the Anti-Christ is their redeemer It is a complete counterfeit in reverse of our Christian beliefs Whereby the Islamic writings convey that the army of Satan will be lead by a person claiming to be Jesus Christ That there will be a great battle between the Muslim Jesus and the false Jesus whereby the Muslim Jesus will kill the false Jesus and all his followers whom the Muslims refer to as pigs and dogs who refuse to convert to Islam. The Islamic Jesus will then further aid the Mahdi in establishing Islam forever through Muslim world domination in all Nations If you think of Daniel 2 and of what the Final World Empire will be the fact that the majority of well over 60 % of the Roman Empire from the New Testament times is now under Islamic control Along with the fact that Islam is moving across the west and in Europe quite rapidly Right now we see mass Islamic migration into various Nations across the world. Where Islamic communities all congregate together refusing to assimilate into their adoptive country not wanting anything to do with westerners but to remain in their own communities. All desiring the Nation they have immigrated to become Islamic exactly like the one they left behind We also know that various Nations have bent over to accommodate their Muslim beliefs. Although you would not be allowed to have a Christian school in an Islamic country but many western Nations have allowed Muslim schools. Western and European Nations have also allowed Islamic Mosques for worship where certain Imam's openly preach violence and hate inciting terrorism towards Israel and the West including towards the country Muslims have immigrated into. We could assume that impressionable young Muslim men hear the cry and that sleeper cells lay dormant awaiting the arrival of the Islamic Mahdi calling for Jihad holy war and the rising up from within. When you have a picture of Ezekiel 38 you have a picture of Gog with a listing of eight Nations forming a coalition. All eight of these Nations appear to be Muslim and they ring the Mediterranean all through to Libya When you look at Revelation 17 : 9, 11 , it says there were six Kingsoms and then a seventh and finally an eighth So what was the seventh Kingdom well there has been much speculation, discussion and debate concerning it. And a number of thoughts convey that it may be in fact be the Ottoman Turk Empire which lasted for over 500 years and didn't fall until the modern era The Turkish Empire was the last caliphate which ended in 1923 and they are waiting for the restoration which will apparently occur when the Al Mahdi comes as foretold. Whereby someone is going to say they are Jesus and then someone else will say likewise and that will be one form of the deception that even now is deceiving people For there are a whole world of Muslims in a fastly growing religion who think Jesus Christ is someone he's not and consequently they reject the truth. But do not be deceived as the world of Muslims are deceived about the person of Jesus Christ and who he really is. For you cannot accommodate that by saying isn't it wonderful that Muslims love Jesus, just as the Church of Rome in seeking unity with Islam is doing for Islam uniting with the Church of Rome grants them worldwide reach and through that unity is empowering Islam globally. When the Muslim Jesus is not the Christian Jesus that we know from Scripture and your cursed worshipping any other than the true Jesus.
@Sincere-Honest-Decent-Muslim Mohammed said the Messiah was just a man, only a prophet. The Messiah role is above prophet, although Jesus did of course prophesy, more than Mohammed, who seems to have made one vague one, and various claims that the end was just about to happen (it didn't) in his "book". Notable messianic prophecies indicate Messiah although coming in the flesh, is God: * Micah 5.2 "But as for you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, .... From you One will come forth for Me to be ruler in Israel. His times of coming forth are from long ago, FROM THE DAYS OF ETERNITY." * Isaiah 9.6 "For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called wonderful counsellor, MIGHTY GOD, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." * Malachi 3.1 "Behold, I will send My messenger, who will prepare the way before Me. Then the Lord [ADONAI=GOD] whom you seek will suddenly come to His temple.." * Daniel 7.13 " “In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like a son of man, ... He approached the Ancient of Days ...He was given AUTHORITY, glory and sovereign POWER; all nations and peoples of every language WORSHIPED him. His dominion is an EVERLASTING dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed."
Please, can I get all the parts? So informative. I was born into a Muslim family. Thank God I am a child of God now. I currently pastor a pentecostal church. Remain blessed in Jesus' name!
PART THREE OF SIX THE ISLAMIC JESUS IS NOT SAME JESUS AS THE CHRISTIAN JESUS This Islamic Jesus will return to earth in order to assist the Al Mahdi in forcing all to accept Islam and to kill all those who refuse While the Muslims believe that when this Islamic Jesus returns he will also judge the living and the dead. But isn't it God who judges humanity and not a man they profess is only a man and a prophet and not the son of God. If you ask Muslims who is the Judge they will answer God but you'll respond saying but your holy writings convey that the prophet the Islamic Jesus is going to judge the living and the dead so is that prophet God which they'll then deny. But Mohammed conveys in the Quran that Jesus the son of Mary is the word of God and a spirit of God So if as Muslims believe the Quran is dictated to Mohammad by Allah and that Mohammad wrote it down as instructed by Allah then where did Mohammed get this statement from well it certainly appears that he got it from the apostle John for its written in John 1 : 1 which states In the beginning was the Word now look carefully at what Mohammad is saying Jesus the son of Mary is the word of God However the apostle John conveyed this 6 centuries earlier than Mohammed in the Gospel of John 1 : 1 In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. So is Mohammed saying Jesus is God is that what appears being alluded to by Mohammed. However Muslims will deny their Prophet Mohammed who took it from the the Gospel of John written 6 centuries earlier meant that. And sadly there are many evangical people who think that Muslims not only believe in God because they are monotheist believing in one God but that they also believe in Jesus Christ. But the Jesus of the Quran is not the same Jesus of Christianity Despite that there are those within Christianity who seek to unite with Islam just as the Church of Rome is doing. Another is Brian McLaren an emerging Church heretic writer who in his book called the secret message of Jesus conveys that Jesus Is a great prophet and a shared reappraisal of Jesus message could provide common ground for urgently needed religious dialogue. This reappraisal of Jesus message may be our only way of saving a number of religions including Christianity So if we want to save Christianity and to save other religions as well then we all need to get together in unity and amalgamate and we could start with the Islamic Muslims because they already believe in Jesus. Whereas the popular author and public speaker Tony Campolo is yet another who says if we listen to the Muslim mystics as they talk about Jesus I must say it's a lot closer to New Testament Christianity than a lot of Christians today. SO IS THE ISLAMIC JESUS THE SAME AS THE CHRISTIAN JESUS So you might think the Muslim Jesus is the same Jesus as the Christian Jesus But the Muslim Jesus is not the same as the Christian Jesus although the Muslim Jesus plays an important role in Islamic eschatology. Like Christians having a theology of the end times so too the Muslims and the role Jesus will play in it. BUT HE IS NOT THE SAME JESUS However the role of Jesus of the Quran is far different from the role of Jesus in the bible The Jesus of the Quran was a man only just a man although he was a God Holy Prophet he was not God , he was not the son of God Muslims consider that claim to be blasphemy. The Jesus of the Quran did not die , he was not crucified as it was only made to look that way and another took his place. As Judas Iscariot was made to look like him and took his place upon the cross. The Jesus of the Quran did not rise from death so he never paid atonement for anyone's sins as no one can provide atonement for anyone's sins The Jesus of the Quran ascended into Heaven alive like Elijah Where the Jesus of the Quran never having died is standing alongside Allah in heaven waiting for Allah to send him back. In the Islamic system this man Jesus will return from heaven when Allah decides to send him back. The Islamic Jesus will be sent back so he can correct all the Christians who have misunderstood who he really is. So this Islamic Jesus is coming back to straighten out the misdirected the misconceiving and misguided Christians Those Christians who think he was God and think he died on the cross and rose again providing atonement. Whereby he will show them the error of their ways and that they must accept Islam or be killed.
Yes, they also believe their Islamic Jesus will break all the crosses when he comes back. They will say their Islamic Jesus will tell the Christians that they are wrong to worship him. So, their Jesus is not the Christian Jesus.
My favourite topic 😅😅 why Muhammad 54 so much disrespect women/child and married a child 6yrs old and sex when she was 9 he even married his own son wife
I hope you enjoyed the video, You Can Support Me by Like & Comment & Share ith Video ! :)
Try to like all Christian videos!
Make Christian Video Viral Not Islamic Video
And don't forget to take notes from the debates to debate with Muslims!😉
1 The Lord is my shepherd;
2 I shall not want. Psalm 23:1,2
And don't forget that God is Good and He's Jesus Christ
Jesus Bless All God's People ✝
Amen brother. Proud on you and your work, respect🫶🏼💪🏻 Keep exposing☪️ult and saving souls. As time is coming soon i have feeling✝️☦️❤️
I think you should set up a PayPal account for donations. I can't get the hang of patron for donations. Will you consider this?
@@kriss5023 that would be nice. Im supporting for sure✌🏼✝️☦️
In first my father kicked out quran from our house! He said I don't believe in this book anymore
He's doing you a favor.
Best choice ever!
What was the reason? Tell us what was his turning point, so we will be able to repeat same argument to others
Imagine if all the Muslim women realized their worth...
Yeah, but in Islam, they have the comfort of knowing that they are worth more than you, and all kafar😂😂😂
Come to Christ my sister ❤
Thank you very much for clipping this caller. This call alone is years worth of university level education in the phenom of Islamic cultural effect on muslima's. Why this call is unique is because caller is Western raised outside Islam but willingly subverted & stifled her own free individuality to join a religion of suffocation. This is 'disparate' as in irrational, cannot be reconciled with any rational problem solving skills.
Conclusion:: either she fell wildly in love rejecting all rational understanding believing she will 'change' him or she's become a willing participant in her own imprisonment. This call alone is a full psychological case study. Thank you!
Christian Prince you are a genius.
She tried so hard to make it OK and acceptable.
She has to; her husband might be present in the room (assuming he's a Tarzan) . . . *Qur'an 4:34* “Men are in charge of women by what Allah has given one over the other. So righteous women are devoutly obedient. But those from whom you fear arrogance - advise them; forsake them in bed; and *BEAT* them. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted and Grand.”
@@user-k4d-e59mo28ocwould you be suprised that maybe she just can’t be told she’s wrong?
The stupidity is amazing 😂
Sorry for her
What's needed in transparency (through viralization): *Qur'an 4:34* “Men are in charge of women by what Allah has given one over the other. So righteous women are devoutly obedient. But those from whom you fear arrogance - advise them; forsake them in bed; and *BEAT* them. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted and Grand.”
God bless you CP
The common phrase , women defending Islam equivalent to chicken defending kfc
This lady has no self confidence and trying hard to justify the satanic verses😢
I seriously feel bad for women like her
Well Said CP, Our Soldier, Our Warrior, A gentleman n An Ambassador for Christ❤️.
I'm Sure the Lord is so pleased with U CP😊
Ur Reward in Heaven must be high: Ur indeed A BLESSED SOUL✝️❤️ ✝️
Keep go on my brother in Christ! New debates of CP are deleted!!
Abuse of dogs and cats is considered a felony in the USA
I love animals ❤
Thanks CP, you are doing your best to help this precious woman. I hope she receives Jesus as Lord and savour and find peace.🙏
This Islam deception is strong in people that want another way to heaven other then Jesus but it is a trick of the devel
@Sincere-Honest-Decent-Muslim Not all. Many love Jesus and follow Jesus. Don't look at those who don't
Get out of this mess my dear 😮❤
That's easier said that done . . . *Qur'an 4:89* “If they _turn away,_ then seize them and k__ them."
*Qur'an 16:106* “Whoso disbelieve in Allah after his belief, but whoso find ease in disbelief, On them is wrath from Allah. Theirs will be an awful doom.”
*Qur'an 88:21-24* “Whoever turns back and disbelieves, Allah will chastise him with the greatest chastisement.”
*Sahih al-Bukhari 4:52:260* “The Prophet (May Peace Be Upon Him) said, 'If somebody (a Muslim) discards his religion, k__ him.'"
*Sahih al-Bukhari 9:84:57* "Allah's Apostle (May Peace Be Upon Him), said 'Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then k__ him.'"
*Sahih al-Bukhari 9:83:17* “Allah's Apostle (Peace Be Upon Him) said, 'The blood of a Muslim cannot be shed except in three cases: In Qisas for murder, a married person who commits illegal s_____ intercourse, and the one who reverts from Islam (apostate) and leaves the Muslims.'"
*Sahih Muslim 16:4152* “Allah's Messenger (May Peace Be Upon Him) said: 'It is not permissible to take the life of a Muslim, but in one of the three cases: the married adulterer, a life for life, and the deserter of his Din (Islam), abandoning the community.'”
*Sahih Muslim 16:4154* “Allah's Messenger (May Peace Be Upon Him) said: 'The blood of a Muslim may be lawfully shed only in case of three persons: the one who abandons Islam, and deserts the community, and the married adulterer, and life for life.'”
After our wedding I asked my husband if he liked my dress. All He said was, "It was white".
?? Wht do u mean??
With this kind of woman, there is a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG way to go.
Ok for her,what a fool🥴
She probably has to say that in case of relatives who might hear her in the interview :(
Like how people are afraid to admit what a woman is because of fear of repercussions on their personal life (only, in her case the consequences could be far more dangerous if she speaks out)
Jesus is God ✝️
What's so funny? OP just stated an obvious fact.
1000.000.000 percent
I’m a Ghanaian and truly I like you God bless you
I laughed so hard like never befor, his is a comedy show, islam is a joke.
@Sincere-Honest-Decent-Muslim are you a muslima?
This really isn't funny
Allah is so disappointed with Mohammed's efforts at being a prophet that he has just announced that he's reverting to paganism - Huballahu Akbar.
Chicken KFC mode!
Great 👍
This is a sickness
Its a mecca syndrome not a stokholm one !
"Mecca Syndrome" would be a good name for a band or electronic group.
@@ASMRyouVEGANyetDon't risk it😂
Feel sad and sorry for all muslims around this wonderful world
Is a court appearance more stressful than pregnancy, childbearing, or raising children?
Tnx u bro cp continueos preaching d word of almighty God 4 Christianity God bless u always ❤❤❤...
Strawberry 🍓 is lost in the sauce. Sad…hopefully the Holy Spirit will touch her 🙏✝️
JESUS live you my sister their still time for you .Islam wont take you to heaven
@Sincere-Honest-Decent-Muslimdid you watch this video
Jesus loves you sister.
what its sad, is that she is informed and knows and yet, she still acts stupid. wahy woman??
I am of the view that people like Strawberry have INTRENALIZED this kind of perverted teaching and no matter what is shown or explained to them, still cling to them.
I am reminded of women who suffer domestic abuse at the hands of their husbands but for fear or other reasons, continue to stay in the relationship.
Not only the Muslims are bursted by CP, but also Allah and his prophet Muhammad 😂
All get busted by CP!
@Sincere-Honest-Decent-Muslim i heard the conversation and trying to defend what is written with evidence brings you no way but to hell!
Then answer this: how does it feel knowing you most likely only follow your religion because your ancestors were enslaved into it and could never leave due to apostasy laws?
The worst thing about being deceived, is not knowing it. Pray for these people that they would come to Jesus and come out of this diabolical religion. As always CP you are being used by God to be a light in this dark religion. God Bless
" Some want to abuse you and some want to be abused "
Thats the world , JESUS BURN IT !
ALL glory to THE MOST HIGH in JESUS Name amen
What song is that quote from? It's teasing the you know what outa my brain, lol!
@@bobbybands1957 its Devils music but the Name is , "sweet Dreams - eurythmicd"
@@TheSibler Ahh yes that's it I remember the song now. Thanks.
It is not that they want to be abused, but they are deceived and brainwashed.
So sorry for this woman.
omg. strawberry is crushed 😮
Ready to be made into jam 😂
I feel sorry for this woman. May god help her
Love from Dublin 🇮🇪🙏
Ohhh honey??!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
But my Teacher Girlfriend is more intelligent than me.
I wonder how easy it was to talk this fool into "reverting"...
God help her.
Details- women- so true!
Thank you CP. I actually asked this question on Monday on an Islam channel adding "Why are women treated so poorly by Muslim men?" not entirely sure that my assumption nor my research was correct, but you reconfirmed my initial theory. It is also helpful to see these facts formed using the Qur'an.
God bless you CP
CP.....blessed strong ..christian warrior..exsposing lies...defending christianity
Wolves in sheep clothing...thats islam...
wow omg
And CP must add that the QURAN, or Allah and Muhammad describe women as one of eight animals that MENSTRUATE :
1. A horse
2. Donkey
3. Bat
4. Dog
5. Rabbit
6. Women
Thank you for sharing this video ❤️🙏
There's 282 Lies and Confusion in the Q . Wow .
Thank You for TRUTH C. P .
Intelligence depends on many factors
The deception of Allah v.1 just arrived, as I sat watching CP ✝️✝️✝️✝️
Thank you CP for giving us information that we can use against potato abdools
We need to encourage her to join Christianity
Awesome arguments CP. ❤❤❤
🤔😂😵💫😂😵💫😂😵💫😂 comical listening to the woman defending it , islam 🤷♂️🤷♂️😂😂😭😭😭😭
I love the song of Hope at thd end of the video. Th😊ank you Christian Prince for defending the 'weaker vessel', Jesus has always shown respect and compassion towards women.
Christ is lord he is salvation
Oh my God, CP... you fried these potatoes 🧠🧠=not even 🧠
😂😂😂 the way he used Greek Philosophical techniques to break up islamic hypocrisy is incredible
Thank you Christian Prince ❤🙏
This woman dosent wanna islam is bad
strawberry get your sh*t together
Today I was stressed out and hearing you you make me laugh thank you for everything co
so educative. Glory to God.
I pray this sister com to the truth an she will A blessed women in this world.love you.
Did youtube do something to cp again? So many of the videos on his channel suddenly gone and he hasn't been live in a couple of days
May Jesus bless us all 🙏🙏🙏
Penobatan raja imam
Mazmur(Zabur) 110:1-7 (TB) Mazmur Daud. Demikianlah firman TUHAN (YHVH/YAHWEH)kepada tuanku: "Duduklah di sebelah kanan-Ku, sampai Kubuat musuh-musuhmu menjadi tumpuan kakimu."
Tongkat kekuatanmu akan diulurkan TUHAN dari Sion: memerintahlah di antara musuhmu!
Pada hari tentaramu bangsamu merelakan diri untuk maju dengan berhiaskan kekudusan; dari kandungan fajar tampil bagimu keremajaanmu seperti embun.
TUHAN telah bersumpah, dan Ia tidak akan menyesal: "Engkau adalah imam untuk selama-lamanya, menurut Melkisedek."
TUHAN ada di sebelah kananmu; Ia meremukkan raja-raja pada hari murka-Nya,
Ia menghukum bangsa-bangsa, sehingga mayat-mayat bergelimpangan; Ia meremukkan orang-orang yang menjadi kepala di negeri luas.
Dari sungai di tepi jalan ia minum, oleh sebab itu ia mengangkat kepala.
Ps:Raja imam
Dalam pimpinan Allah, sambil melihat jauh ke depan Daud mengucapkan nubuat sekaligus penyembahan. Ia berbicara tentang raja yang akan datang, yang berasal dari keturunannya. Raja itu adalah anaknya sendiri, Anak Daud. Namun kemuliaan dan kuasa-Nya jauh melampaui dia sehingga dia menyebut Anak-Nya sebagai "tuanku" (1). Ia juga Imam. Maka tepatlah kita memakai julukan "Raja-Imam" untuk Yesus Kristus.
Di antara umat Allah, imam maupun raja ditetapkan oleh Allah. Allah menetapkan bahwa para imam harus berasal dari keturunan Harun, sedangkan para raja berasal dari keturunan Yehuda-Daud. Dalam Injil jelas bahwa Yesus berasal dari keturunan Yehuda-Daud. Dalam hidup Abraham pernah terjadi peristiwa luar biasa, yaitu Ia memberikan persembahan kepada Melkisedek. Hal ini dilihat oleh Ibr. 5 sebagai digenapi penuh dalam diri Yesus Kristus. Yesus, yang bukan keturunan Harun, adalah Imam Besar Agung, tetapi bukan menurut garis keturunan Harun melainkan karena prinsip Melkisedek. Abraham moyang Harun berkedudukan di bawah Melkisedek, maka imamat Harun tunduk ke bawah imamat Yesus Kristus!
Baik imam maupun raja berfungsi sebagai perwakilan. Imam mewakili manusia menghadap Allah dengan jalan memberikan kurban. Imam harus menjaga kekudusan sebab ia mewakili umat agar beroleh kelayakan dengan jalan pengampunan; maka imam yang tidak kudus, tidak layak mewakili umat. Itu sebab imam harus juga memberikan persembahan untuk dosa-dosanya sendiri. Yesus Kristus adalah Imam Besar Agung sebab telah memberikan kurban hidup-Nya yang tanpa dosa sebagai tebusan dosa umat-Nya. Raja pun adalah wakil, tetapi bukan wakil umat melainkan wakil Allah. Raja dipilih Allah agar menjadi gembala untuk membawa umat ke jalan benar, memimpin ke dalam kesejahteraan. Yesus Kristus sepenuhnya menggenapi sifat Gembala yang Baik, yang mengurbankan hidup-Nya agar kawanan gembalaan-Nya sepenuhnya ada dalam naungan kuasa-Nya.
Yesus Kristus Raja-Imam, kematian dan kebangkitan-Nya telah menaklukkan musuh-musuh jiwa, supaya kita mengalami pemerintahan-Nya sempurna.
Thanks admin n all
Gbu all
May God bless you more in Jesus Name brother CP n Team
God bless you ways CP
Yet Muhammad believed he was a prophet from Khadijah and his sister! There we're no other witnesses.😂
du bist großartig brüder. ❤
Komm zu Jesus Christus und habe eine Beziehung mit im!
Good Job
Powerful truth from.Christian prince
I admire your patience. I hope a seed is planted. You can hear her brain short circuit. Maybe she will start to think.
She is beyond salvation
Good Day CP, I just wanted to tell you, I have started using your arguments, word for word letter for letter dot for dot against muslims in comment sections of Muslim videos. People hate me.
😂 Keep doing what you’re doing and teach.
Ιησούς Χριστός Νικά✝️✝️✝️🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️
All should be posted if you scroll through all the posts
What's the name of the song at the end?
Song of victory
The second sign , within Islamic eschatology is the second person who is the Islamic Jesus while the Mahdi is greater than the Islamic Jesus and that's important within their Islamic system
Because if you have someone more important and greater than Jesus then that proves the Christians were wrong.
So yes Muslims believe that Jesus will come back although not the true Jesus of Christian scripture but the Islamic Jesus
The Islamic Jesus returns with one purpose and that is to assist the Mahdi and enforce worship of the Mahdi and subservience to Islam.
The Islamic Jesus returns as a radical Muslim military commander loyal to the Mahdi arriving by way of Minaret near Damascus.
The Islamic Jesus will come back holding the wings of two Angels who flew him down to meet the gathering Islamic black flag army of the Mahdi in the east.
When this Islamic Jesus returns he will bow in prayer to the Mahdi who is greater than he is and he will acknowledge the Mahdi as his Lord.
The Islamic Jesus will then
make a pilgrimage to Mecca where he will worship Allah and thus he will lead all Christians who follow him to reject the notion of the Christian Jesus and to accept the Islamic Jesus who is nothing but a prophet and a man.
After the Islamic Jesus
conveys that he did not die was not crucified and he did not rise from death that he isn't God and he isn't the son of God
The Islamic Jesus will then point out how wrong we have all been and he will correct all misinterpretations and all misrepresentations
The Islamic Jesus will become the greatest Muslim evangelist
Whereby Christians everywhere will either affirm they were wrong that the Christian Gospel is wrong and that the Christian new Testament is wrong and convert to Islam or be killed
As the Muslim Jesus
will then shatter all of
the crosses that is metaphoric for the destruction of all Christian Churches symbolic of Christianity.
The Islamic Jesus will then wage Jihad holy war and will kill all of the pigs those Christians and infidels who refuse to convert to Islam
Whereby the Muslim Jesus will totally destroy Christianity
Throughout the Islamic Jesus espouses the cause of the Mahdi and is portrayed as the Mahdi's executioner he is the Mahdi's prophet and in all he does aiding the Mahdi.
The Muslim Jesus will then establish worldwide Sharia Law and force worship of the Mahdi who is greater than he.
The Muslim Jesus will then kill the Islamic Anti-Christ a man who calls himself Jesus and rides upon a mule.
The Islamic Jesus will then abolish the tax on Non Muslims because there won't be any living non Muslims left to pay tax
And the Muslim Jesus who is a man and only a man will be the final witness on the day of judgement against non Muslims where he will judge the living and the dead.
The Islamic Jesus will then die and be buried next to Mohammad
The third Islamic sign is the third person whom they know as the Islamic Anti-Christ.
The Muslims call him Dajjal meaning the great deceiver and he comes to earth riding upon a mule and is blind in one eye wearing a crown of thorns
He is an infidel and a deceiving liar and false miracle worker and is the Islamic Anti-Christ someone who claims to be Jesus and the son of God as he claims to be a Deity.
Whereby upon the arrival of this false Jesus he will attempt to stop the Islamic Mahdi but the true Islamic Jesus will slaughter him
This is the Muslims view of the Islamic Jesus so that it would appear our view of the Christian Jesus is their Islamic Anti-Christ and that the Christian view of the Anti-Christ is their redeemer
It is a complete counterfeit in reverse of our Christian beliefs
Whereby the Islamic writings convey that the army of Satan will be lead by a person claiming to be Jesus Christ
That there will be a great battle between the Muslim Jesus and the false Jesus whereby the Muslim Jesus will kill the false Jesus and all his followers whom the Muslims refer to as pigs and dogs who refuse to convert to Islam.
The Islamic Jesus will
then further aid the Mahdi in establishing Islam forever through Muslim world domination in all Nations
If you think of Daniel 2 and of what the Final World Empire will be the fact that the majority of well over 60 % of the Roman Empire from the New Testament times is now under Islamic control
Along with the fact that Islam is moving across the west and in Europe quite rapidly
Right now we see mass Islamic migration into various Nations across the world.
Where Islamic communities all congregate together refusing to assimilate into their adoptive country not wanting anything to do with westerners but to remain in their own communities.
All desiring the Nation they have immigrated to become Islamic exactly like the one they left behind
We also know that various Nations have bent over to accommodate their Muslim beliefs.
Although you would not
be allowed to have a Christian school in an Islamic country but many western Nations have allowed Muslim schools.
Western and European
Nations have also allowed Islamic Mosques for worship where certain Imam's openly preach violence and hate inciting terrorism towards Israel and the West including towards the country Muslims have immigrated into.
We could assume that impressionable young Muslim men hear the cry and that sleeper cells lay dormant awaiting the arrival of the Islamic Mahdi calling for Jihad holy war and the rising up from within.
When you have a picture of Ezekiel 38 you have a picture of Gog with a listing of eight Nations forming a coalition.
All eight of these Nations
appear to be Muslim and they ring the Mediterranean all through to Libya
When you look at Revelation
17 : 9, 11 , it says there were six Kingsoms and then a seventh and finally an eighth
So what was the seventh Kingdom well there has been much speculation, discussion and debate concerning it.
And a number of thoughts
convey that it may be in fact be the Ottoman Turk Empire which lasted for over 500 years and didn't fall until the modern era
The Turkish Empire was the last caliphate which ended in 1923 and they are waiting for the restoration which will apparently occur when the
Al Mahdi comes as foretold.
Whereby someone is going to say they are Jesus and then someone else will say likewise and that will be one form of the deception that even now is deceiving people
For there are a whole world of Muslims in a fastly growing religion who think Jesus Christ
is someone he's not and consequently they reject the truth.
But do not be deceived
as the world of Muslims are deceived about the person of Jesus Christ and who he really is.
For you cannot accommodate that by saying isn't it wonderful that Muslims love Jesus, just as the Church of Rome in seeking unity with Islam is doing for Islam uniting with the Church of Rome grants them worldwide reach and through that unity is empowering Islam globally.
When the Muslim Jesus is not the Christian Jesus that we know from Scripture and your cursed worshipping any other than the true Jesus.
@Sincere-Honest-Decent-Muslim Mohammed said the Messiah was just a man, only a prophet. The Messiah role is above prophet, although Jesus did of course prophesy, more than Mohammed, who seems to have made one vague one, and various claims that the end was just about to happen (it didn't) in his "book".
Notable messianic prophecies indicate Messiah although coming in the flesh, is God:
* Micah 5.2 "But as for you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, .... From you One will come forth for Me to be ruler in Israel.
His times of coming forth are from long ago, FROM THE DAYS OF ETERNITY."
* Isaiah 9.6 "For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called wonderful counsellor, MIGHTY GOD, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."
* Malachi 3.1 "Behold, I will send My messenger, who will prepare the way before Me. Then the Lord [ADONAI=GOD] whom you seek will suddenly come to His temple.."
* Daniel 7.13 " “In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like a son of man, ... He approached the Ancient of Days ...He was given AUTHORITY, glory and sovereign POWER; all nations and peoples of every language WORSHIPED him. His dominion is an EVERLASTING dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed."
Please, can I get all the parts? So informative. I was born into a Muslim family. Thank God I am a child of God now. I currently pastor a pentecostal church.
Remain blessed in Jesus' name!
I died when one mile butt was offered….haashhaahha
This Islamic Jesus will return to earth in order to assist the Al Mahdi in forcing all to accept Islam and to kill all those who refuse
While the Muslims believe that when this Islamic Jesus returns he will also judge the living and the dead.
But isn't it God who judges humanity and not a man they profess is only a man and a prophet and not the son of God.
If you ask Muslims who is the Judge they will answer God but you'll respond saying but your holy writings convey that
the prophet the Islamic Jesus is going to judge the living and the dead so is that prophet God which they'll then deny.
But Mohammed conveys in the Quran that Jesus the son of Mary is the word of God and a spirit of God
So if as Muslims believe
the Quran is dictated to
Mohammad by Allah and that Mohammad wrote it down as instructed by Allah then where did Mohammed get this statement from well it certainly appears that he got it from the apostle John for its written in
John 1 : 1 which states
In the beginning was the
Word now look carefully at what Mohammad is saying Jesus the son of Mary is the word of God
However the apostle John conveyed this 6 centuries earlier than Mohammed in the Gospel of John 1 : 1
In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.
So is Mohammed saying
Jesus is God is that what
appears being alluded to by Mohammed.
However Muslims will deny their Prophet Mohammed who took it from the the Gospel of John written 6 centuries earlier meant that.
And sadly there are many evangical people who think that Muslims not only believe in God because they are monotheist believing in one God but that they also believe in Jesus Christ.
But the Jesus of the Quran is not the same Jesus of Christianity
Despite that there are those within Christianity who seek to unite with Islam just as the Church of Rome is doing.
Another is Brian McLaren an emerging Church heretic writer who in his book called the secret message of Jesus conveys that Jesus Is a great prophet and a shared reappraisal of Jesus message could provide common ground for urgently needed religious dialogue.
This reappraisal of Jesus message may be our only way of saving a number of religions including Christianity
So if we want to save Christianity and to save other religions as well then we all need to get together in unity and amalgamate and we could start with the Islamic Muslims because they already believe in Jesus.
Whereas the popular author and public speaker Tony Campolo is yet another who says if we listen to the Muslim mystics as they talk about Jesus I must say it's a lot closer to New Testament Christianity than a lot of Christians today.
So you might think the Muslim Jesus is the same Jesus as the Christian Jesus
But the Muslim Jesus is not the same as the Christian Jesus although the Muslim Jesus plays an important role in Islamic eschatology.
Like Christians having a theology of the end times so too the Muslims and the role Jesus will play in it.
However the role of Jesus of the Quran is far different from the role of Jesus in the bible
The Jesus of the Quran was a man only just a man although he was a God Holy Prophet he was not God , he was not the son of God Muslims consider that claim to be blasphemy.
The Jesus of the Quran did not die , he was not crucified as it was only made to look that way
and another took his place.
As Judas Iscariot was made to look like him and took his place upon the cross.
The Jesus of the Quran did not rise from death so he never paid atonement for anyone's sins as no one can provide atonement for anyone's sins
The Jesus of the Quran ascended into Heaven alive like Elijah
Where the Jesus of the Quran never having died is standing alongside Allah in heaven waiting for Allah to send him back.
In the Islamic system this man Jesus will return from heaven when Allah decides to send him back.
The Islamic Jesus will be
sent back so he can correct all the Christians who have misunderstood who he really is.
So this Islamic Jesus is
coming back to straighten out the misdirected the misconceiving and misguided Christians
Those Christians who think he was God and think he died on the cross and rose again providing atonement.
Whereby he will show them the error of their ways and that they must accept Islam or be killed.
Yes, they also believe their Islamic Jesus will break all the crosses when he comes back. They will say their Islamic Jesus will tell the Christians that they are wrong to worship him. So, their Jesus is not the Christian Jesus.
"Full of brain" I love CPrince's accent.
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My favourite topic 😅😅 why Muhammad 54 so much disrespect women/child and married a child 6yrs old and sex when she was 9 he even married his own son wife
God bless you CP💯🙏 Jesus Christ is the Only way✝️❤️
كيريستيان برنس تحياتى لك الرب يباركك
Wow she is one of the unintelligent women they were talking about even with proof they lie
Steawberry has cognitive dissonance.
The truth shall set you free.... Jesus Christ is God❤️✝️