I have boiled oak leaves to make stain also. Strong boiled coffee works well too. I will have to try your method, it looks very good. Thank you for sharing this tip.
Well done. I am an old retired cabinet maker. Many times I used this mordant with good results. Old food tin cans are plenty of iron content and good as alternative source of iron. CONGRATULATIONS ON A HIGH QUALITY VIDEO TUTORIAL. I AM A BRAZILIAN AND HAVE GREAT ADMIRATION FOR THE JAPANESE CULTURE, THEIR WAY OF TAKING PRIDE ON THEIR WORK.
Thank you for watching. I am very happy to be appreciated by woodworkers. I would like to continue to have more exchanges between Japan and Brazil through woodworking and DIY🌍
I am Brazilian, too, and thought of putting my rusty sewing machine parts to boil with that solution. Is that Apple vinegar? Many thanks for the vídeo.
@@vaccavo cheap vinegar of anykind. The acidic solution will react with the iron of the steel parts. The result is a good quality wood stainer, very transparent over the wood beauty. Since this iron stainer is watter based the surface wood grains will warp and feels rough. After drying you can easily cut the warped fibers by with a fine sand paper..This will result in a smooth surface, ready to be varnished. The beauty of the wood will show very gratifying
Parabéns pelo seu trabalho. Já usei essa tinta de ferrugem em trabalhos de madeira, mas não filtrei como você fez. Minha cor ficou mais forte e viva e bem única. Recomendo
On woods with a lower tannin content you can first brush on a strong black tea mix, and then brush on the solution you made. This will give a darker effect and by diluting your solution and varying the strength of the black tea you will get a variety of different shades. To those who have mentioned the smell, it goes away very quickly. Great video thank you.
Mmmm, Ferric Acetate. I've never seen it used to stain wood, but it was used extensively in the textile industry to 'fix' dyes, or bond them to the fabric permanently. This is the source of the word Mordant, meaning astringent, acidic, sharp, biting, corrosive. Wood tannin is also a mordant in its own right, used to cure hide and stain the resulting leather. FeOA is commonly made by dissolving steel wool in vinegar, which makes a highly concentrated solution for deeper and more permanent colour. The more dilute ones are delicate and rather pretty, bringing out the grain. Leatherwork typically used oak tannins. Nice 👍
Obrigado por assistir. Por favor tente. Uma coisa a ter em mente é que recomendamos fazer isso em um local bem ventilado ou ao ar livre, tanto quanto possível. Porque o cheiro está cheio de fervura 😂
I do this with vinegar, water and steel wool but do not boil it. I leave in a plastic container for a minimum of a week. This is applied to softwood; pine, spruce, etc. to pickle the wood. Doing a wash coat of acrylic craft paint after gives a very rustic looking finish.
Mil disculpas ya observé de nuevo y es agua y vinagre y los clavos quedan como nuevos yo creo que cualquier material de hierro oxidado tomará su color original muy interesante el reportaje saludos de. mexico
Excelente , sibre tido el reciclaje de clavos que hace años se enderezaban 😂😂😂😂 El tinte de oxido de hierro siempre ha funcionado bien . Las maderas nobles de por si con vetas preciosas , para mi no necesitan tinte . Si para otras maderas mas anodinas , es un buen método para resaltar sus vetas Un buen experimento saludos 🇪🇦🇪🇦
Good info it you are in remote area where difficult to find canned wood tanner but you have vinegar with you. I think those nail still can be used as they are and to make ‘next’ home made tanner. Thank you ‘MR. DIY’!.
Gracias por ver. Los materiales utilizados son agua, vinagre y hierro oxidado. Hierva agua y vinagre en una proporción de 1:1, luego agregue el hierro oxidado y cocine a fuego lento más. Pasado un tiempo, mételo en una botella y déjalo fermentar durante una semana aproximadamente. Espero haber podido responder a tus preguntas 😊
Muy util ese métodos!!!quisiera aprender a sacar el óxido de piezas de hierro ,como plachas antiguas a brasas ,para dejarlas limpias y tenerlas de adornos,tengo ollas de hierro tambien pero no se como hacer no me gusta pintarlas !
@@KITUNEBI-ch grasias a Usted ,seguiré mirando sus videos y aprenderé más sobre limpieza de metales.Como se puede mantener el hierro sin que se oxcide,al gusto barniz incoloro ?Grasias, Buena Vida para todos!!!
Dzięki za oglądanie. Spróbuj 😃 Podczas gotowania w powietrzu unosi się zapach octu, dlatego polecam robić to na świeżym powietrzu, w miarę możliwości w dobrze wentylowanym miejscu.
i have plenty of rusty nails and tools to clean, and both Poke Berry and Wild Persimmon...so, i reckon i will not need to buy any wood stain! THAK YOU!
Obrigado por assistir. Nunca esperei que esse vídeo fosse visto por tantas pessoas. Estou muito feliz. Eu ficaria feliz se pudesse espalhar a alegria da marcenaria para o mundo com vocês.
Thank you for watching. I appreciate that you took my video as a reference and implemented it. I'm sorry that you didn't get the results you expected, but the following may be the reason. One is that the aging period of the mordant may be short. Please look at it for about a week. Second, the density of the color changes depending on the tannin content of the wood. Wood with less tannin will change color less. Finally, adding black tea leaves to the mordant solution may increase the concentration. Black tea contains a lot of tannins, so it can be used to boost mordants. Please try it if you like🦊
Na Roma antiga ao fazerem a comida para os soldados, no caldeirão eram colocadas as lanças de ferro e se cozinhava junto com os alimentos .o ferro fervido com os alimentos combatia a anemia dos soldados , porisso todos soldados eram fortes e sadios
Thank you for watching. This video shows how to create a mordant from iron rust and apply it to wood to darken the color. If you darken the color and apply wax or oil over it, you can create a truly stunning work of art.
Я думал что показывают обычную практику у плотников - облить гаозди кипятком , дать им немного проржаветь . В этом случае они отлично держут приколоченные доски . Иначе новые вылезают наполовину от нагрузки . Особенно когда работаеш с березой . Ржавый гвоздь прочно держит .
@@KITUNEBI-ch Извините , не понял комментарий , но новые гвозди из магазина обычно в масле , блестящие и слабо держат нагрузку . Мы занимаемся строительством и плотницкими работаем новые гвозди обезжириваем и даем немного окислиться . Тогда они прочно входят в древесину и их не вытягивает обратно когда доски выгибает . Впрочем для многих диванных "экспертов" это непонятно .
@@ПриветПривет-ж7ш То что мы называем гвоздями в Английском , и еще в ряде индо-европеских языков называют- коготками , как и ногти . Автор был удивлен и признателен вам за комментарий , мы тоже присоединяемся.
не у нас гвозди не варят ... предпочитают кашу из топора, более наваристая каша выходит ... а с гвоздями только пирожки , и то нужно промыть и обжарить, на растительном масле
Obrigado por assistir. Sim, ferva com água e vinagre. Recomendamos fazer isso em um local bem ventilado ou ao ar livre, se possível. Porque o cheiro está cheio 😓
Если это химическое окрашивание, то древесина нужна очень однородная, качественно просушенная и, возможно, даже промытая от смол. Иначе окраска получится пятнами. Да и насколько равномерно выйдет окраска на широкой поверхности, а не на брусочках, тоже еще вопрос. Тогда проще и лучше результат будет с морилкой.
Thank you for watching. This method can be used to dye a variety of materials. If it is too thin, we recommend soaking it in black tea to increase the tannins.
Gracias por mirar y comentar. Cuando hierves el óxido del hierro con vinagre o ácido cítrico y aplicas la solución a la madera, reaccionará químicamente con los taninos y hará que la madera se oscurezca.
Excelente demostración con el líquido se obtuvo pigmentación para madera según la clase de madera es el color que adquiere, a parte del agua que es el líquido que agregaste porque con esa escritura está cabron adivinar aquí en mexico, saludos desde Culiacán sin,
Thank you for watching. The iron reacts chemically with the tannins in the wood, turning it black. The higher the amount of tannin in the wood, the darker it will stain. In the video, the walnut was beautifully dyed 😊
Если нет ржавых гвоздей, то можно попробовать хлорное железо (FeCl3).По сути та же ржавчина. Продается в магазинах для радиолюбителей. Окрас очень устойчивый, одежда практически не отстирывается
Hi . We like to know what you are putting in the glass material ( oil or gas oil ( benzin ) patrols . We like to know . Thank's for you and good luck .
Thank you for watching. In the second half of the recipe, vinegar and steel wool are placed in a glass bottle and left for a week. I hope I answered your questions.
Thank you for watching. What about the liquid that appeared second? You can make it by putting steel wool, vinegar, and tea leaves (black tea) in a jar and letting it sit for a week. I hope I was able to answer your questions 🦊
Муж с женой поругались, жена сама взяла молоток и гвоздь, начала вбивать в стену - не лезут. А муж ей говорит - да ты пожарь их на масле - легко зайдут. Ну та не дого думая на сковородку масла, гвозди и стоит мешает. А муж позвонил в психушку - приезжайте, жена свихнулась - гвозди на обед жарит!
Thank you for watching. Although the purpose is not to remove rust, it does have that effect. If you leave it alone, it will rust again and iron can be extracted again 👍
At first I thought, WTF will that be.But then i was watching it right to the end! But also thank you to -original Morning Star - for the explanation what a - Mordant - is. At first i thought it was some sort of translating - mistake -. And now i wonder, how often this was used in the past to make -fake - teakwood?
Thank you for watching. I'm glad you watched till the end. This technique was applied not only to wood, but also to cloth, cotton, and in ancient Japan, it was applied to teeth to dye them black.
You could add extremely tannins by brewing a strong pot of black tea chai then painting on first and or second. Repeating the coat of tea then iron acetate
Thank you for watching. It cannot be used for accessories. There are some videos that I uploaded later that may be useful for cleaning, so please take a look.
Мне кажется дучше все же брать уксусную эссенцию 70% и разбавлять. В винном, пооученном естественныи брожением есть много примесей да и бутылочки дольше хватит) Ну или делать винный уксус самостоятельно из сахара или ягод
Мне кажется, эту жидкость можно применять для пропитки бинтов, чтобы прикладывать их на больную поясницу и спину. Лечебный компресс от боли. (предполагаю).
Bonjour ! Le produit obtenu par ce procédé est appelé "vineageron" Il était autrefois utilisé par les tanneurs, cordonniers et autres travailleurs du cuir. Il était destiné à noircir les cuirs et le résultat obtenu est véritablement bluffant. Il faut toutefois veiller à tremper le cuir après traitement, dans un bain composé d'eau et de bicarbonate de soude pour stopper la réaction chimique du "vineageron". Pour assombrir le cuir de manière encore plus prononcée, il est possible de le tremper préalablement dans un bain de thé noir refroidi et très concentré. L'ajout de tannin contenu dans le thé noir augmente la réaction chimique du "vineageron". Si il vous prend l'envie d'essayer avec du bois, je vous serais reconnaissant de me faire part du résultat obtenu. Merci et bonne continuation !
Merci d'avoir regardé. Merci pour les bons conseils! Je vais essayer de le tremper dans une solution de thé noir forte pour le rendre encore plus foncé ! Je ferai une vidéo si je peux le faire bien, alors attendez patiemment 👍
Hola buenas noches muy interesante pero hay algo qué noté qué él segundo palito no estaba igual que cuando él lo pintó perese pintando fuera de cámara Seve diferente dé cuando él lo pintó al principio
Gracias por ver. Lo siento, no estoy seguro de qué escena estás hablando, pero no la he pintado en un palo diferente. La intensidad del color varía dependiendo de la especie de madera, así que puede que te haya entendido mal, te pido disculpas 😓
Thank you for watching. The color varies depending on the wood because the concentration of dyeing varies depending on the tannins contained in the wood. I hope I answered your questions.
An old recipe is to soak OOOO steel wool in a glass jar of white vinegar, put lid loosely on and wait a week or so untl dark. Brush o wood and let dry. The more tannin in the wood the darker the reaction. For less tannin species liquid tannin can be added.
@@KITUNEBI-ch In the US the process is called "ebonizing" derived from the natural color of ebony wood. I am embarrassed - your English is more correct than mine. Subarashi. You may laugh but I was admiring the brush you were using. I wore mine out years ago. A unique friend, Koyanagi Akifumi made electric guitars for fellow rock musicians in Japan. He would inlay Spiderman images into the guitars. He was progressing into acoustic rounded top guitars. We traded tools, info, and other items. I used to make kake, saya, and tansu using an American version of paulawnia. You are a skilled craftsman. It is my pleasure to watch your videos.
I have boiled oak leaves to make stain also. Strong boiled coffee works well too. I will have to try your method, it looks very good. Thank you for sharing this tip.
Thank you for watching. I'm glad I was able to meet your expectations. Please use this as a reference.
Well done. I am an old retired cabinet maker. Many times I used this mordant with good results. Old food tin cans are plenty of iron content and good as alternative source of iron. CONGRATULATIONS ON A HIGH QUALITY VIDEO TUTORIAL. I AM A BRAZILIAN AND HAVE GREAT ADMIRATION FOR THE JAPANESE CULTURE, THEIR WAY OF TAKING PRIDE ON THEIR WORK.
Thank you for watching. I am very happy to be appreciated by woodworkers. I would like to continue to have more exchanges between Japan and Brazil through woodworking and DIY🌍
I am Brazilian, too, and thought of putting my rusty sewing machine parts to boil with that solution. Is that Apple vinegar? Many thanks for the vídeo.
@@vaccavo cheap vinegar of anykind. The acidic solution will react with the iron of the steel parts. The result is a good quality wood stainer, very transparent over the wood beauty. Since this iron stainer is watter based the surface wood grains will warp and feels rough. After drying you can easily cut the warped fibers by with a fine sand paper..This will result in a smooth surface, ready to be varnished. The beauty of the wood will show very gratifying
Si no está escrito en castellano no puedes leer comentarios...
Ego laetor tum videor personae latinae vocantes lingua anglicana. 😂
Parabéns pelo seu trabalho. Já usei essa tinta de ferrugem em trabalhos de madeira, mas não filtrei como você fez. Minha cor ficou mais forte e viva e bem única. Recomendo
Obrigado por assistir. Estou muito feliz que você usou meu vídeo como referência. Se não fosse filtrado, seria mais escuro. Foi útil 👍
Hola que tal, una pregunta sirve para madera de exterior? Gracias
On woods with a lower tannin content you can first brush on a strong black tea mix, and then brush on the solution you made. This will give a darker effect and by diluting your solution and varying the strength of the black tea you will get a variety of different shades. To those who have mentioned the smell, it goes away very quickly.
Great video thank you.
Thank you for watching. Thank you for your detailed explanation.
A bag of iron oxide (different temperatures = different colours yellow, red, black) costs very little...
Очень интересно первый раз слышу про чай
@@slonvposudnoilavkeI believe the science behind it is the tea contains tannins. I've used the technique for a long time now
@chloeuntrau4588 Díky .S tou teplotou.😊🇨🇿
Mmmm, Ferric Acetate. I've never seen it used to stain wood, but it was used extensively in the textile industry to 'fix' dyes, or bond them to the fabric permanently. This is the source of the word Mordant, meaning astringent, acidic, sharp, biting, corrosive. Wood tannin is also a mordant in its own right, used to cure hide and stain the resulting leather. FeOA is commonly made by dissolving steel wool in vinegar, which makes a highly concentrated solution for deeper and more permanent colour. The more dilute ones are delicate and rather pretty, bringing out the grain. Leatherwork typically used oak tannins. Nice 👍
Thank you for watching. Thank you for your very helpful comment👍
Vou usar
E se as roupas ficarem condutoras de energia?
Parabéns, prático e com excelente resultado, vou fazer.
Obrigado por assistir. Por favor tente. Uma coisa a ter em mente é que recomendamos fazer isso em um local bem ventilado ou ao ar livre, tanto quanto possível. Porque o cheiro está cheio de fervura 😂
Благодарю Вас за дельный совет и все детали в ролике. Теперь многое ясно и доступно! ☀😊
Спасибо за просмотр. Я рада, что могу быть твоей силой ☀️🦊
Что за жёлтая жидкость, которую добавили к воде?
Спасибо за просмотр 😊 Это уксус.
I do this with vinegar, water and steel wool but do not boil it. I leave in a plastic container for a minimum of a week. This is applied to softwood; pine, spruce, etc. to pickle the wood. Doing a wash coat of acrylic craft paint after gives a very rustic looking finish.
Thank you for watching. I want to try various methods and find the best effect!
Me gusta el bricolaje, hoy aprendí algo nuevo , gracias !! Saludos desde México ❤
Gracias por ver. Disfrutemos juntos del bricolaje 😊
I would love to have a go at dying cloth with this. Love love love it. Thank you.
Thank you for watching. It also creates a beautiful finish when dyed on cloth. I'm happy to be of help to you.
Great idea!!! Stains are so costly. Your method is so inexpensive and it looks beautiful! 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
Thank you for watching. Nice comment!
私のお気に入り動画です。 最新バージョンよりもこちらの方で十分。
Спасибо за ценный совет! Очень интересное видео получилось!!!
Спасибо за просмотр. Я рад быть вам полезным.
Mil disculpas ya observé de nuevo y es agua y vinagre y los clavos quedan como nuevos yo creo que cualquier material de hierro oxidado tomará su color original muy interesante el reportaje saludos de. mexico
Gracias por ver. Gracias por verificar mis videos. Nos esforzamos por crear videos que sean significativos para usted. Gracias 😊
Excelente , sibre tido el reciclaje de clavos que hace años se enderezaban 😂😂😂😂
El tinte de oxido de hierro siempre ha funcionado bien .
Las maderas nobles de por si con vetas preciosas , para mi no necesitan tinte .
Si para otras maderas mas anodinas , es un buen método para resaltar sus vetas
Un buen experimento saludos 🇪🇦🇪🇦
Gracias por ver. Me alegra poder ayudarte en tus experimentos 😆 Tengamos juntos una maravillosa vida en la carpintería 👍
Can you reuse the vinegar for pickling cucumbers? I hate to waste things.
Thank you for watching. If anything, I recommend boiling the nails after pickling the cucumbers. For your stomach ❤️
Good info it you are in remote area where difficult to find canned wood tanner but you have vinegar with you.
I think those nail still can be used as they are and to make ‘next’ home made tanner.
Thank you ‘MR. DIY’!.
Thank you for watching. Very nice comment! I'm happy to be of help to you.
Très bonne idée c'est bon à savoir merci
Wow, no me puedo creer lo bien q quedaron. Yo sólo usaba vinagre pero se termina corroyendo el tornillo y aquí quedó perfecto. Gracias por la ayuda.
Gracias por ver. Me alegro de haber podido ayudarte.
Hola disculpa que ingredientes utilizo gracias?
Disculpa que ingredientes utilizo? Gracias
Gracias por ver. Los materiales utilizados son agua, vinagre y hierro oxidado. Hierva agua y vinagre en una proporción de 1:1, luego agregue el hierro oxidado y cocine a fuego lento más. Pasado un tiempo, mételo en una botella y déjalo fermentar durante una semana aproximadamente. Espero haber podido responder a tus preguntas 😊
Hi. I think that the walnut peculiar colour, it's due mostly to the cutting of the grain. Ty for the great idea!
Thank you for watching. The wood grain has darkened and changed color, it's very beautiful. I'm glad I could help you.
この塗装効果はは見た目の他に 防腐、防虫 防水など期待できるのでしょうか?
ご視聴ありがとうございます😊この加工は染色(化学反応で色を濃いく)しているだけなので、そういった効果はないです。なので、色が定着した後にワックスやニスなど、非ステイン系を上塗りする事をお勧めしますm(_ _)m
@@KITUNEBI-ch わかりました ありがとうございました。
Maravilha seu vídeo.eu vou escurecer um instrumento de cordas.🎉 obrigado pela força.aqui do Brasil 💯😅🇧🇷
Will it last for a long time?
Thanks for watching. It will continue for a long time.
Muy util ese métodos!!!quisiera aprender a sacar el óxido de piezas de hierro ,como plachas antiguas a brasas ,para dejarlas limpias y tenerlas de adornos,tengo ollas de hierro tambien pero no se como hacer no me gusta pintarlas !
Gracias por ver. También es un método práctico para quitar el óxido y dejarlo bonito. gracias.
@@KITUNEBI-ch grasias a Usted ,seguiré mirando sus videos y aprenderé más sobre limpieza de metales.Como se puede mantener el hierro sin que se oxcide,al gusto barniz incoloro ?Grasias, Buena Vida para todos!!!
Lave las piezas déjelas secar y con un paño que no suelte pelusas apliquele aceite por todo lado vera que reviven
Przepiękny jest to pomysł zupa z gwoździe pomalowane nim deski pozdrawiam serdecznie.👍👍👍👍👍👍
Dzięki za oglądanie. Spróbuj 😃 Podczas gotowania w powietrzu unosi się zapach octu, dlatego polecam robić to na świeżym powietrzu, w miarę możliwości w dobrze wentylowanym miejscu.
Perfect ..simple and useful
Thank you for watching. I'm happy to be of help to you.
ペンキや防虫防腐剤が高いので木材に塗っておけば虫が来ないかも 腐りにくい効果もあればほぼ無料の塗装になりそうですね コロナが始まって木材を初めあらゆるものが値上がりしてるので身近ですごく安く売り物の代わりになればありがたいです
ご視聴ありがとうございます😊残念ながら防腐防虫効果はたいして期待出来ないかもです…お勧めとしては、加工した後に蜜蝋やオイルを塗って木材保護をした方がいいですm(_ _)m
i have plenty of rusty nails and tools to clean, and both Poke Berry and Wild Persimmon...so, i reckon i will not need to buy any wood stain! THAK YOU!
Thank you for watching. I appreciate your wonderful comments.
Thank you for watching. I'm glad to hear you say that.
Será que o oxido de ferro, a ferrugem, não vai continuar se expandindo na madeira, já que penetra e a umidade é sempre absorvida pema madeira?
Obrigado por assistir. Já se passaram vários anos desde que pintei madeira usando esse método, mas até agora não houve tais preocupações.
É uma pena essa receita não ter legendas traduzidas em outras línguas, você iria conquistar o mundo, você não acha?
Obrigado por assistir. Nunca esperei que esse vídeo fosse visto por tantas pessoas. Estou muito feliz. Eu ficaria feliz se pudesse espalhar a alegria da marcenaria para o mundo com vocês.
Yes seriously please enable TH-cam translate so that English speakers can understand what is going on.
I tried this recipe. I don't think I boiled my nails long enough. Mine were not chewy.
Thank you for watching. I appreciate that you took my video as a reference and implemented it. I'm sorry that you didn't get the results you expected, but the following may be the reason. One is that the aging period of the mordant may be short. Please look at it for about a week. Second, the density of the color changes depending on the tannin content of the wood. Wood with less tannin will change color less. Finally, adding black tea leaves to the mordant solution may increase the concentration. Black tea contains a lot of tannins, so it can be used to boost mordants. Please try it if you like🦊
Na Roma antiga ao fazerem a comida para os soldados, no caldeirão eram colocadas as lanças de ferro e se cozinhava junto com os alimentos .o ferro fervido com os alimentos combatia a anemia dos soldados , porisso todos soldados eram fortes e sadios
Obrigado por assistir. O ferro é essencial para o corpo humano, por isso estou surpreso e respeito que os antigos soubessem disso.
Sopa de prego: Eu já tinha ouvido falar, mas esta é a primeira vez que vi fazer.
Obrigado por assistir. Esta é uma sopa muito valiosa.
Can someone kindly explain to me? What did i just watch? Home made stain? So cool. I'm learning.
Thank you for watching. This video shows how to create a mordant from iron rust and apply it to wood to darken the color. If you darken the color and apply wax or oil over it, you can create a truly stunning work of art.
Thank you for your response!
I can't wait to try this. Can you tell me how much water was used with the vinegar?
@@marydoan6831: Equal parts. In this instance, it was
300ml of each. 😁✌🖖
Thank you very much!!
Wow bravissimo 👏👏👏👏👏 complimenti e grazie non sapevo ❤❤❤❤
Grazie per aver guardato. Sono felice di esserti d'aiuto!
Я думал что показывают обычную практику у плотников - облить гаозди кипятком , дать им немного проржаветь . В этом случае они отлично держут приколоченные доски . Иначе новые вылезают наполовину от нагрузки . Особенно когда работаеш с березой . Ржавый гвоздь прочно держит .
Спасибо за просмотр. Это техника, которая ржавеет на ногтях, чтобы увеличить их прочность! Удивительно 👍
@@KITUNEBI-ch Извините , не понял комментарий , но новые гвозди из магазина обычно в масле , блестящие и слабо держат нагрузку . Мы занимаемся строительством и плотницкими работаем новые гвозди обезжириваем и даем немного окислиться . Тогда они прочно входят в древесину и их не вытягивает обратно когда доски выгибает . Впрочем для многих диванных "экспертов" это непонятно .
@@ПриветПривет-ж7шочень даже понятно изложили, просто в переводе тоже немножко помехи бывают, мне кажется автор понял, но его неправильно перевели..
@@ПриветПривет-ж7ш То что мы называем гвоздями в Английском , и еще в ряде индо-европеских языков называют- коготками , как и ногти . Автор был удивлен и признателен вам за комментарий , мы тоже присоединяемся.
@@irinapost1640 Благодарю за ответ . Прочитав думал что просто от незнания юморят . Извините , не понял терминологии . С уважением .
ご視聴ありがとうございます^ ^
@KITUNEBI-ch 😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😅😮
Estupendo aporté.. gracias saludos desde Venezuela..
@@alfredomoreno4296😢h in in😂
>大丈夫なのですか? はぁ?
@@愛宕姫-n5x 和釘 ただの鉄からできてる細長くて四角いのって認識ですがあってますか?
Saudações do Rio de Janeiro- Brasil
Obrigado por assistir. Eu sou o Japão 🇯🇵 Olá do outro lado do mundo 🇧🇷😃
Me a gustado mucho desde España
Gracias por ver. Este es un comentario muy lindo.
Os pregos ficaram como novos!
Obrigado por assistir. Depois de ferver em vinagre, ficará como novo.
This is another idea thanks 👍
Gostei do fogão onde eu encontro?
Obrigado por assistir. Este fogão é feito no Japão, por isso é difícil de conseguir😓😓
не у нас гвозди не варят ... предпочитают кашу из топора, более наваристая каша выходит ... а с гвоздями только пирожки , и то нужно промыть и обжарить, на растительном масле
Спасибо за просмотр. Ну как вкусно 🫠
@@KITUNEBI-ch th-cam.com/users/shortsJHU_HTtkedc?si=eg0LGR_19PhsMaU2
No mms
Brilliant idea .
Thank you for watching. I'm glad to hear that.
Это называется - ацетат железа у нас) Спасибо за видео!
Спасибо за просмотр. Я рад, что это было полезно!
Não especificado se é vinagre que coloca na água quente ! Estou certo que é isso mesmo ?
Obrigado por assistir. Sim, ferva com água e vinagre. Recomendamos fazer isso em um local bem ventilado ou ao ar livre, se possível. Porque o cheiro está cheio 😓
Pensei que você iria mostrar como quelatizar o ferro. Seria muito interessante.
Если это химическое окрашивание, то древесина нужна очень однородная, качественно просушенная и, возможно, даже промытая от смол. Иначе окраска получится пятнами. Да и насколько равномерно выйдет окраска на широкой поверхности, а не на брусочках, тоже еще вопрос. Тогда проще и лучше результат будет с морилкой.
Спасибо за просмотр. Мы будем вносить различные улучшения и стремиться достичь еще лучших результатов.
Thanks that was amazing. I bet you can use it to dye wool or other cloth, as well.
Thank you for watching. This method can be used to dye a variety of materials. If it is too thin, we recommend soaking it in black tea to increase the tannins.
Just like the streaks iron nails make on a fence board.
Thank you for watching. Nails can be used in a variety of ways.
数日は若干酢の匂いがしますが、ある程度時間が経てば匂いは無くなりますよ^ ^
Que buen video y Tips amigo. 👍🏽
Gracias por ver. ¡Qué lindo comentario!
Aunque me gustó el de la esponja metálica, también es simple
What is that yellow liquid that you pour into the water. Is it Vinegar?
Thank you for watching. Yes, it's vinegar.
Gracias excelente muchas gracias saludos.
Te felicito❤❤
Gracias por mirar y comentar. Cuando hierves el óxido del hierro con vinagre o ácido cítrico y aplicas la solución a la madera, reaccionará químicamente con los taninos y hará que la madera se oscurezca.
ご視聴ありがとうございます😊木材に含まれるタンニンが媒染液に反応して変色しているので、防腐効果はないです。なので、鉄媒染液で染色した後ワックスやニスを塗る事をおすすめします^ ^
فكره جميلة جداً شكرا لكم ولجهودكم
شكرا لمشاهدتك. شكرا لتعليقك الجميل جدا 😊
Saludos desde Chihuahua México
Gracias por ver. Es un honor saludarte👍
Excelente demostración con el líquido se obtuvo pigmentación para madera según la clase de madera es el color que adquiere, a parte del agua que es el líquido que agregaste porque con esa escritura está cabron adivinar aquí en mexico, saludos desde Culiacán sin,
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 si, yo también quiero saber que líquido agregó.
Ja vi um Artesao pondo Palha de Aco de molho na agua,pra dar efeito de envelhecimento na madeira
Obrigado por assistir. Existem tantas maneiras de tingir, então é divertido. Quero testar vários métodos.
How did it get so dark
Thank you for watching. The iron reacts chemically with the tannins in the wood, turning it black. The higher the amount of tannin in the wood, the darker it will stain. In the video, the walnut was beautifully dyed 😊
중국어 단어 이해불가 각국언어로 볼수있게 배려해줘요
1. 请用各国语言看不懂汉语单词。
시청 해 주셔서 감사합니다. 일본어와 영어로만 자막을 만들 수 없어서 죄송합니다.😓
Com um pouco de queijo ralado pode ficar bom.
Obrigado por assistir. Essa é uma boa ideia💡
Rice, wine or apple vinegar?
Thank you for watching. It's grain vinegar.
Primer youtuber que veo que le da un buen uso al óxido
Gracias por ver. Quiero aprender y compartir varias ideas en TH-cam 👍
Если нет ржавых гвоздей, то можно попробовать хлорное железо (FeCl3).По сути та же ржавчина. Продается в магазинах для радиолюбителей. Окрас очень устойчивый, одежда практически не отстирывается
Спасибо за просмотр. Спасибо за интересный комментарий 😊
Rusty nails in vinegar works too !
Thank you for watching. Nails will also get rid of rust and become clean.
Спасибо, у меня таких полмешка
Hi . We like to know what you are putting in the glass material ( oil or gas oil ( benzin ) patrols . We like to know . Thank's for you and good luck .
Thank you for watching. In the second half of the recipe, vinegar and steel wool are placed in a glass bottle and left for a week. I hope I answered your questions.
@@KITUNEBI-ch thanks for your's answer 🤝
Thanks for sharing
Thank you for watching 😊
@@KITUNEBI-ch you're welcome
Con que se hierve, agua y vinagre?
Gracias por mirar. Hervir hierro oxidado.
What is the second liquid?
Thank you for watching. What about the liquid that appeared second? You can make it by putting steel wool, vinegar, and tea leaves (black tea) in a jar and letting it sit for a week. I hope I was able to answer your questions 🦊
Муж с женой поругались, жена сама взяла молоток и гвоздь, начала вбивать в стену - не лезут. А муж ей говорит - да ты пожарь их на масле - легко зайдут. Ну та не дого думая на сковородку масла, гвозди и стоит мешает. А муж позвонил в психушку - приезжайте, жена свихнулась - гвозди на обед жарит!
Спасибо за просмотр. Удивительный эпизод!
Ok, the nails cleansed up, but that was only surface rust 🧐
Thank you for watching. Although the purpose is not to remove rust, it does have that effect. If you leave it alone, it will rust again and iron can be extracted again 👍
昔 「くぎ煮」を錆びた鉄の釘で煮込んだ料理だと思い込んでて、事実を知って恥ずかしかったです😂
At first I thought, WTF will that be.But then i was watching it right to the end! But also thank you to -original Morning Star - for the explanation what a - Mordant - is. At first i thought it was some sort of translating - mistake -. And now i wonder, how often this was used in the past to make -fake - teakwood?
Thank you for watching. I'm glad you watched till the end. This technique was applied not only to wood, but also to cloth, cotton, and in ancient Japan, it was applied to teeth to dye them black.
Hvala puno bravo, 👏🍀
Hvala na gledanju. Nastavit ću davati sve od sebe!
タンニンによって反応がある木材と反応が少ない木材とあるので、色々試してみたいですね^ ^
You could add extremely tannins by brewing a strong pot of black tea chai then painting on first and or second. Repeating the coat of tea then iron acetate
Your experimental can.usefull to othersness accessories.to cleaning..?😊
Thank you for watching. It cannot be used for accessories. There are some videos that I uploaded later that may be useful for cleaning, so please take a look.
Мне кажется дучше все же брать уксусную эссенцию 70% и разбавлять.
В винном, пооученном естественныи брожением есть много примесей да и бутылочки дольше хватит)
Ну или делать винный уксус самостоятельно из сахара или ягод
Спасибо за просмотр. Уксус можно использовать для самых разных целей. Спасибо за очень хороший совет.
Мне кажется, эту жидкость можно применять для пропитки бинтов, чтобы прикладывать их на больную поясницу и спину. Лечебный компресс от боли.
Спасибо за просмотр. Есть способы использовать его таким образом. Это здорово.
Thank you, & good luck to move your channel👍👍👍
Thank you for watching. I'm very happy with your comment😄
Supongo que será acetato de hierro , no sabía que se pudiera usar como pintura.
Thank you for watching. It can be used for dyeing, so please try it!
Después les agregas chorizo colorado , osobuco , arroz doble gallo y caldo a gusto pipirikuku ja ja ja para que vean que tiene mucho hierros 😂😅😅😂
Gracias por ver. me gusta la comida picante🤣
Bonjour ! Le produit obtenu par ce procédé est appelé "vineageron" Il était autrefois utilisé par les tanneurs, cordonniers et autres travailleurs du cuir. Il était destiné à noircir les cuirs et le résultat obtenu est véritablement bluffant. Il faut toutefois veiller à tremper le cuir après traitement, dans un bain composé d'eau et de bicarbonate de soude pour stopper la réaction chimique du "vineageron". Pour assombrir le cuir de manière encore plus prononcée, il est possible de le tremper préalablement dans un bain de thé noir refroidi et très concentré. L'ajout de tannin contenu dans le thé noir augmente la réaction chimique du "vineageron". Si il vous prend l'envie d'essayer avec du bois, je vous serais reconnaissant de me faire part du résultat obtenu. Merci et bonne continuation !
Merci d'avoir regardé. Merci pour les bons conseils! Je vais essayer de le tremper dans une solution de thé noir forte pour le rendre encore plus foncé ! Je ferai une vidéo si je peux le faire bien, alors attendez patiemment 👍
Hola buenas noches muy interesante pero hay algo qué noté qué él segundo palito no estaba igual que cuando él lo pintó perese pintando fuera de cámara Seve diferente dé cuando él lo pintó al principio
Gracias por ver. Lo siento, no estoy seguro de qué escena estás hablando, pero no la he pintado en un palo diferente. La intensidad del color varía dependiendo de la especie de madera, así que puede que te haya entendido mal, te pido disculpas 😓
Dios te bendiga y te ayude a seguir trabajando más claro y sin salirte de línea
No sabes nada...mejor investiga lo que hace un mordiente a la madera ....para nada es " pintura" cómo tú la catalogas
I see what you did,but don't know why there is a difference from each species of wood!
Thank you for watching. The color varies depending on the wood because the concentration of dyeing varies depending on the tannins contained in the wood. I hope I answered your questions.
Дело мастера боится!!!
Спасибо за просмотр. Отличная работа, правда? 👍
La sopa de clavo muy buena para los riñones
Y facil de preparar información que cura
Gracias por ver. ¡Muy significativo!
A whole science 👍👍👍
An old recipe is to soak OOOO steel wool in a glass jar of white vinegar, put lid loosely on and wait a week or so untl dark. Brush o wood and let dry. The more tannin in the wood the darker the reaction. For less tannin species liquid tannin can be added.
Thank you for watching. That's exactly how the second half is made. Thank you for the detailed explanation.
@@KITUNEBI-ch In the US the process is called "ebonizing" derived from the natural color of ebony wood. I am embarrassed - your English is more correct than mine. Subarashi. You may laugh but I was admiring the brush you were using. I wore mine out years ago. A unique friend, Koyanagi Akifumi made electric guitars for fellow rock musicians in Japan. He would inlay Spiderman images into the guitars. He was progressing into acoustic rounded top guitars. We traded tools, info, and other items. I used to make kake, saya, and tansu using an American version of paulawnia. You are a skilled craftsman. It is my pleasure to watch your videos.
We also received valuable information from you. It's interesting that there are similar techniques in Japan and America. Thank you 😊
Muito bonito
Obrigado por assistir. Fico feliz em ouvir você dizer isso.
再度、錆釘が利用ができるので何度も媒染液が作れます^ ^
Very amazing
Thank you for watching. This is a very nice comment 👍
Thank you for watching.