Story 2: am I the only one thinking this whole time that he could have ended the argument all together by reminding them that she called his mom a slut in front of everyone? You insult a Parsons family like that then all bets are off, and honestly I think OP should be more upset about this whole thing then he actually was but I'm assuming he cool down after a while. At that loud mouth witch that insulted him, add her dad who thought he knew everything about him when he didn't, and especially at his two faced ex who acted like she was on his side only to gang up on him along with her family then try to get him to come back so they can continue to lecture him. Screw them you don't owe anyone an apology, and I hope you find a girlfriend that can appreciate you and not lie about you all the time.
I caught that to. Why the Heck didn't OP tell their father that particular line of the sisters heckle? Nobody said anything to their father of what caused OP to call her "Cunt Drunkular". I would have been so ashame on my kids behalf, if they ever called anybodys mom a slut.
EXACTLY - i was yellin at the screen for that one ! Her dad can STFU - how was his comment "heavy handed" when that entitled girl called HIS mon a slut ? JFC !!
@@thunderflare59 Same, but sadly it appears she will always have people in her corner cheering her on no matter how horribly she behaves. She will always think she's right.
Story 2: Seriously, why would you heckle a COMEDIAN and expect them not to fire back? That is literally WHAT THEY DO. Then everyone just decides to make OP out to be the AH here, like literally noone sided with him, not even his girlfriend, who was embarrassed at her boyfriend. Sheesh, having noone to side with you is the worst.
It's very telling that the girlfriend was actually embarrassed, so much so that she lied, about the OP's occupation. What a strange and ultra snobby thing to be ashamed of. Personally, I'd be really proud if my other half was so successful at the comedy job that the make a living out of it. Perhaps that shows I'm not a blueblood.
The second story I had the gut feeling that OP's girlfriend wasn't going to back him up even if she agreed her sisters actions were wrong. I had hoped that OP would break up with her because she's obviously got little respect for OP's profession. So I'm not shocked that they broke up. OP's Ex, Sister and Father are terrible people who are obviously as spoiled as OP said in his stand up.
I was suprised that OP didn't break up with his gf after the dinner at a restaurant. He was just waiting for a week until she had to break up with him. It was obvious at that time that they were incompatible. People criticize women for usualy initializing a break up but the reality is that man just don't have the guts to do it or are just too comfortable in a failed relationship to change the status quo.
@@annamarczuk2030 Or, it could be that men are generally try fixing the relationship before they break it off. Guys, are problem solvers by nature. You don't have a happy marriage if you bailout at the first sign of trouble. Too many people treat relationships like they're disposable. Yeah, there are times where you just have to say fuck it and gtfo but, when things get a little turbulant you buckle up and work on it. You don't go into a marriage treating it like a car lease. A relationship requires maintence and hardwork, a perfect relationship doesn't exist. Men are willing to put the effort in to make their life long vow work.
2nd story: not just a rich person superiority complex, but also just a fundamental disrespect for performers, entertainers, and the creative industries in general.
Thank God this sister didn’t have a boyfriend otherwise you would get bitch slapped on stage saying “LEAVE MY BABE’S NAME OUT YOUR F**KING MOUTH!”. Then again, what do I know? I do agree it’s very disrespectful to any performer when you heckle them.
Good point, and well said. Too many people fail to see the value of the creative arts. It looks like OP's exe and her family have that ignorance too. He is well rid of them.
Bruh, that girl was too embarrassed of who you were to fully accept you, she lied about your job to make you seem like someone "better" in her and her friends? eyes, someone "more accomplished". That's disheartening af, she really thought that who you were was to embarrassing to be associated with, and that she was too good for you. Dodged a bullet imho.
We need to know our place and stay away from our betters. Working-class people have no business interacting with the gods that control our world. We're dirty peasants and they are our betters in every conceivable way.
@@CanyonALynn most big comedians meet a girl like her early on. And they all laugh about how the tables turn and they wanna "catch up" once you're on TV.
I can't imagine even feeling like I'd have to lie about that because I'm not seeing what's so shameful about it. That GF must be an ultra snob. Yep, bullet dodged alright.
It blows me away that there are still people who can go out and enjoy the fruits of the labor of comedians/customer service/etc., but are embarrassed to socialize or date them.... It is a terrible trait in a partner.
Oh silly because these service people are not actually people! Don't be ridiculous! They are mere servants to provide, they don't have feelings, pride and self respect like actual people. No but all jokes aside, there are people who actually think like this. Like the other poorer people are a different species or something
Appropriate response to “Aren’t you going to apologize for calling me Grunt Drunkula in front of an audience?” is as follows: “Aren’t you going to apologize for calling my mother a sl*t in front of an audience… while I’m working?”
The Girlfriend's sister in the last story was lucky. I was once at the Comedy Store (London) and one of the acts was having real trouble with a drunk heckler. After he came off the MC (I think it might have been Lee Hurst) came on and said there was a new comedian who would like do a short spot, but she was nervous and could they take it easy with her (imagine the heckler's anticipation). On came Jo Brand (not new and an ex-psychiatric nurse so hard as nails) who proceeded to spend her 5 minute "set" completely destroying that heckler, much to the amusement of the rest of us. If you heckle then you are saying you are willing to be part of the act, and experienced comedians have spent their career honing the skills to swat you like the bug you are. Moral: Do not heckle if you can't take it.
And that’s what’s going to put him over the top. Maybe we’ll hear his story in a few years on a Netflix special or something where at the end he thanks the family for the career boost. 😏
There was also a "trend" to dating someone below your status level... Like all of those teenage movies turned the nerd into the next "it" girl. That's the feeling I get from the ex.
Second story, I feel like the dad getting as involved as he did was probably the sign that everything was done and OP's now ex not reacting to him showing up at the restaurant was the closer. At this point, while he obviously hit a nerve with it, OP name-calling the sister was accurate
I think the girlfriend changing her tune and attacking op when it mattered would've been the end of the relationship for me. It's okay for her to think OP was the bad guy, it's okay for her to stay neutral, but turning on a dime to appease her sister is just gross.
@@OneEyeShadow Maybe it's just the family in general but it makes it more gross. Hope appeasing Grunt Drunkula is worth burning bridges with people for the family and saving OP from a relationship just as it turned toxic
I had an ex who looked down on wealthy people... Said I lived a "sheltered" life! I was lower middle class. I had all the basics covered, but any "wants" took a few years of savings to receive. And, after all of that was ashamed that I wasn't living up to my sheltered upbringing?! Wanted me to dump my reliable car and buy something with more status on. $40k salary!
@@OneEyeShadowShe was appeasing her daddy. Guaranteed her dad looked down on OP for a long time, and probably even told her daughter to dump him. Both his daughters turned out to be cunts, apparently.
With the comedian story though, hecklers are going to happen during the act. That being said, it’s also the comedians job to say whatever they can to get them to stop. If you heckle, you better be prepared for whatever comes your way
Comedians also have to keep in mind what the consequences are when they go too far at snapping back at a heckler. Remember the Michael Richards (AKA Cosmo Kramer) incident?
@The_Dark_One784 The abridged version is that in 2006, TMZ published phone footage of Richards going _off_ at some black hecklers saying some racist stuff (including the n-word). While Richards did publicly apologize for his words/actions and continued to get acting work afterward, he never did any stand-up since that incident.
I'm surprised OP never mentioned how his ex's brat of a sister insulted his mother in the last story. I mean if my husband insulted my motherand I made a comment back at him and his parents getting mad, that will be the first thing I said why I set those insulting things. And honestly the ex is just as worse as her sister!
She called his mom a slut. After that it's Terminator time. After that he choke up on the bat and went baseball on her. I´m wildly surprised he didn´t use that since it was the smoking gun.
THIS. How tf are you going to call out a comedian's own mother while on stage and not expect to get roasted in return!? OP should've absolutely thrown that in daddy dearest's face and told him his daughter should be the one apologizing
To hear Christopher Titus talk about how comedians deal with hecklers is great. I’m gonna paraphrase but essentially he said every comedian has 60 things floating around that they use. And heckling a professional comedian is asking for public embarrassment. It goes like this, first heckler says something, comedian will slam them. Everyone laughs, we move on. Heckler says something again, comedian slams them again, but now everyone in the crowd hates the heckler just a little bit. If they do it again, they’ll be slammed so hard their girlfriend won’t sleep with them that night. Or other side of it, a female hecklers date will sleep with them but not call them the next day. Titus says the best way to mess with a comedians head is to sit in the front and just stay stone faced.
Story 2: The sorry little princess couldn't handle being called out as a C Drunkula after calling the comedian's mother something similar to the c-word. But of course that wasn't even discussed by her family, because only princess' feelings mattered. And the comedian's ex seems to be completely spineless. If you want to be with someone, have their back. If you don't want to be with them, at least have the courage to say it instead of weaseling around.
Yep. The older sister just hid it better, for longer. I can see her marrying some rich guy later, and as much as she will love him, she’ll always think back to how no one has been able to make her laugh and have fun like OP did. That’s the best revenge.
100% absolutely. She will never learn and become a better person. And OP's girlfriend is hardly better. In fact, I won't lie that story upset me. I would say his girlfriend was the real cunt
Story 2: OP isn't crazy for ending the relationship. There was a 99 year old Italian man that divorced his wife of 77 years because she had ONE affair 60 years ago(old story).
I saw something similar on an episode of Maury many many years ago. The husband suspected his wife of having an affair and so did the daughter. They brought her on Maury and I can't remember the specifics but she had an affair. Some decades before. Since then she had been a good wife. But the husband was a no go on the situation. Maury, the daughter, and the audience said it had been years ago and wanted for him to forgive her. I feel that now people would have a better understanding of the husband. He was nothing but respectful to his wife and even if it took place a long time ago, the trust had been broken.
@@leileyaravencroft Even if she was a good mother it still doesn't change the fact that she had an affair a long time ago. Forgiving that is not something easy to do. You can "forgive" but you're never gonna forget.
… please tell me that I’m not the only one humming “He was a sk8ter boi, she said ‘See ya later, boy’” under their breath while listening to that second story? 😂
It's entirely possible she's only physically attracted to Byron, but romantically attracted to OP. Of course, that's no excuse to cheat on her current partner. Honestly, she needs to take a good long look at how her romantic and physical needs differ, and be open and direct with her next potential partner.
I can think of a lot of women I'm physically attracted to that I would never enter into a relationship with. Either because their families are screwed up, they have terrible time or money management skills, one of them is well on her way to raising a 40 year old unemployed virgin. Lots of things that scream "stop by for happy hour, leave before dinner."
Well, I have a friend whoem I hug like that between relationships. Reason why I will never date this guy is based on the fact that it's pure carnal desire, nothing more nothing less. But I would never cheat
It is NEVER okay to call someone’s mother a sl*t, ESPECIALLY NOT IN FRONT OF A CROWD THEY’RE PERFORMING FOR! If OP had to apologize for the Grunt Drunkula comment, she needed to apologize for hers.
I'm honestly surprised that OP didn't lean on that when he defended himself against the dad. Doing shit like that in public in order to embarrass someone is cruel and unforgivable.
Story 2: the more I heard about that girlfriend the more I thought: What a coward. Have the gut's to stand up for your boyfriend. And all her embarrassment about her boyfriends job all but confirmed it. She never left highschool mentally.
Story 1: NTA. Glad she's an ex. With people like that it's just a matter of time before she "makes a mistake" again. Her "boyfriends" are just there because she can't deal with being alone and Byron doesn't want to be in a relationship with her.
*2nd Story:* At least OP snapping back at the GF's sister's heckling didn't have the same gravity of consequences as Michael Richards (AKA Cosmo Kramer from Seinfeld) had.
The second story is a lesson for dating, when someone won't back you up against their parents it means they never loved you, or see anything with you in the future.
When I heard that the spoiled sister was coming to the comedy show, I just started thinking “Oh, please start heckling. Please, please, pleeeeaaaase start heckling.” And I was not disappointed. Few things give me more joy than an entitled heckler getting a verbal smackdown. 😂 Edit: People like that sister are exactly why comics refuse to perform at colleges anymore. 🤣
Last story: Gf hit us with the biggest curveball at the end showing how out of touch she is. I was here thinking she's so much better than her family than that happens. Just wow
The second story: Who on earth goes to a comedy club, tries to upstage the comic, then when they get murdered by words, they get mad about it? I so wish there was a video of this somewhere. The sister was eviscerated because she thought she was a privileged, faultless rich girl who didn't have to answer to anyone. She was humiliated and rightfully so. She got a great big piece of humble pie and, probably for the first time in her life, got to face consequences for her actions. Although, given her attitude, I'm guessing that she didn't actually learn anything remotely resembling a lesson. The fact that she ran to daddy unexpected him to be her attack dog tells you everything you need to know about her. The ex-girlfriend is no better and it's clearly a snooty classist. OP dodged a bullet. He got to see everyone's true colors and what life would be like had he married into that family. I wish him luck with his career.
The first story is akin to "We were on a break!" XDD She clearly didn't love OP enough to be heartbroken for even a week... so, that says all that needs to be said.
I rarely wish for someone whom I didn't know to have success in life, but I really wish that OP in the 2nd story hit off big time and becomes a successful comedian. Then maybe someday we can hear an update from OP about this story where he accidentally crosses paths with her ex and her ex will tell her how terrible she feels about her decision from back then and that she wishes to get back with OP, only to be shut down in a comedic way! That would be the juiciest revenge I hope for.
Story 1 I am impressed of how mature Op was. He found out something about his girlfriend, instead of dealing with self doubt, he just cut it off. He also communicated his feelings.Good for you Op and anyone that cuts out relationships who are ethically problematic
Story 2: Geez, why are some people like this? OP shouldn't have had to say all the things he said, but the sister just had to heckle. The sister's got some issues. It's a shame that things could not be mended, and that the entire family is that arrogant, but I hope someone humbles them, especially the sister and dad Maybe another one of these incidents with even WORSE fired back would do it
🤣 I love your commentary on the stories. You're the first Reddit reading channel I started listening to regularly. Your reading voice is clear, amazingly expressive, and engrossing, made only better by your sense of humour. Keep up the great work RSlash!
For story two, I definitely feel that. My job involves working with students. I make a decent living and I make sure to provide food and drinks for them so they can at least have something to eat if they didn't throughout the day since Ican afford it. My now ex was embarrassed from everything I gathered. She never introduced me to her friends and family, and she looked down at what I did as small compared with her goals and what she does. My job may be small, but if it helps orhers in a significant way, I could care less. As long as it helps in some way. And for her to look down on me to where she was embarrassed to have me meet her friends and family, it says a whole lot more about her character in the long run. If OP is reading this, good on you. You dodged a massive bullet there.
I hope the comedian do strike it big. I can only imagine how bitter sweet it would be knowing that your ex, who was embarrassed of you, can't turn on Netflix without seeing your face. Or love to tell people she used to be with you any time your name is mentioned 🤣🤣
Comedian story: funny how no one brought up how the sister called OP's mom a slut, even then if you heckle a comedian on stage get ready for them to fire back. anyone else feels the girlfriend didn't really forgive OP for talking smack about "wealthy people" when they had a discussion given she was all too quick to jump all over him when the whole family started ganging up on him, that or her entire family got on her case to back them up and dump OP. PS: OP's ex and her family if you read this way to prove OP right that you guys just look down on everyone
I love how they are giving a stand-up comic so much flack, but why didn't op just ask,'Would you be asking for an apology from some comic you didn't know?'
Heckler Drunkula totally had it coming. It's like everyone forgot that she called OP's mom a sl** in front of a room of people he was performing for. But the comeback was uncalled for?
If anything he should bring it up again in a future act along with the family’s diva behavior. Especially if OP ever gets a segment on Comedy Central or one of the late shows. Also along with the sister calling his mom a slut, OP should have also brought up how she insulted a female performer.
I seriously want OP in the last story to make it SO BIG that his EX's family (especially her father) berates her for breaking up with him! LOL! AND OP's EX berates her sister for starting the whole thing. And OP's co-workers make fun of the EX for dumping him. Karma man.
2nd story: GF suggested counselling for OP about "class perspectives". The irony. But of course that's a theme throughout the story: "rules for thee, not for me." OP, you're not just looking for different things, she legit has a lot of growing up to do and will struggle in any relationship. But even if she matured, her family won't and you'd have to deal with that forever; and sometimes that's enough of a reason to leave (when the partner defends them.)
Honestly, with how out of touch this family turned out to be, they'd probably miss the point and say that poor people are all whores and such. That's honestly the impression I got when they demanded an apology for OP calling out the sister's terrible attitude.
Story 2 TlDR: Rich snobs got butthurt after disrespecting a comic at his own performance and getting called out afterwards. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
Story 1: NTA. OP certainly has reservations, serious ones too. He's right though, it's not his place to tell her she can't hang out with "Byron." That's a choice she has to make on her own. It's a serious threat to their relationship, especially since it ended her last one, and she should recognize how troubling it is to continue that particular friendship. Good on OP for not pulling the "It's him, or me" card. That one never works out well. Yikes! Just heard the continuation. So, this 304 knew that her BF broke up with her because of her relationship ending tryst with "Byron" and her continued "friendship" with him, and then she "passionately hugged" this guy before trying to get back with OP? That's a real class act right there. lol Story 2: Good on OP for not fighting that particular losing battle. It's important to know when a cause is lost, even when it hurts to admit it. Them being upset over what he said would've been understandable if that was the first thing he said to them. It wasn't. He expressed his concerns to his GF before the show even started. They were being pretty crappy to another comic, and he shut it down. They heckled him, and he shut it down. It wasn't until after they heckled him a second time that he hit the nuclear button. They had no right to be upset with him at all. Was what he said obscene and severe? Yes. Was it warranted? Also, yes. Ultimately, this relationship was doomed from the off. The father would never accept him as a comic and would always hound him about "getting serious" and to "stop playing around." The GF would back her dad up and try to push OP to do something more "respectable." The end didn't come from the comment her sister made, or from his response. The end came when she lied to her friends about what he did. Just another spoiled rich girl who wanted to "dabble with the rabble" before finding her a spoiled rich man.
Story 2: This was a set up. Either A.) the sister did this on purpose to break them up the couple because she thinks his sister can "do better" or B.) the GF did this on purpose to break up with him. Either way, this man can do better.
Comedians and lawyers are the last people you should get into an argument with, lawyers will pick apart your side with surgical precision until you have nothing to lean on but your own stubbornness and part of a comedian's job is to be quick and witty about what they say, they will make fun of you and your points in front of everyone and they're fueled by laughter, so the harder people laugh the more ruthless they will be.
That second story is wild. Every step of the way the girlfriend just fails and disappoints. She doesn't control her sister, she gets angry at OP after he did what he had to, she refuses to see his side and ices him, she blindsides him with calling the dad over, then finally hears him out just to to have a 180 and blindside him again with a gang up. The amount of toxicity, entitlement, and insecurity is astounding. OP sounded like a standup guy (pun intended) who did everything right to communicate openly and honestly who he is and what he does and the partner just brought in her entitlement, shame and insecurity every step of the way. Kudos to OP who is way better off now
Story 2: It's hilarious how Ops Gf put a fake face on when her dad and sister were trashing on Op agreeing with them but not Op even when before she agreed that her sister was out of control. and why would she try to heckle a comedian expecting Op not to fire back, but later cry to Ops Gf demanding Op to apologize, this is basically the saying "if you can't take it, don't dish it out".
When the GF family demanded OP apologize I was hoping OP would say "We're done" and leave. Meaning done having the conversation and done as a couple. That's pretty much how it played out.
The second story is wild. She dumped op thinking he was trash but she did him a favor taking herself out with the trash. Op dodged a nuke here, I just feel bad for the guy who's life she will ruin when she actually gets married.
Very slim chance of being big. Though that being said despite what people think of performing arts there is legimate middle class between the sterotypical straving artist and super star. Between social media, theaters, restaurants and events there is a stream of work for people who pursue this route.
@@tokyobateman6610 Any sympathy I might've had went out the window when OP explained all the aspects of his job and the dad was still on about his daughter. If this was a face to face conversation I would still think the daughter was the asshole. OP literally being on stage just elevated it
The second story, he was right about the "rich girl" complex... The fact his girlfriend had no backbone to stand up for him and admitted to being embarrassed by him, it says everything we need to know about her.
Comedy story: Im glad OP got out of that relationship. The moment daddy came to his worthless princess complex daughter's defense i knew it was over. Let daddy dearest marry both of his brats and have the perfect family.
i think everybody in the second story is forgetting the sister calling his mom a slut, like the sister insulted OP's mom first and expected to get away with it, if it were me i would have broke up with the girlfriend the moment she didn't help control the sister and not scold her even a little for calling OP's mom a slut
That 2nd story was a real roller coaster. The whole thing looked like it was going to end on a fairly positive note - OP smoothed things over with the dad and with his girlfriend - but when he came along to patch things up with the sister and he just got ambushed and ganged up on like that, it just went downhill from there. Funny how some people can't get over their prejudices.
Story 2: honestly seems like the ex really lost a great boyfriend, a comedian sounds like a great partner. In the end though the only joke is the sister.
Girlfriend: why did you get so upset? OP: oh I don’t know, maybe it’s because your sister was trying her best to derail my act and then insulted my mother Edit after hearing updates: they’re conveniently forgetting how the sister was the first one to throw around insults. Don’t dish it if you can’t take it
In 2010, I graduated with my doctorate from a pretty elite university on the east coast of the United States. This was the pinnacle of my formal education, so of course I attended the graduation ceremonies (there were several that weekend for the doctoral students from the different colleges...don't get me started on that!). I come from an upper middle class family. My parents were comfortable. I have never, ever missed a meal. To get my way through undergraduate and graduate school (two master degrees), I consistently worked two jobs. For my three year doctoral course, I was lucky enough to be able to shift my salary from paycheck to continuing education. I was one of those, "scholarship kids." We all sat with our robes, hats, and hoods in the hot early summer New Jersey heat. As per tradition, the valedictorian was chosen from the undergraduates. She spent her entire 20 minutes talking about how terrible the university was, while I was there baking in the sun. I have graduated from three universities (I know, over educated). Guess which one I don't give a dime to even though all three beg me for more money every single month?
For the comedian story in my opinion this is why you probably shouldn't date someone who comes from such a drastically different economic background from you, you really do live in different worlds and there's only so much understanding and grace that can be given. Plus ops girlfriend and her family do give off a bit of a superiority complex. How dare the peasant talk back to them!
I disagree that you shouldn't date people from "drastically different economic backgrounds". That is just... financial segregation? It kinda stinks to me. Instead, people should have basic empathy and decency. Don't mock other people. Don't insult them. Don't act superior because someone's job is different from sitting behind a desk 8 hours a day. You benefitting from the labour of a group of people, and at the same time deride them for not doing a """normal""" job, makes someone among the biggest assholes on the planet. This wasn't caused because OP and his Ex were from different economic backgrounds. It happened because the Ex's family does not possess basic empathy and respect for non-standard work.
@@guestindisguise7079 A poor person can dump someone else who's poor, and it wouldn't be because of different economic backgrounds, but because they were a judgemental and respectless person. It's the upbringing of the ex and her family that caused the issue. Having money didn't make them bad people. It is how they were raised that did it.
@@1Kapuchu100 Then why is it when rich folk do anything in public they crap on the lower payed person quite literally calling them "filith" Sure it happense if you are poor too but it hardly happenese from actual poor person just a entitled wackbag Most elite also use "poor" people to show "example" to their children what happpense if they don't do well in their private school
@1Kapuchu100 that's fair, for me I definitely wouldn't do it , from what I've seen it generally leads to insecurity in either one or both partners at some point down the line that doesn't get resolved, especially in my community usually leads to one party feeling like they have to do all the adult stuff and financial heavy lifting while the other is just sitting there eating bon bons only doing what they wanna do so to speak, whereas the other party may feel like op in that story where they are working extremely hard but their field is inherently low earning or unstable etc. So comparatively their partner can't really depend on them to keep up with the same life style, especially if either of them want to still do the "traditional style" thing on some level
Of course they had to call daddy to come fight their battle for them. Neither the girlfriend nor her sister can talk to OP like a mature adult. It's obvious where all this entitlement comes from. OP, you deserve a lot better.
Story 1: Her being friends with a former FWB is already iffy. But her cheating with him and keeping him in her life is a huge red flag. They cheated once. They can do it again. If she has to be told to cut him off, and she hooked up with him the second OP dumped her? Nah.
Story 2: OP needs to wake up. His GF is not the innocent angel he thinks she is. They were all apallingly badly behaved and were the instigators. They deserve no apologies. Daddy can take a flying leap as well. You've fallen in with a family of arrogant snobs and this isn't going to change. Glad OP got out.
Story 2, I would have told my sister to stop making the snide comments about the other comedians, I definitely would have done everything in my power to make her stop heckling my S.O. and if I somehow couldn't get her to leave or shut up, I would have my partners back. Because OP is right, heckling him is no different than going up to a receptionist and tossing around the things on their desk, or going to a doctors office and touching all the sanitary instruments.
rslash, i do want to say that lately in the videos, your comments include a bit too many sexual jokes that are just uncomfortable instead of being funny.
Man. Imagine being heckled for doing your job, then apologizing and being told by the person you love 'YOU should get therapy, not me or my family.' and then getting dumped. Hope that ex-gf in the second story gets a wake up call, she's definitley being coddled like her sister.
Story ending at 3:12-ish: That commentary, man! That's why I love this channel. Straight up savagery wearing an impenetrable Stoll of Truth with +5 bullsh*t immunity 😂!
what i would like to know about the ex in story 2 is how she was able to hide her true colors the whole time by seeming like she isn't some elitist when in reality it took her sister acting poorly to show she was no different than the sister and have the mask slip in front of op.
When someone comes from that much money, it's almost impossible for them to have empathy, let alone respect for anyone past their bank account. Such sad lives they must live.
That girlfriend in the second story clearly isn’t as great as OP described her at first. I just don’t get how they dated for a year if she felt embarrassed about him and his work 🤦♂️
Story 2: am I the only one thinking this whole time that he could have ended the argument all together by reminding them that she called his mom a slut in front of everyone? You insult a Parsons family like that then all bets are off, and honestly I think OP should be more upset about this whole thing then he actually was but I'm assuming he cool down after a while. At that loud mouth witch that insulted him, add her dad who thought he knew everything about him when he didn't, and especially at his two faced ex who acted like she was on his side only to gang up on him along with her family then try to get him to come back so they can continue to lecture him. Screw them you don't owe anyone an apology, and I hope you find a girlfriend that can appreciate you and not lie about you all the time.
RIGHT i tought abt it the WHOLE story. How is no one talking abt it!!!!
I caught that to.
Why the Heck didn't OP tell their father that particular line of the sisters heckle?
Nobody said anything to their father of what caused OP to call her "Cunt Drunkular".
I would have been so ashame on my kids behalf, if they ever called anybodys mom a slut.
I was thinking about this the whole time too! How did a comedian not think to say that?
EXACTLY - i was yellin at the screen for that one ! Her dad can STFU - how was his comment "heavy handed" when that entitled girl called HIS mon a slut ? JFC !!
I had this in mind too. He was disrespectful but not she for that comment??? They're a bunch of hypocrites lol.
I mean...if you're gonna heckle a standup comedian while they're on stage, you kinda deserve what you get.
It’s like throwing a punch at a professional boxer and not expecting to get punched back-much harder. Don’t play games you can’t win.
I love that she fell apart when that energy was flung right back at her.
She should be glad it wasn't Jimmy Carr
@@leohunter801 Oh God she would have been eviscerated. 💀
@@thunderflare59 Same, but sadly it appears she will always have people in her corner cheering her on no matter how horribly she behaves. She will always think she's right.
Story 2: Seriously, why would you heckle a COMEDIAN and expect them not to fire back? That is literally WHAT THEY DO. Then everyone just decides to make OP out to be the AH here, like literally noone sided with him, not even his girlfriend, who was embarrassed at her boyfriend. Sheesh, having noone to side with you is the worst.
The ex and the ex’s sister likely thought OP would just take it because they probably (if not likely) think little of OP cause of his job
It's very telling that the girlfriend was actually embarrassed, so much so that she lied, about the OP's occupation. What a strange and ultra snobby thing to be ashamed of.
Personally, I'd be really proud if my other half was so successful at the comedy job that the make a living out of it. Perhaps that shows I'm not a blueblood.
Ex and Ex's sister are going to have a difficult dating life if the parents don't set them up with rich people
Yeah, you heckle a comedian during his set, you need to be prepared to have him fire back (and he's probably good at it).
The second story I had the gut feeling that OP's girlfriend wasn't going to back him up even if she agreed her sisters actions were wrong. I had hoped that OP would break up with her because she's obviously got little respect for OP's profession. So I'm not shocked that they broke up. OP's Ex, Sister and Father are terrible people who are obviously as spoiled as OP said in his stand up.
Well golly. Looks like his comedy wasn't that far from the truth, eh?
@@BadassHater1 baomp baomp baaaa
I was suprised that OP didn't break up with his gf after the dinner at a restaurant. He was just waiting for a week until she had to break up with him. It was obvious at that time that they were incompatible. People criticize women for usualy initializing a break up but the reality is that man just don't have the guts to do it or are just too comfortable in a failed relationship to change the status quo.
@@annamarczuk2030 Or, it could be that men are generally try fixing the relationship before they break it off. Guys, are problem solvers by nature. You don't have a happy marriage if you bailout at the first sign of trouble. Too many people treat relationships like they're disposable. Yeah, there are times where you just have to say fuck it and gtfo but, when things get a little turbulant you buckle up and work on it. You don't go into a marriage treating it like a car lease. A relationship requires maintence and hardwork, a perfect relationship doesn't exist. Men are willing to put the effort in to make their life long vow work.
@@Beeezledrop how was the guy trying to fix their relationship if he avoided talking to his gf?
2nd story: not just a rich person superiority complex, but also just a fundamental disrespect for performers, entertainers, and the creative industries in general.
Thank God this sister didn’t have a boyfriend otherwise you would get bitch slapped on stage saying “LEAVE MY BABE’S NAME OUT YOUR F**KING MOUTH!”. Then again, what do I know?
I do agree it’s very disrespectful to any performer when you heckle them.
She called his mom a slut. After that it's Terminator time. After that he choke up on the bat and went baseball on her.
You know who gets offended by the word grunt? Grunts. Little joke there
Good point, and well said.
Too many people fail to see the value of the creative arts. It looks like OP's exe and her family have that ignorance too. He is well rid of them.
Only kicked dogs howl
Bruh, that girl was too embarrassed of who you were to fully accept you, she lied about your job to make you seem like someone "better" in her and her friends? eyes, someone "more accomplished". That's disheartening af, she really thought that who you were was to embarrassing to be associated with, and that she was too good for you. Dodged a bullet imho.
100% dodged a bullet, doesn’t think she is entitled but to good to date you 😂 these people are so delusional
Now imagine him hitting it big later on down the line... she's going to be bragging then... smh
We need to know our place and stay away from our betters. Working-class people have no business interacting with the gods that control our world. We're dirty peasants and they are our betters in every conceivable way.
@@CanyonALynn most big comedians meet a girl like her early on. And they all laugh about how the tables turn and they wanna "catch up" once you're on TV.
I can't imagine even feeling like I'd have to lie about that because I'm not seeing what's so shameful about it. That GF must be an ultra snob. Yep, bullet dodged alright.
It blows me away that there are still people who can go out and enjoy the fruits of the labor of comedians/customer service/etc., but are embarrassed to socialize or date them.... It is a terrible trait in a partner.
Oh silly because these service people are not actually people! Don't be ridiculous! They are mere servants to provide, they don't have feelings, pride and self respect like actual people.
No but all jokes aside, there are people who actually think like this. Like the other poorer people are a different species or something
Much like alot of redditors shit on magicans for fake magic 🙃
@@guestindisguise7079I think the vast majority of Redditors shit on anything and everything they can, the Unhygienic Bastards.😅
@@guestindisguise7079 Strange thing to sh1t on them about. Magic is not real.
@@It-is-me...MelsieOh really? Check your foreskin. Is that your card?
Appropriate response to “Aren’t you going to apologize for calling me Grunt Drunkula in front of an audience?” is as follows:
“Aren’t you going to apologize for calling my mother a sl*t in front of an audience… while I’m working?”
She apparently couldn’t take it when she dished it and it hurt what little emotion being she had (before getting drunk)
The Girlfriend's sister in the last story was lucky. I was once at the Comedy Store (London) and one of the acts was having real trouble with a drunk heckler. After he came off the MC (I think it might have been Lee Hurst) came on and said there was a new comedian who would like do a short spot, but she was nervous and could they take it easy with her (imagine the heckler's anticipation). On came Jo Brand (not new and an ex-psychiatric nurse so hard as nails) who proceeded to spend her 5 minute "set" completely destroying that heckler, much to the amusement of the rest of us.
If you heckle then you are saying you are willing to be part of the act, and experienced comedians have spent their career honing the skills to swat you like the bug you are.
Moral: Do not heckle if you can't take it.
Jo Brand is a legend.
Jo Brand is a very cool lady.
On the bright side OP has some great material about not dating rich people.
And that’s what’s going to put him over the top. Maybe we’ll hear his story in a few years on a Netflix special or something where at the end he thanks the family for the career boost. 😏
@@stevenandcarminabeedle9089 It might be out now, this story is a few years old.
There was also a "trend" to dating someone below your status level... Like all of those teenage movies turned the nerd into the next "it" girl. That's the feeling I get from the ex.
and now i REALLY hope he makes it in the stand up scene just to hear the story lol
Second story, I feel like the dad getting as involved as he did was probably the sign that everything was done and OP's now ex not reacting to him showing up at the restaurant was the closer. At this point, while he obviously hit a nerve with it, OP name-calling the sister was accurate
I think the girlfriend changing her tune and attacking op when it mattered would've been the end of the relationship for me. It's okay for her to think OP was the bad guy, it's okay for her to stay neutral, but turning on a dime to appease her sister is just gross.
@@OneEyeShadow Maybe it's just the family in general but it makes it more gross. Hope appeasing Grunt Drunkula is worth burning bridges with people for the family and saving OP from a relationship just as it turned toxic
I had an ex who looked down on wealthy people... Said I lived a "sheltered" life! I was lower middle class. I had all the basics covered, but any "wants" took a few years of savings to receive. And, after all of that was ashamed that I wasn't living up to my sheltered upbringing?! Wanted me to dump my reliable car and buy something with more status on. $40k salary!
@@OneEyeShadowShe was appeasing her daddy. Guaranteed her dad looked down on OP for a long time, and probably even told her daughter to dump him.
Both his daughters turned out to be cunts, apparently.
With the comedian story though, hecklers are going to happen during the act. That being said, it’s also the comedians job to say whatever they can to get them to stop. If you heckle, you better be prepared for whatever comes your way
Comedians also have to keep in mind what the consequences are when they go too far at snapping back at a heckler. Remember the Michael Richards (AKA Cosmo Kramer) incident?
@@danielbrant6740 I actually don’t remember that one. But still. It’s the comedians job to get the act back on track
That wasn't normal heckling though, the exs sister called his mom a sl*t.
Yeah... if hecklers don't want to get called out, they should shut the hell up
@The_Dark_One784 The abridged version is that in 2006, TMZ published phone footage of Richards going _off_ at some black hecklers saying some racist stuff (including the n-word). While Richards did publicly apologize for his words/actions and continued to get acting work afterward, he never did any stand-up since that incident.
I'm surprised OP never mentioned how his ex's brat of a sister insulted his mother in the last story. I mean if my husband insulted my motherand I made a comment back at him and his parents getting mad, that will be the first thing I said why I set those insulting things. And honestly the ex is just as worse as her sister!
She called his mom a slut. After that it's Terminator time. After that he choke up on the bat and went baseball on her. I´m wildly surprised he didn´t use that since it was the smoking gun.
How tf are you going to call out a comedian's own mother while on stage and not expect to get roasted in return!? OP should've absolutely thrown that in daddy dearest's face and told him his daughter should be the one apologizing
Yes op is making me pull my hair With how passive he’s being
To hear Christopher Titus talk about how comedians deal with hecklers is great. I’m gonna paraphrase but essentially he said every comedian has 60 things floating around that they use. And heckling a professional comedian is asking for public embarrassment.
It goes like this, first heckler says something, comedian will slam them. Everyone laughs, we move on.
Heckler says something again, comedian slams them again, but now everyone in the crowd hates the heckler just a little bit.
If they do it again, they’ll be slammed so hard their girlfriend won’t sleep with them that night. Or other side of it, a female hecklers date will sleep with them but not call them the next day.
Titus says the best way to mess with a comedians head is to sit in the front and just stay stone faced.
sitting up front and being like 🗿 the whole time should count as psychological warfare 😭
Story 2: The sorry little princess couldn't handle being called out as a C Drunkula after calling the comedian's mother something similar to the c-word. But of course that wasn't even discussed by her family, because only princess' feelings mattered. And the comedian's ex seems to be completely spineless. If you want to be with someone, have their back. If you don't want to be with them, at least have the courage to say it instead of weaseling around.
Honestly the dad getting involved in something that wasn't even about him really shows where his daughters got their entitlement from
Yep. The older sister just hid it better, for longer. I can see her marrying some rich guy later, and as much as she will love him, she’ll always think back to how no one has been able to make her laugh and have fun like OP did. That’s the best revenge.
Dad is a c word also
100% absolutely. She will never learn and become a better person.
And OP's girlfriend is hardly better. In fact, I won't lie that story upset me. I would say his girlfriend was the real cunt
Story 2: OP isn't crazy for ending the relationship. There was a 99 year old Italian man that divorced his wife of 77 years because she had ONE affair 60 years ago(old story).
It just shows that no matter how long ago it was, it will still sting.
I saw something similar on an episode of Maury many many years ago. The husband suspected his wife of having an affair and so did the daughter. They brought her on Maury and I can't remember the specifics but she had an affair. Some decades before. Since then she had been a good wife. But the husband was a no go on the situation. Maury, the daughter, and the audience said it had been years ago and wanted for him to forgive her. I feel that now people would have a better understanding of the husband. He was nothing but respectful to his wife and even if it took place a long time ago, the trust had been broken.
@@leileyaravencroft Even if she was a good mother it still doesn't change the fact that she had an affair a long time ago. Forgiving that is not something easy to do. You can "forgive" but you're never gonna forget.
meaning last 60 years were all based on lie
"You cheated on me!"
"That was in the past! It's behind me!"
"Yeah, right behind you, just like this relationship!"
Artful. 👍🏻👍🏻
"It's behind me"
Dude standing behind her : "Uh... Hi."
"Dude... In public? Really?"
And Byron, apparently. He's always behind her too 😉
I'm... I'm sorry. I'll see my way out.
"it was in the past! It's behind me!"
"like how he was last night?"
… please tell me that I’m not the only one humming “He was a sk8ter boi, she said ‘See ya later, boy’” under their breath while listening to that second story? 😂
“He wasn’t good enough for her. And now he’s a super star, slammin’ on his guitar! Does your pretty face see what he’s worth?”
Story 2: So its ok for the sister to talk smack about OP's mother (the comment at 06:50), yet its not ok for OP to retaliate??
Rich people ignore their fault because their money makes them think they are pure
Story 1: Yeah, relationship's pretty dead at this point. What's stopping her from dating Byron, what could possibly be her excuse?
It's entirely possible she's only physically attracted to Byron, but romantically attracted to OP.
Of course, that's no excuse to cheat on her current partner.
Honestly, she needs to take a good long look at how her romantic and physical needs differ, and be open and direct with her next potential partner.
I can think of a lot of women I'm physically attracted to that I would never enter into a relationship with. Either because their families are screwed up, they have terrible time or money management skills, one of them is well on her way to raising a 40 year old unemployed virgin. Lots of things that scream "stop by for happy hour, leave before dinner."
Well, I have a friend whoem I hug like that between relationships. Reason why I will never date this guy is based on the fact that it's pure carnal desire, nothing more nothing less. But I would never cheat
@@anne859264552You casually sleep with your friend? Nothing wrong with casual sex but with a friend? Yeah no.
It’s clear that Byron and the ex only use each other for sex and that one of them (or both) think the other is not relationship-worthy.
It is NEVER okay to call someone’s mother a sl*t, ESPECIALLY NOT IN FRONT OF A CROWD THEY’RE PERFORMING FOR! If OP had to apologize for the Grunt Drunkula comment, she needed to apologize for hers.
I'm honestly surprised that OP didn't lean on that when he defended himself against the dad. Doing shit like that in public in order to embarrass someone is cruel and unforgivable.
YOU need to apologize for slavery and pay reparations
@@asdfdsf-s4u lol
@@asdfdsf-s4u u ok? Did you get lost? Not sure what you’re doing here
Yeah, they should BOTH apologize, they both said things that were out-of-line.
Story 2: the more I heard about that girlfriend the more I thought: What a coward. Have the gut's to stand up for your boyfriend. And all her embarrassment about her boyfriends job all but confirmed it. She never left highschool mentally.
Oh my God she was worse than her entitled sister imo.
Story 1: NTA. Glad she's an ex. With people like that it's just a matter of time before she "makes a mistake" again. Her "boyfriends" are just there because she can't deal with being alone and Byron doesn't want to be in a relationship with her.
she belongs to the streets, once a cheater always a cheater - no gf material, only good as a occasional fl3shlight.
Good point. Byron ain't gonna buy the cow when the milk is free.
... or Byron doesn't have the economic funds to be of "romantic" interest to her (I've been in that situation myself).
*2nd Story:* At least OP snapping back at the GF's sister's heckling didn't have the same gravity of consequences as Michael Richards (AKA Cosmo Kramer from Seinfeld) had.
OP was the comedian, his ex-girlfriend and her family were the joke.
The second story is a lesson for dating, when someone won't back you up against their parents it means they never loved you, or see anything with you in the future.
When I heard that the spoiled sister was coming to the comedy show, I just started thinking “Oh, please start heckling. Please, please, pleeeeaaaase start heckling.”
And I was not disappointed. Few things give me more joy than an entitled heckler getting a verbal smackdown. 😂
Edit: People like that sister are exactly why comics refuse to perform at colleges anymore. 🤣
Comedian story: I'm shocked that OP didn't initiate the breakup. It was clear that they weren't compatible
Last story: Gf hit us with the biggest curveball at the end showing how out of touch she is. I was here thinking she's so much better than her family than that happens. Just wow
She really was a spoiled rich girl with a superiority complex...
The second story: Who on earth goes to a comedy club, tries to upstage the comic, then when they get murdered by words, they get mad about it? I so wish there was a video of this somewhere. The sister was eviscerated because she thought she was a privileged, faultless rich girl who didn't have to answer to anyone. She was humiliated and rightfully so. She got a great big piece of humble pie and, probably for the first time in her life, got to face consequences for her actions. Although, given her attitude, I'm guessing that she didn't actually learn anything remotely resembling a lesson. The fact that she ran to daddy unexpected him to be her attack dog tells you everything you need to know about her. The ex-girlfriend is no better and it's clearly a snooty classist. OP dodged a bullet. He got to see everyone's true colors and what life would be like had he married into that family. I wish him luck with his career.
The first story is akin to "We were on a break!" XDD She clearly didn't love OP enough to be heartbroken for even a week... so, that says all that needs to be said.
I rarely wish for someone whom I didn't know to have success in life, but I really wish that OP in the 2nd story hit off big time and becomes a successful comedian. Then maybe someday we can hear an update from OP about this story where he accidentally crosses paths with her ex and her ex will tell her how terrible she feels about her decision from back then and that she wishes to get back with OP, only to be shut down in a comedic way! That would be the juiciest revenge I hope for.
Man I hate the dad in Story 2.
Correction - I hate the family in Story 2.
Does nobody want to talk about that the sister called his mom a slut?
right? imagine having to have your dad come fight your battles at 21 💀 now THATS embarrassing 😭
Story 1 I am impressed of how mature Op was. He found out something about his girlfriend, instead of dealing with self doubt, he just cut it off. He also communicated his feelings.Good for you Op and anyone that cuts out relationships who are ethically problematic
Mature ? The dude was frightened because his GF had a s** life before him. That’s quite childish and insecure
Story 2: Geez, why are some people like this? OP shouldn't have had to say all the things he said, but the sister just had to heckle. The sister's got some issues.
It's a shame that things could not be mended, and that the entire family is that arrogant, but I hope someone humbles them, especially the sister and dad
Maybe another one of these incidents with even WORSE fired back would do it
Bro what on earth is that title
Made me extend my muzzle break immediatly when i saw the e girl
Hopefully clickbait
@@Diamondr11Blue Yeah, not really. Rslash doing Rslash stuff ig lmao. But yeah, the story is messed up.
Bro for the first one OP did the most respectful thing possible, assessed what was wrong, and just excised himself from the situation
🤣 I love your commentary on the stories. You're the first Reddit reading channel I started listening to regularly. Your reading voice is clear, amazingly expressive, and engrossing, made only better by your sense of humour. Keep up the great work RSlash!
For story two, I definitely feel that. My job involves working with students. I make a decent living and I make sure to provide food and drinks for them so they can at least have something to eat if they didn't throughout the day since Ican afford it.
My now ex was embarrassed from everything I gathered. She never introduced me to her friends and family, and she looked down at what I did as small compared with her goals and what she does.
My job may be small, but if it helps orhers in a significant way, I could care less. As long as it helps in some way. And for her to look down on me to where she was embarrassed to have me meet her friends and family, it says a whole lot more about her character in the long run.
If OP is reading this, good on you. You dodged a massive bullet there.
I hope the comedian do strike it big. I can only imagine how bitter sweet it would be knowing that your ex, who was embarrassed of you, can't turn on Netflix without seeing your face. Or love to tell people she used to be with you any time your name is mentioned 🤣🤣
Comedian story: funny how no one brought up how the sister called OP's mom a slut, even then if you heckle a comedian on stage get ready for them to fire back. anyone else feels the girlfriend didn't really forgive OP for talking smack about "wealthy people" when they had a discussion given she was all too quick to jump all over him when the whole family started ganging up on him, that or her entire family got on her case to back them up and dump OP.
PS: OP's ex and her family if you read this way to prove OP right that you guys just look down on everyone
Everyone familiar enough with standup knows, when you hit your third heckling strike, the comedian *has* to *demolish* you to save the show.
I love how they are giving a stand-up comic so much flack, but why didn't op just ask,'Would you be asking for an apology from some comic you didn't know?'
Heckler Drunkula totally had it coming. It's like everyone forgot that she called OP's mom a sl** in front of a room of people he was performing for. But the comeback was uncalled for?
If anything he should bring it up again in a future act along with the family’s diva behavior. Especially if OP ever gets a segment on Comedy Central or one of the late shows.
Also along with the sister calling his mom a slut, OP should have also brought up how she insulted a female performer.
I seriously want OP in the last story to make it SO BIG that his EX's family (especially her father) berates her for breaking up with him! LOL! AND OP's EX berates her sister for starting the whole thing. And OP's co-workers make fun of the EX for dumping him. Karma man.
I would love to see that hopefully OP makes another update
2nd story: GF suggested counselling for OP about "class perspectives". The irony. But of course that's a theme throughout the story: "rules for thee, not for me." OP, you're not just looking for different things, she legit has a lot of growing up to do and will struggle in any relationship. But even if she matured, her family won't and you'd have to deal with that forever; and sometimes that's enough of a reason to leave (when the partner defends them.)
Story 2: If I were OPi would have spelled out every little detail to the dad from the beginning, ESPECIALLY how the sister called his mom a whore.
Honestly, with how out of touch this family turned out to be, they'd probably miss the point and say that poor people are all whores and such. That's honestly the impression I got when they demanded an apology for OP calling out the sister's terrible attitude.
Story 2 TlDR: Rich snobs got butthurt after disrespecting a comic at his own performance and getting called out afterwards. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
In that last story I wonder why it was never addressed that the sister had called his mom a slut?
Story 1: NTA. OP certainly has reservations, serious ones too. He's right though, it's not his place to tell her she can't hang out with "Byron." That's a choice she has to make on her own. It's a serious threat to their relationship, especially since it ended her last one, and she should recognize how troubling it is to continue that particular friendship. Good on OP for not pulling the "It's him, or me" card. That one never works out well.
Yikes! Just heard the continuation. So, this 304 knew that her BF broke up with her because of her relationship ending tryst with "Byron" and her continued "friendship" with him, and then she "passionately hugged" this guy before trying to get back with OP? That's a real class act right there. lol
Story 2: Good on OP for not fighting that particular losing battle. It's important to know when a cause is lost, even when it hurts to admit it. Them being upset over what he said would've been understandable if that was the first thing he said to them. It wasn't. He expressed his concerns to his GF before the show even started. They were being pretty crappy to another comic, and he shut it down. They heckled him, and he shut it down. It wasn't until after they heckled him a second time that he hit the nuclear button. They had no right to be upset with him at all. Was what he said obscene and severe? Yes. Was it warranted? Also, yes. Ultimately, this relationship was doomed from the off. The father would never accept him as a comic and would always hound him about "getting serious" and to "stop playing around." The GF would back her dad up and try to push OP to do something more "respectable." The end didn't come from the comment her sister made, or from his response. The end came when she lied to her friends about what he did. Just another spoiled rich girl who wanted to "dabble with the rabble" before finding her a spoiled rich man.
Story 2: This was a set up. Either A.) the sister did this on purpose to break them up the couple because she thinks his sister can "do better" or B.) the GF did this on purpose to break up with him. Either way, this man can do better.
Comedians and lawyers are the last people you should get into an argument with, lawyers will pick apart your side with surgical precision until you have nothing to lean on but your own stubbornness and part of a comedian's job is to be quick and witty about what they say, they will make fun of you and your points in front of everyone and they're fueled by laughter, so the harder people laugh the more ruthless they will be.
Story 1: Her first mistake is sleeping with a guy named after a pokemon gym leader
I love the raunchier, less censored stuff coming out of your channel lately! Feels good to hear you say what you REALLY feel about these stories lol
That second story is wild. Every step of the way the girlfriend just fails and disappoints. She doesn't control her sister, she gets angry at OP after he did what he had to, she refuses to see his side and ices him, she blindsides him with calling the dad over, then finally hears him out just to to have a 180 and blindside him again with a gang up. The amount of toxicity, entitlement, and insecurity is astounding. OP sounded like a standup guy (pun intended) who did everything right to communicate openly and honestly who he is and what he does and the partner just brought in her entitlement, shame and insecurity every step of the way. Kudos to OP who is way better off now
One day she will wake up and realize she swung and missed hard and beg op to take her back..
Story 2: It's hilarious how Ops Gf put a fake face on when her dad and sister were trashing on Op agreeing with them but not Op even when before she agreed that her sister was out of control. and why would she try to heckle a comedian expecting Op not to fire back, but later cry to Ops Gf demanding Op to apologize, this is basically the saying "if you can't take it, don't dish it out".
When the GF family demanded OP apologize I was hoping OP would say "We're done" and leave. Meaning done having the conversation and done as a couple. That's pretty much how it played out.
The second story is wild. She dumped op thinking he was trash but she did him a favor taking herself out with the trash. Op dodged a nuke here, I just feel bad for the guy who's life she will ruin when she actually gets married.
Story2: Heckling a standup comedian who knows you is like trying to slap an MMA Fighter who’s seen your form.
You’re begging for destruction.
The comedy story. Won't that family feel dumb when op becomes rich and famous.
Very slim chance of being big. Though that being said despite what people think of performing arts there is legimate middle class between the sterotypical straving artist and super star. Between social media, theaters, restaurants and events there is a stream of work for people who pursue this route.
I understand where the dad’s coming from
@@tokyobateman6610 Any sympathy I might've had went out the window when OP explained all the aspects of his job and the dad was still on about his daughter. If this was a face to face conversation I would still think the daughter was the asshole. OP literally being on stage just elevated it
1st story: WTF girl, it sounds like Bryan is yout BF and everybody else is temporary.... This girl is toxic AF.
Imagine visiting your sister's BF at his job as a cashier and purposefully being the wort customer possible.
7:11. Thank you for not censoring yourself to please the evil TH-cam owners.
The second story, he was right about the "rich girl" complex... The fact his girlfriend had no backbone to stand up for him and admitted to being embarrassed by him, it says everything we need to know about her.
Affluence can eat the spine to the point of being an invertebrate.
So the Gf in 2nd story is not going to bat an eye about her sis calling OPs mother a sl*t? This is fine in her eyes? Yikes all the way
Someone who doesn't respect comedians, or sees them as lesser, doesn't deserve to laugh.
That can't be the best way to wipe tears away. I feel like a tissue or towel would be less problematic
Dude, that first story. I'm willing to bet that Byron didn't want to date her, but she wanted to date him, and that's why she went back to the OP.
Or Byron will cheat on anyone with anything
Morning everyone!! Have a great morning with your dose of rslash
Comedy story: Im glad OP got out of that relationship. The moment daddy came to his worthless princess complex daughter's defense i knew it was over. Let daddy dearest marry both of his brats and have the perfect family.
i think everybody in the second story is forgetting the sister calling his mom a slut, like the sister insulted OP's mom first and expected to get away with it, if it were me i would have broke up with the girlfriend the moment she didn't help control the sister and not scold her even a little for calling OP's mom a slut
C^nt Drunkula 😂😂😂😂 that is the best comeback lol
Why can’t Byron be the hero of all single guys and take her off the dating market?
That 2nd story was a real roller coaster. The whole thing looked like it was going to end on a fairly positive note - OP smoothed things over with the dad and with his girlfriend - but when he came along to patch things up with the sister and he just got ambushed and ganged up on like that, it just went downhill from there.
Funny how some people can't get over their prejudices.
Story 2: honestly seems like the ex really lost a great boyfriend, a comedian sounds like a great partner. In the end though the only joke is the sister.
First story: I don’t think she’s staying with Byron because he’s already with someone
Good point.
Girlfriend: why did you get so upset?
OP: oh I don’t know, maybe it’s because your sister was trying her best to derail my act and then insulted my mother
Edit after hearing updates: they’re conveniently forgetting how the sister was the first one to throw around insults. Don’t dish it if you can’t take it
I’m sorry but C Drucula is funny
In 2010, I graduated with my doctorate from a pretty elite university on the east coast of the United States. This was the pinnacle of my formal education, so of course I attended the graduation ceremonies (there were several that weekend for the doctoral students from the different colleges...don't get me started on that!). I come from an upper middle class family. My parents were comfortable. I have never, ever missed a meal. To get my way through undergraduate and graduate school (two master degrees), I consistently worked two jobs. For my three year doctoral course, I was lucky enough to be able to shift my salary from paycheck to continuing education. I was one of those, "scholarship kids."
We all sat with our robes, hats, and hoods in the hot early summer New Jersey heat. As per tradition, the valedictorian was chosen from the undergraduates. She spent her entire 20 minutes talking about how terrible the university was, while I was there baking in the sun. I have graduated from three universities (I know, over educated). Guess which one I don't give a dime to even though all three beg me for more money every single month?
For the comedian story in my opinion this is why you probably shouldn't date someone who comes from such a drastically different economic background from you, you really do live in different worlds and there's only so much understanding and grace that can be given. Plus ops girlfriend and her family do give off a bit of a superiority complex. How dare the peasant talk back to them!
I disagree that you shouldn't date people from "drastically different economic backgrounds". That is just... financial segregation? It kinda stinks to me.
Instead, people should have basic empathy and decency. Don't mock other people. Don't insult them. Don't act superior because someone's job is different from sitting behind a desk 8 hours a day. You benefitting from the labour of a group of people, and at the same time deride them for not doing a """normal""" job, makes someone among the biggest assholes on the planet.
This wasn't caused because OP and his Ex were from different economic backgrounds. It happened because the Ex's family does not possess basic empathy and respect for non-standard work.
@@1Kapuchu100 It is tho the GF chose her "elite" family over her bf
This happens quite often
@@guestindisguise7079 A poor person can dump someone else who's poor, and it wouldn't be because of different economic backgrounds, but because they were a judgemental and respectless person.
It's the upbringing of the ex and her family that caused the issue. Having money didn't make them bad people. It is how they were raised that did it.
@@1Kapuchu100 Then why is it when rich folk do anything in public they crap on the lower payed person quite literally calling them "filith"
Sure it happense if you are poor too but it hardly happenese from actual poor person just a entitled wackbag
Most elite also use "poor" people to show "example" to their children what happpense if they don't do well in their private school
@1Kapuchu100 that's fair, for me I definitely wouldn't do it , from what I've seen it generally leads to insecurity in either one or both partners at some point down the line that doesn't get resolved, especially in my community usually leads to one party feeling like they have to do all the adult stuff and financial heavy lifting while the other is just sitting there eating bon bons only doing what they wanna do so to speak, whereas the other party may feel like op in that story where they are working extremely hard but their field is inherently low earning or unstable etc. So comparatively their partner can't really depend on them to keep up with the same life style, especially if either of them want to still do the "traditional style" thing on some level
damn that’s scary. imagine the person you love being embarrassed of who you are.
Of course they had to call daddy to come fight their battle for them. Neither the girlfriend nor her sister can talk to OP like a mature adult. It's obvious where all this entitlement comes from.
OP, you deserve a lot better.
1st Story: The Girl likes Byron but Byron does not like her back...
Story 1: Once a garden tool, always a garden tool 🤣😂🤣💀
Reminded me of that one cat in the hat scene 😂
Story 1: Her being friends with a former FWB is already iffy. But her cheating with him and keeping him in her life is a huge red flag. They cheated once. They can do it again. If she has to be told to cut him off, and she hooked up with him the second OP dumped her? Nah.
Story 2: OP needs to wake up. His GF is not the innocent angel he thinks she is. They were all apallingly badly behaved and were the instigators. They deserve no apologies. Daddy can take a flying leap as well. You've fallen in with a family of arrogant snobs and this isn't going to change. Glad OP got out.
Story 2, I would have told my sister to stop making the snide comments about the other comedians, I definitely would have done everything in my power to make her stop heckling my S.O. and if I somehow couldn't get her to leave or shut up, I would have my partners back. Because OP is right, heckling him is no different than going up to a receptionist and tossing around the things on their desk, or going to a doctors office and touching all the sanitary instruments.
rslash, i do want to say that lately in the videos, your comments include a bit too many sexual jokes that are just uncomfortable instead of being funny.
I really respect rslash everyday he posts videos. He’s been doing this for a very long time and is getting better and better. Thank you rslash
Good morning everyone! Have a great day
You too :)
Man. Imagine being heckled for doing your job, then apologizing and being told by the person you love 'YOU should get therapy, not me or my family.' and then getting dumped. Hope that ex-gf in the second story gets a wake up call, she's definitley being coddled like her sister.
Good morning Rslash 😊 great way to start the day!
Story ending at 3:12-ish: That commentary, man! That's why I love this channel. Straight up savagery wearing an impenetrable Stoll of Truth with +5 bullsh*t immunity 😂!
what i would like to know about the ex in story 2 is how she was able to hide her true colors the whole time by seeming like she isn't some elitist when in reality it took her sister acting poorly to show she was no different than the sister and have the mask slip in front of op.
Honestly I think OP in the second story did a public service
When someone comes from that much money, it's almost impossible for them to have empathy, let alone respect for anyone past their bank account. Such sad lives they must live.
That girlfriend in the second story clearly isn’t as great as OP described her at first. I just don’t get how they dated for a year if she felt embarrassed about him and his work 🤦♂️