Why did President Trump quit the Iran deal? Our daily podcast "Today, Explained" takes a look at the repercussions of withdrawing from the deal: bit.ly/2IbBFCa
Vox it's now time for USA military must sacrifice thier lives for the greater ISRAEL project expansion. Israel must get control of Syria an Iran an destroy Muslim nation's. Lay down you lives for israel an you will get a mansion in the after life
@Mark If you mean Trump tried more than anyone else to take credit for something he didn't do, you're right. Trump didn't even know that Kim Jong-un and Kim Jong-Il were different people. The idea that a man who knows nothing about diplomacy or political history is responsible for uniting the Koreas is just one more disillusion from the people that somehow still believe he's actually a smart person.
Seeing him not being able to justify his own action was just scary to watch as an American citizen. There is nothing about this that makes me feel safer.
Trump just made me learn something new I can say in interviews "How doe hiring you benefits our company?" "I will benefit your company." "Why should we hire you?" "You should hire me" "What is your strength?" "I am the strength"
Actually Trump did the right thing here. As predicted by many, iran used this 150 billion dollars of money to expand it's militias around the middle east, increasing tensions and killing thousands of people, especially young people.
@@yao052 No, iran can't spend it's money how it wants if it kills thousands of people! Trump was a good president. He did not start any war. Obama started 2 wars, bombed the middle east and created refugees to europe and thanks to him we are still in refugee crisis. You should never give money to countries that cdan't be trusted and Obama did just that. Iran kills people with it's militias around the middle east, you think that is okay?
He’s an idiot, I guarantee he has no idea what’s going on because he literally has onsetting dementia and can’t read or retain detailed information. I have literally never heard one intelligent example of him explaining anything ever, and I have truly tried to give him honest, objectionable chances.
I am an iranian. I do not want war i want peace.... i want to be able to travel...to be able to communicate with the rest of the world without using VPN...to not be afraid of my future. What did my generation do to deserve this? We dont hate america. Or anywhere else. We just want peace
Zahra Sz As an American, I don't hate you or the citizens of Iran either. One day, I hope you are able to travel and look to your future with optimism.
Zahra Sz Is it your fault Trump was elected as President of most powerfull country? Iran has no blame at all.. Trust me many Americans are ashamed that this satanic guy is president.. Btw VPN? Americans also get controlled on internet..
the question itself is stupid... its like asking the zookeeper how caging animals makes visitors safe ...iran and north korea are playing victim, and the sooner you let your guard down, the faster they kill you... naive people are so annoying
I hope the European Union and the UK will not follow the US with this decision, we europeans have our own opinions in regards of the deal and I don't wish to conform with the American Delegation...
You know this is a bad idea when you can’t even answer the basic question as to how this makes us safer. America, get ready to pull a lot more crap than we already have
How would u feel being bombarded by questions randomly 24/7? This happens to Trump and at this point, I wouldn't answer any questions either except for press conferences. That is it
I live in Iran. This not only makes a devastating impact on the economy and the day to day lives of Iranians, it is an irreversible blow to the moderates and those in favour of co-operation with the west. Trust me, there will not be another deal. Trump basically destroyed the moderate wing of Iranian politics, opening a long chapter of pointless conflict with the west.
Kyle Morrison Sanctions hurt the people most as they can't get goods from trade with the West. Secondly, Iranian conservatives hated the deal and this is ammunition for them, saying the US is untrustworthy and anyone thinking about making deals with America is an idiot and shouldn't be trusted in politics.
thats the scariest part for us iranians. Now the extremists turn out to be right, and they can throw this in everyones faces. That, and the possible wars in middle east with Israel and Saudi.
problem is, they were still doing exactly what the deal told them not to, thats why trump wanted to get rid of it, he even left it on the table for the other countries to fix in an acceptable way and they wouldn't so he threw it out. apologies for your unpleasant situation, but its the governments fault. not just yours, not just america (mostly america for feeling the need to get into everyone's business) but every government official is to blame for this mess
Trump hates the truth just like his white (R) evangelical believers the bible calls them fallen angels and I call them the deplorable's. Includes my family members worship.
As a foreigner, I cannot believe that this man is still the president of United States. Somebody please say the magic word „impeachment“! (But I think it is more likely that he‘ll serve for 8 years before we can get rid of him)
He's given the hard-line anti-American factions in Iran everything they need to make Iran even worse than it already is. The factions that negotiated the deal will now be forced out. The new factions will not be as willing to negotiate and arm up as quickly as possible.
"THEY WERE BUILDING NUKES, AND NUKE PARAPHERNALIA EVEN WHEN THEY SAID THEY WERE NOT" - but EVERYONE knew they were (it was no secret, despite what they said) and this deal meant they had to allow inspectors in to actually make sure they no longer were...now that the orange menace just ended the deal, those inspectors won't be allowed in anymore. So what if Iran now decides to restart it's nuke program, what can USA do? They can't threaten them with sanctions anymore (the sanctions are already in place)...now, nothing short of an Iraq style war will do anything. Great job Trump...now thousands more troops will die in a decades long war (along with the ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan)...not to mention, how many more trillions in debt this will leave the country? Go smoke another one, Dank.
+Dank "They took them to old empty buildings with nothing in them" - lol really? Well could you provide a verifiable source for this BS? I'm sure you can't because it's exactly that, BS. "Everyone knows they still did it', then why in he fk, should the deal continue?" - ??? Do you have some sort of comprehension problem? Iran lied about developing nukes BEFORE the deal was in place...they since admitted it (after the deal was signed), and allowed inspectors in to make sure they were not only no longer continuing development, but were selling and dismantling much of the development they'd already made. Now they're just going to redo all the development they had done, and continue further (until they actually have nukes), thanks to ending this deal. Smoke another one, dude.
The other signatories to the deal, France, Britain, Germany, China, Russia, and the International Atomic Energy Agency were satisfied that Iran was abiding by the terms. Even Trump's own Secretary of Defense, James Mattis, was satisfied that Iran was holding to the agreement. The hope for Rouhani is that the remaining signatories will honor the agreement even if the US backs out. Trump's beef is about what the agreement doesn't cover not that Iran is violating it. But instead of taking the small win that is the agreement and building additional agreements to address the things he feels are missing he is tossing all the progress.
You know Obama signed this deal without congressional approval, right? If he wanted it to stay, he should have gone through congress. But of course, nobody in congress or the public actually liked the idea
Iran has no reason to keep any promises to American "infidels." Just look at the Koran Surah 3:28 "Let not believers take disbelievers as allies rather than believers. And whoever [of you] does that has nothing with Allah, except when taking precaution against them in prudence. And Allah warns you of Himself, and to Allah is the [final] destination."
Okay, so please excuse my ignorance (I am Dutch...) But how is this guy able to push this through without consulting with other countries that agreed to the deal as well? And how did he manage to push this through congress, or other political bodies in the US? Please explain this. I am worried my country, among others, will suffer from these actions. This is plain selfish on US' part...
iamjeffness He just wrote an executive order which is kind of a presidential decree not a law or resolution passed by Congress, so it can be over turned. And the deal doesn't end fill all of them leave , like Paris Accord didn't
1. In the same way britian existed the EU 2. He wrote an executive order. However, congress wanted to back off from the deal since the day it was signed.
iamjeffness your country won't suffer. This deal made Iran even more volatile and threatening than they were before. The deal gave Iran everything they wanted and guaranteed their ability to do what they wanted with nuclear weapons.
When the Obama administration negotiated this deal in 2014 they weren't able to get Congress to support it (despite this video's claim of 46% of Republican voters supporting the deal, nearly all Republican politicians are opposed to it), so Obama put it into effect via an executive order. Those can be overturned unilaterally by the president. If Obama had gotten Congress to pass the deal and then signed it, Trump wouldn't be able to undo it by himself. He did consult with the other countries but he simply chose to ignore their advice, making America look unreliable and erratic to the rest of the world. Another terrible decision from a terrible president.
I don’t get his pronunciation of things One second he says “I-Ron” And the next he says “I-Ran” Russia is “Rush-er” China is “Gina” North Korea is “North Career”
It is pronounced eeron, an Iranian author visited my school a few days ago (Mahru Ghashghaei I think her name is) and that was literally the first thing she mentioned.
1:02 So if we know they want war tell me again why the deal was a good idea. How much money did the U.S.A gave them? what did they do with most of it? and how much of that money did they use to improve the life's of iran citizens?
Dear Vox You have videos on how and why the US should keep the Iran deal but never on why Trump and other Americans believe the Iran deal should be cut off which is kinda frustrating (and or why they’re ideas are flawed). Understanding where the opposition comes from before discussing an agreement is the best possible way to get something that will benefit all of us. Not doing so will leave people dissatisfied and cheated starting a rotation of people being left in the dark with little to none exposure to new ideas. Now I know you’re not the only news channel who discusses the politics of the world in this fashion of journalism (right leaning news channel do it as well) but doing so will give people like me a breath of fresh air trying to make sense of all of this turmoil. Sincerely, A Friend
Miguel Oros I agree. You can't talk about one side of an argument without talking about the other. At that point you are just cherrypicking opinions to help an agenda.
"how is this gonna make america safer?" *shutter sounds* "how is this gonna make america safer?!" *shutters continue* Trump- "This is going to make.... america safer."
Hey Vox! I love the style and manner of putting forth your stands, especially by comparison. Could you do an episode on the lifespan electronic devices' batteries, in the perspective of companies to garner more customers?
Lol, making an equivalence between cnn and fox is literally retarded. CNN is biased and they may omit coverage but they are not outright propaganda like fox.
IizUname Tucker Carlson is a man of wisdom and smartness at FOX, he’s one of the best people to listen to, he knows what he talks about and understands it.
Did he not just quit this deal out of sheer racism? Namely it can’t be that a black man did something good. Or could serve as an example to others. It is telling that the trump presidency has consisted of largely a systematic dismantling of all deals or advances made during the Obama administration. Hence this has nothing to do with politics it is entirely racism based at home in the U.S so all the statements in opposition are just hot air. It is entirely based on his willingness to condemn anything foreign as bad, be it Hispanic or black or Asian etc..
Here's how I think we should approach this debate: First, ask yourself: if Iran is lying, is pulling out of the deal a good idea. The second question to ask yourself is: do you trust the intelligence gathering of the United States? And finally: do we have reason to suspect the president would end the deal if he knew the Iranians were holding up their side of the bargain? There are many points of view you can take based off of how you answer these questions, but simply saying: "the president is stupid and doesn't know what he's doing" is not an opinion that adds any value to the conversation.
I wonder if Macron in his head now thinks, "Merde! All that kissing and hugging that I had to endure with that man during my visit to Washington DC was for nothing."
Can someone explain the impact that one country pulling out will have on the deal. Like I get that it sets bad precedent but does it make the deal weaker or what?
The whole deal is based around the idea that the US will withhold sanctions on Iran. If another country (i.e. france) pulled out, it would be far less significant, but the United States is the most important member of the deal. This now means that Iran has no reason to cease developing Nuclear weapons. Without the US the deal is basically null, and with the tensions in the middle east there is a reasonable probability that Iran will enrich uranium to make nuclear weapons, which was to be prevented if the deal persisted. It doesn't just make the deal weaker, it basically destroys it.
I do, because that was the point. To stop the proliferation of nuclear weapons in the (still) volatile middle east. US lifting sanctions is one of the more significant incentives for Iran to not develop nuclear weapons. Moreover, what kind of precedent does this set for the North Koreans moving forward, if the US decides to pull out of one of its major international treaties.?
Shhh, it's propaganda, they're trying to mislead you. They don't state the other side of the argument, they just try to make you hate the president so much that you hate anything related to him and no longer listen to reason.
Do away with the state departments, do away with diplomats, fill your cabinet with neoconservative war hawks, increase military spending, and emphasize sentiment over facts when making policies... What else do you expect?
It's like we've backed down from one close military breakout with one country and we immediately hop back down another country's throat. So glad I've studied American history, if more people actually did, maybe we'd be on a better path. Basically nothing has changed in our foreign policy in the passed 50 years and it's extremely unsettling. At it's best, it's two steps forward and one step back.
Trump did what he had to, I’m Iranian myself and I support his decision, the people of Iran hate the regime, hate the governing system. and trump did the right thing since they could go easily behind their back and develop nuclear weapons, without anyone noticing. We’ve had enough of Iran’s regime, it’s time for change!
Speak for yourself. And don't just say stuff without proof. I'm also Iranian and you're the first one I've seen to support Trump's decision. You're are either very ill-informed about Iranian international politics or have no sympathy towards the Iranian people. I mean I'm sure the US and its allies (i.e. Israel and Saudi) have the best of intentions for Iranian people and want to help them with a regime change. Just like they helped Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, ... Please watch something other than mainstream media once in a while. It's actually not too complicated once you see facts from the other side too. If these governments cared about the Iranian people they wouldn't undermine the Iranian moderates by reversing a deal they worked so hard for.
Regime changes don't work when the ideology stays the same. We try to bring democracy to people who have never ruled themselves. You can see the same thing in Europe by them being ruled by kings for so long they are more sheeps than individuals.
Megan H No thats not true. I wish it were. The US never wanted to bring democracy into a country for the good of the people. At least thats the case with Iran. Google “Mosadegh coup detat” and see for yourself. The US has a lot of lovely people and I’m sure youre one of them. But unfortunately the US government is not nearly as friendly and caring as it pictures itself and it never has been.
Well Trump has always showed his "great" skills. Maybe he wouldn't have canceled if it wasn't touched by Obama buy this is Trump everything related to Obama is stupid and must be cancelled. I hope other nation will rely less on US at the moment and keep the world at peace. The next president after Trump will surely have a lot of work fixing US.... It's beyond the imagination simply.
If the sanctions already enforced under obama had reduced the production of nuclear energy to 16% below the threshold for medical usage, there would be no point in still having a nuclear energy program. This would have put Iran back significantly. Perhaps trump is recognising that there is injustice to Iranian people, not being allowed to utilise their nuclear energy program. Perhaps not.
Donald Trump's persona resembles the one of the Joker. A crazy leader who creates chaos only for their own amusement with no consideration for the consequences. Plus they're both clowns with mismanaged hair and unstable leadership.
"lier" is the true definition of a person/nation who broke their promise. and also the only country in the history who actually used two nuclear bombs on innocent people.
The Iran has serious flows. There are three main problems with the Iran deal. First, the Iran deal doesn't discuss the Iranian militias in Iraq, Yamen, Lebonon, Syria, Bahrain and even in Morocco. The second problem is It did not take onto consideration the secret nuclear sites, that the Israeli intelligence showed. The third problem with the Iran deal is that it has time limit ONLY 10 years. I really think that he can make a better deal for the middle east.
James Bond the Iran deal is only about nuclear weapons not who they give money to. America gives money to terrorist organizations too that are USA friendly like the Kurds. Should the USA get sanctions? You never read the deal so you have no room to talk if you did read it you would say it's a good deal because it is
According to our local ordinance I can Decree a Steaming Dump on my neighbors lawn without breaking any actual agreements or laws. The Moral of The Day: Just because you _can_ does not automatically mean you _should_ On a side note: for any band out there, I hereby grant permission for you to name your new band 'Decree a Steaming Dump'. You're welcome.
Oh please do you have such low standards to compare Trump to such a failure of a human being? Why do all Trump fans do that? God. Get some proper role models in life perhaps you will not cling onto such losers and greedy, manipulative liars.
I’m crying right now because I’m Iranian but I live in the uk all my life I wanted to meet the stranger things people and be an extra but know I’ll never be able too and I don’t understand why Donald trump banned us 🤬😢😭
US/EU should meet with the middle eastern countries and say we’ll leave you alone. That means no military interventions, no aid relief, no middle eastern refugees, etc.
Pádriag Pearse he sure had reversed the economy that’s for sure. Insane stock market. Higher employment rates, wages are going up, overall nation crime is down, and peace talks with North Korea and reducing debt
Is everyone ignoring the fact that Iran continued its ballistics program despite the nuclear ideal? Or are we going to trash trump because we need to polarize the country even more? Try to be impartial people, think reasonably, question far right and left news sources like vox
Is a sovereign nation not allowed to have ballistic missiles? If you read the deal it it explains that Iran cannot refine uranium so it can be used for nuclear weapons which is about 90%. They can still use nuclear power though to power their grid.
Zachary Schram you go back to the negotiation table. Since when were treaties in history ever permanent? Also Iran's economy has been doing well, risking the entire economy for some nukes would not be worth it in any sense and the Iranian people would not be for it either.
Zachary Schram The Iran deal certainly isn't perfect. But the US gained a lot more than Iran and it bought time, 20 years in fact. Now down the toliet.
LordAragon626 who said that it would be permanent? And yea, it was doing great but you think that the radicals that Obama’s supported care? The second Trump announced that he would not be renewing the Iran deal the “moderates” on their parliament began burning an American flag and chanting “death to America”
cvSAVdsbv you idiot. Yes it allowed them to have enrichment plants but it limited their supply so that they wouldn't be able to enrich uranium to the level required to build nuclear weapons.... Only enough to enrich uranium for medical purposes and research. It was very strict against them and made sure that they didn't have enough uranium needed for nuclear level enrichment. And yes it addressed nuclear weapons only not missles because frankly it's already hypocritical for the US to be lecturing anyone about who can have nuclear weapons or not when the us is the only one to have even used nuclear weapons and used them to kill innocent civilians... And they also use missles to kill innocent civilians as well to this day. Furthermore they spend more than the top spenders combined on military. So the US has absolutely no ground to stand on to be pointing fingers at anyone. There is no evidence that iran is sending missles to yemen. And even if they did support yemen. They are... They would be supporting the houthis who are fighting against alqada. There is no nuclear weapon for it to be fitted on an ibcm in the first place. You're the one that's dense. the US is the last country on earth to be lecturing others about funding terrorism .... If its so freaking worried about iran then why the freaking hell are they allied with and funding Saudi Arabia who are the same ones that fund alqada and isis and the same ones that bomb children's hospital for the blind in yemen www.globalresearch.ca/saudi-arabia-bombs-day-care-centre-for-blind-children-in-yemen-u-s-silent/5504935 And the same ones that behead people publicly and the same ones that only recently let women drive.... Shows the US's true colours loud and clear. It just wants a regime change after loosing with the shah. Because we all know how "well" that worked out with Iraq and Libya. So the US has absolutely no ground to stand on to point fingers at anyone when it comes to nuclear weapons etc. Quit watching fox and friends... Its rotting your brain.... Assuming you ever had one or used it of course.
"They were already developing weapons" - Iran was developing CONVENTIONAL weapons, not nukes...now they've every reason to develop BOTH. "Iran was proven to have broken the deal anyway" - no, they were not (hence why Tillerson and Kelly and EVERY OTHER head of state in Europe, wanted to keep the deal, as it was working). Iran WAS complying...but they won't be anymore (thanks Trump).
Why did President Trump quit the Iran deal? Our daily podcast "Today, Explained" takes a look at the repercussions of withdrawing from the deal: bit.ly/2IbBFCa
Because it was implemented with a Pen and a Phone? What do I win?
Vox it's now time for USA military must sacrifice thier lives for the greater ISRAEL project expansion. Israel must get control of Syria an Iran an destroy Muslim nation's.
Lay down you lives for israel an you will get a mansion in the after life
Vox you didn’t look at both sides of the story, trump has gotten further to uniting Korea than any other president, why don’t you mention this?
@Mark If you mean Trump tried more than anyone else to take credit for something he didn't do, you're right. Trump didn't even know that Kim Jong-un and Kim Jong-Il were different people. The idea that a man who knows nothing about diplomacy or political history is responsible for uniting the Koreas is just one more disillusion from the people that somehow still believe he's actually a smart person.
Vox The deal was implemented by a black man. That is all.
"How does this make America safer"
"This will make America much safer"
10/10 totally not avoiding the question
Jammy James he doesn’t need to go into depth about all of this you’ll critique him either way
of course we will hes the president its our job to critique him
Trump is right.
SullyLives Again there's nothing to critique. His decisions aren't thought out.
Seeing him not being able to justify his own action was just scary to watch as an American citizen. There is nothing about this that makes me feel safer.
Trump just made me learn something new I can say in interviews
"How doe hiring you benefits our company?"
"I will benefit your company."
"Why should we hire you?"
"You should hire me"
"What is your strength?"
"I am the strength"
well.. its most likely an answer if you are the boss of the company
They'll probably just reject you in the first 5 seconds of the interview
Actually Trump did the right thing here.
As predicted by many, iran used this 150 billion dollars of money to expand it's militias around the middle east, increasing tensions and killing thousands of people, especially young people.
@@tibodeclercq2131 Trump was wrong and if you can't see that then you are a fool. As for the money, Iran gets to spend their money how they wants
@@yao052 No, iran can't spend it's money how it wants if it kills thousands of people! Trump was a good president. He did not start any war. Obama started 2 wars, bombed the middle east and created refugees to europe and thanks to him we are still in refugee crisis.
You should never give money to countries that cdan't be trusted and Obama did just that. Iran kills people with it's militias around the middle east, you think that is okay?
“How will this make America safer?”
“This will make America much safer” BOIIIIII
This must be the land of soy
cvSAVdsbv Link me to every single one of them.
He’s an idiot, I guarantee he has no idea what’s going on because he literally has onsetting dementia and can’t read or retain detailed information.
I have literally never heard one intelligent example of him explaining anything ever, and I have truly tried to give him honest, objectionable chances.
I am an iranian. I do not want war i want peace.... i want to be able to travel...to be able to communicate with the rest of the world without using VPN...to not be afraid of my future. What did my generation do to deserve this? We dont hate america. Or anywhere else. We just want peace
Zahra Sz As an American, I don't hate you or the citizens of Iran either. One day, I hope you are able to travel and look to your future with optimism.
Zahra Sz Is it your fault Trump was elected as President of most powerfull country? Iran has no blame at all.. Trust me many Americans are ashamed that this satanic guy is president.. Btw VPN? Americans also get controlled on internet..
The peaceful majority was irrelevant in germany during ww2. Point is, you either follow your governments foreign policy or you rebel against it.
Zahra Sz stop giving money to Hezbollah lol.
Stop supporting terrorism and give up nuclear ambitions
Q: How does this deal make America safer??
A: This. Will. Make. America. Much. Safer.
bElieve me.
Reinoud the doofus wants to renegotiate lets see how far he will get haha
Sounds good to me
the question itself is stupid... its like asking the zookeeper how caging animals makes visitors safe ...iran and north korea are playing victim, and the sooner you let your guard down, the faster they kill you... naive people are so annoying
"The United States no longer makes empty threats. When I make promises, I keep them."
Does anyone else find this statement a little ironic?
he kept his campaign promises and more. give me a break.
@@cranberryjuice26 you’re delusional 😂😂😂
@@cranberryjuice26 the wall. blew over. in the wind
@@crudephoenix but it got built though and he also signed the first step act into law
I hope the European Union and the UK will not follow the US with this decision, we europeans have our own opinions in regards of the deal and I don't wish to conform with the American Delegation...
They won't follow. They discouraged the US from leaving the deal.
Andi CRIMSON if iran could produce a nuke, it will be the fault of murican
The problem is that Iran just said that if usa will leave the deal they will get rid of it entirely
Snoop coleman I am a Norwegian and I tottaly recomend visitng Hamburg
You know this is a bad idea when you can’t even answer the basic question as to how this makes us safer. America, get ready to pull a lot more crap than we already have
How would u feel being bombarded by questions randomly 24/7? This happens to Trump and at this point, I wouldn't answer any questions either except for press conferences. That is it
Well he shouldn't have accept the post then
Justin Norman Nah no excuse, you pull a move like this, damn right I want an legit answer.
Damon Harrison you can wait until the press conference when he has his answer ready. That's why press conferences exist
well Trump doesn't do press conference, he's the slime ball, the one conf we all know how it went
I live in Iran. This not only makes a devastating impact on the economy and the day to day lives of Iranians, it is an irreversible blow to the moderates and those in favour of co-operation with the west. Trust me, there will not be another deal. Trump basically destroyed the moderate wing of Iranian politics, opening a long chapter of pointless conflict with the west.
Iman Akbari explain please
Kyle Morrison
Sanctions hurt the people most as they can't get goods from trade with the West.
Secondly, Iranian conservatives hated the deal and this is ammunition for them, saying the US is untrustworthy and anyone thinking about making deals with America is an idiot and shouldn't be trusted in politics.
Kyle Morrison he lives there you don't he knows more about his own country then you do
thats the scariest part for us iranians. Now the extremists turn out to be right, and they can throw this in everyones faces. That, and the possible wars in middle east with Israel and Saudi.
problem is, they were still doing exactly what the deal told them not to, thats why trump wanted to get rid of it, he even left it on the table for the other countries to fix in an acceptable way and they wouldn't so he threw it out.
apologies for your unpleasant situation, but its the governments fault. not just yours, not just america (mostly america for feeling the need to get into everyone's business) but every government official is to blame for this mess
*American promises last as long as their presidential terms.*
Sudipta Adhikary looks like third world country, the regime is unstable, you cannot do a deal to a country only the current regime
Yeah I heard [insert any other country] can't keep their word as either
Sam Etzweiler ya right, cos every other country exited the Paris Agreement after signing it and every other member is exiting the JcPoa
It didn't used to work that way. We built long-term alliances after WW2 because we stuck with our allies year in and year out.
this deal was done with an executive order not passed through the Senate and Congress so of course it could be overturned by a president
"Why did he quit the deal?"
Cause Israel said so.
Israel wants war with Iran smh
And john bolton said so.
finally the TRUTH
You guys think it's Israel, I think it's the oil corporations of America lobbying for a more promising future for their business in the middle east.
No we don't. What sane person would want to start a war?
It's almost like he DOESNT KNOW WHAT HE'S DOING
Do you? I doubt it.
The Iran Nuclear Deal: th-cam.com/video/u4FkNbtkgps/w-d-xo.html
He prevented Iran from getting a nuclear weapons betraying the US on the deal and using it whatever they want
Trump hates the truth just like his white (R) evangelical believers the bible calls them fallen angels and I call them the deplorable's. Includes my family members worship.
This will make America much safer.
Roshan Koshy dont be afraid of Iran! Lol
Amal Edward you're scared of NK which is a small ass poor country but has nuclear missle
Gonzo W control c, control v
Gonzo W anti semite tart
Well at least he wont win a peace prize. Since all he did was switch the nuclear problem from korea to iran( which is worse).
I bet vox had this video made a week ago, and were just waiting for the clip.
POTUS was just playing Coy but we all knew this was coming.
They at least had the script wrote
That'd be amazing. They got video of the future??
US He is predictable in terms of what he will or won't support and what promises he'll keep.
US which he did so get rekt
XD i'd like to see the files of After Effects. All of recent politics and alternating timelines depending on development and outcome.
As a foreigner, I cannot believe that this man is still the president of United States. Somebody please say the magic word „impeachment“! (But I think it is more likely that he‘ll serve for 8 years before we can get rid of him)
he is no longer president
He's given the hard-line anti-American factions in Iran everything they need to make Iran even worse than it already is. The factions that negotiated the deal will now be forced out. The new factions will not be as willing to negotiate and arm up as quickly as possible.
"THEY WERE BUILDING NUKES, AND NUKE PARAPHERNALIA EVEN WHEN THEY SAID THEY WERE NOT" - but EVERYONE knew they were (it was no secret, despite what they said) and this deal meant they had to allow inspectors in to actually make sure they no longer were...now that the orange menace just ended the deal, those inspectors won't be allowed in anymore.
So what if Iran now decides to restart it's nuke program, what can USA do? They can't threaten them with sanctions anymore (the sanctions are already in place)...now, nothing short of an Iraq style war will do anything. Great job Trump...now thousands more troops will die in a decades long war (along with the ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan)...not to mention, how many more trillions in debt this will leave the country? Go smoke another one, Dank.
DeathToTheDictators and no one has even mentioned Israel yet
+Dank "They took them to old empty buildings with nothing in them" - lol really? Well could you provide a verifiable source for this BS? I'm sure you can't because it's exactly that, BS.
"Everyone knows they still did it', then why in he fk, should the deal continue?" - ??? Do you have some sort of comprehension problem? Iran lied about developing nukes BEFORE the deal was in place...they since admitted it (after the deal was signed), and allowed inspectors in to make sure they were not only no longer continuing development, but were selling and dismantling much of the development they'd already made.
Now they're just going to redo all the development they had done, and continue further (until they actually have nukes), thanks to ending this deal.
Smoke another one, dude.
The other signatories to the deal, France, Britain, Germany, China, Russia, and the International Atomic Energy Agency were satisfied that Iran was abiding by the terms. Even Trump's own Secretary of Defense, James Mattis, was satisfied that Iran was holding to the agreement. The hope for Rouhani is that the remaining signatories will honor the agreement even if the US backs out.
Trump's beef is about what the agreement doesn't cover not that Iran is violating it. But instead of taking the small win that is the agreement and building additional agreements to address the things he feels are missing he is tossing all the progress.
DeathToTheDictators Your IQ must be lower than your shoe size. Not surprised as you're a vox watcher aka a brainwashed sheep.
lol perfect timing! Just watched that video.
*Lets change the subject*
I love you bro
Gonzo W no we don't. Please don't think we all think like this idiot.
This devalues American diplomacy in both Asia and Europe, and on top of that the outcome of this breakup is extremely uncertain.
You know Obama signed this deal without congressional approval, right? If he wanted it to stay, he should have gone through congress. But of course, nobody in congress or the public actually liked the idea
Iran has no reason to keep any promises to American "infidels."
Just look at the Koran
Surah 3:28
"Let not believers take disbelievers as allies rather than believers. And whoever [of you] does that has nothing with Allah, except when taking precaution against them in prudence. And Allah warns you of Himself, and to Allah is the [final] destination."
You forgot the S in SWJ
@@danielsin5563 good job completely misinterpreting that
Okay, so please excuse my ignorance (I am Dutch...)
But how is this guy able to push this through without consulting with other countries that agreed to the deal as well?
And how did he manage to push this through congress, or other political bodies in the US?
Please explain this. I am worried my country, among others, will suffer from these actions. This is plain selfish on US' part...
iamjeffness He just wrote an executive order which is kind of a presidential decree not a law or resolution passed by Congress, so it can be over turned. And the deal doesn't end fill all of them leave , like Paris Accord didn't
1. In the same way britian existed the EU
2. He wrote an executive order. However, congress wanted to back off from the deal since the day it was signed.
iamjeffness your country won't suffer. This deal made Iran even more volatile and threatening than they were before. The deal gave Iran everything they wanted and guaranteed their ability to do what they wanted with nuclear weapons.
When the Obama administration negotiated this deal in 2014 they weren't able to get Congress to support it (despite this video's claim of 46% of Republican voters supporting the deal, nearly all Republican politicians are opposed to it), so Obama put it into effect via an executive order. Those can be overturned unilaterally by the president. If Obama had gotten Congress to pass the deal and then signed it, Trump wouldn't be able to undo it by himself.
He did consult with the other countries but he simply chose to ignore their advice, making America look unreliable and erratic to the rest of the world. Another terrible decision from a terrible president.
Because all the countries are in the Illuminati and working behind the scenes
haha we're in danger
*chuckles* haha we’re in danger. I was coming to comment this
I hope we drop in there and shwack then all
Haha I'm so glad I'm irish rn
Tom Langford lol sure..idiot
"How does this make America safer?"
This will make America much safer.
War is God’s way of teaching America geography.
My name is Irrelevant I can like my own comments too!
My name is Irrelevant calm down edgelord no need to blow steam someone’s ass
I can pretty much tell it’s the internet just by looking at your username
My name is Irrelevant _pathetic_
Two words: uh oh
Katie shouldn’t you have exams?
Mac Dubh Monday! Also an uh oh.
Katie uh oh is right
Uh oh liberal teachers fear mongering in the classrom again
More like "imminent impact"
some people told him is bad ,, so he said its bad .
this guy is a disgrace to America .
congratulations , you lost your credibility
All i hear is opinions, not facts
From now on, if any country wants to make deals with US, it will approach both the president and congress.
I think I should be in the business of selling nuclear bunkers. Just need a Kickstarter campaign
I don’t get his pronunciation of things
One second he says “I-Ron”
And the next he says “I-Ran”
Russia is “Rush-er”
China is “Gina”
North Korea is “North Career”
He says I-Ron because he's doesn't want to offend the terrorists
Meh, French are so French
It is pronounced eeron, an Iranian author visited my school a few days ago (Mahru Ghashghaei I think her name is) and that was literally the first thing she mentioned.
Mex-I-CAN 🌚
Trump is secret Asian
"When I make promises, I keep them". Where's the infamous wall??????
It's at the store still... Mexico hasn't bought it for us yet ahahahahaha
"When I make promises, I keep them."
* cue mass spit take from every contractor in NYC *
1:02 So if we know they want war tell me again why the deal was a good idea. How much money did the U.S.A gave them? what did they do with most of it? and how much of that money did they use to improve the life's of iran citizens?
It's is absolutely horrifying that he had no answer and disregarded the question 😰
Dear Vox
You have videos on how and why the US should keep the Iran deal but never on why Trump and other Americans believe the Iran deal should be cut off which is kinda frustrating (and or why they’re ideas are flawed). Understanding where the opposition comes from before discussing an agreement is the best possible way to get something that will benefit all of us. Not doing so will leave people dissatisfied and cheated starting a rotation of people being left in the dark with little to none exposure to new ideas. Now I know you’re not the only news channel who discusses the politics of the world in this fashion of journalism (right leaning news channel do it as well) but doing so will give people like me a breath of fresh air trying to make sense of all of this turmoil.
Sincerely, A Friend
Miguel Oros I agree. You can't talk about one side of an argument without talking about the other. At that point you are just cherrypicking opinions to help an agenda.
"how is this gonna make america safer?"
*shutter sounds*
"how is this gonna make america safer?!"
*shutters continue*
Trump- "This is going to make.... america safer."
Jake Hix it doesn't endanger us at all and it's taking a problem that was pushed 15 years down the road and facing it now lol
Hey Vox! I love the style and manner of putting forth your stands, especially by comparison. Could you do an episode on the lifespan electronic devices' batteries, in the perspective of companies to garner more customers?
I'm sure Trump must've got this idea from Fox & Friends. 🤦♂️
Rahul Verma I’m sure you get your news from cnn
Lol, making an equivalence between cnn and fox is literally retarded. CNN is biased and they may omit coverage but they are not outright propaganda like fox.
IizUname they are both biased and have propaganda.
IizUname Tucker Carlson is a man of wisdom and smartness at FOX, he’s one of the best people to listen to, he knows what he talks about and understands it.
Lil Ranger64 wait lol were u joking or no
I think Mr Trump has taken Kevin spacey's acting in House of cards to his heart. 😝😂
Tearing up this deal makes us closer to war with Iran. This was a terrible decision.
Hey, Mueller. You might want to hurry it up.
Wtf is wrong with this man
Did he not just quit this deal out of sheer racism? Namely it can’t be that a black man did something good. Or could serve as an example to others. It is telling that the trump presidency has consisted of largely a systematic dismantling of all deals or advances made during the Obama administration. Hence this has nothing to do with politics it is entirely racism based at home in the U.S so all the statements in opposition are just hot air. It is entirely based on his willingness to condemn anything foreign as bad, be it Hispanic or black or Asian etc..
""hi im trump and i want nuclear war""
Why is he trying to create chaos??
Here's how I think we should approach this debate: First, ask yourself: if Iran is lying, is pulling out of the deal a good idea. The second question to ask yourself is: do you trust the intelligence gathering of the United States? And finally: do we have reason to suspect the president would end the deal if he knew the Iranians were holding up their side of the bargain? There are many points of view you can take based off of how you answer these questions, but simply saying: "the president is stupid and doesn't know what he's doing" is not an opinion that adds any value to the conversation.
I wonder if Macron in his head now thinks, "Merde! All that kissing and hugging that I had to endure with that man during my visit to Washington DC was for nothing."
I pity the next president, who has to work with that dumpsterfire left behind by Trump. If we make it to the next president, that is.
your sure about that sir
Yes, watch video for reference.
Can someone explain the impact that one country pulling out will have on the deal. Like I get that it sets bad precedent but does it make the deal weaker or what?
The whole deal is based around the idea that the US will withhold sanctions on Iran. If another country (i.e. france) pulled out, it would be far less significant, but the United States is the most important member of the deal. This now means that Iran has no reason to cease developing Nuclear weapons. Without the US the deal is basically null, and with the tensions in the middle east there is a reasonable probability that Iran will enrich uranium to make nuclear weapons, which was to be prevented if the deal persisted.
It doesn't just make the deal weaker, it basically destroys it.
"which was to be prevented if the deal persisted"
lmfao, do you really think that?
I do, because that was the point. To stop the proliferation of nuclear weapons in the (still) volatile middle east. US lifting sanctions is one of the more significant incentives for Iran to not develop nuclear weapons. Moreover, what kind of precedent does this set for the North Koreans moving forward, if the US decides to pull out of one of its major international treaties.?
Did they even say why Trump wanted to pull out of the deal? Wasn't that one of the main questions of the video?
yes... they said he thought it wasn't strict enough and that he thought he could negotiate for a better deal
Which is actually untrue.
Shhh, it's propaganda, they're trying to mislead you. They don't state the other side of the argument, they just try to make you hate the president so much that you hate anything related to him and no longer listen to reason.
Do away with the state departments, do away with diplomats, fill your cabinet with neoconservative war hawks, increase military spending, and emphasize sentiment over facts when making policies... What else do you expect?
It's like we've backed down from one close military breakout with one country and we immediately hop back down another country's throat.
So glad I've studied American history, if more people actually did, maybe we'd be on a better path. Basically nothing has changed in our foreign policy in the passed 50 years and it's extremely unsettling. At it's best, it's two steps forward and one step back.
Trump did what he had to, I’m Iranian myself and I support his decision, the people of Iran hate the regime, hate the governing system. and trump did the right thing since they could go easily behind their back and develop nuclear weapons, without anyone noticing.
We’ve had enough of Iran’s regime, it’s time for change!
Speak for yourself. And don't just say stuff without proof. I'm also Iranian and you're the first one I've seen to support Trump's decision. You're are either very ill-informed about Iranian international politics or have no sympathy towards the Iranian people. I mean I'm sure the US and its allies (i.e. Israel and Saudi) have the best of intentions for Iranian people and want to help them with a regime change. Just like they helped Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, ... Please watch something other than mainstream media once in a while. It's actually not too complicated once you see facts from the other side too. If these governments cared about the Iranian people they wouldn't undermine the Iranian moderates by reversing a deal they worked so hard for.
Soroosh A. Speak for yourself you have no proof, Iran’s regime is one of the worst
ah I see. okay then.
Regime changes don't work when the ideology stays the same. We try to bring democracy to people who have never ruled themselves. You can see the same thing in Europe by them being ruled by kings for so long they are more sheeps than individuals.
Megan H No thats not true. I wish it were. The US never wanted to bring democracy into a country for the good of the people. At least thats the case with Iran. Google “Mosadegh coup detat” and see for yourself. The US has a lot of lovely people and I’m sure youre one of them. But unfortunately the US government is not nearly as friendly and caring as it pictures itself and it never has been.
Nice editing and choice of eerie music to make people afraid Vox as always. Now I'm totally convinced and don't have to research myself.
i like the way how he dodges ppl's question
Sometimes I get the feeling that his end goal is nuclear armageddon
I am afraid you are totally ignorant, haven't a clue.
@@JfK--OBJECTivE And why is that? can you explain it to him and to the rest of us?
Well Trump has always showed his "great" skills. Maybe he wouldn't have canceled if it wasn't touched by Obama buy this is Trump everything related to Obama is stupid and must be cancelled. I hope other nation will rely less on US at the moment and keep the world at peace. The next president after Trump will surely have a lot of work fixing US.... It's beyond the imagination simply.
"Ok, you can bring in the sociopaths to the comments now"
* Grabs popcorn *
RumbaChuck cringe
RumbaChuck hey can you pass the popcorn?
Your "EU" silhouette at 1:28 excludes the UK and includes Iceland, wtf Vox?
BuldoCzech Oh no!! and the USA outline excludes Alaska and Hawaii... chill lol
So whatsbwrong with that? UK isn't a part of the EU now
Seel Of Apoorval all the paper isn't completed, still in until 2 years after article 50 was enacted.
Sofia Okorafor lol you're funny
If the sanctions already enforced under obama had reduced the production of nuclear energy to 16% below the threshold for medical usage, there would be no point in still having a nuclear energy program. This would have put Iran back significantly. Perhaps trump is recognising that there is injustice to Iranian people, not being allowed to utilise their nuclear energy program. Perhaps not.
willastralian I hope this is the case. It'd be nice if he thought about anyone but himself before making impactful decisions...
Donald Trump's persona resembles the one of the Joker. A crazy leader who creates chaos only for their own amusement with no consideration for the consequences. Plus they're both clowns with mismanaged hair and unstable leadership.
You tried, A for effort
But I was taught to always pull out so I'm confused
You dont even get to put in never mind pull out
different context
James Tang hmm I think you misspelled what you were trying to say but no I don't sleep with felons
Sammy Martinez
OK, what are we talking about?
James Tang con sex?
This is either the stupidest thing or the most calculated depending who you ask
1:26 the Faroe Islands are not a part of the United Kingdom.
Also inaccurate map of the EU. Iceland, Norway?
The current Iran deal is like a serial killer letting law enforcement search his entire house, minus the basement.
RaKuu Yessssss thank God, someone with sense! It's absolutely insane to me why people don't understand this!
"lier" is the true definition of a person/nation who broke their promise. and also the only country in the history who actually used two nuclear bombs on innocent people.
What happened to the wall?
It's looking great 110 miles of wall is built so far😆😆😆. Thank you come again in 2 yrs.
The Iran has serious flows. There are three main problems with the Iran deal. First, the Iran deal doesn't discuss the Iranian militias in Iraq, Yamen, Lebonon, Syria, Bahrain and even in Morocco. The second problem is It did not take onto consideration the secret nuclear sites, that the Israeli intelligence showed. The third problem with the Iran deal is that it has time limit ONLY 10 years. I really think that he can make a better deal for the middle east.
James Bond the Iran deal is only about nuclear weapons not who they give money to. America gives money to terrorist organizations too that are USA friendly like the Kurds. Should the USA get sanctions? You never read the deal so you have no room to talk if you did read it you would say it's a good deal because it is
Jarid Gaming prove it, e.g. you didn't read it either.
Deals made by presidential decree can be undone by presidential decree
According to our local ordinance I can Decree a Steaming Dump on my neighbors lawn without breaking any actual agreements or laws.
The Moral of The Day: Just because you _can_ does not automatically mean you _should_
On a side note: for any band out there, I hereby grant permission for you to name your new band 'Decree a Steaming Dump'. You're welcome.
So you’re saying the Iran deal was like taking a dump on someone’s else’s lawn
Actually, in this simile, the Iran Deal would be the ordinance; the evacuation of the deal would be the dump.
An ordinance that requires legislative approval. so you shouldn’t be surprised that a treaty made by fiat is later dumped on using that same power.
Now the question here is this: Does Iran deserve to build nukes?
Hey Vox, would you please cite your sources used in this video? If so, it would not go unappreciated. Thanks!
Trump can't answer questions without a teleprompter.
Taariq M-Star 616 neither could Obama.
Oh please do you have such low standards to compare Trump to such a failure of a human being? Why do all Trump fans do that? God. Get some proper role models in life perhaps you will not cling onto such losers and greedy, manipulative liars.
Please wake up and don't re-elect this guy.
At 1:30. The UK is still a member of the EU. Come on guys.
He's just tryna get everyone against each other
I’m crying right now because I’m Iranian but I live in the uk all my life I wanted to meet the stranger things people and be an extra but know I’ll never be able too and I don’t understand why Donald trump banned us 🤬😢😭
US/EU should meet with the middle eastern countries and say we’ll leave you alone. That means no military interventions, no aid relief, no middle eastern refugees, etc.
I was watching Vox's Obama was the most consequential President video recently.
Trump has literally reversed it all☹
Pádriag Pearse he sure had reversed the economy that’s for sure. Insane stock market. Higher employment rates, wages are going up, overall nation crime is down, and peace talks with North Korea and reducing debt
Vox is complete left wing propaganda
great video! Trump has done so much damage for no good reason
This is how much so many Americans could not accept a black president
Does Trump WANT to start World War III?!?!?!
I think he does honestly..
darkfury45 he will be fighting alone
nah he helped North Korea and South Korea meet each other
he just put us in a position to go to war with iran, if anything well just see economic hardship due to having to fight another war
but after WW2 it was the golden age so your point is
Remember trump makes good deals ppl 😂, rip Murcia Lul
RIP to our wallets because gas is going to be even more expensive now
um i think its oil
I think now he’s really asking us to impeach him. Guess he’s tired of being the president 🤷♂️
Homer Simpson for president!
You should have mentioned the disrespect for international laws.
Notice how they never explain why Trump did this.
Is everyone ignoring the fact that Iran continued its ballistics program despite the nuclear ideal? Or are we going to trash trump because we need to polarize the country even more? Try to be impartial people, think reasonably, question far right and left news sources like vox
Is a sovereign nation not allowed to have ballistic missiles? If you read the deal it it explains that Iran cannot refine uranium so it can be used for nuclear weapons which is about 90%. They can still use nuclear power though to power their grid.
LordAragon626 what do you think Iran will do once the deal expires?
Zachary Schram you go back to the negotiation table. Since when were treaties in history ever permanent? Also Iran's economy has been doing well, risking the entire economy for some nukes would not be worth it in any sense and the Iranian people would not be for it either.
Zachary Schram The Iran deal certainly isn't perfect. But the US gained a lot more than Iran and it bought time, 20 years in fact. Now down the toliet.
LordAragon626 who said that it would be permanent? And yea, it was doing great but you think that the radicals that Obama’s supported care? The second Trump announced that he would not be renewing the Iran deal the “moderates” on their parliament began burning an American flag and chanting “death to America”
firing more than half the state department didnt do much to help it
trump back at it again with that screw everything up smh
How has this screwed anything up?
How has it made the situation better? (it hasn't).
DefenestrateYourself How has if made it better? By not giving PUR ENEMIES hundreds of billions of dollars
Miguel Spagna naww but getting us killed like an idiot.
Iran getting nuclear weapons is inevitable with or without a treaty
Undoing years of *bad* diplomacy
Demasi Drama
With years of even worst
Demasi Drama it wasn't bad, it was horrible
Bad diplomacy? Agreeing to not making nukes anymore is bad diplomacy?
And where in your reply does it explain REMOVING this deal a bright idea? What alternative is exactly being proposed here?
cvSAVdsbv you idiot. Yes it allowed them to have enrichment plants but it limited their supply so that they wouldn't be able to enrich uranium to the level required to build nuclear weapons.... Only enough to enrich uranium for medical purposes and research. It was very strict against them and made sure that they didn't have enough uranium needed for nuclear level enrichment.
And yes it addressed nuclear weapons only not missles because frankly it's already hypocritical for the US to be lecturing anyone about who can have nuclear weapons or not when the us is the only one to have even used nuclear weapons and used them to kill innocent civilians... And they also use missles to kill innocent civilians as well to this day. Furthermore they spend more than the top spenders combined on military.
So the US has absolutely no ground to stand on to be pointing fingers at anyone.
There is no evidence that iran is sending missles to yemen. And even if they did support yemen. They are... They would be supporting the houthis who are fighting against alqada.
There is no nuclear weapon for it to be fitted on an ibcm in the first place. You're the one that's dense.
the US is the last country on earth to be lecturing others about funding terrorism .... If its so freaking worried about iran then why the freaking hell are they allied with and funding Saudi Arabia who are the same ones that fund alqada and isis and the same ones that bomb children's hospital for the blind in yemen
And the same ones that behead people publicly and the same ones that only recently let women drive.... Shows the US's true colours loud and clear. It just wants a regime change after loosing with the shah. Because we all know how "well" that worked out with Iraq and Libya.
So the US has absolutely no ground to stand on to point fingers at anyone when it comes to nuclear weapons etc.
Quit watching fox and friends... Its rotting your brain.... Assuming you ever had one or used it of course.
this channel rocks
So scared
man up
We have a 700 billion dollar military budget. There's nothing to be afraid of.
AmazingHotPocket military coup
Oh please, make more videos about hip hop and pop music....
Someone please help a clueless liberal Canadian understand. Why do people support this man??? How is he still in office? I'm just... shocked.
He made the right decision
Yes. Iran should develop nuclear weapons because that deal was preventing it. Idiot.
Jonathan Kehn They were already developing weapons because of that stupid deal
Jonathan Kehn Iran was proven to have broken the deal anyway.
"They were already developing weapons" - Iran was developing CONVENTIONAL weapons, not nukes...now they've every reason to develop BOTH.
"Iran was proven to have broken the deal anyway" - no, they were not (hence why Tillerson and Kelly and EVERY OTHER head of state in Europe, wanted to keep the deal, as it was working). Iran WAS complying...but they won't be anymore (thanks Trump).
the goalie#1 i would be glad if you idiots destroyed eachother.
Deus vult
Trump 2020 🇺🇸🏳️🌈
I can't imagine marking a university level essay on Foreign Policy by Trump...........oh wait did i say university?
Vox is such a joke, oh my god...
this is flat out propaganda
Joey leftists
USSOCOM its sad
I know we need some Infowars truth serum to even it out right?
USSOCOM yep that Maddog Mattis is a very strong leftist. moron.
Ahh yes, instead of calling it propaganda, why don't you tells us why you think it's a good idea to pull out? How will it make murica' safer?
1:14 “without forcing it to” sounds like appeasement
This deal was garbage thank god he did it..... about time
How was it garbage? And what would you suggest as an alternative?