At 12:56 p.m. today as I watched this video and did exactly as was told I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit! I was sitting at my desk and I turned my hands upright to receive and I said the prayer. I began to move my tongue and the Holy Spirit took over, I could'nt believe it and thought I was dreaming. The spirit was so heavy, I spoke in tongues no -stop for what seemed lime forever. When I tried to say other words I could only say thank you Jesus and back to tongues! This is the best gift of this New Year and the year of Jubilee! Praise God
Hallelujah! I found it! This is the testimony I have been looking for so long! Thank You Jesus!!!! I am an ex jehovah witness and I saw this testimony around the time I first got saved in may or June of 2013. I was just like these guys. Hooked on drugs, sex and more. I ended up in a psych ward and lost my mind. I was on about 5 to 6 psych medications and I couldn't live without them. When I saw this testimony I believed Jesus could heal me and a cloud came to my house. It filled the whole house and a man appeared with a sword. All I felt was love and peace. The man swung the sword at me and said "today you are free". Today I am not on any medications! I am full healed and delivered. I'm married with 3 children in NYC and I work for the transportation system here in NYC. Thank you so much for this testimony!!!!! Glory to God.
As I watched this video Sid , I felt the Holy Spirit all the way through. As I listened to this young man's testimony and story, I cried..I was in the back yard while my husband a non believer was messing around..all of a sudden the Holy spirit got me and I started praising God and speaking in tongues , I was so overwhelmed. His story is a life experience that for me was like listening to my own. And knowing my daughter is graduating high school next year 2018, just broke my heart, knowing that she will be facing the same things. Right now she is already facing them and dabbling in drugs. She knows about the Lord and was once saved. I try talking to her all the time but to no avail.. please keep her in your prayers, please ask Jesus to wake her up spiritually and give her a spiritual experience that will change her life before it's to late. I know as many believers do , we are in the end times. I can't stand for her to be left behind... This story hit home, I cried my eyes out, while the Holy spirit took me old man kept looking over at me, but could not hear because he was on the But I am not shy when it comes to my king Jesus...I want to thank this young man for his wonderful testimony and obedience to God..I will keep him in my prayers and Sid I'll keep you, your family and ministry in my prayers as well ...May God Bless you all, may he go before you and keep your paths straight and safe.. We know there is more than one way to hell, but only one one way to get to heaven..God bless
One more thing , I pray before I pray..meaning I first in Jesus name bind and rebuke all hindering spirits, I command them in Jesus name to leave...Because it clears the air..Then I pray, speaking in tongues comes with such a stigma, one I feel it's because . People fear what they don't understand. Sis I don't tell this story a lot, I can count on my hands how many times I have shared it! When I was 18 years old, my grandmother took me to a church convention, there were over 300 hundred people there, that convention was being recorded.. Well me grandmother bought me a brand new pair of shoes to wear, because I didn't have any church shoes. After the service they gave altar call etc. There was a woman about 5 rows up from us. I noticed there were about 10-15 people praying for her. All of a sudden I had an overwhelming urge to go up and start praying for her, I told my grandmother, I got to go help. I went up and stretched my hand towards the woman and started speaking in tongues. A man whom I will never forget his face , stopped praying grabbed my arm and asked me if I was saved and had the gift of tongues ? Amedieatly I became terrified, I wanted to run. I got aggressive and tried to pull away, but that man was not letting go..keep in mind this whole even was being recorded. The state oversear stopped giving announcements, his wife came down to where I was. They put me in a chair , by then over a hundred people started praying..I remember on and off what happened, but I mostly remember the darkness. I remember that man saying Misty,, say in Jesus name I rebuke you..I was screaming it...for the next however long it was , which I found out later 2 hours went by..the wife of the leads over this church was praying next to me holding my hand, but I don't remember..but I remember darkness and screaming for Jesus to help me, but I could feel something crushing me.. Well long story short, the wife of the state oversear saw into the spiritual realm and she saw this demon, she said afterwards it was so big, it had it's arms wrapped so tight around my upper body binding my arms, it's legs were wrapped around my lower body and my legs. She said this things head was so big it was 1 1/2 - 2 feet large and over up above my head, she said it was the most awful fowl creature she had ever seen... We kept praying , and remember the brand new shoes my g-mom bought me before the service? She said when that thing let go of me and left, it went downwards towards the floor..with such a force it knocked her over onto the floor, came out of myfeet trearing the soles apart from the shoe of the brand new shoes my g-mom bought me before the service...why this happened was because , the woman that was being prayed for was being delivered from a demon, I didn't know it...and it left her and jumped on's didn't possess me , it got on me to try, and by the grace and love of my God it did not possess me.. When it left me I slumped over in the chair and then threw up into a waiting bin.. Now after all these years when I pray in tongues , the devil will mess with me so hard, saying how do you know your not speaking for me again.. I have learned that if your still in sin and you have any bondage , why would Satan temp you with the things you are already a slave to..he only goes after the things you have been delivered of that wants back in. Why waste his time when your praying to tempt you about praying in tongues to the Lord, if it were not the real thing? He wouldn't! Every time I get alone with God in my prayer closet, and the Holy spirit falls on me and I start praying in tongues , I hear him saying! You sure it's not a lot of crazy things your making up saying, and how do you know your praying to God in tongues and not me? And then I think because you would not be irritating me about it..Satan has upped his game, but good news .... Praise God, he upped his game pray before you pray, cast out them hindering spirits and then get down to business with your Lord and savior! Fear and lies work together, I have also trained my mind, when I start to hearing all the little voices of demons and Satan telling things or furthering me, I start to repeat my favorite scripture over and over in my head, or I sing my favorite gospel song in my head , I can't hear them ..but now he's just come up with new ways to try to get to me, but prayer, strong discernment and God #1 you can be an overcomes not a conquer ...Thank you Sid and all my brothers and sisters around the world may God bless you all Amren Do not get up until you feel heaven move on your's the prayer of desperation the bible talks about. If your tired of praying and nothing happening , you get in that prayer room pray that prayer of desperation, and you don't give up into you have felt a real Chang in the spirit..and that all of heaven has moved on your behalf! Trust me you'll see heaven open and you will start to see things in the spirit you never tempt possible..anyway the Lord wanted me to share this, because this was for someone that needed to hear it...for many years I struggled with speaking in tongues because of the awful experience I had..but I know it was for a reason, and God's reason alone and his don't give up, dont listen to the lies of the enemy, he comes to kill steal and destroy, but the Lord came to give life and give it more abundantly! And that stronger in he that's in you that's in this word..and you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you .....God bless you all
about 8 years ago i was watch this video, back then i didn't receive the gift of speaking in tongues, i was a new believer and i was watching side Roth, corey and side begin to speaking and pray in a supernatural language(26:05), so i raise my hand to receive the gift of tongues the next thing that happened to me was so special it keep me going in my Christian walk, i saw a person covered in light i don't know to this day if it's angel or lord Jesus, after watching this i was in awe. this supernatural experience is foreign to me, i never had this kind of visitation, while watching this figure i start to speak in a language i have never spoke before and i began to start to shake uncontrollably, immediately after that the figure disappeared, i couldn't tell you the joy and the peace i felt in my heart, starting from that day my whole life changed i began to see in the supernatural, i started to cast out demons, all praise be to the one and only savior Jesus Christ, corey russell GOD bless you,
amazing! I made an account here in youtube just to comment on this video.. this is a confirmation for me.. I've been struggling a lot to see visions.. but I have this gift of tongues that I'm not giving importance.. I feel so sorry, God spoke to me to stop struggling and He'll give it to me in time, "just feast with me with the gift that I gave you".. Praise the Lord for leading me in this video.. hungry for more of You God..
My brother prayed in tongues as I lay sick and I sweated like I had never sweated in my life and recovered instantly. What was amazing about the whole affair is that he was not praying for me !
Love this... been watching Sid since I was 14 or 15... it was the title that caught my eye originally... so hungry... wanted the supernatural, but nothing devilish... but this is the Spirit of Christ... so it's awesome!
This was a good messege! But ive been praying in the spirit for hours for a week now, and things in my life seem to be getting worse, i hope it gets better soon!
I have the same testimony. A person close to me was involved in things she shouldnt have. During her deliverance, we were praying for her and we asked her to repeat the prayer but she couldnt. She couldnt even say the name 'Jesus'. Later on after her deliverance she admitted that something tried to prevent her from shouting to Jesus. But we have an awesome God who is mighty to save!
Many are the benefits of speaking in tongues, one of them is the fact that it is a WEAPON, there are times when you get deep in prayer and your natural natural language is able to defeat the demons you encounter, but when you start really doing damage to the enemy's strongholds, he will start sending stronger demons which we are not able to fight w our natural lan. then the HOLY SPIRIT will let us know to use Tongues, cause now it is the HOLY SPIRIT doing the battle through us and we are ablet to destroy those strongholds. Ask the LORD about this, don't just read what I said, let HIM confirm it to you.
These signs will follow those that believe; They shall cast out demons in my name;they shall speak with new tongues. (Mathew16:17) You do not need to understand a message from God. By seeking to do his will we are able to hear, and by faith we become his *instruments. Speak with authority words you believe God puts on your heart and compels your voice to say. As an appliance repairman that started my own business to make repairs, and machines available to people who were low income it was still rare for any customer to wish me a “Merry Christmas”. One family did do this a few times. I truly believe they sensed that my desire to help them, and a love for them must be derived from my relationship with God. I knew that this was a way to minister to them so I prayed asking God to give me the response that might confirm for them his love for them that they already seemed to sense, and that I clearly felt welling up in me. These are the words he sent for me to say, “ I sometimes think how little joy any gift could bring, and how much less the word love would mean if we did not have Christmas to celebrate.” I couldn’t have said it better myself (right?). Another example of words beyond my intellect came to me as I responded to an atheist (whom I jokingly refer to as our Helen Kellers) “All matter will decay over time, but that which matters most is unaffected by time.” Lastly, “May the love of God in us carry his message of truth in a way that can be felt by those unable to see or hear it.
Read revelation chapter 1 verse 13 to 17, it describes how Yeshua looks likes. And also on revelation 19 verse 13 and 16 mentions that he is dress in a robe which you call a bathrobe. And lastly, read daniel 7 verse 9, hope that answers your question.
Apparently I speak in tongues in my sleep sometimes and the first time my girlfriend heard it she was startled but she didn't wake me up. She called it "alien language" but said that it definitely sounded like a structured language and not just noises. I know that when people speak in tongues it isn't always the same language. Sometimes people speak real earthly languages that they have never learned and sometimes its some unknown language. I don't know which mine was.
SirBudrick: 6 years gone by since this comment. I hope you and your girlfriend got married! It is fornication to have sex with someone you aren't married to, it says in the Bible, it also says all fornicators go to the Lake of Fire. God is no respecter of persons, so I would repent quickly if you are still in that situation. Trying to help.
what i dont understand is these peopke saying speak in faith move your tongue....he said a lady prayed for him and he fell out and woke up speaking....he didnt speak in faith the spirit gave him utterance. in act 2 they didnt know what was going to happen it just happened they didn't start with 'baby' tongues they just spoke. Cornelius the roman it says he and his household was filled as Peter preached so they had no clue they were going to speak in tongues, the Spirit fell and the Spirit gave the utterance... i have been filled but i prophesied and i was scared but full of joy when it happened my mouth was speaking but i had to listen to what the spirit had to say... i didnt move my mouth in any faith the Spirit gave the utterance, it was like being clothed in a power that compelled you to speak. You just cant find one verse backing up move your mouth or just start speaking on your own and the Spirit will take over...not 1 verse. Every time someone in Acts spoke it wasnt coached it just happened.. So i wait to be filled again and have the Spirit give me utterance, but i wonder why Paul writes do all speak in tongues? do all prophesy? do all have miracles of healing? etc. Some say he is talking about a certain type of tongues but the context says otherwise, but he does write i wish you all spoke in tongues, meaning not all will(he doesnt mention a lack of faith as a reason) but more that you prophesy...pray for me that i recieve all God has for me.
Not always. In I Corinths 13, Paul says, "Though I speak with the tongues of PEOPLE and of angels, yet have not love..." There are tongues of PEOPLE too. I speak in several known languages (not known to me, but recognized by others.) There are tongues of angels and of people (different nations of people.)
one benefit is that you KNOW you didn't make this up so God HAD to be real. For me that was the greatest benefit. There's NO WAY that I made up what happened to me because I recieved it in the middle of my SOUTHERN BAPTIST church service where this was not talked about demonstrated or taught. When I started praising God fluently it was like water gushing out of a hose. it just kept coming and coming. No matter how low things have gotten in my Christoan walk I always look back to that experience as a motivational point of reference.
tongues is great for u for personal use but in the church its not much use unless it need interpreted which u can know if it does if it interrupts the church.
milosugafree4eva , I can't believe he still has guests that still want to come in his show, he is sooooooooo unbelievably rude !!!! I hate his show for this reason alone, his ego is so big he is always trying to outshine his guests...I only watch it bc of his guests.......
if you are sleeping with your girlfriend it is sin called Fornication in the bible,it will take you to hell .but there is hope just repent and marry the right thing.
kezlaguer999 I speak in tongues when I pray for someone like intercession and when I’m in church singing worship. Speaking in tongues is a heavenly language and the devil and demons can’t understand.
THANKS BILLIONS OMNIPOTENT *GOD✌אֱלֹהִי manifesting DIVINEs Empowering & Firing on thy's servant isisfong once of my life time LOVING GOD יהושוע marriage together serving in *GOD JESUS POWERFUL MERCIFUL NAME of glorying THE unique ***LORD ALMIGHTY GOD HEAVENLY FATHER✌ יהוה *** its done amen✌ thank you Evangelists Sid & Corey
I have the gift of super natural language, but the Church . that I go to o not believe in it, that along kind of cripple me from using my gift please pray that I break loose
They cannot stop you from praying in tongues at home, or walking down the road or driving your car-don't worry about them. Go find a good Pentecostal Church sister.
Go to war in the spirit in your prayer closet! I know this is years later but for anyone reading these old comments like me and encountering these same problems! This is what I have started doing and I have seen some crazy miracles in my family just from doing this at home alone in my closet for an hour a day!
At 12:56 p.m. today as I watched this video and did exactly as was told I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit! I was sitting at my desk and I turned my hands upright to receive and I said the prayer. I began to move my tongue and the Holy Spirit took over, I could'nt believe it and thought I was dreaming. The spirit was so heavy, I spoke in tongues no -stop for what seemed lime forever. When I tried to say other words I could only say thank you Jesus and back to tongues! This is the best gift of this New Year and the year of Jubilee! Praise God
You pray in your Heavenly Language continually!!!! God's destiny for your life will unfold!!! God be the glory!!
jawjrpch f
Amen from Bart van den Bos
the netherlands
congratulations, what a wonderful story
Hallelujah! I found it! This is the testimony I have been looking for so long! Thank You Jesus!!!!
I am an ex jehovah witness and I saw this testimony around the time I first got saved in may or June of 2013.
I was just like these guys. Hooked on drugs, sex and more. I ended up in a psych ward and lost my mind. I was on about 5 to 6 psych medications and I couldn't live without them. When I saw this testimony I believed Jesus could heal me and a cloud came to my house. It filled the whole house and a man appeared with a sword. All I felt was love and peace. The man swung the sword at me and said "today you are free". Today I am not on any medications! I am full healed and delivered. I'm married with 3 children in NYC and I work for the transportation system here in NYC. Thank you so much for this testimony!!!!! Glory to God.
Powerful testimony my sister spoke in tongues today by watching praise God! haleluijah! Glory.
Just heard him preach at Jeremiah Johnson's Church, absolute Holy fire! Had a similar encounter when on drugs. Jesus is alive!
As I watched this video Sid , I felt the Holy Spirit all the way through. As I listened to this young man's testimony and story, I cried..I was in the back yard while my husband a non believer was messing around..all of a sudden the Holy spirit got me and I started praising God and speaking in tongues , I was so overwhelmed. His story is a life experience that for me was like listening to my own. And knowing my daughter is graduating high school next year 2018, just broke my heart, knowing that she will be facing the same things. Right now she is already facing them and dabbling in drugs. She knows about the Lord and was once saved. I try talking to her all the time but to no avail.. please keep her in your prayers, please ask Jesus to wake her up spiritually and give her a spiritual experience that will change her life before it's to late.
I know as many believers do , we are in the end times. I can't stand for her to be left behind...
This story hit home, I cried my eyes out, while the Holy spirit took me old man kept looking over at me, but could not hear because he was on the
But I am not shy when it comes to my king Jesus...I want to thank this young man for his wonderful testimony and obedience to God..I will keep him in my prayers and Sid I'll keep you, your family and ministry in my prayers as well ...May God Bless you all, may he go before you and keep your paths straight and safe..
We know there is more than one way to hell, but only one one way to get to heaven..God bless
One more thing , I pray before I pray..meaning I first in Jesus name bind and rebuke all hindering spirits, I command them in Jesus name to leave...Because it clears the air..Then I pray, speaking in tongues comes with such a stigma, one I feel it's because . People fear what they don't understand.
Sis I don't tell this story a lot, I can count on my hands how many times I have shared it!
When I was 18 years old, my grandmother took me to a church convention, there were over 300 hundred people there, that convention was being recorded.. Well me grandmother bought me a brand new pair of shoes to wear, because I didn't have any church shoes.
After the service they gave altar call etc. There was a woman about 5 rows up from us.
I noticed there were about 10-15 people praying for her. All of a sudden I had an overwhelming urge to go up and start praying for her, I told my grandmother, I got to go help.
I went up and stretched my hand towards the woman and started speaking in tongues.
A man whom I will never forget his face , stopped praying grabbed my arm and asked me if I was saved and had the gift of tongues ? Amedieatly I became terrified, I wanted to run. I got aggressive and tried to pull away, but that man was not letting go..keep in mind this whole even was being recorded. The state oversear stopped giving announcements, his wife came down to where I was.
They put me in a chair , by then over a hundred people started praying..I remember on and off what happened, but I mostly remember the darkness. I remember that man saying Misty,, say in Jesus name I rebuke you..I was screaming it...for the next however long it was , which I found out later 2 hours went by..the wife of the leads over this church was praying next to me holding my hand, but I don't remember..but I remember darkness and screaming for Jesus to help me, but I could feel something crushing me..
Well long story short, the wife of the state oversear saw into the spiritual realm and she saw this demon, she said afterwards it was so big, it had it's arms wrapped so tight around my upper body binding my arms, it's legs were wrapped around my lower body and my legs. She said this things head was so big it was 1 1/2 - 2 feet large and over up above my head, she said it was the most awful fowl creature she had ever seen...
We kept praying , and remember the brand new shoes my g-mom bought me before the service?
She said when that thing let go of me and left, it went downwards towards the floor..with such a force it knocked her over onto the floor, came out of myfeet trearing the soles apart from the shoe of the brand new shoes my g-mom bought me before the service...why this happened was because , the woman that was being prayed for was being delivered from a demon, I didn't know it...and it left her and jumped on's didn't possess me , it got on me to try, and by the grace and love of my God it did not possess me..
When it left me I slumped over in the chair and then threw up into a waiting bin..
Now after all these years when I pray in tongues , the devil will mess with me so hard, saying how do you know your not speaking for me again..
I have learned that if your still in sin and you have any bondage , why would Satan temp you with the things you are already a slave to..he only goes after the things you have been delivered of that wants back in.
Why waste his time when your praying to tempt you about praying in tongues to the Lord, if it were not the real thing? He wouldn't! Every time I get alone with God in my prayer closet, and the Holy spirit falls on me and I start praying in tongues , I hear him saying! You sure it's not a lot of crazy things your making up saying, and how do you know your praying to God in tongues and not me? And then I think because you would not be irritating me about it..Satan has upped his game, but good news ....
Praise God, he upped his game pray before you pray, cast out them hindering spirits and then get down to business with your Lord and savior! Fear and lies work together, I have also trained my mind, when I start to hearing all the little voices of demons and Satan telling things or furthering me, I start to repeat my favorite scripture over and over in my head, or I sing my favorite gospel song in my head , I can't hear them ..but now he's just come up with new ways to try to get to me, but prayer, strong discernment and God #1 you can be an overcomes not a conquer ...Thank you Sid and all my brothers and sisters around the world may God bless you all Amren
Do not get up until you feel heaven move on your's the prayer of desperation the bible talks about. If your tired of praying and nothing happening , you get in that prayer room pray that prayer of desperation, and you don't give up into you have felt a real Chang in the spirit..and that all of heaven has moved on your behalf! Trust me you'll see heaven open and you will start to see things in the spirit you never tempt possible..anyway the Lord wanted me to share this, because this was for someone that needed to hear it...for many years I struggled with speaking in tongues because of the awful experience I had..but I know it was for a reason, and God's reason alone and his don't give up, dont listen to the lies of the enemy, he comes to kill steal and destroy, but the Lord came to give life and give it more abundantly! And that stronger in he that's in you that's in this word..and you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you .....God bless you all
Prayer Worrior Misty G Watchman! G ioconda!
Just read this in 2024 and curious as to how your husband and daughter are doing now.
about 8 years ago i was watch this video, back then i didn't receive the gift of speaking in tongues, i was a new believer and i was watching side Roth, corey and side begin to speaking and pray in a supernatural language(26:05), so i raise my hand to receive the gift of tongues the next thing that happened to me was so special it keep me going in my Christian walk, i saw a person covered in light i don't know to this day if it's angel or lord Jesus, after watching this i was in awe. this supernatural experience is foreign to me, i never had this kind of visitation, while watching this figure i start to speak in a language i have never spoke before and i began to start to shake uncontrollably, immediately after that the figure disappeared, i couldn't tell you the joy and the peace i felt in my heart, starting from that day my whole life changed i began to see in the supernatural, i started to cast out demons, all praise be to the one and only savior Jesus Christ, corey russell GOD bless you,
Would you please pray for my son Daniel Kuttikat.He is 6 years with scoliosis.partial hearing loss and speech delay...thanks!
This is the testimony of many of us.
amazing! I made an account here in youtube just to comment on this video.. this is a confirmation for me.. I've been struggling a lot to see visions.. but I have this gift of tongues that I'm not giving importance.. I feel so sorry, God spoke to me to stop struggling and He'll give it to me in time, "just feast with me with the gift that I gave you".. Praise the Lord for leading me in this video.. hungry for more of You God..
Elealeh Cutanda amen sis thats beautiful can u pray pls pray for me?
I was getting goose bumps the whole time during his testimony-- Jesus is so amazing!
My son is diagnosed with schizophrenia could you please put jimmy on your prayer list.
My brother prayed in tongues as I lay sick and I sweated like I had never sweated in my life and recovered instantly. What was amazing about the whole affair is that he was not praying for me !
Love this... been watching Sid since I was 14 or 15... it was the title that caught my eye originally... so hungry... wanted the supernatural, but nothing devilish... but this is the Spirit of Christ... so it's awesome!
Precious !! & Awesome !!! of what God has for us.
This was a good messege! But ive been praying in the spirit for hours for a week now, and things in my life seem to be getting worse, i hope it gets better soon!
It usually does before it gets better
Please pray that all witchcraft targetted against me will be destroyed
I have the same testimony. A person close to me was involved in things she shouldnt have. During her deliverance, we were praying for her and we asked her to repeat the prayer but she couldnt. She couldnt even say the name 'Jesus'. Later on after her deliverance she admitted that something tried to prevent her from shouting to Jesus. But we have an awesome God who is mighty to save!
inJesusChristItrust amen!
one of the cool things is when you start praying in tongues IN YOUR SLEEP WHEN YOURE DREAMING!!
Sure man this high school- college life for Jesus is real and must have been global because I experienced it from 1980 until 2007
Many are the benefits of speaking in tongues, one of them is the fact that it is a WEAPON, there are times when you get deep in prayer and your natural natural language is able to defeat the demons you encounter, but when you start really doing damage to the enemy's strongholds, he will start sending stronger demons which we are not able to fight w our natural lan. then the HOLY SPIRIT will let us know to use Tongues, cause now it is the HOLY SPIRIT doing the battle through us and we are ablet to destroy those strongholds. Ask the LORD about this, don't just read what I said, let HIM confirm it to you.
These signs will follow those that believe; They shall cast out demons in my name;they shall speak with new tongues. (Mathew16:17) You do not need to understand a message from God. By seeking to do his will we are able to hear, and by faith we become his *instruments. Speak with authority words you believe God puts on your heart and compels your voice to say. As an appliance repairman that started my own business to make repairs, and machines available to people who were low income it was still rare for any customer to wish me a “Merry Christmas”. One family did do this a few times. I truly believe they sensed that my desire to help them, and a love for them must be derived from my relationship with God. I knew that this was a way to minister to them so I prayed asking God to give me the response that might confirm for them his love for them that they already seemed to sense, and that I clearly felt welling up in me. These are the words he sent for me to say, “ I sometimes think how little joy any gift could bring, and how much less the word love would mean if we did not have Christmas to celebrate.” I couldn’t have said it better myself (right?). Another example of words beyond my intellect came to me as I responded to an atheist (whom I jokingly refer to as our Helen Kellers) “All matter will decay over time, but that which matters most is unaffected by time.” Lastly, “May the love of God in us carry his message of truth in a way that can be felt by those unable to see or hear it.
Read revelation chapter 1 verse 13 to 17, it describes how Yeshua looks likes. And also on revelation 19 verse 13 and 16 mentions that he is dress in a robe which you call a bathrobe. And lastly, read daniel 7 verse 9, hope that answers your question.
I fell asleep on the couch. He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him.
Apparently I speak in tongues in my sleep sometimes and the first time my girlfriend heard it she was startled but she didn't wake me up. She called it "alien language" but said that it definitely sounded like a structured language and not just noises. I know that when people speak in tongues it isn't always the same language. Sometimes people speak real earthly languages that they have never learned and sometimes its some unknown language. I don't know which mine was.
SirBudrick: 6 years gone by since this comment. I hope you and your girlfriend got married! It is fornication to have sex with someone you aren't married to, it says in the Bible, it also says all fornicators go to the Lake of Fire. God is no respecter of persons, so I would repent quickly if you are still in that situation. Trying to help.
Yes indeed- I hope they got married too-
what i dont understand is these peopke saying speak in faith move your tongue....he said a lady prayed for him and he fell out and woke up speaking....he didnt speak in faith the spirit gave him utterance. in act 2 they didnt know what was going to happen it just happened they didn't start with 'baby' tongues they just spoke. Cornelius the roman it says he and his household was filled as Peter preached so they had no clue they were going to speak in tongues, the Spirit fell and the Spirit gave the utterance... i have been filled but i prophesied and i was scared but full of joy when it happened my mouth was speaking but i had to listen to what the spirit had to say... i didnt move my mouth in any faith the Spirit gave the utterance, it was like being clothed in a power that compelled you to speak. You just cant find one verse backing up move your mouth or just start speaking on your own and the Spirit will take over...not 1 verse. Every time someone in Acts spoke it wasnt coached it just happened.. So i wait to be filled again and have the Spirit give me utterance, but i wonder why Paul writes do all speak in tongues? do all prophesy? do all have miracles of healing? etc. Some say he is talking about a certain type of tongues but the context says otherwise, but he does write i wish you all spoke in tongues, meaning not all will(he doesnt mention a lack of faith as a reason) but more that you prophesy...pray for me that i recieve all God has for me.
Matthew 16:17 These signs shall follow those who believe “…they will speak with other tongues”
Amen peace
haha, "the tongue badge"... I totally remember that when Corry came to NCWOC In Mankato last fall
god is awsome thank you jesus
Jesus saved me from opiate withdrawal.
Supernatural language is a language of heaven an it is cool...
Not always. In I Corinths 13, Paul says, "Though I speak with the tongues of PEOPLE and of angels, yet have not love..." There are tongues of PEOPLE too. I speak in several known languages (not known to me, but recognized by others.) There are tongues of angels and of people (different nations of people.)
one benefit is that you KNOW you didn't make this up so God HAD to be real. For me that was the greatest benefit. There's NO WAY that I made up what happened to me because I recieved it in the middle of my SOUTHERN BAPTIST church service where this was not talked about demonstrated or taught.
When I started praising God fluently it was like water gushing out of a hose. it just kept coming and coming.
No matter how low things have gotten in my Christoan walk I always look back to that experience as a motivational point of reference.
tongues is great for u for personal use but in the church its not much use unless it need interpreted which u can know if it does if it interrupts the church.
right it up for me the tongs language
No spirit can declare "Jesus is Lord!" When you pray in tongues, can you glorify the Lord Jesus or not. Test the spirits.
i spoke in toungues when i watched it
Andrew Zaky wow thats amazing brother continue to use it!
wow that was 4 years ago
Pray that GOD will Sovereignly remove the oppressor from my life
What must I do to get a super natural touch of God HIMSELF!!!!
wow. raising someone from the dead by speaking in tongues. thats a new one. praise god!!!!!!!!!
Am blessed
support Cristian youth cause on fb spread the word its for everyone because in heaven were all young !!!!!!!
my broher Cory:)
Heresy. Pure heresy.
Praise God!
"your girlfriend in the same bed"? fella get right with God and get married.
sid cut him off..... i was looking forward to knowing the rest of advantages of speaking in the spirit but i thank this programme
milosugafree4eva , I can't believe he still has guests that still want to come in his show, he is sooooooooo unbelievably rude !!!! I hate his show for this reason alone, his ego is so big he is always trying to outshine his guests...I only watch it bc of his guests.......
I think he does it bcz of time. I have realised that these interviews don't exceeds 30 mns. So we need to understand him.
Paul, I believe was angel kind. ''that I speak the language of men or of angels....''
whaat?! Paul was human!
1Corinthians 14-29
if you are sleeping with your girlfriend it is sin called Fornication in the bible,it will take you to hell .but there is hope just repent and marry the right thing.
dorsome who slept with her girlfriend
jefferson dela cruz
Don’t be here to mock.
I call it "hyper communication".
I speak in tongues when I pray for someone like intercession and when I’m in church singing worship. Speaking in tongues is a heavenly language and the devil and demons can’t understand.
THANKS BILLIONS OMNIPOTENT *GOD✌אֱלֹהִי manifesting DIVINEs Empowering & Firing on thy's servant isisfong once of my life time LOVING GOD יהושוע marriage together serving in *GOD JESUS POWERFUL MERCIFUL NAME of glorying THE unique ***LORD ALMIGHTY GOD HEAVENLY FATHER✌ יהוה *** its done amen✌ thank you Evangelists Sid & Corey
I have the gift of super natural language, but the Church . that I go to o not believe in it, that along kind of cripple me from using my gift please pray that I break loose
They cannot stop you from praying in tongues at home, or walking down the road or driving your car-don't worry about them. Go find a good Pentecostal Church sister.
some of my best experiences happened when i was AWAY from church. I found d church to be too limiting.
Go to war in the spirit in your prayer closet! I know this is years later but for anyone reading these old comments like me and encountering these same problems! This is what I have started doing and I have seen some crazy miracles in my family just from doing this at home alone in my closet for an hour a day!
I speak of God and the whole household persecutes me
Sarah R I'm in the same boat. One day my 12 year old son asked me to take a break from God for at least one day, cant do that.
Keep your faith and fight through, Jesus is the light , way, and the truth. One day your family with believe in Jesus because of you, GOD bless you.
Someone preached they saw him in hell
god doesnt have long hair