He’s gay and a common sense having plus highly intelligent right wing individual. They don’t know what to make of him because he doesn’t check the right boxes and speaks eloquently with facts.
I am not sure, it is getting pretty extreme here. I think that by the next election 5 years from now, the reform party will be made illegal and some if not all of its members be arrested And many if not most of right wing speakers, will be arrested and silenced I also think that children in schools will be taught that any opinion which doesn't match Keir Starmer's views, is evil and unacceptable and deemed FAR right (The people who were attacking Muslims and asylum seekers ARE far right and should be stopped. When I say people with right wing views, I mean normal people not the riot thugs. I am talking about normal people who will never lay a hand on another person not stand by if anyone is attacked)
@@ALGERIEECONOMIE I just heard an introduction of him being one of the finest thinkers and I had to stop listenin. If he is one of the finest thinkers on anything, it is on how to excuse a Genocide 😢😢😢
@@clairecoupland3899 Douglas Murray mentioned the warmongering role of the Alaster Campbell pushing for the Iraq war but he never mentioned his own role which was just as bad as A.Cambell, Mr Murray appeared repeatedly on programs like "Question time" to support the Iraq war who he personalised it as "Saddam's War". Similar role played by Mr Murry during NATO's war in Libya and Syria. These wars contributed to more refugees entering britain than ever before, almost anyone who follows UK politics during the past 2 decades or so knows who Mr Murray is... He is a shallow person and his arguments appeal only to racists and Bigots.
@@anacerar6810 He is a racist and a bigot with zero intellect, he demonstrates that every time he opens his mouth. He is loved only by bigots like him and by the Israelis for his support of the genocidal war in Gaza
Douglas Murray is someone who threatens the corrupt. He hits the mark each time, with the experience to back it up. Keep speaking the truth #DouglasMurray
@@iriswoodhead6132 Or Blair, the ICC issue a war crime arrest warrant for Putin?🤔 And yet he’s given one of the highest accolades and is now pulling the strings of ‘Two Tier’!
Douglas's pen is mighty indeed. His tongue also lashes deep into the ego of Alastair Campbell and the like. Free speech at its best. Thank you, continously, thank you.
I can’t for the life of me understand how, given what Alistair Campbell did in causing the invasion of Iraq under false pretences, that he has the nerve to ever say anything in public again, let alone criticise someone speaking truth with evidence.
The truth spoken by Douglas Murray must be hitting the mark, the establishment is now vilifying him. Keep going Douglas Murray, the world is getting darker, it needs light like you.
@@headsuitable Trying your cancel culture bs. He's not on murdochs payroll. Murdoch media has promoted his latest book, there is a difference. You're just p**sed he tells the truth.
@catherinemardling7827 What do I mean that Sky Aus's reporting is unbiased????? Oh dear!!! The world really is in trouble, these days. People will believe anything, it seems.
@@roydavis5613 I think he means in Britain, justice is arresting and jailing a 50yr old British woman within a week for saying in a moment of frustration that she doesn't want Muslims in Britain and for Muslims in Britain to be able to beat up cops breaking a woman cops nose and then to charge the cops for resisting being beat up and let the muzzies go free while trying to find a reason to take no action against them.
Douglas Murray is brilliant he's done nothing but speak the truth, our government has hit an all time low and I'm scared what's happening to my country.
nobody has trusted them for decades.its just got more intense..never trust a copper.labour are like lemmings jumping over a cliff taking all of us with them.
I am a long time fan of Douglas and always shall be. We are indeed fortunate to have people like him standing and speaking up for what is true and what is right.
Rita and Murray are like 2 peas in a Pod. Two Extremely Delusional, Disgusting, Stupid and self righteous piece of shit Peas at that.. All both of them do is praise each other and call each other intelligent and far sighted when in reality they’re basically two deluded morons who just repeat and regurgitate whatever lies their owners and backers command them to vomit on TV. I mean, it’s not easy to find people so shameless who can Lie through their Aeseholes all the time with No sense of Responsibility or Proprietary as to the Damage they cause to the Society generally and more specifically for those who hero worship/ idolise them blindly.. I hope Trump and Musk both fulfill Murray’s dream of servicing them both at the same time with Netanyahu and Tommy Robinson waiting in the line. I’d say Douglas does deserve it after all he has done for them.
What do u expect. She is hindhu she will worship the ground he walks on. Also In India Her ancestors use to carry his ancestors on a thrown. After the British robbed and looted them
@@CheGuvera-ip8dc and before that, there were the other independent Indian Rajas who subjugated the entire Indian continent, making sure the vast majority were poor. Much of that continues even today, with huge numbers of Indians who live in poverty and die on the street. This doesn’t stop the present day Indian government from building space rockets to send to the moon. By the way the spelling for the monarchs seat is throne, not thrown.
I used to be a very active member of the Left. I'm now politically homeless but absolutely support and adore Douglas Murray's writing. He's a sensible man that backs up his claims and assertions with evidence.
There is no Left or Right... There is only sense and nonsense and nonsense has always been the stuff that politics is made of... People are in politics to make money and force their ideals on others. It is just Lazy of so called academics trying to label people as opposed to identifying the fact that on different issues people believe in different things , a centrist for instance may very hold views from both the so called left and Right which then balance out to put them in the centre. The so called 'Left' tends to be full of people that do not think , but the the majority of people tend to choose not to think. As people get older they see what is happening unless they live in a bubble (many people of a certain class do).
LABLIBCON are a disaster for Britain and the white native population who have seen their country and culture trashed through third world immigration from the time thr Windrush docked to the present. I'm like you and a found a political home with BRITAIN FIRST and lending my vote to REFORM UK.
There is no goD-delusional people accept a cowardly Christian goD they have never seen or can actually prove an existence of-No One Is Coming to Save You-
They should be tried for treason first since we can't lock up the man who started the importation of third-world 'people' into our once first rate country: Clement Attlee.
The guy is just a philosophical pessimist. Nothing new. Oswald Spengler did the same thing. Wrote a book "fall of the west" then we as a species go on to have the highest living standards in human history. Don't listen to pessimists.
You leave our Douglas Murray alone. Most honest and truthful. FREEDOM OF SPEECH we will never bend . Douglas one of our greatest thinkers. 100%. Love you Douglas 💕💕💕💕💕💕
pretty sure, today here in bc, Canada, there's a start-up to undermine the conservative by introducing "the Labour Party" as a substitute for the liberals as our conservatives are coming out of the woodwork and about to start voting.
@@BenSamuel-d6l I pity the fact that when the Creator was passing out intelligence He glanced right over you and skipped you...Thank God the rest of us are intelligent and clear thinkers...I doubt you'll understand that...LMAO...
@@stephendoherty981 Guardian reader?! Well. obviously...go & petition for its cancellation for supporting the South against Lincoln. Oh no, I forgot...one rule for normal institutions/people, another for left-wing loons
@@Crinkle.Stilt.Skin. Excellent! Thanks for that info.. interesting.. I hope your seat is nice and comfy! It`s really good to hear from Americans who understand. Trump24! British patriots love Trump!🇬🇧🇺🇸
@@MPA551Why can’t it be the best individual for the job. Why does it have to be a person of color? Why does it have to be a woman? I’m American. I want the best person that can correct the inflation and settle the chaos that’s simmering, that is putting us on the brink of WWIII. I don’t have to like the individual, but they must be able to do the job.
@@mliam0709Accelerated our annihilation with ethnic immigration to "rub the right's nose in it" and sent thousands of our brave troops into an illegal war. Yeah, he's a real patriot. Sorry, autocorrect, I meant traitorous piece of sh*t!
Only the media & entertainment, civil service, government itself, climate committees, legal system, multinational corporations, the arts, schools & universities....have I missed any?
@ph8077 All EU and its cohorts. Cannot say who as YT is sensoring. They have all exposed themselves thanks to Elon, who I believe has changed the course of history with X
Thank God for a man with great intellect refusing to be bullied by the likes of Alistair Campbell. His incisive wit is refreshing in this crazy Orwellian world.
Easy now. Whilst being more likely to be right, in a broken clock sort of way, they are still corporate /legacy media. Same ownership as Fox. Fox, who fired their most highly rated star (twice), when they got to close to the truth.
@@kimjackson4041 This man is a zionist. The zionist Kalergi plan being implemented for decades has played out and now needs igniting which is where the likes of Murray and Hopkins and Peterson and Tommy Robinson come in. All financed by Israel. The social landcscape has been engineered by the zionists who have infliltrated all our institutions. Our police have been trained in Israel. I repeat they are trying to ignite conflict while appearing like reasonable concerned citizens with clean hands. All of them are because that is the final objective of the Kalergi plan. They have been building the fire by stacking it with opposing cultures on purpose. What do you think can possibly excuse and explain this blatant importation of people all over Europe for so long? You are being played by people like Murray who portray themselves as patriots and nationalists and defending their country while working to undermine and destroy it on behalf of their masters. This is how it works and has worked for a long time. Musk is also one of the cabal which must be obvious to anyone with half a brain. Go look up what Barbara Learner Spectre says about this and who will rule over what is left of Europe as their plan plays out. The only way out of this is to not fall for this and for Christians and Muslims and everyone else to unite against the real enemy here. Once that is done a reverse migration programme can be organised in a humane way to undo some of this.
There is in Plant Population Ecology a theory The theory concerns seeds reproduction and survivorship There is a graduated scale from species that expend all their reproductive energy in seeds, and scatter them ad lib and the survivors are those that by chance find conducive conditions to grow. [little r species At the other extreme are those species that expend some of their reproductive energy in providing protection for fewer seeds but they have signals for when germination is propitious big K species. I have adapted this theory as a Theological and political theory .Those that are against welfare and protection and eduction and use the state as a license fort heir own nefarious anti-social activities and think that Free speech is character assassination and mendacity are- little r-souls. Reactionaries against collaboration, Science, Reason Those in favour of Welfare and education, and Tax, and believe in standards and regulations and believe in liberty as entailing Commitments, obligations, commitments, ethics and culture rather than licensed commercial vulgarity Marxists, Liberals, Greens, Socialists are 'big K souls' and as far as I can see from Farage and Reform, David Starkey, Peter Hitchens all of Talk TV and Skye News they are little r-souls Be careful how you pronounce little r-souls because you might be understood if you miss the glotal stop
@@homemaintenance1234 Just talk me through each of those would you please? What is wrong with secularist? If you object to those then shouldn't you welcome the influx of religious migrants? What is wrong with a "Leftist" ? Do you think people who have earned poor wages shouldn't have some level of health care and pensions?
@@iancollier6802 Well campbell used misinformation with the lies that he created himself to actually cause a war that caused the death of hundreds of thousands so yea i think it’s clear to say he can go f*ck himself
@megansummersides4255 Poor Stevie????????? 😂😂😂😂😂😂. You're the one who thinks Doug and Rita are 'two of the best humans on the planet'🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. I'm afraid the 'poverty' is all yours.🤡
As a UK citizen i admire Douglas Murray for standing up to so many different people. The world needs more people like him. Saw the interview months ago before the Liebour government brought in ridiculous free speech rules. The only reason they are attacking him is because they are scared of him. Keep going Douglas Britain needs you.
It won’t last much longer maybe one more generation before it all falls. Look back in history, these types of times repeat themselves and you and I and maybe our kids will suffer but our grandchildren and surely our great grandchildren will be under a completely different system
Well, they're locking people up for it now. I can understand it if someone makes threats, but it's outrageous to lock somebody up for just saying how they feel.
Murray could just advocate better control of borders but instead he foments hate. He's helping stir up trouble. He's just silver tongued racist snake who only has a platform nowadays because, during the last years, the whole country has been carefully shifted to the right by a downgraded propagandist media.
Just listen to this "pro" Sky reporter licking him up from the off! Murray could just advocate better control of borders but instead he foments hate. He's helping stir up trouble. He's just silver tongued racist snake who only has a platform nowadays because, during the last years, the whole country has been carefully shifted to the right by a downgraded propagandist media.
Mr. Murray is a fabulous writer, his books should be in the school curriculum, he's a modern truth teller of the highest order. Blessings from Belfast.
🤣Whenever I hear him speaking "in the background", sometimes I think it is Simon Cowell! 🤪 🤔 It could make for a great show, having those two debate together! ... Maybe invite Adele?😂
@peterpengproductions920 Examples? There's no genocide or war crimes taking place in Gaza. That's a regular lie. Gaza is not an open prison, another! Israel is the only civilised democracy in the ME getting attacked all the time by 'people who just hate Jews'. There's plenty more if you want me to go on.
As a trained historian ( British Constitutional History and Modern World History), I have read Douglas Murray's books and his discussions and am invariably impressed by his knowledge and insight, intellect, and honesty.. A voice of truth in a post-truth age.
Postmodern age is more apt. One of Postmodernism's central claims is that objective truth or reality does not exist, everything is based on subjective perceptions. "Truth" comes from various tribalistic narratives engaged in a power struggle to determine which narrative will prevail and be imposed on the whole of society. The struggle is based not on intellect but raw, primitive emotion and the will to prevail. "The Triumph of the Will," one might say.
Hundred percent It just makes no sense how we are this point tho literally know one way ever asked and if we were it would of been an outstanding no! The stupidity is beyond belief The gaoling of comments made online is absolutely wild words can't describe just how worrying this is
The government paving the way to have that happening here in Canada. Hopefully the Canadians are going to get up from their asses to vote conservative, or else it will be Britain all over again.
You only know some of what is going on here. You can watch the PMQ and the debates within the government about different issues, it is absolutely terrifying, it seems that they are using the fact that the real far right had to be stopped, in order to shut up anyone who doesn't agree with them and send the police to them. This has nothing to do with protecting people nor is it about protecting minorities. They don't lift a finger to protect Jews, but tell Jews to hide any symbol of being Jewish and just disappear from public view, so it is not a love of diversity or the public that drives them. But love of power and the need to be the only voice who is heard, unopposed
How typical that prophets of truth and logic are harassed and banned by those who prefer lies and insanity. This courageous man needs our support and prayers. Go Doug!
In the European commission they are all crooks. It's a bit like a present day Mafia were they have their fingers in every pie, getting financial back handers from countries and feeding them nonsense
What a wonderful description of Alistair Campbell . Honestly put . Accurately described . One of the prime architects of Britain’s downfall and disgrace
Sky News Australia is far better than Sky News UK and I can’t understand why but thank you 👏🏼
🏴🇬🇧 same as 😄
No Kay Burley for a start.
Different owners.
Because in the UK the government have more control over what people are allowed to say.
Much better and outstanding guests like Douglas, thanks for this Sky News Australia....
Unbelievable!!! Trying to intimidate Douglas won’t work.
He’s gay and a common sense having plus highly intelligent right wing individual. They don’t know what to make of him because he doesn’t check the right boxes and speaks eloquently with facts.
He’s also well travelled and truly knows what he’s talking about. I wish he was your PM not herr Shtramer
I am not sure, it is getting pretty extreme here.
I think that by the next election 5 years from now, the reform party will be made illegal and some if not all of its members be arrested
And many if not most of right wing speakers, will be arrested and silenced
I also think that children in schools will be taught that any opinion which doesn't match Keir Starmer's views, is evil and unacceptable and deemed FAR right
(The people who were attacking Muslims and asylum seekers ARE far right and should be stopped. When I say people with right wing views, I mean normal people not the riot thugs. I am talking about normal people who will never lay a hand on another person not stand by if anyone is attacked)
He is extremely well protected. No need to waste your time on that
Tommy and Douglas conversation?
Alastair Campbell is a disgrace, Douglas keep telling the TRUTH keep FRIGHTENING the establishment
And so is Douglas Murray
@@ALGERIEECONOMIE I just heard an introduction of him being one of the finest thinkers and I had to stop listenin. If he is one of the finest thinkers on anything, it is on how to excuse a Genocide 😢😢😢
@@ALGERIEECONOMIE Why do you deem him a disgrace? He generally just speaks common sense....🤷🏼♀️
@@clairecoupland3899 Douglas Murray mentioned the warmongering role of the Alaster Campbell pushing for the Iraq war but he never mentioned his own role which was just as bad as A.Cambell, Mr Murray appeared repeatedly on programs like "Question time" to support the Iraq war who he personalised it as "Saddam's War".
Similar role played by Mr Murry during NATO's war in Libya and Syria.
These wars contributed to more refugees entering britain than ever before, almost anyone who follows UK politics during the past 2 decades or so knows who Mr Murray is... He is a shallow person and his arguments appeal only to racists and Bigots.
@@anacerar6810 He is a racist and a bigot with zero intellect, he demonstrates that every time he opens his mouth.
He is loved only by bigots like him and by the Israelis for his support of the genocidal war in Gaza
Douglas Murray is someone who threatens the corrupt. He hits the mark each time, with the experience to back it up. Keep speaking the truth #DouglasMurray
He is pro zionist...enough said
The police should investigate Alastair Campbell for lying about WOMD
Anf for this hate speeches against DM
I agree, why has there not been an investigation into Alister Campbell?
And Doctor David Kelly RIP
@@iriswoodhead6132 Or Blair, the ICC issue a war crime arrest warrant for Putin?🤔
And yet he’s given one of the highest accolades and is now pulling the strings of ‘Two Tier’!
@imagineering100 But we just KNOW that they won't!!!
Douglas's pen is mighty indeed. His tongue also lashes deep into the ego of Alastair Campbell and the like. Free speech at its best. Thank you, continously, thank you.
As my Mother always used to say ‘The pen is mightier than the sword’
"lashes deep" 😂
Poor Alastair ….
His tongue has lashed deep into quite a few other places, too, I suspect.
I can’t for the life of me understand how, given what Alistair Campbell did in causing the invasion of Iraq under false pretences, that he has the nerve to ever say anything in public again, let alone criticise someone speaking truth with evidence.
Douglas speaks the truth which offends the politicians who won't admit fault
@grantbradshaw7907 For those 'politicians,' it's easier to fool them than to convince them that they HAVE been fooled !!
Only Concern is his Bank Balance, He's become a Bore
@@donalobrien7582 Could say that about Alastair Campbell, except he's always been a Bore.
@@donalobrien7582Well, if he wasn't constantly attacked he wouldn't be giving this interview, would he? 🤨
Campbell is like the soup - thick
We need to protect this man.🇬🇧🏴🇬🇧
How utterly BRILLIANT is Douglas Murray. Every single word he speaks is pure truth. Absolutely love and respect him.
He's just fantastic!!
Blair, Campbell, Lowles all need investigating where as Murray is a UK national treasure.
Go and see a doctor, quick ...
Go get a room 😂
@user-po4fw3zp4Amazingstunningand brave🤣loserr
The truth spoken by Douglas Murray must be hitting the mark, the establishment is now vilifying him. Keep going Douglas Murray, the world is getting darker, it needs light like you.
Murray is on the payroll of Murdoch
Doug better watch his backside or he'll also be holed up in the Equadorian Embassy
@@headsuitable Trying your cancel culture bs.
He's not on murdochs payroll. Murdoch media has promoted his latest book, there is a difference. You're just p**sed he tells the truth.
Since he vehemently supports that little bleep in the ME you do not need to be worried about him one bit
Thank you, Sky News Australia, for your unbiased reporting.
😂😂😂😂Unbiased reporting????😂😂😂😂😂😂. Funniest comment I've read in ages😂😂😂😂😂😂
What do you mean?
@catherinemardling7827 What do I mean that Sky Aus's reporting is unbiased????? Oh dear!!! The world really is in trouble, these days. People will believe anything, it seems.
@@stephendoherty981 Please explain yourself. Not enough to just issue negative comments !!!!!!! Be explicit !!!!!
@@roydavis5613 I think he means in Britain, justice is arresting and jailing a 50yr old British woman within a week for saying in a moment of frustration that she doesn't want Muslims in Britain and for Muslims in Britain to be able to beat up cops breaking a woman cops nose and then to charge the cops for resisting being beat up and let the muzzies go free while trying to find a reason to take no action against them.
Thank god for people like Douglas Murray so brave and now we are living in in a totalitarian government please stay safe Douglas
I am in London and i am 100% supportive of Douglas and Elon. Why is telling the truth an issue?
🤔Have you read Orwell's "Animal Farm"? - "Four legs=Good!" - "Two legs=Bad!" 🥳🤯
@@stephendoherty981 Get your head out of the sand
@philiplong7390 "Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth" Albert Einstein.
@@stephendoherty981oh! Dear the “lefty” has come with words of wisdom😅
Douglas Murray is brilliant he's done nothing but speak the truth, our government has hit an all time low and I'm scared what's happening to my country.
Don't be scared because that's what they want you to be! Don't give in to these evil people!
I’m scared too. Tin k h an says he’s afraid…………
We are scared but we must fight for the truth and democracy and freedom of speech x
The UK police force is lost. The people do not trust them nor support them anymore.
nobody has trusted them for decades.its just got more intense..never trust a copper.labour are like lemmings jumping over a cliff taking all of us with them.
They’re basically like Saudi Arabia’s sharia enforcers...
They are not lost. They know what they are doing is wrong and they don’t care.
@@earthsmoke9450 - 🤔I'm thinking that only people with certain psychological traits gave been selected, lately⁉
@@_Why_123 Agreed. Narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths
I am a long time fan of Douglas and always shall be. We are indeed fortunate to have people like him standing and speaking up for what is true and what is right.
“Will be”
Thank you Rita for hosting Douglas Murray on a regular basis.
Rita a huge thank you. All part of the truth team. Credos to you.
Rita and Murray are like 2 peas in a Pod. Two Extremely Delusional, Disgusting, Stupid and self righteous piece of shit Peas at that..
All both of them do is praise each other and call each other intelligent and far sighted when in reality they’re basically two deluded morons who just repeat and regurgitate whatever lies their owners and backers command them to vomit on TV.
I mean, it’s not easy to find people so shameless who can Lie through their Aeseholes all the time with No sense of Responsibility or Proprietary as to the Damage they cause to the Society generally and more specifically for those who hero worship/ idolise them blindly..
I hope Trump and Musk both fulfill Murray’s dream of servicing them both at the same time with Netanyahu and Tommy Robinson waiting in the line. I’d say Douglas does deserve it after all he has done for them.
What do u expect. She is hindhu she will worship the ground he walks on. Also In India Her ancestors use to carry his ancestors on a thrown. After the British robbed and looted them
@@CheGuvera-ip8dc and before that, there were the other independent Indian Rajas who subjugated the entire Indian continent, making sure the vast majority were poor. Much of that continues even today, with huge numbers of Indians who live in poverty and die on the street. This doesn’t stop the present day Indian government from building space rockets to send to the moon.
By the way the spelling for the monarchs seat is throne, not thrown.
I used to be a very active member of the Left. I'm now politically homeless but absolutely support and adore Douglas Murray's writing. He's a sensible man that backs up his claims and assertions with evidence.
Then you really should be homeless.....
There is no Left or Right... There is only sense and nonsense and nonsense has always been the stuff that politics is made of... People are in politics to make money and force their ideals on others. It is just Lazy of so called academics trying to label people as opposed to identifying the fact that on different issues people believe in different things , a centrist for instance may very hold views from both the so called left and Right which then balance out to put them in the centre. The so called 'Left' tends to be full of people that do not think , but the the majority of people tend to choose not to think. As people get older they see what is happening unless they live in a bubble (many people of a certain class do).
I find myself in the same place.
@@Jane-rc2rkditto. But by default Reform on probation
LABLIBCON are a disaster for Britain and the white native population who have seen their country and culture trashed through third world immigration from the time thr Windrush docked to the present.
I'm like you and a found a political home with BRITAIN FIRST and lending my vote to REFORM UK.
I thank God for having people like Douglas on the right side.
He's a zionist supporter wholeheartedly behind the Isreal policies and actions..
You like genocidal zionist liars and plotters then?
There is no other side
There is no goD-delusional people accept a cowardly Christian goD they have never seen or can actually prove an existence of-No One Is Coming to Save You-
The side of the Nazis ?
I wished more folk would listen to Douglas Murray as he comes across very well and tells it how it is keep telling the truth Mr Murray
This is the problem when a right wing commentator is operating in a left wing society which includes a woke, left media.
Rotten to the core Campbell should be in prison with Blair’s for illegal war!
100% agree!
Agree with Blair
They are not rotten, they are a cancer in our country and in my opinion a corrupt disgrace.
Odious individual
They should be tried for treason first since we can't lock up the man who started the importation of third-world 'people' into our once first rate country: Clement Attlee.
This man has more courage in his little finger than ALL politicians put together. He speaks his truth well.
It is not just his truth, it is THE truth
@@terencehennegan1439 Except he tells lies 🤣
@@cindyfaulkner5725 tomatoes/ tomadoes.
If you think Douglas Murray speaks the truth then you need your head examining.
The guy is just a philosophical pessimist. Nothing new. Oswald Spengler did the same thing. Wrote a book "fall of the west" then we as a species go on to have the highest living standards in human history.
Don't listen to pessimists.
Well done, Douglas. I admire your honesty, courage in speaking the truth. Thank God for the likes of you.
There's a dearth of people with courage and integrity in the public sphere.
The truth is never a bad idea
You leave our Douglas Murray alone. Most honest and truthful. FREEDOM OF SPEECH we will never bend . Douglas one of our greatest thinkers. 100%. Love you Douglas 💕💕💕💕💕💕
A conservative gets angry when you lie, a liberal gets angry when you speak the truth!
absolutely correct
That could be a lie 🧐
Therefore .... Murray is not a real conservative? He spent the last year covering up ... for you know whom
E@@gdiwolverinemale4thWho did he cover up for??
pretty sure, today here in bc, Canada, there's a start-up to undermine the conservative by introducing "the Labour Party" as a substitute for the liberals as our conservatives are coming out of the woodwork and about to start voting.
Campbell has always been a bully.
And a tosser
And like most bullies he is also gutless.
He’s a creepy looking nasty piece of work
And a thoroughly nasty piece of work.
Campbell is a total Bellend (will I be arrest for saying this)
Alastair Campbell should be in the dock at a war crimes trial, along with his boss Tony Blair.
More than one million silent voices testify against them with the distinct absence of any WMDs as evidence.
More than one million silent voices testify against them.
I always thought Campbell was the boss of Blair
@@PinkdamI fully agree with you, Blair and Alister are despicable, the Guardian is a paper I would never want to read
Once again, Mr. Murray, you are absolutely on point.👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Thank you for having Douglas on your show. He is an absolute legend. 🇬🇧
He is actually a traitor but I bet you cannot work out how or why.
C'est vous le traître 🇲🇫@@BenSamuel-d6l
Hateful man
@@BenSamuel-d6l I pity the fact that when the Creator was passing out intelligence He glanced right over you and skipped you...Thank God the rest of us are intelligent and clear thinkers...I doubt you'll understand that...LMAO...
No it doesn't. Speak for yourself. He's a lying snake paid by Israhell.
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂. Oh stop, please make it stop 😂😂😂😂😂😂
@@stephendoherty981 Guardian reader?! Well. obviously...go & petition for its cancellation for supporting the South against Lincoln. Oh no, I forgot...one rule for normal institutions/people, another for left-wing loons
@ph8077 The lunacy is all yours and the rights, Im afraid. Bunch of racist, psycho, genocidal, lying fascists. Daily Mail reader, no doubt?
wow, and in the meantime, the britisch people are getting arrestred for facebook talk. you people are lost, and with heads down to the butcher.
I will never stop listening to Douglas Murray.
Nor I friend
Mr. Murray you are a vocal warrior for truth in an era of forced silence on truth tellers
God Bless you sir
I am American and I support Elon and Douglas 100% - I cannot wait to see DM speak in Sept in Los Angeles! He is a brilliant man! Trump24!
I`m English, Douglas Murray is our British Lion Heart! 🇬🇧 What`s this about Murray doing a speach..? first I`ve heard
@@MerkabaKid He is going on a speaking tour in the USA 3 dates in FL a few in CO and ONE in CA LA - I bought VIP tix on sept 23
@@Crinkle.Stilt.Skin. Excellent! Thanks for that info.. interesting.. I hope your seat is nice and comfy! It`s really good to hear from Americans who understand. Trump24! British patriots love Trump!🇬🇧🇺🇸
@@MPA551 sure Jan
@@MPA551Why can’t it be the best individual for the job. Why does it have to be a person of color? Why does it have to be a woman?
I’m American. I want the best person that can correct the inflation and settle the chaos that’s simmering, that is putting us on the brink of WWIII. I don’t have to like the individual, but they must be able to do the job.
Douglas Murray should be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
@@MPA551that would be obama
@@canuck3169 For droning and mass murder of innocent people.
Obama needs to be tried for war crimes.
Douglas Murray is an absolute hero, he just tells the truth with facts.
He tells it but not for the reason you think
@BenSamuel-d6lCan you enlighten us as to the other reason you alluded to to?
Do not go toe to toe with this man unless you know your facts. Love this man. Thank you for sharing
I Agree 100% with Douglas in his opinion about Alister Campbell , he’s a vile individual.
Douglas Murray is awesome. I hope he remains safe and continues to speak the truth.
Campbell and Blair should be in prison for their crimes against our country and British people
Blair was the last good PM.
@@mliam0709Accelerated our annihilation with ethnic immigration to "rub the right's nose in it" and sent thousands of our brave troops into an illegal war. Yeah, he's a real patriot. Sorry, autocorrect, I meant traitorous piece of sh*t!
YUPP TRUE DAT! Lifer 🦨🦨🐀🐀🐁🐁🤡🤡🐷🐷
@@mliam0709Some mothers...
You cannot assimilate people from countries where they cannot SELF assimilate (which is why they leave).
Thank You Rita, for your warmth & humour....I wish our msm in the U.K. had presenters with the intelligence and sincerity shown by you!
The lunatics are running the asylum!
Only the media & entertainment, civil service, government itself, climate committees, legal system, multinational corporations, the arts, schools & universities....have I missed any?
@@ph8077 European Union. UN. NATO. ...all bloody corrupt!
And the asylum-seekers are coming en masse!
@ph8077 All EU and its cohorts.
Cannot say who as YT is sensoring. They have all exposed themselves thanks to Elon, who I believe has changed the course of history with X
Lunatics ? No. Criminals
Thank God for a man with great intellect refusing to be bullied by the likes of Alistair Campbell. His incisive wit is refreshing in this crazy Orwellian world.
Thanks Douglas for speaking up for England telling the truth
I'd rather have Douglas Murray as prime minister of the UK he is just what we need at these Dark times we are going through.
Thank you for speaking out the truth, Sir! ❤
Douglas can handle it - it's exposing these people for what they are.
Yep xxx
Easy now. Whilst being more likely to be right, in a broken clock sort of way, they are still corporate /legacy media. Same ownership as Fox. Fox, who fired their most highly rated star (twice), when they got to close to the truth.
Douglas Murray makes the whole Labour Party look like a class of clowns 😅😅😅
Not a hard task though.
They’re dangerous clowns with blood already on their hands.
Murray has got common dog by the bucketful, he articulates it really well.
Coco the Clown would expel them for stupidity.
I not even from UK and even here its obvious that they are
We are going through an unprecedented time here in 🏴🇬🇧🇮🇪 we are very lucky to have Douglas. God bless you Douglas 🙏🙏
Well said. Douglas Murray is brilliant journalist and he is spot on and always tells the truth.
@@evelynmccabe3855he's fantastic ❤
@@jenmatthews9247 🏴🏴🇨🇮🇬🇧❤️💯
Absolutely brilliant Douglas Murray…….the only person that speaks the truth in this crazy world …….stay safe Douglas we and the world need you.
Thank God we have Douglas Murray in this world right now ❤
The religion of Islam must be proscribed as a death cult and removed from the UK.
Murray should publish this response. Campbell is not only sick, but sickening.
Campbell is but so is the traitor Murray
@@BenSamuel-d6lHow is Douglas a traitor?, explain? Where's the proof.
@@kimjackson4041 This man is a zionist. The zionist Kalergi plan being implemented for decades has played out and now needs igniting which is where the likes of Murray and Hopkins and Peterson and Tommy Robinson come in. All financed by Israel. The social landcscape has been engineered by the zionists who have infliltrated all our institutions. Our police have been trained in Israel. I repeat they are trying to ignite conflict while appearing like reasonable concerned citizens with clean hands. All of them are because that is the final objective of the Kalergi plan. They have been building the fire by stacking it with opposing cultures on purpose. What do you think can possibly excuse and explain this blatant importation of people all over Europe for so long? You are being played by people like Murray who portray themselves as patriots and nationalists and defending their country while working to undermine and destroy it on behalf of their masters. This is how it works and has worked for a long time. Musk is also one of the cabal which must be obvious to anyone with half a brain. Go look up what Barbara Learner Spectre says about this and who will rule over what is left of Europe as their plan plays out. The only way out of this is to not fall for this and for Christians and Muslims and everyone else to unite against the real enemy here. Once that is done a reverse migration programme can be organised in a humane way to undo some of this.
Douglas Murrsay is a national treasure to be protected at all costs 🇬🇧
Thank goodness for Douglas......
Nothing but the truth.
Dreadfull man Alistair Campbell. Should be locked up.
With his best buddy Blair.
Along with that other WOMD Blair.
There is in Plant Population Ecology a theory
The theory concerns seeds reproduction and survivorship
There is a graduated scale from species that expend all their reproductive energy in seeds, and scatter them ad lib and the survivors are those that by chance find conducive conditions to grow. [little r species At the other extreme are those species that expend some of their reproductive energy in providing protection for fewer seeds but they have signals for when germination is propitious big K species.
I have adapted this theory as a Theological and political theory .Those that are against welfare and protection and eduction and use the state as a license fort heir own nefarious anti-social activities and think that Free speech is character assassination and mendacity are- little r-souls. Reactionaries against collaboration, Science, Reason Those in favour of Welfare and education, and Tax, and believe in standards and regulations and believe in liberty as entailing Commitments, obligations, commitments, ethics and culture rather than licensed commercial vulgarity Marxists, Liberals, Greens, Socialists are 'big K souls' and as far as I can see from Farage and Reform, David Starkey, Peter Hitchens all of Talk TV and Skye News they are little r-souls Be careful how you pronounce little r-souls because you might be understood if you miss the glotal stop
@@gonnabeok. Sectioned.
The Barack Obama of Europe?
Alastair Campbell calling people out for instigating violence via the use of misinformation is just a tad rich.
DO you think it's OK to use violence? Is "Alastair Campbell calling people out for instigating violence via the use of misinformation " wrong?
He is an egotistical, he is a secularist, he is a Leftist. That’s all one needs to know about dear Alistair.
@@iancollier6802By his own standards, he should be imprisoned. If he believed in fairness he should hand himself in.
@@homemaintenance1234 Just talk me through each of those would you please? What is wrong with secularist? If you object to those then shouldn't you welcome the influx of religious migrants?
What is wrong with a "Leftist" ? Do you think people who have earned poor wages shouldn't have some level of health care and pensions?
@@iancollier6802 Well campbell used misinformation with the lies that he created himself to actually cause a war that caused the death of hundreds of thousands so yea i think it’s clear to say he can go f*ck himself
Douglas Murray is a general .he will be a great prime minister .❤❤
I would vote for him but unfortunately have to deal with the madness of Trudeau, what a letdown .......
He is a usa citizen. I doubt he is safe in uk from a certain religiius democraphic he writes about.
@janeslater8004 He's a dual citizen isn't he?
@@janeslater8004Douglas is a dual citizen now? Damn I had really hoped he could come back to Britain we miss him and we need him. 😞
@@samcad-ho3ze yes of course. But i dont believe he would be safe in uk thats why he is not here and applied for usa citizenship
This man is awesome 👌 and needs to be protected at all costs 🙌 🙏 ❤
Thank you Mr. Murray. You are amazing and we appreciate you
An amazing liar and far right snake. A dangerous man!!
You evil white supremacist
Douglas is a true patriot 🇬🇧❤
Douglas Murray is a p brain racist and should be locked up.
Douglas and Rita two of the best humans on this planet. You help to promote sanity in this crazy world ❤
@@stephendoherty981 Poor Stevie....😂😂😂😂
@@stephendoherty981 Does it pay well?
@megansummersides4255 Poor Stevie????????? 😂😂😂😂😂😂. You're the one who thinks Doug and Rita are 'two of the best humans on the planet'🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. I'm afraid the 'poverty' is all yours.🤡
@grahamtaylor8912 Nope, unlike Doug, who's on the Israeli payroll, I troll for free!!
Douglas Murray you are amazing the British people thank you for all that you do .
As a UK citizen i admire Douglas Murray for standing up to so many different people. The world needs more people like him. Saw the interview months ago before the Liebour government brought in ridiculous free speech rules. The only reason they are attacking him is because they are scared of him. Keep going Douglas Britain needs you.
Douglas Murray makes me even more proud to be British stands up for truth and doing the right thing .
You sound like a bot but in case you aren't.....no Murray is a traitor but you won't understand why
@@BenSamuel-d6l I'm willing to hear the explanation and work it out for myself.
@@BenSamuel-d6l ...agree, about Murray!
@Tomyum19 Unfortunately muslims don't understand sarcasm...Unfortunately your comment flew right over the Cuckoo's nest...LMAO...
Who is Douglas betraying exactly, The LBTQ community? And, why would we not understand, just tell us!
Douglas Murray is brilliant.
Douglas you are a Star. Well researched answers. You speak the truth and its how the majority of real British Citizens feel.
Dangerous times when you’re under threat for speaking the truth.
It won’t last much longer maybe one more generation before it all falls. Look back in history, these types of times repeat themselves and you and I and maybe our kids will suffer but our grandchildren and surely our great grandchildren will be under a completely different system
1930s Germany
1940s China
1950s Soviet Union
2020s Democrats
Well, they're locking people up for it now. I can understand it if someone makes threats, but it's outrageous to lock somebody up for just saying how they feel.
Murray could just advocate better control of borders but instead he foments hate. He's helping stir up trouble. He's just silver tongued racist snake who only has a platform nowadays because, during the last years, the whole country has been carefully shifted to the right by a downgraded propagandist media.
Just listen to this "pro" Sky reporter licking him up from the off! Murray could just advocate better control of borders but instead he foments hate. He's helping stir up trouble. He's just silver tongued racist snake who only has a platform nowadays because, during the last years, the whole country has been carefully shifted to the right by a downgraded propagandist media.
Mr. Murray is a fabulous writer, his books should be in the school curriculum, he's a modern truth teller of the highest order. Blessings from Belfast.
Says the Proddy loyalist. 😂😂😂😂.
Ban Douglas Murray???? What for , telling the truth ? You keep telling the truth Douglas !!! ❤
They're scared when anyone shows up their lies & idiotic arguments.
I have the upmost respect forDouglas Murray. Thank you Rita for your show love it 👏
Love you Douglas ! Campbell should face jail for war crimes
WHERE IS THE KING IN ALL OF THIS MESS.What use is the royal family if it does not stand up for its people..
He’s a puppet like all the rest.
They came out of their silence to speak against their subjects.
They are all in the WEF club
King Charlie, one of the leaders of the WEF! ?
Why would he care.
Protect Douglas Murray at all costs!
Agreed, Douglas. IMO Campbell should be in jail for his lying.
who could have imagined importing millions of primitives would be a problem
you're not helping
I'm sure that was said as a joke.
Governments and academics don't like being proved wrong. Free speech and the truth under attack again. Love your work Mr Murray.
Douglas you are the voice for us British who are not allowed one. Thankyou for being real.
Agreed! But don't let anyone silence your beliefs on any subject!
So true. You keep me sane Douglas Murray. 👏
Wonderful Mr Murray ....
Mr. Murray shows no mercy for the simple minded.🧐
😂😂😂perfectly put
🤣Whenever I hear him speaking "in the background", sometimes I think it is Simon Cowell! 🤪
🤔 It could make for a great show, having those two debate together! ... Maybe invite Adele?😂
@@_Why_123 cowell is not in the league of Douglas Murray. Think again.
@@lenwilkinson672Cowell isn't in the same league as Bill Murray!
He speaks to and for the simple minded 👍
Douglas Murray straight to the point. It's for everyone's benefit.
Douglas Murray is such an important voice in this era.
Agree fully xxx
An important liar and propagandist.
@@stephendoherty981 Can you give us a few examples? And debunk those lies will you go at it?
@peterpengproductions920 Examples? There's no genocide or war crimes taking place in Gaza. That's a regular lie. Gaza is not an open prison, another! Israel is the only civilised democracy in the ME getting attacked all the time by 'people who just hate Jews'. There's plenty more if you want me to go on.
@@stephendoherty981 Does it pay well?
I thank God for providing us with people like Douglas Murray.
Thank you to Douglas Murray for telling the world the truth!
As a trained historian ( British Constitutional History and Modern World History), I have read Douglas Murray's books and his discussions and am invariably impressed by his knowledge and insight, intellect, and honesty..
A voice of truth in a post-truth age.
Very well said 👏 👍
Postmodern age is more apt. One of Postmodernism's central claims is that objective truth or reality does not exist, everything is based on subjective perceptions. "Truth" comes from various tribalistic narratives engaged in a power struggle to determine which narrative will prevail and be imposed on the whole of society. The struggle is based not on intellect but raw, primitive emotion and the will to prevail. "The Triumph of the Will," one might say.
@@MPA551 I do wonder about the sheer, unmitigated audacity of a self-declared ignoramus.
@@MPA551 And you clearly are, aren't you, little one.
@@MPA551 Illiterate.
Douglas, Rita and Sky News Australia, what a combination! Love it!
Hate what the uk has become..keep speaking the truth Douglas. Wish you were our prime minister ..
Hundred percent
It just makes no sense how we are this point tho literally know one way ever asked and if we were it would of been an outstanding no! The stupidity is beyond belief
The gaoling of comments made online is absolutely wild words can't describe just how worrying this is
Positively scary what's happening in the UK these days. The same thing is happening in the US but to a lesser degree.
The government paving the way to have that happening here in Canada.
Hopefully the Canadians are going to get up from their asses to vote conservative, or else it will be Britain all over again.
You only know some of what is going on here.
You can watch the PMQ and the debates within the government about different issues, it is absolutely terrifying, it seems that they are using the fact that the real far right had to be stopped, in order to shut up anyone who doesn't agree with them and send the police to them.
This has nothing to do with protecting people nor is it about protecting minorities.
They don't lift a finger to protect Jews, but tell Jews to hide any symbol of being Jewish and just disappear from public view, so it is not a love of diversity or the public that drives them.
But love of power and the need to be the only voice who is heard, unopposed
It's happening across the whole west and proactively prosecuted by the poltical leaders of all parties.
The Davos plan is underway in UK. Almost like Sunak was ordered to hand over the reins to Two Tier Keir.
@vintagetrikesandquads4012 Well, I wouldn't say that the massive volume of humanity pouring across the US southern border is 'to a lesser degree' !!!!
Keep going Douglas. Many out there are counting on you to help keep us mentally sane. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻😘😘😘
Thank you dear friend for speaking out
Douglas is an intellectual giant, visionary, and courageous truth teller.
Murray is brave & honest: what a command of the language
Douglas Murray, a man with a brain the size of a planet and a tongue sharper than a bacon slicer. Bravo, sir!
Best description yet! Bravo!
Hear! Hear! BTW - don't mention bacon...
Yes. Would be wonderful to be able to speak as well as Douglas Murray.
I admire Douglas Murray for being brave and for speaking the truth. Respect.
As a Brit . Well said Douglas. You are telling the truth.
How typical that prophets of truth and logic are harassed and banned by those who prefer lies and insanity. This courageous man needs our support and prayers. Go Doug!
@10TARDISCrew "The prophet is not without honour, except in his own country." Matthew 13:57.
NO ONE says it like Douglas.He speaks the truth eloquently and is always spot on.
Good on you, Douglas 👏. You couldn't have said it better. Your the best 👌 God bless you 🙏🏻
Campbell should be in prison along with Blair they are traitors😡
I love Douglas Murray. I love his voice, his intelligence and everything he says. Thank God for him and people like him.
The EU is still butt hurt about Brexit. What if people contacted the Haag and pointed out Alistairs criminal past? Just putting it out there.
Nowt most probably
No action would be taken. Selective laws.
They know, its the same with Blair but they dont care.
In the European commission they are all crooks. It's a bit like a present day Mafia were they have their fingers in every pie, getting financial back handers from countries and feeding them nonsense
Rita you are awesome too!
What a wonderful description of Alistair Campbell . Honestly put . Accurately described . One of the prime architects of Britain’s downfall and disgrace
Guilty of war crimes along with Blair!
You mean a total scumbag.
@@Pennyburn1688him and blair should be in jail..and people like murray supported the war.thats why he never talks about it😉