Alemneh I know you have the right to talk about what ever you want. But what is the purpose of this kinds of videos and conversions? what is the influence on the younger generation? If nothing useful happened in this world today Please just skip it . We already have more than enough tragedy .
I am deeply troubled by Alemneh's response to this serious case of sexual assault. It is completely inappropriate to treat such a devastating crime with laughter or levity. This woman suffered unimaginable trauma at the hands of multiple attackers, orchestrated by someone she trusted and loved. The casual and insensitive way this story was narrated shows a concerning lack of understanding about the gravity of sexual violence and its impact on survivors. As public figures, you have a responsibility to address such sensitive topics with the respect and solemnity they deserve. I strongly urge you to issue a formal apology to your audience for making light of sexual assault. We must stand united in condemning all forms of sexual violence and support survivors with compassion and dignity.
አንድ የልብወለድ መፅሐፍ ጀምሬ የጨረስኩ ያህል አይነት ስሜት ተሰማኝ፡፡ አለምነህ እና በላይ ዘመናችሁ የተባረከ ይሁን!!!!
ስንት በጣም አስፈላጊ መረጃ ማድመጥ ሲኖርብን በአንድ ለማንም በማይጠቅም ጊዜ ማጥፋት ።
አለምነህ እድሜህ በጨመረ ቁጥር ትበስላለህ ብዬ እጠብቅ ነበረ በጉርምስናህ ጊዜ እነ አለባቸው ተካን ጀማነሽ ሰለሞንን በሃሜት ስትቦጭቅ በሚድያ የተነገረ ነገር ሁሉ እውነት በሚመስለው ማህበረሰብ ውስጥ የፈጠርከው ጉዳት ከፍተኛ ነበረ ።
አሁን ችሎታህን አዳበርክና የግለሰብ ቡጨቃህን አለም አቀፍ አደረከው እንደ ስምህ ።
በምታስተዋውቃቸው በነዚህ ቤቶች ውስጥ ማን ይኖርባቸዋል?
3=ሙሰኛ ባለስልጣን
ሌላው 96% የሚሆነው የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ እንደ ፍልፈል በጭቃ ቤት ውስጥ ይኖራል
ትክክል 96% የኗሪ አኗኗሪ ነው ።
Adamt benatih
ምን ጉድ ነው 🤔
አለምነህ አብሮህ ያለው ሰውዬ ምን ያንቀዠቅዠዋል?
የኔቶ አባል ሀገራት አንድ መገለጫ ባህሪያቸው ይሄ ነው ነገረ ስራቸው ሁሉ ሴጣናዊ ነው ።
ወገቡ ላይ አካባቢ
ዓለምዬ እንዲያው ይሄን ልጅ ስወደው ታምራት ነው
Again ? How many time you talk about this ?
Wey gud 😲😲😲😲😲🤭
በላይ የሚባል ሰው ትንሽ ዝም በል ታሪኩን ፍሰት ባለው መልኩ መስማት አልቻልንም
ኣለም ድምጽህ ኢኮ በዛበት ዘባረቅከው
ንባብ እኮ አልያዘም እውነታውን እየነገረን ነው
ወጡን አርጉላቸዉ
አለም የጀርመኑን እልቂት እንዴት አልዘገብክም
What happened Germane?
ጀርመን ሀገር የደረሰው ትናንትና ምሽት አልሰማህም እንዴ 🤔
አኡዙቢላህ ምኑ ሸይጣን ነው
አለምነህ ዋሴ እንደዚህ ወራዳ ፀያፍ ነገር ባታወራ ጥሩ ነው
ካልቸመቼህ ሄደህ ክላሲካል ሙዚቃህን አዳምጥ እንጂ😂፣ አለምነህ ምን ማውራት እንዳለበት ልትነግረው አትችልም!
ምኑነው ጸያፍ እውነት ነው
አይ አለምነህ በሳቅ ገደልከን
Alemneh I know you have the right to talk about what ever you want. But what is the purpose of this kinds of videos and conversions? what is the influence on the younger generation? If nothing useful happened in this world today Please just skip it . We already have more than enough tragedy .
I am deeply troubled by Alemneh's response to this serious case of sexual assault. It is completely inappropriate to treat such a devastating crime with laughter or levity. This woman suffered unimaginable trauma at the hands of multiple attackers, orchestrated by someone she trusted and loved. The casual and insensitive way this story was narrated shows a concerning lack of understanding about the gravity of sexual violence and its impact on survivors.
As public figures, you have a responsibility to address such sensitive topics with the respect and solemnity they deserve. I strongly urge you to issue a formal apology to your audience for making light of sexual assault. We must stand united in condemning all forms of sexual violence and support survivors with compassion and dignity.