Beautiful Names of Allah (Part 6): Al-Ghafur, Al-Ghaafir & Al-Ghaffar
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- In this video, Shaykh Yasir Qadhi discusses the names of Allah related to Maghfirah (the concept/verb). Ghafara means to cover or conceal something, or to overlook what someone has done to you (Mighfar meant a helmet). Over 300 verses mention Maghfira.
Quran: Know that Allah is strict in punishment, but know Allah is also Ghafur Ar-Raheem.
Quran: Inform my servants, that I am the Al-Ghafur and Ar-Raheem.
There are at least 7 names derived from Maghfirah:
1) Al-Ghafur - 91 times mentioned in Qur'an
2) Al-Ghaafir (Al Ghafir Al-Dhanb)
3) Al-Ghaffar
4) Wasi'yal Maghfirah (The one whose forgivness is vast)
5) Ahlal Maghfirah - The one who has the right to forgive and is characterized with maghfirah
6) Dhul Maghfirah (dhu - owner of, nobody owns it the same way) The owner of maghfirah. He is the one who controls and perfected maghfirah
7) Khayrul Ghaafireen - The best of those who forgive
What is the difference between Ghaafir, Ghafur and Ghaffar?
Ghaafir - simple noun, the one who does forgiveness - the one who forgives.
Al-Ghafur - emphasizes the power of the verb. Ghaafir means to forgive, Ghafur is the one who has the power to forgive no matter how large the sin. Ghafur is quality. No matter how large, Ghafur can and has power to cover it up.
Al-Ghaffar - for quantity and frequency, he continuously does maghfirah.
Hadith: A man who would commit sin then ask for forgiveness "faghfirli" and Allah forgives him but after a while, commits sin and asks again for forgiveness again. After several times, Allah calls the angels and says "this servant of mine who is perpetual sinner, I am calling u to testify that I have forgiven him. This was because he has recognized that he has sinned against a Lord and he must continue to ask for forgiveness.
The true servant never gives up hope. Nor does he lose hope in Allah's forgiveness.
Al-Ghafur Ar-Raheem - one of the most common pairs/combinations.
Allah says: "Inform my servants that I am Al-Ghafur and Ar-Raheem.
Al-Azeez Ar-Ghafur: Azeez is the one with power. Typically one forgives out of weakness but despite being Almighty, He chooses to forigve from position of power and majesty, not weakness.
Al-Ghafur Al-Waduud: The one full of generous love
Allah: What will I gain from punishing you, if you believe in me and worship me?
Al-Ghafur Al-Shakur: He forgives our sins and then increases the reward.
Shakur occurs in Quran with people of Jannah, who say "We thank Allah He has allowed us to come to Jannah, no harm will touch us, verily Allah is Ghafurun Shakur. They say this because in order to get there Allah must forgive their continuous sins. The hadeeth says: None of you will enter due to his good deeds (alone).
Shakur : the one who rewards more than you deserve. Allah never gives 1 for 1, rather minimum is 10 for 1, sometimes 700 or more.
How to get Allah's Maghfirah?
1) By asking for Maghfirah. We must ask for it continuously. Allah says "..and I will continuously forgive the one who continually asks for forgiveness.."
Abu Bakr asked the Prophet (pbuh) to teach him a dua. The Prophet (pbuh) taught him to say "Oh Allah, I have wronged myself many many wrongs and no one forgives my sins other than you, so forgive me a forgiveness coming from u, for u are the Ghafur Ar-raheem.
Hadeeth: I ask for Allah's forgiveness more than 100 times a day. If the Prophet (pbuh) does this, where do we stand?
Anas ibn Malik: smtimes I'd count the mouth of the Prophet (pbuh) say Astagfirullah 70 times in a sitting.
2) We learn to forgive others, who have done us wrong. By forgiving others, Allah will forgive us.
Seerah: Slander of Ayesha, where the 2nd cousin of Ayesha said the slander. Abu Bakr was giving him money but swore by Allah to never give a penny again. But Allah revealed: Let not the people of stature (fadl) swear to Allah that they will not help out their poor relatives. Don't you want Allah to forgive u?
Most optimistic verse in the whole Qur'an in Surat Al-Zumr: Say servants who wrong themselves, don't give up hope in Allah's forgiveness, verily Allah forgives all sins, verily He is the Ghafur Ar-Raheem.
Recorded: June 11, 2016 - Memphis Islamic Center
© Shaykh Dr Yasir Qadhi - Official TH-cam Channel
"اللهم إني ظلمت نفسي ظلماً كثيراً ، و إنه لا يغفر الذنوب إلا أنت ، فاغفر لي مغفرة من عندك ، وارحمني ، إنك أنت الغفور الرحيم"
Thanks for the description
I am AMAZED 💜 Why didn’t I come across this lecture years ago?! Alhamdulillah we muslims are blessed to have an exalted Lord.
Ya sheikh your elevates my emaan
May Allah elevate your rank in jannah ameen
Allahumma innee dhalamtu nafsi dhulman katheera wala yaghfiru zhunooba illa anta faghfirlee maghfiratam min 'indika warhamni innaka Antal Ghafoorur Raheem.
Thnx so much u thought me alot which I did not know u showed me how Allah Beautiful he is
May Allah forgive us for our sins Ameen Yaa Ghafur.
JAZAKALLAH Brother. ....
subahanallahi wabihamdi, subahanallahil adheem
*What’s the difference between Maghfirah (مغفرة ) and 'Afuw (عفو )?*
*Maghfriah*: is for Allah to forgive you for the sin but the sin will still be registered on your book of deeds. Maghfirah is Allah’s forgiveness for your sin but on the Judgment Day it will be written on your record, Allah will ask you about it but HE won’t punish you because of it
*'Afuw*: is for Allah to forgive you for the sin and delete it from your book of deeds as if it did not happen. ‘Afuw is Allah’s pardon for your sin, it will be completely erased from your record and Allah won’t ask you about it on Judgement day
*This is why our Prophet (salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said that, this is the best Duaa to make on Laylatul Qadr:*
*"Allahumma innaka 'afuwwun tuhibbul 'afwa fa'fu 'annee"*
(Ahmad, Ibn Majah, and Tirmidhi)
*O Allah, You are The One Who pardons greatly, and You love to pardon, so pardon me.)"*
So make sure you read this dua all the time and as much as you can. Make it one of your daily athkaar.
Imagine that you are standing on the day of Judgment being held accountable for your deeds, and you're not guaranteed your entry to Jannah.
*Suddenly you find that you have mountains of Hasanat (rewards) in your record*
Do you know from where these mountains of rewards come from?
Because in the Dunya you kept saying : *”SubhanAllah wa bihamdihi SubhanAllah al ‘Adhim”*
_Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said:_ *"Two words are light on the tongue, weigh heavily in the balance, they are loved by Al Rahman, (The Most Merciful. One):*
سُبْحَانَ اللّهِ وَ بِحَمْدِهِ ، سُبْحَانَ اللّهِ الْعَظِيمِ - *SubhanAllahi wa biHamdihi, Subhan-Allahi 'l-`adheem (Glory be to Allah, and Praise, Glory be to Allah, the Supreme)"*
(📚Bukhari , Muslim)
Can you imagine how much your reward will be multiplied if you share this information about the virtue of this remembrance with your friends and they keep saying it *(SubhanAllah wa bihamdihi SubhanAllah Al Adheem)*
*Be the One Who Guides Others to Good Deeds.*
JazakAllahu Khairan
Maghfirah. Al Ghafur. The One Who forgives no matter how large the sin. Al Ghaffar. The One Who forgives no matter how frequent the sin. Al Ghafur Ar Raheem. The One who Forgives because He is Merciful. Al Azeez Al Ghafur. The Almighty that Forgives. Al Ghafur Al Wadud. Allah loves to forgive because He is The One Who is full of generous love. How do we gain Allah's Maghfirah. 1. At all times, ask Allah SWT for His Forgiveness. 2. Forgive others. Because don't you want Allah SWT to forgive you. 3. Do not give up hope of Allah's Forgiveness for Allah is Al Ghafur and Ar Raheem.
could you please put up the dua the prophet SAW taught Abu bakr to say in his prayer.
you said it at 13:27 into your lecture.
اللهم إني ظلمت نفسي ظلماً كثيراً ، و إنه لا يغفر الذنوب إلا أنت ، فاغفر لي مغفرة من عندك ، وارحمني ، إنك أنت الغفور الرحيم.
Allahumma innee dhalamtu nafsi dhulman katheera wala yaghfiru zhunooba illa anta faghfirlee maghfiratam min 'indika warhamni innaka Antal Ghafoorur Raheem.