Thank you for motivating me to be missionary for Christ Jesus! you activate again the evangelism work that I have been doing and stopped for some time but after I listen to this message I start to preach the Gospel to people!!! we really need a person like you who preach pure Gospel about Jesus!
Thank you for uploading this videos (1-3). You have no idea I blessed and motivated. Dear brother Mamusha, I really inspired by your teaching that focus on Jesus. I was missing you and were you have been for a while. You are so passionate for what you teaching. I observed your teaching grace and gift. I praise Lord for you. Please be accessible to people through this kind of platform as it encourage us. Stay blessed and keep it up.
God bless you Doctor. i'm blessed with ur teaching. You're teaching life to this generation that what Jesus taught but not the prosperity gospel for flesh. God abundantly bless you with Holy Spirit. Tune blessed.
Thank you Lord for this teaching! Thank you for equipping your servant.
ለራሴ ብቻ የኖርኩበትን ዘመናት ዞር ብየ እንዳይ...ህይወቴን እንዳይ...እንድፈትሽ.... የመኖሬን አላማ ቁልጭ አድርጎ ያሳየኝ ህይወት የሚለውጥ ትምህርት....ወንጌል የገባህ ሰው ማሙሻ ተባረክልኝ✝️❤️🙏
አብዝቶ ቤትህንና አገልግሎትህን ጌታ እየሱስ ይባርክ ብዙ ጊዜ ባንተ ትምህርት ተባርኬያለሁ የተጠራሁበትን ምክንያት አጀንዳውን እንዳውቅ ተምሬያለሁ፡
Dr, Mamusha thank you for preaching pure Gosple. this teaching help me to refocus.bless you
God bless u Dr Mamusha &thanks for the upload 🙏
Thank you for motivating me to be missionary for Christ Jesus! you activate again the evangelism work that I have been doing and stopped for some time but after I listen to this message I start to preach the Gospel to people!!! we really need a person like you who preach pure Gospel about Jesus!
እግዚአብሔር አብዝቶ ይባርክህ።
Wow i am orthodox but i like you , the way how you preach, thank you for sharing us
አሜንንንንንንንንን አሜንንንንንንንንን አሜንንንንንንንንን።dr ተባረክ።
Thank you for uploading this videos (1-3). You have no idea I blessed and motivated.
Dear brother Mamusha, I really inspired by your teaching that focus on Jesus. I was missing you and were you have been for a while. You are so passionate for what you teaching. I observed your teaching grace and gift. I praise Lord for you. Please be accessible to people through this kind of platform as it encourage us.
Stay blessed and keep it up.
amazing, i watch it again and again but still now iam very surprising to these sebket. let GBU Dr . Mammush
አሜን በእግዚአብሔር ተመርጨለው
የክርስቶስ ኢየሱስ የክብሩ መገለጫ ነኝ ሃሌሉያ
ክብር ለኢየሱስ ይሁን አሜን የእግዚአብሔር ክብር በእኛ ላይ አለ ሃሌሉያ
God bless you Doctor. i'm blessed with ur teaching. You're teaching life to this generation that what Jesus taught but not the prosperity gospel for flesh. God abundantly bless you with Holy Spirit. Tune blessed.
Amen Amen GBU doctor mamusha ❤
Amennn amennnnnnnn Geta ybark Geta abzito ybark tsgaw betif ybzalh
Doktr mamushi geta Eyesus zemenkn ybarek Aminn yegeta kbr yemngeltsi sewchi yadergen geta ybarek
ኤፍ 1፥3-የተበረኩ ነኝ አሜን
9 ጠቅላይ ገዢ ነው የመማልካው እርሱም ኢየሱስ ሃሌሉያ
I really liked your preach is so clear and meaningful. Remain blessed
ወንጌል የገባው ሰው!!!!!!!
This is the Gospel.Be richly blessed
አሜንንንንንንንንንንን አሜንንንንንንንንንን አሜንንንንንንንን እልልልልልልልልልል ዶርዬ ብርክ ነክ
አሜን ዘመንህ ይባረክ የሚሀርም ትምህርት
Wow.. pure gospel..¡!
እግዚአብሔር አብዝቶ ይባርክህ! ዶ/ር ማሞሻ ።
Rebecca Mekonnen zemneh yebarki p/r mamusha
አሜን አሜን ሃሌ ሉያ እግዚአብሔር አብዝቶ ይባርኪ የጌታዬን ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ ጸጋ ይብዛልህ
እየሱስ ይደናላ አሜንአሜን Amen amen amen
I thank GOD about you mamusha ሺ አመት ስበክ አቦ
Amennñnnnñ bless you more wendme mamusha geta zemenkena agelegeloteke yebareke
Amenn Amen Amen
Doctor mamusha tsega ybzalih lbereket hun... Enidanite pour yehone wenigal ymiyasitemiru bkalu lay ymitekilu zemenun leyiten bmawek enidinimelales ymiyaderigu abatoch ybizulin!!!!
በጣም የሚገርም መገለጥ ነዉ። በሀሳብ የዚያን ጊዜ አብሬ እንደነበርኩ ያህል ተሰማኝ።
ደግሞ የእግዚአብሔር አጀንዳ፣ የእኔ ድርሻ… በጣም ገባኝ። ደስ ይላል
ማሙሻ ምን አይነት መገለጥ ነዉ? ሮሜ መልዕክት በዩጎ ስታስተምር ነበርኩ ።ይህ አስተምሮ ግን ልዩ ነዉ
አሜን አሜን እግዚአብሔር ይባረህክ
Dr. you put things in correct Godly perspective ,,, le achiru nurachin sinitega zelalemawiwun resiten alike eko ,,, betam yigermal , , , betam new yemiwodih , , , Ye Egziabiher kal hayil alew , , , ante yasitemarikewun ye Egziabiher kal semiche 2 years ago be menifese kidus temolahugn , , , betam yemigerim neger new , , , ebete kuche biye , , , Egziabiher Egziabiher silehone kalum hayil silalew , ,, sew lay matekor sayihone Geta lay endatekur honelign , ,, antem hule wode Geta new sew endiyay yemitasayew , , , Egziabiher yitebikih yichemirilih yabizalih elalehu
God bless you.
May God bless you Dr.
አሜንንንን. አሜንንንን. አሜንንን
Amen wesete yemigeba temherte god bless you more
Glory to God's word.
wanaw eyesus new betekekel wanawun yezen woten lelaw techemrolen ayetenal mamuse geta yebarkh bezh zemn wanawun mesbek endet metdel new TEBARKEHAL
አውቆ የተኛ ቢቀሰቅሱት አይነቃም" በጣም የሚገርም ትምህርት ነው ግን ራስህን አታድክም! ክርስትና ልመናና ልምምጥ ሲበዛበት በዮሓንስ ራእይ የተገለጠውን ክርስቶስ አይመጥንም::
አይለማመጥም ማሙሻ ፈንታ ሌላውን ስብከቱን ማየት ነው
price god
yebzaleke beywsusem wow
አሜንንንን. አሜንንአሜንንንንንንንንንንንን
Hooo Amlake ayenen berged arglegnena lewkeh ebakehe be blessed dear bro !!!
Thank you God bless you Dr
አሜን አሜን አሜንንንንንንንንተባርህክ
Ufff tebarek
Amenn god blles u
God bless you
Wow wooow ufffffffffffhy geta yebarik
lkeberu mesgan enhon zend Amen!
tselotun sankafel yalkale benkafel melkame New tebarek mamuseya
I like the topic and it is true but one thing Jesus is not our brother he is our father.
Help me Lord
Amen geta yebarkeh
28 dislike ያረጋቹ ልቦና ይስጣቹ ዋናውን ነው የተሸከማችሁት
waw dnkew tmharte naw.
Geta yebark
Ameen Ameen tbrk
leka egizabiher kakebere akebere new hiwet tarikun syinager yane syijemir ante nehi yezarew sebaky;alebabesih;? teniko tekebay yata sew zare fitu lay yalew moges yeza tirif new edime yisitih Egizabiher yichemirilih ahinim
ameeeeeeen ameeeeeeen ameeeeeeeeeeeen ameeeeeeeeeeeen
wwwwwwww wwwwwwww
ጌተ ይበርክ
God bless you