So, What About Those Oval Office Tapes? | The Resistance with Keith Olbermann | GQ
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 ก.พ. 2025
- By casually raising the idea he’s got tapes, Donald Trump has found new trouble.
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So, What About Those Oval Office Tapes? | The Resistance with Keith Olbermann | GQ
Mr. Olbermann's a very rare gem among very many regular, and even more irregular, stones. Cherish him, America. Cherish him. You don't easily come by a man like this often.
You do. In an insane asylum. XD
Lama quite right. KO is an American treasure. a beacon of hope and light. 👌
killersushi99 killersushi99 Yeah, in an insane asylum, one of only a few sane ones, the psychiatrists, trying to make the rest of the occupants of said asylum saner. America is currently the asylum, full of insanity. KO is the Straight-Arrow, Uncompromising, Psychiatrist, slapping daily doses of sanity into this insane asylum!
You sir are helping me stay sane. Thank you Mr. Olbermann
i love you keith,
a citizen.
I'm just waiting for Trump to tweet "I am not a crook."
I believe "witch hunt" is an appropriate equivalent.
Mikko Kivisto Witch hunt bigly
Beth G. it is better if he does it on camera . Trump has the flabby jowls to match Nixon along with being immoral , treasonous , childish, ignorant and outright wicked !
His own peculiar way of saying it would be: "Nobody obeys the law more than me."
Beth G. hahahahhahahahah i wana see that
And today, we have the ex director of the CIA saying he was concerned about Trump team contacts with Russia during the election. Good lord.
Thank you so much for leading the resistance GQ and Keith Olbermann!
Almost!! NOT forget what the republicans are doing to healthcare which will affect you personally...sure the ACA isn't perfect, but what they are trying to pass is soo much worse...tell them you don't want this by VOTING!!
+Meow Meow789 +1
Keith Olbermann you're amazing. These videos are amazing!! Keep it up!! Resist.
All of these videos should be mashed up into a full-length documentary once its all over.
Michael Austin it's the same video each time about Russia. We've watched 125 days of the same video. We don't have evidence but here's what he might be guilty of.. anonymous sources say.
Only time will tell, but just because the videos are addressing the same topic does not mean that it is the same video. Each video, although they are repetitive, brings up new information. It is now more than just "what he might be guilty of." There is clear and repetitive evidence that he tried to obstruct justice.
Michael Austin you mean clearly repetitive anonymous sources that never ever provide any evidence - jokes on you. Covfefe
TripDaDDy84 FBI criminal and counterintelligence investigation into the sitting president and his administration. Enough said.
If Trump burned the tapes in the rose garden, Trump voters would cheer, because they see it as Trump defying the swamp.
Will he burn them in the rose bushes or among the rose bushes?
the swap he said he would drain then immediately filled with goldman sachs execs pfffffttttt
I'm a big Watergate fan but didn't know, until Keith said it, that Nixon had really been encouraged to burn his tapes in the Rose Garden!
BAK it is nice to truly hope so but have you talked or listened to any of them? they are more stubborn than the man himself. they are conspiracy theorists who turn any information against him into a part of the conspiracy
CloudStreets he is the swamp his whole unwonderful crew
you know it's a bad day when you're watching videos about american politics to feel better about the world.
dude what happened
Willow Umm Manchester?
ROOKTABULA Its a sad day.
I don't get it, how can a sane person support Trump? Hopefully, both Trump and Pence get kicked out of office or quit. #ImpeachTrump
D Jaquith also kick out the next 40 or whatever in line after those two.
You totally get it. No sane person can support Trump.
D Jaquith I said the same thing 😉
Never forget. *Trump is a blithering idiot and his followers are bigoted morons*.
D Jaquith sounds nice in theory who would take their place Steve Bannon?
Keep going, Keith. We are watching. Follow the money. Thank you.
Trump supporters would believe ANYTHING hence why they are trump supporters lmao
Melissa....Turn off CNN XD
Melissa K ... even worse is how people I have known for forty years were blinded to Trumps dangerous behaviour by there hatred of Hillary Clinton . I once trusted them with my son's care. OMG!
Melissa K, his supporters must be narcissists just like trump...they are not thinking of the consequences of trump's presidency....they have forgotten how many millions of men, true Patriots, have died to defend our Country and its democracy against Dictatorship Countries like Russia....yet they the Republicans see trump and his family handing it over to them on our on turf, giving them CIA Secrets, letting Russia know ahead of time who he will bomb but refusing to to tell our own Government, yet they defend him! IMPEACH TRUMP FOR TREASON, HE IS SELLING OUR COUNTRY OUT right under our noses...
Maggie Ramirez amen!
*As much as I want to see Trump out of the White House and behind bars, I'm not holding my breath. He just keeps doing whatever he wants.*
It is disgusting. ANY other president would be GONE by now. The Congress has the ability to FIRE HIM.
Margo Romero ~ Margo, are you holding a bird in your profile photo? I looked at it with a magnifying glass but still couldn't really make it out.
Todd Taliaferro And you dont have anything on your profile page. Troll much?
Julie Ake ~ What would you have me add to my profile? My street address? Social Security number?
I have a photo of my dog that's kinda cool. I would need his permission, though.
Todd Taliaferro that's because of those traitor that's within the Republican held Congress period they refuse to move. they're probably complicit in this whole Russia thing as well . we've got to vote them out of office at midterm or nothing will change at least not for the better.
"It can always get worse." - Russian proverb
"A president with small hands is like an egg without salt." - Lithuanian proverb.
Mr October: Did you make that up? That sounds like you made it up.
Daniel Burgess "Russian History summed up in one sentence. It gets worse" my college history teacher
GarlicPudding I made it up, although my mother did say 'to kiss a man without a beard is like to have an egg without salt.' But I'm not sure if that's an expression or something she alone said.
That is also the threat they are probably blackmailing drumpf with at this very moment ...
impeachment and imprisonment for trump !!!!!!
These videos give me hope and I really wish that you're right about what you say here. It would be disheartening to find out you were wrong, but I believe!
Congress: What are you doing Donald?
Trump: Digging myself a hole
Russia: Remember to put your back into it
Comey: Dig deeper!!!
Flynn: Don't worry I'll give you some help
"They're the best, the greatest tapes ever and they were recorded on the best recorder...I only have the best tapes and recorder. I'm like, a smart person."
I am a Republican and I dearly hope Congress and the House hold Trump accountable to the fullest extent of the law.
the difference between the intelligence of Mr. Olbermann and the completely juvenile ignorance of our president is so vast it's mind boggling ... light years stuff
Resist, peace.
The US Emperor will need to abdicate before his Senate enlists its own Brutus.
please post daily Kieth!
william causey Yes things are moving really quickly.
thank you n I agree 100%
Absolutely. I wish he would post daily. There is breaking news everyday- and I wait for Keith's take on it.
william causey me too
The next time the president is standing in front of a cadre of reporters, alone at the microphone taking questions, the first question should be, "Why do you lie so often?" When that is swatted away and the president bleats "Next question!" the next question should be, "Why do you lie so often?"
In other words, hold his feet to the fire. Whether it's a press conference or a much-advertised 'exclusive interview', hold his feet to the fire. Why, if you have an opportunity to call him out on his lies, narcissism and incompetence, would you _ever_ consider letting him wriggle out of a question as a viable option?
The only way to bring him to justice is to hold him accountable. The fourth estate has been almost criminally lax in their treatment of the president. They need to step up.
Last option: 2 others that Trump approached with the same request, come forward. He's sitting dead in the water.
Jenny didnt Adm. Rogers and the other person (I forgot his name) already say Trump asked them to do something similar?
at some point, you know that Trump will deny he ever said there were any tapes.
I love when there's a new Keith comment. First thing in the morning I get to pour myself a steaming hot mug of truth.
When will we learn? the whole system is broken but its not too late to fix it
get the money out of washington and term limits
His supporters won't care what he does. Blind sheeple, all of them.
Orange is not the new black.
"If it isn't broken, don't fix it" ... orange is broken, very broken, *"tremendously"* so. (still feels like an understatement).
This is the result of good lawyers, over the years Trump has begun to believe that his version of events is the truth.
Republicans are too far gone, they will not impeach him ... Thus, the only remedy is to vote the Republicans out of the House and Senate. But you Democrats won't even do that, instead you will vote for the long shot and once the long shot isn't nominated you will pout your way to another loss because you didn't come out to vote.
Mark Keller Hey man we need to get the young people mind into it let them know remind them every single day that's the way democrats going to take the house back.
+Ashamed US Eagle
Look at all the 3 million voters who chose Hillary and look who "won" the election. Who believes our votes count???
I'm not sure I'm following you, do you mean to say that voting doesn't matter?
+Quisqueya Pride Let us hope you are right.
You mean 65,844,954. The 3 million is the number of votes she won by.
Melania looks like she wants a wall between her and her husband.
I think the tweeting career of the Cheeto-in-Chief just might, maybe, be over. He's reportedly lawyering up, and might take their advice and STFU. Might. I'm not holding my breath.
president paul ryan doesnt sound good either!?
I don't think I'll ever forget Ryan smiling and nodding behind Trump at the AHCA celebration in the rose garden. He looked like a proud father watching his boy in the school play. Creepy af.
i have to admit it does but that guy has this creepy smirk on his face and besides Ryan is a rich donors best friend. he will screw you over for chump change.
i doubt Betty would stand a chance. Human being threw logic out the window.
They will get Ryan too. There is a rumor, that Orrin Hatch has been getting intelligence briefings.
Gerri Wright Ingerson after they drain our coffers they will probably pack up and move to Russia leaving a trashed America but we will survive
you're the only reason I subscribed to GQ
Joker Poker kieth and 2chainz for me lol
Joker Poker Same here.
I didn't even know GQ had a youtube channel
I subbed to see Keith and I'm exceptionally grateful that GQ is sponsoring him. After subbing I've seen a number of GQ shorts that were excellently done. Bravo!!! 👏👏👏
just think if this was in russia.....comey wouldve been poisoned with something and dead or in a coma before he can talk.
Can't believe you're not on TV. But maybe it's better you're here. No restrictions.
Olbermann: Succinct, articulate, intelligent and honest. A presidential bid?
Option nine, the Shawshank/Warden Norton solution. "The last thing that went through the warden's head, other than that bullet, " did it go so wrong?
With apologies to "The Shawshank Redemption"
Dude! You're meticulous! 👍
Hopefully the Travel Ban will keep Trump out of the US until Impeachment Proceedings begin....
Pleeeease make it number 7, mmmmmmh, number 7...
Any time, ANY time dt talks to someone (as in Comey - 'better hope there's no tapes...') he's really talking to himself.
taxes!? where are they!?
he forgets just like the rest as to WHO he (THEY) are working for ...ARREST them ALL
Over 30 to 1 ratio likes to dislikes....Nice job Keith!
Orange is the new BLECH!
quick, reinstate the travel ban before he can get back in the country
Tapes? In the year 2017 it's called a phone, in the pocket.😒
Awe man!! I'm both bummed and elated simultaneously - I just discovered why I haven't been seeing your videos in my feed, I had been unsubscribed! However, now I am able to catch up on the videos I've missed, which was really only a handful.
I did want it known that the "being unsubscribed" issue TH-cam was having, has indeed returned!
I do enjoy the eloquence of your summaries, Mr Olbermann. You keep us sane. Resist. Peace
do not do anything till after the mid terms. then vote enough dems to congress the new speaker will be a dem and third in line for prez
There are no tapes, the man is a raging lunatic!
So very pumped! 😤
I'm glad you guys are sorting it all out down there. 😆
I'm throwing a party when he's behind bars.
+Dragon Shivers
lol.... Yeah... Keep dreaming your little Leftist snowflake "resist" impeachment fantasies... Because the truth is, it was shrill little Leftists like you (and Olbermann) that helped get Trump elected in the first place... and it will be shrill little Leftists like you (and Olbermann) that will ultimately help get Trump re-elected in 4 more years of awesomeness... HA!
Your Kieth Olbermann and your UNEMPLOYED....
Any of the above options would be fine with me, Keith:-)
He does occasionally admit to being wrong. "All I know is what's on the internet." He never, however, admits to being responsible for anything.
Brilliant as always.
Trump is gonna pull a Nixon with the 18 minutes of blank tape!
Wow..that was one almighty one man investigation. I love following the fluidity of Keith's thoughts, it's like taking a ride in a really nice car through a really interesting landscape.
How did he know I laughed??? That was perfect timing lol
You missed option 8 or 9, list track, Trump opens a suitcase and pushes a button.
" the history of the galaxy" 😂👏
If he gets kicked out, please stay on to resist Pence.
Solid commentary. Keith is most effective when he keeps calm and sticks to the facts. The outrage and frustration he exhibits at times on other videos is understandable, but the Jack Webb "Just the facts, Ma'am" approach is ultimately more compelling and potent.
I wish people would stop using the word "tapes". If there are audio recordings, they are files and can be deleted. Though if deleted, the Fed's can still read them if they have the media they were stored on.
These are such sad times.
This is a very enjoyable segment
Even my conservative minded sister agrees with me because she is an intellectual Republican. Drumphf is a power hungry fool or goon. and an embarrassment to this whole country.
The great thing about GQ is that the suits look so good.
I just want to sit in room and eat Swiss Cake Rolls and cry.
Republicans who supported Trump should not just lose at their next elections, they should be thrown out of politics altogether.
Gives a whole new meaning to agent orange......
The countdown is ON!
You don't have your own show because THEY CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH!! I'll take these few moments of sanity each day please?
noooooooooo, it's more like because even MSNBC recognized that he's an unhinged goofball
Keith Olbermann should be president.
I have a feeling this informed Trump better than any briefing papers could.
Resist Please !
Solid coverage.
The Orange Child only said Comey "had better hope there are no tapes.." that's not an admission that such tapes ever existed.
The way Trump was talking in the Oval Office reminds me of the mafia guys who tell a store owner how they "hope" he doesn't have a fire. "Hey, we were just sayin'".
Option 8 - Seeking political asylum in Russia. Option 9 jail???? (if guilty, this isn't serious enough for jail???)
We are still assuming, here, that logic or a consistent paradigm mean anything, anymore.
This is not normal.
Including the fact that no one is doing anything about any of this.
There's something very satisfying in the symmetry of Comey giving Trump the presidency with a letter, and then taking it away with a memo.
You left out Option Reality. You know, that thing you're resisting.
What a smooth operator, that Trump.
GQ I wish you would put the # of the broadcast in the title so it's searchable rather than just picture it in the thumbnail.
I ask again, Why is this man not on prime time cable news?
It is so convoluted. It is so far out of the normal distribution that it is not even an outlier. It is what we call a nonsense value. We get nonsense values in test engineering. It usually means that the test instrument is busted.
The recordings if they exist would likely be digital. So it is probably very difficult to ensure they are destroyed.
Trump's 'go to' move is always to settle out of court. Has anyone told him that's not an option with impeachment?
He won't ever admit that without any tapes ever existing he was lying, just because he wrote tapes between " "
thanks Mr Olbermann
Has anyone considered that Trump wasn't threatening Comey with recorded tapes, but was making an unspecified threat against the possibility that Comey had his own record of the conversations (ie. "Tapes")?
really sad that gq has better reporting than some news outlets
Who said this? "Let it go; let it go. I'll tape this conversation."
..."The truth never bothered me anyway."
Comedy GOLD Jerry!
Kudos, Keith... 100,000,000 thumbs up!!!
Wait, when was this recorded? Is no one thinking there is anything fishy about Jason Chaffetz' impromptu resignation in a very hurried manner? Or the fact that he broke down in tears while discussing the fact that he was leaving, and refusing to discuss details of why, to the press? All he's really said is that he wants to "spend more time with his family". I don't like conspiracy theories much but I would not be even the slightest bit shocked if Trump and company threatened him to keep his mouth shut and tow the party line.