Nah, the majority of America wanted nothing to do with either of candidates. The fact that he was an unqualified blundering charismatic con man his entire life was well known for decades. Democrats fucked up bigly. There's no way around it.
This was hilariously accurate. I love how Trevor utilises satire, he doesn't need cussing, verbal vomit & hate speech to converse, like all these Trump supporters seem to be unable to function without.
Qasim Amazing that they were dumb enough to believe it though. If shit hits the fan and it hurts them even more than it did before, they deserve it all. And if it hits them the hardest way possible I'll feel no sympathy.
robert georg this whole election shows that america is full of idiots. there are loyalists on both sides who don't question anything and will vote for their parties candidate no matter what. anyone who can be excited about trumps or hillarys (if she had won) presidency is stupid and probably didn't do enough research regarding either candidate
The electoral vote is made to give each state an opportunity to count. If in california democrats win 100% vote they will always have popular vote but still get only 55 grand voters.
Trump looked shocked to even be president. Now he needs extra tutoring from Obama to learn how to be presidencial. No other previous president ever needed this level of extra help that Trump will recieve.
The point is, Matt, that immediately after Trump's 'victory' but _before_ he started reneging on his promises, Trump trolls were all over the net gloating, and insulting anyone who didn't agree with them. That's why their absence is so conspicuous now.
i repeatedly told people this is just a con, but only a couple listened. Trump was the messiah (btw their words, not mine), I got involved too late and by then the infection had already spread...
***** I never said he's the best/my favourite and you're entitled to your own opinion as to comedians that are better but I'm just saying I found this segment pretty funny.
Avirosb 99% of politicians are evil, nobody has a clean conscience. But electing Trump was very irresponsible to say the least, and now the whole nation is going to suffer. People thought that because he is a billionaire he knows how to run a business, what they never thought was that it was just for his interest not the country's.
I think there need to be requirements for presidents beyond age and place of birth, like a minimum of government or military service a psychological exam, and a polygraph test, so stuff like this doesn't happen again.
Arthur Rubio Technically, the electoral college is supposed to be a check for this. It was supposed to be a way to keep the people from electing an unqualified president because their votes didn't directly count. An elector could still vote faithlessly, but let's face it, that's an undemocratic check for a system that is already undemocratic.
I wouldn't hold out much hope for that. I've had lunch with someone who cast an electoral vote...not someone you would trust with pencil sharpener let alone your Democracy.
On a serious note: I think that Donald Trump thought that this would be the perfect dream come true and is now realizing that being a President is not easy. He says he went quiet when he knew he'd won. I think he did because of the weight of the responsability. I think it's sinking in that he can't bully his way out of this, that he can't keep avoiding the issues and that he has zero experience in real politics. He's way over his head and I think he knows it and is scared as hell.
I think he may have thought -like everybody else, that he would lose narrowly, and then he would have been a great martyr and could keep spewing shit, inciting racial hatred and rebellion and trolling the sitting president just like he has so far. And I agree on the scared part -on the White House visit, i have seen videos of people walking to the electric chair looking more optimistic.
He talked a big game, now he has gotta show up. I agree he didn't think he would win. He wanted to go down in history that he was one of the candidates for the 2016 election. He enjoyed the crowd n told them whatever they wanted to hear. That's how he is he will tell you wat he wants u to hear if it makes him more famous n likeable and that is dangerous!
@@grimsoncrow I can confirm even he didn't expect to win. They have testimony of him saying he didn't want to win, it was in his own words a way to get recognized a publicity stunt. He didn't think he would actually get there!
Am I the only one who is relieved that Thrump is acting relatively sane? Sure he's an utter idiot, but he doesn't sound as deranged and dangerous as he did during his campaign
rutger5000 it's just a phase, he'll get over it and will soon get back to his normal self n btw I hear there are protests going on somewhere in Europe (against America) as we speak, oh! Well.....
not a clinton supporter, but im starting to think clinton is not corrupt as we think. since trump is kinda backing off the whole prosecutor plan and been very thankful to her and her team.
It amazes me because to me it was obvious political BS All this crap was more fabricated than the WMD's in Iraq 1) You check the emails of any high official that had to deal with classified stuff and got large volumes of emails you're gonna find the same stuff. The private server confused everybody but it is just how she got her emails, it was like that before she had the secretary of state position 2) Fox news was running headlines every day about how imminent a conviction was the entire last week of the campaign and stuff. Yeah .. I wouldn't hold my breath... 3) They used her charity against her and although she did get donations from international figures including the Saudi royal family there was never any smoking gun, despite nearly everything being hacked, and the stories put out from Uranium One, Haiti, to others, were almost complete fabrications, connecting unrelated events in ways that in real life made no sense unless you ignore almost every actual details. They claimed only 5% was used for charity when it's actually 89%, no one drew a salary, and they supplied literally half the Aids medication in the freakin world. I was actually rooting for Trump to appoint a prosecutor. I mean, the guy is literally the biggest liar I've ever seen. There is literally no case and I was hoping he'd embarrass himself. Did you see the worry on Clinton's face, or see the worry from Obama, or any of the other surrogates, when he threatened to put her in jail? Neither did I.
SGS XIV she wasnt perfect, but she certainly wasn't as guilty as what trump and his supporters were saying. That will become even more obvious over time.
*Trevor obviously.* Only Trump supporters could be so narcissistic to take that outta context & make it about themselves. Granted Trump is quite the joke, Only we don't love him for it lol.
lol the man just became the leader of the most powerful country in the world and he's bragging about twitter followers? good luck America, you're gonna need it.
CEOofFRESH Pretty sure they voted for Trudeau because of his liberal policy plan and the fact that he is neither Stephen Harper nor Tom Mulcair. But maybe that's just me.
fs87 you say that like it doesn't affect you. dont forget most of the world's money is in part still backed by the US dollar. that means the more we get fucked, the more you'll get fucked afterwards.
Please pray for us. In about a year, you're going see commercials at 3 AM saying "For only 40 cents a day, you can help a refugee child in a America escape from the Trumpocalypse..."
Dan Trevino I never thought that. "Illegal" is stuff like grabbing pussies, or using funds donated to a charity to buy personal property, or not paying workers.
1:00 He basically admitted that he never thought he would win. That was the belief in the campaign the whole time. He just ran to raise money and publicity. Ivanka and Melania both wept in anguish when he won 😆🤦🏻♂️
I'm a US citizen, but climate change and the Supreme Court are the only things trump truly has me worried about. most of his crazier impulses will be kept in check by our institutions, but those two things.... ugh.
Trevor has been on fire for the last few months. I remember how people expressed apprehension on whether he would suitably cover the void left by Jon. He rightfully did.
The greatest conman who ever lived.. Me: Sell me this pen Trump: *Sells 50million Americans the Idea that he's fit to be president* What a salesman! I think at this point it don't matter what side you're on. You have to acknowledge the fact that Trump might be the best salesman that ever lived, This guy could sell you a rock, then sell you insurance for that rock.
Trump:What does "No" mean? I called Chi~na last night to see if they'd send me a new wife for a trade deal. Congress:Mr. Trump? You're Fired. Trump:Haha. Real funny guys.
Everyday I hope to feel better or more accepting of this election. However everyday I am more and more horrified and frightened of the idea of a Trump presidency. I just can't believe that enough Americans voted for this man.
plenty is an overstatement. we have these kind of anti-movements (anti-globalisation, anti-media, anti-immigration, anti-facts) as well, though. and they obviously feel inspired by trump winning like "if HE won, we have a shot as well"
My mom has been visiting other countries.... She told me she has been stopped multiple times a day and asked what the hell was America thinking... And people literally apologizing to her for being American.... The whole world is saying WTF America.
So what should trump do? Walk over to their house? Must he break the first amendment and arrest them? You do know that would be ruled unconstitutional under free speech right? Just like libtards who burn the flag. When you actally have a solution to something that is so insignificant(racism), yeah I'm happy with trump sayin "Stop it".
+Glorie Mpaka Yeah, becaude you can so come up with a better solution lol. I just love the hypocrisy, maybe you'd ought to stop criticising Republicans for not fixing something(Racism)that Barack Obama has done nothing about for the last 8 years. When you reply, please think a bit and come up with a better solution.
Unrelated to content - maybe the best subscribe stinger ever. When Trev says "no, not my face" I moused up to his face, and he flinched in perfect time. Already a sub, but hey, free extra laugh!
trump turned people against each other and now he wants people to stop.....o man i cant stop laughing! im going to buy some canned food and hope for the best
The whole time he was describing how "big it was" I was sat at home thinking "say bigly come on say something stupid give me something so I can roast you"
Aaron 77527 - Is Trump moderate? I don't think he really takes any of this seriously. Most politicians try not to get caught lying, Trump doesn't even care. He lies, then he lies about lying, then he say's something crazy to distract us from all of it. I'm not really sure "Trump", even knows what Trump is gonna do next. This all seems like some absurd improv by a man that isn't even trying to do it well. When W. Bush lied to us about WMD's in Iraq, at least he tried to keep that narrative internally consistent. When Colin Powell presented their evidence to the U.N., I believed him, he made a convincing case. They realized they needed people to believe that the administration was doing this for the right reason's. Trumps lies are nothing like this, there is no coherent meaning behind them, no content to analyze or corroborate. Trump just says whatever comes to mind, and deals with any objection by attacking and lying about that persons credibility. Trump will use a new lie to distract us from the old lie, and he provides a constantly shifting reality that exhausts us through constant confusion. All other politicians will try to hide the things they do which are clearly unethical. But Trump does these things right out in the open, being ethical isn't something he ever considers. When a reporter pointed this out, he said, "The law's totally on my side, the president can't have a conflict of interest. In theory I could run my business perfectly and then run the country perfectly. There's never been a case like this,” he said. "I'd assumed that you'd have to set up some type of trust or whatever and you don’t.” Maybe George Bush should have come right out and said, "I'm gonna invade Iraq, and get rid of Saddam. He's a bad guy folks, lets just finish him off. Then I will set up the best democracy you've ever seen. They will be so thankful once I remove that loser, we'll just use their oil to pay for the whole thing. I'm gonna invade Iraq and their going to pay for it. Mark my words folks, It's gonna be the greatest regime change you've ever see!"
The The Daily Show will for sure have an infinite amount of material during Trump's mandat, as well as the rest of the Media itself, I'm pretty sure will be fun to watch news from now on, with so many ironies, incohérences , and sarcams ...
Trevor's been getting more and more savage and biting! Hopefully the trump presidency will be for him what the bush years were for Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert.
+Sam C Oh, you mean like how Trump lied to all of his voters in order to get elected? Usually the liars wait until they are officially sworn in before they drop the charade. He has no respect for you guys, lol
zelpyzelp It seems that way, but he hasn't changed at all. A 70 year old man with the personality disorders he has cannot change. Also, he appointed Steve Bannon as his chief strategist. That tells you all you need to know.
"It's almost as if Trump has become a different person upon going into office." Thats called social skill. He can analyze a situation and do whats necessary to let things run in his favor. Now the situation has changed and so has he. Just look at the bus video. Trump analyzed the situation inside the bus and said things to earn the respect of the other persons in the bus and when he gets of the bus he acts totally different towards the camera and the woman that waits there just as if the things just SECONDS before never happend. Thats the difference between Trump and Billy Bush, who doesn't have these social skills because he keeps on going and makes Trump hug that woman. Or compare it to Clintons wall street speeches: She says one thing in the situation of holding a speech in front of rich people and acts totally different in front of the democratic crowd. What exactly does it tell us that he appointed Steve Bannon in a fantasy position?
"I'll say it right into the camera: climate change, stop it."
PolemiGames Like when a parent says "stop it monster! Go away!" To comfort their children.
Now, frisk it!!
America wanted someone fresh, and got a novice who´s puting old Washington suits in office. Yeah, great job Americam way to shake things up.
Trump supporters don't care as long as we keep America White Again. Get the brown people out!
lol to shake things up.
+Sam D Exactly
Nah, the majority of America wanted nothing to do with either of candidates. The fact that he was an unqualified blundering charismatic con man his entire life was well known for decades.
Democrats fucked up bigly. There's no way around it.
Thats the thing, he will not keep the browns out. He will just give them more reasons to explote.
Trevor Noah is getting pretty good. Keep it up youngblood.
Lori - you are a victim of fake news and republican propaganda - wise up.
Trevor kan lekker kak praat. Hy is Hillary se gatgabba!
The General Just go online,go to the general to save time
Gerhard Rossouw is dat nederlands ?
Moji Okedara Afrikaans
My condolences, from Europe
noranyaa2205 funny thing is it still affects us Europeans... so start building that bomb shelter :)
noranyaa2205 yea that will help =_=
better then noting
noranyaa2205 as an American, my apologies
noranyaa2205 how about you go and save your shit hole continent first before you worry about our country
Tony K you know most of the European countries are our allies
Who else pictures Hillary at home covered in blankets listenning to treat you better by shawn mendes
Darren Mahabir or hello darkness my old friend
Charlie Milroy it's called "The Sound of Silence"
+Charlie Milroy Fail...
Darren Mahabir 😂😂😂 yah ikr
Amir Didovic Me or Hillary? Well I was only referring to the line in the song, not the name.
This was hilariously accurate. I love how Trevor utilises satire, he doesn't need cussing, verbal vomit & hate speech to converse, like all these Trump supporters seem to be unable to function without.
Oh, America. It was all a beautiful lie.
Hopefully not. Fingers crossed. Outlook is bleak though.
Qasim You say beautiful, but all I see is ugliness.
Mr. Seemingly Expected I don't even know what I see
America is about to become to bipolar chick of the world.
Qasim Amazing that they were dumb enough to believe it though. If shit hits the fan and it hurts them even more than it did before, they deserve it all. And if it hits them the hardest way possible I'll feel no sympathy.
Dylon John Govender make america fart again
We were never smart.
that's a good one lol
Ship sailed a long time ago. But Trumps presidency confirms that America is filled with idiots.
robert georg this whole election shows that america is full of idiots. there are loyalists on both sides who don't question anything and will vote for their parties candidate no matter what. anyone who can be excited about trumps or hillarys (if she had won) presidency is stupid and probably didn't do enough research regarding either candidate
How can you be an "anti-establishment" and voted for a billionaire 😂 lol
He's no billionair. Just watch The young Turks.
@eClass eTutor Only if the american people let it happen.
He hasn't actually won the popular vote, he's only won the electoral college.
Just though I'd put that out there.
Yup, by millions of votes too.
The electoral vote is made to give each state an opportunity to count. If in california democrats win 100% vote they will always have popular vote but still get only 55 grand voters.
the public vote doesn't really matter, though
Baldons actually about 1/3 of California voted for Trump
Deebo Molina yes and I was one of them
Stop it? Just, "stop it?" Is Donald Trump taking the Dora the Explorer approach to handling adversity?
"ISIS, no ISISing!"
"Oh, maaaaaaaaan..."
It''s about as sensible as anything else the guy has proposed.
Christian Buffum-Robbins ok I laughed harder than I should've at that 😂
Trump looked shocked to even be president. Now he needs extra tutoring from Obama to learn how to be presidencial. No other previous president ever needed this level of extra help that Trump will recieve.
No one expects the moderate plea to end violence.
Christian Buffum-Robbins dude!! lmao. this made my day.😂😂
Wow, usually the number of dislikes on TDS's videos is much higher. Where are all the Trump trolls? Did they FINALLY realize they all got conned?
Seems like it. Invisible in comments too.
a glorious victory for the internet, but a sad day for america. The trolls have been defeated for now..........but at what cost..........
What-If Machine no they just stopped watching
Trump already won. CTR is dead. There's nothing left to fight. Hillary already lost. Enjoy your sour grapes
The point is, Matt, that immediately after Trump's 'victory' but _before_ he started reneging on his promises, Trump trolls were all over the net gloating, and insulting anyone who didn't agree with them.
That's why their absence is so conspicuous now.
LOL, In the beginning you can tell Trump wanted to say HUGE soooooo bad but can't cause ppl would make fun of him and he ran out of synonyms.
Izy Or bigly
Izy dont for get, he has the best words
\m/ AngelofDeath \m/ Seems like u have 2 many words. forget* see what I did there, 2 many. I'm so clever.
Izy that was stu pid
...there is a fence. I live right next to the Mexican border... and there is a fence. Did you think the border was just a chalk line???
That fence just got 10 feet taller!
Anna Ruiz The sad thing is, other countries get by with a chalk line...
if you ignore a fence or a chalk line, they're still trespassing
They're gonna build a white picket fence. It's the American dream!
its also a swampy river for a big part of the Mexican border... building anything there is not only stupid but over the top expensive as well.
One word: Impeachment.
Devin Jones 2 years in still not impeached. I think he may win 2nd term
Impeachment??? For what???
El Hombre de oro DJT should be impeached for abstraction of justice! 10 times already!! Just read the mueller report...
@@lucyjackson9215 He's being impeached now.. sucker
@@abdullahimustapha3541 the people will stop him
This is the greatest con in American History.
NRobbi42 They didn't want a corrupt lying politician... So they voted for a corrupt lying reality TV star... GG America
The silver spoon wall street billionaire is supposed to be a man of the people?
i repeatedly told people this is just a con, but only a couple listened. Trump was the messiah (btw their words, not mine), I got involved too late and by then the infection had already spread...
Idiocracy was prophetic.
Trump is filling his cabinet with Corporate CEOs, corrupt politicians, and white supremacists as we speak. We are so fucked.
That Paul Ryan joke was so on point
udyvlogs I woke my husband up from our first floor living room laughing too loud after that. Too funny. And true.
only good joke he made in this whole thing
***** Not true. I laughed many times in this segment and I laugh many times when Trevor talks. He is a brilliant comedian.
I prefer John Oliver tbh. Okay and his twitter crack at the very end was good too but otherwise nah I spent most of the video scrolling the comments.
***** I never said he's the best/my favourite and you're entitled to your own opinion as to comedians that are better but I'm just saying I found this segment pretty funny.
Please, please, please, stop calling the US president leader of the free world, it makes no sense what so ever.
Yeah no one outside of the US ever does that. It's BS propaganda
A better comparison for Trump and his promise to the wall would be asking for No Man's Sky and then getting No Man's Sky
Deebo Molina let it be know that at least one person here got that reference 😂
Deebo Molina Broken promises! Broken promises everywhere!!
Nathan Drake make it two
Sean Murray could be a politician, for all I know.
Trevor is the best... if Trump kicks you out, youre welcome to come back to South Africa
Freddy Schwoerer lol
damn this guy is a fucking legend
Gonzo W Who piss ed in your cheerios this morning?
John Myers don't be so mean to him!....he might kill someone.
I'm shocked if any American thought Trump was serious about sending Hillary to prison.
B-but she's a devil and a monster D:>
Avirosb 99% of politicians are evil, nobody has a clean conscience. But electing Trump was very irresponsible to say the least, and now the whole nation is going to suffer. People thought that because he is a billionaire he knows how to run a business, what they never thought was that it was just for his interest not the country's.
Carlos Rodriguez
They'll wake up soon enough.
Or die poor and stupid, either works.
I think there need to be requirements for presidents beyond age and place of birth, like a minimum of government or military service a psychological exam, and a polygraph test, so stuff like this doesn't happen again.
I agree wholeheartedly.
a free and competent press is supposed to kinda do that
after this election I can say the press is anything but free and competent
Arthur Rubio Technically, the electoral college is supposed to be a check for this. It was supposed to be a way to keep the people from electing an unqualified president because their votes didn't directly count. An elector could still vote faithlessly, but let's face it, that's an undemocratic check for a system that is already undemocratic.
I wouldn't hold out much hope for that. I've had lunch with someone who cast an electoral vote...not someone you would trust with pencil sharpener let alone your Democracy.
Trump needs to get his hands on a thesaurus
He needs a huuuge thesaurus. With the best words.
No, he needs a very tiny thesaurus, so it can fit in his hands and he won't drop it.
Or he could just not say the same thing over and over again.
When your vocabulary is in the triple digits there are only so many combinations.
Kevin Loftus Ikr
Aren't there lawyers in USA who can stop Trump before it's too late?
Luca Ruaro but wouldnt they be sued 😂
On a serious note: I think that Donald Trump thought that this would be the perfect dream come true and is now realizing that being a President is not easy. He says he went quiet when he knew he'd won. I think he did because of the weight of the responsability. I think it's sinking in that he can't bully his way out of this, that he can't keep avoiding the issues and that he has zero experience in real politics. He's way over his head and I think he knows it and is scared as hell.
I think he may have thought -like everybody else, that he would lose narrowly, and then he would have been a great martyr and could keep spewing shit, inciting racial hatred and rebellion and trolling the sitting president just like he has so far. And I agree on the scared part -on the White House visit, i have seen videos of people walking to the electric chair looking more optimistic.
He talked a big game, now he has gotta show up. I agree he didn't think he would win. He wanted to go down in history that he was one of the candidates for the 2016 election. He enjoyed the crowd n told them whatever they wanted to hear. That's how he is he will tell you wat he wants u to hear if it makes him more famous n likeable and that is dangerous!
NIELS MICHIELS He probably met the Aliens lol.
Márcia Leal I cant agree more. I think his lack of experience is what scares me the most.
@@grimsoncrow I can confirm even he didn't expect to win. They have testimony of him saying he didn't want to win, it was in his own words a way to get recognized a publicity stunt. He didn't think he would actually get there!
LMAO. The next 4 years are going to be funny as hell.
This would make a great Monty Python film. This is so hilarious.
Are you outside the US?
Gonna be interesting, that's for sure.
You mean 8?
LOL, I was saying the same thing.
I swear to God....ppl who run for president should take an IQ and psychological test
Trevor you are my hero!!!!
I mean iq is bs and not scientific so how about world history
Trump for President #TRUMP2020
I agree!!
This should also extend to people that are eligible to vote!
Am I the only one who is relieved that Thrump is acting relatively sane? Sure he's an utter idiot, but he doesn't sound as deranged and dangerous as he did during his campaign
rutger5000 fair point
rutger5000 it's just a phase, he'll get over it and will soon get back to his normal self n btw I hear there are protests going on somewhere in Europe (against America) as we speak, oh! Well.....
Sarah Libogoma What's the point of demonstrating against a rightfully elected president of a foreign nation?
He's waiting till his inauguration. Then he will pull his pants down and start shitting on the constitution.
rutger5000 of course that makes his retaining the likes of Steve Bannon even worse...
We're going to build a fence!
It's gonna be a beautiful fence, the best fence!
a real nice ikea garden fence
and it will be so bigly!
the fence is gonna be so big, so huge.....we will have so much will get tired of all the fence....its gonna be amazing....just trust me
a tremendous fence
not a clinton supporter, but im starting to think clinton is not corrupt as we think. since trump is kinda backing off the whole prosecutor plan and been very thankful to her and her team.
SGS XIV Trump just knows that because of the riots, it's best to hold off on the special prosecutor so he can farther unify America mean he wants to heal the rife of racism he capitalized on?
Funny Uncle sheeple
It amazes me because to me it was obvious political BS
All this crap was more fabricated than the WMD's in Iraq
1) You check the emails of any high official that had to deal with classified stuff and got large volumes of emails you're gonna find the same stuff. The private server confused everybody but it is just how she got her emails, it was like that before she had the secretary of state position
2) Fox news was running headlines every day about how imminent a conviction was the entire last week of the campaign and stuff. Yeah .. I wouldn't hold my breath...
3) They used her charity against her and although she did get donations from international figures including the Saudi royal family there was never any smoking gun, despite nearly everything being hacked, and the stories put out from Uranium One, Haiti, to others, were almost complete fabrications, connecting unrelated events in ways that in real life made no sense unless you ignore almost every actual details. They claimed only 5% was used for charity when it's actually 89%, no one drew a salary, and they supplied literally half the Aids medication in the freakin world.
I was actually rooting for Trump to appoint a prosecutor. I mean, the guy is literally the biggest liar I've ever seen. There is literally no case and I was hoping he'd embarrass himself. Did you see the worry on Clinton's face, or see the worry from Obama, or any of the other surrogates, when he threatened to put her in jail? Neither did I.
SGS XIV she wasnt perfect, but she certainly wasn't as guilty as what trump and his supporters were saying. That will become even more obvious over time.
gotta love this guy. Hilarious
Which one?
Trevor Noah
*Trevor obviously.* Only Trump supporters could be so narcissistic to take that outta context & make it about themselves. Granted Trump is quite the joke, Only we don't love him for it lol.
lol the man just became the leader of the most powerful country in the world and he's bragging about twitter followers? good luck America, you're gonna need it.
We good now, no problems here in America, move along.
CEOofFRESH Pretty sure they voted for Trudeau because of his liberal policy plan and the fact that he is neither Stephen Harper nor Tom Mulcair. But maybe that's just me.
Bluesteel no problems here? Trump will be our president....It's a bigly problem
fs87 you say that like it doesn't affect you. dont forget most of the world's money is in part still backed by the US dollar. that means the more we get fucked, the more you'll get fucked afterwards.
Please pray for us. In about a year, you're going see commercials at 3 AM saying "For only 40 cents a day, you can help a refugee child in a America escape from the Trumpocalypse..."
I'm really binge watching Trevor Noah at 3.51 in SA🙃🙃🙃
I don't think Trump believed he would actually win. Even he seemed surprised. Though instead of saying Damn Daniel, well say "Damn Donald!"
that's a really dead meme
Mas van Hulzen no meme ever dies
Mas van Hulzen Old, but GOld. 😎
A super dead meme
it's an older meme sir but it checks out
Psssst, Donald, "enormity" does not mean "enormous".
Silkendrum - normally he confuses 'enormous' with 'tiny'.
Psssst Silkendrum, "illegal" doesn't mean "Mexican"
Dan Trevino
I never thought that. "Illegal" is stuff like grabbing pussies, or using funds donated to a charity to buy personal property, or not paying workers.
Dan Trevino
Oh, ok, you meant someone else thinks Mexican (or any hispanic) equates to illegal. Gotcha.
Silkendrum Use the same excuse you would use about Clinton email scandal, Benghazi or Bernie DNC rigging.
He basically admitted that he never thought he would win. That was the belief in the campaign the whole time. He just ran to raise money and publicity. Ivanka and Melania both wept in anguish when he won 😆🤦🏻♂️
Now anyone can become president. I say we should elect a pizza next time. Or maybe even a breakfast sausage.
Kris Reese - President Sausage, wasn't that Bill Clinton's nickname? 😅
Ste H ba dum tssss (drum joke sound)
No. Weird Al. #MakeAmericaWeirdAgain
I don't like sausage on my pizza... :-D
please elect nutella!!! i bet it can do a better job at presidency and it will keeps its' promises
My god Trump's apartment looks like it belonged to Saddam Hussein...
faboze even more
Yea, no taste...
Petri Savero they both dictators
faboze how dare you! Hussain would never be so gawdy :p
It's modeled after French baroque. We have a wannabe monarch running our democracy.
Cracking it Trevor as always man!
"It's easier to con a person than to convince that person that they have been conned" (Paraphrased) - MT
But he's not going back on the important stuff like climate change
Thats one thing I am worried about as a world citizen who doesn't live in the US.
*You are so right!* I hope your comment gets voted to the top!!!
I'm a US citizen, but climate change and the Supreme Court are the only things trump truly has me worried about. most of his crazier impulses will be kept in check by our institutions, but those two things.... ugh.
Give it time. He's going to be discussing it with someone who actually has some common sense soon. Trump can be swayed.
Not if he is bottled up in his new Republican climate denier eco chamber.
Lets hear it for that writer who wrote the sitting on a fence joke
Trevor has been on fire for the last few months. I remember how people expressed apprehension on whether he would suitably cover the void left by Jon. He rightfully did.
OMG!!! He gets me every time with the impressions. Haha
*sips coffee* Oh Donald you contradict yourself yet again.
*sips tea as Kermit* But that's none of my business.
Forgive Donald. He is old and senile. No one would ever pay attention to what that crazy old man say right. Oh wait...
I lost it when he said, "ISIS, stop it." The voice was too perfect.
Not to forget the the "Berlin Fence" ...
Trevor is killing it on the daily show. Respect.
The greatest conman who ever lived..
Me: Sell me this pen
Trump: *Sells 50million Americans the Idea that he's fit to be president*
What a salesman!
I think at this point it don't matter what side you're on. You have to acknowledge the fact that Trump might be the best salesman that ever lived, This guy could sell you a rock, then sell you insurance for that rock.
Jeremiah Cruickshank not me! I ain't buy that shit from day one!
That's actually true. Trump is a terrible business man, but what he excels at is self-promotion and branding.
WTF? Presidency is not a salesman job.
Congrats trump supporters, you played yourselves.
"I can't sit on a fence. I'm not Paul Ryan!"
Hilarious. This is a great joke.
I hope Trump at least has the chance to expand his vocabulary during his stay at the White House. Which I believe won't take long.
Trump:What does "No" mean? I called Chi~na last night to see if they'd send me a new wife for a trade deal.
Congress:Mr. Trump? You're Fired.
Trump:Haha. Real funny guys.
He will screw America BIGLY....!!
Everyday I hope to feel better or more accepting of this election. However everyday I am more and more horrified and frightened of the idea of a Trump presidency. I just can't believe that enough Americans voted for this man.
They didn't, it is only because of the electoral college.
Just remember guys:
Never Back, Always Forward, Always 🇺🇸
Trump gets elected
Rest of the world: lol xd
Plenty of Europeans are happy about it.
plenty is an overstatement. we have these kind of anti-movements (anti-globalisation, anti-media, anti-immigration, anti-facts) as well, though. and they obviously feel inspired by trump winning like "if HE won, we have a shot as well"
After you provide yours. You made the first claim.
Did I ask you? Nice of you to do his homework for him though.
No one is going to be happy about his pesidency
His cabinet looks pretty fucking happy.
grimsoncrow Lol...Can't wait for Giuliani named Secretary of State....
Adrian Duran only half of America will be happy. Other half are vandals want handouts live with mommy and daddy with their 6 kids on welfare
He's the best thing that could happen to people like Sarah Palin.
Pro-life religious zealots are happy. Mike Pence is an evangelical loon
My mom has been visiting other countries.... She told me she has been stopped multiple times a day and asked what the hell was America thinking... And people literally apologizing to her for being American.... The whole world is saying WTF America.
yes yes our almost president has spoken y'all need to STOP IT!😂😂 it's really that simple
Glorie Mpaka if it if it helps
ben ben 😂😂 that had me dying also
So what should trump do? Walk over to their house? Must he break the first amendment and arrest them? You do know that would be ruled unconstitutional under free speech right? Just like libtards who burn the flag.
When you actally have a solution to something that is so insignificant(racism), yeah I'm happy with trump sayin "Stop it".
Adolf Hitler no you right Adolf Hitler I'm sure people are gonna listen if you say STOP IT!
+Glorie Mpaka Yeah, becaude you can so come up with a better solution lol. I just love the hypocrisy, maybe you'd ought to stop criticising Republicans for not fixing something(Racism)that Barack Obama has done nothing about for the last 8 years. When you reply, please think a bit and come up with a better solution.
This segment was spectacular.
Unrelated to content - maybe the best subscribe stinger ever. When Trev says "no, not my face" I moused up to his face, and he flinched in perfect time. Already a sub, but hey, free extra laugh!
i sweaaar!! me too
keep up the great show Trevor , you are doing great.
This was a brilliant segment. Good Job Trevor!
I love this guy.keep up the good work Trevor 👍👏👏
Dear Trevor, where do you get the ENERGY!!??? I want to watch your show all day but I need to sleep! lol
Trevor will get me through these 4 years
trump turned people against each other and now he wants people to stop.....o man i cant stop laughing! im going to buy some canned food and hope for the best
J Dizzle You think if I looked trump in the eye or through a camera and told him to stop his racist bullshit he'd do it too?
“we will troll him for 4 years”. Cough Cough Tulsa 😂😂😂
proud of you Trevor. love your comedy.
That Paul Ryan burn!!! Woooo!!!
Particularly excellent! Thank you!
hate him or love him , that plumber ending was a killer lmao 😂😂😂😂
Look at the dislike/like ratio: Even Trump-trolls can't deny Trevor Noah is damn right about what he says.
Trevor: Brilliant show last night, incorporating and expanding on my favorite segment from over a year ago. Thank you!
How fast Trump flip flopping he is going to give America whiplash 😂😂😂
The whole time he was describing how "big it was" I was sat at home thinking "say bigly come on say something stupid give me something so I can roast you"
Still didn't get a wall from trump 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Was that Paul Ryan, or poor Ryan. 😂😂😂😂😂
I thought there was already a fence between Mexico and USA
omg this video is trending!!! U deserve it Trevor
So Trevor is mad Trump is more moderate than he expected? I think some people just enjoy being angry.
No, more that he walked back on just about every election promise he made. Much like the politicians he claims to be different from.
Aaron 77527 - Is Trump moderate? I don't think he really takes any of this seriously. Most politicians try not to get caught lying, Trump doesn't even care. He lies, then he lies about lying, then he say's something crazy to distract us from all of it. I'm not really sure "Trump", even knows what Trump is gonna do next. This all seems like some absurd improv by a man that isn't even trying to do it well.
When W. Bush lied to us about WMD's in Iraq, at least he tried to keep that narrative internally consistent. When Colin Powell presented their evidence to the U.N., I believed him, he made a convincing case. They realized they needed people to believe that the administration was doing this for the right reason's.
Trumps lies are nothing like this, there is no coherent meaning behind them, no content to analyze or corroborate. Trump just says whatever comes to mind, and deals with any objection by attacking and lying about that persons credibility. Trump will use a new lie to distract us from the old lie, and he provides a constantly shifting reality that exhausts us through constant confusion.
All other politicians will try to hide the things they do which are clearly unethical. But Trump does these things right out in the open, being ethical isn't something he ever considers. When a reporter pointed this out, he said, "The law's totally on my side, the president can't have a conflict of interest. In theory I could run my business perfectly and then run the country perfectly. There's never been a case like this,” he said. "I'd assumed that you'd have to set up some type of trust or whatever and you don’t.”
Maybe George Bush should have come right out and said,
"I'm gonna invade Iraq, and get rid of Saddam. He's a bad guy folks, lets just finish him off. Then I will set up the best democracy you've ever seen. They will be so thankful once I remove that loser, we'll just use their oil to pay for the whole thing. I'm gonna invade Iraq and their going to pay for it. Mark my words folks, It's gonna be the greatest regime change you've ever see!"
The 'J' in Donald J. Trump stands for Joke.
Come on Trevor, the J. stand for jenius! 😂😂😂
The The Daily Show will for sure have an infinite amount of material during Trump's mandat, as well as the rest of the Media itself, I'm pretty sure will be fun to watch news from now on, with so many ironies, incohérences , and sarcams ...
Trevor has a nice behind ;)
And you have a nice face :)
MegaBlueT Thank you!
and i have big dick
MrSirFluffy lol. If my face looks like a behind to you, then you're in desperate need of glasses...or a life. Get either, or better yet, BOTH
Janet Gabriel
If I slap your face I can BOTH slap your ass and face lol
Trevor Noah is so on point!
Trevor's been getting more and more savage and biting! Hopefully the trump presidency will be for him what the bush years were for Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert.
Trump will be the best POTUS ever, he will supply jokes to comedian for 4 years. Just like GW Bush. Halleluyah.
yup all these show hosts dont actually have their own opinions. they just say whatever to keep their jobs
+Sam C Oh, you mean like how Trump lied to all of his voters in order to get elected? Usually the liars wait until they are officially sworn in before they drop the charade. He has no respect for you guys, lol
ahmad mohamad I hope trump is fit enough to be president...he needs to dodge alot of shoes these 4 years coming.
Trevor Noah is killing it!!!
His ratings, yes :)
nom nom nom the taste of him backing off his campaign promises and his supporters inevitable backlash is delicious
According to Trump himself, the J in Donald J. Trump stands for genius.
The video was great! Keep them coming.
Breaking News: Serial liar Donald Trump MAY have said some things that were not entirely true!
winter is coming
Yeah, now you people need a Dragon Queen.
+grimsoncrow Um, she lost the election. Sorry, that was too easy; I just could not resist.
winter is already here, see the white ravens?
along with high rates of radiation.
Woah that's one hell of a hasthag lol. #orangewinteriscoming
oh Trevor you're killing me.i have laughed so much my face has a permanent smile.and it hurts but I want more,MOOOORE
"I'm not Paul Ryan" ZINGGGGGGG
he is truly a Gemini to all meaning of the zodiac sign... congratulations America.
Robert Holloway Of all the zodiac signs
he would be cancer
Ya true. Every sign has positive and negative traits and this guy is an amalgamation of all the worst negative Gemini traits
Trevor if they come for you...i got you ...real show facts...real talk! Trevor Noah first name last name...lets go!!!
It's almost as if Trump has become a different person upon going into office.
zelpyzelp It seems that way, but he hasn't changed at all. A 70 year old man with the personality disorders he has cannot change. Also, he appointed Steve Bannon as his chief strategist. That tells you all you need to know.
Amy Herrmann Oh I know about that, It's just kinda funny that he's gone back on a lot of his crazy promises
"It's almost as if Trump has become a different person upon going into office."
Thats called social skill. He can analyze a situation and do whats necessary to let things run in his favor. Now the situation has changed and so has he. Just look at the bus video. Trump analyzed the situation inside the bus and said things to earn the respect of the other persons in the bus and when he gets of the bus he acts totally different towards the camera and the woman that waits there just as if the things just SECONDS before never happend. Thats the difference between Trump and Billy Bush, who doesn't have these social skills because he keeps on going and makes Trump hug that woman.
Or compare it to Clintons wall street speeches: She says one thing in the situation of holding a speech in front of rich people and acts totally different in front of the democratic crowd.
What exactly does it tell us that he appointed Steve Bannon in a fantasy position?
Donald Trump: To all my supporters...SIKE!!!!! Thanks for the votes! Now. How