5:10, 9:08, 12:04, 12:26, 14:33, 15:11, 16:36, 17:28, 18:08 - Exploration action also gives +3 Cows to the player. (This happens across the full game but maybe just worth mentioning the first couple of times). 7:58, 10:52, 14:21 - Players do lose 5 Cows again if their 2nd planet is also invaded, so they can lose 10 Cows in a single turn due to having both invasion attempts correctly guessed.
5:10, 9:08, 12:04, 12:26, 14:33, 15:11, 16:36, 17:28, 18:08 - Exploration action also gives +3 Cows to the player. (This happens across the full game but maybe just worth mentioning the first couple of times).
7:58, 10:52, 14:21 - Players do lose 5 Cows again if their 2nd planet is also invaded, so they can lose 10 Cows in a single turn due to having both invasion attempts correctly guessed.
It's not the type of game my group would want to play, but I really like the art and the theme =D
this was on backerkit also? but also coming to Kickstarter?
No, I said Kickstster by accident
All your cow are belong to us. (Old internet joke 😆)
Well, video game right? Lol
Don't touch them . . .