I like how Destiny did a six month "let's be reasonable" tour with practically every big content creator, before burning all his credibility on his ridiculous "firemen deserve to rot in hell" tweets.
I dont know why but it seems quite prevalent with people like destiny to be incredibly two-faced and their true self pops open during certain major stressors.
@@TheDragonageorigins Progressives... Sort of like they like to pose as "anti racist" and "anti sexist" while also being racists and sexists themselves, just towards different demographics who "deserve it".
Jordan Peterson needs to treat himself for psychosis. And go get some basic science education. This guy doesn't even understand the fundamentals of biology or physics, and makes absurd strawman claims that no one actually makes, because the man has never read a hard scientific paper in his life. Now, a bunch of soyboy incels, most of who have never set food in a science lab, never worked for months or years on a study, never produced a model, don't understand basic statistics or data science, and respond with some quip. Peterson MIGHT have some interesting things to say about psychology. But in every other area, he's way out of his league. And when he starts to get shredded, like Sam Harris did, he turns to arguing definitions and playing semantic games, or launching into a tirade that says nothing. Honestly, Andrew isn't much better. The one thing I'll say about Destiny, is that despite that he's only studied music in college, he puts in the work to do his research, and voraciously reads about a subject he wants to debate. By contrast, I'd say all Peterson does is read the summary, and Andrew basically only reads for confirmation bias.
JP is way more insane in every way than Destiny haha. Remember when JP has to go to Russia for a year+ for his addiction problems. Then came back and believes every conspiracy theory
Jordan said it best about Destiny when he was on Pints with Aquinas: he only cares about being right. He picks the topics that are easy to win and only talks about those and avoids other topics at all costs and whoever brings them up is a "conspiracy theorist and braindead". Being a yapinator machine is just icing on the cake, but he also wanted to act like he's on the same level as JP in terms of terminology.
Ok, but whats wrong with that? He picks topics where he is certain. So he looks at a topic, considers arguments and forms an opinion, which is informed enough to withstand most arguments. Other topics, where he is less certain, he does not engage with the same level is conviction. Well, seems very reasonable to me, no? The alternative is what? Maximum conviction for topic of minimal certainty? So people, who dont know the topic well, but are wholeheartedly arguing about it? If thats what you prefer, I guess.
@persuadedbyadhom Well, that depends on how you perceive his opinion. Btw, I agree on Ukraine, Syria with you. I find the US involvement criminal, but I am also not American. As an American it is absolutely a rational position to say that US involvement is good, or rather beneficial to the US. That is 100% consistent and also the reason why the state department is doing it. Those guys in the organizations and institutions are not stupid either. And they are not only on the take. They have the interest of their country at heart. And the ways they pursuit their countries interest is logical. And it is also rational from a Russian perspective in geopolitical terms to invade Ukraine, to break the US unipolarity. You dont need to be paid by them to think like them. If you share the same morals, there is a good chance you are willing to accept the selected strategies.
@pennerbenedict4820 You, destiny and many other destiny supporters are unironically making the same arguments Christians have made for years. "Show me proof of god" "Show me proof there is no god" It was on destiny to present why Jan 6 was an insurrection, IT'S NOT ON ANDREW TO DEFINE WHAT AN INSURRECTION IS.
@@pennerbenedict4820 If the debate were about the existence of God, is the atheists supposed to give a definition of God? Matt Dillahunty constantly says he doesn't know what a God is yet he rejects his existence.
Since we agree he's a legitimate nihilist, and I'd also argue a narcissist, I strongly label Destiny as "Not worth Debating". He will never admit he is wrong, he automatically holds himself as morally superior than others, rejects basic objective facts, and holds double standards constantly. Yeah, he is definitely not worth talking to. Typical narcissist.
Maybe so but bringing some semblance of reality over to his followers is worth debating him over. Some of them may be too far gone but there are others still worth saving.
@@alwaysright3943 Does it not strike you as ignorant that you can call people involuntarily celibate but you would cry if someone said certain groups were involuntarily incompatible with society.
I use the word "typically" fairly frequently, to avoid the "not always" tirades. Almost nobody speaks in absolutes and yet almost everybody online assumes that someone they disagree with is always speaking in absolutes. It's an "aren't I more cleverererer" technique. Dishonest and lowbrow.
@@loganblackwood2922 Or they believe that because they can provide one wild exception to an otherwise established rule, that mic-drops the entire discussion. It's childish and petty.
I use those terms when I am not certain but suspect something. Which isn't a position one should be trying to push in a debate. In an actual conversation "I think" would be the proper phrase in that situation. People like Destiny avoid that phrase and use the former phrases because that is exactly the game. To pass off something without logical or evidentiary foundation as something that does.
@@jeyhunfazilov2060 no he doesn't, he wears them down and obfuscates. Destroying would be using undeniable and unbiased truth to win a debate. He doesn't, he smuggles loaded jargon and hyperbole, motte&Bailey and strawman arguments. All him a hypothetical to test his logic and he will often rather be right in the hypothetical than stick to his own principles.
@@raguellagrande7344 Everything you described was done by Andrew in their latest debate on Fresh n Fit. I have never seen destiny use obfuscated Jargon to describe things, in fact he describes things very clearly, the way you would to a 12 year old. A good example of someone who obfuscates and wears down would be Jordan Peterson
@@jeyhunfazilov2060 odd, I rarely even understand what Destiny's opinions actually are. He may explain things in terms a kid child understand but that's negate that's exactly who his audience is. Children. His super speed verbalizing only hinders.
I've only seen this destiny guy a couple times. He can be summed up with this saying. If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.
@@mattyriddelltarot3277 you haven't watched much Peterson? He specialises in meaningless word salads... I can give you a list of some of his greatest hits if you'd like. Or you can even just go to a website that is dedicated to generating Peterson word salads for you.
Because he's a self-taught Wikipedia diletante, Destiny often falls into the confidence-competence paradox described by Neil Degrasse Tyson where he knows just enough about a topic to think he's right, but not enough to know when he's wrong. He never gets far enough up the "slope of enlightenment" to reach the "plateau of of sustainability."
I am biased towards Jesus Christ. I will believe in Jesus Christ even if the whole world were against me and called me crazy. Even if the people I love and respect the most were to tell me that believe in Jesus Christ is irrational, and I lacked the ability to logically argue for my faith in Jesus Christ, I will still believe in Jesus Christ and His Church.
Debating people like Destiny is good for reaching others. But Destiny himself will never be saved. He cares too much about winning an argument, and too little about being correct. He will never change his mind in light of new evidence or information. His bias will always get the final say.
@@dr.hairbrain1486He is addicted to people believing he is the smartest person in the room. The guy is an addict through and through. Crazy what insecurity will do to a person, it's their own poison.
it's not even about winning the debate, it's about virtue signaling and not giving any ground to the truth. it's all about money for him, hate farming and whatever it takes to gain money. he's being propped up by youtube and maybe even dark money.
He’s actually admitted that before. I can’t remember when it was but during an interview with a woman he answered one of her questions “whatever helps me win the argument” and laughed.
2 weeks ago: Destiny basically ended his career aspirations of becoming big.. by a series of morally insane tweets and vids. This week: Andrew put the nail in the coffin last debate.
Destiny is painful to listen to. There's some mental /spiritual/emotional problem with him. No idea what exactly but he seems on the verge of a breakdown.
The stimulant abuse is coming to a head. Plus problems with the love life recently, and the revelation the guy he was simping for years is literally senile and Trump is surviving assassinations His whole world is tumbling down
Gosh, Destiny just doesn't know when to shut up and listen to the other party. It seems he tries to overtake their arguments by speaking constantly out of turn. It's not like I can't follow him through his argument, it's more like I get tired of listening to him, Jesus...
That's his entire debate strategy. He's just well read enough, to be able to throw out a bunch of stuff, but not well read enough to actually debate them. Which is why he gets so mad, when people do.
Destiny just throws accusations and statements out without confirmation to make himself look like a good psychic. He embodies arrogance and a ignorance perfectly. He turns my stomach 😂
First video I've watched of Destiny since his vile take on the assassination attempt. And only because I've already seen this interview and knew that Andrew wouldn't disappoint
Destiny explaining concepts about how people engage with politics like he's phuccing Aristotle, meanwhile, Roe Jogan has been talking about this stuff adnauseam on his podcast for the past 10 years
Destiny makes me cringe when I see him talk because he thinks he's on the same level as Peterson and other academics. He's a nerd who reads a few articles for a day on a subject before debating someone by talking over them and switching the topic when he's stuck
It also can't be stored for long periods of time like other power sources, and the components made to generate it don't last long enough to be sustainable.
I couldn’t understand why the environmentalists were against nuclear. Then I realized it has nothing to do with carbon. It’s about stopping capitalism. Capitalism needs cheap, plentiful and consistent energy to work which nuclear would provide. Wind and solar, not some much.
Solar panels suck. I have them for my out building. They were there when I moved in. It requires like 6 panels and 4 batteries to operate a garage door and a light. I’m spending the money to have it hardlined before the end of the summer.
I'd love to see Andrew have a solid hour or 2 debate. Destiny(what kind of name is that anyway) would never agree to be eviscerated by Andrew publically.
I actually do know people that are off grid and I know one person that has a grid tie solar system. For the most part you’re right. There aren’t many people using these systems. I used to use Toshiba transistors and stumbled on a Toshiba reactor but I couldn’t get a price. They actually make them small enough to run a few warehouses. That’s why they were designed. Now they make them small enough to run 10 3-5 bedroom houses. But the starting price is between $25M-$55M depending on what you get. The Toshiba 4S micro reactor is super safe, can’t be turned into a weapon, will last 40 years on 1 fueling, etc… but the price for this one depending on your needs is between $50M - $3B depending on size. If you get the smallest one that’ll run 10+ 4 bedroom houses and every house pays their part you would be looking at each house paying $10,000 up front. But you would not have an electric or heat bill for the next 40 years. I think that’s less than 10¢ per kilowatt hour over the course of 40 years. I just don’t have the money for this option or 9 other people close enough to wire everyone in that has this kinda money. It would be sweet to have 10 people in a neighborhood that could afford this.
This conversation between Peterson and Destiny is awesome, Destiny never raised his voice was disrespectful, that's a clear sign how a beta behaves when there's an higher authority in the place.
Destiny’s tactic is to speed talk so that he can come off as smart and knowing a lot but if you start looking into his points individually it turns out he’s really stupid
Moral: That which tends to make societies get better Immoral: That which tends to make societies crumble Type 1 and Type 2 thinking. (Thinking fast, thinking slow) Solving problems sort of demands us think slow. But most of the time thinking fast IS the answer. Anyone who dwells solely in one or the other is going to fail. Most of life is in the fast lane. Automated decisions are what keep us alive. But unraveling the intricacies of interrelationships of most systems requires to careful breakdown factors.
With Destiny its good to reconize that when his agrument is weak or not convincing he starts the blast out random stats or statements to throw off the other side and obfuscate the converstation. This is what he does best he reads 15 hours a day on adderall and has a lot of random information that he then uses to make the other side seem ignorant.
People like this destiny fellow are the type of people that love to hear their own voice, think they have valid points and just ignore anything that people say if it's in disagreement to them
As an sme on power engineering and generation, solar panels and wind farms are going up everywhere even though individual homeowners aren’t installing them. The main problem is that they take up a lot of real estate that could otherwise be used for farming or homes. They pale in comparison to fossil fuels and nuclear in MW generation and require lithium batteries for stable power throughout the day (lithium mining is horrible for the environment). Utilities have also had to invest heavily into SCADA and metering on the distribution side of things to keep the system stable with increased inductive load. This is huge capital investment that might otherwise go to replacing old infrastructure that on average is 40yo and designed to last about that long. Add to this that new nuclear and coal plants aren’t being built to replace aging ones and this is a problem. Companies are, however, building Natural Gas plants to help with the transition to green energy.
Seems, perhaps, maybe, it appears, etc. These less affirming words are useful for getting your point across since they will be meet with less resistance. This is based on psychology. I don't use those words when I'm trying to dominate a debate. I just use them for teaching since they have less resistance.
Jordan is a polite man, and he treated Destiny with care and sensitivity. He was more or less providing therapy. He only had to chime in to Destiny's word-vomit with slayer points and irrefutable truths that Destiny would try to ramble across and proceed with more of his word-vomit. When asked a question he doesn't have an answer to, he resorts to whataboutism. "For the same reason conservatives are afraid of vaccines..." when asked about the Left's fear of nuclear energy. While those are, for obvious reasons, NOT the same thing, Destiny gets away with this all of the time. It's only more recently where he's debated with Dr. Peterson and Andrew Wilson, that his schtick has been called out. He did the same with Musk as you could see Musk slowly become vulnerable and almost child-like at times while he talked to Jordan; only theirs was just a conversation and not a debate. Musk became childlike in his realization that many of the people he thought he could trust were malicious, evil, wicked, traitors. Destiny became childlike in the sense that he was accustomed to never being told no for a long time, and when he's called out or exposed, he throws a tantrum.
A simple heuristic for whether the person you are speaking to has the ability to evaluate trade-offs appropriately is to ask them for their views on nuclear power
Actually living in Texas, I use solar for AC and Heat and to power my hybrid car. I have enough that the power companies pays me a bit for energy most month. I don’t spend money on my energy bill, I make a few bucks, and will re-coop the cost of putting solar on pretty soon. I don’t rember the exact numbers, as my husband calculated it out, but over 10 years we will not only re-coop the cost but make several thousand dollars on top of it. So if you live in a sunny area, solar could be well worth it!
Andrew, thank you for the work you do. You're the guy watching a magic act and goes, "cough cough...he hid the card in his sleeve.....cough cough ... it's a trick box ...cough cough." Just watching the magician getting pissed is priceless.
@8:59 Solar energy is not competitive with fossil fuels. This comes from a report that made this claim, but it didn't factor in government subsidies for solar. When adjusted for subsidies, no solar is not even close to competitive with fossil fuels.
My father in law installed solar panels on his house last year. It was unbelievable expensive to install and will take 10 years just to get his money back on the investment.
It does *seem* like the temperature is rising, because it is. It has been since the end of the last ice age. Doesn't mean CO2 is causing it. And if you ask me, we're near the peak of our cyclical warm period.
Destiny never shuts up enough to let someone speak. He thinks he wins because he constantly interrupts someone before they can finish their point or even a sentence. This is machine gun fallacy.
I think your comments about “seemings” is entirely overstated. I’m a Christian who agrees with much of what you say but I often use the language of “seemings” in an effort to display intellectual/conversational humility. Do some people use it as a tactic? Maybe some do, but I think you need more evidence to make that claim that just assuming it. Most philosophical conclusions are not something we can arrive at with 100% certainty so using more tempered language “seems” entirely reasonable.
andrew needs to keep doing these. more people need to break down why destiny is nowhere near as intellectual or honest as his 12 year old fans think he is
I like how Destiny did a six month "let's be reasonable" tour with practically every big content creator, before burning all his credibility on his ridiculous "firemen deserve to rot in hell" tweets.
I dont know why but it seems quite prevalent with people like destiny to be incredibly two-faced and their true self pops open during certain major stressors.
@@TheDragonageorigins Progressives...
Sort of like they like to pose as "anti racist" and "anti sexist" while also being racists and sexists themselves, just towards different demographics who "deserve it".
Fireman love fires I am sure he will feel at home in hell
@@firefly9838 So edgy bro. Don't forget to dilate
TF? "firemen deserve to rot in hell" he really said that? what was the context?
It’s almost as if Jordan Peterson is treating Destiny for psychosis. 😂
Yeah I don’t think he fully understood the dynamic he walked in to. This is an actual therapy session
@@TexBC ya only the therapist is a drug addict lunatic that cant stop embarrassing himself on twitter
He’s definitely in the crazy chair.
Jordan Peterson needs to treat himself for psychosis. And go get some basic science education. This guy doesn't even understand the fundamentals of biology or physics, and makes absurd strawman claims that no one actually makes, because the man has never read a hard scientific paper in his life.
Now, a bunch of soyboy incels, most of who have never set food in a science lab, never worked for months or years on a study, never produced a model, don't understand basic statistics or data science, and respond with some quip.
Peterson MIGHT have some interesting things to say about psychology. But in every other area, he's way out of his league. And when he starts to get shredded, like Sam Harris did, he turns to arguing definitions and playing semantic games, or launching into a tirade that says nothing.
Honestly, Andrew isn't much better. The one thing I'll say about Destiny, is that despite that he's only studied music in college, he puts in the work to do his research, and voraciously reads about a subject he wants to debate.
By contrast, I'd say all Peterson does is read the summary, and Andrew basically only reads for confirmation bias.
JP is way more insane in every way than Destiny haha. Remember when JP has to go to Russia for a year+ for his addiction problems. Then came back and believes every conspiracy theory
Jordan said it best about Destiny when he was on Pints with Aquinas: he only cares about being right. He picks the topics that are easy to win and only talks about those and avoids other topics at all costs and whoever brings them up is a "conspiracy theorist and braindead". Being a yapinator machine is just icing on the cake, but he also wanted to act like he's on the same level as JP in terms of terminology.
Your last sentence sums up Steven very well. This is why I personally do not like him, or take him remotely serious
Ok, but whats wrong with that? He picks topics where he is certain. So he looks at a topic, considers arguments and forms an opinion, which is informed enough to withstand most arguments. Other topics, where he is less certain, he does not engage with the same level is conviction. Well, seems very reasonable to me, no?
The alternative is what? Maximum conviction for topic of minimal certainty? So people, who dont know the topic well, but are wholeheartedly arguing about it? If thats what you prefer, I guess.
@@kanafly9273 He didn't say 'topics he was certain in', he said topics that are easy to win.
@@MrArbaras So what is a topic that is easy to win, and why does Jordan pick the wrong stance on them?
@persuadedbyadhom Well, that depends on how you perceive his opinion. Btw, I agree on Ukraine, Syria with you. I find the US involvement criminal, but I am also not American.
As an American it is absolutely a rational position to say that US involvement is good, or rather beneficial to the US. That is 100% consistent and also the reason why the state department is doing it. Those guys in the organizations and institutions are not stupid either. And they are not only on the take. They have the interest of their country at heart. And the ways they pursuit their countries interest is logical.
And it is also rational from a Russian perspective in geopolitical terms to invade Ukraine, to break the US unipolarity.
You dont need to be paid by them to think like them. If you share the same morals, there is a good chance you are willing to accept the selected strategies.
Destiny trying to school Peterson on models is so beyond ridiculous.
That's the type of hubris only incurable ignorance could produce.
@@tear728 its not hard to school an anti-vaxxer.
Shame that JP went through that brainrot
Why, what's the expertise of JP on models ?
@Falroth How many covid boosters are you up to champ? Got enough Pfizer bux to get the french fries or the sticker book?
@@emptyarthaus9535 just enough to get you and your plague r@t friends more crayons to stick up your nose
Destiny's hand gestures and jaw jiggle just piss me off so much and I don't know why.
cuz he is literally the human embodiement of a douchebag blowing in the wind
He admits to liking Adderall.
It's the drugs
@@E_PluribusUnum its not.. i grew up around drug addicts and went to rehab. Never seen that shit. His face is simply not built right.
Him tweaking and having narcissistic injury on Piers Morgan was laughable. Shark eyes don’t lie
Peterson never had a harder patient.
Delusional patient
When people never grow up you get this guy.
Destiny fansoys:
"How is he wrong?"
"Can you define insurrection?"
"What is a woman?"
Not like Andrew wanted to define it 😂
@@pennerbenedict4820 There was absolutely no need for andrew to define it.
@pennerbenedict4820 You, destiny and many other destiny supporters are unironically making the same arguments Christians have made for years.
"Show me proof of god"
"Show me proof there is no god"
It was on destiny to present why Jan 6 was an insurrection, IT'S NOT ON ANDREW TO DEFINE WHAT AN INSURRECTION IS.
@@pennerbenedict4820 If the debate were about the existence of God, is the atheists supposed to give a definition of God? Matt Dillahunty constantly says he doesn't know what a God is yet he rejects his existence.
The entire conversation is essentially JBP treating Destiny for his psychological illness. XD
Which is funny because JBP is clearly mentally ill
Haha yeah remember when Destiny had to go to Russia to be treated for his insane addiction problems?
Let's be real here, JP needs to fix himself first from drugs, instead of lecture coomer gremlin how wrong and damaged he is.
Oh yes, shame on Destiny for trying to better his life.
Peterson weaseled his way about alright...
Since we agree he's a legitimate nihilist, and I'd also argue a narcissist, I strongly label Destiny as "Not worth Debating". He will never admit he is wrong, he automatically holds himself as morally superior than others, rejects basic objective facts, and holds double standards constantly.
Yeah, he is definitely not worth talking to. Typical narcissist.
Maybe so but bringing some semblance of reality over to his followers is worth debating him over. Some of them may be too far gone but there are others still worth saving.
He represents how large groups of liberals think today. Its just not worth debating overall
What do you mean by “We”? The circlejerk that is the crucible’s incel audience?
@@alwaysright3943What's incel about it? Unless you are just insulting for the sake of ego.
@@alwaysright3943 Does it not strike you as ignorant that you can call people involuntarily celibate but you would cry if someone said certain groups were involuntarily incompatible with society.
I use "seems", "appears to be", and "likely" for avoiding defamation lawsuits.
Different purpose, but similar reasoning.
I use the word "typically" fairly frequently, to avoid the "not always" tirades. Almost nobody speaks in absolutes and yet almost everybody online assumes that someone they disagree with is always speaking in absolutes. It's an "aren't I more cleverererer" technique. Dishonest and lowbrow.
@@loganblackwood2922 Or they believe that because they can provide one wild exception to an otherwise established rule, that mic-drops the entire discussion. It's childish and petty.
I use those terms when I am not certain but suspect something. Which isn't a position one should be trying to push in a debate. In an actual conversation "I think" would be the proper phrase in that situation. People like Destiny avoid that phrase and use the former phrases because that is exactly the game. To pass off something without logical or evidentiary foundation as something that does.
Oh shit Lackluster watches Andrew Wilson?! I respect you even more!
I will frame some things "with all due respect", usually before I say disrespectful things.
I've said for years. Destiny is good at verbal diarrhea and distraction. He didn't actually have a point.
Destroys everone tho
@@jeyhunfazilov2060 no he doesn't, he wears them down and obfuscates. Destroying would be using undeniable and unbiased truth to win a debate. He doesn't, he smuggles loaded jargon and hyperbole, motte&Bailey and strawman arguments.
All him a hypothetical to test his logic and he will often rather be right in the hypothetical than stick to his own principles.
@@raguellagrande7344 Everything you described was done by Andrew in their latest debate on Fresh n Fit. I have never seen destiny use obfuscated Jargon to describe things, in fact he describes things very clearly, the way you would to a 12 year old. A good example of someone who obfuscates and wears down would be Jordan Peterson
@@jeyhunfazilov2060 odd, I rarely even understand what Destiny's opinions actually are. He may explain things in terms a kid child understand but that's negate that's exactly who his audience is. Children. His super speed verbalizing only hinders.
You are wrong
I've only seen this destiny guy a couple times.
He can be summed up with this saying.
If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.
He's just dense and narcissistic
There is a statement that is referenced in the military: “bullshit baffles brains”.
Which is also an ironically apt description of Peterson.
@@bilbonob548 explain…
@@mattyriddelltarot3277 you haven't watched much Peterson? He specialises in meaningless word salads... I can give you a list of some of his greatest hits if you'd like. Or you can even just go to a website that is dedicated to generating Peterson word salads for you.
Tell me Destiny isnt a Blackrock stooge
I wouldn't be surprised if destiny is a democrat shill. Just another youtuber to stoke the fires of controversy between political parties.
He isn't the only one. There's an entire roster of "social media influencers" who have benefactors behind the scenes.
@@faismasterx 💯
@@faismasterxyou find them by their sub counts
Which one, Im' curious?
It’s funny to think that Peterson is psychoanalyzing him the whole time while trying to figure out how they got on the same stage.
Because he's a self-taught Wikipedia diletante, Destiny often falls into the confidence-competence paradox described by Neil Degrasse Tyson where he knows just enough about a topic to think he's right, but not enough to know when he's wrong. He never gets far enough up the "slope of enlightenment" to reach the "plateau of of sustainability."
described or embodied by degrasse tyson? hes the dumb mans smart man if ive ever seen one, a "celebrity scientist"
Well observed.
Sort of like when Tyson went woke and started supporting tr*ns talking points, regardless of facts 🤣
Tyson himself is the same way my guy...
@@TheWonderer7 That doesn't make what he said wrong though. He definitely is a loony too though.
I am biased towards Jesus Christ. I will believe in Jesus Christ even if the whole world were against me and called me crazy. Even if the people I love and respect the most were to tell me that believe in Jesus Christ is irrational, and I lacked the ability to logically argue for my faith in Jesus Christ, I will still believe in Jesus Christ and His Church.
That’s actually very biblical. We are fools for Christs sake!
"... Let God be true though every one were a liar..." Romans 3:4
@@jbmettrick Excellent! The fool hath said in his heart there is no God.
Debating people like Destiny is good for reaching others. But Destiny himself will never be saved. He cares too much about winning an argument, and too little about being correct. He will never change his mind in light of new evidence or information. His bias will always get the final say.
nah, his drug abuse will be his downfall
@@dr.hairbrain1486He is addicted to people believing he is the smartest person in the room. The guy is an addict through and through. Crazy what insecurity will do to a person, it's their own poison.
@@dr.hairbrain1486We’re already starting to see it
His mind won't last. At some point the cognitive dissonance will get to him.
For Destiny, it's not about finding the truth. It's about getting the W in the debate.
it's not even about winning the debate, it's about virtue signaling and not giving any ground to the truth. it's all about money for him, hate farming and whatever it takes to gain money. he's being propped up by youtube and maybe even dark money.
I thought he was just trying to get JP to write him a prescription.
He’s actually admitted that before. I can’t remember when it was but during an interview with a woman he answered one of her questions “whatever helps me win the argument” and laughed.
Too bad for him in this one he suffered a giant L.
@@AWDTH1111Just saw that clip. It was about defining the clinical definition of the point of death and abortion.
Destiny seems afraid to let Jordan finish a sentence 😊
Yup. Its the "if i talk faster and louder, i win the debate" tactic.
He's too high on amphetamines to think about what the other person is saying
Dude... Destiny looks like one of JP's patients. Jesus f'ing Christ man.
... at least he SEEMS to be at least.
he needs a Psych like JP. idk how this person has gotten an audience w so many ppl who are so morally and intelectually superior to
Exodus 20:7 KJV
Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.
2 weeks ago: Destiny basically ended his career aspirations of becoming big.. by a series of morally insane tweets and vids.
This week: Andrew put the nail in the coffin last debate.
People cant let up on destiny until he apologizes fully for it. He is a partisan radical.
Sadly his remarks about the Butler shooting won't end his career. There will always be a sizable audience for people who say even the vilest stuff.
Destiny is the poster child of what happens when your principles & worldview is dictated to you by your audience rather than yourself.
I struggled to make it through that episode when J.Peterson released it. It's hard to even listen to Mr. Loosejaw when he rambles like a madWAHman xD
Yes, I've only just noticed how his jaw moves like a herbivore ruminating.
The guy is insufferable.
So.etimes i think he sniffs the booger sugar with how loose his jaw moves 😅 im sure he sniffs Zherkas sht
Destiny is painful to listen to. There's some mental /spiritual/emotional problem with him. No idea what exactly but he seems on the verge of a breakdown.
The stimulant abuse is coming to a head. Plus problems with the love life recently, and the revelation the guy he was simping for years is literally senile and Trump is surviving assassinations
His whole world is tumbling down
Destiny says he likes to think he doesn’t have an allegiance to one side or the other .
I have never seen anyone BS more then this weasel does 😂
Gosh, Destiny just doesn't know when to shut up and listen to the other party. It seems he tries to overtake their arguments by speaking constantly out of turn. It's not like I can't follow him through his argument, it's more like I get tired of listening to him, Jesus...
That's his entire debate strategy. He's just well read enough, to be able to throw out a bunch of stuff, but not well read enough to actually debate them. Which is why he gets so mad, when people do.
Destiny actually thought he could sit down and debate Jordan Peterson????😂
Destiny loves to hear himself talk.. How do you debate if you don't let the other person talk
Destiny just throws accusations and statements out without confirmation to make himself look like a good psychic. He embodies arrogance and a ignorance perfectly. He turns my stomach 😂
First video I've watched of Destiny since his vile take on the assassination attempt. And only because I've already seen this interview and knew that Andrew wouldn't disappoint
Destiny explaining concepts about how people engage with politics like he's phuccing Aristotle, meanwhile, Roe Jogan has been talking about this stuff adnauseam on his podcast for the past 10 years
Destiny makes me cringe when I see him talk because he thinks he's on the same level as Peterson and other academics. He's a nerd who reads a few articles for a day on a subject before debating someone by talking over them and switching the topic when he's stuck
The problem with solar and wind is it's unpredictable and extremely expensive.
not to mention it reks the environment during manufacturing, and ten years later when they stop working.
It's also useless for most transport like airplanes and ships.
Let them build a Dyson sphere!
It also can't be stored for long periods of time like other power sources, and the components made to generate it don't last long enough to be sustainable.
“And my mouth keeps doing this” 🤣
Destiny looks like Peter Dinklage. 😆😆
And gets more puss than any of us
"It's what I do. I do meth and I assert things...."
I couldn’t understand why the environmentalists were against nuclear. Then I realized it has nothing to do with carbon. It’s about stopping capitalism. Capitalism needs cheap, plentiful and consistent energy to work which nuclear would provide. Wind and solar, not some much.
Destiny is basically if Dostoevsky's 'The Demons' was a person.
CA and NV have a ton of solar panels... Destiny is a walking logic fallacy
I'm in my 40's and the majority of my life the crunchy, granola, hippie left has always been anti vAx
Destiny exemplifies how radical and illogical the current DNC has become.
Being on meth doesn't make you a better debater, it actually makes it worse cuz you just sperg out the mouth.
Depends on dosage tbh. If people notice, you’re on too much.
Why is Destiny still platformed? He’s worse than Nick Fuentes.
Destiny's go to is to talk over anyone he debates, not letting them talk.
You can tell destiny has hella respect for JP
Jp mopped the floor with him with this chat
@@bellaanekelol are you at least hot?
@@bellaaneke cool, don’t care
@@Heybarf your response says otherwise
@@bellaaneke no, it says; cool, don’t care.
Solar panels suck. I have them for my out building. They were there when I moved in. It requires like 6 panels and 4 batteries to operate a garage door and a light. I’m spending the money to have it hardlined before the end of the summer.
A "Moral nihilist" is probably the most accurate way I've heard this guy described. Totally adopting that when anybody mentions this nut 🤣
Destiny does not belong in the same room with Jordon Perterson, he is so far below him
I was literally going to ask you for a review. Thanks Gremlin slayer.
Thank you Andrew for explaining it all in an easy way and for the great humor you add!!! Makes my day!!!
This was the debate equivalent of why we have weight classes in combat sports.
I'd love to see Andrew have a solid hour or 2 debate. Destiny(what kind of name is that anyway) would never agree to be eviscerated by Andrew publically.
I actually do know people that are off grid and I know one person that has a grid tie solar system. For the most part you’re right. There aren’t many people using these systems. I used to use Toshiba transistors and stumbled on a Toshiba reactor but I couldn’t get a price. They actually make them small enough to run a few warehouses. That’s why they were designed. Now they make them small enough to run 10 3-5 bedroom houses. But the starting price is between $25M-$55M depending on what you get. The Toshiba 4S micro reactor is super safe, can’t be turned into a weapon, will last 40 years on 1 fueling, etc… but the price for this one depending on your needs is between $50M - $3B depending on size. If you get the smallest one that’ll run 10+ 4 bedroom houses and every house pays their part you would be looking at each house paying $10,000 up front. But you would not have an electric or heat bill for the next 40 years. I think that’s less than 10¢ per kilowatt hour over the course of 40 years. I just don’t have the money for this option or 9 other people close enough to wire everyone in that has this kinda money. It would be sweet to have 10 people in a neighborhood that could afford this.
This conversation between Peterson and Destiny is awesome, Destiny never raised his voice was disrespectful, that's a clear sign how a beta behaves when there's an higher authority in the place.
Can Jordan Peterson get a word in edgewise? The whole exchange is destiny just being defensive and running his fucking mouth.
Solar salesman here. Go zoom in on Hawaii and tell me people dont use solar. like 90% of the roofs are covered
These videos are so much better than watching 8 people talk over each other on other shows. It’s so hard to listen to.
Arguing with destiny is like arguing with your 4 year old niece. The only point is to see how ridiculous her words get trying to win.
Destiny is what happens when Peter Pan never leaves Neverland
Destiny’s tactic is to speed talk so that he can come off as smart and knowing a lot but if you start looking into his points individually it turns out he’s really stupid
Moral: That which tends to make societies get better
Immoral: That which tends to make societies crumble
Type 1 and Type 2 thinking. (Thinking fast, thinking slow)
Solving problems sort of demands us think slow. But most of the time thinking fast IS the answer. Anyone who dwells solely in one or the other is going to fail. Most of life is in the fast lane. Automated decisions are what keep us alive. But unraveling the intricacies of interrelationships of most systems requires to careful breakdown factors.
My daddy told me: 'You can't learn anything when you're talking'.
With Destiny its good to reconize that when his agrument is weak or not convincing he starts the blast out random stats or statements to throw off the other side and obfuscate the converstation. This is what he does best he reads 15 hours a day on adderall and has a lot of random information that he then uses to make the other side seem ignorant.
Destiny looks like an extra in the Hobbit movies.
More like a wild man of Dunland
Jordan Peterson is usually a calm and rational debater.
But you can see his clear frustration while dealing with destiny.
What is he talking about? He shifted topics 3 times in about a minute.
People like this destiny fellow are the type of people that love to hear their own voice, think they have valid points and just ignore anything that people say if it's in disagreement to them
Imagine making fun of anybody else's habits when you're a nicotine zombie lmao.
Interesting instructions on methods of conducting and tactics of using certain methods in the discussion, I think they really need to be remembered.
I am surprised Jordan didn't call him out for using " Seems " like Andrew said. Peterson is very careful with words.
As an sme on power engineering and generation, solar panels and wind farms are going up everywhere even though individual homeowners aren’t installing them. The main problem is that they take up a lot of real estate that could otherwise be used for farming or homes. They pale in comparison to fossil fuels and nuclear in MW generation and require lithium batteries for stable power throughout the day (lithium mining is horrible for the environment). Utilities have also had to invest heavily into SCADA and metering on the distribution side of things to keep the system stable with increased inductive load. This is huge capital investment that might otherwise go to replacing old infrastructure that on average is 40yo and designed to last about that long. Add to this that new nuclear and coal plants aren’t being built to replace aging ones and this is a problem. Companies are, however, building Natural Gas plants to help with the transition to green energy.
Right at the start, 48 seconds in, I thought Andrew was going to go full Porky Pig 😂
I like how there's a playlist with this name.
This is what a conversation looks like between one of the smartest people in society, and someone with Dunning-Kruger...
Seems, perhaps, maybe, it appears, etc. These less affirming words are useful for getting your point across since they will be meet with less resistance. This is based on psychology.
I don't use those words when I'm trying to dominate a debate. I just use them for teaching since they have less resistance.
Jordan is a polite man, and he treated Destiny with care and sensitivity. He was more or less providing therapy. He only had to chime in to Destiny's word-vomit with slayer points and irrefutable truths that Destiny would try to ramble across and proceed with more of his word-vomit. When asked a question he doesn't have an answer to, he resorts to whataboutism. "For the same reason conservatives are afraid of vaccines..." when asked about the Left's fear of nuclear energy. While those are, for obvious reasons, NOT the same thing, Destiny gets away with this all of the time. It's only more recently where he's debated with Dr. Peterson and Andrew Wilson, that his schtick has been called out.
He did the same with Musk as you could see Musk slowly become vulnerable and almost child-like at times while he talked to Jordan; only theirs was just a conversation and not a debate.
Musk became childlike in his realization that many of the people he thought he could trust were malicious, evil, wicked, traitors.
Destiny became childlike in the sense that he was accustomed to never being told no for a long time, and when he's called out or exposed, he throws a tantrum.
"I'm not sure why it is relevant" could be a proper response to just about everything that comes out of Destiny's mouth.
Destiny got his ass handed to him. Great coverage.
A simple heuristic for whether the person you are speaking to has the ability to evaluate trade-offs appropriately is to ask them for their views on nuclear power
Actually living in Texas, I use solar for AC and Heat and to power my hybrid car. I have enough that the power companies pays me a bit for energy most month. I don’t spend money on my energy bill, I make a few bucks, and will re-coop the cost of putting solar on pretty soon. I don’t rember the exact numbers, as my husband calculated it out, but over 10 years we will not only re-coop the cost but make several thousand dollars on top of it. So if you live in a sunny area, solar could be well worth it!
I take speed and it can make me annoying. I wish Destiny had the same self-awareness.
I used to think that Vause was the ultimate midwit but now I’m pretty sure it’s Destiny.
Andrew, thank you for the work you do. You're the guy watching a magic act and goes, "cough cough...he hid the card in his sleeve.....cough cough ... it's a trick box ...cough cough." Just watching the magician getting pissed is priceless.
@8:59 Solar energy is not competitive with fossil fuels. This comes from a report that made this claim, but it didn't factor in government subsidies for solar. When adjusted for subsidies, no solar is not even close to competitive with fossil fuels.
My father in law installed solar panels on his house last year. It was unbelievable expensive to install and will take 10 years just to get his money back on the investment.
He wasn't alive for 3 Mile Island .
The problem with Destiny is he is to eager to prove his beliefs and it makes him come across as disingenuous
It does *seem* like the temperature is rising, because it is. It has been since the end of the last ice age. Doesn't mean CO2 is causing it. And if you ask me, we're near the peak of our cyclical warm period.
How anyone can think Jordan is anything but a sincere man trying to make the world think more is beyond me.
Destiny never shuts up enough to let someone speak. He thinks he wins because he constantly interrupts someone before they can finish their point or even a sentence. This is machine gun fallacy.
Destiny hasn't been the same since Dr Peterson elegantly dismantled him in that video. It seems to have unbalanced him.
To call yourself Destiny is more than enough for me. To say this person is narcissistic is underrated.
Is there a Jordan Peterson Andrew Wilson video out there? I don't even see why they gave Destiny the privilege.
They both think pretending the god is real is better than being rational. LOL. What would they debate? Who's better asinine?
@@ZeroSmoke. I don't speak German.
Cuz it'd be just a circlejerk
Destiny always wants to control the conversation. He doesn’t listen because he thinks he has all the answers. It’s annoying.
Listening to Andrew's sensible logic lowers my blood pressure. Lol
I think your comments about “seemings” is entirely overstated. I’m a Christian who agrees with much of what you say but I often use the language of “seemings” in an effort to display intellectual/conversational humility. Do some people use it as a tactic? Maybe some do, but I think you need more evidence to make that claim that just assuming it. Most philosophical conclusions are not something we can arrive at with 100% certainty so using more tempered language “seems” entirely reasonable.
I use Solar Energy on my Red Dots.
andrew needs to keep doing these. more people need to break down why destiny is nowhere near as intellectual or honest as his 12 year old fans think he is
First minute; GOLD