그럼에도 불구하고 탄핵에 찬성하는 당신께 법치주의 이념 아래 삼권분립을 수호하며 전횡을 일삼지못하게 지켜져왔고 윤석열 대통령이 계엄령을 포고하며 법치주의를 파괴했다고 생각하시는 것 같습니다. 정답은 아닙니다. 왜 계엄령 선포 배경인 이미 망가져버린 삼권분립, 사법부의 타락과 국회의 부패는 쏙 빼놓고 이야기하는 걸까요? [국회 기능 상실] 입법부의 역할을 하는 국회가 국민의 권익을 대변하는 게 아니라 어느 순간부터 죄 지은 야당 국회의원을 위한 법을 만드는 기관이 되었습니까? 자기편 감싸는 법안만 발의하고 자기들이 벌인 구린 일 조사하려는 검찰 및 정부인사들 다 탄핵해서 그게 벌써 22번입니다. (이전 정부들 많아야 3~4번) 심지어 예산안 부분에서는 대통령활동비, 검찰/감사원/ 경찰 특활비는 0원입니다 우리나라 미래 산업인 원전이나 R&D 관련 예산도 총 2000억원 가까이 깎아놓고 본인들 연봉은 올렸다고 합니다. 입법부의 거대 야당이 이미 타락해서 입법 폭주를 하고 행정부의 업무를 마비시키고 있는 상황입니다. 심지어 간첩법 개정도 미루는데 이런 부분은 왜 언급도 안하는 거죠? 국가 기밀 빼돌리고 타국의 산업스파이가 버젓이 활동해도 처벌할 법안을 미루는 게 대한민국의 국회의원이 할 일인겁니까? [사법부의 기능 상실] 촛불 선동으로 정권이 바뀌며 적폐청산이라는 명목하에 사법부를 털고 좌편향적 인사들을 채워넣어 사법부의 독립성은 완전히 상실되었습니다. 부정/비리 관련 재판을 받아야하는 야당쪽 인사들의 재판은 무기한 연기되고 판결마저 의혹만 가득합니다. 이재명이 선거법 위반 판결로 의원직 상실해 정치적 생명이 끝날 순간에 권순일 대법관이 무죄를 선고하며 살아났습니다. 그리고 이재명이 성남시장으로 있을 때 대장동에서 생긴 비리의 온상인 화천대유의 고문으로 들어간게 권순일입니다. 심지어 최근 위증교사와 관련된 녹취록까지 있고 위증한 사람이 위증교사 지시 받았다고 말해도 위증죄는 선고되고 위증교사는 없다는 판결이 나왔습니다 이게 올바른 법치인가요? 권력자의 입김에 따라 법치가 이미 무너져 있었는데 왜 이 때는 분노하지 않으셨나요? [비상계엄의 당위성] 계엄법상 "비상계엄은 대통령이 '전시·사변 또는 이에 준하는 국가비상사태 시, 적과 교전 상태에 있거나 사회질서가 극도로 교란되어 행정 및 사법 기능의 수행이 현저히 곤란한 경우에 군사상 필요에 따르거나 공공의 안녕질서를 유지하기 위하여' 선포한다" 라고 되있는데 마지막 문장 보면 왜 당위성이 있는지 요건을 성립했는지 이해할 겁니다. 국제 정세는 급박한데 대한민국 내부는 상식이 통하지 않는 나라, 삼권분립이 망가지고 행정부에 족쇄만 달며 마비시키려는 정국에서 대통령이 이걸 뿌리뽑고자 자신의 권리인 계엄령을 선포한 겁니다. 계엄선포문에서 '반국가세력'이라 칭하고 국회는 설렁설렁 막고 선관위는 6분만에 투입시켰을 뿐만 아니라, 국회보다 많은 인원을 투입시킨 거 보면 명백히 선관위에서 어떤 부정이 있었는지 밝혀내고자 한 거 같은데 이걸 응원하고 지켜봐주지는 못할망정 탄핵에 동참하자고 하시네요. 그 저의가 참 궁금합니다. 부정선거 관련된 증거와 의혹은 차고 넘칩니다. 삼립빵상자에 가득한 사전투표용지들, 형상기억복원 종이라며 접은 자국이 없는 투표종이들, 오산시에서 나온 관리관도장이 이상한 투표용지, 개별적인 투표용지 모음이라 하기엔 너무 이상한 일렬로 묻은 잉크 자국, 심지어는 관리관도장이 없는 투표용지까지, 사전투표만 여니까 역전되는 52개 지역구, 선관위는 해킹 보안망 허술해서 전산에서 유령 유권자를 넣을 수 있거나 명부를 바꿀 수 있다는 게 드러났다는 점 등 [선관위 채용비리] 선관위 채용비리 1200건, 심지어 문서 파쇄하고 자료를 삭제...겨우 5% 정도만 털었는데 나온 결과입니다 공정성이 중요한 선거에서 주관하는 조직이 이렇게 비리로 점철돼있는데 선거에서 공정성과 무결성을 기대할 수 있으십니까? 이걸 밝힌 감사원은 지원받는 게 아니라 갑자기 민주당에서 감사위원장 탄핵도 시키고 있습니다. 삼권분립은 이미 망가져있고, 선거마저 무결성을 훼손된 상황에서 이와 관련된 언급은 없고 탄핵을 지지한다고요? 우파의 기본적인 가치도 제대로 가리지 못하면서 보수인 척 하지 말아주십시오. 패션으로 공부하고 신념도 전후 상황에 대한 이해도 없이 매스미디어에서 나온 워딩에 선동되면서 상당한 시간동안 보수정당을 지지해 온 국민'이라는 표현도 동의할 수 없고우파인 척 하는 좌파로서 우파도 탄핵에 찬성한다고 선동하는 작태로 밖에 안보입니다. 여러분 정말 국가의 명운이 달린 일입니다. 감성과 선동에 휩쓸리지 말고 한 번만 이성과 합리로 찬찬히 봐주십시오. 부정선거가 어떻게 21세기에 있냐라며 음모론자 취급을 했었지만, 전세계적으로 심지어 미국에서조차 현재 부정선거와 관련된 의혹/증거들이 드러나고 있습니다. 만일 거짓이라면 그 때 심판하면 되는 거 아닙니까? 대체 왜 미디어는 위와 관련된 배경과 이면에 대한 이야기는 안하고 탄핵시켜야 된다는 의견만 보도하는 걸까요. 광우병 선동, 천안함 선동, 세월호 선동, 오염수 선동...언제까지 주체성을 잃고 판단을 미디어에 의탁하실 겁니까. 온라인 커뮤니티, 뉴스 발췌
This world would be a much better place if female prisoners from across the world told their stories Respective stories about their life in prison in their respective countries
Netanyahu already charged, by ICC THIS TERRIST going to run country wait and this people innocent they didn't understand what American and. Zionist regime doing .
Your people managed to get rid of your dictator completely, unfortunately Syria’s dictator is in Russia (the true dictator behind them all) Putin won’t want to host Assad for long.
This news reminds me of young Syrian lady I‘ve met 30 years ago in Japan. Very bright and beautiful young lady came to Japan for studying International Relations. She once told me about difficulty of going back to Syria after completion of her study. I have no knowledge about her whereabouts. I just want to wish peace for all the Syrian people.
@@indiasuperclean6969 i don't know if you are sarcastic or not but india has one of highest rape rates around the world even with 1 billion people living in the same country such rates are extreme
I will never forgive him for what he did to us, he abandoned us and killed us He tortured us severely. There are still many crimes he committed, so he must be punished.
ICJ needs to issue a warrant of arrest to Bashar Assad & wife Asma, to come to ICJ for trial for murder/killings of thousands of Syrians, corruption of billions of dollars of the State wealth - and to RETURN the billions of dollars taken OUT of Syria illegally. This will see Bashar Assad & Wife being JAIL for 40 years by the ICJ.
Of course they don't ! They are ruthless pretending they care about Gaza . You can disagree with Israel but not back a dictator like Assad . 50 years the Sunni Muslims that form 80 percent were oppressed!
@@sedzadmujakic307 Have you seen the conditions that the prisoners were in? A small cell for dozens of people, where torture was reportedly often used. Please, it's not the same as the western prison system at all. Not to mention, there aren't usually political prisoners and literal CHILDREN in prison...
Why don't you take an interview of female prisoners ? It will tell you the complete story Because female prisoners can tell far more minute details about a life in a prison This world would be a much better place if female prisoners from across the world told their stories Respective stories about their life in prison in their respective countries
Mind Begs the Question: ▪︎If a Israel Govt abduct Children,Women ▪︎Imprisons them without a Charge ▪︎Let alone Trial ▪︎Israel Govt - Democratic or Nazi?
One of the most sad and terrifying aspects is the children of Sednaya prison, who were born in prison and do not know who their fathers, the jailers, are. Some of them are five years old, some are seven, some are younger than that, and some died young. None of them have seen the sky or the sun even once in their lives. They do not know the meaning of a bird, a tree, or a flower. They only know the walls of the prison and the face of the jailer who tortures them and rapes their mother. This is what was going on behind the scenes in Bashar al-Assad’s prisons.
try tukiye and USA first lol ... they were best friends till assad told erdogan that the isis will destroy syria ... and now you have a friendly extremist, islamist terrorist govt in syria ... lol ...
Do you even understand what is happening there now? I'll tell you. There are motley groups that are not only at odds with Assad, but also with each other, they are looting and killing everyone who comes their way. I wonder if anyone will be held accountable for this or not? Do you see the happy crowds of refugees who are rushing to return from Europe to Syria? Remember my words when you see an even greater flow of refugees from Syria to Europe than ten years ago.
@@theancientsancients1769 And, the other Sunni majority countries just welcome Assad back into the Arab League. So, not too much compassion from MBS or those hypocrites in Qatar.
@@janetkoster6243 or maybe the "oppressed " part is just western propaganda. because the rebbels have western propaganda now and You will see more immgration to Europe.. Not returnig to Syria.
I would never imagine praising a strong group, but I congratulate them, they freed a people who were massacred by their own government, may peace be established in Syria, may it be a free and equal country for all, may everyone follow their own path and rebuild their lives, shame on Russia for supporting a president of this level, may God bless the Syrian people
this is a holiday resort in comparison to the Israeli's IDF torture Prison camps for Palestinians why don't you report of the complete and utter barbaric conditions and treatment of Palestinian by the IDF in Israel that would make Hitler himself blush ?????
Are you aware their leader is now a guy who’s former ISIS? Are you aware that they’re going to get rid of Christian’s in their country? Are you aware of what happened in Libya? Are you aware of what happened in Afghanistan, Iraq etc.?
How many people were massacred by US backed groups? ‘ Timber Sycamore’, the secret CIA program to support the terrorists in Syria was focused on pushing into areas of which were considered to be government strongholds, such as the northern coastal strip. On the morning of March 21, 2014, the US-supported terrorists, along with international terrorist partners, attacked the village of Kassab, which is an Armenian Christian village on the Turkish border. They attacked from the Turkish side, with the help of the Turkish military who used helicopters and canons to break down the defenses. The US-backed FSA caused the entire village to flee for their lives, as people were shot, homes were ransacked and looted, women raped, and elderly immobile residents kidnapped to Turkey. On April 11, the Syrian opposition leader, Ahmad Jarba, visited his troops at Kassab, and congratulated them on their victory, and predicted the Syrian government would soon fall. The village would remain occupied for three months, during which time all three churches were burned, religious icons and books destroyed, the graveyard dug up and bones desecrated, and virtually every home, farm, and business destroyed.
@@ekamande3728 I totally agree with you though. If for one moment, we think what we could achieve by working together, conquering all the resources out there in space, there is actually no necessity for greed in itself, because resources are endless. But I just recently read about the new primate studies - our earliest ancestors - and we are not so far off still. Instinct behavior, territory, fear of the unknown and the outsider, greed, power -> there was an interesting segment in how power switched from females to males, and from intellect to strength.
This place is a crime scene. And documents such as seen @ 2:28 should be preserved and studied as evidence for any clues leading to those responsible, such as guards, jailers, administrators, contractors and anyone else that needs to be held accountable.
Assad and his family are comfortable in Moscow, Russia thanks to Putin. These people are still without their loved ones that Assad took from them. Really sad and unfortunate. 🙏
@@asa1973100 Stop peddling lies. The criminal Assad was secular and followed baathism, he dined with Blair and the Elizabeth II. Also Muslims didnt wipe out hundreds of millions of Indigenous Americans, Africans, Asians and Aboriginals. Muslims didnt nuke Hiroshima and Nagasaki, start WW1, and 2, or carry out the Holocaust.
This is so distressing and vile. What Assad did to the Syrian people was insanely cruel, just pure evil! I hope the survivors and the families of the regimes victims can find a measure of peace.
I hope Assad is watching this! Assad need to answer to his crimes against the Syrian people. For decades, Syrian mothers, fathers, daughter's and sons needs justice!
There is an interview with the reporter confronting him with pictures of the tortured dead detainees he denied all the charges and told his those pictures are photoshopped
انتم الغرب لديكم مصطلح في اعلامكم عندما يصرخ الرجل بسبب تحول اطفاله الى اشلاء من صواربخ الناتو تصفونه رجل صاحب لحية يصرخ مجددا ، تعتبروه انسان متحضر فقط عندما يموت بصمت
inspiring what the Syrian people are now doing when they have freedom. They seek to free everyone who has been unjustly jailed for decades, ripping the prisons apart to find anyone
Do you really think they’re free now? Are you aware who the leader of the “rebel” group is? He is former ISIS. Are you one of those people that flick the news on and instantly think… “yep, that’s it”
@@MS-ii1sv Bashar's regime tortured children by removing their fingernails or penises, caused the killing of 1 million for refusing to kneel to his image, any kind of nonsense
In Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina did similar brutality. Indian media has gone mad since she was removed. For every fascist, there is also an enabler. For Assad, it was Iran. For Hasina, it was India.
yeah we hate her the people of bangladesh have suffered enough from her enabling colonizers to abuse and enslave our muslim brothers to work for industries that barely give any bread cramps despite how much bangladesh produced for those fashion companies
This prison was built in 1987 by German company and similar to Hilter’s prisons. It’s multiple buildings nested and it’s like a maze with secret doors. This build can easily hold more than 20,000 prisoners.
I'm from Syria and still live there Idk if this would work but would you please cover more live on site locations (it doesn't have to be in a dangerous zone or anything like that make something a put birds or trees it doesn't matter just cover Syria on site and live please) this will help the Syrian people to show that they only want peace and no fights at all The Israeli bombing is terrifying the people and we just want to show the world that we are not a threat we just want to live in peace
Your people do not want or know how to live in peace! Some comandos leaders after entering Damascus are already sayng they're heading to "conquer"Jerusalem. No, you do not want peace at all and this is very sad indeed.😢
@Scholarly_Treasures I think the message is still there though. Unfortunately the three star flag is not available as an emoji on many platforms. Maybe that will change soon
Do you think that anarchy is the path to peace and prosperity? Syria is doomed, and its corpse will be divided among scavengers. Now there will be a flood of refugees from there, even greater than there was ten years ago. I wonder how the world media will explain this.
Just remember an Iranian Ayatollah preferred this tyrant Assad over Syrian people. 11 million displaced, half a million died as result. Hope Qasem Soleimani is watching all this from H_e_ll.
Iranian leaders are bigger threat than israil. More than one million died just in 13 years, more than one million is missing. Only in 2 weeks more than 300.000 have been taken out from various prisons around syria
"Country will be Islamic and other religions will be allowed to live peacefully in it" .... I think the world has heard this a lot many times to trust it.
@@Chrisy0850 The country has always been Islamic, at least in terms of the people. Non-Muslim sects have also existed for 1446 years under Muslim rule. Islam is the only one that has not exterminated other sects.
As an Afghan, let me just say that it seems to me that HTS failed to safe-guard or protect many government buildings and its documents left by the Assad regime. I say this from experience in my own country. Even when the Taliban took over Afghanistan, they made sure to secure most of the documents and computer hardware left by the previous government before opening the doors to the public. The taliban then announced that the people who had been wronged by the former government could now come forward and discuss their case to get some form of justice. And soon thousands of Afghans came forward and claimed that their lands and homes had been stolen by force by former government officials or the government itself. Sadly some of the people who came forward had no formal papers that proved they owned the land. It was either because some had inherited the land from their grand grand parents who had previously lost the papers, or some Afghans were forced to sign-away their papers, But thankfully because the taliban had seized lots of documents and papers from the former government buildings, those documents were able to prove that the land owners were indeed telling the truth. In that way thousands of Afghans were able to get their land/homes back. But in case of Syria and HTS, its seems that they didn't safe-guard government buildings, including banks etc. But importantly they failed to secure documents that contained 50 years of regimes crimes. And what more shocking is to see people trashing and walking over those documents.
@@bbcisaids6727how is that propaganda? You obviously don’t want to be told facts or information that helps you form an opinion you just want to live in a world where people tell you what to think. You would have loved Syria under Assad. Don’t worry there’s always Russian news, everything’s good, alls right with the world, every body else is wrong they’re the only ones who are right. I think that could work for you or are you GB news 😂😂😂 Bless your tiny wee brain. Propaganda?? Get of the bandwagon.
Mass have already been found but there's no way to identify who's buried there. I read that the white helmets put a statements that they've probably reached all the existing cells.
In 2008 Maher Assad led an operation to break up a prisoner riot in Sednaya prison, which ended with the killing of dozens of prisoners. At that time, Maher al-Assad came to take pictures with his phone of the victims’ bodies. The video was very shocking and exposed the psychotic behavior of this family… my heart goes to all victims am so sorry.
Imagine having never been wrongfully imprisoned by a despotic regime, and telling innocent people that they should have continued being wrongfully imprisoned, for the sake of non-Syrian Assad supporters' egos?
The Western media refers to Idlib as the “last rebel stronghold”, but when you research who controls Idlib, you find it is HTS, which is a Radical Islamic terrorist group. There are no ‘opposition rebels’ in Syria; only terrorists.There are about 3 million persons in Idlib, and many are unarmed civilians, such as women, children, and the elderly. These people are used effectively as human shields by the terrorists. For many years, the UN has been warning of a humanitarian disaster in Idlib should it be attacked by Syria or Russia. The UN, and other Western humanitarian organizations, keep delivering food, medicines, and other supplies to keep the civilians, the ‘human shields’, alive. All the goods delivered pass through the hands of HTS, and are distributed according to their priorities. People who have complained about the strict Islamic law adhered to by HTS, or the arbitrary arrests, torture, and executions by HTS, do not get their share of the free goods. The undistributed free goods are placed in Julani’s shopping mall, Al Hamra Mall, and sold. The UN enables HTS, and the dictator Julani, to keep the civilians under lock and key, and without a voice to complain. Humanitarian organizations complained when their warehouses were stormed by the HTS when they offered classes designed for women to gain skills for employment, and the HTS strictly forbids women from attending.
The fact that the world was silent about such horrible things is completely incomprehensible! I'm from Finland myself and I had no idea about such events. Not enough noise has been made about them.I've never known such terrible things. The road to Syria will be difficult, but now there is even a chance to change things. Only i can do now is a question: How can i help?? I wish all the best for the people of Syria❤. Thanks to the liberators of political prisoners🙏.
Thank you for spreading positive energy! Your words truly helped..I've read devastating comments such as "let them celebrate while they can" that we are dumb to feel happy and many more... As a Syrian myself, I never knew such things existed; We were horrified by the things we saw😪! Our parents always told us "walls have ears, pay attention to your words cuz they can make you vanish" we never thought it could be this horrible and we thought that our parents were extra cautious..(they weren't sadly)💔 We do have hope for a bright future; it's gonna be such a challenge but it'll work InshaaAllah 💚💚 Thank you again for your comment!
@@Frpffr Let me tell you my view as a Syrian myself! We were afraid of the very same thing you said..as a Muslim myself I was afraid of the liberators being "extremists" ; they're not I promise. They're so kind and nice. I saw them today. You have to know smth "Muslim Extremists" ,I just want to call them "extremists" cause extremism has no religion, look the same as the liberators in my country but act very differently and are so far away from what true Islam is. I don't blame you as a western yourself having these doubts because you only see what media shows. (Scary people with beards who oppress women and people from other religions). I think you might be wondering now how can I know all that and trust them this much, and they've been here only for 4 days or even less? Firsty, I live here I see every law They're publishing( one of them was: "it's considered a crime for any person to interfere with women clothes whatever they were wearing, everyone has the freedom to wear whatever she wants") Used cars before them were priced around 10k to 20k bucks. And now guess how much? 1500 to 6000 bucks! Our salaries were between 30 to 40 bucks ***a month*** people were starving! We saw electricity once in 12 hours..they've been here for 3 days and electricity got way better! For me, I trust them of course if no western country interfered and let us live in peace💚! A final piece of advice for you, look more into Islam..true Islam is the way for a happy life, true Muslims are so kind. In our religion, we should respect every religion and every person. Everyone has the freedom to believe in whatever he wants because we believe that all people will be judged by Allah on the day of judgment; it's our job to judge anyone, we only have a duty which is to let the world know about Islam and be good Muslims ourselves. 💫
@@Frpffr Let me tell you my view as a Syrian myself. We were afraid of the very same thing you mentioned. As a Muslim myself I was afraid of them being "extremists". And now after seeing them for a few days, I promise they're not. They're so kind and nice. I want to explain smth "Muslim extremists", or as I should call them just "extremists" cause extremism has no religion, look *the same* as the liberators but *act totally differently*. I guess you might be wondering how I can trust them this much and they've only been here for 4 days or even less! Firstly, I *live* here and I see every law they're publishing; some of these laws are: (It is now strictly forbidden to interfere with women's clothing or impose demands related to modesty or appearance. "Personal freedom is guaranteed for everyone, and respecting individual rights is the foundation of building a civilized nation," . "No one has the right to demand the blood of martyrs". This law is to curb acts of revenge and promote unity.) Before liberation, used cars were priced between 10k and 20k bucks, and now the prices range between 1500 to 6000 for the very same cars. Our salaries were between 30 to 40 bucks a ****month**** people were starving. We saw electricity once in 12 hours; sometimes in 24 hours; now it's way better! I don't blame you as a western yourself to think that they're terrorists, you only see what the media shows(long-beared people who oppress women and people from other religions). I trust them, believe in them and I truly think that good days are ahead of us, and that's only if Western countries didn't interfere and let us live in peace! One piece of advice for you, look more into Islam, true Islam is so beautiful. Islam is PERFECT but Muslims aren't. Don't judge a whole religion based on what you see in the media and hear on the news. In Islam, it's not our job to judge people or interfere in their beliefs. Everyone has the freedom to believe in whatever they want, cause we believe that all people will be present in front of Allah Subhanh on the day of judgment. As Muslims, we have a duty to let the world know about Islam and be good Muslims ourselves.🌟❤️
@@Frpffr Let me tell you my view as a Syrian myself. We were afraid of the very same thing you mentioned. As a Muslim myself I was afraid of them being "extremists". And now after seeing them for a few days, I promise they're not. They're so kind and nice. I want to explain smth "Muslim extremists", or as I should call them just "extremists" cause extremism has no religion, look *the same* as the liberators but *act totally differently*. I guess you might be wondering how I can trust them this much and they've only been here for 4 days or even less! Firstly, I *live* here and I see every law they're publishing; some of these laws are: (It is now strictly forbidden to interfere with women's clothing or impose demands related to modesty or appearance. "Personal freedom is guaranteed for everyone, and respecting individual rights is the foundation of building a civilized nation," . "No one has the right to demand the blood of martyrs". This law is to curb acts of revenge and promote unity.) Before liberation, used cars were priced between 10k and 20k bucks, and now the prices range between 1500 to 6000 for the very same cars. Our salaries were between 30 to 40 bucks a ****month**** people were starving. We saw electricity once in 12 hours; sometimes in 24 hours; now it's way better! I don't blame you as a western yourself to think that they're terrorists, you only see what the media shows(long-beared people who oppress women and people from other religions). I trust them, believe in them and I truly think that good days are ahead of us, and that's only if Western countries didn't interfere and let us live in peace! One piece of advice for you, look more into Islam, true Islam is so beautiful. Islam is PERFECT but Muslims aren't. Don't judge a whole religion based on what you see in the media and hear on the news. In Islam, it's not our job to judge people or interfere in their beliefs. Everyone has the freedom to believe in whatever they want, cause we believe that all people will be present in front of Allah Subhanh on the day of judgment. As Muslims, we have a duty to let the world know about Islam and be good Muslims ourselves.🌟❤️
This is the reality of some people and we have no idea about, I'm shocked 😮 my heart is broken how someone lived like this for more than 30 years and we are complaining every day for nothing 😢
Just because Assad supports Palestine does NOT mean he is a good man, he started a war with his own, shame on this man that we call our brother as a muslim he is NOT one of us. May Allah decide his punishment .
From all of these events, I hope that the population will understand that the real enemy is our systems and governments. The danger is coming from inside, not outside your country.
@@playmaker8755 I don’t support Assad. I am just old enough to remember what happened to Iraq and Libya after the west removed Sadam and Gaddafi. Libya is actually destroyed forever
@@mrdenson3101 what are talking about? Syria is already destroyed, divided and literally half the people are Displaced from their homes, it can't be worse than that. At least Saddam cared for his country, Al Assad doesn't give a flop. So ya, it's a deferent situation in Syria.
It almost doesn't feel real. Can't believe its finally gone. But I can't help but feel everyone is holding their breath for the future that seems so much less certain now
Give voice to the Kurds. The great fighters who saved the world from ISIS. Turkey wants to deprive them of all their rights and commit genocide. We must support the Kurds.
Thank you for posting this. The things human beings do to each other can be so horrible sometimes!
Bro there's tunnels underneath
그럼에도 불구하고 탄핵에 찬성하는 당신께
법치주의 이념 아래 삼권분립을 수호하며 전횡을 일삼지못하게 지켜져왔고 윤석열 대통령이 계엄령을 포고하며 법치주의를 파괴했다고 생각하시는 것 같습니다.
정답은 아닙니다.
왜 계엄령 선포 배경인 이미 망가져버린 삼권분립, 사법부의 타락과 국회의 부패는 쏙 빼놓고 이야기하는 걸까요?
[국회 기능 상실]
입법부의 역할을 하는 국회가 국민의 권익을 대변하는 게 아니라 어느 순간부터 죄 지은 야당 국회의원을 위한 법을 만드는 기관이 되었습니까?
자기편 감싸는 법안만 발의하고 자기들이 벌인 구린 일 조사하려는 검찰 및 정부인사들 다 탄핵해서 그게 벌써 22번입니다. (이전 정부들 많아야 3~4번)
심지어 예산안 부분에서는 대통령활동비, 검찰/감사원/ 경찰 특활비는 0원입니다
우리나라 미래 산업인 원전이나 R&D 관련 예산도 총 2000억원 가까이 깎아놓고 본인들 연봉은 올렸다고 합니다. 입법부의 거대 야당이 이미 타락해서 입법 폭주를 하고 행정부의 업무를 마비시키고 있는 상황입니다. 심지어 간첩법 개정도 미루는데 이런 부분은 왜 언급도 안하는 거죠? 국가 기밀 빼돌리고 타국의 산업스파이가 버젓이 활동해도 처벌할 법안을 미루는 게 대한민국의 국회의원이 할 일인겁니까?
[사법부의 기능 상실]
촛불 선동으로 정권이 바뀌며 적폐청산이라는 명목하에 사법부를 털고 좌편향적 인사들을 채워넣어 사법부의 독립성은 완전히 상실되었습니다. 부정/비리 관련 재판을 받아야하는 야당쪽 인사들의 재판은 무기한 연기되고 판결마저 의혹만 가득합니다.
이재명이 선거법 위반 판결로 의원직 상실해 정치적 생명이 끝날 순간에 권순일 대법관이 무죄를 선고하며 살아났습니다. 그리고 이재명이 성남시장으로 있을 때 대장동에서 생긴 비리의 온상인 화천대유의 고문으로 들어간게 권순일입니다.
심지어 최근 위증교사와 관련된 녹취록까지 있고 위증한 사람이 위증교사 지시 받았다고 말해도 위증죄는 선고되고 위증교사는 없다는 판결이 나왔습니다
이게 올바른 법치인가요? 권력자의 입김에 따라 법치가 이미 무너져 있었는데 왜 이 때는 분노하지 않으셨나요?
[비상계엄의 당위성]
계엄법상 "비상계엄은 대통령이 '전시·사변 또는 이에 준하는 국가비상사태 시, 적과 교전 상태에 있거나 사회질서가 극도로 교란되어 행정 및 사법 기능의 수행이 현저히 곤란한 경우에 군사상 필요에 따르거나 공공의 안녕질서를 유지하기 위하여' 선포한다" 라고 되있는데 마지막 문장 보면 왜 당위성이 있는지 요건을 성립했는지 이해할 겁니다.
국제 정세는 급박한데 대한민국 내부는 상식이 통하지 않는 나라, 삼권분립이 망가지고 행정부에 족쇄만 달며 마비시키려는 정국에서 대통령이 이걸 뿌리뽑고자 자신의 권리인 계엄령을 선포한 겁니다.
계엄선포문에서 '반국가세력'이라 칭하고 국회는 설렁설렁 막고 선관위는 6분만에 투입시켰을 뿐만 아니라, 국회보다 많은 인원을 투입시킨 거 보면 명백히 선관위에서 어떤 부정이 있었는지 밝혀내고자 한 거 같은데 이걸 응원하고 지켜봐주지는 못할망정 탄핵에 동참하자고 하시네요. 그 저의가 참 궁금합니다.
부정선거 관련된 증거와 의혹은 차고 넘칩니다.
삼립빵상자에 가득한 사전투표용지들, 형상기억복원 종이라며 접은 자국이 없는 투표종이들, 오산시에서 나온 관리관도장이 이상한 투표용지, 개별적인 투표용지 모음이라 하기엔 너무 이상한 일렬로 묻은 잉크 자국, 심지어는 관리관도장이 없는 투표용지까지, 사전투표만 여니까 역전되는 52개 지역구, 선관위는 해킹 보안망 허술해서 전산에서 유령 유권자를 넣을 수 있거나 명부를 바꿀 수 있다는 게 드러났다는 점 등
[선관위 채용비리]
선관위 채용비리 1200건, 심지어 문서 파쇄하고 자료를 삭제...겨우 5% 정도만 털었는데 나온 결과입니다
공정성이 중요한 선거에서 주관하는 조직이 이렇게 비리로 점철돼있는데 선거에서 공정성과 무결성을 기대할 수 있으십니까? 이걸 밝힌 감사원은 지원받는 게 아니라 갑자기 민주당에서 감사위원장 탄핵도 시키고 있습니다.
삼권분립은 이미 망가져있고, 선거마저 무결성을 훼손된 상황에서 이와 관련된 언급은 없고 탄핵을 지지한다고요? 우파의 기본적인 가치도 제대로 가리지 못하면서 보수인 척 하지 말아주십시오.
패션으로 공부하고 신념도 전후 상황에 대한 이해도 없이 매스미디어에서 나온 워딩에 선동되면서 상당한 시간동안 보수정당을 지지해 온 국민'이라는 표현도 동의할 수 없고우파인 척 하는 좌파로서 우파도 탄핵에 찬성한다고 선동하는 작태로 밖에 안보입니다.
여러분 정말 국가의 명운이 달린 일입니다.
감성과 선동에 휩쓸리지 말고 한 번만 이성과 합리로 찬찬히 봐주십시오.
부정선거가 어떻게 21세기에 있냐라며 음모론자 취급을 했었지만, 전세계적으로 심지어 미국에서조차 현재 부정선거와 관련된 의혹/증거들이 드러나고 있습니다. 만일 거짓이라면 그 때 심판하면 되는 거 아닙니까? 대체 왜 미디어는 위와 관련된 배경과 이면에 대한 이야기는 안하고 탄핵시켜야 된다는 의견만 보도하는 걸까요.
광우병 선동, 천안함 선동, 세월호 선동, 오염수 선동...언제까지 주체성을 잃고 판단을 미디어에 의탁하실 겁니까.
온라인 커뮤니티, 뉴스 발췌
ВВС незаслуженно ещё не получили Оскара во всех номинациях сразу
Most of the time...most humans.
Assad should be arrested for what he did to humamity.
This world would be a much better place if female prisoners from across the world told their stories
Respective stories about their life in prison in their respective countries
Netanyahu already charged, by ICC THIS TERRIST going to run country wait and this people innocent they didn't understand what American and. Zionist regime doing .
Im sure hes gonna be on some sort of list
@@mynewreligionWhy just female prisoners?
Because female prisoners can tell far more minute details about a life in a prison
Here, in Romania we had the same experience 30 years ago, our hearts goes with Syrian ppl, God bless them.
Your people managed to get rid of your dictator completely, unfortunately Syria’s dictator is in Russia (the true dictator behind them all)
Putin won’t want to host Assad for long.
didn't Romania fight with the Nazis in ww2?
@@imperijaable that's because the other side, so called democratic, are extremist islamists like in syria and afgan now
They just reversed at the end when they realized nazi had lost
@imperijaable Well, I hope they will change their heart.
This news reminds me of young Syrian lady I‘ve met 30 years ago in Japan. Very bright and beautiful young lady came to Japan for studying International Relations. She once told me about difficulty of going back to Syria after completion of her study. I have no knowledge about her whereabouts. I just want to wish peace for all the Syrian people.
Beauty in morals
@@indiasuperclean6969 i don't know if you are sarcastic or not but india has one of highest rape rates around the world even with 1 billion people living in the same country such rates are extreme
Bots evolving
Just backwards
I will never forgive him for what he did to us, he abandoned us and killed us He tortured us severely. There are still many crimes he committed, so he must be punished.
May god sent him hell while still living
ICJ needs to issue a warrant of arrest to Bashar Assad & wife Asma, to come to ICJ for trial for murder/killings of thousands of Syrians, corruption of billions of dollars of the State wealth - and to RETURN the billions of dollars taken OUT of Syria illegally. This will see Bashar Assad & Wife being JAIL for 40 years by the ICJ.
Belive is Allah. Indeed he will do justice
Don't see any assad supporters mentioning this
Of course they don't ! They are ruthless pretending they care about Gaza . You can disagree with Israel but not back a dictator like Assad . 50 years the Sunni Muslims that form 80 percent were oppressed!
@@sedzadmujakic307Idiocy. This is about massive torture and murder.
@@sedzadmujakic307 Have you seen the conditions that the prisoners were in? A small cell for dozens of people, where torture was reportedly often used. Please, it's not the same as the western prison system at all. Not to mention, there aren't usually political prisoners and literal CHILDREN in prison...
Idf killed 500 thousand civilians? 🤡
@@ZakiHaider-y9o Idf killed 500 thousand civilians? 🤡
May those in captivity be discovered and rescued
Why don't you take an interview of female prisoners ?
It will tell you the complete story
Because female prisoners can tell far more minute details about a life in a prison
This world would be a much better place if female prisoners from across the world told their stories
Respective stories about their life in prison in their respective countries
Mind Begs the Question:
▪︎If a Israel Govt abduct Children,Women
▪︎Imprisons them without a Charge
▪︎Let alone Trial
▪︎Israel Govt - Democratic or Nazi?
Amen, we ask god to help guide the rescuers to them.
One of the most sad and terrifying aspects is the children of Sednaya prison, who were born in prison and do not know who their fathers, the jailers, are. Some of them are five years old, some are seven, some are younger than that, and some died young. None of them have seen the sky or the sun even once in their lives. They do not know the meaning of a bird, a tree, or a flower. They only know the walls of the prison and the face of the jailer who tortures them and rapes their mother. This is what was going on behind the scenes in Bashar al-Assad’s prisons.
Don' believe everything 🙄
@@xjuhox So, the women who were in prison for 10+ years, with 2-3 kids are lying?
@@xjuhox Maybe some people need to go to Sednaya prison for a while to believe what is happening there.
@@Knight46-n6z Exaggerated propaganda. Let us wait for more balanced information 🙄
Even a day is sufficient
To get ____
Even 9 months are sufficient to bear a child
My heart breaks for you people .we are at the beginning of going through this in the uk so much love and healing to you all x
Russia and Iran must be hold accountable what they did in Syria and Ukraine
So no blame attached to the U.S/Israel or other western powers that supported terrorists in Syria?
Mind Begs the Question:
▪︎Who are Axis of Evil
▪︎Those who oppose Apartheid State
▪︎Those who support Apartheid State?
What about Israel?
agreed and dont listen to the "meh what about ME" crowd they are always trying to bring israel into arguments
@@masterkhan06yer mate what about it ay 😂
Not only the butcher of Syria but also all the entities including foreign govt should be held accountable who aided him in his atrocities!!!
try tukiye and USA first lol ... they were best friends till assad told erdogan that the isis will destroy syria ... and now you have a friendly extremist, islamist terrorist govt in syria ... lol ...
Do you even understand what is happening there now? I'll tell you. There are motley groups that are not only at odds with Assad, but also with each other, they are looting and killing everyone who comes their way. I wonder if anyone will be held accountable for this or not? Do you see the happy crowds of refugees who are rushing to return from Europe to Syria? Remember my words when you see an even greater flow of refugees from Syria to Europe than ten years ago.
Bush, biden, satanyahoo?
For 50 years the Sunni Muslims that form 80 percent majority were oppressed by the Assad family
The Shia's is destroying the middle east, and destroying Muslims image from the world
@@theancientsancients1769 And, the other Sunni majority countries just welcome Assad back into the Arab League. So, not too much compassion from MBS or those hypocrites in Qatar.
@@janetkoster6243 or maybe the "oppressed " part is just western propaganda. because the rebbels have western propaganda now and You will see more immgration to Europe.. Not returnig to Syria.
@@janetkoster6243he is actually in russia what to u mean by that?
Just like other sunni countries did with shia
Syria has the right to protect itself from Iran and Russia
While Israel is invading Syria..
You meant the headchoppers now in control Supported by NATO?
suriah fall in to the same islamic rezim poor surian
Don't allow your country to be meddled by an enemy of islam.
@@MrGercela64😂 not “headchoppers” 😂
I would never imagine praising a strong group, but I congratulate them, they freed a people who were massacred by their own government, may peace be established in Syria, may it be a free and equal country for all, may everyone follow their own path and rebuild their lives, shame on Russia for supporting a president of this level, may God bless the Syrian people
this is a holiday resort in comparison to the Israeli's IDF torture Prison camps for Palestinians why don't you report of the complete and utter barbaric conditions and treatment of Palestinian by the IDF in Israel that would make Hitler himself blush ?????
Mind Begs the Question:
▪︎If ISIS,Al-Qaida
▪︎Don't help Palestinians
▪︎Help Israel occupy Syria
▪︎Islamic Terrorists or Israeli Terrorists?
Are you aware their leader is now a guy who’s former ISIS? Are you aware that they’re going to get rid of Christian’s in their country?
Are you aware of what happened in Libya? Are you aware of what happened in Afghanistan, Iraq etc.?
You are sick in the head
How many people were massacred by US backed groups? ‘
Timber Sycamore’, the secret CIA program to support the terrorists in Syria was focused on pushing into areas of which were considered to be government strongholds, such as the northern coastal strip. On the morning of March 21, 2014, the US-supported terrorists, along with international terrorist partners, attacked the village of Kassab, which is an Armenian Christian village on the Turkish border. They attacked from the Turkish side, with the help of the Turkish military who used helicopters and canons to break down the defenses.
The US-backed FSA caused the entire village to flee for their lives, as people were shot, homes were ransacked and looted, women raped, and elderly immobile residents kidnapped to Turkey.
On April 11, the Syrian opposition leader, Ahmad Jarba, visited his troops at Kassab, and congratulated them on their victory, and predicted the Syrian government would soon fall. The village would remain occupied for three months, during which time all three churches were burned, religious icons and books destroyed, the graveyard dug up and bones desecrated, and virtually every home, farm, and business destroyed.
Some of them spent forty years there and thought that Saddam Hussein came to free them from prison.
Dictatorships in the world are not concerned about people's rights, death and hunger are their seat of power.😢
And notice the International Court never goes after those dictatorships, just the democracies.
@bobjoatmon1993 The world is a liar, I'm sorry💔
yes bcuse a mouse that wants to seek protection by hiding in Putin's underwear
Yes Assad was bad but Isis is worse . Syria is done with cancer invasion
And that is the test for the Sunnis to unite and show what you are all about.
I don't know why people has so much passion to hate each other and so little compassion to love and help each other grow.😢
Theres a reason hell fire exists for people so evil
All of this started was because Assad decided to kill 15 kids in 2011
@mecongberlin absolutely, very sad.
@@ekamande3728 I totally agree with you though. If for one moment, we think what we could achieve by working together, conquering all the resources out there in space, there is actually no necessity for greed in itself, because resources are endless. But I just recently read about the new primate studies - our earliest ancestors - and we are not so far off still. Instinct behavior, territory, fear of the unknown and the outsider, greed, power -> there was an interesting segment in how power switched from females to males, and from intellect to strength.
Wasn't a crematorium built on site? I fear there is no hope for many of the loved ones.
I think going to the basement meant just that you have been killed and burnt.
Yeah and they extended the noose room
They are muslim I think they burry their love one
Horrible, horrible, horrible. But the new day is dawning. Thank you BBC reporters for your priceless efforts.
Beeb is not telling the whole story. Only giving out things that they want people to see.
This place is a crime scene. And documents such as seen @ 2:28 should be preserved and studied as evidence for any clues leading to those responsible, such as guards, jailers, administrators, contractors and anyone else that needs to be held accountable.
Assad and his family are comfortable in Moscow, Russia thanks to Putin.
These people are still without their loved ones that Assad took from them.
Really sad and unfortunate. 🙏
Trump's buddy.
He's as bad as Hitler = Putin is the same inhuman and evil.
That's why you must stand by Ukraine and Free Russia! Help us!
Yes. And Assad has purchased 19 luxury apartments in Moscow city. Moscow city is like a city inside of Moscow, where the super rich live
Wait and see, syria will become like libya, yemen and taliban
Poor people😢
Wherever the religion of peace appears, peace disappears??
They support this
You are brain washed @@ayabokti161
@@asa1973100 you were saying assad is peaceful? Putin is peaceful?
@@asa1973100 Stop peddling lies. The criminal Assad was secular and followed baathism, he dined with Blair and the Elizabeth II. Also Muslims didnt wipe out hundreds of millions of Indigenous Americans, Africans, Asians and Aboriginals. Muslims didnt nuke Hiroshima and Nagasaki, start WW1, and 2, or carry out the Holocaust.
Mums and sons. 😢❤
I pray from another country... in our wars, Syria didn't supported us but I pray for everyone, peace is peace ❤🙏🏾
This is so distressing and vile. What Assad did to the Syrian people was insanely cruel, just pure evil! I hope the survivors and the families of the regimes victims can find a measure of peace.
Nightmare material before bed
Imagine how tough it is for us who lived this
@harrypoter8707 a living nightmare!!
@@harrypoter8707 I don't care.
@@harrypoter8707 A living nightmare. Heart goes out to you and these people. Horrific.
Saydnaya prison is reminiscent of one of those camps set up by the Ustase. Utterly, utterly barbaric and horrid to the core.
Thank you for posting this. ❤
I hope Assad is watching this! Assad need to answer to his crimes against the Syrian people. For decades, Syrian mothers, fathers, daughter's and sons needs justice!
This guy and his regime are not humans because they don't have any morals. They become monsters
There is an interview with the reporter confronting him with pictures of the tortured dead detainees he denied all the charges and told his those pictures are photoshopped
I cant believe the whole world didn’t care about all this, im crying…
Please remember it’s Russia and Iran support Assad regime
Usa and israil?
@@MohamedToureyUSA support the Kurds and Israel no one in Syria cause they all hate them
They are committing different atrocities against their own people.
God bless these ppl. It's shocking.
Mind Begs the Question:
▪︎D3ath to Jews chants - Genocidal
▪︎D3ath to Arabs chants - Acceptable?
He is angry, hurt, emotionally stressed and voicing himself as loud as he can .. but hecis not violent, nor corrupt. He shouts for human rights
انتم الغرب لديكم مصطلح في اعلامكم عندما يصرخ الرجل بسبب تحول اطفاله الى اشلاء من صواربخ الناتو تصفونه رجل صاحب لحية يصرخ مجددا ، تعتبروه انسان متحضر فقط عندما يموت بصمت
inspiring what the Syrian people are now doing when they have freedom. They seek to free everyone who has been unjustly jailed for decades, ripping the prisons apart to find anyone
They are letting actual criminals out as well. Right now many of them are looking at the Women and children with bad intent.
Do you really think they’re free now? Are you aware who the leader of the “rebel” group is? He is former ISIS. Are you one of those people that flick the news on and instantly think… “yep, that’s it”
@@mikeohagan2206you had no idea, go get education please
So is everyone in prison in this country a political prisoner? They don't have criminals?
@@MS-ii1sv Bashar's regime tortured children by removing their fingernails or penises, caused the killing of 1 million for refusing to kneel to his image, any kind of nonsense
Truth really is stranger than fiction.
In Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina did similar brutality. Indian media has gone mad since she was removed. For every fascist, there is also an enabler. For Assad, it was Iran. For Hasina, it was India.
yeah we hate her the people of bangladesh have suffered enough from her enabling colonizers to abuse and enslave our muslim brothers to work for industries that barely give any bread cramps despite how much bangladesh produced for those fashion companies
Assad is ba'athist, not fascist.
@ImNotMrNew its just arab nationalism with socialist economy
He is something else he is not human he can't be describe in words .
This prison was built in 1987 by German company and similar to Hilter’s prisons. It’s multiple buildings nested and it’s like a maze with secret doors. This build can easily hold more than 20,000 prisoners.
I'm from Syria and still live there
Idk if this would work but would you please cover more live on site locations (it doesn't have to be in a dangerous zone or anything like that make something a put birds or trees it doesn't matter just cover Syria on site and live please) this will help the Syrian people to show that they only want peace and no fights at all
The Israeli bombing is terrifying the people and we just want to show the world that we are not a threat we just want to live in peace
Your people do not want or know how to live in peace! Some comandos leaders after entering Damascus are already sayng they're heading to "conquer"Jerusalem.
No, you do not want peace at all and this is very sad indeed.😢
Israel too want peace, for this is destroying biological and chemical weapons depots.
Say thanks to the Israelis
اخرائيل تفعل بالناس البريئة في فلسطين أضعاف ما فعله الأسد
What happened to Assad’s supporters and enablers, the ones who pulled the trigger for Assad?
they want minority rights for their tribe. refusing the connection to essad. considering essad was their tribal leader no one believes that.
Appreciate the journalism!! 💯🙏🏽
now journalists and many others are sellers from bazar. may be refugees.
BBC ist Self Initiator oder main helper of khomeini and Assad
If only the BBC had journalists 😮 A sorry state broadcaster with no credibility. British Bullshit Corporation 😮
Syria is such a beautiful country 🇸🇾 ❤ so sad how much their people have suffered. Hopefully these are the right steps into peace and prosperity.
This is not the suriyan Flag brother. This is the flag of Bashr Al Asad. The Syrian flag has 3 Stars and different colours
@Scholarly_Treasures I think the message is still there though. Unfortunately the three star flag is not available as an emoji on many platforms. Maybe that will change soon
Do you think that anarchy is the path to peace and prosperity? Syria is doomed, and its corpse will be divided among scavengers. Now there will be a flood of refugees from there, even greater than there was ten years ago. I wonder how the world media will explain this.
yeah like sharia and enslavement ,Syria has fallen
Just remember an Iranian Ayatollah preferred this tyrant Assad over Syrian people. 11 million displaced, half a million died as result. Hope Qasem Soleimani is watching all this from H_e_ll.
Iranian leaders are bigger threat than israil. More than one million died just in 13 years, more than one million is missing. Only in 2 weeks more than 300.000 have been taken out from various prisons around syria
Don’t put this on Iran. Assad‘s family couldn’t be in the leadership when they didn’t have more than a half of the Syrians supporting him.
@@Ghost-po9lc go search up the massacres that iranian fighters and lebanese shia's have committed against the syrian people
You would trust ur family with this jihadi criminals?
"Country will be Islamic and other religions will be allowed to live peacefully in it" .... I think the world has heard this a lot many times to trust it.
It won't work..
@@Chrisy0850 The country has always been Islamic, at least in terms of the people. Non-Muslim sects have also existed for 1446 years under Muslim rule. Islam is the only one that has not exterminated other sects.
islam is war and suffering
As an Afghan, let me just say that it seems to me that HTS failed to safe-guard or protect many government buildings and its documents left by the Assad regime. I say this from experience in my own country. Even when the Taliban took over Afghanistan, they made sure to secure most of the documents and computer hardware left by the previous government before opening the doors to the public.
The taliban then announced that the people who had been wronged by the former government could now come forward and discuss their case to get some form of justice. And soon thousands of Afghans came forward and claimed that their lands and homes had been stolen by force by former government officials or the government itself.
Sadly some of the people who came forward had no formal papers that proved they owned the land. It was either because some had inherited the land from their grand grand parents who had previously lost the papers, or some Afghans were forced to sign-away their papers,
But thankfully because the taliban had seized lots of documents and papers from the former government buildings, those documents were able to prove that the land owners were indeed telling the truth. In that way thousands of Afghans were able to get their land/homes back.
But in case of Syria and HTS, its seems that they didn't safe-guard government buildings, including banks etc. But importantly they failed to secure documents that contained 50 years of regimes crimes. And what more shocking is to see people trashing and walking over those documents.
Thank you, BBC, for reporting this.
What propaganda?
@@bbcisaids6727how is that propaganda? You obviously don’t want to be told facts or information that helps you form an opinion you just want to live in a world where people tell you what to think.
You would have loved Syria under Assad.
Don’t worry there’s always Russian news, everything’s good, alls right with the world, every body else is wrong they’re the only ones who are right. I think that could work for you or are you GB news 😂😂😂
Bless your tiny wee brain.
Propaganda?? Get of the bandwagon.
@@bbcisaids6727 hows it propaganda? because you dont agree with it?
@Cheese_Boi1986 you believe the bbc lolololololol, your a waste of oxygen.
@@Cheese_Boi1986 u believe television and newspapers...... pathetic
What’s sad is there may be no underground prison. This is just the kind of terror that could spread in such a place. A hell below…
Assad had extensive tunnels throughout Damascus. It is hard to believe that there are no underground prisons.
Maybe they can find burial grounds for the lost loved ones if they can't find any more survivors.
They cremated them
Mass have already been found but there's no way to identify who's buried there.
I read that the white helmets put a statements that they've probably reached all the existing cells.
Many Argentinians who were missing during military dictatorship era still not found until today. 😟😟
Imagine getting out after more than a decade into a complete new world 😮 all best wishes to these people
In 2008 Maher Assad led an operation to break up a prisoner riot in Sednaya prison, which ended with the killing of dozens of prisoners. At that time, Maher al-Assad came to take pictures with his phone of the victims’ bodies.
The video was very shocking and exposed the psychotic behavior of this family… my heart goes to all victims am so sorry.
Imagine having never been wrongfully imprisoned by a despotic regime, and telling innocent people that they should have continued being wrongfully imprisoned, for the sake of non-Syrian Assad supporters' egos?
The Western media refers to Idlib as the “last rebel stronghold”, but when you research who controls Idlib, you find it is HTS, which is a Radical Islamic terrorist group. There are no ‘opposition rebels’ in Syria; only terrorists.There are about 3 million persons in Idlib, and many are unarmed civilians, such as women, children, and the elderly.
These people are used effectively as human shields by the terrorists. For many years, the UN has been warning of a humanitarian disaster in Idlib should it be attacked by Syria or Russia.
The UN, and other Western humanitarian organizations, keep delivering food, medicines, and other supplies to keep the civilians, the ‘human shields’, alive. All the goods delivered pass through the hands of HTS, and are distributed according to their priorities.
People who have complained about the strict Islamic law adhered to by HTS, or the arbitrary arrests, torture, and executions by HTS, do not get their share of the free goods. The undistributed free goods are placed in Julani’s shopping mall, Al Hamra Mall, and sold. The UN enables HTS, and the dictator Julani, to keep the civilians under lock and key, and without a voice to complain.
Humanitarian organizations complained when their warehouses were stormed by the HTS when they offered classes designed for women to gain skills for employment, and the HTS strictly forbids women from attending.
The fact that the world was silent about such horrible things is completely incomprehensible! I'm from Finland myself and I had no idea about such events. Not enough noise has been made about them.I've never known such terrible things.
The road to Syria will be difficult, but now there is even a chance to change things.
Only i can do now is a question: How can i help??
I wish all the best for the people of Syria❤. Thanks to the liberators of political prisoners🙏.
Thank you for spreading positive energy!
Your words truly helped..I've read devastating comments such as "let them celebrate while they can" that we are dumb to feel happy and many more...
As a Syrian myself, I never knew such things existed; We were horrified by the things we saw😪! Our parents always told us "walls have ears, pay attention to your words cuz they can make you vanish" we never thought it could be this horrible and we thought that our parents were extra cautious..(they weren't sadly)💔
We do have hope for a bright future; it's gonna be such a challenge but it'll work InshaaAllah 💚💚
Thank you again for your comment!
As a western how can you believe liberators? The liberators brought democracy to Afghanistan this similar way🥴
Let me tell you my view as a Syrian myself!
We were afraid of the very same thing you said..as a Muslim myself I was afraid of the liberators being "extremists" ; they're not I promise. They're so kind and nice. I saw them today. You have to know smth "Muslim Extremists" ,I just want to call them "extremists" cause extremism has no religion, look the same as the liberators in my country but act very differently and are so far away from what true Islam is. I don't blame you as a western yourself having these doubts because you only see what media shows. (Scary people with beards who oppress women and people from other religions). I think you might be wondering now how can I know all that and trust them this much, and they've been here only for 4 days or even less? Firsty, I live here I see every law They're publishing( one of them was: "it's considered a crime for any person to interfere with women clothes whatever they were wearing, everyone has the freedom to wear whatever she wants")
Used cars before them were priced around 10k to 20k bucks. And now guess how much? 1500 to 6000 bucks!
Our salaries were between 30 to 40 bucks ***a month*** people were starving!
We saw electricity once in 12 hours..they've been here for 3 days and electricity got way better!
For me, I trust them of course if no western country interfered and let us live in peace💚!
A final piece of advice for you, look more into Islam..true Islam is the way for a happy life, true Muslims are so kind. In our religion, we should respect every religion and every person. Everyone has the freedom to believe in whatever he wants because we believe that all people will be judged by Allah on the day of judgment; it's our job to judge anyone, we only have a duty which is to let the world know about Islam and be good Muslims ourselves. 💫
Let me tell you my view as a Syrian myself.
We were afraid of the very same thing you mentioned.
As a Muslim myself I was afraid of them being "extremists". And now after seeing them for a few days, I promise they're not. They're so kind and nice. I want to explain smth "Muslim extremists", or as I should call them just "extremists" cause extremism has no religion, look *the same* as the liberators but *act totally differently*. I guess you might be wondering how I can trust them this much and they've only been here for 4 days or even less!
Firstly, I *live* here and I see every law they're publishing; some of these laws are:
(It is now strictly forbidden to interfere with women's clothing or impose demands related to modesty or appearance. "Personal freedom is guaranteed for everyone, and respecting individual rights is the foundation of building a civilized nation," .
"No one has the right to demand the blood of martyrs". This law is to curb acts of revenge and promote unity.)
Before liberation, used cars were priced between 10k and 20k bucks, and now the prices range between 1500 to 6000 for the very same cars.
Our salaries were between 30 to 40 bucks a ****month**** people were starving.
We saw electricity once in 12 hours; sometimes in 24 hours; now it's way better!
I don't blame you as a western yourself to think that they're terrorists, you only see what the media shows(long-beared people who oppress women and people from other religions).
I trust them, believe in them and I truly think that good days are ahead of us, and that's only if Western countries didn't interfere and let us live in peace!
One piece of advice for you, look more into Islam, true Islam is so beautiful. Islam is PERFECT but Muslims aren't. Don't judge a whole religion based on what you see in the media and hear on the news. In Islam, it's not our job to judge people or interfere in their beliefs. Everyone has the freedom to believe in whatever they want, cause we believe that all people will be present in front of Allah Subhanh on the day of judgment. As Muslims, we have a duty to let the world know about Islam and be good Muslims ourselves.🌟❤️
Let me tell you my view as a Syrian myself.
We were afraid of the very same thing you mentioned.
As a Muslim myself I was afraid of them being "extremists". And now after seeing them for a few days, I promise they're not. They're so kind and nice. I want to explain smth "Muslim extremists", or as I should call them just "extremists" cause extremism has no religion, look *the same* as the liberators but *act totally differently*. I guess you might be wondering how I can trust them this much and they've only been here for 4 days or even less!
Firstly, I *live* here and I see every law they're publishing; some of these laws are:
(It is now strictly forbidden to interfere with women's clothing or impose demands related to modesty or appearance. "Personal freedom is guaranteed for everyone, and respecting individual rights is the foundation of building a civilized nation," .
"No one has the right to demand the blood of martyrs". This law is to curb acts of revenge and promote unity.)
Before liberation, used cars were priced between 10k and 20k bucks, and now the prices range between 1500 to 6000 for the very same cars.
Our salaries were between 30 to 40 bucks a ****month**** people were starving.
We saw electricity once in 12 hours; sometimes in 24 hours; now it's way better!
I don't blame you as a western yourself to think that they're terrorists, you only see what the media shows(long-beared people who oppress women and people from other religions).
I trust them, believe in them and I truly think that good days are ahead of us, and that's only if Western countries didn't interfere and let us live in peace!
One piece of advice for you, look more into Islam, true Islam is so beautiful. Islam is PERFECT but Muslims aren't. Don't judge a whole religion based on what you see in the media and hear on the news. In Islam, it's not our job to judge people or interfere in their beliefs. Everyone has the freedom to believe in whatever they want, cause we believe that all people will be present in front of Allah Subhanh on the day of judgment. As Muslims, we have a duty to let the world know about Islam and be good Muslims ourselves.🌟❤️
I'm wondering if the UN can supply ground penetrating radar to see what's happening below ground.
This is the reality of some people and we have no idea about, I'm shocked 😮 my heart is broken how someone lived like this for more than 30 years and we are complaining every day for nothing 😢
History repeats itself again in Syria.
Aljazerah and Middle East eyes have been mute for days. They are busy looking for what to report about Isreal and Gaza
Thank you Türkiye❤❤❤❤Long live Suriye
Prison guard should come forward and help them in search
It similar to Guantanamo bay jail.
Exactly, but they don’t report that
Humans dehumanize humans - what a wicked world!
These people have suffered so much, they deserve peace 🙏🏻
Catch assad and question him
Fled to Russia
He better stay away from windows.
yes bcuz a mouse that wants to seek protection by hiding in Putin's underwear
for what
With regard to conditions like prisons in Brazil and with regard to torture like Guantánamo!
There is a 'wheel of unfortune' in the deep, grimm basement 😬
Shout out to Barbara on that incredible reporting
I hope this country finally is able to heal and recover. The world needs some good things for a change.
Assad must be brought to Syria to face justice for the atrocities his regime committed against his own people.
How are the syrian Christians and priests going to be treared bbc
Ruski bot
انهم في افضل حال منك
Horribly most Muslims are vicious!
What a load of bollocks.
That mother's tears wept me.
Sounds like what every dictator does
Elhamdulilah ☝🏻🇦🇱🇦🇱
Where is ICC?
Where is Al Jazeera???
When do you go to Israel prisons?
Yawn 🥱
Спасибо за обзор. Показывайте всему миру как есть на самом деле. Сирийскому народу процветания страны и благополучия 🙏
I didn't know the Assad government was that cruel. Why hasn't the media revealed these crimes earlier? 😢
israel want the regime to continue they were triggered by it's fall
they support all arab despots in the region
Go to Guantanamo - so lame bbc
This Is even worse than Guantanamo , no Paroles .... no sunlight
The Middle East man….Good lord they need help…
Just freeing everyone? Even the people in there for valid reasons??
Just because Assad supports Palestine does NOT mean he is a good man, he started a war with his own, shame on this man that we call our brother as a muslim he is NOT one of us. May Allah decide his punishment .
From all of these events, I hope that the population will understand that the real enemy is our systems and governments. The danger is coming from inside, not outside your country.
Как насчёт США? Гуантанамо нам тоже покажут?
Omg 😢
Are you telling me that everyone in that prison was innocent ?
More innocent than Hamas
Buddy, prisons in Syria is for innocent people, you'll find the criminals wearing nice jackets and driving fancy cars
In Syria, pri -sons are for innocent people 😂😂
A cri -minall will be someone who wears nice clothes and drive fancy cars
@@playmaker8755 I don’t support Assad. I am just old enough to remember what happened to Iraq and Libya after the west removed Sadam and Gaddafi. Libya is actually destroyed forever
@@mrdenson3101 what are talking about?
Syria is already destroyed, divided and literally half the people are Displaced from their homes, it can't be worse than that.
At least Saddam cared for his country, Al Assad doesn't give a flop.
So ya, it's a deferent situation in Syria.
I wonder why you are still surprised by this although it has been happening for half a century!
2:17 how they don't have access to the digitized floor plans of the building everything is digitized nowadays
More than 200 thousand people are still missing 😢😢😢😢😢 mass graves will be found and will be even more than prisons…..
All the prisons in the world are the same. There is nothing extraordinary about the Syrian prison.
@thomas we don't lock up and torture women and children mate
If only the bbc put this much effort in finding out the truth about their own evil people working for them
It almost doesn't feel real. Can't believe its finally gone. But I can't help but feel everyone is holding their breath for the future that seems so much less certain now
😞 that women breaks my heart 💔
Is this another Guantanamo Bay?
Imagine if Soviet and US Soldiers had phones in 1945. Even worse pictures than here.
They had cameras. Many photos exist
@KHRrocks Yes but it would be different if they had phones to record videos while liberating those people.
So can the BBC offer an infrared camera so they can see through walls at this prison?
Give voice to the Kurds. The great fighters who saved the world from ISIS. Turkey wants to deprive them of all their rights and commit genocide. We must support the Kurds.
America what make inside Cuba Gantanamo
Good old western propaganda,... You gotta love it! 😂
I’m so thankful i live in the USA! I couldn’t imagine being anywhere else…
Like Norway or Sweden with free and standardized healthcare and education?
Yep…its so safe that your children have chance to switch genders