Will Jesus be ruling from the temple in Jerusalem, on earth, during the 1,000 years or from the New Jerusalem, in heaven?...Thank-you so much for your teachings. I am so excited about the soon coming of Jesus.
The TEMPLE has been being built for 2000 years. And that's not even counting the O.T. saints. 1Pt2:5>>> 1Cor 3:16. There is NOT one scripture that teaches a 3rd Temple WILL be built.
@@flowersofthefield340 Well I've studied Ezekiel for years. Do I need to read the entire book again. And if I do, there will NOT magically appear scriptures that teach a LITERAL temple will be built. You are probably a pre-triber that will never understand spiritual scriptures. 1Cor 2:13-14. What part of NO MORE animal sacrifice do you people not understand? Heb10:10
New Covenant Whole Gospel: How many modern Christians cannot honestly answer the questions below? Who is the King of Israel in John 1:49? Is the King of Israel now the Head of the Church, and are we His Body? Who is the “son” that is the “heir” to the land in Matthew 21:37-43? Why did God allow the Romans to destroy the Old Covenant temple and the Old Covenant city, about 40 years after His Son fulfilled the New Covenant promised in Jeremiah 31:31-34 in blood at Calvary? What the modern Church needs is a New Covenant Revival (Heb. 9:10) in which members of various denominations are willing to re-examine everything they believe and see if it agrees with the Bible, instead of the traditions of men. We need to be like the Bereans. It will be a battle between our flesh and the Holy Spirit. It will not be easy. If you get mad and upset when someone challenges your man-made Bible doctrines, that is your flesh resisting the truth found in God's Word. Nobody can completely understand the Bible unless they understand the relationship between the Old Covenant given to Moses at Mount Sinai and the New Covenant fulfilled in blood at Calvary. God is not now a “racist”. He has extended His love to all races of people through the New Covenant fulfilled by His Son’s blood at Calvary. The Apostle Paul warned against using “genealogies” in our faith in 1 Tim. 1:4, and Titus 3:9. If the New Covenant is "everlasting" in Hebrews 13:20 and the Old Covenant is "obsolete" in Hebrews 8:13, why would any believer think God is going back to the Old Covenant system during a future time period? ==== Mat 24:1 And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him for to shew him the buildings of the temple. Mat 24:2 And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down. Fort Antonia (Herod’s Praetorium, Acts 23:35) was built by Herod and given to the Romans. It was used to house the thousands of Roman soldiers needed to police the ancient city of Jerusalem. In Acts 23:23 the Romans sent 470 soldiers to escort one man. Are we to believe all of the soldiers from the fort were sent with this one man? During 73 AD the Jewish leader at Masada said the only thing left of Jerusalem was that which belonged to the Romans. Mar 15:16 Then the soldiers led Him away into the hall called Praetorium, and they called together the whole garrison. Act_23:35 he said, "I will hear you when your accusers also have come." And he commanded him to be kept in Herod's Praetorium. Based on Acts 21:31-40, we know the Roman fort was above the temple because the soldiers had to go “down” to rescue Paul from the mob at the temple. Paul later spoke to the crowd below from the steps, as he was being taken up to Fort Antonia. The following comes from Wars of the Jews, by Flavius Josephus, Book 5, Chapter 5, Section 8. “8. Now as to the tower of Antonia, it was situated at the corner of two cloisters of the court of the temple; of that on the west, and that on the north; it was erected upon a rock of fifty cubits in height, and was on a great precipice; it was the work of king Herod, wherein he demonstrated his natural magnanimity. In the first place, the rock itself was covered over with smooth pieces of stone, from its foundation, both for ornament, and that any one who would either try to get up or to go down it might not be able to hold his feet upon it. Next to this, and before you come to the edifice of the tower itself, there was a wall three cubits high; but within that wall all the space of the tower of Antonia itself was built upon, to the height of forty cubits. The inward parts had the largeness and form of a palace, it being parted into all kinds of rooms and other conveniences, such as courts, and places for bathing, and broad spaces for camps; insomuch that, by having all conveniences that cities wanted, it might seem to be composed of several cities, but by its magnificence it seemed a palace. And as the entire structure resembled that of a tower, it contained also four other distinct towers at its four corners; whereof the others were but fifty cubits high; whereas that which lay upon the southeast corner was seventy cubits high, that from thence the whole temple might be viewed; but on the corner where it joined to the two cloisters of the temple, it had passages down to them both, through which the guard (for there always lay in this tower a Roman legion) went several ways among the cloisters, with their arms, on the Jewish festivals, in order to watch the people, that they might not there attempt to make any innovations; for the temple was a fortress that guarded the city, as was the tower of Antonia a guard to the temple; and in that tower were the guards of those three (14). There was also a peculiar fortress belonging to the upper city, which was Herod’s palace; but for the hill Bezetha, it was divided from the tower Antonia, as we have already told you; and as that hill on which the tower of Antonia stood was the highest of these three, so did it adjoin to the new city, and was the only place that hindered the sight of the temple on the north. And this shall suffice at present to have spoken about the city and the walls about it, because I have proposed to myself to make a more accurate description of it elsewhere.” The Jewish historian Josephus said Fort Antonia was built upon a gigantic rock, on the highest hill, and had passages that went “down” to the temple. Josephus described it as a large structure, instead of what we find in Avi Yonah’s modern model of the fort. Josephus also said the fort blocked the view of the temple on the north side. In the passage below we find the Romans used Fort Antonia as the base to attack the temple during 70 AD. They had previously gained access to the fort by attacking the foundation for seven days. (Book 6, Chapter 2, Section 7) The passage proves at least part of Fort Antonia remained intact on the day the Jewish temple was destroyed. From War of the Jews, by Josephus, Book 6, Chapter 4, sections 4-5. "4. Now it is true that on this day the Jews were so weary, and under such consternation, that they refrained from any attacks. But on the next day they gathered their whole force together, and ran upon those that guarded the outward court of the temple very boldly, through the east gate, and this about the second hour of the day. These guards received that their attack with great bravery, and by covering themselves with their shields before, as if it were with a wall, they drew their squadron close together; yet was it evident that they could not abide there very long, but would be overborne by the multitude of those that sallied out upon them, and by the heat of their passion. However, Caesar seeing, from the tower of Antonia, that this squadron was likely to give way, he sent some chosen horsemen to support them. Hereupon the Jews found themselves not able to sustain their onset, and upon the slaughter of those in the forefront, many of the rest were put to flight. But as the Romans were going off, the Jews turned upon them, and fought them; and as those Romans came back upon them, they retreated again, until about the fifth hour of the day they were overborne, and shut themselves up in the inner [court of the] temple. 5. So Titus retired into the tower of Antonia, and resolved to storm the temple the next day, early in the morning, with his whole army, and to encamp round about the holy house. But as for that house, God had, for certain, long ago doomed it to the fire; and now that fatal day was come, according to the revolution of ages; it was the tenth day of the month Lous, [Ab,] upon which it was formerly burnt by the king of Babylon; although these flames took their rise from the Jews themselves, and were occasioned by them; for upon Titus’s retiring, the seditious lay still for a little while, and then attacked the Romans again, when those that guarded the holy house fought with those that quenched the fire that was burning the inner [court of the] temple; but these Romans put the Jews to flight, and proceeded as far as the holy house itself. At which time one of the soldiers, without staying for any orders, and without any concern or dread upon him at so great an undertaking, and being hurried on by a certain divine fury, snatched somewhat out of the materials that were on fire, and being lifted up by another soldier, he set fire to a golden window, through which there was a passage to the rooms that were round about the holy house, on the north side of it. As the flames went upward, the Jews made a great clamor, such as so mighty an affliction required, and ran together to prevent it; and now they spared not their lives any longer, nor suffered any thing to restrain their force, since that holy house was perishing, for whose sake it was that they kept such a guard about it." All of this provides tremendous evidence that the Dome of the Rock is the true location of Fort Antonia. Josephus said Fort Antonia was built upon a gigantic rock and that rock has not moved. If at least part of Fort Antonia remained on the day the temple was destroyed, where is that part of Fort Antonia now? Watch the TH-cam video… The “Temple Mount” is Roman Fort Antonia, by Leeland Jones, to see the truth with your own eyes. The scorpion was the symbol of the Roman Praetorian Guard, and that symbol is found on the underground section of the Western Wall.
There are only 2 times christ will be on earth HE came as the suffering servant and died on the cross was resurrected and then went to heaven. He is there still waiting for Gpd to give the word for Jesus to return the 2nd and last time. That hasn't happened yet.
Paul knew that christ would not come in his life time BECAUSE HE KNEW HE WOULD DIE IN ROME. So that imminent any time is a LIE. We are to be watches we are told the season.
There is nothing in Scripture about the rebuilding of a third Jewish temple on the Temple Mount! When Revelation speaks of a temple, it is always referring to "the temple of heaven." Revelation 16: 17. And when Paul wrote about the Antichrist entering the temple of God, he was talking about entering the Church! If certain people who reject the final sacrifice of Jesus Christ ever do rebuild a third temple on the temple mount inside Jerusalem,it definitely will not be "the temple of God"
You are incorrect. John does talks about the 3rd temple because he says dont messure the outet court. Also paul yalks about the 3rd temple when he days that "that day" the day of the lords return and the gathering of the righteous dead and those who are alive and believe ca not happen UNTIL the 3rd temple is built the sacrifices are stopped and the man of prediction stands in the temple claiming he is god
@@penelopelucas4973 2 Thessalonians 2 Verse 4-“Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.” Paul did not say, as so many believe, that Antichrist will walk into a temple and say, “I am God.” Rather, he would sit “as God ... shewing himself that he is God.” The difference is subtle, yet very important. The Antichrist will not “say it,” for this would be too obvious. Yet he will “show it” by his actions. The Antichrist will “sit.” This does not mean he will “sit down” on some chair. In the language of the Bible, to “sit” means to sit in a position of authority. Jesus Christ now “sits” at the right hand of God (Mark 16:19). He is our supreme authority, the only Mediator between God and men (1 Timothy 2:5). According to Paul, the Antichrist will also deceptively “sit” in a position of authority. Yet this “sitting” will actually be in opposition to the supreme authority of Jesus Christ! Antichrist will even “sit in the temple of God.” Here is the key text! Millions of sincere Christians, apply this to a rebuilt third Jewish temple in Jerusalem. But is that right? Think about it Let’s say that a group of Jewish people, who do not believe in the great sacrifice of Jesus Christ, were to rebuild a third temple on the Temple Mount. Could that temple ever really be called “the temple of God”? No! For that temple would be in itself a denial of Jesus Christ! Notice what the famous Christian commentator Adam Clarke had to say about Paul’s words: “By the temple of God the apostle could not well mean the temple of Jerusalem; because that, he knew, would be destroyed within a few years. After the death of Christ the temple of Jerusalem is never called by the apostles the temple of God." The Greek word Paul used here for “temple” is “naos.” The truth about the temple is that every time Paul used the word “naos” in his letters, he always applied it NOT to a building in Jerusalem, but to the church! Paul wrote to “the church of God which is at Corinth,” saying, “Know ye not that ye are the temple [“naos”] of God?” 1 Corinthians 1:2; 3:16. (See also 2 Corinthians 6:16; Ephesians 2:19-22.) Thus, to Paul, “the temple of God” is the Christian Church! “Under the gospel dispensation, the temple of God is the Church of Christ.” And this is where Antichrist will sit! He will deceptively enter the Church, like Judas, who was one of the twelve! Then he will “sit” in a position of supreme, apparently infallible authority, which will ever so subtly counterfeit the supreme authority of Jesus Christ! If you were the devil, wouldn’t you try to do the same thing? You wouldn’t spend most of your time hanging out in a bar. Your goal would be to try and deceive Christians! If you were Satan, wouldn’t you want to sneak into the Church, get behind the pulpit, and then preach a sermon? (See Acts 20:28-31; 1 Timothy 4:1; 2 Timothy 4:3, 4.) This is exactly what Paul says the Antichrist will do! He will cleverly enter the temple of God, which is the Christian Church, and then he will “sit” in a position of apparently supreme authority as he makes pronouncements on matters of Christian doctrine.
Yes thete is Paul says in 2 thessalonian that "that day" the return of christ and the gathering of the righteous dead and those who are alive and believe can not happen UNTIL the 3rd temple is built the sacrifices are stopped and the man of prediction stands in the temple claiming he is god.
@@penelopelucas4973 The second coming as well as the first was fulfilled in the first century, just as He said it would be. Matthew 10:23; 16:26-28; 26:63-64 Your eschatology imposed on our day for a fulfillment in our future is misguided and unhealthy teaching, simply because you have been misled.
@georgebentonjr3876 no it was not. Where are the immortals that are meant to be gathered together at the second coming? where is the peace that christ bring when he comes? Where is the high way that only the righteous can go on? You are deceived there is a second coming Where christ rules from Jerusalem.
@@penelopelucas4973 ""no it was not. Where are the immortals that are meant to be gathered together at the second coming? where is the peace that christ bring when he comes? Where is the high way that only the righteous can go on? You are deceived there is a second coming Where christ rules from Jerusalem." end quote Jesus had His second coming in the first century. We can know this because He doesn't lie. We can read Matthew 10:23; 16:26-28; 26:63-64 There, He is basically saying that some would be alive to see it. It's not in our future. If that's not good enough, concerning the second coming (Parousia), the Inspired writer of the book of Hebrews said the Lord would not tarry. Hebrews 10:37 Are we then supposed to believe that 2000 years and still pending fulfillment in the 21st century is NOT a delay? (Nonsense, if you ask me) Matthew 24:21, Jesus refers to the day of the Lord by mentioning the tribulation. This was fulfilled in 70 A.D. with the destruction of Israel, Jerusalem and the Temple. Ancient, apostate, first century Israel had become spiritually, the "Babylon harlot" in Revelation. She even had sanctuary's of Satan, says he Lord in Revelation 2:9, 3:9. Modern day 1948 Israel has nothing to do whatsoever with biblical Israel, nor can it ever be. Current events have nothing to do with the biblical prophecy either. According to the testimony of Scripture, Satan was destroyed in the first century and the martyrs were vindicated also. Romans 13:11; 16:20 Hebrews 2:14; 10:37 Revelation 1:1, 3; 20:10; 22:20 All biblical eschatology has been fulfilled. And one more thing, there is no physical removal of the church from earth. John 17:15, Ephesians 3:20-21 Questions? God is still in the business of saving sinners. This enterprise has no such thing as "last days" or "end-times".
Ah, another pre tribulation rapture man. Haha, so when does the rapture happen? Read John 6 vs 44, it's on the last day. So how could it happen 7 years before the last day?
There is no pre trib rapture its a lie. We go through the tribulation and Jesus returns after the tribulation at the last trumpet on the clouds with his angels and everyone will see him coming THEN he will gather his people the righteous dead and those who are alive and believe at the last trumpet after the tribulation
Amen brother you’re right
Thank you once again, Pastor Randy, for your teaching. Lifting you up in prayers
It is good to know how close it is to know how close it is for the rebuilding of the Third Temple.
I know I’m saved by the power in the blood of Jesus Christ
Great videos brother🙏🏻🙏🏻
Please pray for my son Tyler. He is starting to ask questions about Jesus and showing interest in prophecy as he sees things taking place in the news.
@@nhaggs8971 I prayed for Tyler. I will put him on my prayer list 🕊️🕊️🕊️
Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ. Please pray for my son Rogie he is a backslider and suffering from depression. Thank you. God bless you...
Pray for my kids and mom
💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐please pray for salvation for, My husband Pete, and two sons, Chris and Nick.
In Jesus' mighty name of Nazareth Amen 🙏
@@felicitybloomfield4620Thank you so much Felicity🌹
For the last several years I have believed that the Temple is complete and under ground
Next thing to happen is confirming the peace Covenant that has already been written that starts off tribulation
El arrebatamiento está ocurriendo. Será gradual y no simultáneo. 1Tes. 4:16-17
What a load of rubbishes.
Will Jesus be ruling from the temple in Jerusalem, on earth, during the 1,000 years or from the New Jerusalem, in heaven?...Thank-you so much for your teachings. I am so excited about the soon coming of Jesus.
YES, HE WILL BE! And it will be GLORIOUS!
His body is the Temple.
He reigns over Heaven and Earth now.
He will reign here on earth for a 1000 years with a rod of iron. There will be a highway that only the righteous can go on.
5 years from now, almost to the day.
The TEMPLE has been being built for 2000 years. And that's not even counting the O.T. saints. 1Pt2:5>>> 1Cor 3:16. There is NOT one scripture that teaches a 3rd Temple WILL be built.
Read Ezekiel ........... Open 🔓
@@flowersofthefield340 Well I've studied Ezekiel for years. Do I need to read the entire book again. And if I do, there will NOT magically appear scriptures that teach a LITERAL temple will be built. You are probably a pre-triber that will never understand spiritual scriptures. 1Cor 2:13-14. What part of NO MORE animal sacrifice do you people not understand? Heb10:10
Current events have nothing to do with prophecy getting fulfilled.
@@flowersofthefield340 What are you trying to say?
God Bless Israel 🇮🇱
New Covenant Whole Gospel: How many modern Christians cannot honestly answer the questions below?
Who is the King of Israel in John 1:49? Is the King of Israel now the Head of the Church, and are we His Body? Who is the “son” that is the “heir” to the land in Matthew 21:37-43? Why did God allow the Romans to destroy the Old Covenant temple and the Old Covenant city, about 40 years after His Son fulfilled the New Covenant promised in Jeremiah 31:31-34 in blood at Calvary?
What the modern Church needs is a New Covenant Revival (Heb. 9:10) in which members of various denominations are willing to re-examine everything they believe and see if it agrees with the Bible, instead of the traditions of men. We need to be like the Bereans. It will be a battle between our flesh and the Holy Spirit. It will not be easy. If you get mad and upset when someone challenges your man-made Bible doctrines, that is your flesh resisting the truth found in God's Word. Nobody can completely understand the Bible unless they understand the relationship between the Old Covenant given to Moses at Mount Sinai and the New Covenant fulfilled in blood at Calvary.
God is not now a “racist”. He has extended His love to all races of people through the New Covenant fulfilled by His Son’s blood at Calvary. The Apostle Paul warned against using “genealogies” in our faith in 1 Tim. 1:4, and Titus 3:9.
If the New Covenant is "everlasting" in Hebrews 13:20 and the Old Covenant is "obsolete" in Hebrews 8:13, why would any believer think God is going back to the Old Covenant system during a future time period?
Mat 24:1 And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him for to shew him the buildings of the temple.
Mat 24:2 And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.
Fort Antonia (Herod’s Praetorium, Acts 23:35) was built by Herod and given to the Romans. It was used to house the thousands of Roman soldiers needed to police the ancient city of Jerusalem.
In Acts 23:23 the Romans sent 470 soldiers to escort one man. Are we to believe all of the soldiers from the fort were sent with this one man?
During 73 AD the Jewish leader at Masada said the only thing left of Jerusalem was that which belonged to the Romans.
Mar 15:16 Then the soldiers led Him away into the hall called Praetorium, and they called together the whole garrison.
Act_23:35 he said, "I will hear you when your accusers also have come." And he commanded him to be kept in Herod's Praetorium.
Based on Acts 21:31-40, we know the Roman fort was above the temple because the soldiers had to go “down” to rescue Paul from the mob at the temple. Paul later spoke to the crowd below from the steps, as he was being taken up to Fort Antonia.
The following comes from Wars of the Jews, by Flavius Josephus, Book 5, Chapter 5, Section 8.
“8. Now as to the tower of Antonia, it was situated at the corner of two cloisters of the court of the temple; of that on the west, and that on the north; it was erected upon a rock of fifty cubits in height, and was on a great precipice; it was the work of king Herod, wherein he demonstrated his natural magnanimity. In the first place, the rock itself was covered over with smooth pieces of stone, from its foundation, both for ornament, and that any one who would either try to get up or to go down it might not be able to hold his feet upon it. Next to this, and before you come to the edifice of the tower itself, there was a wall three cubits high; but within that wall all the space of the tower of Antonia itself was built upon, to the height of forty cubits. The inward parts had the largeness and form of a palace, it being parted into all kinds of rooms and other conveniences, such as courts, and places for bathing, and broad spaces for camps; insomuch that, by having all conveniences that cities wanted, it might seem to be composed of several cities, but by its magnificence it seemed a palace. And as the entire structure resembled that of a tower, it contained also four other distinct towers at its four corners; whereof the others were but fifty cubits high; whereas that which lay upon the southeast corner was seventy cubits high, that from thence the whole temple might be viewed; but on the corner where it joined to the two cloisters of the temple, it had passages down to them both, through which the guard (for there always lay in this tower a Roman legion) went several ways among the cloisters, with their arms, on the Jewish festivals, in order to watch the people, that they might not there attempt to make any innovations; for the temple was a fortress that guarded the city, as was the tower of Antonia a guard to the temple; and in that tower were the guards of those three (14). There was also a peculiar fortress belonging to the upper city, which was Herod’s palace; but for the hill Bezetha, it was divided from the tower Antonia, as we have already told you; and as that hill on which the tower of Antonia stood was the highest of these three, so did it adjoin to the new city, and was the only place that hindered the sight of the temple on the north. And this shall suffice at present to have spoken about the city and the walls about it, because I have proposed to myself to make a more accurate description of it elsewhere.”
The Jewish historian Josephus said Fort Antonia was built upon a gigantic rock, on the highest hill, and had passages that went “down” to the temple. Josephus described it as a large structure, instead of what we find in Avi Yonah’s modern model of the fort. Josephus also said the fort blocked the view of the temple on the north side.
In the passage below we find the Romans used Fort Antonia as the base to attack the temple during 70 AD. They had previously gained access to the fort by attacking the foundation for seven days. (Book 6, Chapter 2, Section 7)
The passage proves at least part of Fort Antonia remained intact on the day the Jewish temple was destroyed.
From War of the Jews, by Josephus, Book 6, Chapter 4, sections 4-5.
"4. Now it is true that on this day the Jews were so weary, and under such consternation, that they refrained from any attacks. But on the next day they gathered their whole force together, and ran upon those that guarded the outward court of the temple very boldly, through the east gate, and this about the second hour of the day. These guards received that their attack with great bravery, and by covering themselves with their shields before, as if it were with a wall, they drew their squadron close together; yet was it evident that they could not abide there very long, but would be overborne by the multitude of those that sallied out upon them, and by the heat of their passion. However, Caesar seeing, from the tower of Antonia, that this squadron was likely to give way, he sent some chosen horsemen to support them. Hereupon the Jews found themselves not able to sustain their onset, and upon the slaughter of those in the forefront, many of the rest were put to flight. But as the Romans were going off, the Jews turned upon them, and fought them; and as those Romans came back upon them, they retreated again, until about the fifth hour of the day they were overborne, and shut themselves up in the inner [court of the] temple.
5. So Titus retired into the tower of Antonia, and resolved to storm the temple the next day, early in the morning, with his whole army, and to encamp round about the holy house. But as for that house, God had, for certain, long ago doomed it to the fire; and now that fatal day was come, according to the revolution of ages; it was the tenth day of the month Lous, [Ab,] upon which it was formerly burnt by the king of Babylon; although these flames took their rise from the Jews themselves, and were occasioned by them; for upon Titus’s retiring, the seditious lay still for a little while, and then attacked the Romans again, when those that guarded the holy house fought with those that quenched the fire that was burning the inner [court of the] temple; but these Romans put the Jews to flight, and proceeded as far as the holy house itself. At which time one of the soldiers, without staying for any orders, and without any concern or dread upon him at so great an undertaking, and being hurried on by a certain divine fury, snatched somewhat out of the materials that were on fire, and being lifted up by another soldier, he set fire to a golden window, through which there was a passage to the rooms that were round about the holy house, on the north side of it. As the flames went upward, the Jews made a great clamor, such as so mighty an affliction required, and ran together to prevent it; and now they spared not their lives any longer, nor suffered any thing to restrain their force, since that holy house was perishing, for whose sake it was that they kept such a guard about it."
All of this provides tremendous evidence that the Dome of the Rock is the true location of Fort Antonia. Josephus said Fort Antonia was built upon a gigantic rock and that rock has not moved.
If at least part of Fort Antonia remained on the day the temple was destroyed, where is that part of Fort Antonia now?
Watch the TH-cam video… The “Temple Mount” is Roman Fort Antonia, by Leeland Jones, to see the truth with your own eyes. The scorpion was the symbol of the Roman Praetorian Guard, and that symbol is found on the underground section of the Western Wall.
Christ came back in the first century, just as He said He would 20 centuries ago. Matthew 16:26-28
No, He didn't. Do you see His Kingdom on earth? NO, YOU DON'T. Where did you get your information?
Jesus said "you will not say look there it is the kingdom is not coming with signs to be observed
@@chrisheay7503 Don't be coy. It doesn't mean it did not come at all. How ignorant are you willing to be?
@@Leokat334 Where did I get my information? From the Bible. Obviously, you don't know your own Bible. Matthew 16:26-28. Please, get a clue!
There are only 2 times christ will be on earth
HE came as the suffering servant and died on the cross was resurrected and then went to heaven. He is there still waiting for Gpd to give the word for Jesus to return the 2nd and last time. That hasn't happened yet.
Habsorah and Lavender AI, see also project Sela and mBridge. It will bless you if you bless it 😂.
Only Temple you should pay attention too is the one Jesus Christ raised up 3 days after his death.
Paul knew that christ would not come in his life time BECAUSE HE KNEW HE WOULD DIE IN ROME. So that imminent any time is a LIE. We are to be watches we are told the season.
There is nothing in Scripture about the rebuilding of a third Jewish temple on the Temple Mount!
When Revelation speaks of a temple, it is always referring to "the temple of heaven." Revelation 16: 17.
And when Paul wrote about the Antichrist entering the temple of God, he was talking about entering the Church!
If certain people who reject the final sacrifice of Jesus Christ ever do rebuild a third temple on the temple mount inside Jerusalem,it definitely will not be "the temple of God"
You are incorrect. John does talks about the 3rd temple because he says dont messure the outet court. Also paul yalks about the 3rd temple when he days that "that day" the day of the lords return and the gathering of the righteous dead and those who are alive and believe ca not happen UNTIL the 3rd temple is built the sacrifices are stopped and the man of prediction stands in the temple claiming he is god
@@penelopelucas4973 2 Thessalonians 2
Verse 4-“Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.” Paul did not say, as so many believe, that Antichrist will walk into a temple and say, “I am God.” Rather, he would sit “as God ... shewing himself that he is God.” The difference is subtle, yet very important. The Antichrist will not “say it,” for this would be too obvious. Yet he will “show it” by his actions.
The Antichrist will “sit.” This does not mean he will “sit down” on some chair. In the language of the Bible, to “sit” means to sit in a position of authority. Jesus Christ now “sits” at the right hand of God (Mark 16:19). He is our supreme authority, the only Mediator between God and men (1 Timothy 2:5). According to Paul, the Antichrist will also deceptively “sit” in a position of authority. Yet this “sitting” will actually be in opposition to the supreme authority of Jesus Christ!
Antichrist will even “sit in the temple of God.” Here is the key text! Millions of sincere Christians, apply this to a rebuilt third Jewish temple in Jerusalem. But is that right? Think about it Let’s say that a group of Jewish people, who do not believe in the great sacrifice of Jesus Christ, were to rebuild a third temple on the Temple Mount. Could that temple ever really be called “the temple of God”? No! For that temple would be in itself a denial of Jesus Christ! Notice what the famous Christian commentator Adam Clarke had to say about Paul’s words: “By the temple of God the apostle could not well mean the temple of Jerusalem; because that, he knew, would be destroyed within a few years. After the death of Christ the temple of Jerusalem is never called by the apostles the temple of God."
The Greek word Paul used here for “temple” is “naos.” The truth about the temple is that every time Paul used the word “naos” in his letters, he always applied it NOT to a building in Jerusalem, but to the church! Paul wrote to “the church of God which is at Corinth,” saying, “Know ye not that ye are the temple [“naos”] of God?” 1 Corinthians 1:2; 3:16. (See also 2 Corinthians 6:16; Ephesians 2:19-22.) Thus, to Paul, “the temple of God” is the Christian Church! “Under the gospel dispensation, the temple of God is the Church of Christ.” And this is where Antichrist will sit! He will deceptively enter the Church, like Judas, who was one of the twelve! Then he will “sit” in a position of supreme, apparently infallible authority, which will ever so subtly counterfeit the supreme authority of Jesus Christ!
If you were the devil, wouldn’t you try to do the same thing? You wouldn’t spend most of your time hanging out in a bar. Your goal would be to try and deceive Christians! If you were Satan, wouldn’t you want to sneak into the Church, get behind the pulpit, and then preach a sermon? (See Acts 20:28-31; 1 Timothy 4:1; 2 Timothy 4:3, 4.) This is exactly what Paul says the Antichrist will do! He will cleverly enter the temple of God, which is the Christian Church, and then he will “sit” in a position of apparently supreme authority as he makes pronouncements on matters of Christian doctrine.
There is no prophetic necessity for a rebuilt Jewish temple.
Yes thete is
Paul says in 2 thessalonian that "that day" the return of christ and the gathering of the righteous dead and those who are alive and believe can not happen UNTIL the 3rd temple is built the sacrifices are stopped and the man of prediction stands in the temple claiming he is god.
@@penelopelucas4973 The second coming as well as the first was fulfilled in the first century, just as He said it would be. Matthew 10:23; 16:26-28; 26:63-64
Your eschatology imposed on our day for a fulfillment in our future is misguided and unhealthy teaching, simply because you have been misled.
@georgebentonjr3876 no it was not. Where are the immortals that are meant to be gathered together at the second coming? where is the peace that christ bring when he comes? Where is the high way that only the righteous can go on? You are deceived there is a second coming Where christ rules from Jerusalem.
@@penelopelucas4973 ""no it was not. Where are the immortals that are meant to be gathered together at the second coming? where is the peace that christ bring when he comes? Where is the high way that only the righteous can go on? You are deceived there is a second coming Where christ rules from Jerusalem." end quote
Jesus had His second coming in the first century.
We can know this because He doesn't lie.
We can read Matthew 10:23; 16:26-28; 26:63-64
There, He is basically saying that some would be alive to see it.
It's not in our future.
If that's not good enough, concerning the second coming (Parousia),
the Inspired writer of the book of Hebrews said the Lord would not tarry.
Hebrews 10:37
Are we then supposed to believe that 2000 years and still pending fulfillment in the
21st century is NOT a delay?
(Nonsense, if you ask me)
Matthew 24:21, Jesus refers to the day of the Lord by mentioning the tribulation.
This was fulfilled in 70 A.D. with the destruction of Israel, Jerusalem and the Temple.
Ancient, apostate, first century Israel had become spiritually, the "Babylon harlot" in Revelation. She even had sanctuary's of Satan, says he Lord in Revelation 2:9, 3:9.
Modern day 1948 Israel has nothing to do whatsoever with biblical Israel, nor can it ever be.
Current events have nothing to do with the biblical prophecy either.
According to the testimony of Scripture,
Satan was destroyed in the first century and the martyrs were vindicated also.
Romans 13:11; 16:20
Hebrews 2:14; 10:37
Revelation 1:1, 3; 20:10; 22:20
All biblical eschatology has been fulfilled.
And one more thing, there is no physical removal of the church from earth.
John 17:15, Ephesians 3:20-21
God is still in the business of saving sinners. This enterprise has no such thing as "last days" or "end-times".
Ah, another pre tribulation rapture man. Haha, so when does the rapture happen? Read John 6 vs 44, it's on the last day. So how could it happen 7 years before the last day?
Daniel & Revelation were fulfilled in the first century.
😂u catholic?
@@johnmorgan7947 You biblically illiterate?
My estimate is. Probably 70 years from now.
There is no pre trib rapture its a lie. We go through the tribulation and Jesus returns after the tribulation at the last trumpet on the clouds with his angels and everyone will see him coming THEN he will gather his people the righteous dead and those who are alive and believe at the last trumpet after the tribulation
temple of God is the human body, Ai would be the abomination
All people are currently impure no matter what is written