Fennec Fox VS BB 8 Droid

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 10 ต.ค. 2022
  • Today we learn that the Star Wars BB-8 Droid would actually do horrible on a desert planet and Fennec Foxes would definitely rule!
    Reasons why the Fennec Wins in this Battle:
    1. Scout is quite agile in Sand; BB-8 Droid is not.
    2. Scout has Large ears to help him dissipate heat so he can cool down when needed; BB-8 would over heat and shut down in the hot desert temperatures.
    3. Scout can hunt bugs, rodents, and graze on fruits for Energy; BB-8 Droid is not Solar Powered and cannot Self-Recharge.
    4. Scout can see very well in the dark due to his Tapetum lucidum which reflects light like a cat eye in the dark; BB-8 Droid can light up and change colors but it's very inefficient since it loses battery power and cannot self-recharge.
    Fennec Fox Wins!
    #fennecfox #foxes #bb8

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