Summer 2021 - Tuesday July 13th: I'll be streaming the entirety of Ar tonelico: Melody of Elemia & Ar tonelico II: Melody of Metafaliss on Twitch - so come on over and vote which waifu I go for and a bunch of other stuff! The stream will be on Tuesdays and one or two more other days during the week! -
Several Year ago, if not around a decade ago, I heard this song, and loved it; and is even sometimes on repeat. It's 2021. My feelings for this song has NOT changed.
@@MyraSlokov That's some dedication! And here I considered myself an obsessive fan with a whole corner of my media room dedicated to Ar tonelico and all the paraphernalia I've collected over the years. You're up in here literally putting Hymmnos on your skin.
According the Shikata, the game version is the original one, while in the album version, she added a prelude whose lyrics were supposed to be a reflection of the feelings that Cloche has for Croix.
I've seen two translations of this song. Yours and another who was more based in the Cd. Their very similar. Except in the beginning. Both express grief but it's HOW they do it that is different. In This one the singer is grieving over the people who have been attacked by the person who the song is dedicated to. But in the other one, she is grieving over the person she dedicates the song. Their different but have similar feelings. I personally like them equally.
@Frostfire613 if you know what is that song for the lyrics makes more sense; at Ar Tonelico world, songs are used as magic and technology and can do nearly anything. Metafalica is a song created in the continent of Metafalss to "create land". Metafalss is a very small and arid continent were its inhabitants were starving, with problems of super population and etc, so a girl named Infel crafted a two-parts song called Metafalica, that when sung should create a new, more fertile, continent.
So...beautiful! Love this tune! It gets stuck in my head really easily but I'm totally okay with that! Man, I wish I could learn can I learn it?
It's like a song to reform the earth into the new beginning, All buildings are destroyed, the forests around the world start growing from the ground, all trashes are lifted up away, burnt and go to the sun, all water becomes clean and clear.
Here we are all agree that the this games from Ar Tonelico were easy, with cute characters, a bit strange stories and also has the best songs, I think this inspire so much other games OST later :3
Nope. It's because of the servers from which they draw power for their Song Magic: METHOD songs are used by IPDs (Reyvateils connected to the Infel Phira server), while EXEC songs are used by ATDs and HDs (Reyvateils connected to Ar tonelico or its relay station Sol Marta, and Reyvateils connected to Harvestasha).
Not that I'm aware of.. I think it's just for the game. I think it's like Crest/Banner of the Stars (anime show) where they have the Abh language but it isn't used outside the show.
By the way, I think you'll have to make a revision of this video, as the Hymmnos line in 2:41 was recently confirmed to actually be "hYAmmrA cEzE hymmnos sphaela/."
@necronzero Fun fact: Yes it is, just as Chroah's name is 'Croix'. NISA did a shitty job, but they at least got Cloche/Chroche/Kuroshe's name right. If it's not Cloche, then what is it?
@amitabho123 Makes me smile realizing that your last sentence is obviously way more complicated than a lot of Hymmnos ones. Did it on purpose, didn't you ? ^^ This song btw is nearly perfect to my ears, like many pieces of Ar tonelico's OST !
I don't really get the meaning to the song. So the world is saved by a song that brings life? is that it? sorry i never really played the games i just like the music since my bro introduced them to me :/
y.y. eh tyuss vl omness y.y. eh tyuss vl omness, 당신의 다정한 시선에 접하게 되면 sev x. rre yorr s\.l.y. nafan mea/. sev x. rre yorr s.l.y. nafan mea/. 나는 조금씩 치유되어가는 것 같은 기분이 돼 rre vega Efs t.k.d. ag zz t.k.d. tie hartes yor/. rre vega Efs t.k.d. ag zz t.k.d. tie hartes yor/. 산들바람이 사랑하는 당신의 곁에 닿기를 s.l.y. yor sev x. rre yorr g.v.w. en x.y.n s.l.y. yor sev x. rre yorr g.v.w. en x.y.n., 당신이 상처 입으며 싸우는 모습에 ag a.u.k. zess x.y.n. mea/. ag a.u.k. zess x.y.n. mea/. 나는 언제나 울음을 터트릴 것 같은 기분이 돼 y.z.t. za rre vega merfa l.n.c.a ag zz l.n.c.a. tie hartes yor/. y.z.t. za rre vega merfa l.n.c.a ag zz l.n.c.a. tie hartes yor/. 순수함이 사랑하는 당신에게 이어지길 wEwYEjEnc yor en mYE tYAyEy hymmmnos ut eje/. wEwYEjEnc yor en mYE tYAyEy hymmmnos ut eje/. 당신과 만나고 나서 내 마음에 노래가 넘쳐났어 xE rre govan en wefa sarla fEwErEn du dje/. xE rre govan en wefa sarla fEwErEn du dje/. 강하고 따스한 선율이 온 몸을 타고 흐르기 시작했어 Ah wEwYEjLYEnc syalea en zzkvvia/. Ah, wEwYEjLYEnc syalea en zzkvvia/. 설령 이 앞에 그 무엇이 기다리고 있다하더라도 나에게 후회는 없어 hEkEtEt merfa tie yor en hYAmLYAmr METAFALICA hEkEtEt merfa tie yor en hYAmLYAmr METAFALICA! 지금 일순의 행복을 가슴에, 나는 노래하겠어 메타팔리카를 xA sorr dArsn sarla vl shen/. xA sorr dArsn sarla vl shen/. 그것은 옛날부터 전해져 내려온 노래 xA sorr aAuk mutrk rhaplanca en Implanta/. xA sorr aAuk mutrk rhaplanca en Implanta/. 소녀 라플란카와 신의 커다란 나무 임플란타의 이야기 xU sorr vega dgal aUuk zz papana/. xU sorr vega dgal aUuk zz papana/. 그 나라에 비의 은혜가 내려오는 일은 없으며 xU sorr Asphaela_hiral ag Adoodu_urgn/. xU sorr Asphaela_hiral ag Adoodu_urgn/. 그저 황량한 대지만이 계속되는 세상이었다 xU rre qejyu ssvid hirlg ag xevxl/. xU rre qejyu ssvid hirlg ag xevxl/. 사람들은 갈증과 절망을 함께 가지고 나날을 살아가고 있었다 幽けき 深淵の底 카소케키 시은에응노 소코 깊고 깊은 심연의 안쪽 聽こえ來るは 深き息吹 키코에쿠루와 후카키 이부키 들려와 깊은 숨결 來たれや 開かれし刻 키타레야 히라카레시 토키 오너라 열리는 시간이여 全て捨てて この身は謳になる 스베테 스테테 코노미와 우타니 나루 모든 것을 버리고 이 몸은 노래가 된다 謳は胸を溢れて 우타와 무네오 아후레테 노래는 가슴에서 흘러넘쳐나 地に溪に湖に滿てる 치니 타니니 미즈니 미테루 땅에 골짜기에 호수에 가득 찬다 やがて生いし木は深く 야가테 오이시 키와 후카쿠 곧 활기를 찾은 나무는 깊이 土に根ざし大地 抱く 츠치니 네자시 다이치 이다쿠 땅에 뿌리내려 대지를 감싸안는다 愛しき大地 이토시키 다이치 사랑스러운 대지에 一步 靭く 踏みしめ 이입뽀 츠요쿠 후미시미 일보를 강하게 내딛여 搖るがずにただ 유루가즈니 타다 흔들리지 않고 그저 進む この脚で 스스무 코노 아시데 나아간다 이 다리로 踏みしめられた 후미시메라레타 새기어진 足跡 繫がり行く 아시아토 츠나가리유쿠 발자국은 이어져가 步みの軌跡 아유미노 키세키 걸어간 궤적을 記す ひとつずつ 시루스 히토츠즈츠 기록해간다 하나씩 xA rre rhaplanca tAnYAmAnLYE poe ess gkgula doodu/. xA rre rhaplanca tAnYAmAnLYE poe ess gkgula doodu/. 갈라진 대지 위에 라플란카는 씨앗을 뿌린다 xE rre poe hAwAss ut varda xE rre poe hAwAss ut varda 그 뿌리는 흔들리는 일 없이 대지를 안고서 ag wArEl du cia dn ryewa keg/. ag wArEl du cia dn ryewa keg/. 녹색으로 물든 가지는 천공을 향해 뻗는다 이상의 커다란 나무를 꿈꾸며 尊き世界 토오토키 세카이 존귀한 세계를 この腕に抱きしめ 코노 우데니 다키시메 그 팔로 껴안고서 仰ぎし天よ 아오기시 소라요 올려다본 하늘이여 ひとつ この胸に 誓う 히토츠 코노 무네니 치카우 한 가지 이 가슴에 맹세해 この願い 코노 네가이 이 바람 眩き未來 刻まん 마다유키 아스 키자마응 눈부신 내일을 새기고서 想いの奇跡 오모이노 키세키 마음의 기적을 遠く どこまでも 響けや 토오쿠 도코마데모 히비케야 저 멀리 어디까지고 퍼트려라 xA rre mao wYAwLYAjnc Amerfa_rhaplanca/. xA rre mao wYAwLYAjnc Amerfa_rhaplanca/. 라플란카의 무구한 마음을 알고 xA rre mao yAzYAt za rre Amerfa_has/. xA rre mao yAzYAt za rre Amerfa_has/. 마오는 바랐다 부디 그녀의 무구한 바람이 이루어지기를 xA rre mao yAzYAt en yAzYAt za rre arhou rYAlLYAtAy ess qejyu/. xA rre mao yAzYAt en yAzYAt za rre arhou rYAlLYAtAy ess qejyu/. 그리고 강하게 기도했다 사람들의 마음에 희망이 되살아나기를
Summer 2021 - Tuesday July 13th: I'll be streaming the entirety of Ar tonelico: Melody of Elemia & Ar tonelico II: Melody of Metafaliss on Twitch - so come on over and vote which waifu I go for and a bunch of other stuff! The stream will be on Tuesdays and one or two more other days during the week! -
Several Year ago, if not around a decade ago, I heard this song, and loved it; and is even sometimes on repeat. It's 2021. My feelings for this song has NOT changed.
I feel you man, I got it tattooed on my leg lol
@@MyraSlokov Do you mean the song name in Hymmnos?
@@MyraSlokov That's some dedication! And here I considered myself an obsessive fan with a whole corner of my media room dedicated to Ar tonelico and all the paraphernalia I've collected over the years. You're up in here literally putting Hymmnos on your skin.
According the Shikata, the game version is the original one, while in the album version, she added a prelude whose lyrics were supposed to be a reflection of the feelings that Cloche has for Croix.
this is one of the best hymnos
It's New Testament of Pastalie. I don't get how you could confuse it for Ar Ciela.
yo im here in 2025
wow!! this song is one of the most beautiful songs i've had heard in a long time! even the lyrics are so meaningful!
This takes me to another world always
Fantastisch! Es hört sich wunderbar an.
11 years later... still the best hymn....
you have officially made my day. Thank you very much
This is my absolute favorite hymn! Go Cloche!
I've seen two translations of this song. Yours and another who was more based in the Cd. Their very similar. Except in the beginning. Both express grief but it's HOW they do it that is different. In This one the singer is grieving over the people who have been attacked by the person who the song is dedicated to. But in the other one, she is grieving over the person she dedicates the song. Their different but have similar feelings. I personally like them equally.
@Frostfire613 if you know what is that song for the lyrics makes more sense; at Ar Tonelico world, songs are used as magic and technology and can do nearly anything. Metafalica is a song created in the continent of Metafalss to "create land". Metafalss is a very small and arid continent were its inhabitants were starving, with problems of super population and etc, so a girl named Infel crafted a two-parts song called Metafalica, that when sung should create a new, more fertile, continent.
Due to them being connected to different Song Servers, which also makes them different types of Reyvateils.
@Brrocklon OHHHH!!!!! Thanks for the explanation, it makes so much more sense now!
This is so precious to me!
I really love this song, it's pretty relaxing.
God I miss akiko shikatas songs and ar tonelico
Wow never heard of this before, just found it while looking for amv's. its beautiful.
You're a genius! Thanks ^_^
What an amazing voice.
So...beautiful! Love this tune! It gets stuck in my head really easily but I'm totally okay with that! Man, I wish I could learn can I learn it?
It's like a song to reform the earth into the new beginning,
All buildings are destroyed, the forests around the world start growing from the ground, all trashes are lifted up away, burnt and go to the sun, all water becomes clean and clear.
Playing this one back to back with Infel Extracting Version.
I wish these songs will stand the test of time, at least for two decades more.
This is the Album version
the PS2 version (or should say, in "Extras")
It begins only with Cloche's voice, without music.
Here we are all agree that the this games from Ar Tonelico were easy, with cute characters, a bit strange stories and also has the best songs, I think this inspire so much other games OST later :3
Nothing's ever perfect haha
Thanks for pointing that out though.
@sandy river
Basically, Its because Method is for IPDs and Exec is for regular Reyvateils.
Nope. It's because of the servers from which they draw power for their Song Magic: METHOD songs are used by IPDs (Reyvateils connected to the Infel Phira server), while EXEC songs are used by ATDs and HDs (Reyvateils connected to Ar tonelico or its relay station Sol Marta, and Reyvateils connected to Harvestasha).
Not that I'm aware of.. I think it's just for the game. I think it's like Crest/Banner of the Stars (anime show) where they have the Abh language but it isn't used outside the show.
By the way, I think you'll have to make a revision of this video, as the Hymmnos line in 2:41 was recently confirmed to actually be "hYAmmrA cEzE hymmnos sphaela/."
Because the Maiden of Fuero and Maiden of Aqua have different songs for Metafalica, if I remember correctly.
I found these a few months ago. I'm not always a massive fan of some of the tracks, truth be told, but when they land? They land damn good.
Let me sing you a song of my people
Fun fact: Yes it is, just as Chroah's name is 'Croix'. NISA did a shitty job, but they at least got Cloche/Chroche/Kuroshe's name right.
If it's not Cloche, then what is it?
The game's too easy but DAMN the music is great
@amitabho123 Makes me smile realizing that your last sentence is obviously way more complicated than a lot of Hymmnos ones.
Did it on purpose, didn't you ? ^^
This song btw is nearly perfect to my ears, like many pieces of Ar tonelico's OST !
That's it; I'm learning Pastalia.
.....when I've gotten the hang of Central Hymmnos :/
@Dontgotaclue88 Thats Akiko Shikata for you, try listening to other songs by her.
we shall bring back Hymmnos to the world!! Ar Tonelico 1 and 2 remake pls!! also sequel or prequel of ar ciel or anything!!!
@missdeona That's really interesting! =)
Is that it? Thanks for the correction!
hmm. why does Cloche always sing method and Luca sing exec?
Any chance of you ever covering Exec_Metafalica? :)
Them 5 inch high heels tho
Tactless Guy Wait... How the hell can she run in those again?
Any other games beside Ar with kickass music?
NieR: Gestalt and NieR: Automata
the PS2 version is a bit different
what do you mean? ar tonelico 2 only has a ps2 ver..... what other version are you comparing it to? ar tonelico 3?
I don't really get the meaning to the song. So the world is saved by a song that brings life? is that it? sorry i never really played the games i just like the music since my bro introduced them to me :/
What? Do you have proof of this?
This language reminds me Pokemon.
except it has no similarities? this is a mix of japanese, sanskrit and english along hexadecimal.
Yes, I knooooow it, but some words like "Rhaplanca" could be a good name for a Pokemon, for exemple.
Metempsychosis Rhaplanca is a name, so that does kind of make sense.
Elaine Spencer Yeah, I guess.
I think you meant the Unown pokemon, pokemon shaped like the symbols
Holy shiit , this is some next level weabos cringe music
This isn't even our final form
y.y. eh tyuss vl omness
y.y. eh tyuss vl omness,
당신의 다정한 시선에 접하게 되면
sev x. rre yorr s\.l.y. nafan mea/.
sev x. rre yorr s.l.y. nafan mea/.
나는 조금씩 치유되어가는 것 같은 기분이 돼 rre vega Efs t.k.d. ag zz t.k.d. tie hartes yor/. rre vega Efs t.k.d. ag zz t.k.d. tie hartes yor/.
산들바람이 사랑하는 당신의 곁에 닿기를
s.l.y. yor sev x. rre yorr g.v.w. en x.y.n
s.l.y. yor sev x. rre yorr g.v.w. en x.y.n.,
당신이 상처 입으며 싸우는 모습에
ag a.u.k. zess x.y.n. mea/.
ag a.u.k. zess x.y.n. mea/.
나는 언제나 울음을 터트릴 것 같은 기분이 돼
y.z.t. za rre vega merfa l.n.c.a ag zz l.n.c.a. tie hartes yor/.
y.z.t. za rre vega merfa l.n.c.a ag zz l.n.c.a. tie hartes yor/.
순수함이 사랑하는 당신에게 이어지길
wEwYEjEnc yor en mYE tYAyEy hymmmnos ut eje/.
wEwYEjEnc yor en mYE tYAyEy hymmmnos ut eje/.
당신과 만나고 나서 내 마음에 노래가 넘쳐났어
xE rre govan en wefa sarla fEwErEn du dje/.
xE rre govan en wefa sarla fEwErEn du dje/.
강하고 따스한 선율이 온 몸을 타고 흐르기 시작했어
Ah wEwYEjLYEnc syalea en zzkvvia/.
Ah, wEwYEjLYEnc syalea en zzkvvia/.
설령 이 앞에 그 무엇이 기다리고 있다하더라도 나에게 후회는 없어
hEkEtEt merfa tie yor en hYAmLYAmr METAFALICA
hEkEtEt merfa tie yor en hYAmLYAmr METAFALICA!
지금 일순의 행복을 가슴에, 나는 노래하겠어 메타팔리카를
xA sorr dArsn sarla vl shen/.
xA sorr dArsn sarla vl shen/.
그것은 옛날부터 전해져 내려온 노래
xA sorr aAuk mutrk rhaplanca en Implanta/.
xA sorr aAuk mutrk rhaplanca en Implanta/.
소녀 라플란카와 신의 커다란 나무 임플란타의 이야기
xU sorr vega dgal aUuk zz papana/.
xU sorr vega dgal aUuk zz papana/.
그 나라에 비의 은혜가 내려오는 일은 없으며
xU sorr Asphaela_hiral ag Adoodu_urgn/.
xU sorr Asphaela_hiral ag Adoodu_urgn/.
그저 황량한 대지만이 계속되는 세상이었다
xU rre qejyu ssvid hirlg ag xevxl/.
xU rre qejyu ssvid hirlg ag xevxl/.
사람들은 갈증과 절망을 함께 가지고 나날을 살아가고 있었다
幽けき 深淵の底
카소케키 시은에응노 소코
깊고 깊은 심연의 안쪽
聽こえ來るは 深き息吹
키코에쿠루와 후카키 이부키
들려와 깊은 숨결
來たれや 開かれし刻
키타레야 히라카레시 토키
오너라 열리는 시간이여
全て捨てて この身は謳になる
스베테 스테테 코노미와 우타니 나루
모든 것을 버리고 이 몸은 노래가 된다
우타와 무네오 아후레테
노래는 가슴에서 흘러넘쳐나
치니 타니니 미즈니 미테루
땅에 골짜기에 호수에 가득 찬다
야가테 오이시 키와 후카쿠
곧 활기를 찾은 나무는 깊이
土に根ざし大地 抱く
츠치니 네자시 다이치 이다쿠
땅에 뿌리내려 대지를 감싸안는다
이토시키 다이치
사랑스러운 대지에
一步 靭く 踏みしめ
이입뽀 츠요쿠 후미시미
일보를 강하게 내딛여
유루가즈니 타다
흔들리지 않고 그저
進む この脚で
스스무 코노 아시데
나아간다 이 다리로
足跡 繫がり行く
아시아토 츠나가리유쿠
발자국은 이어져가
아유미노 키세키
걸어간 궤적을
記す ひとつずつ
시루스 히토츠즈츠
기록해간다 하나씩
xA rre rhaplanca tAnYAmAnLYE poe ess gkgula doodu/.
xA rre rhaplanca tAnYAmAnLYE poe ess gkgula doodu/.
갈라진 대지 위에 라플란카는 씨앗을 뿌린다
xE rre poe hAwAss ut varda
xE rre poe hAwAss ut varda
그 뿌리는 흔들리는 일 없이 대지를 안고서
ag wArEl du cia dn ryewa keg/.
ag wArEl du cia dn ryewa keg/.
녹색으로 물든 가지는 천공을 향해 뻗는다 이상의 커다란 나무를 꿈꾸며
토오토키 세카이
존귀한 세계를
코노 우데니 다키시메
그 팔로 껴안고서
아오기시 소라요
올려다본 하늘이여
ひとつ この胸に 誓う
히토츠 코노 무네니 치카우
한 가지 이 가슴에 맹세해
코노 네가이
이 바람
眩き未來 刻まん
마다유키 아스 키자마응
눈부신 내일을 새기고서
오모이노 키세키
마음의 기적을
遠く どこまでも 響けや
토오쿠 도코마데모 히비케야
저 멀리 어디까지고 퍼트려라
xA rre mao wYAwLYAjnc Amerfa_rhaplanca/.
xA rre mao wYAwLYAjnc Amerfa_rhaplanca/.
라플란카의 무구한 마음을 알고
xA rre mao yAzYAt za rre Amerfa_has/.
xA rre mao yAzYAt za rre Amerfa_has/.
마오는 바랐다 부디 그녀의 무구한 바람이 이루어지기를
xA rre mao yAzYAt en yAzYAt za rre arhou rYAlLYAtAy ess qejyu/.
xA rre mao yAzYAt en yAzYAt za rre arhou rYAlLYAtAy ess qejyu/.
그리고 강하게 기도했다 사람들의 마음에 희망이 되살아나기를