The Kingdom of the Cults: Seventh-Day Adventism by Chris Behan (delivered 22 January 2023)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 21 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 4

  • @chrispinmweemba9141
    @chrispinmweemba9141 ปีที่แล้ว

    I find it very amazing how you rightly emphasise the authority of the word of God as the only source of doctrine, and at the same time embrace the unbiblical doctrines like Sunday sacredness, the immortality of the soul when the bible is very clear that man is mortal and that only God has immortality; the futuristic idea of the rapture, yet the bible is very clear on the nature of the Christ's second coming. All one needs is quick perusal of Matthew 24, Luke 21. And you dedicate a lecture on Adventism without clearly showing from the bible why you think their doctrines are unbiblical. When as a matter of fact, only the Adventists can defend their doctrinal positions from the bible without falsifying or manipulating scripture from it's context.
    Any honest Christian and a seeker of truth who will spend time to go through the Adventist literature without prejudice, including the despised Ellen White literature will not fail to see the consistency of the Adventist doctrine with the bible from Genesis to Revelation.
    Anyone interested to understand Adventism is encouraged to follow the link below and examine for yourself whether the falsehood the preacher is propagating are so.

  • @NoSundayLawComing
    @NoSundayLawComing ปีที่แล้ว +2

    The Seventh-day Adventists promote the concept of a coming Sunday law. The implications for such a unbiblical concept are absolutely ridiculous.
    Consider these thoughts by Dirk Anderson:
    "Rather than promote love and understanding between those of different faiths, these teachings create fear and suspicion. How can a Seventh-day Adventist have fellowship with a Sunday-keeper whom they suspect is secretly planning to pass laws to torture and kill them? This false doctrine divides by creating an artificial adversarial relationship between Sabbath-keepers and Sunday-keepers. *The SDA "enemy" is not the world; rather, it is the non-SDA denominations. Sadly, the SDA sect has made out all Sunday-keeping churches to be the enemy* . This promotes hatred and suspicion amongst believers, not love and peace. The National Sunday Law serves only one purpose. It generates fear."
    "Imagine the chaos that would result from such a law. Businesses and factories would have to be shut down on Sunday. The United States would suffer irreparable economic harm. The reduction in work hours would probably drive many businesses to move overseas. Imagine a U.S. police force that can barely keep up with chasing real criminals, trying to cope with forcing the 150 million people who do not worship on Sunday to start worshipping on Sunday! Imagine a U.S. prison system, that is already filled to the brim, trying to handle millions upon millions of new prisoners. Imagine the terrible economic impact of taking millions of hard-working individuals out of the work-force, putting them in prison, where they must be clothed and fed by tax-payers. The economic and social impact of this scenario would probably bankrupt the United States, both financially and morally."
    (Excerpts from Dirk Anderson's *National Sunday Law: Fact or Fiction?* , available for free online)

  • @karenbell8155
    @karenbell8155 ปีที่แล้ว

    Well why DO you worship on Sunday instead of the 7th day Sabbath as it says in the 10 commanments? There's no Bible texts that support that God changed it.

    • @SolemCraft
      @SolemCraft 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Because it is the celebration of the Lord’s resurrection. Rather than earning our salvation by adhering to rules.