Out tutors do not monitor questions posted here, so please ask your question in the Ask the Tutor Forum on our free website. Our tutors answer questions within 24 hours on our forums.
You must download from OpenTuition website and use our free notes before you start watching the lectures - the examples are all printed in the free notes!!!
I attempted my F2 exam today, and I passed. Thank you so much for all your help, when I can I'll for sure donate to open tuition.❤✨
Thank you so much for this video. I have understood the concept so much clearer now having watched this video.
i finally understand the variances. Thank you for the lecture.
great video!
Sir on budgeting chapter while creating flexed budget there were no changes for fixed overheads but not it's different. Can you please explain
Out tutors do not monitor questions posted here, so please ask your question in the Ask the Tutor Forum on our free website. Our tutors answer questions within 24 hours on our forums.
I have downloaded the free notes, however the questions are completely different from the ones you have.
They are not different at all. Maybe you are looking at the wrong chapter or you have downloaded the wrong paper.
Showing the question on the screen will be preferable than stating it out
You must download from OpenTuition website and use our free notes before you start watching the lectures - the examples are all printed in the free notes!!!
@@opentuition Must?
@@RAY32100-M Yes. They are free to download and we provide the lectures free of charge on the basis that the notes are downloaded.
communication is not clear