I'm learning microcontroller programming as a hobbyist. My only experience is using timers and other peripherals on atmega328p. How could I go about learning how to make a C++ style interface for those peripherals? External ones aswell, say an h-Bridge? I'm really having trouble finding resources to learn from, or desogns that people have made already (at all). I appreciate any suggestions.
I'm one year into designing embedded systems, and am currently reading this book, which I recommend, and which uses C, C++ and assembly in their examples: Making Embedded Systems, by Elecia White. It was written by the host of the Embedded.fm podcast, which I recommend a ton; it's mostly about embedded software.
I'm learning microcontroller programming as a hobbyist. My only experience is using timers and other peripherals on atmega328p.
How could I go about learning how to make a C++ style interface for those peripherals? External ones aswell, say an h-Bridge? I'm really having trouble finding resources to learn from, or desogns that people have made already (at all). I appreciate any suggestions.
Check out articles and presentations on abstracting memory mapped devices by Dan Saks
I'm one year into designing embedded systems, and am currently reading this book, which I recommend, and which uses C, C++ and assembly in their examples: Making Embedded Systems, by Elecia White. It was written by the host of the Embedded.fm podcast, which I recommend a ton; it's mostly about embedded software.
Another approach to portable bit fields: github.com/wkaras/C-plus-plus-library-bit-fields