Give me a single flap Chanel maxi in caviar with silver hardware for practicality. My unicorn piece is the Chanel mini rectangular in burgundy caviar with silver hardware. I regret not buying it when I had the chance.
Nice! I recently came to the conclusion that I prefer to carry a single flap Chanel bag over the double flaps. I need the room! Burgundy caviar sounds lovely. Hopefully you see it again at a good price!
Give me a single flap Chanel maxi in caviar with silver hardware for practicality.
My unicorn piece is the Chanel mini rectangular in burgundy caviar with silver hardware. I regret not buying it when I had the chance.
Nice! I recently came to the conclusion that I prefer to carry a single flap Chanel bag over the double flaps. I need the room! Burgundy caviar sounds lovely. Hopefully you see it again at a good price!
Very helpful 👌
Thanks for watching Rita
25cm,28cm and 30cm
Thanks for watching