I call this amazing man of God the #RedemptionGeneral, because that is EXACTLY what he is....even though he probably doesn't look at himself that way! One of the most humble, kindest gentlemen you'll ever have the privilege of seeing preach...and to meet him face to face is an even GREATER privilege! #iLovemyRedemptionGeneral!
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this message!!!!! This is one of Pastor Ron's most popular standalone messages (and one of my favorites!) #ThePowerOfYourShout
I call this amazing man of God the #RedemptionGeneral, because that is EXACTLY what he is....even though he probably doesn't look at himself that way! One of the most humble, kindest gentlemen you'll ever have the privilege of seeing preach...and to meet him face to face is an even GREATER privilege!
I need a sound Jesus
Am fighting some big battles. I have and I serve a BIG God , so am going to give my BIG God a BIG praise, a BIG shout! ALLELUIA!!!!!
Glory to God our Father in heaven! Amen!
I love ron so much I wuch him 24 for 7
I love your show ron
Keep up the good work ron from faith fox
Ron keep up the good work 😁