But they can still run off while in invisible so I recommend flame body and gashtly wisp combo its op as the damage of hand increases and not the whole move like if u try to use it with others last moves and it makes its 2x better and u can finish people with multi projectiles or the 3rd move of spirit to finish it off it's also a great move btw
Spirit isn't that bad, it has a good aoe move and the invisibility is good for surprise attacking, not to mention that this element is good for combos. However, I do agree that gravity is better, especially if you're tryna get solar.
The hell do you mean spirit is bad it has a very good aoe (espicially 2nd and 4th skill) it can also be invisible which is very broken in pvp gravity is bad the DEFENSE globe is the only thing that is decent
I love these showcases mainly cuz i know if buying or fusing a spell is worth it or not
i honestly like spirit. its fun to play around with
Eh only good for invisibility trolling really
I got Spectral Embodiment a few days ago, you know what I did with it :)))
*We do a little trollin*
high quality video, nice!
This really helped
Spirit is op at pvp since you can be invs
But they can still run off while in invisible so I recommend flame body and gashtly wisp combo its op as the damage of hand increases and not the whole move like if u try to use it with others last moves and it makes its 2x better and u can finish people with multi projectiles or the 3rd move of spirit to finish it off it's also a great move btw
I am level 52 I was buying wind and grass and I got it wow
Im level 316 i feel like a god its good to see some people still actually play this game
If i had Spirit i would rather use the invis to run away and not to sneak up
How much XP does it each give u?
The spirit magic is a combinación of wind and plants?
hi im new in that game how to play i have fire
Spirit and lava have almost the same spells
Блин извиняюсь что придераюсь но слова спирит мне напомнил про игру периметр геометрия войны
The ult is anoying
Not really; you can easily dodge it, and even if you get caught in it the ult it doesn't do that much damage.
My other personal favorite
Сила спирита... Интересен и загадочен
tbh spirit sucks beginners might dissagree with me but the only good thing in spirit is invis, grind for gravity its better
Spirit isn't that bad, it has a good aoe move and the invisibility is good for surprise attacking, not to mention that this element is good for combos. However, I do agree that gravity is better, especially if you're tryna get solar.
@@eeee2987 spirit is for angel while gravity is for space
For beginners spirit is good for farming diamonds
Spirit was op on release
The hell do you mean spirit is bad it has a very good aoe (espicially 2nd and 4th skill) it can also be invisible which is very broken in pvp gravity is bad the DEFENSE globe is the only thing that is decent