Outdoor Art Show Disaster Checklist - Klee Rained Out At Show - Tips For Artists

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 9 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 85

  • @ChelseaLang
    @ChelseaLang 5 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    For anyone else prepping for an art fair right now, here is the full list : * Reliable weather app on your phone (which is charged)
    * Have a way to charge your phone on site
    * Plenty of drinking water + gum/mints + snacks
    * Something to clean your hands with
    * Have a plan for wind (weights, tethering, tarps to cover items, or just fast breakdown)
    * Be prepared to be too hot or too cold (have layers! And a sweat rag)
    * Have an emergency breakdown plan for severe weather and practice it
    * Have a bathroom break plan
    * Check for poor reception before you arrive (have anything you need downloaded just in case)
    * Know traffic patterns of your venue and arrive early
    * Bring sunscreen
    * Have a plan for where to store items in a pinch (under tables, awning, nearby car, vinyl or plastic table cover that can double as a tarp - use clip-on weights or bungees for tarp)
    * Credit card reader and cash for change, plus a place to store your cash
    * Don’t leave personal items unattended - try to keep all personal valuables in one place for easy (fast) packing
    * If there is lightning seek shelter (not under your canopy!)
    * Always bring a towel (or two)
    * Zip ties
    * Cutters/knife
    * Rope
    * Stakes
    * Canopy weights
    * Stay safe! Your art can be replaced - you cannot!

    • @ChelseaLang
      @ChelseaLang 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Rafiwashere Absolutely! Thank you for putting this together. :)

  • @pooie0116
    @pooie0116 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Several years ago, I was attended (as a visitor, not a seller) an outdoor art festival in Columbus, Ohio with my sister and a couple friends. The weather went from absolutely gorgeous and balmy with totally clear blue skies to utter armageddon with cold, hard horizontal rain within minutes.
    Not only was a lot of artwork destroyed and lost, but my sister was accosted by an abandoned airborne art booth blown up by a freak gust of wind. It glommed onto her, knocked her to the ground and a support pole conked her thrice on the head before flying away all literally within the blink of an eye (her boyfriend who was walking right by her side and holding her hand didn't even see what had happened and when she suddenly screamed and fell to the ground, he thought she was having a stroke and witnesses had to explain to him what actually happened).
    She was taken to the ER and got staples to close the gash in her scalp and was able to go home that same evening. The festival covered her ambulance ride and medical expenses (and sent her an enormous floral bouquet with a really nice apology card to boot) and she recovered just fine, but wow, what an ordeal! And it caught everyone completely off guard.
    I'm not trying to scare anyone away from participating in or attending outdoor shows, but Rafi and Klee are so right. Crazy shit can happen when you least expect it and it's best to be prepared for disaster at all times - not just to protect your work, but to ensure your safety and the safety of others.
    It probably wouldn't hurt to insure you artwork as well. There were some artists showing at the festival that day who hadn't insured their work and they took a big hit (pun intended ;) ).

  • @michelelevani
    @michelelevani 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    There was a torrential downpour at my last outdoor event. I had purchased 2 clear shower curtains and several dollar tree shower curtains. I quickly zip tied them all around my tent and managed to protect everything. The clear ones were awesome because people could still see in my tent and come in. I’m going to purchase a few more of those for the next time.

  • @RR-sc7ut
    @RR-sc7ut 5 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Thanks for showing the real life part of art markets. Great tips. Only one addition. First aid kit.

    • @nsr5961
      @nsr5961 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Rafi Was Here Studios You guys should come to Cali! The weather is always nice out here.😎

    • @quiettornado1970
      @quiettornado1970 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@nsr5961 unless it's summertime, it's blazing hot there. that's why Chicagoans only go there in the winter. You can spot a chicagoan in california easily. We usually go there in the winter to escape chicago sub zero degree in January.

  • @cameronholub9149
    @cameronholub9149 5 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    poor klee. you are putting out really good content and behind the scenes recently and it's really nice to see
    good content this video

  • @lauracolorstoo
    @lauracolorstoo 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    When doing outdoor shows, I always weight my tents like there will be a huge storm... no matter the weather. I also always bring pre-weighted tarps. No matter what the forecast. That way I can throw them right over the products immediately while I break down. I also keep my paper artwork in resealable plastic poly bags, this has saved original watercolors from damage. Another tip if you're pretty sure it's going to rain but willing to give it a shot, bring less stuff, and try to waterproof it all, so if there is weather, there's less loss and less to break down. Bring a change of clothes if you have a long drive, and bringing large trash bags or tarps so you can put them down in your vehicle prevents a lot of water while you transport your stuff home. Can you tell I've been in a few rainstorms?

  • @seapossumsforrest8162
    @seapossumsforrest8162 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Great Tips! We have a few shows in Memphis that always have 'rain' and thunderstorm problems. I have seen art booths in standing water with water dripping everywhere. One of my favorite things to prepare for rain is painting plastic drop cloths. They are cheap and can cover a lot. Or garbage bags. Plastic tarps are cheap too. Love the music Klee! Thank you!

  • @joydrane6647
    @joydrane6647 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    BIG UPS! to you guys. You're like my new best friends. I can't stop watching your YT videos. I have literally spent most of today watching your videos, one after another. Your artworks are amazing but you two are priceless. Thank You for all you're sharing and for just being you.

  • @1LavenderLace
    @1LavenderLace 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I use screw-in dog stakes and ratcheting tie downs over the TOP rail of my canopy. Not lost a tent since I started doing this! Overkill? No. I’ve lost tents using tent weights, stakes, cinder blocks, and buckets of water (40-50 mph winds). Now, if the event organizers put you on a parking lot ... you’re screwed!

  • @JamesBrenke
    @JamesBrenke 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Haven't done art fairs in over twelve years. My new canopy arrives next week(with 4 side walls and weight bags). and now I don't have to look for my checklist, thanks. Sorry to hear about your rain out, you two are so awesome!! Some people think I'm too old for the art fairs( turned 70 in Dec.2018) but I always had fun meeting the people.

  • @moonboundartisanship6911
    @moonboundartisanship6911 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    One show I did have live music and the event would provide a canopy for them. New manager of the event. High winds, the vendor next to us had really beautiful glass hanging art and all his displays (anchored into the ground) flew, shattering everything. The musician packed up his gear and left at the end of the show. The new manager un-hooked the canopy from the weights and walked away. I was literally holding ours down as my dad and son collapsed ours and I saw her just walk away. Seconds later it is flying, like a tumbleweed in an old western, over two chain fences and into the country hwy. Luckily no cars were on it right then. Past the highway was a river and they fished that canopy out of it. Never saw that new manager again.

  • @gina-mariehammer8167
    @gina-mariehammer8167 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    This doesn't pertain to disasters at shows, but more to preparedness. I tend to be an over-preparer and I have a checklist a mile long before shows. It used to really frustrate me when I didn't get everything done before a show, and often I'd be either exhausted from staying up super late to finish the list, or in a grumpy mood (can we say no sales when you're grumpy?) from not finishing. A friend once pointed out to me that *I* was the only one who knew what was on my list, though. Nobody else had any idea what I was trying to get finished, and to any outsider, it looked like I was done. It really put things in perspective, and that's when I began prioritizing things: What has to be done for the booth to be full and look professional? What has to be done for safety? What would I like to have done for the booth to look pretty or nice? What would I like to have done to improve convenience for myself? What would I like to do, but can live without? Keeping that in mind caused me to move forward with a list of 100 things, knowing that the first 10 had to be done, and whatever else got done was just icing. Instead of feeling like a failure for not completely all 100 things, I now feel like a major success whenever I get more than the first 10 finished. :D

    • @gina-mariehammer8167
      @gina-mariehammer8167 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Rafiwashere Yes! You are one of the first people I've noticed to mention bathroom breaks. You NEED those! lol What will you do? Often, you can trust your neighbors to keep an eye on your booth if you have to run away, but not always. Even better is when the show actually has a contingency for this. (There's one church show at the St. Brendan's Church here that have assistants that come sit your booth when you want to eat or use the restroom.) Another problem I always have, and still can't solve: What about all the peripheral materials you need on-hand like bags, wrapping, business cards, etc? Where do you put those to keep them easy (and fast!) to throw into bags. Customers don't like to wait after a purchase, even to be "bagged up".

  • @adamdiaz5560
    @adamdiaz5560 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    You guys are wonderfully magical.
    I almost traveled to FL, but turned around halfway; feeling unprepared, but I haven't given up on the journey..

  • @mjpete27
    @mjpete27 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    I am just so amazed that you are able to work in the environment without being sure of the weather! I am spoiled in California, most weather is consistent it can get very warm but that can be combated much easier than rain or wind too! All good tips thank you for sharing your expertise. I am not going to be in FL anytime soon! Oh so sorry about your tribulations Klee, I think you did fine.

  • @britshell
    @britshell 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    It's refreshing to hear that no matter how many years experience you have things can still go completely sideways. Way to roll with the punches. keep up the positivity :)

  • @drawrobot
    @drawrobot 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    I once did a con in west Virginia. The organizers didn't bother to find out that marathon was happening the same day and the marathon had completely blocked off traffic to the venue around 2pm. Nobody was aware of this inside the show but foot traffic stopped shortly after 2. Yippee! They treated the vendors very well but ohh dude, that was rough.

  • @Studio_Ntea
    @Studio_Ntea 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    My "in case of"-stuff I always bring:
    One EXTRA water bottle
    First Aid kit
    a box of zip lock bags in different sizes
    Baby wipes
    A roll of big black garbage bags
    a pair of gloves
    a roll of duct tape
    a knife
    my handy little axe :)

  • @attheranch873
    @attheranch873 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I love this video, it shows how things can really happen. That way when it happens to me I know it’s just part of the art life.

  • @angrytreespainting
    @angrytreespainting 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Wow! I really enjoyed this video! It showed the reality of art shows!

  • @joedeshon
    @joedeshon 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Everything you say about artist is the same for musicians. I used to play in the pit orchestra for theatre-in-the-park events and I always kept a great big tarp handy, ready to spring into action as needed, no matter what the weather forecast.

  • @markcaselius5993
    @markcaselius5993 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    A cig lighter. We had to borrow one once to melt the ice off the tent zippers so we could get in. It had drizzled at night then dropped to 26 degrees. Everyone's tents looked like sno-cones in the morning. When it warmed and it started to melt it was like rain running off the tents. So yeah, a cigarette lighter. LOL!

  • @myhusbandsnightmare8058
    @myhusbandsnightmare8058 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    I love my friends in The business. When we do a show together we like to pair up if posiible. We lock our tents together if possible for support in rain wind . If it is hot we run the sides or a tarp to provides shade . Between the both if us we normally have all supploes needed in any situation and keep each other level headed, or try too.
    I love my art craft friends and would be lost without them.
    A support system is a mist in this business. I feel like you guys are part of my suport system. Thank you for putting your videos out there for all.of us. Xoxox

  • @HeatherBryant22
    @HeatherBryant22 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Klee is so tiny, I am surprised she didn't fly away with the tent! Thanks for the info, I have it saved!

  • @rebeccas.murphy.
    @rebeccas.murphy. 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Thank you so much for the info! So helpful!

  • @Jules_Pew
    @Jules_Pew 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Got my first fair coming up in under a month, so a very timely video.

  • @lizzywangari9831
    @lizzywangari9831 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    I can't believe that you speak my language when it comes to fairs. We fair people face the same preparing and problems.
    My show is at the beach but it's a rainy season. Thanks again I will be ready. All the best.

  • @lisagreene8104
    @lisagreene8104 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Awesome and informative. Thank you all so much for being there for us❣

  • @KateColors
    @KateColors 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I have lots of bungee cords and 5 lb weights you'd add to barbells. String the weights onto a bungee and wrap them to the bottom of display walls to keep them anchored. I transport the weights and bungees in a carpet bag. I'd add granola bars and fruit to your list. --KateColors

  • @ShawNshawN
    @ShawNshawN 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Ya my 2nd flea market and we had 15mph winds on a dirt field. My copy walls all fell over while a fellow flea market vendor saved my canopy. Lucky I had 25lb weights but not enough. 3hr and then everyone left.

  • @robmccullougharts
    @robmccullougharts ปีที่แล้ว

    As I shared with you guys about my experience a few weekends ago. we setup on a breezy morning but managed to to get things up ok an hour or so later it started to rain... well pour. Make sure you have large trash bags to put your large art in so you can set it on the ground or asphalt. I buy 45gal bags and my 30x30s fit well in. All others fit in plastic containers. After the rain ended the back side of the storm... the side with driving wind that was pushing the storm along... came roaring through and a huge gust of wind, I would say 35 to 40mph was predicted. I knew it was coming and had thought that after the rain I should have packed up and walked it out (wasn't selling anything anyway) but I didn't cause we are always waiting for that one person to come in your booth and make your day. At the time when the gust hit I still had my water resistant walls up and I knew the wind might be a factor so I had 40lbs on each leg. I think that between the water resistant wall (acting like a sail) and the extra weight holding the legs in place forced the sway. We could not hold it, and it swayed past 45 degrees and snapped two legs on the same side. I think the extra weight kept the tent from giving in to the wind and moving a bit and the solid walls acted like a sail. Just my thought.

    • @Rafiwashere
      @Rafiwashere  ปีที่แล้ว

      Thank you so much for sharing this!

  • @mysterymccarthy6851
    @mysterymccarthy6851 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Omg, Klee you are so freakin adorable! I love you guys!

  • @dh7217
    @dh7217 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Perfect timing of info! First outdoor event coming up in 4 weeks and GREATLY appreciate the checklist. ❤

  • @gstudio33
    @gstudio33 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    You two get along so well!

  • @artistrywithbela8238
    @artistrywithbela8238 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Ya are Fabulous.... And thank u
    Hugs from Kansas

  • @mattieb5558
    @mattieb5558 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    It IS the wind! Fortunately, I paint river rocks and they do not blow away and are weatherproof, however, the tent....

  • @littleravendesigns5587
    @littleravendesigns5587 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Great advice, sorry it was a bust but glad you are home safe

  • @matthewszostek1819
    @matthewszostek1819 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I build all kinds of stuff and I live a couple hours away from you. I would be happy to build her some better display...things.

  • @ambervisions
    @ambervisions 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thanks for all the tips! I just turned down an invitation to be a vendor because the venue will be in a particularly sketchy part of a city known for violent crimes...also my home town. Lol

  • @abandonedchanneld8031
    @abandonedchanneld8031 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    I lived in Florida for a while and me and my mom would literally sit outside the front porch, and the storms would be horrible across the street but it'd be sunny and like nothing was happening on our side, almost always.
    It was weird.
    Florida is just a weird place, but I miss it's weirdness.

  • @suegardner
    @suegardner 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Great video - I bought my first gazebo for outdoor shows and it lasted approx 10 minutes, as I thought i wouldn't need weights(!) , so as I started to put the sides on they turned into sails and the whole thing blew up, up over and away and legs snapped off. We got it back together as best we could and then I had to hold it in place by hanging on. Come to think, that was my last outdoor show as well as my first 😃. It wasnt even that windy a day. Wish id seen this video before I did it

  • @pjmartin6690
    @pjmartin6690 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    As soon as Rafi has Klee inframe... I start laughing... I know that look...ME!!! Sorry Klee, but that is one of the many reasons I love you and Rafi - you guys are so real!!!!
    My very first outside show got hit by what northerners know as Streight Line Winds. I had my weather app on. I started packing my stuff up seeing the storm coming fast! My artwork all got in my car and my tent got smashed and held in a storefront doorway, just as the strong winds came over us with the sound of a tornado, as I watched my fellow vendors lose everything by some unseen force destroying each booth one by one down the street!
    Thank you for sharing... you two are like no other artist online!! PJ

  • @irisflower4366
    @irisflower4366 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I've never done a market show. Your tips and those of commenters are amazing! After all the mishaps, is it still beneficial for publicity, and that lucrative, to do market shows?

  • @anartisticadventure
    @anartisticadventure 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you for this video, I am remember thinking I should bring a towel, but I had forgotten that since last year, so thank you for the reminder. And I wish this video was out last year when I did my first shows because there were some major dangers!!!!!
    I actually took a $5k painting into a random restaurant and ask them if I could just stash it there and be back for it, they were fine with it, but such a scary risk!!!

  • @theartofjoshwittman2957
    @theartofjoshwittman2957 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Same thing happened to me last week here in Bremerton WA!

  • @ShawNshawN
    @ShawNshawN 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Ya I was thinking WHERE are the walls as a backup to protect the art? Yes the worst is wind out here. All my wall started collapsing with the art on it at a flea in the dirt. After 40 min open and then closed with 1 hour drive. Arg

  • @vivianeb90
    @vivianeb90 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    OR get side walls for the tent. Leave one side open. Move everything closer inside. I see those all the time.
    And Klee, we will still love you at your worst. I am pretty sure I can talk for most of your followers on that.

    • @vivianeb90
      @vivianeb90 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Rafiwashere that you replied to so many of my comments makes my day. Thank you!

  • @BlackCat_2
    @BlackCat_2 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Sorry that things got rained out on you. :( It's like that in Texas too. I have driven up to and then through rain storms before and looked back to see a flat wall of water. It was so weird. You guys should come here to visit when it's rainy. *laughs* Spring is a good time. I could take you guys to Studio San Martian (If it's still here then) artist gallery and gathering place. :D I love that it is here but I honestly don't see it having much longevity but I hope I am so wrong because I would love for it to stay. :D - Heidi

    • @BlackCat_2
      @BlackCat_2 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Rafiwashere YAY!!! :D

  • @zaarteestdanaportiermorvan2453
    @zaarteestdanaportiermorvan2453 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Terrific tips!

  • @sylviapineda6717
    @sylviapineda6717 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    amen, been their, to bad- you and your lady- palm springs, calif=

  • @ichacantero
    @ichacantero 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi, thanks for your videos, they are very useful!! I saw that your tent seems much better than mine, hahah.. what tent do you recommend, where did you buy yours? thanks!!

  • @PoGirlShines
    @PoGirlShines 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Where's your tent sides? Keep one open during the rain. Been over 10 years since I've done this.

  • @Jenniferhneway0
    @Jenniferhneway0 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    was There only rain or lightning too? Why you didn't Use a waterproof curtain or do you don't have one?

    • @Jenniferhneway0
      @Jenniferhneway0 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@Rafiwashere ok thank you i didn't know that 😊

  • @victoriabellanova2280
    @victoriabellanova2280 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thanks for the video. I'm showing paintings for another juried gallery at 1060 next weekend. Reading the rules kinda discourages me though. Everyone seems so serious.

  • @gina-mariehammer8167
    @gina-mariehammer8167 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Sunshowers. The best thing about living here is sunshowers. It's pouring and the sun is somehow still shining... o.O

  • @pennykent5687
    @pennykent5687 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Yeah, almost every year it rains at the 50th and France Avenue Art Fair in Edina (Suburb of Minneapolis) Minnesota. Sooooo sad!!!!! I feel SOOOO bad for the artists!!!! We also have a HUGE Art Fair in famous,😀 Uptown Minneapolis (Lake and Hennepin). That one happens in early August, with tons of traffic congestion. I also think Minnesotains are really tight with their money. -I so wish you guys lived here.... Your both so.....so..... 🤔 Awesome!!! P.S. We have Art-A-Whirl this weekend in Nordeast Minneapolis. You go from one old converted building filled with artists and their studios, to the next.- Very popular, big event, lots of fun!!!! Ok, got to go, Chow!🙋🎨☔☀️

    • @kimhardwick8187
      @kimhardwick8187 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Robin...my son is an artist in Minneapolis...MCAD alumni. EVERY yr I ask him about the art fairs...and every yr, he tells me the same thing about the weather.

    • @pennykent5687
      @pennykent5687 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@kimhardwick8187 Okay Kim, THAT IS NOT very (Minnesota) NICE of your son😯🙁😁.
      In like the first week of August we have a HUGE art fair. It's the Lake and Hennepin art fair, also commonly known as "The Uptown Art Fair." It's HUGE, packed, congested, and majorly difficult to get around and find parking with your car. I'm beginning to think only diehards go to that one, or maybe they have masochistic tendencies. BUT I could be wrong🤷. -Otherwise, my own personal choice is Art-A-Whirl. This is held in many areas of NorthEast Minneapolis. With lots of old warehouse buildings and such, full of artists in there studios, showing their goods.... This is held twice a year. So much art,... it will blow your mind😁! We also have great museums, Minnesota Institute of Arts, The Weissman, The Walker Art Center,.... and it seems these days so many of the suburbs each have their own art centers. You can't swing a cat without hitting an art organization. (Sorry, nothing against cats. -Just saying.) We're loaded here. But if you wanna 😁 come see art, best time (in MY opinion) is Art-A-Whirl (May and again in October -Im pretty sure). Anyway, -now go give your son hell😁, just don't tell him I told you 😁😯😬. Chow.🙋
      P.S. Lucky guy! MCAD seems to be a very nice school! If I could afford it, I'd go. Very glad for him.☺️👍

    • @kimhardwick8187
      @kimhardwick8187 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      C'mon now, he's bin a die hard Minnesotan since 07; surely *unless you prefer I call you Frank*, he can't be lying about the😂 weather😂.
      And he has mentioned several of those festivals/fairs. I think tge creatives flourish in extreme temps😅tho that COULD be due to all the flying felines

    • @pennykent5687
      @pennykent5687 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@kimhardwick8187 Hah! Kim, I kid you. Hope you know that.✌️ Yes, Minnesota weather can be a real drag! But it's funny, lots of the people who move away from here ... end up moving back. Me, born and raised here. But I did fall in Love with New England area. I went to photog school out there. (I should have gone to RISD). Anyway, Minnesotan are a different breed, and they're very clickish. 😀. Just sayin.
      P.S. Who's Frank? And what's 👉*?
      I'm just not hip.

    • @kimhardwick8187
      @kimhardwick8187 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      *comedic insert; imagine Monty Python as a parenthese* and thr Surely/Shirley, Frank/frankly is an Airport movie reference.
      I've been to Minnesota twice and loved it BOTH times. Have an excellent weekend.

  • @lauradietrich4730
    @lauradietrich4730 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I am putting together an outside evening art show. I would love some ideas and advice from you. (YIKES!) and This is an event where people will come into a large garden with lighted things and an area where selected artist will be selected to show their work. Like a gallery/art show. Should I allow them to actively bring a lot of stuff to sell or would this be better (classier) if I have them hang or display some of their artwork with a price on it like a gallery? Help please with ideas.

    • @Rafiwashere
      @Rafiwashere  ปีที่แล้ว

      Hmmm, that depends on the event and the space. Send us an email.

  • @marcsandroni4898
    @marcsandroni4898 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Sorry if it was mentioned in the video and I missed it, but where was this event take place? I'm not even sure what state Rafi and Klee are in. Can anyone let me know? Thank you.

  • @lorrihildebrandt6320
    @lorrihildebrandt6320 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I am doing my first sellers market I was just wondering do you wrap or package your paintings when they are purchased? Do you put prices on the paintings or have the person ask about it first?

  • @ArchFro
    @ArchFro 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    My work got blown all over the street at my last show. It was rough

    • @ArchFro
      @ArchFro 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      I was even hit in the head by one of the paintings. We just had to abandon the tent after a while

  • @kidrockn4vr
    @kidrockn4vr 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Sorry to y’all

  • @ccswelding1599
    @ccswelding1599 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    "stay away from metal if you see lightning"...a little awkward...when i make metal crafts , maybe i just need a Faraday cage lol

  • @theencouragingartistaiyann7002
    @theencouragingartistaiyann7002 4 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @Zomfoo
    @Zomfoo 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    I can smell the patchouli.
    Is bet one or both wear Birkenstock’s. I see a chai latte in their future.

    @RMHART 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    I know this is totally random but I can imagine Rafi smoking a cigar 😅

  • @richardsanikian5393
    @richardsanikian5393 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    So sorry😫😥

  • @attheranch873
    @attheranch873 5 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @africaart
    @africaart 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Had you just checked Google Weather a day before.... 6:36

  • @barkoartstudio3096
    @barkoartstudio3096 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Me: Why is the street blocked- Cop: A triathlon- Me: Well, they need to try athloning somewhere else, I need to get to my dealers house!