This is amazing. And it's only the bowing! This staging it reminds me of the grandeur of Western opera blended into the fabric of Chinese opera. I got a little tired of Western opera. It was almost overblown, and needed paring down, but keeping the music as sole focus. So, the discovery of Chinese opera via coming across the intense online interest of the innovative New Dragon Inn opera was new & refreshing. Tho since the 2 mths I've explored different styles of Chinese opera, realise it's the same for S.E. Asians who have gotten overly familiar with their operas & were losing interest. Then along came Dragon Inn, Lijun, Xiao & the troupe. I discovered this opera revival @ the right time! Maybe Western operas should incorporate elements of Chinese opera to get a wider audience here 😅. The troupe is really on the rise. Let's hope the people appreciate this & be willing to pay better prices, so that the troupe can be adequately paid.
@@小小探花 No such thing as Englishman or Englishwoman here....that only exists in Victorian novels. An imagined cultural construct. Yes, only come across Chinese opera. And you should thank Lijun's troupe for creating a huge online interest of their innovative New Dragon Inn opera. From there, I explored other styles. Due to lack of language, obtained details from some English subtitles, fan comments, if get name of character or opera....look up the story background. Watch different troupes (old films included) adaptations, gradually some of the stories. It's not a lot of info but an interest in music, regardless of culture an/or language, that drives the need to know more. So that I can appreciate the performance better. It was thru watching various covers of John Denver's Country Roads that led me to Japanese anime version Whispers of the heart....& to Sukiyaki, Lullaby of Taneka (beautiful tune). That was the intro to S.E. Asian music & entertainment. Still much to explore. I've learnt to sing like a parrot - 3 songs in Spanish & 1 in Japanese (Sukiyaki). But don't ask me to sing Chinese opera!
I studied art history & also ancient middle East, so I research this music genre the same way. Chinese opera is different from Western. It doesn't have much stage props, music is different, the costumes & make up is amazing, action, gestures, use of fans etc. It's fascinating. There are many Westerners interested. I saw a clip where Jun An was showing Americans how to do some opera movements. So, don't be surprised. Music, cultural arts is a universal expression.... accessible to all ...if one has an open mind & heart.
编、导、演、 配乐….. 绝佳的好戏!㊗️贺 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👍👍👍👍👍👍👍💐💐💐💐💐
所以 陳麗君與李雲霄 的大觀園劇場表演 , 是非常非常成功的 !!!
UP主 您追了2天的 "大觀園劇場 " , 辛苦了! 不過所提供的影片 , 太少太短 , 讓人意猶未盡..
我也在這2天 , 去看了有關 "紅樓夢"的一些相關視頻 . 目前有2個是最震撼我心 , 其一是"陳力" 所唱的 "紅樓夢之 葬花吟" , 另一個是由 "孫溫"所繪畫的"紅樓夢彩繪全本" , 這個比電視劇還吸引我 . 當我聽到 "陳力"唱到... 天盡頭 何處有香丘 春殘花落 紅顏死時... 喚醒了我靈魂深處 , 我非常的感動 , 所以 , 這曹雪芹與作詞者太厲害了.. 中國文學奧妙又美好 , 生為中國人是最該驕傲的 . 另外陳力所唱 , 也是無人能及!! 博主 我想和你... 開軒面場圃 把酒話桑麻... 和你聊聊 "紅樓夢"與"梁祝" , 到現在還很興奮..在遠端..
在博主 面前 , 我是否太自不量力了...你我對戲劇方面 , 無論從任何角度 看法 欣賞 或思考 , 似乎完全各異難以融洽 . 那就代表我們無法.. 無法聊了, 是嗎..
陳麗君很適合貴公子"賈寶玉"的扮相 , 我直覺上 "歐陽奮強" 根本就不適任演賈寶玉 , 他 應該叫大寶 , 第一集看了5分鐘 , 就沒慾望想看..我可考慮看看小說 , 等過年後...
Po主 那...舞台上的她 是誰 ? 能說嗎 ? 認識您一年了 , 我已問了你100次什麼 , 卻從來沒得到一個答案 , 我也已習慣了.. 不過我蠻驚訝的是 , 您竟然不是戲迷 ? 也不熱衷. 可是你怎會編制 "君霄愛情故事" ? 我記得你曾說過 , 你是偶然經過 "劇場" , 然後機緣巧合之下, 才有這個 " 小小探花" , 而我也在2023 , 12月時看到了當時抖音紅極一時的 " 君霄" , 在新龍門客棧的轉圈圈 , 才會在跨年那晚 , 給您送上祝福 . 這也是我 第一次在網路給不認識的人祝福 , 當時我 認為不可能收到您回覆的...其實 , 當初那麼多的po主頭像 , 為何就單單挑了那可愛的公仔 , 是順眼吧.. 可記得當時的君霄轉圈圈可是滿山滿海 , 無論是 抖音 或是youtobe...
博主怎麼踩剎車了 ?
@@溫溫-i7k 说啥呢?最近学习太忙了,都没怎么上网😂
This is amazing. And it's only the bowing! This staging it reminds me of the grandeur of Western opera blended into the fabric of Chinese opera. I got a little tired of Western opera. It was almost overblown, and needed paring down, but keeping the music as sole focus. So, the discovery of Chinese opera via coming across the intense online interest of the innovative New Dragon Inn opera was new & refreshing. Tho since the 2 mths I've explored different styles of Chinese opera, realise it's the same for S.E. Asians who have gotten overly familiar with their operas & were losing interest. Then along came Dragon Inn, Lijun, Xiao & the troupe. I discovered this opera revival @ the right time! Maybe Western operas should incorporate elements of Chinese opera to get a wider audience here 😅. The troupe is really on the rise. Let's hope the people appreciate this & be willing to pay better prices, so that the troupe can be adequately paid.
I can't believe you are an Englishman, because you know Chinese culture and information very well😂
@@小小探花 No such thing as Englishman or Englishwoman here....that only exists in Victorian novels. An imagined cultural construct. Yes, only come across Chinese opera. And you should thank Lijun's troupe for creating a huge online interest of their innovative New Dragon Inn opera. From there, I explored other styles. Due to lack of language, obtained details from some English subtitles, fan comments, if get name of character or opera....look up the story background. Watch different troupes (old films included) adaptations, gradually some of the stories. It's not a lot of info but an interest in music, regardless of culture an/or language, that drives the need to know more. So that I can appreciate the performance better. It was thru watching various covers of John Denver's Country Roads that led me to Japanese anime version Whispers of the heart....& to Sukiyaki, Lullaby of Taneka (beautiful tune). That was the intro to S.E. Asian music & entertainment. Still much to explore. I've learnt to sing like a parrot - 3 songs in Spanish & 1 in Japanese (Sukiyaki). But don't ask me to sing Chinese opera!
I studied art history & also ancient middle East, so I research this music genre the same way. Chinese opera is different from Western. It doesn't have much stage props, music is different, the costumes & make up is amazing, action, gestures, use of fans etc. It's fascinating. There are many Westerners interested. I saw a clip where Jun An was showing Americans how to do some opera movements. So, don't be surprised. Music, cultural arts is a universal expression.... accessible to all ...if one has an open mind & heart.
P.s. Just consider me as a fellow fan 🪭
Also, kudos to the teacher Weitao? Sorry if incorrect spelling, director...👏