The one shocked me, the other one teared me up. It's crazy how this show impacts me emotionally, given how, when the show was announced, I had almost zero interest in it. I'm so glad I started watching it!
@Grand Admiral Theme Park yes this. When you had an army which could turn against their Generals so easy, they can clearly turn against u when they want.
i love the contrast from enrole to enlist, i believe the soldiers enlisting become special operatives of some format, and the ones forced into the army are the stormtroopers who suck (because they had to join)
I loved the fact that one of the troops said the empire did more for them than the republic ever did. THAT is palpatine’s master manipulation right there. The galaxy began to dislike the jedi, and hated the fact the war lasted so long. What could the republic do trying to help so many systems? New recruits have the prospect of the republic turning into something they think is better. The empire gave them food, water, a roof over their heads, and safety. That’s how the empire managed to recruit so many people, and likely why they had so many defect along the lines.
The term Replacements in the military means when a a soldier permanently out of commission they’re replaced with someone new. Band of Brothers had an episode with the same name.
I was wondering about that because wasn’t Arla Blond? Due to recessive genes that’s probably why some CTs had natural blonde hair. Omega shares the facial structure already, so this little theory is not too much of a reach.
@@iceman7757 precisely. Could be the same with those that had Red hair (like Cut and Tech) but can’t be sure. Wouldn’t discount it though. We’ve only seen Jango’s immediate fam. But that must have been rough for Jango, seeing some of the Clones end up with familiar features that weren’t his. 😬😐😕
i'd love (but hate) if by the end of this there's a planet where clones are going to defect called Kyrimorut & the Empire wipes them out with a virus created by a Dr Uthan!! ...
They can do what they want as long as Wrecker doesn’t turn! Loved what he did for Omega! Crosshairs is fighting emotions after killing someone cold blooded
WHY use enlisted troops as opposed to more clones. Lot of people ask why Stormtroopers replaced clones. There's lots of reasons - Clone Uprising/Order 66 - Kamino's takeover by the Empire really pissed them off, so they bred a competing army the Empire fought and suppressed. Being able to build an army so quickly is a huge challenge to Imperial Authority. -Manipulation: Not question of loyalty, but Republic military had non-clone, non-jedi leaders; who if dissatisfied with Empire could trick clones to serve their subtle interest, given clone propensity for following orders. Genetic diversity: Thus targets for potential biological weapons. Contingency: Besides order 66; fulfilled political directives. Deeming chancellor/emperor Rogue Clones: Whom with military training would pose a threat if they defected Malfunction Growth, Typically it took a decade to grow an army from scratch. Real military training takes 12-16 weeks from conscripts. In a situation where military downsizing what to do with all the clones other than abort them. Worse if another war occurs, and you're short of manpower because you didn't produce enough, timeframe between beginning and final delivery. Also accelerated aging to grow an army; means their life expectancy is short. Cost: Expensive to produce, With human soldiers, overall society raised them to adulthood age 0-18. Military only pays for their training/lodging.For clones they had to be raised by Republic at republic expense. Finance/Quality: The empire post republic didn't need a full scale military. With a galaxy wide; of millions of stars, hundreds of thousands of worlds. Empire didn't need high quality soldiers, just rudimentary forces to perform Constable duty for the galaxy. Clones bred for war possessed none of the overall life skills to interact with daily people. Propaganda: A reason that the Empire would want soldiers form the civilian population to replace the clone troopers is that when Rebels kill Storm Troopers they are killing family members of Imperial citizens. This would help to vilify the Rebellion
@@TaraStrongOfficialStarWars I wasn't talking about that, I was talking about the Kaminoan uprising. And no, Operation Cinder was the Emperor's contingency plan to bombard Imperial worlds if he was killed. If happened after the Battle of Endor in Battlefront 2.
this episode raises so many of the issues that come up often in military ethics...things like volunteer vs conscripted forces, when to not follow an unlawful order, and consequences for war crimes, etc. As a veteran it's all very familiar from our ethics classes. Loved it!
Shot in the dark here. The female stormtrooper that Kyle asked if she was Iden Versio, is fennec shand. The force is with this prediction. Would also make sense to why she’s wanted by the ISB and shacks up with boba. Edit: Ate the shit out of my words after episode 4...
I mean, the Caminoans now have their own army. So what should they do with it? They control the inhibitor chips, why not just make war on the new Empire?
To me it seemed like he was holding the same part of his head that contains the inhibitor chip, I think it may be foreshadowing future problems with Wrecker's chip (although I hope not!). That was my first thought as soon as he mentioned the headache
@@dylanlahrs2847 I think that was the intention, to make you believe so we didn't question why he didn't go with with Hunter. I read it as He felt bad for the food issue and as Hunter pointed out the bunk issue, Wrecker did bump his head during the crash landing but realised he needed to show bravery in front of Omega and that moment decided to do the bunk thing. That's my take on that bit if the episode. I could be completely wrong and Wrecker might go of the rails later😅 I hope not though coz we already have that story with Crosshairs and Wreckers' my Favourite member.
I wouldn’t consider Crosshair a villain, since if Omega’s insight is anything to go off of, a majority of the choices Crosshair is making is due to the inhibitor chips affect on him. Crosshair doesn’t need any redemption for the actions his Chip is making him do, because once that chip is out he should return to relatively normal... likely haunted by the actions he had committed unwillingly. *Or* the show could take a dark twist and reveal that Crosshair willingly made those choices and has been mentally affected so drastically to the point where with or without the chip Crosshair is still Loyal to the empire.
One interesting thing I noticed while watched this episode is that the blasters used by the Elite Squad seem to be a cross between the DC-15s and E-11, bringing the gap. They also had red blaster bolts.
When you refeared to "Imperial batch" I emmidiatly reminded to SCAR Squadron. As Alex Damon said: "They are like the Team Rocket of the Empire!" These guys are more proto-dark troopers.
Given what Omega was doing on Kamino, I think she'll become the teams Medic. Her perceptiveness in understanding people would be a big help in that field. I also hope she isn't a Force user.
I think we had little snippets of Wreccker having his head hurt and him being nice at the end of the episode, because his chip will activate next episode and he'll go insane. They might have to kill him or each other which is why we don't see the Bad Batch later on
I agree with everything except your last sentence. I think his chip will activate but then they’ll save him. I predict that Vader is the one who kills them at the end
Considering Tech is working on a scanner I doubt Wrecker will prove troublesome for long. It’s only a matter of how the Batch go about removing the chip.
I dont think so. I do think that yes, his head hurts, but kept saying it hurt too much so he can do a good deed for Omega. While Tech and Echo repair the ship, and Hunter and Omega find the power-part. I think Wrecker did this so he can be alone and make a room for Omega when she returns back.
I seriously doubt it, and I don't think they are all going to die either. Just because we haven't seen them in the later timeline doesn't mean they die, people thought the same thing about Rex and Ahsoka before Rebels. I definitely don't they'll kill off Omega since she's a kid. And I think her growth cycle is unaltered the same as Boba's isn't, meaning she would have the potential to be in the future shows in production as an adult. I wouldn't be surprised if she showed up in The Book of Boba Fett considering the Bad Batch is going to meet Fennec Shand and the fact that she is basically Fett's sister.
9:40 in a way that’s what the empire wants and irs true. Clones were created to fight. If one day they don’t want to and deviate there is no leverage against them. Regular recruits if deviate guess what? You can blackmail/threaten them and go after any relatives thus making them be an empire dog or else get punished. Basically most clones don’t have something to lose while actual non clone recruits they have ALOT they can use and empire will exploit that.
Bad Batch is actually a solid five man band with a "sixth ranger". Hunter: Leader Wrecker: Big guy Tech: Smart guy Cross hairs: Lancer Echo: Sixth Ranger Omega: The Heart/ tag along kid Overly Sarcastic Productions did a great video on the trope. I also think it fits well in the Star Wars galaxy's habit of retelling classic story tropes in interesting ways. The Apprentice is clearly learned well from The Master
I enjoyed Episode 3, it seems Crosshair will probably die during his hunt for his former Clone force 99 teammates and, it was good to understand more imperial perspectives from Admiral Rampart on Project War Mantle.
What I kinda like about this is that the Stormtroopers weren't always terrible soldiers. They were actually efficient so something must've happened that made then suck. Maybe the Empire cut funds on the training thinking if they have enough of them, they won't need to be a good shot and will just overwhelm the enemy
I’m loving this show so far, thanks for all your work Nerd Chronic. Bendu... what happened to your smart dress shirts with the metal collar tips? You looked super fly wearing those. I missed the Patreon poll... no Ahsoka in this show, hopefully no Grogu either. I’d like to see Mace Windu survive the fall and run to the temple, he’s the only person callous enough to have sent the younglings in one direction to act as a distraction while saving Grogu. Out of all the Younglings, Grogu is the only one who could make a difference to the Galaxy (provided he lives a full life with training) Then Mace and Pre suit Vader have a face off in the temple. Anakin stormed that temple with half the 501st in the night, but it’s day time when Padmé looks out over the horizon and cries, so he was obviously there for quite some considerable time.
Good dark episode.. crosshair story arc is going to be bad ass. He's character im invested in most. Loved how Crosshair straight up kills member of saws squad for not answering his question then does same to one of his own for refusing to follow his order to wipe out civilians..
The slaughter of those Onderon civilians and guardsmen was the first in long list of atrocities that radicalized Saw even further against the Empire...
Ordo Moon Dragon.... ORDO!! KOTOR Easter egg!!! Also, Omega getting her own room, fitting in with CF99, reminds me sooo much of Ezra feeling at home on the Ghost and her crew.
I'm pretty sure near the end of the season, stormtroopers would be almost fully phased in and the Kaminoans would create their final clone batch. Then the empire would just go in purge the rest of the clones and jail the Kaminoan cloners
From darkest episode in the beginning to a wholesome, sweet ending, I’m really looking forward to see how the story will go moving forward. And of course, Omega is still cute and brave when she entered into the cave and didn’t shot the creature, which is so Jedi like. The Dad Batch is canon, there, I said it.
I vote Yes on the Bad batch meeting Ahsoka. It is a great way for Favreau and Filoni to keep people hooked towards the upcoming and confirmed Ahsoka/The Mandolorian spin off series. The same way introducing Fenick Shand to the series is a tie in to The Book of Boba Fett. I suspect this meeting between the Bad Batch and Ahsoka would take place right after her battle with Vader and might be used as a way to introduce her to the role of Fulcrum in Star Wars Rebels. Possibly involving a cross over with CrossFire on his hunt for Saw Gerrera's rebels and the Bad Batch. Thats how I see it going down.
It's surprising how many people online have thought that woman was Iden Versio. Firstly, this woman is Asian, Janina Gavankar (Iden Versio) is half Indian. Doesn't look anything like her. aside from the hair and the imperial uniform. Secondly, this is like 25 years before the events of Battlefront 2. Iden Versio is probably like ten years old.
I have the idea that omega is somehow the mechanism to overwrite order 66, and that it is the way for the kaminos to have insurance once the empire no longer needs their cloning skills to build an army, as already Tarkin said the empire will start the recruitment process. that is, he no longer needs the cloners and nothing will prevent the emperor from erasing the evidence that he had already armed the plot to eliminate the Jedi order, even if it were necessary to eliminate the planet completely. omega would be like a kind of queen bee and the clones its hive, necessary to defend kamino and prevent them from eliminating the cloners. I believe that she has the ability to control the clones or inspire them to follow her as a leader.
Not gonna lie, I think wrecker may be the first to go..... he always has a soft spot for the crew, and it’s going to get to the point where his desire for destruction will save the group. Somewhat like how heavy went out.
I think this is my favorite episode so far based on what it seems to be setting up for the rest of the series. I’m especially excited that it appears the series will be using Crosshair as a window into the imperial side of things. I loved Rebels but didn’t quite get my fill for stories inside the Empire, plus the show pulled a lot of punches with how dark it was willing to get... and uh, yeah this episode made it pretty clear that Bad Batch is going to have no such compunctions and I’m here for it.
To paraphrase, "I've got food everyday, a job and a roof over my head. More than the Republic has ever done for me!" Ever get the feeling it's a one-sided story haha. The kiwi clone is annoying but less so now lol.
To the Ahsoka question, I think it matters how long the show goes for. If you just mean this season, no I don't think we see her. But I could see a mini-arc with her in a later season. But I also agree, she shouldn't become a character on the show for longer than 2-3 episodes.
Knowing facts: She is enchaced colne, she is highly inteligent and perceptive, she is pretty well young lady of focus and discipline, she is fast lerner and she can very fast lern atleast basics of tracking. Speculations: She have education atleast ast nurese/medic, possible basic combat training from flash memory training.
That last part at the end, when the bad batch is looking at Omega in her new room...I got a foreboding feeling that they’re going to sacrifice themselves for her. I’m already getting attached with the bad batch. It’s going to be hard when they die.
Not sure if it's been brought up....but I think we are seeing the birth of the Death Troopers. Black uniforms, green visors, dirty deeds to perform....? Just saying. Tech is working on a device to interpret and deal with the bio-chip so I think he will perfect it and THAT'S how we'll ultimately get Crosshair back in the fold. As for Omega....she's been able to "absorb" people's skills as she is exposed to them. Never shot a blaster, stuck in a firefight and then pulls off some Rex-level shooting. Goes out with Hunter, watches him track that dragon and then chases it down. She looks like she's copying people's movements like a little kid would (think back to Ep.1)....but I think that's how she picks up other people's skills. Dunno.....just my observations. Your results may vary....... Great vid as usual, you guys!
Star Wars needs more characters to branch out the universe. Bringing characters back in the fold stalls the story. The stories cannibalizes themselves until there’s no where to go
Reaction starts at 6:12!
You can watch the full length version of this reaction on the Kyle Katarn Patreon
I love that this episode had both a dark moment and a wholesome moment.
The one shocked me, the other one teared me up. It's crazy how this show impacts me emotionally, given how, when the show was announced, I had almost zero interest in it. I'm so glad I started watching it!
I continue to love this series. Roll on E4!
Interesting how Rampart's whole thing was that recruits would be more loyal, but the reality was they only obeyed out of fear for their own lives.
Which is the embodies the Tarkin Doctrine I suppose. Control through fear.
@Grand Admiral Theme Park yes this. When you had an army which could turn against their Generals so easy, they can clearly turn against u when they want.
Also most of them signed up only for the money, food and shelter as that one guy said in the episode
i love the contrast from enrole to enlist, i believe the soldiers enlisting become special operatives of some format, and the ones forced into the army are the stormtroopers who suck (because they had to join)
I loved the fact that one of the troops said the empire did more for them than the republic ever did. THAT is palpatine’s master manipulation right there. The galaxy began to dislike the jedi, and hated the fact the war lasted so long. What could the republic do trying to help so many systems? New recruits have the prospect of the republic turning into something they think is better. The empire gave them food, water, a roof over their heads, and safety. That’s how the empire managed to recruit so many people, and likely why they had so many defect along the lines.
I wasn't expecting the level of world building they are giving us . It's giving so much more context for the other star wars stories as well.
Poor crosshair is the winter soldier of the series. He just got "mission report" triggered
Ordo Moon Dragon: The name of my new prog rock band. Also, Ordo Moondragon would probably be one of the most "Star Wars" names in Star Wars ever.
Proto-death trooper: I’m in charge!
Crosshair: do you feel in charge?
I hope we also see Gregor and Wolffe in this show also
Same. Maybe even Cody just to see what happens to him.
@@MyDomVids i think Cody will come back to train the stormtroopers as they said in the episode
Your wish has come true
I like how it sort of referenced Empire. Omeega sitting similarly like Leia.
The term Replacements in the military means when a a soldier permanently out of commission they’re replaced with someone new. Band of Brothers had an episode with the same name.
I was going to mention that, having finally just seen it and being a diehard Band of Brothers fan.
Anyone Watch this video after the season finale part 1. When bendu literally predicted that Kamino gets blown up lol.
Could Omega be a clone of Jango’s sister Arla Fett?...leave it to Dave to bring another legends character to canon.
Exactly, I think Omega is a clone of Arla Fett
I was wondering about that because wasn’t Arla Blond? Due to recessive genes that’s probably why some CTs had natural blonde hair.
Omega shares the facial structure already, so this little theory is not too much of a reach.
@@TimeCircleBlue like rex
@@iceman7757 precisely.
Could be the same with those that had Red hair (like Cut and Tech) but can’t be sure. Wouldn’t discount it though. We’ve only seen Jango’s immediate fam.
But that must have been rough for Jango, seeing some of the Clones end up with familiar features that weren’t his. 😬😐😕
Fun fact, the writer for this episode was also the writer of the Umbara arc in The Clone Wars
They must be nite owls lol
Well that makes sense
I have a feeling the end of this series is gonna hurt
i'd love (but hate) if by the end of this there's a planet where clones are going to defect called Kyrimorut & the Empire wipes them out with a virus created by a Dr Uthan!! ...
@@paulmurphy4723 yes, an interesting way way to incorporate the Republic Commando novels back into canon
The empire was always willing recruitment. The first order started abducting kids which confused the rebellion.
They can do what they want as long as Wrecker doesn’t turn! Loved what he did for Omega! Crosshairs is fighting emotions after killing someone cold blooded
WHY use enlisted troops as opposed to more clones. Lot of people ask why Stormtroopers replaced clones.
There's lots of reasons
- Clone Uprising/Order 66 - Kamino's takeover by the Empire really pissed them off, so they bred a competing army the Empire fought and suppressed. Being able to build an army so quickly is a huge challenge to Imperial Authority.
-Manipulation: Not question of loyalty, but Republic military had non-clone, non-jedi leaders; who if dissatisfied with Empire could trick clones to serve their subtle interest, given clone propensity for following orders.
Genetic diversity: Thus targets for potential biological weapons.
Contingency: Besides order 66; fulfilled political directives. Deeming chancellor/emperor
Rogue Clones: Whom with military training would pose a threat if they defected
Growth, Typically it took a decade to grow an army from scratch. Real military training takes 12-16 weeks from conscripts. In a situation where military downsizing what to do with all the clones other than abort them. Worse if another war occurs, and you're short of manpower because you didn't produce enough, timeframe between beginning and final delivery. Also accelerated aging to grow an army; means their life expectancy is short.
Cost: Expensive to produce, With human soldiers, overall society raised them to adulthood age 0-18. Military only pays for their training/lodging.For clones they had to be raised by Republic at republic expense.
Finance/Quality: The empire post republic didn't need a full scale military. With a galaxy wide; of millions of stars, hundreds of thousands of worlds. Empire didn't need high quality soldiers, just rudimentary forces to perform Constable duty for the galaxy. Clones bred for war possessed none of the overall life skills to interact with daily people.
Propaganda: A reason that the Empire would want soldiers form the civilian population to replace the clone troopers is that when Rebels kill Storm Troopers they are killing family members of Imperial citizens. This would help to vilify the Rebellion
Operation Cinder is a new target betrayal The Empire
The uprising isn't canon it's legends, although it does look like they may be heading in that direction in the show.
@@Nandrall18-25 Operation Cinder was Stormtrooper killing the civilians masaccare.
@@TaraStrongOfficialStarWars I wasn't talking about that, I was talking about the Kaminoan uprising. And no, Operation Cinder was the Emperor's contingency plan to bombard Imperial worlds if he was killed. If happened after the Battle of Endor in Battlefront 2.
@@Nandrall18-25 after the Battle Of Endor Anakin Skywalker Anie if was their in that way a Planet Vardos.
I really thought that they look like inferno squad for a minute
Same! I thought the one woman looked a LOT like Iden Versio
this episode raises so many of the issues that come up often in military ethics...things like volunteer vs conscripted forces, when to not follow an unlawful order, and consequences for war crimes, etc. As a veteran it's all very familiar from our ethics classes. Loved it!
Shot in the dark here. The female stormtrooper that Kyle asked if she was Iden Versio, is fennec shand. The force is with this prediction. Would also make sense to why she’s wanted by the ISB and shacks up with boba.
Edit: Ate the shit out of my words after episode 4...
I mean, the Caminoans now have their own army. So what should they do with it? They control the inhibitor chips, why not just make war on the new Empire?
I love that Wrecker gets on with Omega the best cuz he’s basically a big child XD
I have a feeling that the Asian looking lady is a young Fennec Shand. Fun fact: a fennec is a desert fox native to the Sinai Peninsula.
I still think that Omega is the ultimate Doom of the Clones. Her name is Omega, the last letter in the Greek alphabet, meaning the end of all things.
I love that Wrecker faked the headache so he could build the room for Omega.
To me it seemed like he was holding the same part of his head that contains the inhibitor chip, I think it may be foreshadowing future problems with Wrecker's chip (although I hope not!). That was my first thought as soon as he mentioned the headache
@@dylanlahrs2847 I think that was the intention, to make you believe so we didn't question why he didn't go with with Hunter.
I read it as He felt bad for the food issue and as Hunter pointed out the bunk issue, Wrecker did bump his head during the crash landing but realised he needed to show bravery in front of Omega and that moment decided to do the bunk thing. That's my take on that bit if the episode. I could be completely wrong and Wrecker might go of the rails later😅
I hope not though coz we already have that story with Crosshairs and Wreckers' my Favourite member.
The dad batch
I wouldn’t consider Crosshair a villain, since if Omega’s insight is anything to go off of, a majority of the choices Crosshair is making is due to the inhibitor chips affect on him.
Crosshair doesn’t need any redemption for the actions his Chip is making him do, because once that chip is out he should return to relatively normal... likely haunted by the actions he had committed unwillingly.
*Or* the show could take a dark twist and reveal that Crosshair willingly made those choices and has been mentally affected so drastically to the point where with or without the chip Crosshair is still Loyal to the empire.
I hope they mean with "a superior clone" starkiller from the force unleashed
One interesting thing I noticed while watched this episode is that the blasters used by the Elite Squad seem to be a cross between the DC-15s and E-11, bringing the gap. They also had red blaster bolts.
It may be the gas they used in the cartridges for the blasters that changed
@@generalgrievous696 Yea, but the overall model of the blaster changed too.
When you refeared to "Imperial batch" I emmidiatly reminded to SCAR Squadron. As Alex Damon said: "They are like the Team Rocket of the Empire!" These guys are more proto-dark troopers.
Given what Omega was doing on Kamino, I think she'll become the teams Medic. Her perceptiveness in understanding people would be a big help in that field. I also hope she isn't a Force user.
I think we had little snippets of Wreccker having his head hurt and him being nice at the end of the episode, because his chip will activate next episode and he'll go insane. They might have to kill him or each other which is why we don't see the Bad Batch later on
I agree with everything except your last sentence. I think his chip will activate but then they’ll save him. I predict that Vader is the one who kills them at the end
Considering Tech is working on a scanner I doubt Wrecker will prove troublesome for long. It’s only a matter of how the Batch go about removing the chip.
I dont think so. I do think that yes, his head hurts, but kept saying it hurt too much so he can do a good deed for Omega. While Tech and Echo repair the ship, and Hunter and Omega find the power-part. I think Wrecker did this so he can be alone and make a room for Omega when she returns back.
I seriously doubt it, and I don't think they are all going to die either. Just because we haven't seen them in the later timeline doesn't mean they die, people thought the same thing about Rex and Ahsoka before Rebels. I definitely don't they'll kill off Omega since she's a kid. And I think her growth cycle is unaltered the same as Boba's isn't, meaning she would have the potential to be in the future shows in production as an adult. I wouldn't be surprised if she showed up in The Book of Boba Fett considering the Bad Batch is going to meet Fennec Shand and the fact that she is basically Fett's sister.
"I LOVE Kamen Jammus! He's my favorite Klingon!"
Wrecker is going to turn bad . Because of the chip in his heat
9:40 in a way that’s what the empire wants and irs true.
Clones were created to fight. If one day they don’t want to and deviate there is no leverage against them.
Regular recruits if deviate guess what? You can blackmail/threaten them and go after any relatives thus making them be an empire dog or else get punished.
Basically most clones don’t have something to lose while actual non clone recruits they have ALOT they can use and empire will exploit that.
Heard on RFR that the Gonk is actually named Gonky.
Bad Batch is actually a solid five man band with a "sixth ranger".
Hunter: Leader
Wrecker: Big guy
Tech: Smart guy
Cross hairs: Lancer
Echo: Sixth Ranger
Omega: The Heart/ tag along kid
Overly Sarcastic Productions did a great video on the trope. I also think it fits well in the Star Wars galaxy's habit of retelling classic story tropes in interesting ways. The Apprentice is clearly learned well from The Master
When they executed the civilians, we can hear the flamethrower activating, they were not an execution squad but they learn fast !
Great reaction. My wife and I also do TH-cam reactions to this show. We love it.
It kinda reminds me of that episode of rebels where at the end they show calus go back to the ship and sit in his room
I enjoyed Episode 3, it seems Crosshair will probably die during his hunt for his former Clone force 99 teammates and, it was good to understand more imperial perspectives from Admiral Rampart on Project War Mantle.
I'm starting to think maybe the Kaminoan rebellion is going to be canon !
I think there will be a tragic end for Crosshair. His squad is the beginning of the Death Troopers.
clone force 99 miss crosshair, he does the same for them you could see it in that last scene
"You gay?!" Lmao
I'm pretty sure the female trooper who didn't talk is Fennec. Her face was deliberately shown up close twice, and it looks like her.
Crosshair gave me very Kallus in The Honorable Ones vibes at the end of this.
Yes! The ending shots were very similar.
What I kinda like about this is that the Stormtroopers weren't always terrible soldiers. They were actually efficient so something must've happened that made then suck. Maybe the Empire cut funds on the training thinking if they have enough of them, they won't need to be a good shot and will just overwhelm the enemy
I think omega has an altered growth cycle. She doesn't grow at the same rate of other clones
I think you mean that she has an unaltered growth cycle like Boba and ages like a normal human, right?
@@Nandrall18-25 right right
I’m loving this show so far, thanks for all your work Nerd Chronic. Bendu... what happened to your smart dress shirts with the metal collar tips? You looked super fly wearing those.
I missed the Patreon poll... no Ahsoka in this show, hopefully no Grogu either.
I’d like to see Mace Windu survive the fall and run to the temple, he’s the only person callous enough to have sent the younglings in one direction to act as a distraction while saving Grogu. Out of all the Younglings, Grogu is the only one who could make a difference to the Galaxy (provided he lives a full life with training) Then Mace and Pre suit Vader have a face off in the temple. Anakin stormed that temple with half the 501st in the night, but it’s day time when Padmé looks out over the horizon and cries, so he was obviously there for quite some considerable time.
"Fuck you Filoni"
"Nah we love you Filoni"
"Yeah you're good thanks bro" lmaoo
Good dark episode.. crosshair story arc is going to be bad ass. He's character im invested in most.
Loved how Crosshair straight up kills member of saws squad for not answering his question then does same to one of his own for refusing to follow his order to wipe out civilians..
The slaughter of those Onderon civilians and guardsmen was the first in long list of atrocities that radicalized Saw even further against the Empire...
Guys hear me out on this one. What if the second girl on the left is actually Fennec Shand? She looks oddly similar 7:54
We already know how she looks in the Bad Batch animation style and it doesn't look like that at all
They need a new person to clone. You can clone a clone for a while, but the results are not good.
Ordo Moon Dragon.... ORDO!! KOTOR Easter egg!!!
Also, Omega getting her own room, fitting in with CF99, reminds me sooo much of Ezra feeling at home on the Ghost and her crew.
Really enjoy seeing the start of the Empire storyline!!
I'm pretty sure near the end of the season, stormtroopers would be almost fully phased in and the Kaminoans would create their final clone batch. Then the empire would just go in purge the rest of the clones and jail the Kaminoan cloners
It would pretty cool if the bad batch went against delta squad
Great reaction!
From darkest episode in the beginning to a wholesome, sweet ending, I’m really looking forward to see how the story will go moving forward. And of course, Omega is still cute and brave when she entered into the cave and didn’t shot the creature, which is so Jedi like.
The Dad Batch is canon, there, I said it.
I vote Yes on the Bad batch meeting Ahsoka. It is a great way for Favreau and Filoni to keep people hooked towards the upcoming and confirmed Ahsoka/The Mandolorian spin off series. The same way introducing Fenick Shand to the series is a tie in to The Book of Boba Fett. I suspect this meeting between the Bad Batch and Ahsoka would take place right after her battle with Vader and might be used as a way to introduce her to the role of Fulcrum in Star Wars Rebels. Possibly involving a cross over with CrossFire on his hunt for Saw Gerrera's rebels and the Bad Batch. Thats how I see it going down.
Nerd Chronic is the real MVP!
I love watching Gary Sinise reacting to Star Wars.
Transmute Picture Bucketheads Episode 1 reaction needed from you Master
Kyle: Alright without further ado...
Do you think they’ll retcon Ventress’s fate in Dark Disciple, to bring her in the show? Also Cad Bane has to be in here, right?
I think the new female trooper from the new imperial batch, could be Pre-ISB wanted Fennec Shand. We haven’t heard her speak or act.
Honestly that storm trooper deserved it, he saw crosshair going for his pistol and didn’t even try to shoot at him
I thought that squad member was Iden Versio too! But she would have been older in Battlefront II. So who is she? I wanna know!
When the Kaminoans talk about making a superior clone, they maybe...JUST maybe might be talking about StarKiller...
It's surprising how many people online have thought that woman was Iden Versio.
Firstly, this woman is Asian, Janina Gavankar (Iden Versio) is half Indian. Doesn't look anything like her. aside from the hair and the imperial uniform.
Secondly, this is like 25 years before the events of Battlefront 2. Iden Versio is probably like ten years old.
I have the idea that omega is somehow the mechanism to overwrite order 66, and that it is the way for the kaminos to have insurance once the empire no longer needs their cloning skills to build an army, as already Tarkin said the empire will start the recruitment process. that is, he no longer needs the cloners and nothing will prevent the emperor from erasing the evidence that he had already armed the plot to eliminate the Jedi order, even if it were necessary to eliminate the planet completely. omega would be like a kind of queen bee and the clones its hive, necessary to defend kamino and prevent them from eliminating the cloners. I believe that she has the ability to control the clones or inspire them to follow her as a leader.
If something happens to Wrecker, I am going to loose it.
Not gonna lie, I think wrecker may be the first to go..... he always has a soft spot for the crew, and it’s going to get to the point where his desire for destruction will save the group. Somewhat like how heavy went out.
I think this is my favorite episode so far based on what it seems to be setting up for the rest of the series. I’m especially excited that it appears the series will be using Crosshair as a window into the imperial side of things. I loved Rebels but didn’t quite get my fill for stories inside the Empire, plus the show pulled a lot of punches with how dark it was willing to get... and uh, yeah this episode made it pretty clear that Bad Batch is going to have no such compunctions and I’m here for it.
Good soldiers follow orders
Wrecker's headache concerns me.
To paraphrase, "I've got food everyday, a job and a roof over my head. More than the Republic has ever done for me!" Ever get the feeling it's a one-sided story haha.
The kiwi clone is annoying but less so now lol.
To the Ahsoka question, I think it matters how long the show goes for. If you just mean this season, no I don't think we see her. But I could see a mini-arc with her in a later season. But I also agree, she shouldn't become a character on the show for longer than 2-3 episodes.
Steep channel. Bright personalities and frank emotions, nice to watch. Marking details that I sometimes don't notice. From Minsk with love)
Yo Katarn, when are you reacting to Luke VS Harry Potter ERB? Great episode, love the Bro Batch!
I think Clone Force 99 will cross paths with Ahsoka, but she'll be "in disguise" as "Fulcrum"...
Knowing facts: She is enchaced colne, she is highly inteligent and perceptive, she is pretty well young lady of focus and discipline, she is fast lerner and she can very fast lern atleast basics of tracking. Speculations: She have education atleast ast nurese/medic, possible basic combat training from flash memory training.
When Tarkin & Rampart are discussing operation war mantle it hit me in Rogue One Jyn also mentioned mark omega. Could this be connected to Omega?...
That last part at the end, when the bad batch is looking at Omega in her new room...I got a foreboding feeling that they’re going to sacrifice themselves for her. I’m already getting attached with the bad batch. It’s going to be hard when they die.
10:05 it’s a nu class shuttle
Not sure if it's been brought up....but I think we are seeing the birth of the Death Troopers. Black uniforms, green visors, dirty deeds to perform....? Just saying.
Tech is working on a device to interpret and deal with the bio-chip so I think he will perfect it and THAT'S how we'll ultimately get Crosshair back in the fold.
As for Omega....she's been able to "absorb" people's skills as she is exposed to them. Never shot a blaster, stuck in a firefight and then pulls off some Rex-level shooting. Goes out with Hunter, watches him track that dragon and then chases it down.
She looks like she's copying people's movements like a little kid would (think back to Ep.1)....but I think that's how she picks up other people's skills. Dunno.....just my observations. Your results may vary.......
Great vid as usual, you guys!
Seeing crosshair like this is heartbreaking
I loved the episode
What if the new clones become the death troopers
0:04 the attack on titan and
attack on the wookies lol
A evil as he is I doubt even Palpatine would've blown up his home planet
Hey I’ve always wonder how much is that super start destroyer behind you?
Star Wars needs more characters to branch out the universe. Bringing characters back in the fold stalls the story. The stories cannibalizes themselves until there’s no where to go
10:11 the guy you are literally wearing clone armour he can't say anything
I'd say Ahsoka won't be in this, but the bad batch might have a cameo/minor appearance in the Ahsoka series
8:19 the falcon is very old
React to Ahsoka’s decision from Cinematic Pictures! Its a re-rendered, realistic art style scene from the unfinished Utapao arc for s7
I enjoy i reaction video great job
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