I am Brazilian and seeing her talking, if you pay attention and she is already picking up the American accent and there are times when she looks up thinking about what will speak of the impression she is improving in English and Portuguese forgetting!
I am Brazilian and seeing her talking, if you pay attention and she is already picking up the American accent and there are times when she looks up thinking about what will speak of the impression she is improving in English and Portuguese forgetting!
you are right
they are so close to each other...weird :s
i love alessandra
esta entevista ja deve ter 4/5 anos acho
Entrevista de qnd? Esse cara e ABSURDAMENTE pervertido. Essas modelos deviam tomar cuidado.
Outra coisa: adoro a sinceridade da Alessandra.
Nossa ele estava prestes à engolir ela!
@onurr1 Wouldn't YOU want to sit that close?