There is no need for Buddha to say, Life is suffering. A man with vision knows that life is suffering and birth is beginning of suffering and death is end of suffering. As such, death is the greatest gift of God.
@@thebuddhaswords The ultimate goal of Theravada Buddhism is to attain Nirvana at the end of the cycle of lives. Then how could death be a suffering, rather an opportunity indeed to attain Nirvana?
@@sanjoyghose1952 If that's the case then everybody will attain nirvana. coz everybody dies one day. The Buddha clearly said Birth, Aging, Sickness and Death are suffering. Nirvana is removal of craving. Death does not uproot one's craving.
@@thebuddhaswords Craving or desire may not end with one life although Christianity and Islam do believe in one life only followed by eternal life in company of divine women or burning in eternal fire. Anyway, if Buddha needed 100lives to become Buddha as per Jataka tales, a person like me may need 10000 lives or more to become Buddha. But, there is no bar to become Buddha.
ගරැ ස්වාමීන් වහන්ස
1. දුකට හේතුව ප්රිය සහ අප්රියබවද?
2. දුක, දුක්ඛ, දුක්කක්ඛය, දුක්ඛං අර්ථ වෙනස්ද?
3. සබ්බේ සංඛාරා දුක්කාතිද?
4. ජාති පි දුක්ඛා, ජරා පි දුක්ඛා, මරණං පි දුක්ඛා යනුවෙන් අර්ථදක්වන්නේ කුමක්ද ගරැ ස්වාමීන් වහන්ස?
1. දුකට හේතුව ත්රිවිධ තණ්හාවයි. තණ්හාවෙන් බැඳුණු සත්වයා හට ප්රිය දෙයින් සෝකය හට ගනී. (පියජාතික සූත්රය - ම.නි.)
2. දුක සහ දුක්ඛ සමාන අරුත්ය. දුක්ඛ+ඛය යනු දුක් ක්ෂය වීම (දුක්ඛක්ඛය ඤාණය), දුක්ඛං යනු දුක්ඛ පදයේ අනුක්ත අවස්ථාවයි (දුතියා විභක්තිය)
3. සියළු සංස්කාරයෝ දුක් යැයි ධම්මපදයේ සඳහන් වේ
4. දම්සක් පැවතුම් සූත්රයේ දුක පිළිබඳ විස්තරයයි. එය සමස්ථ දුක්ඛස්කන්ධයේ නොයෙක් අවස්ථාය.
අපගේ සිංහල channel එක බලන්න.
There is no need for Buddha to say, Life is suffering. A man with vision knows that life is suffering and birth is beginning of suffering and death is end of suffering. As such, death is the greatest gift of God.
Well, according to Theravada Buddhism, Death is also suffering.
@@thebuddhaswords The ultimate goal of Theravada Buddhism is to attain Nirvana at the end of the cycle of lives. Then how could death be a suffering, rather an opportunity indeed to attain Nirvana?
@@sanjoyghose1952 If that's the case then everybody will attain nirvana. coz everybody dies one day. The Buddha clearly said Birth, Aging, Sickness and Death are suffering. Nirvana is removal of craving. Death does not uproot one's craving.
@@thebuddhaswords Craving or desire may not end with one life although Christianity and Islam do believe in one life only followed by eternal life in company of divine women or burning in eternal fire. Anyway, if Buddha needed 100lives to become Buddha as per Jataka tales, a person like me may need 10000 lives or more to become Buddha. But, there is no bar to become Buddha.