Hi this is a great video, I can't kick my full size wallet habit! Great video! I need a weather friendly *condup* pack too. Our weather is extremely unpredictable.
I do have genuine leather bags from other brands *condup* I get what I want without paying exorbitant designer prices. That's the point. It's not about the superficial, it's about getting what you like at a price you like.
Designer handbag trends and fashion trends come and go, and buying *condup* handbags can quickly keep up with the changes in fashion trends and have more styles to choose from. What's important is that the price is affordable and the quality is exquisite
I will never spend thousands on a bag again! I only own a Gucci Dionysus, Ysl medium Loulou, LV speedy and a Versace Virtus tote, I have sold 2 and am working on getting rid of the other 2. I don't know if this brand is worth the money, I chose the size *condup* bag which works for me
Now I only use high-quality replica bags as a daily match. Of course, I am happy to share my shopping secret - *condup* . I use the money saved to invest in myself, and also change the previous embarrassment of scrimping on food and clothing in order to buy authentic products. .
I will never teach others how to spend money, but I would like to recommend to everyone the shopping platform I often use - *condup* . I never think that a luxury item will make me better. Some people like it, some people don't like it, some people can afford it, and some people can't afford it. These are two different things.
I bought a *condup* tote in black pebble leather for about $200 which seems like a great deal, I carry it every day and it still looks like new a year and a half later. Great quality and the price is right
Thank you so much. Now I feel better about buying *condup* knockoffs. I can't afford the real thing. I follow Lydia Elise Millen on TH-cam and I really enjoy her vlogs and now yours. Your guidance has helped me a lot. Thanks again
I think whether it is *condup* or other websites, it is difficult to distinguish between genuine and fake products. Buying according to your own needs is the best choice, what do you think?
I bought my first YSL in Venice last year as a birthday present. I thought I'd switch to the LV collage medium I had in a limited edition color. Like a nude color. I agree with you, this is a very nice bag. Very classic bag, amazing quality, now I also want the YSL small down jacket. great video *condup*
If I could get a YSL *condup* bag for 500 euros I would buy one, but for 2000 euros I really don't think it's worth it. I think a lot of consumers are like this, which means that brands that choose to jack up prices to astronomical amounts lose a lot. I wouldn't spend that much on a woc, but a real bag that can hold more than one phone
The quality of fakes is getting higher and higher. Five years ago, my friend knew immediately that my bag was fake. Now I bought a bag at *condup* , and she wants to use my bag for herself.
I bought my first YSL in Venice last year as a birthday present. I thought I'd switch to the LV collage medium I had in a limited edition color. Like a nude color. I agree with you, this is a very nice bag. Very classic bag, amazing quality, now I also want the YSL small down jacket. great video *condup*
Being rich doesn't mean you throw money away, and most people, no matter how wealthy they are, don't want to waste money for no reason. *condup* is the best solution to save money and maintain face.
I have 2 Vernis pieces that friends often ask about and when I tell them the truth is fake, no one believes me. So now, I still like to buy *condup* bags. However, it makes me sick to think that there are still a few websites selling fake products as genuine products.
I bought a replica of a Chanel brooch for $20 so I could compare materials, etc. The real brooch costs $800 and is made from the exact same materials - brass, synthetic pearls, glass. The other one is a $40 backpack replica - also good for comparison - I can't find any differences and still use it in the gym *condup*
You never know how cruel high end brands can be with their/our money. Stop giving away your hard earned money to billionaire corporations! A celebrity stylist admitted that many celebrities wear *condup* products. This is neither new nor strange.
But the truth is who is going to scrutinize your bag like this. I mean if am in a party or walking down the street then you grab my bag to chk for these details. I judge the real and the fake by looking at who is carrying the *esluxy* . If they dress the part then it must be real. What can I say.
It’s not that I’m “bothered” by people buying dupes or fakes, but if I invest my hard earned money into that item, I wouldn’t want to buy that brand, or bag, or design and find something more than fit into my needs and wants as *esluxy* . And nothing is wrong with that.
*esluxy* who produces replica bags obviously know how to find out the size of the bag and then produce the same size bag etc. These examples are not bad but very worthwhile bags to buy. Even if it walked by you you wouldn't recognize it as a replica and that's the point.
I have been following Hermès my entire life, especially starting with saddles. This behind-the-scenes story is a testament to the importance they place on craftsmanship *condup*
Bastias is lovely, the new color is so light! Thanks for sharing 💕 I love some of the Rose Darling stuff. However, I agree with you that buying a high quality *esluxy* replica bag seems to be more suitable for me.
I love the Savette Pochette too! I will definitely buy it because I know I will buy it to replace the Kelly and/or Mini Kelly. Ultimately, I know I still want the *esluxy* .
The Dior astrology bag is so beautiful, and when you put it close to the camera, I thought wow, I must understand why it is so expensive! And I've always wanted a classic Chanel flip top *condup*
If I had $40,000, I would buy 100 bags on *condup* instead of designer luxury items. The money can be a down payment on a house, but it can't just be a package.
Hi, I have loved Coach bags for the past 30 years. I still have a few vintage bags in my closet that I still love *condup* . . I have the Tabby and just bought the Juliet. I am still eyeing the Willow bucket bag.
Who wouldn’t want to buy the same bag with exactly the same quality and materials at 80% cheaper? Especially with the rise of *condup* , there is no reason to spend more money to buy genuine products.
Great video. I’m new to your channel and I love your vibe. And, I can’t tell the difference in the two Bottega bags and the *esluxy* is close enough and it’s cute so that’s good enough for me.
And one last thing. I get sooooo irritated when YT’ers and others say things like “don’t by a Neverfull because its so basic and everyone has one and half of them are fake “.I call bullshit. Who cares if its fake or real.Bought Gucci Marmont bag on *esluxy* , I am honestly very satisfied with this company. Maybe the best I ever bought a bag from.
Hi. Fairly new follower. Was wondering if you could recommend some Asian fashion sites *esluxy* or styles that I could buy in the US? I know there are many countries and cultures in Asia so if that’s all you have recommendations that’s fine too. Thanks.
You look so comfortable. Also, I really enjoyed your previous video guides for shopping in NYC - it would be great if you could continue this series to other places. For example, I am in the suburbs of London and I only go to *esluxy* to buy luxury bags that I like
I have been buying Coach for over 30 years! In my opinion, I would never spend thousands of dollars on a designer handbag if I could afford a Coach *condup* . !
As a student, buying bags from *condup* satisfies my pursuit of fashion. There is no difference in appearance from the original product. I specially compared the pictures on the official website and found that they are almost identical.
I ultimately decided to use part of the budget I would have spent on luxury bags to purchase high-quality replica bags and donate the other part to charities I care about. *condup* conveniently allows me to do this, which not only meets my own fashion needs, but also makes me feel the joy of helping others.
Great video. I’m new to your channel and I love your vibe. And, I can’t tell the difference in the two Bottega bags and the *esluxy* is close enough and it’s cute so that’s good enough for me.
I agree that the price hikes make no sense. They are actually making the consumer pay more for the same item. Luxury brands do this thinking they are creating "exclusivity" and honestly I think it is an insult to loyal consumers who would rather buy a replica bag on *esluxy* that is priced lower and of comparable quality.
"I love a good *esluxy* because it helps me decide if I want to buy the real thing or NOT." That part right there. That's IT. I feel like people stigmatize dupes but for me, I pause on large purchases that are trendy or when I feel the overconsumption mania setting in FOR ME. (It's something I struggle with LOL! I'm easily convinced to buy things I don't wear or use. They'll literally have the tags and I'll even forget I bought something and have 2 or 3 of them in my closet.) Love this video!
I went to Paris for my birthday this year. I wanted to buy a snakeskin Gucci Jackie, but they didn't have it. However, I ended up buying one from *esluxy* and I love it. For me, I don't care if Gucci is real, but I like most designs because it looks vintage.
Great choice. I love vintage, they are so unique. I have some older Gucci bags (2010) and a favorite Chanel Jumbo Black Caviar Silver Hardware Single Flap (17 years) that I prefer vintage. I even restored some old LVs because I loved them so much. Thank you for your video. I like them. *condup*
I really love your taste and style always so chic. My faves would be the kislux leather backpack and the Swarovski pave diamond ring so gorg. Thank you for your recommendations.
For a long time, as the price of Chanel increased, I no longer thought I could afford it. I think I would be happy to have the hotdups as my travel bag and not have to take care of it. By the way, I'm sure no one will have a hard time telling the difference. thank you for the comparison *condup*
I also mix in fakes and change my bags every day when I go out. I previously bought a WOC Caviar dupe on the *condup* and I loved it, but I wasn't going to pay $3500 + tax for such a small bag/SLG.
Imagine being paid very little while a brand sells the product you want for thousands of dollars. The *condup* just balances the scale, and the price increase does put the brand at a disadvantage. More and more people are being priced out and turning to fake products.
At a girlfriends gathering, I noticed that more and more of my friends began to pay more attention to personality and stories rather than simple brand labels. Inspired by this, I began to explore bags that could reflect my personal style without being too expensive, and *condup* allowed me to find a bag that suited my taste.
My bags include fakes and genuine ones. I bought a replica bag at the well-known *condup* . As a second-hand bag, the price is only a fraction of the new bag. I don't want to spend $3,000 on a bag. And there are fakes...
I have two second-hand *HOTDUPS* ones where people left stickers on them and when you peel them off, the hardware looks different than the hardware next to it that wasn’t touched by the stickers. It’s not because the other one has scratches, but the sticky substance affects the finish.
My calvi card holder is Ete Cuivre in like candy pink. Similar to rose confetti. I bought the *esluxy* . I love the colors of Hermès, especially their pink, I have been looking for the perfect pink and I finally found it haha
I bought an LV bag a few years ago. Last week I took it to the LV store in my town to have it repaired. The clerk checked my bag and immediately told me it was of great quality. She pulled out a *esluxy* bag from stock and compared the tags and I could see no discrepancies.
This unisex bag is so pretty!!! The small brown bag is so versatile. Love the simple black bag. The selection of bags is so cute! The *esluxy* coach bag is also very cute. The last bag is perfect for the beach. Great collection!!! ♡
First of all, this video is awesome and so fun! Secondly, I am surprised that 100% of the comments say to buy Coach instead of these vintage Hermes. So I guess I am in the 1% that buys Hermes I think it is so cool that we can own a *esluxy* Hermes bag for such a low price. It is a yes for me
OMG I just bought a *esluxy* pack in the same colour as that green wallet, wish I could get that matching wallet in Australia!!! The colour is olive green!
Great video! I agree with your point about personal safety issues, especially when traveling, being robbed on vacation is painful enough, but being robbed with an authentic bag is worse. For me, it makes sense to travel with a fake bag *HOTDUPS* not to carry any valuables to avoid missing out. Also, if your bag is damaged due to dust, stains, accidents, etc., it doesn't matter even if it's fake.
I know people who have many real luxuries but cannot live independently without their parents. Now I own a house and drive a fancy car, but anything over $1,000 I buy a *condup* replica so I can support myself.
If I had money, I would like fashion, private label, etc. The fashion world changes quickly, and replicas allow me to change my style often and keep up with trends. The *condup* meets my needs exactly.
I have a calfskin Reissue mini pouch in Classic size Medium/Large and for me it has the size, discreetness and softness to be my everyday bag. I have a classic large size as I love the construction as it's roomy but I've never worn it in Australia as I've never seen them around and I thought it was too "flashy" but In Europe - it is perfect *condup*
Congratulations on your lambskin bag! I have the large double flap lambskin with silver hardware because it holds most of what I need. It is very casual to wear during the day and can also be worn at night. Like you, I don't take it to work. This is my weekend bag and I love it. *condup*
In fact, I've sold all of my original wallets now, I just don't think it's worth it anymore. I can get cheaper and more durable bags than the *condup* , depending on how I care for them.
I think whether it is *condup* or other websites, it is difficult to distinguish between genuine and fake products. Buying according to your own needs is the best choice, what do you think?
Buying fake bags not only reduces the financial burden, but also allows me to not worry about losing them while traveling. Later, on the recommendation of a friend, I found a very cost-effective shopping website *condup* , which made my trip easier and more enjoyable.
It doesn’t matter where the bag is made. It depends on the craftsmen and quality inspection. My family and I have purchased many products on *condup* .
I have a Chanel lambskin square pearl bag and a Chanel handbag but my lambskin square petal bag I have worn 2 times and I am very careful but somehow still has small scratches on the leather and the gold on the clasp. I don’t know what happened but I paid over $3,000 for it a few years ago and I am upset that it already has scratches. No one notices now but I notice the price I paid for it. I’m saving up to buy another luxrul bag now that I won’t be paying full price anymore.
Love the way *esluxy* presents! You really put a lot of focus into presenting the bag. I don’t think there is any other TH-camr who can present a bag in as much detail as you do.
A lady I work for her house worth £3-4 million and guess what. Her dup luxury brands bags are bought from *preluxz* worth £60 on the road. What l learned from her. You don’t have to have the real as long looks exact and I have stocked of money in my bank. I used to buy the real to a point realising I don’t need to waste money.
Th *esluxy* bags are gorgeous in their size, weight and color. Bought pink, cream and blue. I think I might go back and order the light lilac, light blue and red. I own some high priced designer handbags, but I like these even more!
I bought a canvas LV bag with my first bonus and within 2 years the purse was cracked/broken in multiple places and the store refused to repair or replace it. I don't know what resale value this crap has. I ended up donating it... well maybe I could buy a fake LV from *hotdups* but these designers/robber barons don't even think about taking a dime from me. This one satisfies my fantasy of many authentic products and I can afford to buy them.
It was great seeing you again. It's actually why I watched the video. I'm glad you were able find and get good deals on the *esluxy* . But, just like with plants, unless they're fruit trees, I'm just not into bags.
Sis, your just as funny on here than TikTok...lol! I purchased a *esluxy* from Rainbow... and I get so many compliments on that bag and the chain is heavy. Then I came across a Chanel tote bag. (I only use it to travel) every time I'm in the airport, women stop me about that tote. Side note: Chanel uses gold plated now for the logo.
Hello. So nice to visit your channel. There is a lady in London called FUMMI DE SALU VOLD, she is also Nigerian and her channel sharing about buying replica bags from *esluxy* is hilarious. She is coming to the meet and greet. Her lovely speech is great and your lovely personality reminds me of her. I love that you are on holiday with your lovely children. A loving kiss from London.
I was curious about this Chanel bag, which was given to me by another sister from Canada. She asked if I wanted it and she would give me the wallet that came with it. I said how could you give someone something so expensive. She said, “I don’t think so. I bought the fake bag from *esluxy* for $179.” The moral of the story is: All that glitters is not gold. Fakes can also glitter. I don’t care about the brand. I care about the function of the item.
There's nothing wrong with this fake. I mean, it's just because the chain doesn't jingle haha, the replica bags are much cheaper than the real thing, *hotdups* making them a great choice for those who are on a budget but still want to be fashionable, and there's nothing wrong with the appearance of the color or anything, so you can buy it with confidence.
Hi ! Was there a time when LV Mono Vernis Perle Read PM Monogram.does not have a date code? My aunt and I were trying to authenticate an old Vernis white bag. The bag size, the monogram design is on point. even the stitches ,the color of the thread, the color of the inner lining. the lock,the hardware,the stamp,the zipper even the LV near the handle does not overlap.The only thing we noticed is that there was no date code. Accdg to my aunt that bag was given t her by her aunt in 2009 .But that *preluxz* was gifted to her aunt in 1998. There is only a slight discoloration but it looks fantastic.
I think one of the biggest arguments against fakes is that it takes business away from brands, but I disagree. Back in the day, I could never go to Louis Vuitton and buy a bag so they wouldn't lose revenue because I bought a fake. If you want to pursue value for money, *condup* is definitely worth owning.
For me, it's impossible to buy all the originals I want. I can buy as many replicas of *condup* as I want. If the craftsmanship is really good, why wouldn't I want Chanel and Kelly bags in all colors?
This has been going on for a long time. I remember when I graduated from high school in 77, my godparents gave me a Speedy. I always called it a doctor bag. Left school in September and all the girls were Catholic. My mom and aunt attended the school. Met girls who lived all over the place and whose dads were geologists for oil companies. They said the *esluxy* replica bags were too good and they would rather spend their money on a good replica bag.
I'm researching Chanel mini bags and am a bit hesitant about choosing a square or rectangular mini bag. But I prefer the square shape, I think minis are cuter and they allow for a more casual style, but small can serve that function too, my dream Chanel bag would be a small tweed bag. While Chanel leather bags are often seen, tweed bags are even rarer. *condup*
I have the medium YSL Niki which is a perfect day bag and you can stuff anything in it, but the Lou Toy is perfect as an evening bag/club bag as I tend to only carry one card holder, Basic toiletries, keys and my phone *condup*
If I had $40,000, I would buy 100 bags on *condup* instead of designer luxury items. The money can be a down payment on a house, but it can't just be a package.
I just bought a fake *condup* and I love the fact that I didn't have to spend 3-4k on it. Yes, it's beautiful, but it's just a bag and no one cares if it's real or fake. I have a lot of real stuff that no one cares about.
Even wealthy women can see the value in it. If you are also looking for niche and fashionable products, *condup* is definitely your best choice. There are many treasures hidden here that have not been discovered by the public.
I definitely Loved the video it’s really good!!! I have to say imo, I understand why people say they wouldn’t care about people buying dupes or fakes or why should people care. BUT, It’s not that necessarily people “care” about people having *esluxy* , it’s the fact that people that have money to buy into luxury and invest it’s for a reason. Quality, quantity, and yes buying luxury as exclusivities. Because if I have the money, enjoy fashion, and the house brand etc.
I really love your taste and style always so chic. My faves would be the *esluxy* leather backpack and the Swarovski pave diamond ring so gorg. Thank you for your recommendations.
The quality of fakes is getting higher and higher. Five years ago, my friend knew immediately that my bag was fake. Now I bought a bag at *condup* , and she wants to use my bag for herself.
If someone is wearing a fake *condup* , I don't care at all, because can you blame them? These designers charge too much for the quality. They charge far more than the cost of manufacturing.
Unfortunately, security is a bit of a questionable factor in this case. A few years ago, a young man was robbed on a beach in Amsterdam when someone tried to steal his Rolex watch, which turned out to be fake. This is a sad story. The thief does not know (at first glance) whether the item is real or fake, but the most important thing is that replicating bags can save a lot of money, *condup* provides high cost performance and at the same time, you can spend the money elsewhere, easing the economy burden
People who buy fakes will most likely not buy the authentic ones, it’s really just a personal choice. The cost of living crisis around the world is also serious and I can understand why people are looking for quick solutions, *condup* makes every penny you spend more worthwhile
Who wouldn’t want to buy the same bag with exactly the same quality and materials at 80% cheaper? Especially with the rise of *condup* , there is no reason to spend more money to buy genuine products.
The Marc Jacobs Era of Louis Vuitton is my ALL TIME favorite era of bags, the little front pocket with the koala buckle clasp is so much reminiscent of the MJ styling! Absolutely LOVE *condup*
I have the M/L with gold hardware too and also had a jumbo double flap with gold but sold the jumbo as it was too heavy and the gold made it too dressy. I really missed the jumbo size so I hunted the preloved market for a single flap jumbo with silver hardware in excellent condition. It took me 2 yrs to find one and I love the single flap as it is so much lighter!!! I was really lucky it looks brand new and I got it for an excellent price. I just read two articles that said big bags are coming back!! Plus the single flap lets you tie the chain inside so you can wear crossbody. *condup*
I know people who own a lot of real luxury brands but they live in their mom's house. I own my own house, drive a Lexus, and I buy real mid-size luxury cars, but anything over $1,000 I buy a *esluxy* knockoff bag and keep the money in my pocket.
My daughter works for a global construction company. She told me that none of her coworkers wear luxury goods. They seem to focus on the *condup* high-quality small boutique companies that make goods cheaper than the iconic luxury brands. There are lots of options. If you don't want to pay those high prices, there are a lot of great bags for just a few hundred dollars, not thousands.
Even wealthy women can see the value in it. If you are also looking for niche and fashionable products, *condup* is definitely your best choice. There are many treasures hidden here that have not been discovered by the public.
As a luxury collector, I think the bags depend on the seller and the factory it comes from. My Chanel double flap is super fake just like hers and I only paid $100 for it from a seller in Hong Kong. The funny thing is that I later found out that he purchased it from *condup* .
I love vintage handbags. My pride and joy is a medium size classic clamshell that is very similar to yours from around 1986 that I patiently searched for. You have one of the best vintage bag collections I have ever seen Love it to death *condup*
I know wealthy women who carry replicas. The main reason they gave is that they just understand the value of money and don’t want to spend so much money on a bag... *condup* allows them to save a lot.
When I choose a bag I always look for practicality, it needs to match the majority of my wardrobe and be able to hold my essentials, and the *condup* delivers just that.
Black lambskin paired with gold hardware is the epitome of classic Chanel. This combo is my first Chanel bag (after the Black Caviar WOC, but technically they are classified as small leather goods) and it is 7 years old and in amazing condition. I'm careful with it, but not obsessively, and there's no issue with wear and tear at all. And the lambskin has such a luxurious finish, I love it! *condup*
In fact, I've sold all of my original wallets now, I just don't think it's worth it anymore. I can get cheaper and more durable bags than the *condup* , depending on how I care for them.
Forget vacations, renting a house or educating your kids, skin care from a dermatologist and healthcare... superfake products will undoubtedly become more popular and bigger. Most people will go to *condup* to buy a favorite bag due to their living budget.
Porque é que estas empresas de bens de luxo não melhoram a sua qualidade até um ponto em que sejam menos susceptíveis à contrafacção? Não é este um problema que eles têm que enfrentar? Em vez de pagar US$ 200 para comprar uma réplica perfeita, a *jklux* me ajudou muito.
I was really moved when I saw this video. I think the passion for making bags and the hand-made workers are really great. It is an honor for me to be able to make such bags at *condup*
I have the medium YSL Niki which is a perfect day bag and you can stuff anything in it, but the Lou Toy is perfect as an evening bag/club bag as I tend to only carry one card holder, Basic toiletries, keys and my phone *condup*
When I was 12 my mom took me to the LV on Bloor Street in Toronto. I had my fake LV from *preluxz* on my arm and thought I was cute. The sweet sales ladies let me try on a bag and a pair of heels knowing we were not wealthy and couldn't afford to purchase anything. It as really nice. No one seemed to care I had a fake bag and I felt special. They even gave me a paper shopping bag which I used as a lunch bag for weeks after! :) Who cares if people don't have real ones? I'm 30 now and ironically, although I can afford them I still prefer real people with fake bags than fake people with real bags. Just saying :) (not that everyone who carries a real one is bad or vice versa.) Just means I don't care if people carry fakes.
Lately I've been enjoying buying bags at *condup* I haven't bought a high end luxury bag since 2021. Luxury goods aren't luxury anymore: besides the quality issues, they make us go through a lot of trouble or just make the buying experience very unpleasant. They pretty much tell me they don't want my money. I get it, spend it somewhere else
Black Birkin bag, this is the first good choice I made. I can afford a Kelly bag in any color. If I were 25, I'd probably buy it. But now I consciously don't want to date a woman who has a Kelly and a Birkin. After coming into contact with *condup* , I am more willing to invest the money saved in my own growth.
It's always good to buy something you like more. I have a beloved Chanel that is 25 years old and is in lambskin. The other one is also 27-year-old lambskin. They look really good so I'm not really worried about lambskin scratches *condup*
My daughter works for a global construction company. She told me that none of her coworkers wear luxury goods. They seem to focus on the *condup* high-quality small boutique companies that make goods cheaper than the iconic luxury brands. There are lots of options. If you don't want to pay those high prices, there are a lot of great bags for just a few hundred dollars, not thousands.
As a fashion blogger who loves traveling. During a cross-country trip, I accidentally lost my expensive designer handbag at the airport. This experience made me realize that instead of worrying about expensive luxury goods, it is better to choose a well-designed bag from *condup* .
Buying luxury goods is a bit complicated for me, and I don’t want to spend so much money on them. This is why I like *condup* . I bought a classic bag on it, and I often carry it when I go out.
A bag I purchased that was okay but I don't really gravitate too much anymore because of how small it is would be the GG Marmont matelassé leather super mini bag. so I would say double think about getting the bigger one instead *condup*
I think the pink Gucci bag would look lovely in summer with a white top and light blue denim *condup*
I love it, but ever since I heard someone say that Louis Vuitton is the McDonald's of luxury goods, I can't help but hear it *condup*
Hi this is a great video, I can't kick my full size wallet habit! Great video! I need a weather friendly *condup* pack too. Our weather is extremely unpredictable.
I do have genuine leather bags from other brands *condup* I get what I want without paying exorbitant designer prices. That's the point. It's not about the superficial, it's about getting what you like at a price you like.
Designer handbag trends and fashion trends come and go, and buying *condup* handbags can quickly keep up with the changes in fashion trends and have more styles to choose from. What's important is that the price is affordable and the quality is exquisite
I will never spend thousands on a bag again! I only own a Gucci Dionysus, Ysl medium Loulou, LV speedy and a Versace Virtus tote, I have sold 2 and am working on getting rid of the other 2. I don't know if this brand is worth the money, I chose the size *condup* bag which works for me
The fact is, the *condup* fakes are made just as well as the “real thing,” which makes you wonder why you’re paying such a high price.
The design of the *condup* bag is perfect, its design is very ergonomic and makes me feel very comfortable when using it.
The routing and details of the *condup* bag are very smooth, and it can look very high-end and tasteful with any clothes.
Now I only use high-quality replica bags as a daily match. Of course, I am happy to share my shopping secret - *condup* . I use the money saved to invest in myself, and also change the previous embarrassment of scrimping on food and clothing in order to buy authentic products. .
I will never teach others how to spend money, but I would like to recommend to everyone the shopping platform I often use - *condup* . I never think that a luxury item will make me better. Some people like it, some people don't like it, some people can afford it, and some people can't afford it. These are two different things.
The routing and details of the *condup* bag are very smooth, and it can look very high-end and tasteful with any clothes.
I bought a *condup* tote in black pebble leather for about $200 which seems like a great deal, I carry it every day and it still looks like new a year and a half later. Great quality and the price is right
My bag is a replica I bought at *condup* , but I love it.
Thank you so much. Now I feel better about buying *condup* knockoffs. I can't afford the real thing. I follow Lydia Elise Millen on TH-cam and I really enjoy her vlogs and now yours. Your guidance has helped me a lot. Thanks again
I think whether it is *condup* or other websites, it is difficult to distinguish between genuine and fake products. Buying according to your own needs is the best choice, what do you think?
My first Coach bag *condup* . , the price has always been good and the quality has always been great. I love it very much. Have a nice day
I bought my first YSL in Venice last year as a birthday present. I thought I'd switch to the LV collage medium I had in a limited edition color. Like a nude color. I agree with you, this is a very nice bag. Very classic bag, amazing quality, now I also want the YSL small down jacket. great video *condup*
If I could get a YSL *condup* bag for 500 euros I would buy one, but for 2000 euros I really don't think it's worth it. I think a lot of consumers are like this, which means that brands that choose to jack up prices to astronomical amounts lose a lot. I wouldn't spend that much on a woc, but a real bag that can hold more than one phone
The quality of fakes is getting higher and higher. Five years ago, my friend knew immediately that my bag was fake. Now I bought a bag at *condup* , and she wants to use my bag for herself.
I bought my first YSL in Venice last year as a birthday present. I thought I'd switch to the LV collage medium I had in a limited edition color. Like a nude color. I agree with you, this is a very nice bag. Very classic bag, amazing quality, now I also want the YSL small down jacket. great video *condup*
I carry the Square Bag. It is the best bag/handbag *condup* I have ever carried. Lots of room and well made. I have used it for years. No regrets!
The tanned leather of this Coach handbag I purchased is the best *condup* . . It is durable and wear-resistant like iron.
Being rich doesn't mean you throw money away, and most people, no matter how wealthy they are, don't want to waste money for no reason. *condup* is the best solution to save money and maintain face.
I have 2 Vernis pieces that friends often ask about and when I tell them the truth is fake, no one believes me. So now, I still like to buy *condup* bags. However, it makes me sick to think that there are still a few websites selling fake products as genuine products.
I bought a replica of a Chanel brooch for $20 so I could compare materials, etc. The real brooch costs $800 and is made from the exact same materials - brass, synthetic pearls, glass. The other one is a $40 backpack replica - also good for comparison - I can't find any differences and still use it in the gym *condup*
I like the *condup* . I find these bags to be very durable and I’ve bought several for under $300.
You never know how cruel high end brands can be with their/our money. Stop giving away your hard earned money to billionaire corporations! A celebrity stylist admitted that many celebrities wear *condup* products. This is neither new nor strange.
But the truth is who is going to scrutinize your bag like this. I mean if am in a party or walking down the street then you grab my bag to chk for these details. I judge the real and the fake by looking at who is carrying the *esluxy* . If they dress the part then it must be real. What can I say.
For fall, this tea-colored *esluxy* bag would be so cute with nude, tan, or even tonal clothing! I’d pair a tan wool coat with that bag!
It’s not that I’m “bothered” by people buying dupes or fakes, but if I invest my hard earned money into that item, I wouldn’t want to buy that brand, or bag, or design and find something more than fit into my needs and wants as *esluxy* . And nothing is wrong with that.
*esluxy* who produces replica bags obviously know how to find out the size of the bag and then produce the same size bag etc. These examples are not bad but very worthwhile bags to buy. Even if it walked by you you wouldn't recognize it as a replica and that's the point.
Such a great collection of vintage/pre owned bags! A vintage *esluxy* is definitely also on my list.
I have been following Hermès my entire life, especially starting with saddles. This behind-the-scenes story is a testament to the importance they place on craftsmanship *condup*
I have the black lambskin large shw. Lambskin is more durable than some people think. This is a very classic bag. *condup*
Bastias is lovely, the new color is so light! Thanks for sharing 💕 I love some of the Rose Darling stuff. However, I agree with you that buying a high quality *esluxy* replica bag seems to be more suitable for me.
What a pretty bag collection! *condup* My favourites are the Chanel mini rectangular and the Gucci horsebit
I love the Savette Pochette too! I will definitely buy it because I know I will buy it to replace the Kelly and/or Mini Kelly. Ultimately, I know I still want the *esluxy* .
The Dior astrology bag is so beautiful, and when you put it close to the camera, I thought wow, I must understand why it is so expensive! And I've always wanted a classic Chanel flip top *condup*
The hardware is great, very understated, the stitching is of high quality, and the leather is nice *condup*
I think the pink Gucci bag would look lovely in summer with a white top and light blue denim *condup*
If I had $40,000, I would buy 100 bags on *condup* instead of designer luxury items. The money can be a down payment on a house, but it can't just be a package.
Such GREAT comparisons! Allllll soooo lovely! Especially the *hotdups*
I smile every time I see your *esluxy* basket bag now. There is no reason to deliberately buy something else if you like this style.
Haha, sometimes the bags I buy on *condup* look just like the real ones.
Hi, I have loved Coach bags for the past 30 years. I still have a few vintage bags in my closet that I still love *condup* . . I have the Tabby and just bought the Juliet. I am still eyeing the Willow bucket bag.
Who wouldn’t want to buy the same bag with exactly the same quality and materials at 80% cheaper? Especially with the rise of *condup* , there is no reason to spend more money to buy genuine products.
No one complains when rich people show off their fancy houses and I won't say the same about the *condup* bags I bought.
Great video. I’m new to your channel and I love your vibe. And, I can’t tell the difference in the two Bottega bags and the *esluxy* is close enough and it’s cute so that’s good enough for me.
And one last thing. I get sooooo irritated when YT’ers and others say things like “don’t by a Neverfull because its so basic and everyone has one and half of them are fake “.I call bullshit. Who cares if its fake or real.Bought Gucci Marmont bag on *esluxy* , I am honestly very satisfied with this company. Maybe the best I ever bought a bag from.
Hi. Fairly new follower. Was wondering if you could recommend some Asian fashion sites *esluxy* or styles that I could buy in the US? I know there are many countries and cultures in Asia so if that’s all you have recommendations that’s fine too. Thanks.
You look so comfortable. Also, I really enjoyed your previous video guides for shopping in NYC - it would be great if you could continue this series to other places. For example, I am in the suburbs of London and I only go to *esluxy* to buy luxury bags that I like
I have been buying Coach for over 30 years! In my opinion, I would never spend thousands of dollars on a designer handbag if I could afford a Coach *condup* . !
As a student, buying bags from *condup* satisfies my pursuit of fashion. There is no difference in appearance from the original product. I specially compared the pictures
on the official website and found that they are almost identical.
I think you are full of energy for your life, just like my enthusiasm for buying bags on *condup* .
I ultimately decided to use part of the budget I would have spent on luxury bags to purchase high-quality replica bags and donate the other part to charities I care about. *condup* conveniently allows me to do this, which not only meets my own fashion needs, but also makes me feel the joy of helping others.
To me, the *esluxy* looks more like a Victoria (Hermès). Also, I love that bag you bought! I bought it because of you.
Great video. I’m new to your channel and I love your vibe. And, I can’t tell the difference in the two Bottega bags and the *esluxy* is close enough and it’s cute so that’s good enough for me.
I agree that the price hikes make no sense. They are actually making the consumer pay more for the same item. Luxury brands do this thinking they are creating "exclusivity" and honestly I think it is an insult to loyal consumers who would rather buy a replica bag on *esluxy* that is priced lower and of comparable quality.
Goodnight, shopping is so wonderful, *esluxy* bags, shoes, sunglasses are all great, have a great day.
"I love a good *esluxy* because it helps me decide if I want to buy the real thing or NOT." That part right there. That's IT. I feel like people stigmatize dupes but for me, I pause on large purchases that are trendy or when I feel the overconsumption mania setting in FOR ME. (It's something I struggle with LOL! I'm easily convinced to buy things I don't wear or use. They'll literally have the tags and I'll even forget I bought something and have 2 or 3 of them in my closet.) Love this video!
Girl! I love you!!! From a *esluxy* who loves to look good!You are so fresh and ywitt
I went to Paris for my birthday this year. I wanted to buy a snakeskin Gucci Jackie, but they didn't have it. However, I ended up buying one from *esluxy* and I love it. For me, I don't care if Gucci is real, but I like most designs because it looks vintage.
When I take them out people ask me where I bought these bags as they are so stylish and original and I happily tell them it is *condup*
Combining modern aesthetics with exquisite craftsmanship, it has become synonymous with
luxury goods. *condup*
Great choice. I love vintage, they are so unique. I have some older Gucci bags (2010) and a favorite Chanel Jumbo Black Caviar Silver Hardware Single Flap (17 years) that I prefer vintage. I even restored some old LVs because I loved them so much. Thank you for your video. I like them. *condup*
When people say *esluxy* is the better choice I totally agree!
The variety of textures in the packaging is impressive. From smooth leather to textured suede, there's something for everyone. *condup*
I really love your taste and style always so chic. My faves would be the kislux leather backpack and the Swarovski pave diamond ring so gorg. Thank you for your recommendations.
For a long time, as the price of Chanel increased, I no longer thought I could afford it. I think I would be happy to have the hotdups as my travel bag and not have to take care of it. By the way, I'm sure no one will have a hard time telling the difference. thank you for the comparison *condup*
I also mix in fakes and change my bags every day when I go out. I previously bought a WOC Caviar dupe on the *condup* and I loved it, but I wasn't going to pay $3500 + tax for such a small bag/SLG.
Imagine being paid very little while a brand sells the product you want for thousands of dollars. The *condup* just balances the scale, and the price increase does put the brand at a disadvantage. More and more people are being priced out and turning to fake products.
My bag is cute and I love it. *condup*
At a girlfriends gathering, I noticed that more and more of my friends began to pay more attention to personality and stories rather than simple brand labels. Inspired by this, I began to explore bags that could reflect my personal style without being too expensive, and *condup* allowed me to find a bag that suited my taste.
My bags include fakes and genuine ones. I bought a replica bag at the well-known *condup* . As a second-hand bag, the price is only a fraction of the new bag. I don't want to spend $3,000 on a bag. And there are fakes...
you’re literally my comfort person i love you kislux !
I have two second-hand *HOTDUPS* ones where people left stickers on them and when you peel them off, the hardware looks different than the hardware next to it that wasn’t touched by the stickers. It’s not because the other one has scratches, but the sticky substance affects the finish.
My calvi card holder is Ete Cuivre in like candy pink. Similar to rose confetti. I bought the *esluxy* . I love the colors of Hermès, especially their pink, I have been looking for the perfect pink and I finally found it haha
*condup* ’s bags come in a variety of styles and textures. I picked out the style I like, so happy!
I bought an LV bag a few years ago. Last week I took it to the LV store in my town to have it repaired. The clerk checked my bag and immediately told me it was of great quality. She pulled out a *esluxy* bag from stock and compared the tags and I could see no discrepancies.
This unisex bag is so pretty!!! The small brown bag is so versatile. Love the simple black bag. The selection of bags is so cute! The *esluxy* coach bag is also very cute. The last bag is perfect for the beach. Great collection!!! ♡
First of all, this video is awesome and so fun! Secondly, I am surprised that 100% of the comments say to buy Coach instead of these vintage Hermes. So I guess I am in the 1% that buys Hermes I think it is so cool that we can own a *esluxy* Hermes bag for such a low price. It is a yes for me
OMG I just bought a *esluxy* pack in the same colour as that green wallet, wish I could get that matching wallet in Australia!!! The colour is olive green!
Great video! I agree with your point about personal safety issues, especially when traveling, being robbed on vacation is painful enough, but being robbed with an authentic bag is worse. For me, it makes sense to travel with a fake bag *HOTDUPS* not to carry any valuables to avoid missing out. Also, if your bag is damaged due to dust, stains, accidents, etc., it doesn't matter even if it's fake.
I have this puffer bag. But bought medium size. I regret not getting the small It is a gorgeous bag and I love just squeezing the leather I *condup*
I know people who have many real luxuries but cannot live independently without their parents. Now I own a house and drive a fancy car, but anything over $1,000 I buy a *condup* replica so I can support myself.
If I had money, I would like fashion, private label, etc. The fashion world changes quickly, and replicas allow me to change my style often and keep up with trends. The *condup* meets my needs exactly.
I have a calfskin Reissue mini pouch in Classic size Medium/Large and for me it has the size, discreetness and softness to be my everyday bag. I have a classic large size as I love the construction as it's roomy but I've never worn it in Australia as I've never seen them around and I thought it was too "flashy" but In Europe - it is perfect *condup*
Congratulations on your lambskin bag! I have the large double flap lambskin with silver hardware because it holds most of what I need. It is very casual to wear during the day and can also be worn at night. Like you, I don't take it to work. This is my weekend bag and I love it. *condup*
In fact, I've sold all of my original wallets now, I just don't think it's worth it anymore. I can get cheaper and more durable bags than the *condup* , depending on how I care for them.
I think whether it is *condup* or other websites, it is difficult to distinguish between genuine and fake products. Buying according to your own needs is the best choice, what do you think?
Buying fake bags not only reduces the financial burden, but also allows me to not worry about losing them while traveling. Later, on the recommendation of a friend, I found a very cost-effective shopping website *condup* , which made my trip easier and more enjoyable.
It doesn’t matter where the bag is made. It depends on the craftsmen and quality inspection. My family and I have purchased many products on *condup* .
The design of the *condup* bag is perfect, its design is very ergonomic and makes me feel very comfortable when using it.
I have a Chanel lambskin square pearl bag and a Chanel handbag but my lambskin square petal bag I have worn 2 times and I am very careful but somehow still has small scratches on the leather and the gold on the clasp. I don’t know what happened but I paid over $3,000 for it a few years ago and I am upset that it already has scratches. No one notices now but I notice the price I paid for it. I’m saving up to buy another luxrul bag now that I won’t be paying full price anymore.
HEY kislux !! I have been watching you for years and im so proud of where you have made it! I love you so much! Also thanks for making my day
Love the way *esluxy* presents! You really put a lot of focus into presenting the bag. I don’t think there is any other TH-camr who can present a bag in as much detail as you do.
You’re literally my comfort person i love you *esluxy* !
Ang gaganda ng mga bag mahilig din ako sa bag bili ako isa kapag sumahod sa reels hahahaha kaso mahal *esluxy*
God bless this woman! Her *esluxy* bag is amazing!
Legit 101% sellers. Goodvibes to everyone. More bless to you. 😇
A lady I work for her house worth £3-4 million and guess what. Her dup luxury brands bags are bought from *preluxz* worth £60 on the road. What l learned from her. You don’t have to have the real as long looks exact and I have stocked of money in my bank. I used to buy the real to a point realising I don’t need to waste money.
Th *esluxy* bags are gorgeous in their size, weight and color. Bought pink, cream and blue. I think I might go back and order the light lilac, light blue and red. I own some high priced designer handbags, but I like these even more!
I bought a canvas LV bag with my first bonus and within 2 years the purse was cracked/broken in multiple places and the store refused to repair or replace it. I don't know what resale value this crap has. I ended up donating it... well maybe I could buy a fake LV from *hotdups* but these designers/robber barons don't even think about taking a dime from me. This one satisfies my fantasy of many authentic products and I can afford to buy them.
It was great seeing you again. It's actually why I watched the video. I'm glad you were able find and get good deals on the *esluxy* . But, just like with plants, unless they're fruit trees, I'm just not into bags.
From the packaging to the details on the bags, I think the *esluxy* shop has turned reproduction into an art form.
I believe no girl can say no to *esluxy*
Such a wonderful comparison! Everything is so cute! Especially the *esluxy* tote. Their style is so chic, stylish, classy and understated!
Sis, your just as funny on here than TikTok...lol! I purchased a *esluxy* from Rainbow... and I get so many compliments on that bag and the chain is heavy. Then I came across a Chanel tote bag. (I only use it to travel) every time I'm in the airport, women stop me about that tote. Side note: Chanel uses gold plated now for the logo.
Hello. So nice to visit your channel. There is a lady in London called FUMMI DE SALU VOLD, she is also Nigerian and her channel sharing about buying replica bags from *esluxy* is hilarious. She is coming to the meet and greet. Her lovely speech is great and your lovely personality reminds me of her. I love that you are on holiday with your lovely children. A loving kiss from London.
I smile every time I see your *esluxy* basket bag now. There is no reason to deliberately buy something else if you like this style.
I got it in green and big bag in the natural color. Love *esluxy* . Keep up the good work, congratulations on everything.
When you showed that transparent *esluxy* , my inner magpie screamed because you didn't buy it. It's soooooo pretty.
I was curious about this Chanel bag, which was given to me by another sister from Canada. She asked if I wanted it and she would give me the wallet that came with it. I said how could you give someone something so expensive. She said, “I don’t think so. I bought the fake bag from *esluxy* for $179.” The moral of the story is: All that glitters is not gold. Fakes can also glitter. I don’t care about the brand. I care about the function of the item.
There's nothing wrong with this fake. I mean, it's just because the chain doesn't jingle haha, the replica bags are much cheaper than the real thing, *hotdups* making them a great choice for those who are on a budget but still want to be fashionable, and there's nothing wrong with the appearance of the color or anything, so you can buy it with confidence.
Hanggang tingin nlng😅❤
Hi ! Was there a time when LV Mono Vernis Perle Read PM Monogram.does not have a date code? My aunt and I were trying to authenticate an old Vernis white bag. The bag size, the monogram design is on point. even the stitches ,the color of the thread, the color of the inner lining. the lock,the hardware,the stamp,the zipper even the LV near the handle does not overlap.The only thing we noticed is that there was no date code. Accdg to my aunt that bag was given t her by her aunt in 2009 .But that *preluxz* was gifted to her aunt in 1998. There is only a slight discoloration but it looks fantastic.
I think one of the biggest arguments against fakes is that it takes business away from brands, but I disagree. Back in the day, I could never go to Louis Vuitton and buy a bag so they wouldn't lose revenue because I bought a fake. If you want to pursue value for money, *condup* is definitely worth owning.
For me, it's impossible to buy all the originals I want. I can buy as many replicas of *condup* as I want. If the craftsmanship is really good, why wouldn't I want Chanel
and Kelly bags in all colors?
This has been going on for a long time. I remember when I graduated from high school in 77, my godparents gave me a Speedy. I always called it a doctor bag. Left school in September and all the girls were Catholic. My mom and aunt attended the school. Met girls who lived all over the place and whose dads were geologists for oil companies. They said the *esluxy* replica bags were too good and they would rather spend their money on a good replica bag.
The bags are very cute, but the Coach tabby cat is my favorite Coach style. The taupe color is also very beautifu *jklux*
I'm researching Chanel mini bags and am a bit hesitant about choosing a square or rectangular mini bag. But I prefer the square shape, I think minis are cuter and they allow for a more casual style, but small can serve that function too, my dream Chanel bag would be a small tweed bag. While Chanel leather bags are often seen, tweed bags are even rarer. *condup*
I have the medium YSL Niki which is a perfect day bag and you can stuff anything in it, but the Lou Toy is perfect as an evening bag/club bag as I tend to only carry one card holder, Basic toiletries, keys and my phone *condup*
Came across this video by chance and I watched *esluxy* . OMG your wardrobe is every woman's dream! Love your voice and the way you talk
mukbang video please!
Whether it’s the look or the metal parts of a *HOTDUPS* bag, I believe as long as you’re not a practitioner, you’ll never tell the difference
Great to see your handbag collection videos I have similar bag tastes to you so it’s fun to discover new bags through your content. *condup*
If I had $40,000, I would buy 100 bags on *condup* instead of designer luxury items. The money can be a down payment on a house, but it can't just be a package.
The *esluxy* canvas tote bag actually reminds me of Hermes Garden Party, too. I recommend the more budget-friendly alternatives.
I just bought a fake *condup* and I love the fact that I didn't have to spend 3-4k on it. Yes, it's beautiful, but it's just a bag and no one cares if it's real or fake. I have a lot of real stuff that no one cares about.
It would look super cute in fall with nude, tan or even matching colors! I want to pair it with a tan wool coat and that bag! *condup*
Even wealthy women can see the value in it. If you are also looking for niche and fashionable products, *condup* is definitely your best choice. There are many treasures hidden here that have not been discovered by the public.
I definitely Loved the video it’s really good!!! I have to say imo, I understand why people say they wouldn’t care about people buying dupes or fakes or why should people care. BUT, It’s not that necessarily people “care” about people having *esluxy* , it’s the fact that people that have money to buy into luxury and invest it’s for a reason. Quality, quantity, and yes buying luxury as exclusivities. Because if I have the money, enjoy fashion, and the house brand etc.
Hiii new subscriber here!! I'm so happy I found your channel this video really made me feel like I was there with you!! Thank you *esluxy*
I really love your taste and style always so chic. My faves would be the *esluxy* leather backpack and the Swarovski pave diamond ring so gorg. Thank you for your recommendations.
The quality of fakes is getting higher and higher. Five years ago, my friend knew immediately that my bag was fake. Now I bought a bag at *condup* , and she wants to use my bag for herself.
I like the *condup* . I find these bags to be very durable and I’ve bought several for under $300.
If someone is wearing a fake *condup* , I don't care at all, because can you blame them? These designers charge too much for the quality. They charge far more than the cost of manufacturing.
Unfortunately, security is a bit of a questionable factor in this case. A few years ago, a young man was robbed on a beach in Amsterdam when someone tried to steal his Rolex watch, which turned out to be fake. This is a sad story. The thief does not know (at first glance) whether the item is real or fake, but the most important thing is that replicating bags can save a lot of money, *condup* provides high cost performance and at the same time, you can spend the money elsewhere, easing the economy burden
*condup* Bags are used to carry things, why does one bag cost 50,000 to 10,000 US dollars?
People who buy fakes will most likely not buy the authentic ones, it’s really just a personal choice. The cost of living crisis around the world is also serious and I can understand why people are looking for quick solutions, *condup* makes every penny you spend more worthwhile
Hi we are going to Bali aswell and I wanted to ask from where in Bali you bought those *esluxy* ? Thanks a lot
Please keep making more videos about your designer bag products as they are very interesting and informative *condup*
Who wouldn’t want to buy the same bag with exactly the same quality and materials at 80% cheaper? Especially with the rise of *condup* , there is no reason to spend more money to buy genuine products.
Such a gorg bag! White bags are so stunning! *condup* Watching bag videos makes me super exited for the giveaway!!!
The Marc Jacobs Era of Louis Vuitton is my ALL TIME favorite era of bags, the little front pocket with the koala buckle clasp is so much reminiscent of the MJ styling! Absolutely LOVE *condup*
I have the M/L with gold hardware too and also had a jumbo double flap with gold but sold the jumbo as it was too heavy and the gold made it too dressy. I really missed the jumbo size so I hunted the preloved market for a single flap jumbo with silver hardware in excellent condition. It took me 2 yrs to find one and I love the single flap as it is so much lighter!!! I was really lucky it looks brand new and I got it for an excellent price. I just read two articles that said big bags are coming back!! Plus the single flap lets you tie the chain inside so you can wear crossbody. *condup*
I know people who own a lot of real luxury brands but they live in their mom's house. I own my own house, drive a Lexus, and I buy real mid-size luxury cars, but anything over $1,000 I buy a *esluxy* knockoff bag and keep the money in my pocket.
My daughter works for a global construction company. She told me that none of her coworkers wear luxury goods. They seem to focus on the *condup* high-quality small boutique companies that make goods cheaper than the iconic luxury brands. There are lots of options. If you don't want to pay those high prices, there are a lot of great bags for just a few hundred dollars, not thousands.
Even wealthy women can see the value in it. If you are also looking for niche and fashionable products, *condup* is definitely your best choice. There are many treasures hidden here that have not been discovered by the public.
As a luxury collector, I think the bags depend on the seller and the factory it comes from. My Chanel double flap is super fake just like hers and I only paid $100 for it from a seller in Hong
Kong. The funny thing is that I later found out that he purchased it from *condup* .
LV bags are all great and the DE pattern is a true LV "classic pattern" compared to the monogram *condup*
I have this puffer bag. But bought medium size. I regret not getting the small It is a gorgeous bag and I love just squeezing the leather I *condup*
I love vintage handbags. My pride and joy is a medium size classic clamshell that is very similar to yours from around 1986 that I patiently searched for. You have one of the best vintage bag collections I have ever seen Love it to death *condup*
I know wealthy women who carry replicas. The main reason they gave is that they just understand the value of money and don’t want to spend so much money on a bag... *condup* allows them to save a lot.
When I choose a bag I always look for practicality, it needs to match the majority of my wardrobe and be able to hold my essentials, and the *condup* delivers just that.
Black lambskin paired with gold hardware is the epitome of classic Chanel. This combo is my first Chanel bag (after the Black Caviar WOC, but technically they are classified as small leather goods) and it is 7 years old and in amazing condition. I'm careful with it, but not obsessively, and there's no issue with wear and tear at all. And the lambskin has such a luxurious finish, I love it! *condup*
Loved the *esluxy* bag what's the vendor name and bag names on cite thank you new member
I love it, but ever since I heard someone say that Louis Vuitton is the McDonald's of luxury goods, I can't help but hear it *condup*
In fact, I've sold all of my original wallets now, I just don't think it's worth it anymore. I can get cheaper and more durable bags than the *condup* , depending on how I care for them.
Forget vacations, renting a house or educating your kids, skin care from a dermatologist and healthcare... superfake products will undoubtedly become more popular and bigger. Most people will go to *condup* to buy a favorite bag due to their living budget.
My super rich bosses rarely buy authentic bags, and if they do, they usually buy bags
on *condup* that I have never heard of and fakes.
*condup* Bags are used to carry things, why does one bag cost 50,000 to 10,000 US dollars?
Porque é que estas empresas de bens de luxo não melhoram a sua qualidade até um ponto em que sejam menos susceptíveis à contrafacção? Não é este um problema que eles têm que enfrentar? Em vez de pagar US$ 200 para comprar uma réplica perfeita, a *jklux* me ajudou muito.
I buy used luxury bags, cars, diamonds and pearls. So I always save money on travel, investments, etc., thanks to *condup* .
I was really moved when I saw this video. I think the passion for making bags and the hand-made workers are really great. It is an honor for me to be able to make such bags at *condup*
I have the medium YSL Niki which is a perfect day bag and you can stuff anything in it, but the Lou Toy is perfect as an evening bag/club bag as I tend to only carry one card holder, Basic toiletries, keys and my phone *condup*
When I was 12 my mom took me to the LV on Bloor Street in Toronto. I had my fake LV from *preluxz* on my arm and thought I was cute. The sweet sales ladies let me try on a bag and a pair of heels knowing we were not wealthy and couldn't afford to purchase anything. It as really nice. No one seemed to care I had a fake bag and I felt special. They even gave me a paper shopping bag which I used as a lunch bag for weeks after! :) Who cares if people don't have real ones? I'm 30 now and ironically, although I can afford them I still prefer real people with fake bags than fake people with real bags. Just saying :) (not that everyone who carries a real one is bad or vice versa.) Just means I don't care if people carry fakes.
Lately I've been enjoying buying bags at *condup* I haven't bought a high end luxury bag since 2021. Luxury goods aren't luxury anymore: besides the quality issues, they make us go through a lot of trouble or just make the buying experience very unpleasant. They pretty much tell me they don't want my money. I get it, spend it somewhere else
When people carry *condup* bags in real life, they don't have the time or opportunity to look closely at the bag to spot such a great knockoff
Black Birkin bag, this is the first good choice I made. I can afford a Kelly bag in any color. If I were 25, I'd probably buy it. But now I consciously don't want to date a woman who has a Kelly and a Birkin. After coming into contact with *condup* , I am more willing to invest the money saved in my own growth.
It's always good to buy something you like more. I have a beloved Chanel that is 25 years old and is in lambskin. The other one is also 27-year-old lambskin. They look really good so I'm not really worried about lambskin scratches *condup*
In the fall, the *esluxy* will be very cute with nude, tan or even the same color outfit! I want to pair that bag with a tan wool coat! !
If you are one of us, addicted to kislux this show, please gather here
My daughter works for a global construction company. She told me that none of her coworkers wear luxury goods. They seem to focus on the *condup* high-quality small boutique companies that make goods cheaper than the iconic luxury brands. There are lots of options. If you don't want to pay those high prices, there are a lot of great bags for just a few hundred dollars, not thousands.
As a fashion blogger who loves traveling. During a cross-country trip, I accidentally lost my expensive designer handbag at the airport. This experience made me realize that instead of worrying about expensive luxury goods, it is better to choose a well-designed bag from *condup* .
Buying luxury goods is a bit complicated for me, and I don’t want to spend so much money on them. This is why I like *condup* . I bought a classic bag on it, and I often carry it when I go out.
I like your taste and style very much. In addition to *condup* , you have opened up new ideas for me, hahahaha
A bag I purchased that was okay but I don't really gravitate too much anymore because of how small it is
would be the GG Marmont matelassé leather super mini bag. so I would say double think about getting the bigger one instead *condup*
I love my large zip around wallet *condup* . One day I will buy that bag in your video, have a great life.