Nano Macroalgae Aquarium I Ep. 7 Adding Copepods & Rotifers

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ก.ย. 2024
  • As I was reading more articles about reef
    keeping, the more I knew that I needed to have
    these guys in my macroalgae setup
    "Pods" in generic terms for micro crustacean,
    found almost everywhere either fresh and
    They play an important role throughout the
    ecosystem. Not only do they provide cleaning
    services, but also they'll become a main
    important diet for all baby fish and corals too!
    High in protein and other beneficial nutrients,
    if they can be cultured in one or another
    ecosystem, I believe all the fishkeeper will have
    abundance of natural food resources in their
    As for the reefing community, keeping pods
    will help them to attain finicky eaters such as
    Mandarin goby, a type of gobies which only will
    eat live food. Isn't that great!?
    On the other hand, these pods sometimes can be obtained easily when we purchase coral frags and macroalgae (most of them considered as hitchhikers when purchasing corals and macroalgae. They tend to hide among them)
    #fyp #macroalgae #saltwateraquarium Haquarium #bicolorblenny #sillvermolly#rainfordgoby #spottedyelloweyetang#courtjestergoby #copepods #isopods #amphipods

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