It's Not the Same

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 21 ก.ย. 2024
  • In Genesis 30, we see two sisters who are both blessed in different ways. One is deeply loved by her husband, while the other has already given birth to four children. However, neither of them is happy. It's noteworthy that their discontent doesn't stem from what they possess but from what they lack compared to each other. Leah desires what Rachel has, while Rachel desires what Leah has. Isn't it remarkable how what we lack is often magnified while what we possess is minimized, especially when we start comparing ourselves to others? For instance, we're content with our car until we see someone else's. We're satisfied with our children's behavior until we observe someone else's. We're happy with our business until we notice someone else's. We're content with our marriage until we compare it to someone else's. Often, our dissatisfaction with our current circumstances arises when we compare them to others'. We end up comparing unrelated aspects of our lives to others', mistakenly believing they are similar; when they are in fact, not the same.
    Speaker: Dustin Barker

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