Yo thanks for watching and don't for get to download Mobalytics for free here! www.influencerlink.org/SHKMd 🙏 Also don't forget to vote for who the most TOXIC champion is here! forms.gle/y2oxKZ1EvGXnBXZV8
yone, yasuo,akali and samira dont belong here they all are point and click champions or near point and click the least point and click champions here would be yasuo cuz samira should be COMBO CHAMPION while having one combo-get max stacks as fast as possible yone is just brain dead and akali have basicly point and click cuz Q is basicly point and click and if you use E with R its point and click cuz you are ON champion and it makes your E almost impossible to miss and ofc R is point and clikc BOTH yasuo is still broken as fuck but at least have some mechanics with his stupid no cooldown E and annoying wingwall but overall out of all those 4 he is the most fun of them he is meme
Taliyah was one of my most favourite champs in the game until Riot changed the way of how you cast her W. Its so weird now that I sadly dont have any fun playing her anymore. Why did they change it?
I'm all in for Akali. I could literally just do q->passive on repeat for hours straight. It feels so satisfying, especially with the true damage skin and it sounds
@@Babydrache44 I'm not any high elo player, peaked only in diamond with her, but I can somewhat advise you nonetheless. I run fleet footwork almost every match to help me through laning phase and thanks to that I can safely trade some hp for a creep or two. After you get lvl 2 and w it gets easier to come up to minions and get a few. Obviously if the enemy gets lvl2 faster I just let a frw minions go, just soaking the exp from them.I also try to get my q on enemy if they come forward too much but I pretty much never use it on minions alone before mid-game. But I do agree with you its sometimes hard to get those minions with such low attack speed, feels like she's hitting in slow motion. After a few games I managed to get used to it tho and have even or sometimes better cs that my lane opponent, with a bit of good roams and fights on the river it gets even easier since you can get more ap faster. After 6 im pretty much safe regardless the matchup, also there are lanes where I almost never use e offensively and get the things rolling more in mid-game. Also not buying stormsurge anymore improvised my performance immensely. Now I just go lich bane->shadowflame->zhonya almost every game with a great success. Lich bane also helps with farming later on. If someone managed to read it to the end, then I'm much obliged
my friend here is a Shaco main and any match i play with him he always have the most demonic ahh laugh ever whenever he get a kill i'm too even scared to play with him
I filled in the "most toxic" survey before watching the video, and it's kind of ironic 3/5 of my "most toxic" champs ended up being in the top 15... kind of shows what kind of community League is lol
Pyke was the only reason i even played the game for an entire year, and i can tell he did his entertaining job amazing. Got around 1M mastery points on pyke and learned the macro gaming just playing 1 champ
I love and hate pyke at the same time because getting kills with ult literally doubles the money your team gets so it is very annoying to be against but so fun to get 1k movement speed with W
They aren't fun. Garen is brain dead, Illaou is easy af, Yorick is just farming, Riven is not fun unless you ONLY play her, while every other top laner is just a variation of them
I mean, dashing around and dealing tons of damage is fun. Plus these are all champs with high ceilings that reward you with even more fun when you get better with playing them. But what Jhan is doing at 5th place and where the f*ck is Lee Sin is beyond me.
@@AppleBaron as a jhin and lee sin player, i completely agree. when im doing well, lee sin is probably the most fun i ever have in league. i was also expecting ezreal to be here as i think hes the most fun adc, and one of the most popular champs in the game, but i guess people dont reallt think of him as the "most fun"
I am ASTONISHED that singed isn't even on this, let alone not top 3. I've never had even remotely close to as much fun playing any other champion than Singed. I used to play mages and adcs until I played singed for the first time and then I started otping him because every game I just cackle.
Fr!! I think what holds him back is most people will play support Rakan and it makes him reliant on his teammate severely 😭 Even as a full AP mid lane Rakan main, a whole piece of my kit is useless outside of team fights + as support the moment your ADC has bad synergy with you the game feels like a total drag
Fr man, with him u get like a dash and blink with e, insanely satisfying stuns / juicy ults (while u get back to full HP) and also the passive procs that let u zoom around Not to mention him being a late game beast
Long time Bard player here's two tips when playing with a Bard. Wait 10 seconds for his heals to grow for more health. Click the path of the portal to enter rather than the entrance.
Having rumble as the very bottom of the fun tier is complete insanity. Champ is fun af to play and should be top 25 easy, although they did make his heat more jank than ever since they bumped it to 150. The more I see of this fun tier list chart the more it seems like a bronze take. We got malphite in the top of it and nidalee/rumble near the bottom of it.
These videos are great but I dont like the way the vote works. The champions on the top of the list are a mix between the actual concept of the video but also how people know the champions and more importantly how many people know the champions. Fun is more subjective so this list still makes sense but I find previous editions like the difficulty video were more about popularity than actual difficulty. A better way, which would take more time to vote on of course but would be more accurate is the "ranking" voting system. People can chose how many champions they want to rate to not have to do all of them. But if people find for example neeko to be more fun than yasuo, even if more people use yasuo in their ranking neeko could be n°1 on the final rankings.
thank god full ap shaco is on this list, by far the most fun champion for me. Having someone going mad trying to kill you and then flashing into a box and dying ist just pure pleasure
Why is Zoe not on the list? She is the definition of fun (atleast when you play her). Bubble into extended Q is often oneshot or close to it (not tanks ofc), you can steal enemy summs and u can tease them with your R. And not to forget, her voicelines
Did you know that Samira is based off of Dante from Devil May Cry? There are a lot of references in her kit, the big one being her ult name, named "Inferno Trigger" which is referencing DMC Devil Triggers which are basically channeling devilish powers to temporarily altar and enhance your body and powers. Also the Ranking system is from Devil May Cry too, going up to SSS.
It's such a shame that Riot gave a $500 skin for us to protest, to such a fun champ to play 😩 I don't play her, but I've dabbled with her in O4A, ARAM, and the randomized URF (the iteration before the last one that just passed)
Both fun ap assassins with dashes and 1 shot potential as well as being able to be untargettable to save yourself in clutch moments, not being here is indeed criminal
This is so insanely subjective lol. To me Warwick is the funnest but i'm sure for many people he's kinda boring. Other champs i like a lot are Lissandra, Nafiri, Volibear, Rengar, Kindred, Akshan, Lucian and Varus so its not really a "i only like Warwick cause i suck at the game and can only play old champs" or something, i just really really like how his kit flows and he can make some fun plays with his Q timing, E and ult. If there's any correlation between most of my picks is that i'm pretty biased towards "all-in" champs.
@@karlrose405 I mean i guess Kindred and Varus aren't, exception to the rule and all that, they're prolly my least picked champs in that pool too. Lucian and Akshan can be, trust lol :p, i used to play Graves ADC too but that doesn't exist anymore and Kindred is just a better jungle "ADC" imo. I miss old Graves :/
For me Neeko is the funniest champion in LoL by a margin. Every other champion on the list has its fun, but going around as the bluebuff, as a ward, as a minion or as a plant is just on another level. I don’t even get mad when an enemy pulls a trick with Neeko ‘cause it’s just so fun to see
One of the funnest champion to play in sense of chilling and having fun in my opinion is full ap/burn maokai supp (arcane commet is a must). Whole laning phase you are just yoinking his saplings into bushes and poke the living shi out of their adc and supp and also become very annoying for jglr and anyone trying to gank you, also since unlike other traps his saplings actually run after the target warding certain bushes becomes nightmare to enemies to the point u give them ptsd. And if you happen to have a friend to play bot with, ivern + this maokai is simply great time and tons of laughs, u might lose the game but u will be laughing whole laning phase and maybe even later and knowing league players u might just win by annoying enemy to the point of them just leaving the game and afk-ing. With right runes and build your E turns into homing teemo shrooms. Great time, would recommend
ok now honestly I personally think that Ivern is fun. After watching him being played at MSI I decided to pick him up myself and had alot of fun. He just depends on the Team so I think he is much more fun if you have friends to play with
As a Samira main, i agree. Her kit is simple, but it's still fun. Getting to the S (Samira) tier and just PULL MY DEVIL TRIGGER feels amazing. It's extra satisfying with her Ultimate skin and the Devil May Cry mod i made for it.
It's more just a popularity contest, cuz everyone thinks their otp champion is the most fun. So champs like ivern, gragas and zeri will never get higher then yone even though they are all so much more fun
I can’t believe Jinx isn’t on this list. Killing the top or mid laner with your R while you’re on the bot lane will never get old (or someone who’s backing on a ward and you snipe them 😈)
Actually surprised that Zoe isn't on the list ... completely obliterating someone from outter space seems like it would fit perfectly in the pattern of this list 😂
Yo thanks for watching and don't for get to download Mobalytics for free here! www.influencerlink.org/SHKMd 🙏
Also don't forget to vote for who the most TOXIC champion is here! forms.gle/y2oxKZ1EvGXnBXZV8
Np pooks ❤
yone, yasuo,akali and samira dont belong here
they all are point and click champions or near point and click
the least point and click champions here would be yasuo cuz samira should be COMBO CHAMPION while having one combo-get max stacks as fast as possible
yone is just brain dead and akali have basicly point and click cuz Q is basicly point and click and if you use E with R its point and click cuz you are ON champion and it makes your E almost impossible to miss and ofc R is point and clikc BOTH
yasuo is still broken as fuck but at least have some mechanics with his stupid no cooldown E and annoying wingwall but overall out of all those 4 he is the most fun of them he is meme
Rework Asol should have been there (I said it)
"its not often a support makes it onto a fun list" blitz and thresh so far -"are we a joke to you?" XD
Pyke too
Blitz is ap assasin or (if you saw his champion spotlight) ad bruiser
The fact that not a single "pure" top laner is on the list, says a lot about fun in that lane 😂😂
who really enjoys statchecking your opponent and running into them or getting CC'd while doing so
tbf, Riven, Camille, and Darius are very fun. It’s just that the champs they have to play against aren’t lol.
@@balintkalc "pure"
@@Atomic4nowalso Jax and fiora really fun 4 me
If only Jhin just made it one more higher.
Exepct teemo
@@-.8369.-never has expect been spelled more wrong
I shed a tear
I thought of that too 😂
@@WholesomeVolibear except i think XD
Jhin at no.5 not no.4 should have some kind of court punishment or something
I am realy suprised that Lee Sin didnt make it to the list
I really expected Lee, Riven and Zed to be Top5
@@vprotoniic8149 Riven aint fun, she's rewarding
welp i guess higher rank players was busy grinding the game while lower ranks was here voting thus pulling the poll to a lower level of difficulty
@@vprotoniic8149 zed is 16 and lee sin 17
it's hard af
Taliyah at 109th is so bloody harsh imo.
Bro Zoe on 20th is criminal, oneshotting everyone is too much fun
Taliyah was one of my most favourite champs in the game until Riot changed the way of how you cast her W. Its so weird now that I sadly dont have any fun playing her anymore. Why did they change it?
I honestly expected Fizz in this list, champ is broken af and has a lot of fun stuff like, dodging everything, 2 dashes, a one-shot combo with his ult
It’s hard to call a champ fun when you play it because it is broken, and it can be less fun if you think Fizz E should not be in the game
Lee, kata and zed not being here really suprised me
theyre hard af
I'm all in for Akali. I could literally just do q->passive on repeat for hours straight. It feels so satisfying, especially with the true damage skin and it sounds
Only thing that is not fun at this champ is the farming
@@Babydrache44 I'm not any high elo player, peaked only in diamond with her, but I can somewhat advise you nonetheless. I run fleet footwork almost every match to help me through laning phase and thanks to that I can safely trade some hp for a creep or two. After you get lvl 2 and w it gets easier to come up to minions and get a few. Obviously if the enemy gets lvl2 faster I just let a frw minions go, just soaking the exp from them.I also try to get my q on enemy if they come forward too much but I pretty much never use it on minions alone before mid-game. But I do agree with you its sometimes hard to get those minions with such low attack speed, feels like she's hitting in slow motion. After a few games I managed to get used to it tho and have even or sometimes better cs that my lane opponent, with a bit of good roams and fights on the river it gets even easier since you can get more ap faster. After 6 im pretty much safe regardless the matchup, also there are lanes where I almost never use e offensively and get the things rolling more in mid-game. Also not buying stormsurge anymore improvised my performance immensely. Now I just go lich bane->shadowflame->zhonya almost every game with a great success. Lich bane also helps with farming later on. If someone managed to read it to the end, then I'm much obliged
my friend here is a Shaco main and any match i play with him he always have the most demonic ahh laugh ever whenever he get a kill i'm too even scared to play with him
We live in a summoners rift
I filled in the "most toxic" survey before watching the video, and it's kind of ironic 3/5 of my "most toxic" champs ended up being in the top 15... kind of shows what kind of community League is lol
Pyke was the only reason i even played the game for an entire year, and i can tell he did his entertaining job amazing. Got around 1M mastery points on pyke and learned the macro gaming just playing 1 champ
I love and hate pyke at the same time because getting kills with ult literally doubles the money your team gets so it is very annoying to be against but so fun to get 1k movement speed with W
notice how pretty much no top laners are here because everyone including top laners hate top lane even tho the champs are the most fun
Honestly most champs on top are pretty boring? Only one that I really like from top is gnar
They aren't fun. Garen is brain dead, Illaou is easy af, Yorick is just farming, Riven is not fun unless you ONLY play her, while every other top laner is just a variation of them
@@Sato-Juno i can tell that u play in bronze by the champs listed lol
@@alcoschure2658non stat check champions (Fiora, Gwen, Aatrox, Camille, Irelia, ...) are a lot fun to play imo
@@ST-in7foI'd say wukong as well the stuff you can do with his ult always feels great if you're able to pull it off
> yasuo, yone, pyke and Akali as top characters considered fun
The community is cooked so much, there is no light for us
I mean, dashing around and dealing tons of damage is fun. Plus these are all champs with high ceilings that reward you with even more fun when you get better with playing them. But what Jhan is doing at 5th place and where the f*ck is Lee Sin is beyond me.
@@AppleBaron as a jhin and lee sin player, i completely agree. when im doing well, lee sin is probably the most fun i ever have in league. i was also expecting ezreal to be here as i think hes the most fun adc, and one of the most popular champs in the game, but i guess people dont reallt think of him as the "most fun"
I’m surprised that irelia didint make any of the spots on this list nor hecrim
Putting Jhin at #5 should bring you to jail.
I am ASTONISHED that singed isn't even on this, let alone not top 3. I've never had even remotely close to as much fun playing any other champion than Singed. I used to play mages and adcs until I played singed for the first time and then I started otping him because every game I just cackle.
Brair was designed to just shut your brain and have fun and she isn't even on the list.
Its fun reading patch notes with Briar nerfs
but where is Rakan? jumping around like a coked up chicken can never be not fun
Fr!! I think what holds him back is most people will play support Rakan and it makes him reliant on his teammate severely 😭 Even as a full AP mid lane Rakan main, a whole piece of my kit is useless outside of team fights + as support the moment your ADC has bad synergy with you the game feels like a total drag
Absolutely shocked that Ekko isn't here. Unironically expected him in the top 5.
Fr man, with him u get like a dash and blink with e, insanely satisfying stuns / juicy ults (while u get back to full HP) and also the passive procs that let u zoom around
Not to mention him being a late game beast
Long time Bard player here's two tips when playing with a Bard.
Wait 10 seconds for his heals to grow for more health.
Click the path of the portal to enter rather than the entrance.
Having rumble as the very bottom of the fun tier is complete insanity. Champ is fun af to play and should be top 25 easy, although they did make his heat more jank than ever since they bumped it to 150. The more I see of this fun tier list chart the more it seems like a bronze take. We got malphite in the top of it and nidalee/rumble near the bottom of it.
These videos are great but I dont like the way the vote works. The champions on the top of the list are a mix between the actual concept of the video but also how people know the champions and more importantly how many people know the champions. Fun is more subjective so this list still makes sense but I find previous editions like the difficulty video were more about popularity than actual difficulty. A better way, which would take more time to vote on of course but would be more accurate is the "ranking" voting system. People can chose how many champions they want to rate to not have to do all of them. But if people find for example neeko to be more fun than yasuo, even if more people use yasuo in their ranking neeko could be n°1 on the final rankings.
thank god full ap shaco is on this list, by far the most fun champion for me. Having someone going mad trying to kill you and then flashing into a box and dying ist just pure pleasure
Ah, yes…a cultured Shaco main, I see
Why is Zoe not on the list? She is the definition of fun (atleast when you play her). Bubble into extended Q is often oneshot or close to it (not tanks ofc), you can steal enemy summs and u can tease them with your R. And not to forget, her voicelines
playing Yone is pretty satisfy when you see the mark on the enemy try to escape you just to be excute
Feels like walking away from an epic explosion lol
Bards my favorite, when you get good you always have main character energy every game
Happy to see both Jhin and Pyke on the list. Two of my mains, and both incredibly satisfiyng to play, *especially* if you get that kill.
Did you know that Samira is based off of Dante from Devil May Cry? There are a lot of references in her kit, the big one being her ult name, named "Inferno Trigger" which is referencing DMC Devil Triggers which are basically channeling devilish powers to temporarily altar and enhance your body and powers. Also the Ranking system is from Devil May Cry too, going up to SSS.
It's such a shame that Riot gave a $500 skin for us to protest, to such a fun champ to play 😩 I don't play her, but I've dabbled with her in O4A, ARAM, and the randomized URF (the iteration before the last one that just passed)
Which place is Sion, I couldn't find him?
Kalista took his place
I'm shock that Fizz either Ekko arent here, bro..
Both fun ap assassins with dashes and 1 shot potential as well as being able to be untargettable to save yourself in clutch moments, not being here is indeed criminal
This is so insanely subjective lol. To me Warwick is the funnest but i'm sure for many people he's kinda boring. Other champs i like a lot are Lissandra, Nafiri, Volibear, Rengar, Kindred, Akshan, Lucian and Varus so its not really a "i only like Warwick cause i suck at the game and can only play old champs" or something, i just really really like how his kit flows and he can make some fun plays with his Q timing, E and ult.
If there's any correlation between most of my picks is that i'm pretty biased towards "all-in" champs.
But those 4 ranged champions you mention aren't really "all-in" champs? xD
@@karlrose405 I mean i guess Kindred and Varus aren't, exception to the rule and all that, they're prolly my least picked champs in that pool too. Lucian and Akshan can be, trust lol :p, i used to play Graves ADC too but that doesn't exist anymore and Kindred is just a better jungle "ADC" imo. I miss old Graves :/
What is wrong with heimer, I was laughing my ass off when I played him support
1. Yasuo
2. Pyke
3. Akali
4. Viego
5. Jhin
6. Neeko
7. Shaco
8. Bard
9. Sylas
10. Nunu
11. Blitzcrank
12. Yone
13. Teemo
14. Samira
15. Thresh
me jumping from Sona to Blitzcrank: Is this what it feels like to have fun?
Talon is a lot of fun too haha his constant map interactions and ability to lock an enemy in combat are pretty sweet tbh. Plus, he looks cool XD
Sett not being in here seems crazy to me
For me Neeko is the funniest champion in LoL by a margin. Every other champion on the list has its fun, but going around as the bluebuff, as a ward, as a minion or as a plant is just on another level. I don’t even get mad when an enemy pulls a trick with Neeko ‘cause it’s just so fun to see
I've still had people get upset over Pyke getting the kills though...
It ruins their scores
@@nicolastoledogost2037 Well those people are dumb for insisting that KDA matters more than winning.
bias af as an otp but fiddlestick is so much fun u can turn games while enemy team feels like playing a horror game
I am happy Samira even made it to this list. That means she is somewhat recognized by league players...
If not by league players, then by league players who played Devil May Cry.
Was that?!?! OLD GALIO???? RIP man, that kit was downright broken lmao
Speaking about sound.Elders execute sounds dope
I used to love pre-rework skarner, he was so fast, so tanky and pretty strong, not mentioning kidnapping enemy adc at match speed
Its funny to main Ksante and see mad ADCs on the chat
because ksante wasnt balanced since his release
to be fair after playing mid for so long, Hwei was the most fun champ released so far for mid role
just from flexibility of the kit
it hurts my soul that i voted for most toxic and seeing shaco that high
Did bro have a stroke at 13:33 ?
7:35 Is Neekos right eye altered from the normal splash art or am I tweaking?
It's probably from her animated login screen where she moves her eyes.
watching the full list feels like ppl that voted never played the game
Not sure why gnar, ekko and fizz are not there. Outside that surprised about yone and nunu as top 15
How is Garen boring?
Q+Stridebreaker+E the adc then hearing the adc complaining about how Garen is broken really makes my time
Garen is satisfying
Its very interesting how this could also be a list for the most hated champions
One of the funnest champion to play in sense of chilling and having fun in my opinion is full ap/burn maokai supp (arcane commet is a must). Whole laning phase you are just yoinking his saplings into bushes and poke the living shi out of their adc and supp and also become very annoying for jglr and anyone trying to gank you, also since unlike other traps his saplings actually run after the target warding certain bushes becomes nightmare to enemies to the point u give them ptsd. And if you happen to have a friend to play bot with, ivern + this maokai is simply great time and tons of laughs, u might lose the game but u will be laughing whole laning phase and maybe even later and knowing league players u might just win by annoying enemy to the point of them just leaving the game and afk-ing. With right runes and build your E turns into homing teemo shrooms. Great time, would recommend
Love that you used PolyPuff’s clips for Bard
ok now honestly I personally think that Ivern is fun. After watching him being played at MSI I decided to pick him up myself and had alot of fun. He just depends on the Team so I think he is much more fun if you have friends to play with
surprised sett is not there he is so fun his abilities are so satisfying it's maybe because he fell out of meta as top
for me, Azir was always the most fun champion to play. Hes hard as heck, but when you manage to accualy kill somebody, its so satisfying
The fact that neeko is there but no katarina is criminal
suprised fiddlesticks isnt on here. Ulting into 5 people from behind a wall is pretty fun
Heimer as a Boring champ is insane.
And I dont main him that would be Shaco :)
And then I'm that wierdo who voted Sona as most fun.
I mean she can be fun.
11:15 "It just feels great to kill people" xDDD
Rammus is mega slept on and I’m surprised Yi isn’t on here
I laughed my soul out when you added the INGAME when you said killing people
As a Samira main, i agree. Her kit is simple, but it's still fun. Getting to the S (Samira) tier and just PULL MY DEVIL TRIGGER feels amazing. It's extra satisfying with her Ultimate skin and the Devil May Cry mod i made for it.
Funniest champion to play is blitz specifically ap build
Top: Irelia
Jungle: Diana or Kha'Zix
Mid: Irelia
Bot: Samira, Tristana, or Kai'Sa
Supp: Probably Blitz or Renata
It's more just a popularity contest, cuz everyone thinks their otp champion is the most fun. So champs like ivern, gragas and zeri will never get higher then yone even though they are all so much more fun
Dude poor Corki at 117th. I'm guessing most just haven't tried him cause he's one of the most satisfying champs imo
6:02 what's a Roman support? who wrote these subtitles lol
Oh man i have the coolest thresh play saved somewhere on my old PC i wish i still had it
very surprised Malphite didnt make the list
I can’t believe Jinx isn’t on this list. Killing the top or mid laner with your R while you’re on the bot lane will never get old (or someone who’s backing on a ward and you snipe them 😈)
very surprised that basically the only fun-to-play toplaner Illaoi isnt here...
Non of them are fun to play, this is league
None of them are "fun" to "play", because no one has fun in League, and no one gets to play for more than 2 seconds in this awful oneshot meta.
@@Aray_Raiken then play tank or dont get hit. Its not hard not to die several times.
No, Teemo fun AF in any role
@@abrowncownow360I am a Teemo bot connoisseur
I really enjoy playing with Jinx. Especially when I get a kill from the other side of the map with the ultimate
I so the title and I was like "Yasuo is number one, isn't he"
i honestly wouldve loved to see vayne on this list, i find them to be an extremely fun champ
Don’t mind the Neeko change but just wish she took much more damage during the transformation. Doesn’t feel rewarding for finding her.
Trust me tryndamere crit killing a teemo is rly amazing
Actually surprised that Zoe isn't on the list ... completely obliterating someone from outter space seems like it would fit perfectly in the pattern of this list 😂
Rengar at 71, more people need to give him a shot. Extremely fun.
Oh, my boy made it into the 8th position. Man, I fkn love playing with Bard! o 0o
Blitz jhin and sylas being here and kata qiyanna and riven not being is a bit of a crime
Thresh and Blitz in top 15... meanwhile Nautilus....
i was expecting Warwick to be here.
Me a supp main, who startet as ADC main;
1: Teemo 🍄
2: Yummi 🐱
3: Heimer 🔧
4: MF 🏴☠️
5: Sorakka 🚑
The only thing more fun than playing Akali, is playing Vex against Akali.
Playing vex is only fun against a dashing champ others wise she's boring asf
Jinx is sooo fun in my opinion...her passive is amazing, I have gotten most pentas with her
where irelia :c
I find utility really fun, like bard and zilean
I can’t believe zed didn’t make it onto the list
How did Lee sin not make the list?
Irelia my beloved 🤍
Where is Rammus?!😭