My first radio was a Heathkit HW-202. It was my first kit and quite satisfying when it worked the first time I powered it on! That was 45 years ago, and while I haven't built much since, I always seem to find something new to learn from amateur radio everyday.
My first rig was a Trio TR-2200G back in 1976. I did some modifications including fitting of a 1750Hz tone burst for repeater access, and a vhf preamp to improve sensitivity.
The first radio I got hands on with was a 1950's Murphy B40 Submarine Radio. My dad had it and I used to play with it (receive only) as a kid. I was fascinated and most likely the spark for my radio enthusiasm! Although my dad wasn't a HAM he used to be a SpecOp in the forces and liked listening to Morse. I still have the B40 and my dad’s old army morse key from the 1960s. Dad is now in his 80s and loves to hear about my HAM radio "work". We also used to have a neighbour who was an RF engineer for Philips, he used to get me brochures (I still have a few!) and I would look at them in awe as a 7/8 year old! First self purchased radio as a HAM was the G90 and ID5100E.
My first, and current amateur radio is the Yaesu FT450D, which is a superb first HF radio. My next radio is going to be the Yaesu FTDX101MP, which the wife said must come along after I pay for her new kitchen... Hmmm not sure about that part 🤣
Yes as DA2WN/m with a complete G Whip set up and DA2WN QTHR then with a TH33 three element beam and W3DZZ all the best basic HF air also in the early 1970’s
My very first ham radio - it was back in 2004 in Poland, before I received my ham radio call sign SQ5LTP (now M0LTP) in Warsaw. It was an Alinco DJ-F1 VHF 2m. And my first true HF radio was an Icom 706 MKII G, which I bought from you in 2008. :-) The Icom is still in great condition to this day. :)
My first radio was a Yaesu FT726R, 50/144/70 all mode with a full crossband satellite unit which I got after passing the RAE and getting my call sign, G1VNA, and it’s still working perfectly after all these years!😀
My first radio was a Bush medium wave that I got when I was 8 years old. My first transceiver was a Yaesu FT-991A that I got for Christmas last year. I have just passed my Foundation Licence.
My very first radio was a BaoFeng UV-82 hand held which I bought off of Amazon the first day I got my Technician Class license. When I got my extra, I bought a used Kenwood TS-430S high frequency radio. My current radios are Icom 7300, AnyTone 578, AnyTone 878 and 3 Wouxun hand helds. My wife said under no circumstances can I buy an Icom 7610. Darn.
My first radio was an FT101E. It got wrecked in a lightning strike in 1996. The insurance people put me in touch with Martin in Northfields Avenue and I got an FT990 in its place. Nearly 30 years ago and that radio is still in use today. PS the clocks look great.
My First Radio- I was given a small yellow pocket transistor radio,powered by a pp3 and complete with ear piece. I was perhaps around 6 or 7 years old by Grandmother. I was simply amazed rhat you could hear voices and music by magic out of the speaker. 52 years later I still love the magic.❤
My first radio is a Discovery TX500 with a BP550 battery pack. I am still in the process of obtaining my callsign, but it is an amazing device. I am completely new to the world of ham radio. It all started when I was scanning radio frequencies on my Chinese Baofeng UV17 radio and heard someone talking and giving their callsigns. That seemed exciting to me, so I decided to get my callsign too. Now, I am learning all the basics of amateur radio.73
My first radio was the Kenwood TH-27E handheld. I loved the look of the Kenwood handhelds from that era, they were a great departure from the traditional boxy designs. I used my TH-27E until it fell apart, it was a wonderful rig.
My first radio was a Yaesu FT-60E, bought as soon as I passed my foundation exam in 2006, and of course I bought it from ML&S, first HF radio was a Yaesu FT-857D, that I later used mobile with an ATAS.... pretty much every radio I sold or traded in against something else, I wish I still had them, but that's why I love your used section, I get the chance to right those wrongs :) 73 from South Wales, de MW0MWZ
My first radio was a BAOFENG BF-F8HP. I got it so I could listen to ham radio before I had even passed my first license test . Still a fun little radio that I enjoy.
My first radio was TS851, which was just released in the market as 6m was installed in HF TRX. I think it was the first TRX covered 6m in HF TRX. My current rigs are TS890S, FT897IC 9700, IC 705 and FT817. In Japan, old rid becomes difficult to use because of new regulation started which restrict narrower spurious and I changed old radios a few years ago.
Great video, thank you! My first receiver was an AR88D..and with all the strange noises I heard coming over the airwaves inspired me to progress further.. and years later,.I progressed to a Yaesu FT 847 which was second hand and is still going strong today, although It seems a bit flat these days when it gets warm, and not so sensitive ( could be all in my mind ) Best regards and 73 Michael M0IEQ..
My ham radio journey began with the Yaesu FT-991A, but my true love for radio sparked much earlier. At just 14, I discovered an old bakelite shortwave valve set in an auction room-a treasure that ignited a lifelong passion for exploring the airwaves.
My first radio was an HRO 5T receiver from the local ex-gov shop in Bolton, early 1960s, with a down converter from 70cm. My first transmitter was a homebrew on 70cm.
I've only just started the hobby on a foundation license with a Xiegu G90 as my first radio. Covid and some time on my hands was the impetus for finally picking up the hobby where my dad left off, all I remember as a kid were the fumes of solder, an endless project restoring an ex-army bc1000 field transmitter together with him and being very intimidated by him climbing into his antenna mast tweaking things ... He passed away a few years ago, but I know he's somewhere smiling down at me for retracing some of his footsteps ...
My first radio was the IC22A 2m FM mobile, but all the crystals were expensive so upgraded to the TR2300 which had a synthesiser. Still got it but haven't used it for a long time.
It was a Kenwood TS-140S. It was my Novice rig. I lived in an apartment, and I shimmy up through a tiny attic access hole to hang my wire antennas. A 140ft piece of wire wrapped in a circle and a 10-meter dipole. It was so much fun.
My first radio after getting my Foundation in 2023 was a Baofeng UV-16Pro. Why - well I was on a budget and getting back into radio so thought I start small and cheap and see how far I would go in the hobby. Main priority was to try and work the ISS which I did on APRS with the Baofeng, a discarded Android phone running APRSDroid and a home-brew tape-measure Yagi. Satellite ops for under £50! M0TNI
My first amateur radio is a Yaesu VX6R, which I still have and use. By the way other viewers, the LDG IT-100 auto tuner can be configured to operate with the transmit button on the microphone when you change bands on the Icom radio. I had one connected to an IC-718 radio. I still have the radio, but have sold the tuner. The radios I currently use are all Yaesu units.
@ I have one of those radios as my home base station. My portable unit is an ft-891, along with an atas-120 antenna, and lmr 400 coax, with a 3m tripod that I mount the antenna to. The radio I have in my silver Mercedes Benz is an ft-7900r dual band unit.
My first radio was a Yaesu Musen FRG-7 Communications Receiver , purchased over forty eight years ago in December 1976 when VAT was 12.5% for luxury goods. There were several shops advertising it in the good old ShortWave Magazine and I decided on a trip to the Edgware Road in London where it was bought for £144 plus vat from Lee Electronics brand new.
My first radio was a Philips Rally with which we guys listened to Radio Luxenburg, my first 2m was a Yaesu FT290 that is still used in the car. My first HF was an Icom 720A. Now I use an Icom 7300 and also an Icom IC2200H
G2DD - Storno Viscounts on 2m and 70cms. These were hybrid transistor/valve PMR rigs. These got me on the air as G8UBV, as a Class B licensee, in 1979 when I couldn't afford much else.
My first set was the Kenwood TR-2400, way back in 1986, then progressed to a Yaesu FT-690r where I learnt a lot about the magic band working the US, Canada & South America with 2.5w's and an HB9CV antenna, those where the days.
It was a Baofeng handheld - a radio in the loosest sense if the word! First proper radio was an Icom 706mk2g which i still have and use as my main shack radio - so it was nice to see one in your video this week!
My first radio was a Kenwood Trio TS-430S it's a great radio but at the time I was confined to 10watts but managed to speak to fellow Ham all around the world.
My first radio I bought from Martin and lynch and I got yaesu ft-60 that I got with my dad when I was 13 at national hamfest. I still use it to this day and it has been up over 60 sota summits push many more adventures.
Hi, my first radio was a Traveller No.1 mobile radio, bought in 1978. Still working fine. It's a 2m FM, 16 channel xtal with 4 channel scanner and 2/20W output. The handbook has 13 pages. 1 page handling and 13pages partlist😄55/73 to UK
My first radio was an Alinco DJ-560E purchased from Martin Lynch (!) when you were in Northwood, I think before "& Sons" was added. No HF for me then as I just had my B license. 1993? Used it for packet radio as well as being a great little handheld. 73 Nigel G0RPM
I used to drive from Winnipeg to Grand Forks, ND on a fairly regular basis, so the Kenwood found its way into the mobile…complete with CW Meyer and paddles that rested nicely on the bench seat.
Got my first radio a IC740 from Bernie and Brenda, had it with the CW filter, FM option and power supply. Was a really great performer and very reliable - wish I'd kept it. Within weeks I also bought a IC551D from them at the Longleat Rally, was served by a very young Mr Lynch 🙂
My first radio was a Yaesu FT227R in 1979. I purchased it just before I sat the RAE which I failed. So, I sold it and didn't sit the exam again until 2019 and this time, I managed to pass it. Often thought of buying another FT227R for old times sake.
My first radio (amateur interest) was a Trio R9-59DS c1970. Before that , my grandfather had a mid 60s Marconi broadcast radio which had VHF, which was still used by the Lancashire Police before the BBC were allocated the 88-91FM. I still have here a Waltham multiband radio with Airband AM which I bought in 1968! Although it weighs about 3+kilos and has a 5' telescopic antenna, I wandered about at Manchester Airport unchallenged for many years. Mind you, this was at a time that the total car parking at the airport was on a chipping/cinders piece of land and the short stay and long stay were separated by a length of chicken wire!
Well, my first ever radio wasn't for amateur radio. When I was a boy in the 1960s, there used to be a brand of sweets called Payne's Poppets. I entered a competition and won a small handheld "transistor radio". It was great, I could listen to Top of the Pops and Radio Caroline. The radio was also designed to look like a packet of Payne's Poppets. My first mateur radio was an Alinco handheld and I think the model was a DJ580. 73 de Bob, M0BOB.
Hi Tony. My first radio was an Alinco DJ-F1E. Purchased from KW Comms in Detling (sorry about that) and I still have it. Thanks for the video and take care.
My first Radio was a Sony Air 7,0riginaly bought in 1987, for Civil Air Band listening. First desktop RX was an Icom Ic R 7100 With HF option, bought fom the original Ml&S shop in the early days of the company.
My first radio that I got in 1980 was a President AR7 40ch AM CB. My first Ham radio was an Alinco DJ580 2M's and 70CM's with the air band chip fitted, second hand for £80 and I still have it.
My first radio was a Halicraffer from the merchant navy. I first heard HF on an airplane that was night stopping so I put a ground power unit on and turned the hf radio on wow amazing what I could hear so that is how I got started happy days ❤❤
My first radio was a KW2000, single PA valve SSB/CW transceiver, made in Dartford. Kent .. wow an actual transceiver ! I had to pursued my father to act as guarantor on a 3 year 'Hire Purchase' finance agreement as I wasn't old enough to buy anything on finance. . He took some convincing as it was £150.00 ! SSB was not so common back in 1965 and several of my early contacts told me that my AM was unintelligible and that I had FM on my transmission. At least one was heard to say 'these new G3's know nothing '.. but it didn't put me off. Richard G3UGF
My very first radio was a second hand Icom 746 back in the 90s, had this for many years using it for CW & PSK31 and chatting on local 2mtr repeater, then one night base antenna took a lightening strike, actually witnessed it as we came back into town and was wondering were it hit, well we found out, switch mode psu survived and 746 was permanently in TX when switched on, left it in a cupboard for two years then eventually got it fixed by Icom UK was an 8 pence component that had been vaporized, continued to use it for many years after before trading it in to you guys along with the switch mode psu and other radios, all working i might add :) regards Andy m0cet
My first radio was a Kenwood TH-215E which I still have although the battery is long dead. The clock. Can the month / day be swapped around to the proper way?
My first radio was a Vice President Roy back in 1979/80. I remember my first contact well. It was a long time before I got licenced but once I was my first radio then was a Yaesu FT227R Memorizer.
My first radio was a little Trio 2300 bought from a young Martin Lynch at the original ARE in Northfields Avenue. My school was just down the road and I used to press my nose up against the glass at lunchtime looking at all the radios! I originally spoke to Martin a year earlier when he gave me short thrift for asking if he had “any 11m mobiles in stock”! However I returned with the callsign G6ELF secured, after which he was more than happy to flog me the Trio! 73 David G0PBS
Enjoyed your used presentation today Tony thanks. My first commercial radio was an FT101 Mark one and which I had to save up for many months as a poorly paid apprentice, but what a wonderful 'wireless set' it was and worked much DX on it. Traded in for the 101B and then a 101Z which I still have but not used for many years. Currently using an FTDX10 (from ML and S naturally) and have my FTDX 1000 Mark5 on standby just in case another M L and S purchase. I remember the Mark one FT101 was £240 back in 1970, so modern equipment is far cheaper now in real terms. I am saving up for a new FTDX 101 and must get around to down sizing my other radios to make some space. 73 Martin GW3XJQ, PS would love one of those clocks and Green is my favourite colour, hi hi.
First radio was Yaesu FT991. As new foundation license holder, thought great its got everything. At time found it too complicated and sold it. Now wish I had persevered and kept it, possisbly a 991A will be next and retire the Jenwood TS2000
My first radio was a Yaesu FT290 bought from Amateur Radio Exchange in the summer of 1981, The salesman who served me was none other than Martin himself.
Mizuho SB-2M 1W PEP SSB on 2M. I was a teenager at the time and just passed the written RAE exam and obtained my B licence. Used to work as far as Wales from south west London with a budget 5 element Yagi, about 10W ERP.
My 1st radio was ft707 purchased in begining of the 80s from Berni and Brenda.Think Martin worked there at the time.Have purchased a few yaseu radios from m and l over the years.Thanks looking forward to the next one.
My first radio transceiver was a Yaesu crystal controlled hand-held which I can't quite locate to get the model number. It spent many hours with me in the car as I drove around the countryside fixing fruit machines and juke boxes, until I upgraded to the FT-708R hand held, which I still have. With my original G8ZVH class B call sign, I vowed I would never take the morse test. A year or two later, I went to Mablethorpe and passed a nd was given my brand new Full licence. 73 - Roger G4OIE (the Old Indian Elephant)
1979 as a SWL RS46114 my first Radio was a Sony ICF-6700. 1982 as a G6UDY class B operator my first transceiver radio was a Yaesu FT-221RD with Mutek front end 73 Phil GØBVD North Devon
My first was a Baofeng UV10R, which arrived in the post the day I passed my Foundation. Happened to be going up Snowdon with a work outing the next week, so took it with me and did my first SOTA. Or nearly… Walked up, got 5 QSOs in the cold, walked down. Stopped for a coffee by the lake, and getting my flask out the paper I’d logged on flew out and blew into the lake never to be seen again. So I never got my activation! Passed Full this week as well! 73 Matt M0VBG
My first radio was an Amstrad 901! Then Cobra148GTLDX. But then got a callsign M0CHE and moved onto the FT450D. I still have the Amstrad 901 boxed in the shack!
My first radio was in the 90s was a Realistic PRO desktop scanner listening to the London repeaters and other stuff. Followed by an Alinco DJ180 vhf handheld
My first radio was a Heathkit HW-202. It was my first kit and quite satisfying when it worked the first time I powered it on! That was 45 years ago, and while I haven't built much since, I always seem to find something new to learn from amateur radio everyday.
My first radio was the Icom IC-735. It is still with me! Great old school!!
Amstrad CB901
My first rig was a Trio TR-2200G back in 1976. I did some modifications including fitting of a 1750Hz tone burst for repeater access, and a vhf preamp to improve sensitivity.
The IC 7300 is hard to beat for price and performance. I love mine. The 7100 is a little gem. Both radios are in my Ham shack.
The first radio I got hands on with was a 1950's Murphy B40 Submarine Radio. My dad had it and I used to play with it (receive only) as a kid. I was fascinated and most likely the spark for my radio enthusiasm! Although my dad wasn't a HAM he used to be a SpecOp in the forces and liked listening to Morse. I still have the B40 and my dad’s old army morse key from the 1960s. Dad is now in his 80s and loves to hear about my HAM radio "work". We also used to have a neighbour who was an RF engineer for Philips, he used to get me brochures (I still have a few!) and I would look at them in awe as a 7/8 year old! First self purchased radio as a HAM was the G90 and ID5100E.
My first radio was the wonderful Yaesu FT101ZD/E with transverter so it could be used mobile. An amazing radio at the time!
My first, and current amateur radio is the Yaesu FT450D, which is a superb first HF radio. My next radio is going to be the Yaesu FTDX101MP, which the wife said must come along after I pay for her new kitchen... Hmmm not sure about that part 🤣
Fingers crossed!
My first radio was the FT75B with mains and DC PSU’s de GM4EMX
Yes as DA2WN/m with a complete G Whip set up and DA2WN QTHR then with a TH33 three element beam and W3DZZ all the best basic HF air also in the early 1970’s
My First HF Radio was a Kenwood 570 DGE Had it Brand new back in 2004 and still going strong to this day 👌👌
My very first ham radio - it was back in 2004 in Poland, before I received my ham radio call sign SQ5LTP (now M0LTP) in Warsaw. It was an Alinco DJ-F1 VHF 2m. And my first true HF radio was an Icom 706 MKII G, which I bought from you in 2008. :-) The Icom is still in great condition to this day. :)
My first radio was the FT 480 loved it, it did not have a great review, but it worked well for me on a 10 x y beam
My first radio was a Yaesu FT726R, 50/144/70 all mode with a full crossband satellite unit which I got after passing the RAE and getting my call sign, G1VNA, and it’s still working perfectly after all these years!😀
My first radio was a Bush medium wave that I got when I was 8 years old. My first transceiver was a Yaesu FT-991A that I got for Christmas last year. I have just passed my Foundation Licence.
My very first radio was a BaoFeng UV-82 hand held which I bought off of Amazon the first day I got my Technician Class license. When I got my extra, I bought a used Kenwood TS-430S high frequency radio. My current radios are Icom 7300, AnyTone 578, AnyTone 878 and 3 Wouxun hand helds. My wife said under no circumstances can I buy an Icom 7610. Darn.
My first HF radio was a Icom 7100. Still have it although I have moved to a FT-710. Love the receive for a mid-tier radio.
My first radio was an FT101E. It got wrecked in a lightning strike in 1996. The insurance people put me in touch with Martin in Northfields Avenue and I got an FT990 in its place. Nearly 30 years ago and that radio is still in use today.
PS the clocks look great.
My First Radio- I was given a small yellow pocket transistor radio,powered by a pp3 and complete with ear piece.
I was perhaps around 6 or 7 years old by Grandmother.
I was simply amazed rhat you could hear voices and music by magic out of the speaker.
52 years later I still love the magic.❤
My first radio was a Kenwood ts-440s and I'm still using it today.
My first radio is a Discovery TX500 with a BP550 battery pack. I am still in the process of obtaining my callsign, but it is an amazing device. I am completely new to the world of ham radio. It all started when I was scanning radio frequencies on my Chinese Baofeng UV17 radio and heard someone talking and giving their callsigns. That seemed exciting to me, so I decided to get my callsign too. Now, I am learning all the basics of amateur radio.73
My first radio was the Kenwood TH-27E handheld. I loved the look of the Kenwood handhelds from that era, they were a great departure from the traditional boxy designs. I used my TH-27E until it fell apart, it was a wonderful rig.
My first radio in 1996 was a Standard C8900 2mtr FM only I was G7SDN, passed my Morse the same year as the RAE and became G0VDM 73's de Keith
My first radio was a Yaesu FT-60E, bought as soon as I passed my foundation exam in 2006, and of course I bought it from ML&S, first HF radio was a Yaesu FT-857D, that I later used mobile with an ATAS.... pretty much every radio I sold or traded in against something else, I wish I still had them, but that's why I love your used section, I get the chance to right those wrongs :) 73 from South Wales, de MW0MWZ
ZS5BR - My first radio was an Icom 735. Great radio! Current radio is the IC7300.
My 1st rig was Tait T500 on UHF, modified for packet radio, cut the diodes, made Baycom 1200 baud AX25 modem, using ex military modem IC salvaged.
My first radio was a BAOFENG BF-F8HP. I got it so I could listen to ham radio before I had even passed my first license test . Still a fun little radio that I enjoy.
My first radio was TS851, which was just released in the market as 6m was installed in HF TRX. I think it was the first TRX covered 6m in HF TRX. My current rigs are TS890S, FT897IC 9700, IC 705 and FT817. In Japan, old rid becomes difficult to use because of new regulation started which restrict narrower spurious and I changed old radios a few years ago.
Yaesu VX7R was my first radio. I bought it from ARC in Newton -Le-willows and still have it sat on my shelf above my FTdx10 & 991A.
Great video, thank you!
My first receiver was an AR88D..and with all the strange noises I heard coming over the airwaves inspired me to progress further.. and years later,.I progressed to a Yaesu FT 847 which was second hand and is still going strong today, although It seems a bit flat these days when it gets warm, and not so sensitive ( could be all in my mind )
Best regards and 73 Michael M0IEQ..
My ham radio journey began with the Yaesu FT-991A, but my true love for radio sparked much earlier. At just 14, I discovered an old bakelite shortwave valve set in an auction room-a treasure that ignited a lifelong passion for exploring the airwaves.
My first radio was an HRO 5T receiver from the local ex-gov shop in Bolton, early 1960s, with a down converter from 70cm. My first transmitter was a homebrew on 70cm.
Yaesu FT-290 - £300 from SMC in Leeds. 2m all mode handbag. Worked after school in a supermarket for a year to save up for it.
First transceiver was an Icom 706 MKll G and if it counts the second is a Kenwood TS-890S from who else but ML&S😊
I've only just started the hobby on a foundation license with a Xiegu G90 as my first radio. Covid and some time on my hands was the impetus for finally picking up the hobby where my dad left off, all I remember as a kid were the fumes of solder, an endless project restoring an ex-army bc1000 field transmitter together with him and being very intimidated by him climbing into his antenna mast tweaking things ... He passed away a few years ago, but I know he's somewhere smiling down at me for retracing some of his footsteps ...
My first radio was the IC22A 2m FM mobile, but all the crystals were expensive so upgraded to the TR2300 which had a synthesiser. Still got it but haven't used it for a long time.
It was a Kenwood TS-140S. It was my Novice rig. I lived in an apartment, and I shimmy up through a tiny attic access hole to hang my wire antennas. A 140ft piece of wire wrapped in a circle and a 10-meter dipole. It was so much fun.
my first radio in 1993 was Standard C500 dual band hand held , great radio went everywhere with me for years
Mt First HT was the Original Baofeng and I bought a YAESU -2900 AND a Cheapo antenna that I just mounted outside my upstairs window LOL 😀
My first radio after getting my Foundation in 2023 was a Baofeng UV-16Pro. Why - well I was on a budget and getting back into radio so thought I start small and cheap and see how far I would go in the hobby. Main priority was to try and work the ISS which I did on APRS with the Baofeng, a discarded Android phone running APRSDroid and a home-brew tape-measure Yagi. Satellite ops for under £50! M0TNI
My first amateur radio is a Yaesu VX6R, which I still have and use. By the way other viewers, the LDG IT-100 auto tuner can be configured to operate with the transmit button on the microphone when you change bands on the Icom radio. I had one connected to an IC-718 radio. I still have the radio, but have sold the tuner. The radios I currently use are all Yaesu units.
Ft710 was my first ,k3glw
@ I have one of those radios as my home base station. My portable unit is an ft-891, along with an atas-120 antenna, and lmr 400 coax, with a 3m tripod that I mount the antenna to. The radio I have in my silver Mercedes Benz is an ft-7900r dual band unit.
My first SW receiver as a teenager swl was a big, heavy Army surplus R107 and when first licenced as GM6ETU was a 2m vhf Kenwood 7500. 73 G4OST
My first radio was a Yaesu Musen FRG-7 Communications Receiver , purchased over forty eight years ago in December 1976 when VAT was 12.5% for luxury goods. There were several shops advertising it in the good old ShortWave Magazine and I decided on a trip to the Edgware Road in London where it was bought for £144 plus vat from Lee Electronics brand new.
My first radio was a Philips Rally with which we guys listened to Radio Luxenburg, my first 2m was a Yaesu FT290 that is still used in the car. My first HF was an Icom 720A. Now I use an Icom 7300 and also an Icom IC2200H
G2DD - Storno Viscounts on 2m and 70cms. These were hybrid transistor/valve PMR rigs. These got me on the air as G8UBV, as a Class B licensee, in 1979 when I couldn't afford much else.
My first set was the Kenwood TR-2400, way back in 1986, then progressed to a Yaesu FT-690r where I learnt a lot about the magic band working the US, Canada & South America with 2.5w's and an HB9CV antenna, those where the days.
It was a Baofeng handheld - a radio in the loosest sense if the word! First proper radio was an Icom 706mk2g which i still have and use as my main shack radio - so it was nice to see one in your video this week!
My first radio was an AR88 and when I passed my exam I got myself an Icom IC 2E simple but effective little handheld. 73s Mark G6INL
My first radio was a Kenwood Trio TS-430S it's a great radio but at the time I was confined to 10watts but managed to speak to fellow Ham all around the world.
My first radio I bought from Martin and lynch and I got yaesu ft-60 that I got with my dad when I was 13 at national hamfest.
I still use it to this day and it has been up over 60 sota summits push many more adventures.
my first radio was a Yaesu FT857D, still got it and still use it every day. in the market for an additional one
Hi, my first radio was a Traveller No.1 mobile radio, bought in 1978. Still working fine. It's a 2m FM, 16 channel xtal with 4 channel scanner and 2/20W output. The handbook has 13 pages. 1 page handling and 13pages partlist😄55/73 to UK
My first radio was an FT290R when I passed my Class B RAE in 1982! It still works .... 73
My first radio was an Alinco DJ-560E purchased from Martin Lynch (!) when you were in Northwood, I think before "& Sons" was added. No HF for me then as I just had my B license. 1993? Used it for packet radio as well as being a great little handheld. 73 Nigel G0RPM
My first radio was a Hallicrafters S-108 receiver. It was old when I got it in 1976, but a lot of fun. My first ham radio was a Kenwood TS-120.
I used to drive from Winnipeg to Grand Forks, ND on a fairly regular basis, so the Kenwood found its way into the mobile…complete with CW Meyer and paddles that rested nicely on the bench seat.
Got my first radio a IC740 from Bernie and Brenda, had it with the CW filter, FM option and power supply. Was a really great performer and very reliable - wish I'd kept it. Within weeks I also bought a IC551D from them at the Longleat Rally, was served by a very young Mr Lynch 🙂
My first was the Alinco DJ-560 (used) 30 years ago.
My first radio was a Yaesu FT227R in 1979. I purchased it just before I sat the RAE which I failed. So, I sold it and didn't sit the exam again until 2019 and this time, I managed to pass it. Often thought of buying another FT227R for old times sake.
My first radio (amateur interest) was a Trio R9-59DS c1970. Before that , my grandfather had a mid 60s Marconi broadcast radio which had VHF, which was still used by the Lancashire Police before the BBC were allocated the 88-91FM. I still have here a Waltham multiband radio with Airband AM which I bought in 1968! Although it weighs about 3+kilos and has a 5' telescopic antenna, I wandered about at Manchester Airport unchallenged for many years. Mind you, this was at a time that the total car parking at the airport was on a chipping/cinders piece of land and the short stay and long stay were separated by a length of chicken wire!
Well, my first ever radio wasn't for amateur radio. When I was a boy in the 1960s, there used to be a brand of sweets called Payne's Poppets. I entered a competition and won a small handheld "transistor radio". It was great, I could listen to Top of the Pops and Radio Caroline. The radio was also designed to look like a packet of Payne's Poppets. My first mateur radio was an Alinco handheld and I think the model was a DJ580. 73 de Bob, M0BOB.
My First radio was/is a Xiegu G90, stunning little rig, I am also a big Yaesu Fan boy but the G90 still hits the spot.
Hi Tony. My first radio was an Alinco DJ-F1E. Purchased from KW Comms in Detling (sorry about that) and I still have it. Thanks for the video and take care.
My first Radio was a Sony Air 7,0riginaly bought in 1987, for Civil Air Band listening.
First desktop RX was an Icom Ic R 7100 With HF option, bought fom the original Ml&S shop in the early days of the company.
My first radio that I got in 1980 was a President AR7 40ch AM CB. My first Ham radio was an Alinco DJ580 2M's and 70CM's with the air band chip fitted, second hand for £80 and I still have it.
My first radio was a FT747 from Yaesu back in 1995 secondhand
My first Radio was an FT290. Bought used at the Leicester Granby Halls Radio Rally in 1985 🙂
My first radio was a Halicraffer from the merchant navy. I first heard HF on an airplane that was night stopping so I put a ground power unit on and turned the hf radio on wow amazing what I could hear so that is how I got started happy days ❤❤
My first radio was a KW2000, single PA valve SSB/CW transceiver, made in Dartford. Kent .. wow an actual transceiver ! I had to pursued my father to act as guarantor on a 3 year 'Hire Purchase' finance agreement as I wasn't old enough to buy anything on finance. . He took some convincing as it was £150.00 ! SSB was not so common back in 1965 and several of my early contacts told me that my AM was unintelligible and that I had FM on my transmission. At least one was heard to say 'these new G3's know nothing '.. but it didn't put me off. Richard G3UGF
My first radio was the Yaesu 857d, which i bought from ML&S about 12 years ago. I've still got the radio, and it still works perfectly.
My very first radio was a second hand Icom 746 back in the 90s, had this for many years using it for CW & PSK31 and chatting on local 2mtr repeater, then one night base antenna took a lightening strike, actually witnessed it as we came back into town and was wondering were it hit, well we found out, switch mode psu survived and 746 was permanently in TX when switched on, left it in a cupboard for two years then eventually got it fixed by Icom UK was an 8 pence component that had been vaporized, continued to use it for many years after before trading it in to you guys along with the switch mode psu and other radios, all working i might add :) regards Andy m0cet
My first radio was a Gigaparts Explorer QRZ-1 handheld when I got my license. I have since added Alinco, Yaesu, and Kenwood. When does it stop? :)
Sorry, it doesn't stop...
My first radio was a Kenwood TH-215E which I still have although the battery is long dead.
The clock.
Can the month / day be swapped around to the proper way?
My first radio was a Vice President Roy back in 1979/80. I remember my first contact well. It was a long time before I got licenced but once I was my first radio then was a Yaesu FT227R Memorizer.
My first radio was a Yaesu 857D with the Atas antenna which i still own because i love it so much. Also still have my VX8DE.
My first radio was a little Trio 2300 bought from a young Martin Lynch at the original ARE in Northfields Avenue. My school was just down the road and I used to press my nose up against the glass at lunchtime looking at all the radios! I originally spoke to Martin a year earlier when he gave me short thrift for asking if he had “any 11m mobiles in stock”! However I returned with the callsign G6ELF secured, after which he was more than happy to flog me the Trio!
David G0PBS
My first rig was a Kenwood TS3200 - forever buying crystals but was a really robust set
Wish I could afford that ic 7300! First radio was the RadioShack Pro-94. 40 years later and it still works
Enjoyed your used presentation today Tony thanks. My first commercial radio was an FT101 Mark one and which I had to save up for many months as a poorly paid apprentice, but what a wonderful 'wireless set' it was and worked much DX on it. Traded in for the 101B and then a 101Z which I still have but not used for many years. Currently using an FTDX10 (from ML and S naturally) and have my FTDX 1000 Mark5 on standby just in case another M L and S purchase. I remember the Mark one FT101 was £240 back in 1970, so modern equipment is far cheaper now in real terms. I am saving up for a new FTDX 101 and must get around to down sizing my other radios to make some space. 73 Martin GW3XJQ, PS would love one of those clocks and Green is my favourite colour, hi hi.
Trio TR-2300 1980, still have it, and it still works. Nice little portable.
My first radio was a Kenwood TH-315A 220mhz HT I also bought the TH-215A 2m version.
My first radio was a Yaesu VX-8R handheld. My first shack in a box was the wonderful Yaesu FT-897d.
My first radio in the ham world was an FT817ND….. loved it :)
First radio was Yaesu FT991. As new foundation license holder, thought great its got everything. At time found it too complicated and sold it. Now wish I had persevered and kept it, possisbly a 991A will be next and retire the Jenwood TS2000
My first radio was a Yaesu FT290 bought from Amateur Radio Exchange in the summer of 1981, The salesman who served me was none other than Martin himself.
I had an FT-707 Yaesu before I had a licence, I used it for RX and used to listen to W2ONV on 14.178... now an SK legend.
My first radio was an ICOM IC-2SAT. Great first radio over 30 years ago.
Mizuho SB-2M 1W PEP SSB on 2M. I was a teenager at the time and just passed the written RAE exam and obtained my B licence. Used to work as far as Wales from south west London with a budget 5 element Yagi, about 10W ERP.
My 1st rig was Ranger (RCI-2950DX) MARS Mod, D104 Silver Eagle Mic 😄Plus my Radio shack HTX-202. Enjoy weekend & 73 🎙Ira
Trio Tr-2200 back in 1981 when first got my B licence
My first was a FT290R MkII, It went QRT about 18 months ago. I went HF at this point.
My 1st radio was ft707 purchased in begining of the 80s from Berni and Brenda.Think Martin worked there at the time.Have purchased a few yaseu radios from m and l over the years.Thanks looking forward to the next one.
My very first radio which I recently sold, was a Standard C58 all mode 2 mtr TRX, I purchased it back in 1995 at a Rally...
My first radio transceiver was a Yaesu crystal controlled hand-held which I can't quite locate to get the model number. It spent many hours with me in the car as I drove around the countryside fixing fruit machines and juke boxes, until I upgraded to the FT-708R hand held, which I still have.
With my original G8ZVH class B call sign, I vowed I would never take the morse test.
A year or two later, I went to Mablethorpe and passed a nd was given my brand new Full licence.
73 - Roger G4OIE (the Old Indian Elephant)
First radio was a Kenwood TS 140. They sold a ton of those during that time just like Icom is now with the 7300. 73 de W0ZRK
Baofeng UV-5R first HT, Aliinco DR735T first mobile, FT-891 first HF, IC-705 first QRP
1979 as a SWL RS46114 my first Radio was a Sony ICF-6700. 1982 as a G6UDY class B operator my first transceiver radio was a Yaesu FT-221RD with Mutek front end 73 Phil GØBVD North Devon
Ft857 bought from Lowes in Matlock 20 odd years ago when I was working staying in Matlock Bath
My first was a Baofeng UV10R, which arrived in the post the day I passed my Foundation.
Happened to be going up Snowdon with a work outing the next week, so took it with me and did my first SOTA. Or nearly… Walked up, got 5 QSOs in the cold, walked down. Stopped for a coffee by the lake, and getting my flask out the paper I’d logged on flew out and blew into the lake never to be seen again. So I never got my activation!
Passed Full this week as well!
Hi Toni My First Radio I ever got was the Yaesu Ft817nd and I’ve still got it, thanks for amazing videos
My first radio was an Amstrad 901! Then Cobra148GTLDX. But then got a callsign M0CHE and moved onto the FT450D. I still have the Amstrad 901 boxed in the shack!
I had a thing for handhelds, my first radio for amateur was the Icom Ic-T7E.
My first radio was in the 90s was a Realistic PRO desktop scanner listening to the London repeaters and other stuff. Followed by an Alinco DJ180 vhf handheld